Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1988 )

  •                      TEE   ATTORNEY    GENERAL
    October 4, 1988
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook                 Opinion No. JM-962
    Executive Director
    Texas Commission for the Blind       Re:   Whether the Texas Com-
    P. 0. Box 12866                      mission  for the Blind is
    Austin, Texas   78711                required to provide services
    to blind children who are
    illegal aliens   (RQ-1318)
    Dear   Mr. Westbrook:
    On behalf of the Texas Commission   for the Blind, YOU
    request our opinion on issues concerning the eligibility  of
    undocumented aliens to receive services from the commission.
    you 'ask three questions:
    (1) Should the Commission provide ser-
    vices to blind children residing  in Texas
    regardless  of their status as legal    or
    illegal aliens?
    (2) Should the Commission provide voca-
    tional rehabilitation services to adults who
    are illegal aliens?
    (3)If the answer to either question        (1)
    or   (2)
    is Ino' is there any reason why the
    Commission   cannot   request   documentation
    before providing    services   to        suspected
    illegal aliens?
    For reasons to be discussed below, we-conclude that the
    Texas Commission   for the Blind must provide    services to
    blind children   eligible to receive such services without
    regard to their status as legal or illegal aliens. We also
    conclude that the commission may not deny vocational rehabi-
    litation services to adults who are illegal or undocumented
    p. 4884
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 2    (JM-962)
    A.   Services to visually handicapped children.
    The Texas Commission   for the Blind operates   pursuant
    to chapter 91 of the Human Resources Code.       The primary
    responsibility of the commission   is to provide services  to
    visually handicapped persons other than welfare services   or
    services provided to children under programs established   by
    educational institutions or other agencies.   Hum. Res. Code
    5 91.021(a).   The commission may provide services to visual-
    ly handicapped children to supplement the services of other
    state agencies. ra, 0 91.028. The commission is authorized
    to cooperate   with other state agencies    and the federal
    government   to achieve these purposes     and to implement
    federal legislation providing for assistance to the visually
    handicapped.   &   S§ 91.021(b), (d); 91.028.
    The commission provides a number of services to visu-
    ally handicapped   children  including blindness   prevention
    services,  parental   counseling,  psychological  counseling,
    educational support, diagnostic    and evaluation   services,
    physical training,   and orientation  and mobili~ty training.
    The commission also provides funds for medical     operations
    and adaptive   equipment.   These services   are provided   to
    children, we are told, without federal funds.
    You inform us that the commission believes     that   it
    should provide services to blind children who are undocu-
    mented aliens by virtue of the United States Supreme    Court
    decision in Plvler v. Doe 
    457 U.S. 202
    (1982). In Plvler,
    the Court held that a pro&sion  of the Texas Education   Code
    withholding funds from school districts for the education of
    children not "legally admitted"   to the United States and
    authorizing school districts   to deny enrollment   to such
    children violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Four-
    teenth Amendment to the United States Constitution   because
    it did not further a "substantial goal" of the state.     The
    Commission for the Blind has determined that there is no
    substantial goal of the state that will justify the denial
    of services to blind undocumented   alien children.    There-
    fore, it concludes that such children may receive services
    from the commission.
    We agree that the commission should provide its ser-
    vices to visually handicapped   children without  regard to
    their immigration status.   However, we need not resort to
    constitutional principles to resolve this issue, for this
    question is essentially a matter of statutory  construction.
    See Attorney General Opinion H-586 (1975).
    p. 4885
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 3      (JM-962)
    B. Children's eligibility for services.
    The Supreme Court in Plvler confronted a legislative
    classification that discriminated against undocumented alien
    children.   It was therefore    necessary for the Court to
    resort to constitutional   principles in order to determine
    whether the legislature could enact such a classification.
    Here, however, we are not confronted with a discriminatory
    legislative classification.   The legislature has not enacted
    any criteria   concerning a child's eligibility   to receive
    services from the commission other than the requirement that
    the child have a visual handicap.    The commission,   presum-
    ably pursuant to its authority to promulgate rules governing
    the administration    of   its programs,    Hum. Res.     Code
    § 91.011(g), has imposed a residency requirement on recipi-
    ents of services under the visually handicapped     children's
    program.  40 T.A.C.   S 169.4. Assuming   the commission   has
    authority to adopt such a standard, the residency     require-
    ment would not prohibit the commission        from providing
    services to children who are undocumented aliens.
    In Attorney General Opinion WW-1274 (1962), this office
    concluded that the State (now "Texas") Commission for the
    .-   Blind could provide vocational rehabilitation services to a
    child who was an alien and whose parents "have never taken
    out naturalization papers."    The relevant statute required
    the applicant for services to be a resident of the state at
    the time of filing the application.   Although residence is a
    flexible concept that depends largely upon the circumstances
    in which it is used, see Attorney General Opinion JM-611
    (1986), the attorney general concluded that an applicant
    needed only to establish bodily presence in the state at the
    time of application.   Thus, Texas law would permit an alien
    to establish residency for the purpose of receiving services
    from the commission.    See also St. Josevh's Hosvital    and
    Medical Ce t r     Maricova County 
    688 P.2d 986
    (Ariz. 1984)
    (undocumented aT;en may be a resident of county for purpose
    of receiving medical assistance under state indigent health
    care statute).   It is therefore of little.consequence   that
    the commission   has adopted a residency   qualification  for
    children's services.    Accordingly, your first question   is
    answered in the affirmative.
    A. Vocational   rehabilitation   services.
    Your second question concerns the availability     of
    vocational rehabilitation  services to adult .undocumented
    aliens. The commission    provides such services to blind
    p. 4886
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 4      (JM-962)
    disabled individuals directly or through public or private
    agencies. A blind disabled individual     is "a person who    is
    blind or who has a visual condition        for which medical
    prognosis indicates   a progressive deterioration     that may
    result in a substantial    vocational handicap."     Hum. Res.
    Code 5 91.051(5).   The commission   is directed to cooperate
    with the federal government to accomplish     the purposes   of
    federal laws relating to vocational     rehabilitation and is
    ordered to comply with conditions required by the federal
    government to secure the full benefits of the federal laws.
    &   5 91.053(a), (b). Section 9~1.055 of the Human Resources
    Code states that the commission     'shall provide   vocational
    rehabilitation   services to a blind disabled        individual
    eligible for those services under federal law." To ascer-
    tain the eligibility of a blind disabled person to receive
    vocational rehabilitation services    from the commission,   we
    must consult the relevant federal law, the Rehabilitation
    Act of 1973. 29 U.S.C. 55 701 et sea.
    B.   The.Rehabilitation    Act of 1973.
    The Rehabilitation Act was enacted with the purpose    of
    developing and implementing   %omprehensive   and coordinated
    programs  of vocational     rehabilitation   and   independent
    living" for persons with handicaps.     29 U.S.C. 5 701.   The
    goal of these programs is to "maximize [the] employability,
    independence, and integration [of persons with handicaps]
    into the workplace and the community."    &
    In order to be eligible to ~participate in vocational
    rehabilitation  programs  created under the federal act,
    states must submit to the federal government a state plan
    for vocational rehabilitation services that fulfills certain
    conditions specified in the act. Among those conditions    is
    that the state plan shall "provide that no residence     re-
    quirement will be imposed which excludes from services under
    the plan any individual who is present in the state."    &
    $'721(a)(14);  se also 34 C.F.R. 5 361.31(a)(2) (1987). The
    dominant criteriaefor determining a person's eligibility are
    (1) [t]he presence   of a physical
    mental disability  which for the individuzr
    constitutes  or results   in a   substantial
    handicap to employment: and
    (2)  [al      reasonable    expectation that
    vocational       rehabilitation    services  may
    benefit the      individual in terms of employ-
    P. 4887
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 5    (JM-962)
    34 C.F.R.   f 361.31(b)   (1987).   These standards   strongly
    suggest that it is improper for a state to impose more
    restrictive conditions on eligibility so as to deny services
    to any individual with a qualifying disability.    Our review
    of the relevant    federal regulations   governing  vocational
    rehabilitation programs    revealed no regulation    expressly
    addressing the issue you raise. At a time when Texas        law
    imposed a residency     requirement  upon the recipients     of
    commission   services,   including vocational   rehabilitation
    services, this office concluded that the commission      could
    provide such services to aliens "who have never taken out
    naturalization papers."     Attorney General Opinion WW-1274
    (1962). With the residency qualification now removed, there
    is even less reason to conclude that undocumented aliens are
    ineligible   to participate    in vocational    rehabilitation
    The commission; however, does not couch its objection
    to providing services to adult undocumented aliens in terms
    of residency.   Rather, the commission contends that since it
    is illegal for undocumented aliens to secure jobs in the
    United States, the state should not encourage their employ-
    ment by providing   them vocational rehabilitation   services.
    The commission does not refer specifically     to any. federal
    law or regulation that supports    its decision to deny voca-
    tional rehabilitation services to undocumented aliens.     Nor
    do you detail the commission%   reasoning for this decision.
    The commission's argument, however, seems grounded in the
    notion that federal immigration policy, especially      asp it
    concerns the employment   of undocumented aliens,   forecloses
    an undocumented   alien's eligibility   to receive vocational
    rehabilitation services. We will now consider this aspect
    of the commission's argument.
    C.   Federal immigration policy concerning the employment of
    undocumented aliens.
    Your letter requesting this opinion contains no refer-
    ence to the federal laws that led to the commission's   deci-
    sion to deny vocationai  rehabilitation services to undocu-
    mented aliens. The commission apparently has in mind the
    changes wrought in federal law by the Immigration Reform and
    Control Act of 1986 (the IRCA), Pub. L. No. 99-603,       100
    Stat. 3359 (1986).   The IRCA makes the most comprehensive
    change in the federal immigration laws since the McCarren-
    Walter Act of 1952.   N. Montwieler, The Immigration   Reform
    Law of 1986, at 3 (1987).     Its primary   features  include
    employer sanctions for the hiring of undocumented aliens,   a
    legalization program for certain undocumented aliens   living
    in this country since before January 1, 1982 (amnesty), and
    p. 4888
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook   - Page 6   (JM-962)
    a  separate  legalization  program  for temporary    foreign
    agricultural workers. J& at v. The express purpose of the
    amendments is to control illegal immigration into the United
    States. See H.R. Rep. No. 99-682, 99th Cong., 2d Sess., pt.
    1, at 45, revrinted  in 1986 U.S. Code Cong . & Admin. News
    5649. The feature most relevant to the commission's    argu-
    ment is the plan to implement employer sanctions.
    The availability of employment has long been recognized
    as the magnet that attracts undocumented aliens to this
    country. &9 Plvler v. Doe, suvra, at 228; Note, Develov-
    ments in the Law: Immiaration     Policy and the Riahts    of
    Aliens, 96 HaN. L. Rev. 1286, 1438-40 (1983). The failure
    or the inability   of the federal government to enforce   its
    immigration laws, coupled with the lack of an effective
    disincentive to the employment   of undocumented aliens, may
    have led to the perception that such employment      received
    implicit congressional    imprimatur.   &S   Plvler V.   Doe,
    suvra.   Indeed, under the so-called "Texas proviso," it was
    illegal for an undocumented    alien to work in the United
    States, but it was not illegal for an employer to hire the
    same undocumented worker.   N. Montwieler, suvra, at 4.   The
    enactment of employer sanctions   confirms that Congress  in-
    tends to erase this perception.
    As a result of the IRCA, it is now unlawful for any
    person to knowingly "hire, . . . recruit or refer for a fee"
    any undocumented alien for employment anywhere in the United
    States.   8 U.S.C.   § 1324a(s)(l).  Penalties for violations
    include civil fines ranging from $250 to $10,000,          and
    criminal penalties of up to six months imprisonment and/or a
    $3,000 fine for pattern or practice violations.           
    Id. 5 1324a(e)(4),
    (f).     Employers must verify the status of
    every person they intend to hire after the effective date of
    the act by examining       certain specified   documents that
    establish the person's employment authorization and identi-
    ty- &      5 1324a(h)(l).    The IRCA eliminates   the "Texas
    proviso 'Iby removing the statutory language providing   that
    employment shall not constitute harboring an undocumented
    alien. L     5 1324.
    D.   Plvler and an "articulable federal policy."
    In Plvler  the state's principle argument was that a
    person's status as an undocumented alien was sufficient   in
    itself to authorize the state to withhold from these persons
    benefits it might offer other residents of the 
    state. 457 U.S. at 224
    . This argument is akin to the so-called "outlaw
    theory" under which undocumented aliens, solely because they     -.
    have broken the immigration laws, are deemed to forfeit any
    p. 4889
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 7     (JM-962)
    benefits that might accrue from their unauthorized  presence
    in this country. See E. Hull, Without Justice for All, at
    86-88 (1985). The Court acknowledged the special deference
    the courts must accord congressional  policy in the area of
    immigration, but cautioned  that the same was not true for
    state policies affecting immigration:
    The States enjoy no power with respect to the
    classification   of aliens.     This power   is
    'committed to the political branches of the
    Federal Government.*   Although it is \a rou-
    tine and normally    legitimate part* of the
    business of the Federal Government to classi-
    fy on the basis of alien status, and to 'take
    into account the character of the relation-
    ship between   the alien and this country,'
    only rarely are such matters.      relevant to
    legislation by a State.    (Citations 
    omitted.) 457 U.S. at 225
    . The Court recalled that in De Canas v.
    424 U.S. 351
    (1976), it held that the states do
    possess authority to act with respect to illegal aliens, "at
    least where such action mirrors federal objectives and fur-
    thers a legitimate state goal." 
    457 U.S. 202
    , at 225.     In
    De Canas the Court upheld a California statute prohibiting
    an employer from knowingly employing   an alien who is not
    entitled to lawful residence in this country if the hiring
    adversely affects lawful resident workers.   The California
    law reflected Congress' intention to prohibit the employment
    of ail aliens except those with a grant of permission     to
    work in this country. The statute was thus not preempted by
    the Immigration and Nationality Act.
    The Court also conceded that, despite     the   exclusive
    federal power to control unlawful migration,
    [i]n other contexts, undocumented      status,
    coupled with some articulable federal policy,
    might enhance state authority with.respect to
    the treatment of undocumented   aliens . . . .
    The State may borrow the federal classifica-
    tion. But to justify its use as a criterion
    for its own discriminatory policy, the State
    must demonstrate that the classification    is
    reasonably adapted to 'the vurvoses for which
    th state d    'r  t        it.'  (Emphasis in
    orzginal, cT%b      zrnitszd.)
    457 U.S. .at 226.
    p. 4890
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Pa'ge 8     (JM-962)
    The IRCA provisions described in the preceding    section
    mark a significant change   in federal policy concerning   the
    employment of undocumented    aliens in this country.      The
    legislature might enact statutes that mirror     congressional
    policy or it,might borrow federal classifications to promote
    a legitimate state goal, but the legislature has not chosen
    to adopt such a policy for the administration of the state's
    vocational rehabilitation program. The legislature may not
    delegate to the commission    the duty to determine     public
    policy. See Clark v. Briscoe Irriaation Co., 
    200 S.W.2d 674
    684 (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1947, writ dism'd): The com-
    mission may not impose additional    burdens, conditions,    or
    restrictions in excess of or inconsistent     with statutory
    provisions.   &89 Bexar Countv Bail Bond Board v. Deckard,
    604 S.W.2d 214
    (Tex. Civ. App. - San Antonio 1980, no writ).
    Thus, the commission   may not adopt the federal policy     for
    the purposes of administering its vocational   rehabilitation
    program.   We must now consider whether the IRCA provisions
    will preempt the commission8s efforts to provide vocational
    rehabilitation services to undocumented aliens.
    E.    Undocumented   aliens# eligibility to receive public
    Congress, if it so chooses, can limit an alien's access
    to vocational rehabilitation   services.  For example,   under
    the Comprehensive   Employment  and Training Act, prior to
    amendment in 1981, undocumented aliens were excluded      from
    the class of persons eligible to receive job training.      See
    20 C.F.R. 5 675.5-l(b) (1980)(current version at 20 C.F.R.
    5 675.5-l(b)(1988)).   Under several other programs,   federal
    law or regulations    specify which classes of    aliens are
    eligible for participation.    The specification of certain
    classes of eligible aliens serves to exclude all other
    classes, particularly undocumented aliens. See Wheeler      and
    Leventhal, Aliens' Riaht T     Public Benefits, 20 Clearing-
    house Rev. 913   (1986) a:d zuthorities  cited therein.     The
    absence of eligibility restrictions based on alienage means
    that even undocumented aliens may qualify for some forms of
    public assistance.1     Id.; 59~ Attorney    General Opinion
    WW-1274   (1962).
    1. As the result of alienage restrictions,      undocu-
    mented aliens are ineligible to receive assistance under the
    Aid to Families with Dependent Children program, the Food
    Stamp Program,  federally-funded public housing, and legal
    (Footnote Continued)
    p. 4891
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 9    (JM-962)
    The passage of the IRCA did not rescind every benefit
    of our laws that might accrue to an undocumented alien in an
    employment context.     For example,  it did not repeal the
    protection that undocumented    aliens receive  from the Fair
    Labor Standards    Act or the National   Labor Relations  Act.
    pate1 v. Oualitv Inn South, 
    846 F.2d 700
    (11th Cir. 1988).
    The protection   of the Occupational Safety and Health Act
    extends to undocumented aliens in the workplace.    &+R Hing,
    Handlina   Immiaration   Cases 5 14.7 (1985).     Undocumented
    aliens may even be eligible to receive unemployment disabil-
    ity benefits.   L2      Our research has revealed nothing    in
    the IRCA or its legislative history to suggest that Congress
    intended to prohibit the delivery of vocational    rehabilita-
    tion services to undocumented aliens. The IRCA does dis-
    qualify amnesty recipients for a period of five years      from
    participating in many welfare      programs  such as Aid to
    Families with Dependent     Children (AFDC), the Food Stamp
    Program, and Medicaid.     8 U.S.C. 5 1255a(h).   Furthermore,
    the IRCA requires states to verify, through the Immigration
    and Naturalization Service, 'the legal status of all aliens
    who apply for AFDC, Medicaid,      unemployment  compensation,
    food stamps, housing assistance,       and higher    education
    programs.   Pub. L. 99-603, Pt. C, 5 121, 100 Stat. 3384-94
    The inclusion of unemployment compensation   applicants
    in the verification  program is certainly  indicative of an
    intention to eliminate the incentive to enter this country
    unlawfully for the purpose   of obtaining  employment.   But
    just as the courts doubt that undocumented aliens enter this
    country for the express purpose of obtaining public benefits
    (Footnote Continued)
    aid services. Wheeler    and L-eventhal, suvra.   Undocumented
    aliens are theoretically eligible to receive Supplemental
    Security Income, Social Security (old age, survivors,       and
    disability   insurance),   and    unemployment   compensation:
    however, other eligibility     criteria may effectively     bar
    undocumented   aliens from receiving     such benefits.     
    Id. Because there
    are no alienage restrictions,       undocumented
    aliens may   be entitled to receive assistance      under the
    Hill-Burton program,   and workers'    compensation  and dis-
    ability insurance plans. 
    Id. As we
    have already seen, the
    Vocational Rehabilitation   Act contains no alienage-based
    restrictions on eligibility.
    2. Comvare note 1, suvra, regarding general     unemploy-
    ment benefits.
    p. 4892
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 10     (JM-962)
    or the protection   of labor laws, 
    B.@SPlvlert 457 U.S. at 228
    &$g&, 846 F.2d at 704
    ,   we  doubt  that  undocumented
    aliens enter this state to avail themselves of the commis-
    sion*s vocational   rehabilitation program.     The commission
    readily concedes that it has rarely had occasion to consider
    the immigration status of any applicant      for its services.
    If the IRCA reforms prove effective, it is likely that the
    commission will seldom be confronted with this issue in the
    future. Thus, we think it is significant that states are
    not required to verify the legal status of alien applicants
    for vocational    rehabilitation   services.    This omission,
    coupled with the absence   of any alienage-based    eligibility
    requirement in either the Vocational Rehabilitation Act or
    the Human Resources Code, effectively eliminates the commis-
    sion's authority   to prescribe   such a qualification.     see
    Bexar Countv Bail Bond Board v. Deckard, m.
    We recognize the obvious paradox of providing vocation-
    al rehabilitation services to persons who cannot be lawfully
    employed in this country.      The commission has attempted    to
    conform to federal immigration      policy by withholding     its
    services    from   undocumented     aliens,     see   40   T.A.C.
    5 163.5(g)(5) (providing that illegal aliens are ineligible
    for vocational   rehabilitation    services), but federal law
    does not place the onus of ,compliance with immigration
    policy on the commission.     Rather, it is the duty of employ-
    ers to verify the legal status of persons employed after the
    date specified   in the IRCA. Furthermore,        since the IRCA
    only punishes    persons    knowingly   hiring,   recruiting,  or
    referring undocumented aliens to employment for a fee, the
    commission need not be concerned about violating federal law
    by providing vocational rehabilitation services to suspected
    undocumented aliens.     &g    8 U.S.C.   5 1324a(s)(l).    Also,
    since Congress   has specified those programs       in which the
    states are given the duty of verifying alien applicants'
    status, the omission   of vocational rehabilitation      programs
    suggests that Congress was not so alarmed by the prospect of
    providing such services to undocumented aliens as to include
    such programs in the verification system.. Accordingly,        we
    conclude that the Commission      for the Blind may not deny
    vocational rehabilitation services to adults who are undocu-
    mented aliens.   In light of this answer, we need not address
    your third question.
    p. 4893
    Mr. Pat D. Westbrook - Page 11     (JM-962).
    The Texas Commission for the Blind must
    provide   services to visually   handicapped
    children eligible to receive such services
    without regard to their immigration  status.
    The commission    may  not deny   vocational
    rehabilitation services to adults who are
    undocumented aliens.
    Very truly y
    JIM     MATTOX
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney General
    Lou KK!REARY
    Executive Assistant Attorney General
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Committee
    Prepared by Steve Aragon
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 4894