Awb v. Kellin ( 2018 )

  •                       NOTICE: NOT FOR OFFICIAL PUBLICATION.
    IN THE
    AMERICAN WEST BANK, et al., Plaintiffs/Appellees,
    SANDY G. KELLIN, Defendant/Appellant.
    No. 1 CA-CV 18-0060
    FILED 11-27-2018
    Appeal from the Superior Court in Maricopa County
    No. CV2014-095947
    The Honorable Margaret Benny, Judge Pro Tempore
    Snell & Wilmer L.L.P., Phoenix
    By Steven D. Jerome, Benjamin W. Reeves, James G. Florentine
    Counsel for Plaintiffs/Appellees
    Clark Hill PLC, Scottsdale
    By Ryan J. Lorenz
    Counsel for Defendant/Appellant
    AWB, et al. v. KELLIN
    Decision of the Court
    Judge Maria Elena Cruz delivered the decision of the Court, in which
    Presiding Judge Diane M. Johnsen and Judge Randall M. Howe joined.
    C R U Z, Judge:
    ¶1           Sandy G. Kellin (“Kellin”) appeals the superior court’s order
    granting a writ of execution against a home in Carefree in satisfaction of a
    judgment issued in Utah, and domesticated in Arizona, in favor of Banner
    Bank (“Banner”), the successor-in-interest of American West Bank
    (“AWB”). For the following reasons, we affirm the court’s order.
    ¶2            In October 2007 Kellin executed a promissory note payable to
    Far West Bank, a division of AWB, in the principal sum of $1,120,000. A
    month later, Kellin and another man executed a second promissory note in
    the principal sum of $958,000. As collateral for the two notes, Kellin
    executed deeds of trust on real property located in Utah. Kellin’s wife,
    Robyn Kellin (“Wife”), did not sign the promissory notes or the deeds of
    trust. Kellin defaulted under the notes.
    ¶3            Upon Kellin’s default, AWB foreclosed on the Utah real
    property subject to the deed of trust, then obtained a deficiency judgment
    against Kellin in the amount of $1,285,777.89, plus interest.
    ¶4           While the proceedings in Utah were pending, Kellin and Wife
    completed various transfers of a home in Carefree (“Carefree Property”).
    The most recent of those transactions was a conveyance from themselves to
    SRK, LLC, for ten dollars. Kellin and Wife own SRK.
    ¶5             Banner properly domesticated its Utah deficiency judgment
    in Arizona pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”) section 12-1702.
    Banner then moved in the superior court of Arizona to obtain a writ of
    special execution to foreclose on its judgment lien on the Carefree Property.
    In support of its request for a writ, Banner argued that (1) it had a valid
    unsatisfied judgment against Kellin; (2) Banner was entitled under A.R.S.
    § 12-1551 to have the writ of execution issued against the Carefree Property;
    and (3) the transfers between Kellin, Wife, and SRK were fraudulent under
    A.R.S. §§ 44-1004(A)(1)-(2), and 44-1005.
    AWB, et al. v. KELLIN
    Decision of the Court
    ¶6            The superior court ruled Kellin was subject to a valid
    judgment, then issued the writ of execution against SRK and ordered the
    judgment lien against the Carefree Property be foreclosed and sold. The
    court also ruled the transfers of the Carefree Property between Kellin, Wife,
    and SRK were fraudulent under A.R.S. §§ 44-1004(A)(1)-(2) and 44-1005,
    and that Banner therefore was entitled to avoid the transfers under A.R.S.
    §§ 44-1007 and 12-1635. Kellin now appeals; we have jurisdiction under
    A.R.S. § 12-2101(A)(2).
    ¶7          The first issue is whether the debt underlying the
    domesticated judgment is enforceable against the community.
    ¶8            Kellin asserts the Carefree Property is owned by the
    community, and argues that A.R.S. § 25-214(C) prevents execution because
    Wife did not sign the notes on which the Utah judgment was based.1
    Section 25-214(C) states, “Either spouse separately may . . . bind the
    community, except that joinder of both spouses is required in . . . [a]ny
    transaction for the acquisition, disposition or encumbrance of an interest in
    real property” and “any transaction of guaranty, indemnity or suretyship.”
    ¶9             In support of his contention, Kellin first cites Rackmaster Sys.,
    Inc. v. Maderia, 
    219 Ariz. 60
    (App. 2008), and other cases involving guaranty
    obligations executed by one, but not both, spouses. See A.R.S. § 25-214(C).
    But the obligations here did not arise out of a guaranty Kellin executed
    without Wife, and Kellin does not argue otherwise.
    ¶10           Kellin also argues that § 25-214(C) applies because the notes
    he signed were secured by deeds of trust on real property in Utah, and the
    notes and the deeds of trust must be viewed as parts of the same
    transaction. But the judgment entered against him arose from the notes he
    signed, not from the deeds of trust. Promissory notes and deeds of trust are
    not one and the same. Instead, they are “distinct instruments that serve
    different purposes.” Hogan v. Washington Mut. Bank, N.A., 
    230 Ariz. 584
    587, ¶ 10 (2012). Contrary to Kellin’s argument, promissory notes do not
    1      Appellee Banner filed a motion to dismiss the appeal arguing Kellin
    lacks standing to challenge execution of the writ under A.R.S. § 25-214(C),
    and further arguing Wife and SRK waived their rights to challenge the
    appealed order. Assuming without deciding that Kellin has standing to
    bring this appeal, because we determine A.R.S. § 25-214(C) is inapplicable,
    we deny the motion as moot.
    AWB, et al. v. KELLIN
    Decision of the Court
    convey interests in real property. “The note is a contract that evidences the
    loan and the obligor’s duty to repay.” 
    Id. “The trust
    deed transfers an
    interest in real property, securing the repayment of the money owed under
    the note.” 
    Id. See A.R.S.
    §§ 33-801(4), -801(8), -801(9), -805, -807(A).
    ¶11             Because none of the statutory exceptions apply, the notes
    Kellin executed necessarily fall under the general principle that “[e]ither
    spouse separately may . . . bind the community[.]” A.R.S. § 25-214(C). In
    fact, “[i]t is well settled in this State that execution of a note by the husband,
    in the absence of any evidence that the obligation was not a community one,
    binds the community composed of the husband and wife.” Bainum v.
    21 Ariz. App. 534
    , 536 (1974) (citation omitted).                    Kellin
    acknowledges the presumption that a debt assumed by one spouse during
    a marriage is a community debt. However, aside from his arguments under
    A.R.S. § 25-214, which we find unpersuasive, Kellin does not argue why
    that presumption does not apply here.
    ¶12           Kellin admits the deficiency judgment at issue here arises
    from the promissory notes he signed while married to Wife. AWB sued
    Kellin on the promissory notes after AWB had foreclosed on the deeds of
    trust. The foreclosure in Utah extinguished the deeds of trust, and a
    deficiency remained under the promissory notes. The satisfaction of the
    resulting deficiency judgment, separate from the deeds of trust, is what the
    superior court ordered when it issued the writ of execution for the sale of a
    community asset, the Carefree Property. The notes Kellin signed
    documented a transaction in which he borrowed money and promised to
    repay it. Because the notes did not constitute a transaction for the
    acquisition, disposition or encumbrance of an interest in real property, and
    because he did not, by signing the notes, offer a guaranty, indemnity or
    suretyship, the protections of A.R.S. § 25-214(C) do not apply here.
    Therefore, we conclude the debt incurred by Kellin when he signed the
    promissory notes is enforceable against the community.
    ¶13          Having determined the debt is enforceable against the
    community, next we turn to the question of whether the superior court
    properly ruled that Banner may force the sale of the Carefree Property to
    apply the proceeds towards satisfaction of the judgment.
    ¶14            Kellin argues the superior court violated his due process
    rights by ruling transfers of the Carefree Property between Kellin, Wife, and
    SRK were fraudulent under A.R.S. §§ 44-1004(A)(1)-(2), and 44-1005.
    Constitutional challenges of due process violations are issues of law, which
    we review de novo. Mack v. Cruikshank, 
    196 Ariz. 541
    , 544, ¶ 6 (App. 1999).
    AWB, et al. v. KELLIN
    Decision of the Court
    ¶15           To satisfy the requirements under the Constitution, due
    process “at a minimum requires notice and an opportunity to be heard.”
    Wohlstrom v. Buchanan, 
    180 Ariz. 389
    , 392 (1994) (citation omitted). A party
    must at least have “a chance to offer evidence and confront adverse
    witnesses.” Cruz v. Garcia, 
    240 Ariz. 233
    , 236, ¶ 11 (App. 2016). Kellin was
    afforded these rights before the superior court ruled finding the transfers
    ¶16           In Banner’s original motion for an issuance of a writ of special
    execution, Banner argued the transfers of the Carefree Property between
    Kellin, Wife, and SRK were fraudulent. Kellin was served with the motion
    and chose not to respond to the specific allegation of fraudulent transfers
    under §§ 44-1004(A)(1)-(2), and 44-1005. Due process requirements were
    satisfied when Kellin was put on notice of Banner’s claims and was given
    the opportunity to respond. 
    Wohlstrom, 180 Ariz. at 392
    ¶17           Kellin also argues the court’s order finding the transfers
    fraudulent is defective because Banner did not follow the proper procedure
    to avoid the transfers set forth under A.R.S. § 44-1007(A)(1), by first
    applying for a writ of garnishment. Whether the statute requires that a
    creditor seeking to satisfy its claim must first apply for a writ of
    garnishment is a question of law. We review de novo a superior court’s
    interpretation of a statute and its conclusions of law. Milner v. Colonial Tr.
    198 Ariz. 24
    , 26 (App. 2000). When the language of a statute is clear
    and unambiguous, a court should not look beyond the language, but rather
    “simply ‘apply it without using other means of construction,’ assuming that
    the legislature has said what it means.” Hughes v. Jorgenson, 
    203 Ariz. 71
    73, ¶ 11 (2002), quoting UNUM Life Ins. Co. v. Craig, 
    200 Ariz. 327
    , 330, ¶ 12
    ¶18           Section 44-1007(A)(1)-(2) states,
    A. In an action for relief against a transfer or obligation under
    this article, a creditor, subject to the limitations in §§ 44-1008
    and 44-1009, may obtain one or more of the following
    1. Garnishment against the fraudulent transferee or the
    recipient of the fraudulent obligation, in accordance with the
    procedure prescribed by law in obtaining such remedy.
    2. Avoidance of the transfer or obligation to the extent
    necessary to satisfy the creditor’s claim.
    AWB, et al. v. KELLIN
    Decision of the Court
    ¶19            The language “may obtain one or more of the following
    remedies” is unambiguous. The creditor may choose to pursue one or
    several of the enumerated remedies. Nothing within the statute suggests a
    creditor must apply for a writ of garnishment before it may avail itself of
    the remedy of avoidance of the transfer. The superior court did not specify
    the section of A.R.S. § 44-1007(A)(1) under which it ruled, but stated, “the
    Bank is entitled under §§ 44-1007 and 12-1635 to avoid the transfers to the
    extent necessary to allow the issuance [sic] a special writ of execution
    against SRK for the foreclosure of the judgment lien heretofore recorded
    against the Carefree Property so that the Property may be sold and the
    proceeds applied to the Judgment.” (Emphasis added). Whether the
    superior court afforded Banner the option of any remedy under § 44-1007
    or ruled under § 44-1007(A)(2), an interpretation strongly supported by the
    fact that the court’s ruling references the sale of the Carefree Property in
    satisfaction of the judgment, the court’s order declaring the transfers
    fraudulent is supported by the evidence in the record and the court’s
    findings of fact that the various transfers of title between and among Kellin,
    Wife, and SRK without reasonable equivalent of value evidenced
    fraudulent intent. As such, we affirm.
    ¶20           For the forgoing reasons, we affirm the superior court’s
    ruling. Kellin’s requests for fees and costs under A.R.S. §§ 12-341.01, -349,
    and -350 are denied. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 12-341.01, we award Banner its
    reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs on appeal, subject to compliance with
    ARCAP 21.
    AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court

Document Info

Docket Number: 1 CA-CV 18-0060

Filed Date: 11/27/2018

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 11/27/2018