Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1974 )

  • The Honorable     Harold Hollingsworth                    Opinion    No.    H-       473
    Criminal  District   Attorney
    Kaufman  %ounty                                           Re: Eligi.bi1it.y of Criminal
    Kaufman,   Texas ,’ 75142                                 DistrictAttorney      ,to be a
    member      of ‘State Retirement
    Dear   Mr.   Hdllingsworth:                                         .:              .~
    You,have    requested   an opinion as to whether     the Criminal
    District  Attorney    of Kaufman   County is erigible  to participate      in,
    &he Employees      Retirement   System of Texas established       by,article
    6228a, V. Ti C. S. which’provides       in section 3 (B) (1):
    The memtiership      of said Retirement          System
    shall    be composed      of any elective     Stkte    official        or
    appointee   in an elertive     office of the state; including
    all elected   or appoi.ntrd members         of State Legisla-
    ture, and District     Attorneys     receiving       salaries    paid
    ‘by the State from the State General Revenues Fund,
    but shall not include any elective         official’in      the
    Judicial,   Education,     District,   or County,        of the
    Statue of Texas other than those expressed               eligibk
    as provi.ded herein.
    Thu.s, to be el,igible for the Retirement          program   the Criminal   .District
    Attorney    must be a “District Attorney”          and be receiving  a salary    paid
    by theState   from the General   Revenue          Fund.           ~”
    The Supreme  Court of Texas         in Hill   Countv v. Sheppard,                  17’
    8 S. W. 2d 261
     (Tex.   Sup. 1944) defined        the=        “criminal district
    p. 2157
    The Honorable          Harold    Hollingsworth        page   2   (H-473)
    . * . it is,our   opinion that the term criminal
    district   attorney   refers    to a class or kind of
    district   attorneys,     and that a criminal   di,strict
    attorney    is a district   attorney   within the meaning
    of the Constitution.
    The’ office of District      Attorney,    including    that
    of c.riminal     district  attorricy,    is a constitutional
    office,  ,the duties and compensation           of which are
    provided    for in Article      V, Se,ction 21, of the
    Constitution      . .’ . .    178 S. W. 2d at 263.
    See also:
    --            N@aI v. Sheppard,        
    209 S. W. 2d 388
     (Texy Civ.              App. --T;exarkana
    .1948, writ   ref.),;      and 20 TEX.  JUR. 2d District   Attorney              $1 (1960 ed).
    Under the,provisions        of articl,e 326k-71, which created, ,the office
    of ,the Criminal     Dis,t.rict Attorney    of Kaufman   County, ..the Criminal    District
    Attorney’s      salary is paid out of both .state and county funds.         Section  4, of
    .:articli   326k-71    provi.des:
    The    Crimi’nal   District    Attorney   of Kaufman      Count9
    shall be commissioned         by the governor,       and shall,
    receive    as compensation       arr annual salary     payable   in
    ,equal, monthly installment,s...        ,The salary   shall include
    the amount, equ,al, to ,the, amount paid dii trict attorneys
    by the State of Texas,,.and       shall. be paid by the comptroller
    of public accounts,      as,appro,p.riated     by the legi.slature.
    In .addition,   the Cri.minal DistrLct Attorney         of Kaufman
    County     shaI1 be.paid.in     e~ial bimonthly     installments     out
    of the oHicers’     salary fund of Kaufman         County an amount     ”
    which,    when added to the amount paid by the State 0
    Texas,     equals an amount not less than 90 p,ercent of .the
    total .sa,i,a:ries paid to the Judg,e of th,,e 86,th Judickal Di,st’rict
    ‘by the State .of .Tesas        and Kaumnm,        ‘VanZandt,      ‘and
    Rockwall   ccunties~
    In Attorney    .General Opj,ni,on M-10,87 (197.2) this ~pffice held that:,a
    -,+Zr?minal :Z&stcict ~~t.or~~~~~,,.pa%.il.
    e,nWe,l~y from s++,te ~fund.s .was eligible
    to ~particl.pate   in the state retirement    program   auiho~rized by,article
    p. 21.58
    I                                        (
    The Honorable      Harold   Hollingsworth       page 3    (H-473)
    6228a.   Similarly   it is our opinion that the Criminal      District  Attorney
    of Kaufman    County is eligible   to participate   in the Employees     Retirement
    System   of Texas established     by article   6228a to the extent of the amount
    of his salary   paid by the state.    This conclusion    is in accordance     with
    the general    program     outlined in article   6228g providing       for a County
    and District    ,Retirement     System.    See
    -     section   11(A)  (1) of article 6228g,
    entitled  “optional    coverage     of employees   receiving     supplemental    compensa-
    tion from participating       counties”   and providing    that
    The governing     body of any participating       ccunty
    which ,Rays compensation         from county funds to a
    person reg,ularly      engaged in the performance         of
    the duties of an elective      or appointive    State or
    district  office in addition to ,that.received       from
    the State of Texas,      may by order of the governing
    body p,rovide that the persons         shall ba considered
    em,ployees     of the county, and as such eligible         for
    membership       in the~system     to the extent of .the
    compensation       paid the person by the county.
    The Criminal   Di.strict Attorney    of Kaufman
    ~County is eligible  to participate    in the Employees
    - Retirement   System’establjsbad      by article  6228a,
    V. T. C. S., to the extent ot the amount of his salary
    paid by the state.
    C. ROBERT   HEATH,          Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    ps 2159

Document Info

Docket Number: H-473

Judges: John Hill

Filed Date: 7/2/1974

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017