Ferguson v. State , 498 S.W.3d 733 ( 2016 )

  •                                    Cite as 
    2016 Ark. 319
    No.   CR-15-1061
    JACQUELINE FERGUSON                               Opinion Delivered   September 22, 2016
    V.                                                [NO. CR2014-241]
    STATE OF ARKANSAS                                 HONORABLE BARBARA ELMORE,
    Jacqueline Ferguson was convicted in a Lonoke County jury trial of second-degree
    domestic battery, for which she was sentenced to five years in the Arkansas Department of
    Correction with an additional one-year enhanced penalty for committing the offense in the
    presence of a child. On appeal, Ferguson argues that the circuit judge abused her discretion
    when she denied her motion asking the circuit judge to recuse and when she denied her
    waiver of a jury trial. We reverse and remand.
    Our jurisdiction is pursuant to Arkansas Supreme Court Rule 1-2(e) (2015), as we
    granted a petition for review filed by Ms. Ferguson after the Arkansas Court of Appeals
    affirmed her conviction. Ferguson v. State, 
    2015 Ark. App. 722
    479 S.W.3d 25
    . When we
    grant a petition for review, we consider the appeal as though it had been originally filed in
    this court. Lagios v. Goldman, 
    2016 Ark. 59
    483 S.W.3d 810
    The legally significant facts in this case are not in dispute. On March 31, 2014, a call
    was placed to the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline, reporting that Ferguson had physically
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    abused her adopted children, LF and ZF. At the time, Ferguson and her husband Chris were
    serving as licensed foster parents. Their household included their biological child, AF, three
    adopted children, LF, LF2, and ZF, and three foster children, BK, AH, and AH’s newborn
    child ZH. The children were subsequently adjudicated dependent-neglected on July 1,
    2014, at a hearing presided over by Circuit Judge Barbara Elmore.
    At the adjudication hearing, there was testimony from Ferguson’s two teenage foster
    daughters, BK and AH; Dr. Karen Farst, a pediatrician from Arkansas Children’s Hospital,
    who specializes in child-abuse pediatrics; State Police Crimes Against Children Investigator
    Tanya Cross; and dermatologist Dr. Brad White, who testified that marks on LF were
    consistent with a skin condition called urticaria.1 At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge
    Elmore made the following statements from the bench:
    I find that there’s dependent neglect. I do find that the allegations have been
    substantiated by proof beyond a preponderance of the evidence. The child is
    dependent neglect. There was physical abuse of the child younger than six years of
    age. I don’t see how you can find anything else.
    Prior to the adjudication hearing, on June 13, 2014, the State charged Ferguson with
    second-degree domestic battering. The information alleged that Ferguson “did unlawfully,
    feloniously with the purpose of causing physical injury to a family or household member he
    or she knows to be twelve (12) years of age or younger” cause physical injury to LF. Judge
    Elmore was also assigned the criminal case.
    On September 2, 2014, Ferguson filed a motion for recusal, arguing that the judge had
    Urticaria is also known as hives.
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    presided over a juvenile case with the “exact same” allegations in the criminal case. The
    motion further noted that Judge Elmore had “rendered a decision against [Ferguson] in the
    juvenile court proceeding.” Ferguson asserted that Judge Elmore should recuse because Rule
    2.11(A)(6)(d) of the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct requires a judge to disqualify herself
    in any proceeding in which her “impartiality might reasonably be questioned,” including
    circumstances in which the judge “previously presided as a judge over the matter in another
    court.” Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11 (2015). Ferguson also invoked Rule 2.11(A)(1),
    which states that a judge should recuse if “the judge has a personal bias or prejudice
    concerning a party . . . or personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding.”
    Ferguson also moved to waive her right to a jury trial.
    After a November 3, 2014 hearing, Judge Elmore entered orders on November 26,
    2014, denying the recusal motion and denying Ferguson’s jury-trial waiver. On February
    3, 2015, the circuit court entered a supplemental order regarding its denial of Ferguson’s
    waiver request. That order expressed the circuit court’s rationale for its earlier denial of
    Ferguson’s waiver. It attributed the decision to Ferguson’s stated belief that, because the
    circuit judge had presided over the dependency-neglect case, the circuit judge had “some sort
    of bias or prejudged disposition toward” Ferguson. The order acknowledged Ferguson’s
    argument that “some of the same testimony and evidence” from the juvenile case would be
    heard in the criminal trial but found that to be irrelevant because of the different burdens of
    proof in the two proceedings. In fact, BK, AH, Farst, Cross and Dr. White,2 who were the
    Dr. White was a defense witness.
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    key witnesses in the dependency-neglect case also testified in the criminal case. Ferguson was
    convicted as charged.
    On appeal, Ferguson first argues that the circuit court abused its discretion when it
    refused to recuse from the case. She asserts that the circuit court abused its discretion for two
    reasons: the circuit judge had presided over the matter in another court and she had personal
    knowledge of the facts that were in dispute. In support of her argument, Ferguson relies on
    the plain wording of Rule 2.11 of the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct, which states in
    pertinent part that
    (A) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge’s
    impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to the
    following circumstances:
    (1) The judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party’s lawyer,
    or personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the proceeding.
    (6) The judge . . .
    (d) previously presided as a judge over the matter in another court.
    Ferguson contends that presiding over the dependency-neglect case constituted presiding
    “over the matter in another court.” She notes that the witnesses were the same and that their
    testimony addressed the same alleged conduct. Additionally, she asserts that the “purpose”
    of both the dependency/neglect and the criminal proceedings were “identical”—to prove
    that she caused physical injury to a child in her household that was younger than six years of
    Ferguson further argues that Judge Elmore obtained personal knowledge of the alleged
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    conduct when she presided over the dependency-neglect case. Additionally, Ferguson points
    to the previously quoted statement that Judge Elmore made from the bench at the conclusion
    of the dependency-neglect case, in which she expressed complete confidence in her finding
    that there was child abuse, as evidence of the judge’s bias. Ferguson contends that this case
    is analogous to Burrows v. Forrest City, 
    260 Ark. 712
    543 S.W.2d 488
    (1976). In reversing
    and remanding the case, the Burrows court held that a trial judge’s comment advising a
    defendant to bring his toothbrush to a revocation hearing created an appearance of
    impropriety that should have caused the judge to recuse. 
    Id. Ferguson also
    relies on Farley
    v. Jester, 
    257 Ark. 686
    520 S.W.2d 200
    (1975), a case relied on by the Burrows court, which
    reversed a bench trial after the presiding judge indicated that he would give special credit to
    the testimony of one of the witnesses. There, the supreme court, while finding no
    misconduct on the part of the judge, nonetheless reversed because “court proceedings must
    not only be fair and impartial—they must also appear to be fair and impartial.” 
    Fairley, 257 Ark. at 692
    , 520 S.W.2d at 203.
    Ferguson asserts that Judge Elmore’s refusal to recuse affected the criminal trial in two
    very significant ways. First, Judge Elmore denied her the chance to have her case heard in
    a bench trial, which was her preferred strategy. Significantly, Ferguson’s waiver of her right
    to a jury trial was not opposed by the State. Second, by forcing her into a jury trial, Judge
    Elmore was attempting to “mitigate” her refusal to recuse. Nonetheless, Judge Elmore
    affected the trial, at the very least, in her rulings on Ferguson’s directed-verdict motions.
    The State argues that the plain language of Rule 2.11 does not support Ferguson’s
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    argument because the dependency-neglect hearing and the criminal case were separate
    “matters.” While conceding that Ferguson was the defendant in both proceedings, it asserts
    that the Department of Human Services filed the dependency-neglect petition, and the State
    filed the felony information. The State asks this court to find analogous the substantive
    criminal case and the postconviction proceeding under Rule 37. Further, citing Sheridan v.
    313 Ark. 238
    52 S.W.2d 772
    (1993), it asserts that the “personal knowledge” gained
    by Judge Elmore was not the type of personal knowledge contemplated by Rule
    2.11—knowledge gained through presiding over judicial proceedings is exempt. Finally, the
    State argues that Judge Elmore’s statement from the bench did not express a personal bias.
    We review a circuit judge’s denial of a motion to recuse under an abuse-of-discretion
    standard.   Irvin v. State, 
    345 Ark. 541
    49 S.W.3d 635
    (2001).         A clearly erroneous
    interpretation or application of a law or rule will constitute a manifest abuse of discretion.
    Little Rock Wastewater Util. v. Larry Moyer Trucking, Inc., 
    321 Ark. 303
    902 S.W.2d 760
    (1995). The Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct and its canons are applicable to judicial
    conduct in criminal cases. Sheridan, 
    313 Ark. 238
    52 S.W.2d 772
    ; Adams v. State, 
    269 Ark. 548
    601 S.W.2d 881
    (1980). Accordingly, a judge presiding over a criminal trial must avoid
    all appearances of bias. 
    Irvin, supra
    Judge Elmore presided over the dependency-neglect case and gained knowledge. But
    knowledge acquired in a judicial proceeding is not the “personal knowledge” that requires
    disqualification under Rule 2.11(A)(1). See 
    Sheridan, supra
    . Nonetheless, we need not decide
    whether Judge Elmore’s presiding over the matter was a violation of Rule 2.11. The plain
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    wording of Rule 2.11 required Judge Elmore to recuse because her “impartiality might
    reasonably be questioned.” Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11(A). This provision embraces
    a situation where, by virtue of having presided over the “matter” in a different court, her
    impartiality might “reasonably be questioned.”
    Rule 2.11(A) states that “[a] judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding
    in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” (Emphasis added.) We have
    explained that the word “shall” is mandatory rather than discretionary. Middleton v. Lockhart,
    344 Ark. 572
    43 S.W.3d 113
    However, the enumerated examples are not the only way a judge’s impartiality might
    reasonably be questioned. In the case before us, Ferguson asserted that Judge Elmore’s
    comments in ruling from the bench indicated that she was biased. In denying Ferguson’s
    motion to waive a jury trial, Judge Elmore stated, “If you don’t think that I can be impartial
    in a bench trial, then I’ll deny your bench trial. So we’ll have a jury trial.” It is unnecessary
    to decide whether these comments indicated actual bias. The fact that Judge Elmore found
    that Ferguson’s questioning of her impartiality required her to withdraw as the finder-of-fact,
    in essence, demonstrates that the questioning of her impartiality was reasonable. Obviously,
    if a judge’s impartiality may “reasonably” be questioned, the mandatory portion of Rule
    2.11(A) is invoked and the judge is required to disqualify. Significantly, our case law requires
    a circuit court to be mindful of the perception of bias from the litigant’s perspective. As the
    Farley court stated, “What we are saying is that it is understandable that appellant could feel
    that he was under a handicap in the trial of this case and that he might not receive impartial
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    treatment.” 260 Ark. at 693
    , 520 S.W.2d at 204. We hold that, under the facts in the case
    before us, the circuit judge’s impartiality could reasonably have been questioned by Ferguson,
    the mandatory portions of Rule 2.11(A) required her to disqualify. Accordingly, Judge
    Elmore abused her discretion by not recusing.3
    For the foregoing reasons, we reverse and remand this case for a new trial with a
    different judge presiding. Having done so, we need not consider Ferguson’s argument
    whether the denial of her jury-trial waiver was an abuse of discretion because that issue is not
    likely to arise again on retrial.
    Reversed and remanded.
    BRILL, C.J., concurs.
    DANIELSON, GOODSON, and WOOD, JJ., dissent.
    HOWARD W. BRILL, Chief Justice, concurring. I join the majority opinion that
    the impartiality of the circuit judge might be reasonably questioned and that the case should
    be remanded for a new trial. I write separately to expand on the language in Rule 2.11 of the
    Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct. That disqualification provision of the code mandates that
    a judge recuse when the judge “previously presided as a judge over the matter in another
    court.” Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11(A)(6)(d). The “matter” at issue here, which
    resulted in a dependency-neglect proceeding and a criminal case, is the alleged physical abuse
    In concluding that Judge Elmore’s obligation to serve allowed her to ignore the fact
    that her impartiality was reasonably challenged the dissent fails to give effect to the express
    limitation in Rule 2.7 of the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct. It states: “A judge shall hear
    and decide matters assigned to the judge, except when disqualification is required by Rule 2.11 or
    other law. (Emphasis added.)
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    of Ferguson’s adopted child.
    All parties agree that the word “matter” is not defined in the Arkansas Code of Judicial
    Conduct, and the issue presented here is one of first impression. A comparable rule provides
    guidance. Rule 1.11(e) of the Arkansas Rules of Professional Conduct, which governs
    disqualification of lawyers when moving between private practice and governmental service,
    defines a “matter” as “any judicial or other proceeding, application, request for a ruling or
    other determination, contract, claim, controversy, investigation, charge, accusation, arrest or
    other particular matter involving a specific party or parties.” Ark. R. Prof’l Conduct
    1.11(e)(1). Further, the commentary to Rule 1.11(e) states that “[i]n determining whether
    two particular matters are the same, the lawyer should consider the extent to which the
    matters involve the same basic facts, the same or related parties, and the time elapsed.” Ark.
    R. Prof’l Conduct 1.11(3), cmt. 10. The term “matter” also appears in Rule 1.9 of the
    Arkansas Rules of Professional Conduct, which governs the duties of an attorney to a former
    client. Its commentary states that “the scope of a ‘matter’ for purposes of this Rule depends
    on the facts of a particular situation or transaction.” Ark. R. Prof’l Conduct 1.9, cmt. 2.
    Further, Black’s Law Dictionary defines “matter” in pertinent part as “[a] subject under
    consideration, especially involving a dispute or litigation . . . Something that is to be tried or
    proven; an allegation forming the basis of a claim or defense.” Black’s Law Dictionary 1126
    (10th ed. 2014).
    Admittedly, in my review of these rules, the standards governing lawyers and judges
    arise from different bodies of law and have different objectives. However, I find it instructive
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    that the term “matter” in these rules focuses on the same basic facts, the specific party, the
    brief time between the two proceedings, and similar factors. Although judges are the court
    and lawyers are officers of the court, the expectations placed on judges are higher than those
    placed on lawyers. Articulated in Canon 1 of the Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct is the
    principle that judges are expressly subject to the appearance of impropriety standard. See Ark.
    Code Jud. Conduct R. 1.2.
    In this case, Judge Elmore’s presiding over the dependency-neglect proceeding and the
    criminal case implicates Rule 2.11’s prohibition against a judge presiding over a case where
    he or she has presided over the “matter” in another court. Dependency-neglect proceedings
    are tried under the State’s juvenile code in juvenile court while felonies are tried under the
    criminal code on the criminal docket in circuit court. It is not, as the State argues, analogous
    to a circuit judge presiding over a substantive criminal matter and a postconviction
    proceeding. The matter in the former is the substantive criminal charges; in the latter, it is
    the effective assistance of the petitioner’s trial counsel. Here, the standard of proof between
    the two proceedings is different, and the focus in the dependency-neglect proceeding is more
    on the child. However, the evidence was the same, and the witnesses were, in large part, the
    I also note that the disqualifying element present in this case is waivable by the parties
    and their lawyers.     Rule 2.11(C) authorizes a three-step procedure. First, the judge
    determines that although he or she is subject to disqualification for anything other than actual
    bias or prejudice, he or she is able to decide the issue impartially. Second, the judge discloses
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    on the record the basis for the judge’s disqualification. Third, the parties, outside the presence
    of the judge and court personnel, may waive disqualification, which is then entered on the
    court record.
    In conclusion, I concur with the majority opinion because the circuit judge’s
    impartiality might be reasonably questioned in a case such as this one.
    PAUL E. DANIELSON, JUSTICE, dissenting. I respectfully dissent. This court has
    made clear that a trial judge has a duty to not recuse from a case where no prejudice exists.
    See, e.g., Owens v. State, 
    354 Ark. 644
    128 S.W.3d 445
    (2003). Thus, if there is no valid
    reason for the judge to disqualify himself or herself, he or she has a duty to remain on a case.
    id. Furthermore, there
    is a presumption that judges are impartial. See 
    id. The person
    seeking disqualification bears the burden of proving otherwise. See 
    id. The trial
    decision to not recuse from a case is a discretionary one and will not be reversed on appeal
    absent an abuse of that discretion. See 
    id. An abuse
    of discretion can be shown by proving
    bias or prejudice on the part of the trial judge. See 
    id. To decide
    whether there has been an
    abuse of discretion, this court reviews the record to determine if prejudice or bias was
    exhibited. See 
    id. It is
    the appellant’s burden to demonstrate such bias or prejudice. See 
    id. In my
    opinion, appellant Jacqueline Ferguson has failed in that burden and has thus failed to
    demonstrate an abuse of discretion.
    First, Circuit Judge Barbara Elmore did not “previously preside[] as a judge over the
    matter in another court” when she presided over the adjudication hearing in the dependency-
    neglect case. See Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11(A)(6)(d) (2015). Neither Rule 2.11, nor
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    the comments to the rule, nor the “Terminology” section of the Code defines “matter” for
    purposes of determining whether subsection (A)(6)(d) applies. However, court rules are to
    be construed using the same criteria, including canons of construction, that are used to
    interpret statutes. See, e.g., Laymon v. State, 
    2015 Ark. 485
    478 S.W.3d 203
    . Therefore, a
    court rule is to be construed just as it reads, giving the words their ordinary and usually
    accepted meaning in common language. See 
    id. In my
    view, the ordinary and usually
    accepted meaning of the term “matter,” in this context, is synonymous with “case.” In other
    words, Rule 2.11(A)(6)(d) would require recusal only when the judge previously presided
    over the same case in another court. The most obvious example of this would be an appellate
    court judge who previously presided over the case as a trial judge.
    An identical provision in the American Bar Association 2007 Model Code of Judicial
    Conduct has been explained in exactly this way. The “Explanation of Black Letter” following
    the rule and its comments describes subsection (A)(6)(d) as a “[n]ew paragraph on judges
    sitting on cases they previously heard.” (Emphasis added.) The “Explanation” also includes
    this provision:
    Trial judges sometimes sit by designation on courts of appeal, and vice versa.
    Such judges should not hear cases over which they presided in a different court,
    and this Rule makes that clear. This Rule, however, leaves unaffected the
    propriety of a judge who decided a case on a panel of an appellate court
    participating in the rehearing of the case en banc with that same court.
    The corresponding provision in the Model Code has been interpreted in accordance
    with this explanation. “Rule 2.11(A)(6)(d) makes clear that judges should not hear cases over
    which they presided in a different court.” Ronald D. Rotunda & John S. Dzienkowski, Legal
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    Ethics—The Lawyer’s Deskbook on Professional Responsibility § 10.2-2.11(l) (2016) (emphasis
    added). More specifically, “[i]t has long been the rule that a judge who heard a case on the
    trial level will not be part of the panel hearing an appeal from her own decision.” 
    Id. Under this
    interpretation, the fact that Ferguson’s criminal charge and the dependency-
    neglect case stemmed from the same incident is not enough to render the two the same
    “matter” for purposes of Rule 2.11(A)(6)(d). The rule specifically requires recusal only when
    the judge previously presided over the matter in controversy; it simply does not contemplate
    situations wherein a judge previously presided over a different matter involving similar facts.
    Recusal may indeed be required in such circumstances, but not in the absence of bias or
    Parties often seek to disqualify a judge based on the judge’s prior
    participation in a case involving the same party or the same facts. Absent some
    showing of hostility or actual bias, however, a judge is not required to
    disqualify himself merely because of earlier judicial contacts with the party.
    This principle is really no different from the situation where the judge knows
    of damaging evidence that he later excludes at trial. The law presumes that
    judge, even in a bench trial, will be able to screen out the excluded evidence.
    Id. While this
    court has not had an opportunity to interpret Rule 2.11(A)(6)(d), we have
    held that recusal is not required of a judge presiding over a Rule 37 proceeding merely
    because he or she presided over the defendant’s trial, even when the judge’s trial rulings are
    at issue in the Rule 37 proceeding. See, e.g., Bryant v. State, 
    323 Ark. 130
    913 S.W.2d 257
    (1996) (per curiam). Presumably, this court considers a criminal trial and a subsequent Rule
    37 proceeding to be two different matters. If that is the case, a criminal trial and a separate
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    dependency-neglect case stemming from similar facts would certainly be considered two
    different matters.   Accordingly, Judge Elmore’s recusal was not required under Rule
    Second, Judge Elmore did not exhibit a “personal bias or prejudice” against Ferguson.
    See Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11(A)(1). In support of her argument, Ferguson relies on
    cases holding that recusal is required when a trial judge makes comments reflecting a
    prejudged disposition of the case before the court—in other words, when the judge “seemed
    to be announcing the outcome of the case before it was tried.” Patterson v. R.T., 
    301 Ark. 400
    , 406, 
    784 S.W.2d 777
    , 781 (1990); see also Riverside Marine Remanufacturers, Inc. v. Booth,
    93 Ark. App. 48
    216 S.W.3d 611
    (2005). But Judge Elmore’s remarks at the conclusion of
    the adjudication hearing referred to the outcome of the dependency-neglect case, after it had
    been tried. Her comments were not made at Ferguson’s criminal trial; the jury in the criminal
    case did not hear her comments and had no way of knowing her thoughts. This court has
    stated that when a judge’s communications are the basis for an allegation of bias, it is necessary
    to view the communications that the judge makes to, or in front of, the jury. See Irvin v.
    345 Ark. 541
    49 S.W.3d 635
    (2001). “Statements made before the jury is impaneled
    and in no way communicated to the jury cannot constitute bias or prejudice.” 
    Id. at 550,
    S.W.3d at 641.
    Aside from Judge Elmore’s comments at the adjudication hearing, the only other
    evidence of bias that Ferguson points to is Judge Elmore’s adverse rulings on motions and
    objections. I acknowledge that Judge Elmore was not excused from the requirement of the
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    appearance of impartiality simply because she was not the fact-finder in Ferguson’s criminal
    trial. See 
    Riverside, 93 Ark. App. at 52
    , 216 S.W.3d at 614 (explaining that, where the trial
    judge sits as finder of fact, the appearance of fairness is “even more important”). But “[t]he
    mere fact of adverse rulings is not enough to demonstrate bias.” Irvin, 345 Ark. at 
    550, 49 S.W.3d at 641
    . Additionally, while Judge Elmore made credibility findings at the adjudication
    hearing in the dependency-neglect case, she did not make credibility findings in the criminal
    case. It was the jury’s responsibility to make those findings in the criminal case, and the jury
    would have had no way of knowing what Judge Elmore’s prior credibility findings were.
    Third, Judge Elmore had no “personal knowledge of facts that [were] in dispute in the
    proceeding” as a result of having presided over the adjudication hearing in the dependency-
    neglect case. See Ark. Code Jud. Conduct R. 2.11(A)(1). As the majority concedes, “the
    personal knowledge of a judge gleaned from previous judicial proceedings does not fall under
    this ‘personal knowledge’ category.” Sheridan v. State, 
    313 Ark. 23
    , 48, 8
    52 S.W.2d 772
    , 785
    Finally, I acknowledge that Rule 2.11 sets forth a nonexhaustive list and that it requires
    recusal anytime a judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, even in situations not
    listed in the rule. However, I cannot agree with the majority’s conclusion that Judge
    Elmore’s denial of Ferguson’s attempted jury-trial waiver equated to an acknowledgment that
    her impartiality had reasonably been questioned. As Judge Elmore explained, she refused to
    allow Ferguson to waive her right to a jury trial because Ferguson had asserted a belief that
    Judge Elmore would be biased against her. Judge Elmore did not endorse this belief or find
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    it to be reasonable; in fact, she denied the motion to recuse on the implied basis that it was
    not a reasonable belief. Pursuant to our case law, Judge Elmore is to be afforded discretion
    in that regard, and I cannot say that she abused her discretion in this instance. See Owens, 
    354 Ark. 644
    128 S.W.3d 445
    For these reasons, I dissent.
    GOODSON and WOOD, JJ., join.
    Lightle, Raney, Streit & Streit, LLP, by: Jonathan R. Streit, for appellant.
    Leslie Rutledge, Att’y Gen., by: Kristen C. Green, Ass’t Att’y Gen., for appellee.