Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  •                               The Attornq         General of Texas
    JIM MATTOX                                     December 20, 1985
    Attorney General
    Supreme Court Building        Honorable Wilhelmina Delco         Opinion No. ~~-401
    P. 0. Box 12546               Chairman
    Austin. TX. 76711.2546        Righer Education Committee         Re: Validity and Interpretation of a
    Texas House of Representatives     rider to the General Appropriations
    Telex 9101674-1367
    Telecopisr  512/475.O266
    P. 0. Box 2910                     Act relating to a sick leave provi-
    Austin, Texas   711769             sion which excludes faculty members
    at institutions of higher education
    714 Jackson. Suite 7W                                            who have appointments of less than
    Dallas, TX. 75202.4506
    12 months
    Dear RepresentattireDelco:
    4624 Alberta A”%. Suite 160
    El Paso. TX. 79905-2793            You have requested the opinion of this office concerning a rider
    91515333464                   to the General Appropriations Act that was passed by the Sixty-ninth
    Legislature. The rider in question states that
    1001 Texas. Suite 7W
    Houston, TX. 77002.3111                [olther than faculty with appointments of less
    7131223-5886                           than tw,c:Lve (12) months at institutions of higher
    education, employees of the state shall, without
    deduction in salary, be entitled to sick leave
    806 Broadway. Suite 312
    Lubbock, TX. 79401-3479                subject to the following conditions. . . .
    Acts 1985, 69th !,eg., ch. 980, art. V, §8c, at 7765. Prior to the
    Sixty-ninth Legislature, appropriation acts did not exclude faculty
    4306 N. Tenth, Suite S
    McAllen, TX. 76501-1665
    with appointments of less than 12 months at institutions of higher
    5121682.4547                  education from the usual sick leave provisions for state employees in
    similar riders.
    200 Main Plaza, Suite 400
    Without asking specific questions, you inquire generally about
    San Antonio. TX. 76205-2797
    the validity of the language in that. rider that excludes faculty
    members with appc,intmentsof less than 12 months. We conclude that
    the rider does not conflict with general statutory law and that the
    An Equal Opportunity/         equal protection clauses of the Texas and United States Constitutions
    Affirmative Action Employer   do not require thle legislature to provide identical sick leave for
    faculty members and for other state employees. It is our opinion that
    legislation which permits faculty members to have no absences due to
    illness without 1~ deduction in salary would raise issues involving
    equal protection, 'butwe believe the rider in question does not have
    that effect.
    An appropriation act may detail, limit or restrict the use of
    funds appropriated by the act. It is well settled, however, that a
    rider attached to the General Appropriations Act may not conflict with
    p. 1835
    Eonorable Wilhelmina Delco -'2    (JM-401)
    general law. See Jessen Amociates,  Inc. v. Bullock, 
    531 S.W.2d 593
    600 (Tex. 1975);Moore v. ~leppard, 
    192 S.W.2d 559
    (Tex. 1946); State
    v. Steele, 
    57 Tex. 203
    (11882); Attorney General Opinions JM-343
    (1985): M-1199 (1972). Gd!neral statutory law does not specify sick
    leave for any state emplayees. Aence , ;he provisions in the- rider
    relating to sick leave are, not in conflict with provisions of the
    general law.
    General statutory law does specify that all state employees who
    are employed in the offic'as of state. departments or institutions or
    agencies, and who are paid tona full-time salary basis, shall work 40
    hours a week. V.T.C.S. art. 5165a. 51. Article V. section 8c of the
    General Appropriations Act recognizes that an employee required by law
    to work a minimum of 40 hours each week during the period of his
    employment may be prevented by illness from performing that duty. It
    expressly authorizes the use of appropriated funds for specified sick
    leave credits which a state employee earns and accumulates and may use
    during absence from work due to illness.
    Conditions of employment of faculty members at institutions of
    higher education with appoiztments of less than 12 mouths differ from
    those of other state employees. Unlike the usual state employee,
    including the staff and administrators of institutions of higher
    education, a faculty membe:rwith an appointment of less than 12 months
    is an employee with a contractual relationship governed by state law,
    the rules and regulations Iof the governing body of the institution,
    and the terms of his appo:tntmentsfor specific years. Ordinarily, a
    faculty member's contract provides a period of appointment for nine
    months that does not include the summer months. While he normally
    remains an employee for clartainpurposes throughout the year, his
    services are required to be performed during the period of his
    appointments and his salarr is determined on that basis. See Attorney
    General Opinion JM-76 (1!)83). General statutory law requires the
    establishment and review of faculty academic workloads.         Public
    information reports of tht! academic duties and services performed by
    each member of the facult,y during the nine-month academic year are
    submitted to the Coordimlting Board, Texas College and University
    System, for further dissemination. See Educ. Code §§51.401 - 51.405.
    A faculty member has a ddfferent lex     of responsibility and super-
    vision than the state emr'loyeewho is hired to work 40 hours each
    Section 51.401 of the Education Code directs the institutions of
    higher education to "manage their institutions and institutional
    resources to achieve maximno effectiveness and to provide the greatest
    attainable educational benefit from the expenditure of public funds."
    It is common practice at such institutions that, if classes cannot be
    taught by the faculty membr::to whom they are assigned due to illness,
    they are taught whenever possible by faculty members who substitute
    for each other or the classes are postponed and rescheduled at a later
    date. This practice is considered to be the most efficient and cost-
    effective way to handle an unavoidable absence of a faculty member.
    p. 1836
    Ronorable Wilhelmina Delco .-3     (JM-401)
    We believe that educational institutions are authorized to adjust the
    use of faculty personnel in a manner that best meets the needs of the
    institution. A faculty member is not employed to work a set number of
    hours in any week but is a:mployedto perform the services and duties
    assigned to him during the period of his appointments.
    In our opinion, the fa,ctthat a faculty member with an appoint-
    ment of less than 12 months is not entitled to accrue and use or
    accumulate sick leave credits under the terms provided by the General
    Appropriations Act, artichz V, section 8c of the act, does not require
    the institution to deduct ,HIabsence due to bona fide illness from the
    compensation set by the faculty member's contract of employment for
    academic semesters. Abser.ce due to unplanned illness Is an imulied
    and necessary element of compensation. -Cf. City of Orange v. Chance,
    325 S.W.2d 838
    , 841 (Tel:. Civ. App. - Beaumont 1959, no writ);
    Attorney General Opinion E-860 (1976) (sick leave ma9 be embraced
    within the ambit of the salary which a commissioners court was
    authorized to fix for county and precinct officials). A decision as
    to whether a faculty member's pay is reduced due to illness is a
    matter within the discret:.cmof the institution. See State Auditor.
    Interpretations of Facultyljlck Leave Provisions --House Bill No. 20;
    69th Legislature (1985), pursuant to Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. S80,
    art. V, $81; at 7766 (state auditor shall provide uniform interpreta-
    tions of leave provisions). Section 51.108 of the Texas Education
    Code directs the governing board of each state-supported college or
    university   to issue regularions concerning authorized and unauthorized
    absence from duty of faculry members.
    It has been suggested that the sick leave rider In the current
    Appropriations Act discrimtnates against a small number of Texas state
    employees by excluding then from the sick leave benefits provided all
    other state employees. A s':atelaw that treats some people differently
    than it treats others rairresa possibility that the equal protection
    clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
    and article I, section 3 oE the Texas Constitution may be violated.
    The Texas Constitutf,on guarantees equality of rights to all
    persons but does not forb&l reasonable classifications. A classifica-
    tion is reasonable if it 13 based on a real and substantial difference
    that relates to the subjea:t:of the enactment and ouerates eauallv on
    all within the class. See Railroad Commission of Texas v. Miiler,.434
    S.W.2d 670 (Tex. 1968);xG:e v. Richards, 
    301 S.W.2d 597
    (Tex. 1957).
    Classifications made byy:he     legislature are largely within the
    discretion of the legislature and will not be stricken down by the
    courts where there is a re.a:L
    difference to justify the separate treat-
    ment undertaken by the legislature. See Dancetown, U.S.A., Inc. v.
    439 S.W.2d 333
    (Tel:.1969); CalKt    v. American International
    Television, Inc., 491 S.W.:Zd 455 (Tex. Civ. App. - Austin 1973, no
    writ); Attorney General Op,tnionMW-421 (1982).
    In reviewing legislattcm under the equal protection clause of the
    Fourteenth Amendment, the IJnitedStates Supreme Court usually has used
    p. 1837
    Honorable Wilhelmina Delco -'4 (~~-401)
    two primary standards. If a challenged law burdens an inherently
    "suspect" class of persons or impinges on a "fundamental" constitu-
    tional right, the law will be struck down unless the state demon-
    strates that the law is justified by a compelling need. If a suspect
    class or fundamental right is not involved, the law will be upheld
    unless the challenger can show that the classification bears no
    rational relationship to a legitimate state purpose or objective. See
    Vance v. Bradley, 
    440 U.S. 93
    (1979); San Antonio Independent Schx
    District v. Rodriguez, 411 lJ.S. 1 (1973). On a few occasions, the
    court also has utilized an :intermediatetest which asks whether the
    challenged law furthers a substantial interest of the state. -See
    Plyler v. Doe, 
    457 U.S. 202
    We believe the rider ar.thorisingcertain sick leave for all state
    employees except faculty with appointments of less than 12 months
    affects neither a suspect cla.ssnor a fundamental constitutional right
    and is not the kind of situs-tionin which a court is apt to apply the
    intermediate substantial state Interest test.        This leaves the
    rational basis test. Detenclnation of whether a challenged classifi-
    cation is rationally relate'd to achievement of a legitimate state
    purpose involves the questicmsof whether the legislature has a leglti-
    mate purpose and also whett.er it is reasonable for the lawmakers to
    believe that use of the challenged classification will promote that
    purpose. See Western 6 South,em Life Insurance Company v. State Board
    of Equaliaon      of CalifoE&,     
    451 U.S. 648
    (1981). We cannot
    conclude that the varying treatment     of faculty and other state
    employees in the matter of sick leave is so unrelated to the
    achievement of a leaitimate ouruose that a court can onlv find that
    the legislature's actions w&e‘ irrational. See Vance v. 
    Bradley, supra
    . Cf. Ohio Universlt Faculty Assoclationv. Ohio University,
    449 N.E.2d 792
    Ohio Ct. ApF. 1982) (dissimilarity between nonacademic
    university employees and Eaculty justified university's different
    treatment of collective ta,rgaining). See also Attorney General
    Opinions ~~-60 (1983) (disf:ussing in detail issues of constitu-
    tionality under Texas and U.S. constitutions as applied to funding for
    certain schools under Found,stion School Program); Attorney General
    Opinion HW-572 (1982) (relating to limitation of employment of certain
    city council members and thr,equal protection clauses).
    We predict that a court would find that faculty members and other
    state employees are not so similarly situated that the equal protec-
    tion clauses require the legislature to apply the same sick leave
    provisions to both classes of employees. It is our opinion, however,
    that a determination that one class of employees may never be absent
    from the classroom, laboratory or office due to illness without a
    deduction from salary Is prcbably arbitrary and would raise a question
    of equal protection. We do not believe the rider in question pro-
    hibits all absence by faculzy due to illness without a deduction from
    We also believe that Irovisions for sick leave are distinguish-
    able    from provisions for vacation leave.       Beginning with the
    p. 1838
    Eonorable Wilhelmina Delco --5 (~~-401)
    Appropriations Act passe<, in 1981, the legislature has excepted
    faculty with appointments of less than 12 months at institutions of
    higher education from the provisions authorizing paid vacations for
    employees of the state. .--
    See Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. 980, art. V,
    58a. The denial of paid vacations to faculty members during the
    periods of their teaching appointments while allowing vacation leave
    for other state employees L:sbased on what appears to be a reasonable
    classification and a diffe:rencethat justifies separate treatment. In
    our opinion, a court would Eind that such denial of vacation leave to
    faculty members is rationally related to the achievement of a
    legitimate state purpose, namely, the furtherance of the greatest
    attainable educational benefit from the expenditure of public funds.
    Assuming the restrict:lvelanguage in the rider is valid, you also
    ask whether faculty who accrued sick leave prior to September 1, 1985,
    may receive all of such sick leave since it was accrued under previous
    Appropriations Acts. We c.oncludethat, during the current biennium,
    the General Appropriations Act does not authorize appropriated funds
    for the use of sick leave credits earned and accumulated by a faculty
    member during periods of prior acts if the member is absent from
    teaching duties as a membar of a faculty. The exclusion of faculty
    members from the act does not change college and university employees'
    accrual or use of sick le!ave credits in their capacity as staff or
    administrators, We conclude that the accumulated and unused sick
    leave of a person whose employment with the state is uninterrupted
    remains to his credit and 'maybe used when and to the extent that the
    person is an employee eligible to use sick leave. See Attorney
    General Ooinion JM-76 (19831 (relating to use of accrued vacation time
    by university employee-who serves in more than one capacity); State
    Auditor, Interpretation of I'acultySick Leave Provisions -- House Bill
    No. 20, 69th Legislature (?985). -Cf. Acts 1985. 69th Leg., ch. 980.
    art. V, 08f. at 7766.
    It has been suggestxd that an appropriations act rider that
    denies faculty members the use of sick leave accrued and accumulated
    prior to the date of the xt may be prohibited by the clauses of the
    United States and Texas Constitutions which provide that the state may
    not pass a law impairing the obligation of contracts. U.S. Const.
    art.. I, 110, cl. 1; Tex. Const. art. I, 516. We conclude that the
    fact that a statute may become part of an employee's contract which
    the state may not impair by a subsequent enactment does not raise an
    issue which is applicable to the rider in question. See Ward V. City
    of San Antonio, 560 S.W.21 163 (Tex. Civ. App. - Sanntonio       1977,
    writ ref'd n.r.e.) (relati:>gto amendment to state statute that would
    impair contract between fireman and city).
    We are not aware of any state statute which has expressly provided
    sick leave for state emp3cyees. But cf. V.T.C.S. art. 1269111,526
    (providing sick leave undl%r firemen's and policemen's civil service
    act).   The purpose of each General Appropriations Act is the
    appropriation of state funds:to be used by state government, including
    institutions of higher education, during the biennium of each act, and
    p. 1839
    (JM-401)                               .
    Honorable Wilhelmina Delco - 6
    each act expires at the end of its biennium. Article VIII, section~6
    of the Texas Constitution provides that no appropriation may be made
    for a period longer than tva years. A General Appropriations Act does
    not enact substantive law but contains riders that detail, limit, or
    restrict the use of the funds appropriated by the act. The riders in
    each act apply to funds apl'ropriatedby that act and, like the rest of
    the act, expire at the end c'fthe biennium. See Acts 1985, 69th Leg.,
    ch. 980,  art. V, at 772!).. When each session of the legislature
    appropriates funds with rl.dersdetailing the use of those funds, it
    does not impair rights th;.thad vested under previous appropriations
    Restrictive language relating to faculty sick
    leave in article! V, section 8~. of the General
    Appropriations Act passed by the Sixty-ninth Leg-
    islature does not conflict with general statutory
    law and does not violate equal protection or
    impairment of cclrtract clauses of the Texas and
    United States Constitutions.      This language,
    however, does not prohibit absences due to illness
    without a decrejise in pay. A faculty member's
    sick leave that accrued prior to September 1,
    1985, remains to his credit and may be used if he
    is -an employee eligible to accrue and use sick
    Attorney General of Texas
    First Assistant Attorney Ga?ueral
    Executive Assistant Attornl!yGeneral
    Special Assistant Attorney General
    Chairman, Opinion Coumittel?
    Prepared by Nancy Sutton
    Assistant Attorney General
    p. 1840