Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1985 )

  • .         \
    -            .
    The Attorney General of Texas
    Aupmt         14.   1985
    JIM MAl-lOX
    Attorney      General
    5u~mm Cewl Building                 Ronorable Bob Bullack                                     Opinion     No.   Jn-337
    P. 0. Box 12543                     Comptroller of Public AcconlltE
    *u*in, TX. 75711-254s               L.B.J. State Office Building                              Re: Whether a state             employee      is
    5lW75-2501                          Auetin, Texar   18774                                     entitled to paternity            leave
    Telex Ola57~lJB7
    wecoviw 512l4750265
    Hr. James Ilambletow
    714 Jackson.Sulle 700               State Law Library
    TX. 75202-4505               P. 0. Box 12367, Upitol                Station
    Austin,  Texu     78:ll.l
    a4        Aibma Ave.. sulto ((IQ    Gentlemen:
    ElPuo.lx. 79K627w
    91%3%3434                                You inqeire uhether the                  General     Approprietione         Act entitlea         ule
    employee0 to peternity leave.
    1001T~Xse.suite 700
    Nuuelon. TX. 77002.3111                  Mr. Bullock        elks    the following          questions:
    1. Does the General Appropriations                       Act entitle
    mele employeee to six weeks pregnancy                      leave?
    9W Bmedwy. SUNS312
    LubboclsTX. 794013479
    2. Does thm Pregnancy       D%scrlminatlon    Act
    cnntainrd in Title VII of the Civil   glghtr Act of
    1984 reciuiire M to grant male aployeea    six weeks
    43W N. Tenth. BuNa B                        *.   of pre6mmcy leave?
    NcAem, TX 7B501-le95
    Hr.     Bdleton     inquires            about     tba     interpretation       of     6lck   leave
    prodeioua      fonnd jLr~article            V. section       g of the General       Appropriationr
    97    &et fur 1903-8s. me ads:
    1.     Ilay   l    male    take sick        leave   uuder 8.~. vhen
    bir parum          ia pregnent?
    2. 'If l ule    wanted to t&e    some 'paternity
    luve'   Cleave without   pay) under eectlonr8.g. and
    a.m., would thet   male employee exhaust sick leave
    u well. aa rscatlon     leeve before going on leave
    tithaut  p8y?
    Mr. Eambl~too         all*,    ub         ma to   addxass      rh    questlon     of     maternfty         or
    patenitty     leave for adoptive parentr.
    p. 1534
    Waorablr   Bob Bollock
    nr. Jues   RaBbleton
    rage 2                                  (JnaX’)
    We will     address             tlr.    Bulltxk’ s first    qucstlon.
    The relevant               sick        leave   provisions   in the Generel   Appropriations
    Act are ae follow:
    c.   Employees    429 U.S. 125 
    (1971ijl; sea il.&, Rep. Ilo. 948. 95th COng., 2d
    Seas., B.         Gilbert   held thiithe        exclualou    of pregnancy coverage
    from Callfornla’s       dlaablllty      insurance      plan    did not       constitute
    sex-baaed amployment dlacrirLnatlon          under Title VII of the 1964 Civil
    Rights   Act.    Mr. Bullock       raiser     the    applicability       of    tha    1978
    amendment to msle employees         vho become parents          - whether they are
    entitled  to the same leave ,r:lghts as preguaut employees.
    The Pregnsncy Dlacriaiamtlon         Act requires     tbat   voom disabled        due
    to prewmncyr      childbirth.      or other      related     wdlul      .condltlona      be
    provided the same benefits        as those provided other vorkera disabled               by
    other   medical   conditions      mmder any sick         leave    plan available          ln
    connection   with crploymant..        29 C.T.P. )1604.10(b)         (1984); R.P. Rep.
    lo.   948, B,       at 5.      lk regulation       or case suggests         tbet    a ule
    vorker should be entitled        KC, leave on account of blo uife’a              pregnancy
    on the aaaa terma that a faule              vorkar receives        laave for her wn
    pw-~.         The  ati   weeks     leave   allows    the  feule     vorker to recover
    from the dlaabilltlea        of her pregnancy           and delivery.           The 1978
    amendmnt doer not entltl~!         rle    employees     to leave to recover           from
    anotherperson’sdisability,.           Section 2OOOeB states          that
    vomen    affected      by pregnancy,        cblldblrtb,      or
    related    mdlcal     %ndltlons    ahall     be treated     the
    Mme      for      011     employmsnt-related         purpoaee .
    Including    receipt   of benefits    under frfoge benefit
    prograan. aa othw        persona not so affectad.        . . .
    The House Report on the 19X1 amendmentstates that
    p. 1540
    HonorableRob Rullock
    Hr. Jeer Uamblaton
    ?age 8                             (JR-337)
    the bill is Intended to be limited         to effects upon
    the voasn vho is       herself      preguant,   bearing  A
    child,  or h55 a related    aedlcal    condition.and not
    to include my effect       upon oue uoasn due to the
    prqaancy   of another.
    0.R.   Rep. No. 948 -.          at 5’.
    The Supreae Court has hc1.d that ‘a dependant health insurance plan
    violated     Title    VII because      it   Save less        coapletr   borpltallzatlon
    benefits    for pregaanciea      of employee’s        spouses than it did for ot!her
    apouasl disabilities.        ert         -N&a Shipbuilding         4 Dry Dock v. EEOC,
    462 U:S. 669. 77 L.Fd.2d S’T (1983).                  In the words of the Court of
    Appeals,    under the eaployee ‘5 plan,            “a aale eaployee receives            less
    coaalete      cwermte     of   saousal       dlsabllltles        than does a female
    empioyee.”Navp&t News~Sbipbulldlng                    6 Dry Dock v. EEOC, 
    667 F.2d 448
    . 449 (4th Clr. 1982) quoted la Supreme Court 
    opinion, 462 U.S. at 673
    ).     The discrialnatlon       agslnat    feaale      spouses in prwiding        fringe
    baueflta      constitutes     sex     discrimination          agalnat   ule     employees
    prohibited    by Title VII.      4CQ U.S., at 684.
    The Newport Revs case          does    not   aupport   a clala      that  aale
    employees receive    paternity    leave.     The dlacrlalnatlon       found in that
    ’    case related     to the health     insurance     benefits   available     to a male
    amployee on account of his, vlfe’s           prega4ncy.    As the court pointed
    out, en eaployer need not ~?mvide dependent aedlcal               coverage at 
    all. 462 U.S., at 684
    . n. 25.        The state      of Texas proolder,        and can
    provide,   leave of ebsence 1roa vork only to lte employees.               It cannot
    provide   such beaafits    to ~nsployees’ 5pouae5 abo are not theaselves
    employed by the state.       Thu5. the state’s leave of abseace prwlalona
    include   no dependant benefits       anslagoua    to those at laaue in Newport
    w.       Tke 1964 Civil Eights       Act doea mot require       state agencies     to
    provide ala reaka l   paternity    leave” to aale, aaployeea.
    Article    v,    section    8g of the 1983 Cenerel
    Appropriatioaa     Act does not entitle     rule srployaea
    to sit make’      paternity    leave follmiry    the blrtb
    of s child.      The PreRasacy Dlecrialaatlon        Act of
    1978. 42 U.S.C.        SZOOCe(k);   20OOr2 (1982).     does
    mot require atata 6gcnclea        to grant ule   eaployees
    aueb leave.
    A ule    ewplqgee    say   take sick laave under
    article   V, eectl:m    EC of the Appropriatloae      Act
    when a Vader o:this Wdlate            faally.  as &fired
    In tbat prwiaica.,     15 so disabled    due to pregnancy
    or childbirth      5:s to need the care of another
    p.   1541
    .   . .
    ,'    ..    EonorablrBob Bullock
    Mr. JIva samblocoe
    PABe 9                                (Jn-337)
    person.      Applicatlxls     for   sick    leave    for this
    purpose     should    be evaluated      on a case-by-case
    basis.     If a rale weks to take unpaid sick leave
    under article      0, scxtion    Sm of the Appropriations
    Act. be must first         exhaust    his vacation        leave.
    Whether he oust fil,st exhaust his sick leave is to
    be determined         in accordance       with    article      V,
    section     Sm(1).     The Appropriations       Act does not
    address     the quest!.on    of maternity      and paternity
    leave     for    emplo:wes     who become         parents      by
    JIM        MATTOX
    Attorney   General   of Texas
    Ton     GREEN
    First    Assistant        Attorney      General
    Executive Assfstant Attornag                    General
    Special Aeslstant            Attorney     General
    Chairman, Opinion            Comnlttee
    Prepared       by Suean L. Garrison
    Rick  Gilpin.    Chairman
    Susan  Garrism
    Jim noellinger
    Jennifer   Riggs
    Nancy    Sutton
    Sarah Uoelk
    p. 1542

Document Info

Docket Number: JM-337

Judges: Jim Mattox

Filed Date: 7/2/1985

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017