Moore v. Pritzker ( 2016 )

  •                       UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT
    PENNY S. PRITZKER,                           Civil Action No. 15-1248 {GK)
    Secretary, United States
    Department of Commerce
    Plaintiff      Rhongelyn       Moore,        an   African    American          woman,
    ("Plaintiff"   or    "Moore")    brings       this     action    against      Penny S.
    Pritzker in her official capacity as Secretary of the United States
    Department of Commerce ("Defendant," "Employer" or "Government").
    Plaintiff   alleges       retaliation        in    response      to   age     and     race
    discrimination      and    retaliation       complaints       she     filed     against
    Defendant    with    the    Equal     Employment         Opportunity        Commission
    ("EEOC"),   in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
    1964 ("Title VII"), 42       u.s.c.   §   2000e et seq.
    This matter is presently before                   the   Court on Defendant's
    Motion to Dismiss or for Summary Judgment filed on November 3,
    2015 ("Def.' s Mot.")      [Dkt. No. 10] . On December 1, 2015, Plaintiff
    filed an Opposition      ("Pl.'s Opp.")         [Dkt. No.    13]. Defendant did
    not file a Reply.
    Upon consideration of       the    Motion,      Opposition,     the   entire
    record herein, and for the reasons stated below, Defendant's Motion
    to Dismiss is granted in part and denied in part, and Defendant's
    Motion for Summary Judgment is granted in part and denied in part.
    A. Factual Background
    Rhongelyn Moore     ("Plaintiff,"         "Moore") ,   a black woman,    has
    been employed by the United States Department of Commerce ("DOC,"
    "Defendant") since 1990. Complaint          ~   9 ( "Compl. ")   [Dkt. No. 1] . In
    December 2001,     Plaintiff was promoted to a GS-13 Public Affairs
    Specialist ("PAS") position in the Office of Public Affairs ( "OPA")
    of the DOC. Id.    ~   10. The OPA, which is located in the Office of
    the Secretary,     acts as the primary point of contact for public
    affairs and serves as       the   liaison to the White House and the
    Executive Branch for all public         ~ffairs.     Def.'s Mot. at 2 (citing
    United States Department of Commerce,              Office of Public Affairs,
    As a GS-13 PAS, Moore worked on press releases, provided the
    Minority   Business     Development     Agency        ("MBDA")    with   support,
    drafted advisories on events, and corresponded with reporters. See
    Def.'s Mot. at 4,      6. Moore was supervised by Deputy Director of
    OPA, Shannon Gilson. Compl.    ~   11. Gilson was Moore's first-level
    supervisor until she left the OPA in August 2011. Id. Gilson was
    also Moore's documented rating official, which meant that she was
    responsible for both Moore's interim and final work performance
    evaluations for each fiscal year. See Pl.'s Opp. at 16, 19; Def.'s
    Mot. at 5. Moore's second level supervisor was Kevin Griffis, who
    was the Director of OPA until January 2012. Id.          ~   12. As the second
    level supervisor,    Griff is participated in the final performance
    evaluations   and,   when appropriate,        approved   the    final   ratings
    completed by the documented rating official. Pl.'s Opp. at 20; see
    also Griffis Deel.    (Def.'s Ex. 5)     ~~   4-6 [Dkt. No.    10~5]
    In August 2011.,   when Gilson left her position at the OPA,
    Parita Shah effectively became Moore's first-level supervisor and
    documented rating official. Griffis Deel. ~ 41; Def.'s Mot. at 2;
    Pl.'s Opp. at 3. Prior to the promotion, Shah and Moore were co-
    workers   and periodically worked together on assignments.                Pl. 's
    Opp. at 18.    Following Shah's promotion,         she left the office to
    work on a different assignment from August to September 2011 and
    returned in October 2011, after the end of FY 2011. Compl. ~ 42.
    In January 2012,     Jennifer Friedman replaced Griffis . and became
    Plaintiff's new second-level supervisor when Griffis left the OPA.
    Compl. ~~ 12-13.
    As a GS-13 PAS, Moore was given a Performance Appraisal for
    each fiscal year. See id.              ~    14. The employees were evaluated on
    three critical elements known as Customer Service, Media Outreach
    and Support, and Special Projects. Id.                 ~   48. Each element was rated
    from a Level 1, which means unacceptable performance, to a Level
    5, which signifies the highest level of performance. Def.'s Ex. 2
    [Dkt.    No.    10-2]       Each employee was also given an overall final
    rating based on the same rating scale. Id. Prior to an employee's
    final Performance Appraisal, he or she was given an interim rating.
    See Compl.       ~    51.     Included in the interim rating were notes on
    specific areas for improvement in the three critical elements. Id.
    Prior    to     the    final   evaluation,         employees     were    given    the
    opportunity           to      submit   to     their        supervisors      a      list    of
    accomplishments that he or she achieved during that fiscal year.
    See id.    ~    30; Def.'s Mot.         at 3.       The documented rating official
    also looked to reviews about employees from other departments with
    which     the    employee         worked     closely.        In   this     case,     Gilson
    _corresponded with MEDA about                 the    quality of     Moore's        work and
    overall performance for the fiscal year. Gilson Deel.                           (Def.'s Ex.
    4) at 4 [Dkt. No. 1 O- 4] .
    The relevant evaluation period in this case is FY 2011, which
    spanned October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. Id. With Gilson's
    departure set for the end of August 2011, Gilson called Moore to
    review her performance on August 26,                          2011.   Def.' s      Statement of
    Facts      ~   9 [Dkt. No. 10-15]. At the evaluation meeting, 1 Moore and
    Gilson reviewed Moore's performance rating for the FY 2011. Compl.
    ~   49.    Moore gave Gilson a list of FY 2011 accomplishments up to
    the date of the meeting. See id.                        ~   40.
    Gilson      gave   Moore        the   following      ratings:       4    in       Customer
    Service;            3/4    in    Media    Outreach          and   Support;       3/4       in    Special
    Projects.              Compl.      ~    50.     Moore       alleges       that    there         was   an
    understanding between her and Gilson that the ratings were not
    final.             See Compl.      ~    49; Def.'s Statement of Facts                  ~    21.   Moore
    alleges that Gilson stated that "if [Moore] assisted MBDA with its
    MED Week event, she did not see why her overall evaluation rating
    would not be a level 4 or 5," and did not mention any other negative
    comments during this phone call. Pl.'s Opp. at 25, 30.
    Moore alleges that she never received a hard copy of Gilson's
    interim performance rating, which she would have reviewed in order
    to respond and/or improve her performance. Pl.'s Opp. at 11; see
    also Deel. of Gilson at 3. Griffis received an email from Gilson
    on August            24,    2011       containing Moore's           interim      rating         and the
    interim review comments.                      Pl.' s Opp.     at 27. However,           Griffis did
    1 It is unclear- whether the phone call in late August 2011 was an
    interim or an end-of-year performance appraisal meeting. See Aff.
    of Spence (Def.'s Ex. 10) at 3 [Dkt. No. 10-10].
    ~ot    discuss the rating and review comments with Moore or provide
    her with a copy of the rating.             Compl.   ~~   28-29,   52.   Other PAS
    employees received a copy of their ratings from Griffis.                     Pl.' s
    Interrog. at 8 [Dkt. No. 12]
    Unlike other employees who received an email on December 5,
    2011 from Griff is to submit a         list of their accomplishments in
    preparation for FY 2011 performance evaluations,                  Moore did not
    receive such an email. 2 Compl.       ~~   30-31. Moore later learned about
    the email, but when she brought it to Griffis' attention, Griffis
    did not afford her the opportunity to submit a                    final   list of
    accomplishments. Compl.       ~~   32, 39. Therefore, Moore was unable to
    submit a final list of accomplishments at the end of the rating
    cycle. Pl.'s Opp. at 16.
    Due to the significant number of staff turnovers at OPA during
    FY 2011, the FY 2011 final evaluations were unusually delayed and
    were not given to employees until well after FY 2011 had ended.
    Def.'s Mot. at 5, 29. Moore received her FY 2011 final evaluation
    from Shah in February 2012. Compl.           ~   47. At this point, Shah was
    Moore's rating official and Griffis was her approving official.
    Id.    Moore   received the    following     FY 2011     final    ratings:   3   in
    Customer Service; 3 in Media Outreach and Support; and 4 in Special
    2    The Government states that this was a "mistake." Def.'s Mot. at
    Projects.     Pl.'s Opp.      at 30.     Moore received an overall FY 2011
    rating of a 3. Id.       ~~   53, 54.
    Shah relied, at least in part, on Gilson's interim evaluation,
    which included the        list of accomplishments             that Moore gave to
    Gilson in August. Pl.'s Opp. at 12; see also Def.'s Mot. at 4-6.
    Shah     stated   that     OPA       wanted     "Plaintiff        [to]     improve     her
    relationship with MBDA."             Def.' s    Statement of       Facts    ~   17.   Shah
    stated that Moore did not provide MBDA with additional support,
    which Moore denies. Id:          ~   19; Pl.'s Opp. at 20. Griffis approved
    Shah's FY 2011 final evaluation of Moore. Pl.'s Opp. at 20; Def.'s
    Mot. at 23.
    As a result of Moore's FY 2011 final rating and DOC's limited
    resources    in FY 2011,        she received a       $150 bonus          from Griffis.
    Compl.   ~   57; Def.'s Mot.         at 5.     Pursuant to guidance from DOC's
    Off ice of the Secretary and the Off ice of Personnel Management on
    June 10, 2011, Griffis was required to limit all of the performance
    awards given to the staff so that the cumulative amount of awards
    did not exceed one percent of the total amount of salaries in OPA.
    Def.'s Statement of Facts ~ 22; see also Griffis Deel. ~ 8. This
    limit on performance awards decreased the agency's ability to give
    them. Id. Moore alleges that Griffis authorized her bonus prior to
    the    end   of   FY     2011    and     well     before     he     requested         staff
    accomplishments in December 2011. Compl.               ~   58. Moore claims that
    her bonus did not properly reflect her final performance review.
    On February 6, 2012, following the award of FY 2011 bonuses,
    Moore had a meeting with Friedman and Griffis to discuss her FY
    2011 final evaluation.           Def.'s Statement of Facts                   ~   25. At that
    meeting,     Griff is   told     Friedman         that   Moore    was    a       "malcontent"
    employee who never signed her performance evaluations and that she
    "always had something to complain about." Compl.                    ~   65. For example,
    Defendant stated that in May 2011, Moore wrote Gilson to say that
    she believed the kind of work she was doing was "extremely low
    level" and that she needed "something more substantive." Def.' s
    Mot. at 3.
    B. Procedural Background
    On February 28,      2011, Moore filed her administrative Equal
    Employment Opportunity ("EEO")                  claim alleging age discrimination
    against Griffis.        Compl.    ~       19.   The Equal Employment Opportunity
    Commission     ("EEOC")   granted the Government's motion for summary
    judgment on August 13, 2012. Id. On June 16, 2011, Moore filed a
    complaint      against         Griff is          and     Gilson     alleging           racial
    discrimination and retaliation for her prior EEO activity.                                Id.
    ~   21; Def. 's Mot. at 6. The complaint was based in part on Moore's
    request for a promotion to the GS-14 of PAS in May 2011 that was
    ultimately denied. Compl.             ~    20. The administrative judge granted
    the Government's motion for summary judgment on this complaint on
    February 27,        2014. Def.'s Mot. at 7.               Plaintiff did not appeal.
    On March 6, 2012, Moore filed her third formal complaint of
    retaliation with the EEOC which is the relevant administrative
    action in the instant case. Def.'s Mot. at 7;                           Pl.'s Opp.          at 4.
    Defendant accepted four counts of retaliation for investigation,
    which included allegations               that     (1)    Griffis      refused to accept
    Moore's final        list of FY 2011 performance accomplishments;                             (2)
    Griff is       refused    to      complete        Moore's    FY        2011        performance
    evaluation;        (3) Griffis recommended Moore for a $150 performance
    bonus,     the    lowest amount ever awarded to a                     PAS;    and    ( 4)   in a
    meeting on February 6, 2012, Griffis attempted to portray Moore as
    a     "malcontent    employee"      in    front     of   Friedman,           the   new Public
    Affairs Director. Pl.'s Opp. at 4-5. On April 30, 2015, following
    discovery,        the EEOC granted the Government's motion for summary
    judgment on all counts. Def.'s Mot. at 8; see Pl.'s Ex. B [Dkt.
    No.     1-2]     Defendant's      Office     of    Civil    Rights       implemented          the
    judgment on May 6, 2015. Def.'s Mot. at 8.
    On August 3, 2015, pursuant to 42 U.S.C.                  §   2000e-16(c), Moore
    filed her Complaint alleging one count of retaliation under Title
    VII under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 against Defendant. Compl.
    ~     69-70.     Moore   states    that    the     following          actions       constitute
    retaliatory       conduct      following        her     EEO     activity:       (1)    Griffis'
    refusal to provide Moore with a copy of her FY 2011 interim rating;
    (2)    Griffis'     refusal      to     accept        Moore's     FY    2011      performance
    accomplishments;        (3) Shah's ineligibility to rate Moore's FY 2011
    performance;      (4)   Griffis'        delay in timely completing Moore's FY
    2011    performance         evaluation;        (5)    Griff is'    FY    2011     performance
    evaluation     of     Moore;      (6)    Griffis'        recommendation           of    a   $150
    performance bonus for Moore; and (7) Griffis' attempt to undermine
    Moore after Griffis left his position. See generally Compl.
    Moore   claims        compensatory            damages,     upgraded        performance
    appraisals,     and a retroactive promotion to GS-14 grade level of
    PAS position as relief for the alleged retaliation. Compl. at 11-
    12. She also claims damages for disparate treatment, humiliation,
    stress,     anxiety,    and damage to personal and professional self-
    esteem. Pl.'s Interrog. at 11.
    On November      3,     2015,     the     Government       filed     its       Motion   to
    Dismiss or for Summary Judgment. On December 1,                           2015,       Plaintiff
    responded with her Opposition, and the Government failed to file
    a Reply.
    A. Motion to Dismiss
    To   survive     a     motion     to    dismiss        under     Rule    12(b) (6),      a
    plaintiff need only plead "enough facts to state a claim to relief
    that is plausible on its face" and to "nudge [ ] . [his or her] claims
    across the line from conceivable to plausible." Bell Atlantic Corp.
    v.    Twombly,    
    550 U.S. 544
    ,    570     (2007).     "[O]nce a claim has been
    stated adequately, it may be supported by showing any set of facts
    consistent with the allegations                 in the complaint."           
    Id. at 563
    Under the Twombly standard, a "court deciding a motion to dismiss
    must not make any judgment about the probability of the plaintiffs'
    success. . .     [,]   must assume all the allegations in the complaint
    are    true    (even    if   doubtful    in fact) . . .        [,   and]   must     give    the
    plaintiff the benefit of all reasonable inferences derived from
    the facts alleged." Aktieselskabet AF 21.                       November 2001 v.           Fame
    Jeans Inc.,       
    525 F.3d 8
    ,     17    (D.C.       Cir.   2008)    (internal quotation
    marks    and     citations     omitted).        A    complaint      will ·not       suffice,
    however,      if it "tenders      'naked assertion[s]'               devoid of      'further
    factual enhancement."' Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 
    556 U.S. 662
    , 678 (2009)
    (quoting Twombly, 
    550 U.S. at 557
    "[M]otions to dismiss for failure to exhaust administrative
    remedies are       .         appropriately analyzed under Rule 12 (b) ( 6) . "
    Winston v.       Clough,     
    712 F. Supp. 2d 1
    ,      6   (D.D.C.     2010).    "Before
    filing suit,       a federal employee who believes that her agency has
    discriminated against her in violation of Title VII must first
    seek.administrative adjudication of her claim." Payne v. Salazar,
    619 F.3d 56
    , 58 (D.C. Cir. 2010)               (citation omitted); see 42 U.S.C.
    §   2000e-16(c). After receiving notice of the agency's final action,
    a plaintiff must file his or her civil action in the appropriate
    District Court within 90 days. 42 U.S.C.             §   2000e-16(c); see also
    Colbert v. Potter, 
    471 F.3d 158
    , 160 (D.C. Cir. 2006).
    These   exhaustion requirements        are   not   jurisdictional,     but
    rather are      "similar to a    statute of limitations."          Colbert,    
    471 F.3d at 167
    . Therefore, they are properly raised in a Rule 12(b) (6)
    motion to dismiss. See Rosier v. Holder, 
    833 F.Supp.2d 1
    , 5 (D.D.C.
    2011)    (citing Artis v.      Bernanke,     630 F.3d 103i,      1034 n.4     (D.C.
    Cir.    2011));      see also Gordon v.    Nat'l Youth Work Alliance,           
    675 F.2d 356
        (D.C. Cir. 1982)     (noting that proper method for raising
    a defense of limitation is a motion under Rule 12(b) (6)).
    B. Motion for Summary Judgment
    A motion for summary judgment is granted only if, looking at
    the totality of admissible evidence, there is no genuine issue as
    to any material         fact and that the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. See Arrington v. United States, 
    473 F.3d 329
    , 333        (D.C. Cir. 2006). To establish whether a fact is or
    is not genuinely disputed, a party must cite to specific parts of
    the record, including deposition testimony, documentary evidence,
    affidavits      or    declarations,   or     other   competent    evidence,      to
    support its position. Mason v. Geithner, 
    811 F. Supp. 2d 128
    , 174
    (D.D.C. 2011). "Conclusory assertions offered without any factual
    basis in the record cannot create a genuine dispute sufficient to
    survive       summary   judgement."     
       (citing     Ass' n     of     Flight
    Attendants-CWA v. U.S. Dept. of Transp.,           
    564 F.3d 462
    , 465         (D.C.
    Cir.     2009))   Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56(a),
    "[i]f the evidence presented on a dispositive issue is subject to
    conflicting interpretations, or reasonable persons might differ as
    to     its   significance,   summary    judgment   is   improper."        Beard v.
    576 F. Supp. 2d 93
    , 101 (D.D.C. 2008)          (internal quotations
    omitted) .
    A. Motion to Dismiss
    1. Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies (Allegations
    1 and 5) 3
    "Title VII requires that a person complaining of a violation
    file an administrative charge with the EEOC and allow the agency
    time to act on the charge." 42 U.S.C.          §   2000e-16; e.g.,         Park v.
    Howard Univ.,      
    71 F.3d 904
    ,   907   (D.C. Cir. 1995). This exhaustion
    requirement allows the EEOC to investigate, and gives the employer
    notice of the claim, narrowing the issue for prompt adjudication
    3 Plaintiff has alleged only one Count of retaliation in her
    Complaint, but she has proffered seven factual allegations in
    support of that Count. The Court will address each of these seven
    factual allegations, which correspond to both the seven section
    headings in Plaintiff's Complaint and the seven "Claims" outlined
    in Defendant's Motion.
    and decision. Ndondji v. InterPark Inc., .
    768 F. Supp. 2d 263
    , 276
    (D.D.C. 2011).
    For a    claim of       retaliation,      a    plaintiff           is   permitted to
    combine acts committed over a period of years,                      including acts by
    different supervisors,        into a single actionable claim. Bergbauer
    v. Mabus, 
    934 F. Supp. 2d 55
    , 82 (D.D.C. 2013).                   A lawsuit following
    an EEOC charge must be limited to the claims that were exhausted
    through    administrative       remedies      and       those     that       are     "like   or
    - reasonably related to the allegations of the charge and growing
    out of such allegations." Ndondj i,              768 F.          Supp.    2d at 276;          see
    also Drewery v. Clinton, 
    763 F. Supp. 2d 54
    , 61 (D.D.C. 2011). "At
    minimum, the Title VII claims must arise from the administrative
    investigation     that    can     reasonably       be    expected        to        follow    the
    charge." Park, 71 F.3d at 907 (internal quotations omitted).
    Defendant alleges that Moore's Allegations 1 and 5, which it
    refers     to as   "claims"      1 and 5 were not exhausted through the
    available     administrative         remedies        and     therefore              should     be
    dismissed by this         Court.    Def. 's Mot.         at 13 -15.       The Government
    argue~   that these "claims" were not specifically alleged in Moore's
    March 6, 2012 complaint to the EEOC. Id. at 14. Additionally, the
    Government argues that the EEOC did not accept these two "claims"
    for investigation at any point. Id.
    However,     a    reasonable       investigation of          the     original    four
    claims as listed in Moore's March 6, 2012 charge to the EEOC would
    have given the Government notice of these two "additional claims."
    Allegation     1    in Moore's       Complaint       alleges    retaliatory conduct
    based on Griffis' refusal to provide Moore with a copy of her FY
    2011 interim rating. Griffis' refusal is reasonably related to the
    second Claim that the EEOC accepted for investigation,                               namely,
    that    "Griff is       refused    to     complete     her     FY     2011     performance
    evaluation rating in a             timely manner,       and then assigned Pari ta
    Shah, an 'ineligible rating official' to rate her." Pl.'s Opp. at
    5, 11. In fact,         in its April 30, 2015 Order, the EEOC found that
    the    FY   2011    interim      review    was    missing.      Pl.'s        Ex.    B at    5.
    Therefore,     questions          regarding       Moore's      interim        rating    were
    addressed and investigated by the EEOC.
    In   addition,      the    Government       claims      that    Shah        relied   on
    Gilson' s    interim      comments      for   Moore's    final        FY    2011    ratings.
    Therefore,    an allegation that Griffis did not provide Moore an
    opportunity to review her interim ratings reasonably relates to
    the issues addressed and exhausted by the EEOC.                            Taken together,
    the EEOC's comments on the FY 2011 interim ratings are sufficient
    to exhaust the claim because they put the Government on notice of
    Moore's allegations regarding her interim rating.
    Similarly, Allegation 5, relating to Griffis'                          final FY 2011
    performance evaluation of Moore,                is     reasonably related to the
    original four claims brought before to the EEOC. In its April 30,
    2015 Order,      the EEOC addressed Moore's allegations that she was
    not afforded an opportunity to submit a final list of performance
    accomplishments before receiving her final                        FY 2011 performance
    evaluation. This point directly relates to Moore's original four
    claims       before     the   EEOC      because        an     employee's            list   of
    accomplishments affects his or her final evaluation. Pl.'s Opp. at
    12. Moreover, because the performance evaluation directly impacts
    an employee's performance bonus,               this allegation is reasonably
    related to Moore's award of a $150 performance bonus, which was
    both raised in the EEO charge by Moore and investigated by the
    EEOC. Compl.     ~    58; Def.'s Mot. at 28.
    A plaintiff's burden to state specific claims is not so strict
    that Moore is barred from bringing these two claims because they
    were   not     specifically     enumerated        as    claims          in    her   original
    retaliation     complaint      before    the    EEOC.       All    of        Moore's   claims
    identified in her Complaint relate                   to the       FY 2011 performance
    evaluation      process,      which   the      EEOC     had       the    opportunity       to
    investigate.     Because the acts outlined in all seven Allegations
    can be tied to one of Moore's original four claims before the EEOC,
    this court will address each of the seven Allegations outlined in
    Moore's Complaint and Defendant's Motion.
    2. Failure   to  Establish   Prima                   Facie ·      Case    of
    Retaliation (All Allegations)
    The Government claims that Moore has failed to establish a
    prima facie case of retaliation under Title VII. In order to state
    a claim for retaliation under Title VII, Moore must demonstrate
    that       ( 1)    she engaged in protected behavior;                  ( 2)    the Government
    took        a     materially     adverse       action     against     her;       and     (3)   the
    Government took the action because the employee engaged in the
    protected behavior. See McGrath v.                       Clinton,     
    666 F.3d 1377
    , 1380
    (D.   C.    Cir.     2012) .   Both parties agree            that Moore          engaged in a
    protected           activity     when    she     filed     her    EEOC        Complaints.      The
    Government disputes that Moore satisfied the second two elements
    of a prima facie case of retaliation.
    a. Failure to Allege a Materially                        Adverse     Action.
    (Allegations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7)
    i. Allegations 1, 3 and 4
    Moore asserts that Griffis' refusal to complete her FY 2bll
    performance evaluation rating in a timely manner and assignment of
    Shah to rate her constituted a materially adverse action because
    they affected her promotional potential and materially lowered her
    performance          award.      See    Pl.'s     Opp.     at    20    (citing      Baloch      v.
    550 F. 3d 1191
    ,    1199         (D.C.   Cir.   2008)       and Weber v.
    494 F.3d 179
    , 185-86 (D.C. Cir. 2007).
    The Government argues,            without citing any controlling case
    law, that Moore's allegations in these three claims do not rise to
    the    level    of     materiality,            and     instead       are     merely     "minor
    annoyances."        Taken    in the     light        most     favorable      to Moore,      the
    Government's argument is conclusory at best. The Government has
    not met its burden of showing that Moore's grievances do not rise
    to the level of a materially adverse action with regard to these
    ii.     Allegation 2
    Moore argues that Griffis' refusal to accept her performance
    accomplishments after leaving her off the December 5, 2011 email
    constituted     a    materially adverse               action.    She       argues    that   her
    performance review was based on her earlier, unfinished list of
    accomplishments and that her poor performance review kept her from
    a promotion and a higher bonus. See Pl.'s Opp. at 16.
    The Government argues            that     these actions             do not meet      the
    "materially adverse" bar because "a single critical email is not
    an adverse action." Def.'s Mot. at 17 (citing Kline v. Berry, 
    404 Fed. Appx. 505
    ,      506     (D. C.         Cir.     2010).       The      Government
    mischaracterizes Moore's allegations. Moore alleges far more than
    one critical email; she argues that her supervisor denied her the
    opportunity to advocate for her performance review which in turn
    denied her promotion and bonus opportunities. Moore has therefore
    shown a materially adverse action for Allegation 2.
    iii. Allegation 7
    Finally,    Moore     argues    that   Griffis'   alleged   attempt    to
    undermine her relationship with her new supervisor was a materially
    adverse action that          "could have undermined Plaintiff's working
    relationship with Ms.         Friedman and her opportunity for a          fresh
    start and for a promotion."            Pl.' s Opp.   at 32   (emphasis added).
    Moore also claims that          "after Ms.      Gilson and Griff is left the
    Agency,   Plaintiff's performance rating again climbed to a level
    '4' rating." Pl.'s Opp. at 32. Thus, by Moore's own admission, the
    hypothetical adverse action that could have resulted from Griffis'
    statements failed to materialize. Moore has therefore failed to
    show a materially adverse action for Allegation 7, and it shall be
    b. Fail\1re to Allege that Retaliation Was the But-
    For Cause of Each Alleged Adverse Action (All
    Moore argues that she has sufficiently plead that retaliation
    was the but-for cause of each alleged adverse action, because each
    such   action     occurred    within    close    temporal    proximity   to   her
    protected activity.
    The Government argues that Moore has failed to establish that
    the employer's actions were                   the but-for cause of each alleged
    adverse action because the adverse actions were not sufficiently
    close in time to Moore's filing of the EEOC complaints.
    In support      of    its        argument,     the     Government cites Moore's
    assertion that the alleged retaliatory actions occurred within "1-
    2 years" of her protected activity,                          (Def. 's Mot.   at 19   (citing
    Def.'s Ex.      9    [Dkt.    No.    10-9])),       and argues that a 1-2 year gap
    between       the    protected           activity      and     adverse   actions     is   not
    sufficiently close in time to establish but-for causation.                                See
    Def.' s Mot.        at 19 n.        2.    However,     Moore clarifies that her age
    discrimination complaint was filed on or about February 28, 2011,
    and a final order on the administrative judge's decision was issued
    by Defendant on or about August 13, 2012. Pl.'s Opp. at 33. Moore
    further specifies that her retaliation complaint was filed with
    the EEOC on June 16, 2011 with a final decision issued on or about
    March    6,    2014.    
        Thus,        all   of    the    alleged   adverse     actions
    occurred during the            time period between Moore's                   filing· of her
    complaints and the administrative judges' final decisions. Viewed
    in the    light most favorable                to Moore,        she has established the
    element of but-for causation.
    In conclusion, Defendant's Motion to Dismiss will be denied
    on all counts except for Allegation 7, which will be dismissed.
    B. Motion for Summary Judgment
    1 . Legal Framework
    Under the McDonnell Douglas framework,             
    411 U.S. 792
    in order to       establish a     prima facie      case of       retaliation,     the
    plaintiff must demonstrate that he or she engaged in a protected
    activity and       the    employer's    retaliation,      which was      materially
    adverse, was based on that activity. See e.g., Johnson v. Perez,
    823 F.3d 701
    , 706 (D.C. Cir. 2016).
    A plaintiff need only establish facts adequate to permit an
    inference of retaliatory motive by a preponderance of the evidence.
    Forman v. Small,         
    271 F.3d 285
    , 299 (D.C. Cir. 2001)            (noting that
    the    initial     burden    is   not   great)~    Once        the   plaintiff    has
    established a prima facie case of retaliation, the defendant can
    rebut the plaintiff's case by producing evidence that the employer
    took    the   adverse      employment    actions   for     a     legitimate,     non-
    discriminatory reason. 
     at 102 (citing Aka v. Washington Hosp.
    156 F.3d 1284
    , 1289 (D.C. Cir. 1998).
    However,    if    the· defendant has    offered a         legitimate,     non-
    discriminatory reason for          its actions,     the    court need not and
    should not decide whether the plaintiff actually made out a prima
    facie case. Brady v. Office of the Sergeant at Arms, 
    520 F.3d 490
    494 (D.C. Cir. 2008). Thus, the "district court must resolve one
    central question:         Has the employee produced sufficient evidence
    for a reasonable jury to find that the employer's asserted non-
    discriminatory reason was not the actual reason." 
    Our    Court    of    Appeals    has    declined       to    serve   as   a       "super
    personnel    department        that    reexamines           an    entity's     business
    decisions." Holcomb v. Powell, 
    433 F.3d 889
    , 897 (D.C. Cir. 2006).
    Once a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason is established, the
    Plaintiff must present sufficient evidence for a reasonable jury
    to find that the employer intentionally retaliated against the
    employee    to demonstrate pretext.               Dave,    60.6   F.   Supp.   2d at       50
    (internal quotations omitted).              "The plaintiff cannot rely on her
    view that    the employer's actions were                   imprudent or unfair;            an
    employer may make an employment decision for a good reason, a bad
    reason, or no reason at all so long as the decision is not made in
    reprisal    for     the    plaintiff's       protected        activity."       Mason       v.
    811 F. Supp. 2d 128
    , 187 (D.D.C. 2011).
    Defendant       argues     that        she      has     articulated           a     non-
    discriminatory reason for each of its actions.                         This Court will
    therefore only examine whether Plaintiff has provided sufficient
    evidence    to    establish    that    Defendant's          proffered      reasons        are
    merely pretext.
    2. Allegations 1 and 2
    The Government asserts that denying Moore a hard copy of her
    interim rating (Allegation 1) and Griffis' omission of Moore from
    the December 5,    2011 email and subsequent refusal to accept her
    FY2011     performance    requirements    (Allegation     2)    were    "'minor
    procedural irregularit[ies]'       in personnel practices         [that]   do[]
    not give rise to an inference of discrimination." Brown v. Broad
    Bd.   Of Governors,   
    662 F. Supp. 2d 41
    ,   50   (D.D.C.    2009)   (citing
    Kelly v. Hairston,       
    605 F. Supp. 2d 175
    , 179 n.      3     (D.D.C. 2009);
    see also Diggs v. Potter, 
    700 F. Supp. 2d 20
    , 44 (holding that an
    administrative error establishes a legitimate non-discriminatory
    reason for an employer's action).
    With regard to Allegation 1,         Moore     counters    that because
    Griff is was in possession of the emails which formed the basis for
    Plaintiff's final interim performance appraisal,               his failure to
    provide Plaintiff with a copy was deliberate and discriminatory.
    Pl.'s Opp.    at 34-35    (citing Defendant's Ex.       11,    Emails between
    Griffis and Gilson [Dkt. No. 10-11]).
    The Government notes that Gilson claimed that she misplaced
    the written interim performance review. Defendant's Ex. 10, p. 21.
    However,    the written interim review was based on the August 25,
    2011 email exchanges between Gilson and Griff is that contained the
    actual comments and rating.      Id.; Defendant's Ex. 11. Griffis had
    the August 25 emails in his possession at all times after Plaintiff
    requested       a    copy   of     the     interim       rating   and        has   provided   no
    legitimate reason why he refused to provide it to her.
    With    regard      to    Allegation        2,   Moore    argues       that   Griffis'
    failure to include her on the December 5,                         2011 email could not
    have been an oversight or minor procedural irregularity because
    "Mr. Griffis either had to remove Plaintiff's name from the e-mail
    list or create his own list of names." Pl.'s Opp. at 15; see also
    Defendant's Ex. 9 at 14 [Dkt. No. 10-9]. Defendant has not provided
    any legitimate,         non-discriminatory reason why it did not permit
    Moore to submit her accomplishments after both parties realized
    she had been left off the December 5, 2011 email. Because the list
    of     accomplishments           was    used   to     determine    Moore's         performance
    ratings,       Griff is'    refusal to correct his "oversight" amounts to
    more than a minor procedural irregularity.
    Summary Judgment shall therefore be denied for Allegations 1
    and 2.
    3. Allegations 3 and 4
    The    Government        argues     that     Allegations        3,     "Parita Shah's
    ineligibility to rate Plaintiff's FY2011 performance," Def.'s Mot.
    at 7, and Allegation 4,                 "Mr. Griffis' delay in timely completing
    Plaintiff's FY2011 performance evaluation,                        
           "concern nothing
    more    than Defendant's               business     decisions."    Def. 's Mot.         at    22.
    Moreover, the Government has presented evidence to show that Moore
    was not uniquely situated as to either of these complaints.
    As   to    Allegation       3,    the    Government        explained        that    OPA
    experienced a        high number of            staff    turnovers    in FY 2011.           The
    departing        staff   members        included       Gilson,    Moore's     first-level
    supervisor. As a consequence of these departures, Griffis, in his
    capacity as the Director of OPA,                   made the business decision to
    appoint Shah to Gilson's former position. Def.'s Mot. at 22. Moore
    was not the only one among Gilson's supervisees to be transferred
    to and rated by Shah for FY 2011. Def.'s Mot. at 22 (citing Def.'s
    Ex. 5 at 2 [Dkt. No. 10-2]). In fact, all of Gilson's supervisees
    were    transferred      to   Shah,      who    gave     them    their   FY   2011        final
    performance evaluations. See Def.'s Ex. 5 at 2.
    Similarly, as to Allegation 4, the Government stated that the
    significant number of staff turnovers contributed to the delay in
    Griffis' ability to complete the FY final evaluations. See Def.'s
    Mot. at 22       (Citing Def.'s Ex.         7 at 1       [Dkt. No.   10-7]     and Def.'s
    Ex. 5 at 2). The Government decided to allow "new employees to get
    acclimated to OPA" before rating them. It was that decision that
    caused the delay in issuing performance evaluations for FY 2011.
    Id. 22-23
    .    Significantly,         Moore was not           the only employee who
    received    her     FY   2011   final      evaluation        late.   
    Id. at 26
    .     The
    Government also submitted evidence that another employee received
    a rating after Moore did. Compare Compl.              ~   47 (alleging that Moore
    received her rating in February 2012), with Def.'s Ex. 2 at 7 [Dkt.
    No. 10-2]      (showing that Employee C received her FY2011 rating on
    March 9, 2012).
    Moore argues that "there is no. indication as to when it was
    a~tually     presented to the employee." Pl.'s Opp.              at 35. However,
    Moore points to no concrete evidence beyond her speculation that
    would suggest that the other employee's rating did not occur on
    the date cited by the Government. Although the Court must consider
    all allegations in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, the non-
    moving      party,   mere   speculation      is    insufficient       to    establish
    pretext. See Alexis v. District of Columbia, 
    44 F. Supp. 2d 331
    337   (D.D.C.   1999)   (holding that a non-moving party must present
    "specific facts showing that there is a genuine issue for trial,"
    and "may not rely on mere allegations or denials to prevail" in
    order for the Court to deny a motion for summary judgment) .
    Plaintiff has therefore failed to carry her burden in showing
    pretext with sufficient evidence for a reasonable jury to find
    retaliatory motive regarding Allegations 3 and 4.
    4. Allegations 5 and 6
    The    Government     asserts   that    Griffis'       FY2011        Performance
    Evaluation of Moore (Allegation 5) and Griffis' recommendation of
    a $150 performance bonus for Moore                (Allegation 6)   were based on
    the   employer's                dissatisfaction        with     Moore's          work    performance.
    There     is    no        question         that    dissatisfaction with                 an   employee's
    performance may establish a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason
    for an employee's performance rating and low bonus. See Johnson v.
    492 F. App'x 118
         (D.C.   Cir.     2012)        (holding       that    an
    employer's dissatisfaction with employee's work was a legitimate
    non-discriminatory reason for a poor performance rating and a low
    Moreover,                the Government articulated a number of legitimate
    reasons        for        Moore's      low performance            rating.        For     example,      the
    Government stated in Moore's performance rating that,                                        "[w]e would
    like to see [Plaintiff] improve her relationship with MBDA," Def.' s
    Ex.   8 at      3,        noting that            " [clients    at   MBDA]        say she has        been
    collegial but say they would like her to improve press release
    turnaround time which can take up to four days.                             11
     The Government
    also noted that the MBDA was not "satisfied with                                       [Plaintiff]      as
    its   liaison.       11
       The   Government         listed additional              complaints
    about Moore's work performance as explanation for her performance
    ·rating. See Def.'s Mot. at 24.
    Defendant also asserts that Moore's bonus of $150 was lower
    than it might otherwise have been to reflect the Government's
    above-mentioned concerns as well as the fact that, "the Office of
    Public Affairs' budget was reduced and consequently the Office of
    Public Affairs had significantly less money for bonuses." Def.'s
    Ex. 5 at 2.
    Moore    asserts       that    the    Government's      reasons   are       merely
    pretext,      relying on her assertions in Allegations 1,                      2,   and 3;
    namely, that Shah was not qualified to review her performance and
    that she was not given sufficient opportunity to review and respond
    to the interim rating because she did not receive a hard copy.
    Pl.'s Opp. at 36-37. Moore argues that with regard to her work on
    press releases for MBDA, "any delay was not caused by [Plaintiff]
    but resulted from the review process itself after a press release
    from MNDA was forwarded by [Plaintiff]." Def.'s Ex. 9 at 7. Moore
    further asserts that "Defendant's stated reasons do not explain
    why    the    bonus      was   six    times    less   than    other    Public       Affairs
    Specialists who were only one grade level above her and received
    at least $1000." 
    Id. at 37
    The Court has already found that the fact of Shah's review of
    Moore    was     not     discriminatory.         Moore's     disagreement       with    the
    employer's assessment of her work is not, without more, sufficient
    to establish pretext.             See Robertson v.         Dodaro,    
    767 F. Supp. 2d 185
    ,    192    (D.D.C.    2011)      ("an employee's subjective assessment of
    her own performance            is     insufficient    to establish such pretext
    5. Allegations 7
    Even if Moore had established a materially adverse action for
    Claim 7, she has failed to present evidence' that the Government's
    legitimate non-discriminatory reason for this action was pretext.
    The Government argues that Moore's allegation that Griffis.
    attempted to undermine her after he left his position (Allegation
    7)   lacks   merit     because        Griffis'     statements     about   Moore     were
    factual.     For    examp],e,    Moore    alleges     that    Griffis     stated    that
    Plaintiff never signed performance appraisals, and that Plaintiff
    always had something to complain about. Compl.                    ~ 65.
    However, Moore concedes that she had not signed a performance
    appraisal    since     2009.    Compl.     Ex.    B at     5-6.   Furthermore,     Moore
    simply responds that her complaints were justified and permitted.
    Pl.'s Opp. at 37-38. Moore points to no other evidence in support
    of   her     assertion         that     the      Government's      legitimate       non-
    discriminatory reason was pretext.                 Thus,    this Court will grant
    summary judgment for Defendant on Allegation 7.
    In conclusion, Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment will
    be granted on all accounts except for Allegations 1 and 2, which
    will survive the Motion.
    For the foregoing reasons, Defendant's Motion to Dismiss is
    granted in part and denied in part. Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
    is granted as to the allegation that it has labeled "Claim 7," but
    denied as to all other allegations.
    Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment is granted in part
    and denied in part.   Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment is
    granted as to the allegations that it has labeled "Claims" 3-7,
    but denied as to the allegations that it has labeled "Claims" 1-
    An Order shall accompany this Memorandum Opinion.
    September 1, 2016
    Gladys Kessler
    United States District Judge
    Copies to: attorneys on record via ECF