H. v. Lemahieu ( 2008 )

  •                   FOR PUBLICATION
    MARK H., individually and as            
    Guardian Ad Litem of Michelle H.
    and Natalie H., minors,
    RIE H., individually and as
    Guardian Ad Litem of Michelle H.
    and Natalie H., minors,
    PAUL LEMAHIEU, in his official
    capacity as superintendent of the             No. 05-16236
    Hawaii Public Schools; ELSIE
    TANAKA, in her official capacity as            D.C. No.
    Principal of Kipapa Elementary
    School; JUDITH SARAN-CHOCK, in                  OPINION
    her official capacity as Principal
    of Ala Wai Elementary School;
    PETER CHUN, in his official
    capacity as Principal of Hokulani
    Elementary School; HAROLDEEN
    WAKIDA, in her official capacity as
    Principal of Ali’iolani Elementary
    EDUCATION, State of Hawaii; KEITH
    HUNTER, SR., special master,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Hawaii
    Manuel L. Real, District Judge, Presiding
    592                 MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    Argued and Submitted
    June 6, 2007—Honolulu, Hawaii
    Filed January 17, 2008
    Before: David R. Thompson, Marsha S. Berzon, and
    Richard C. Tallman, Circuit Judges.
    Opinion by Judge Berzon
    594                 MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    Michael K. Livingston, Honolulu, Hawaii, for the plaintiffs.
    Dorothy D. Sellers, Deputy Attorney General, Honolulu,
    Hawaii, for the defendants.
    BERZON, Circuit Judge:
    In 2000, Mark H. and Rie H., both individually and as
    guardians ad litem for their autistic daughters (“the H. fami-
    ly”), sued the Hawaii Department of Education and various
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                     595
    school officials in their official capacities (collectively, “the
    Agency”) for damages for alleged violations of the Individu-
    als with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Pub. L. No. 91-
    230, 84 Stat. 175 (Apr. 13, 1970), and of § 504 of the Reha-
    bilitation Act of 1973 as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794. Among
    other rulings, the district court held that “there are no rights,
    procedures, or remedies available under § 504 for violations
    of the IDEA’s affirmative obligations,” and that the United
    States Department of Education’s (“U.S. DOE’s”) § 504 regu-
    lations are not enforceable through a private right of action.
    It is the relationship between the IDEA and the U.S. DOE’s
    regulations implementing § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that
    is at the heart of this case.
    As it turns out, that relationship is not straightforward. The
    IDEA requires, among other things, that states accepting
    funds under the Act provide disabled children with a “free
    appropriate public education” (“FAPE”). 20 U.S.C.
    § 1412(a)(1). Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act requires
    that disabled individuals not “be excluded from the participa-
    tion in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimi-
    nation under any program or activity” that receives federal
    funds. 29 U.S.C. § 794. The U.S. DOE regulations imple-
    menting § 504 include a requirement that disabled children in
    schools receiving federal funds be provided a “free appropri-
    ate public education.” 34 C.F.R. § 104.33. The parties and the
    district court have assumed throughout this litigation that a
    violation of the IDEA statutory FAPE requirement necessarily
    constitutes a violation of the § 504 regulations’ FAPE require-
    ment, an understandable assumption given the use of identical
    language. As we develop below, however, this assumption is
    wrong. The FAPE requirements in the IDEA and in the § 504
    regulations are, in fact, overlapping but different.
    This fundamental misunderstanding has complicated our
    resolution of the issues in this case. Additionally, Congress
    has clearly stated its intent to preserve all remedies under
    § 504 for acts that also violate the IDEA. For these two rea-
    596                      MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    sons, we hold the availability of relief under the IDEA does
    not limit the availability of a damages remedy under the § 504
    FAPE regulations.
    As the H. family has assumed that alleging a violation of
    the IDEA FAPE requirement is sufficient to allege a violation
    of § 504, they have not specified precisely whether they
    believe the U.S. DOE’s § 504 FAPE regulations, as opposed
    to the IDEA FAPE requirement, were violated, and, if so, in
    what regard. Without some clarity about precisely which
    § 504 regulations are at stake and why, we cannot determine
    whether the H. family has sufficiently alleged a privately
    enforceable cause of action for damages. We thus reverse the
    order of the district court granting summary judgment to the
    Agency and remand for further proceedings.
    I.       FACTS
    A.   Historical Background and the Felix Consent
    Hawaii has long struggled to provide adequate services to
    special needs students in compliance with state and federal
    law. The U.S. DOE performed a site visit to Hawaii in 1991
    and determined that the Hawaii Department of Education
    (“Hawaii DOE”) was not complying with federal law “be-
    cause mental health services were not always provided to
    meet the needs of special education students.”1 The U.S. DOE
    report found that although “[t]he [Hawaii] DOE is legally
    responsible for furnishing these services, . . . [t]he [Hawaii
    The IDEA does not use the term “mental health services,” but requires
    states to provide “related services” — including, for example, “psycholog-
    ical services, physical and occupational therapy . . . [and] social work ser-
    vices” — “as may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit
    from special education.” 20 U.S.C. § 1401(26); 20 U.S.C. § 1412.
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                    597
    Department of Health (“Hawaii DOH”)] provides some free
    services to these students, but only when it has the resources.”
    The U.S. DOE warned the Hawaii DOE that it must provide
    or purchase appropriate mental health services for special
    education students.
    In January of 1993, a report by the Auditor for the State of
    Hawaii entitled A Study on the Memorandum of Agreement
    for Coordinating Mental Health Services to Children, No. 93-
    1, acknowledged that efforts to coordinate among state agen-
    cies the provision of mental health services for special educa-
    tion students had largely failed. The report concluded that
    “the [Hawaii DOE] must provide or purchase mental health
    services for special education students when the [Hawaii
    DOH] cannot provide these services.”
    Later in 1993 a class of plaintiffs comprised of disabled
    children and adolescents eligible for special education and
    mental health services sued the Hawaii DOE and the Hawaii
    DOH in federal court, claiming a failure to comply with the
    IDEA and with § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Felix v. Wai-
    hee, CV. No. 93-00367-DAE. The district court granted sum-
    mary judgment for the class on the issue of liability, finding
    that the agencies “ha[d] systematically failed to provide
    required and necessary educational and mental health services
    to qualified handicapped children,” in violation of both fed-
    eral laws. Thereafter, in 1994, the parties entered into a con-
    sent decree (the “Felix Decree”), which was approved by the
    district court.
    In the Felix Decree, the two state agencies acknowledged
    that they had violated the federal IDEA and § 504 of the
    Rehabilitation Act. The agencies agreed that the Hawaii DOE
    would provide all educational services the Felix class mem-
    bers require; that the Hawaii DOH would provide all mental
    health services the class members require to benefit from the
    educational services; and that the two agencies would create
    and maintain a system of care adequate to provide a contin-
    598                      MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    uum of services, placements, and programs necessary for dis-
    abled students. The Felix Decree defined the plaintiff class as
    “all children and adolescents with disabilities residing in
    Hawaii, from birth to 20 years of age, who are eligible for and
    in need of education and mental health services but for whom
    programs, services, and placements are either unavailable,
    inadequate, or inappropriate because of lack of a continuum
    of services, programs, and placements.” Autistic children fall
    within the Felix class.
    B.    Michelle H.
    Michelle H. and Natalie H. are the children of Mark and
    Rie H. Michelle H. was born on February 15, 1991. In March
    1994, a Hawaii DOH psychologist who examined Michelle
    concluded that she had “mild Autistic Spectrum Disorder (or
    Pervasive Developmental Disorder).”2 The DOH psychologist
    made a number of recommendations to address Michelle’s
    limitations, including enrollment in the Hawaii DOE’s Pre-
    school Program, use of numerous autism-specific approaches,
    and assignment of an extra aide to work one-on-one with
    Michelle in the classroom. According to the Hawaii DOE, the
    psychologist’s recommendations to deal with Michelle’s
    autism were never implemented “because of difficulties . . .
    in getting appropriate personnel as well as appropriate fund-
    In April 1994, the Hawaii DOE performed its own aca-
    demic and psychological evaluation of Michelle to determine
    her early special education needs. The Hawaii DOE found
    Michelle eligible for early special education services under
    “Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) is a category designated by
    the American Psychiatric Association to indicate children with delay or
    deviance in their social/language/motor and/or cognitive development. . . .
    Autism is the most severe of the pervasive developmental disorders.”
    Yale Developmental Disabilities Clinic, Information About Pervasive
    Developmental Disorders, http://www.med.yale.edu/chldstdy/autism/
    pddinfo.html#difference (last visited December 27, 2007).
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                    599
    the IDEA because of “chronic emotional impairment,” not
    because she suffered from an autism disorder. The Hawaii
    DOE developed an Individualized Educational Program
    (“IEP”) for Michelle, including placement in a fully self-
    contained special education classroom on a regular school
    campus for an extended school year with special education
    and speech therapy services. Michelle’s IEP was updated at
    regular intervals through 1998, but the recommendations
    remained substantially unchanged. No representative from
    DOH attended any of the IEP sessions to discuss mental
    health services.
    In April 1997, the Hawaii DOE changed Michelle’s eligi-
    bility category from “Emotional Impairment” to “Autism.”
    The Hawaii DOE reassessed her IEP in January 1998, after
    the diagnosis changed. The recommendations in the new IEP
    remained nearly identical to those made before the change in
    diagnosis and included no additional individualized services
    related to autism.
    C.   Natalie H.
    Natalie H. was born on August 3, 1992. In 1994, the pre-
    school that Natalie was attending, concerned that she might
    have a “pervasive development disorder,” referred her to the
    Hawaii DOH. The Hawaii DOH performed a psychological
    evaluation in September 1994 and determined that, at the age
    of two, Natalie was developmentally at the age of a one-year
    old overall, but that “[she] showed no symptoms of Pervasive
    Developmental Disorder.” In early 1995, Natalie’s family
    doctor observed developmental delays and referred her to
    Kaiser Permanente for a neurological evaluation. The Kaiser
    evaluation diagnosed Natalie with autism and recommended
    that she be provided with appropriate special education.
    In the spring of 1995, when Natalie was nearly three, the
    Hawaii DOE academically evaluated her and deemed her eli-
    gible for special education services, classifying her disability
    600                    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    as an “Early Childhood Learning Impairment,” not autism. An
    IEP prepared for Natalie on July 7, 1995 specified that she
    was to be placed in a fully self-contained special education
    classroom on a regular school campus for an extended school
    year, just as Michelle was.
    Natalie’s next IEP assessment, in March 1996, noted that
    the Kaiser evaluation had concluded in February 1995 that
    she was autistic. Natalie’s IEP was reevaluated on an annual
    basis through 1998, although, as with Michelle, no mental
    health representative attended the meetings. In March 1998,
    the Hawaii DOE changed Natalie’s eligibility category from
    “Early Childhood Learning Impairment” to “Autism.”
    D.    The Administrative Hearing.
    Natalie and Michelle’s parents initiated an administrative
    action against the Hawaii DOE in 1999, alleging that the girls
    were denied a free appropriate public education (“FAPE”)
    under the IDEA and § 504,3 that their IEPs were deficient, and
    that the Hawaii DOE had violated their procedural rights. A
    hearing was held, and, in a detailed decision, the administra-
    tive officer found significant violations of the IDEA. Among
    his factual findings were that (1) “No special (autism) ser-
    vices were provided from 1994 to 1998”; (2) at the elemen-
    tary school the girls attended, “the principal did not include
    mental health services as part of the IEP” because “this had
    been the system . . . prior to” the Felix Decree “and she was
    not familiar at that time with the new procedures”; (3) “No
    IEP to the present time includes all of the mental health ser-
    vices that were authorized or agreed upon by the IEP team”;
    and (4) Natalie and Michelle’s special education teacher was
    generally inexperienced and had no experience with autistic
    children prior to her current job. The administrative officer
    Although the H. family alleged both IDEA and § 504 violations at the
    administrative level, the administrative ruling addressed only the IDEA
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                     601
    determined, based on these findings, that Natalie and Michelle
    had been denied a FAPE under the IDEA, that their IEPs were
    inadequate, and that numerous procedural violations had
    The administrative officer instructed the Hawaii DOE to
    take a number of steps to remedy the violations. There is no
    contention that the Hawaii DOE has not complied with the
    administrative order, which was not appealed, or that Natalie
    and Michelle are currently being denied a FAPE as defined by
    the IDEA.
    Before recounting the procedural history of this case, we
    examine the two related but separate statutes central to this lit-
    igation, the IDEA and § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
    The statute presently known as the IDEA originated in
    1970 as part of the Education of the Handicapped Act. Pub.
    L. No. 91-230, 84 Stat. 175 (Apr. 13, 1970). It was later
    amended substantially in the Education for all Handicapped
    Children Act of 1975, Pub. L. No. 94-142, 89 Stat. 773 (Nov.
    29, 1975), and was amended again and renamed the “Individ-
    uals with Disabilities Education Act” in 1990. Pub. L. No.
    101-476, 104 Stat. 1103 (Oct. 30, 1990). For simplicity, we
    refer to all versions of the statute as IDEA, even though that
    title did not appear until 1990.
    At the time the 1975 amendments were enacted, “the
    majority of disabled children in America were ‘either totally
    excluded from schools or sitting idly in regular classrooms
    awaiting the time when they were old enough to [drop out].’ ”
    Schaffer ex rel. Schaffer v. Weast, 
    546 U.S. 49
    , 52 (2005)
    (quoting H.R. Rep. No. 94-332, p. 2 (1975)). Among Con-
    gress’s purposes in enacting the IDEA was “to ensure that all
    children with disabilities have available to them a free appro-
    priate public education that emphasizes special education and
    602                       MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    related services designed to meet their unique needs and pre-
    pare them for further education, employment, and indepen-
    dent living.” 20 U.S.C. § 1400(d)(1)(A). The IDEA defines a
    FAPE as:
    special education and related services that — (A)
    have been provided at public expense, under public
    supervision and direction, and without charge; (B)
    meet the standards of the State educational agency;
    (C) include an appropriate preschool, elementary
    school, or secondary school education in the State
    involved; and (D) are provided in conformity with
    the individualized education program required under
    section 1414(d) of this title.
    20 U.S.C. § 1401(9).
    States that receive federal financial assistance under the
    IDEA must demonstrate that they have in effect “policies and
    procedures” to provide disabled children with a FAPE, by
    developing an “individualized education program” (“IEP”) for
    each child.4 20 U.S.C. § 1412(a), (a)(1), (a)(4). The IDEA
    20 U.S.C. § 1414(d) defines an IEP as:
    . . . a written statement for each child with a disability that is
    developed, reviewed, and revised in accordance with this section
    and that includes—
    (I) a statement of the child’s present levels of academic
    achievement and functional performance, including—
    (aa) how the child’s disability affects the child’s involvement
    and progress in the general education curriculum;
    (bb) for preschool children, as appropriate, how the disability
    affects the child’s participation in appropriate activities; and
    (cc) for children with disabilities who take alternate assess-
    ments aligned to alternate achievement standards, a description
    of benchmarks or short-term objectives;
    (II) a statement of measurable annual goals, including aca-
    demic and functional goals, designed to—
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                               603
    creates a cause of action under which a court may grant indi-
    viduals “such relief as [it] determines is appropriate” for vio-
    lations of the IDEA. 20 U.S.C. § 1415(i)(2)(C)(iii). Although
    injunctive relief is available under the IDEA, “ordinarily
    monetary damages are not.” Witte v. Clark County School
    197 F.3d 1271
    , 1275 (9th Cir. 1999); see also Taylor by
    and through Taylor v. Honig, 
    910 F.2d 627
    , 628 (9th Cir.
    While the IDEA focuses on the provision of appropriate
    public education to disabled children, the Rehabilitation Act
    of 1973 more broadly addresses the provision of state services
    to disabled individuals. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act,
    the Act’s core provision, states that:
    No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in
    the United States . . . shall, solely by reason of her
    or his disability, be excluded from the participation
    in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to dis-
    crimination under any program or activity receiving
    Federal financial assistance or under any program or
    activity conducted by any Executive agency or by
    the United States Postal Service.
    29 U.S.C. § 794(a). Section 504 applies to all public schools
    that receive federal financial assistance. See 29 U.S.C.
    § 794(b)(2)(B) (defining “program or activity” to include the
    operations of “local educational agenc[ies]”).
    Agencies may promulgate regulations that implement the
    requirements concerning treatment of disabled individuals
    (aa) meet the child’s needs that result from the child’s disabil-
    ity to enable the child to be involved in and make progress in
    the general education curriculum; and
    (bb) meet each of the child’s other educational needs that result
    from the child’s disability; . . .
    604                   MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    contained in § 504. See Alexander v. Choate, 
    469 U.S. 287
    304 n.24 (1985) (agencies have “substantial leeway to explore
    areas in which discrimination against the handicapped pose[s]
    particularly significant problems and to devise regulations to
    prohibit such discrimination”); S. Rep. 93-1297, at 40-41
    (1974), as reprinted in 1974 U.S.C.C.A.N. 6373, 6390 (Sec-
    tion 504 “does not specifically require the issuance of regula-
    tions . . . but it is clearly mandatory in form . . . and such
    regulations . . . are intended.”). The Department of Health,
    Education and Welfare [“HEW”], the predecessor to the U.S.
    DOE, promulgated regulations interpreting § 504. Those reg-
    ulations are currently in force as U.S. DOE regulations. 34
    C.F.R. §§ 104.1-104.61.
    As pertinent to this case, the U.S. DOE’s § 504 regulations
    require recipients of federal funds to “provide a free appropri-
    ate public education to each qualified handicapped person,”
    and define “appropriate education” as:
    regular or special education and related aids and ser-
    vices that (i) are designed to meet individual educa-
    tional needs of handicapped persons as adequately as
    the needs of nonhandicapped persons are met and (ii)
    are based upon adherence to procedures that satisfy
    the requirements of [34 C.F.R.] §§ 104.34, 104.35,
    and 104.36.
    34 C.F.R. § 104.33(a), (b).
    The first regulation cross-referenced in § 104.33, § 104.34,
    requires that recipients place disabled individuals in a “regular
    educational environment” unless it can be shown that “the
    education of the person in the regular environment with the
    use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved
    satisfactorily.” 34 C.F.R. § 104.34(a). When a handicapped
    individual is removed from a regular environment, the facility
    in which she is placed must be “comparable” to that used by
    non-disabled students. 34 C.F.R. § 104.34(c). The remaining
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                   605
    cross-referenced regulations, 34 C.F.R. §§ 104.35 and 104.36,
    require evaluation and testing of all those who need or are
    believed to need special education, as well as the development
    of procedural safeguards to ensure that guardians of disabled
    children receive notice, access to relevant records, and an
    opportunity for an “impartial hearing.”
    Section 504 establishes an implied private right of action
    allowing victims of prohibited discrimination, exclusion, or
    denial of benefits to seek “the full panoply of remedies,
    including equitable relief and [compensatory] damages.”
    Greater L.A. Council on Deafness, Inc. v. Zolin, 
    812 F.2d 1103
    , 1107 (9th Cir. 1987); see also Barnes v. Gorman, 
    536 U.S. 181
    , 189 (2002). Punitive damages are not available
    under § 504. 
    Barnes, 536 U.S. at 189
    In sum, the IDEA contains a statutory FAPE provision and
    allows private causes of action only for prospective relief.
    Section 504 contains a broadly-worded prohibition on dis-
    crimination against, exclusion of and denial of benefits for
    disabled individuals, under which the U.S. DOE has promul-
    gated regulations containing a FAPE requirement worded
    somewhat differently from the IDEA FAPE requirement. Sec-
    tion 504 can be privately enforced to provide, in addition to
    prospective relief, compensatory but not punitive damages for
    past violations.
    The litigation history of this case is somewhat tortuous. We
    recount these proceedings in some detail, as they demonstrate
    the significance of the assumptions about the relationship
    between § 504 and the IDEA that have persisted throughout
    this litigation.
    In 2000, the girls and their parents filed a federal lawsuit
    against the Hawaii DOE and various school officials in their
    official capacities for violations of the IDEA and of § 504 of
    606                     MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The complaint requested com-
    pensatory, punitive,5 and hedonic damages,6 and stated that it
    was authorized by § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the IDEA,
    and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. The H. family alleged, among other
    things, that the “[Agency]’s failure to provide autism specific
    services to Natalie and Michelle during the crucial years of
    ages three to seven through appropriately trained personnel
    and in appropriate classrooms was a violation of § 504, and
    constituted deliberate indifference to the needs and rights of
    these children.” The complaint continued by alleging that
    “Michelle and Natalie have been discriminated against by the
    [d]efendants solely because of their disabilities.”
    A.    October 18, 2000 Ruling on Motion to Dismiss.
    The Agency moved to dismiss the complaint on several
    grounds. Among other contentions, the Agency maintained
    that the IDEA is the exclusive remedy for injuries caused by
    violation of its provisions. More specifically, the Agency
    argued that the H. family’s § 504 claim is barred because (1)
    the H. family only litigated the IDEA claims, not the claims
    under § 504, in the administrative hearing; and (2) § 504 does
    not provide money damages for acts that also violate the
    IDEA. The Agency also argued that all of the claims in the
    complaint were barred by sovereign immunity.
    The district court granted the motion to dismiss in part, and
    denied it in part.7 With respect to the exclusivity of the IDEA
    as a remedy, the court determined that the H. family had
    exhausted its administrative remedies under the IDEA, but did
    not address the Agency’s other arguments as to why the IDEA
    The H. family has since conceded that punitive damages are not avail-
    able under § 504, pursuant to Barnes v. Gorman, 
    536 U.S. 181
    Hedonic damages are “for the loss of the pleasure of being alive.”
    BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY 417 (8th ed. 2004).
    The case was at this point assigned to Judge David Ezra, who had pre-
    sided over the Felix litigation.
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                       607
    cause of action for prospective relief is the only remedy avail-
    able to the H. family. The court held that the Eleventh
    Amendment did not bar the § 504 claims, but did bar any
    claims against the state under § 1983 for money damages.
    B.   July 24, 2001 Summary Judgment Ruling.
    The Agency then moved for summary judgment, advancing
    several new arguments and reiterating their earlier Eleventh
    Amendment arguments. The H. family filed a cross-motion
    for partial summary judgment, arguing (1) that the administra-
    tive hearing decision on the IDEA was res judicata with
    regard to the question whether the girls were denied a FAPE;
    and (2) that the appropriate substantive standard in an action
    for damages under § 504 is whether a defendant demonstrated
    “deliberate indifference” to the disabled individual’s accom-
    modation needs, not whether a defendant acted with discrimi-
    natory animus.
    The district court granted the H. family’s cross-motion in
    its entirety, and granted in part and denied in part the Agen-
    cy’s motion. In granting the motion, the court held that
    “[d]efendants are precluded from arguing that Michelle and
    Natalie were not denied FAPE.” The court rejected most of
    the Agency’s arguments on summary judgment but agreed
    with the Agency that non-equitable monetary damages are not
    available under the IDEA and that the appropriate defendant
    for monetary relief is the state, not state officials in their offi-
    cial capacities. As a result of these rulings, the only remaining
    claim as of 2001 was the § 504 cause of action against the
    state itself for monetary relief.
    C.   May 25, 2005 Summary Judgment Ruling.
    On March 12, 2004, the case was reassigned to Judge
    Manuel Real of the Central District of California, on tempo-
    rary assignment to the District of Hawaii. The Agency again
    moved for summary judgment, reasserting some arguments
    608                  MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    made earlier in its motion to dismiss and motion for summary
    judgment and making one new argument: that the H. family’s
    proffered evidence failed to show the “deliberate indiffer-
    ence” the court had ruled was required for a § 504 violation.
    In a motion for partial summary judgment filed the same day,
    the H. family argued that Judge Ezra’s prior rulings governed
    as law of the case, and further maintained that they were enti-
    tled to summary judgment on the issue of liability because the
    Agency failed to provide a FAPE and acted with deliberate
    indifference in doing so.
    Judge Real granted the Agency’s motion for summary
    judgment and denied the H. family’s motion. He held that
    there is no § 504 cause of action for violation of any affirma-
    tive right to a FAPE, reasoning that “IDEA procedures remain
    the exclusive remedy for correcting problems within the terms
    of the act, and for deciding what is best suited to a free appro-
    priate public education.” Judge Real further held that (1) pur-
    suant to Alexander v. Sandoval, 
    532 U.S. 275
    (2001), the U.S.
    DOE’s § 504 regulations can not be enforced through the
    right of action implied under § 504; and (2) a state’s waiver
    of sovereign immunity under § 504 does not extend to claims
    for damages for failure to provide an IDEA FAPE. Finally
    Judge Real concluded that, even if the H. family had a valid
    § 504 cause of action, the state would prevail on the merits,
    because “the [p]laintiffs do not present any evidence that they
    were intentionally discriminated against, ‘solely by reason of
    their disability.’ ” The case was dismissed. The H. family
    appeals from this final judgment.
    The district court held that the availability of injunctive
    relief under the IDEA precludes suits for damages under
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                            609
    § 504 for government actions that violate both statutes. This
    conclusion was erroneous for two reasons.8
    The H. family argues that Judge Real abused his discretion when he
    reconsidered Judge Ezra’s earlier rulings on whether the IDEA is the
    exclusive remedy for denial of a FAPE and on whether plantiffs’ § 504
    claim is barred by sovereign immunity. See Milgard Tempering v. Selas
    Corp. of Am., 
    902 F.2d 703
    , 715 (9th Cir. 1990) (holding that the district
    court’s application of the law of the case doctrine is reviewed for an abuse
    of discretion). Our case law leaves some doubt concerning whether the
    law of the case doctrine constrains a district court’s discretion to recon-
    sider its own rulings prior to final judgment. See City of Los Angeles v.
    Santa Monica Baykeeper, 
    254 F.3d 882
    , 888 (9th Cir. 2001) (holding that
    the law of the case doctrine is “wholly inapposite” when a district court
    reconsiders an order over which it retains jurisdiction); but see United
    States v. Alexander, 
    106 F.3d 874
    , 876-77 (9th Cir. 1997) (holding that the
    district court was barred from reconsidering, after a mistrial and a change
    of judges, its own previous ruling on a motion to suppress in the absence
    of changed law or circumstances); United States v. Smith, 
    389 F.3d 944
    949-50 (9th Cir. 2004) (relying on Santa Monica Baykeeper for the hold-
    ing that “the law of the case doctrine is wholly inapposite” when a district
    court reconsiders an order over which it retains jurisdiction and distin-
    guishing Alexander on the ground that in that case the district court did not
    reconsider in a “timely” fashion (internal quotation marks omitted)).
    We need not resolve here whether the law of the case doctrine ever
    applies in district court to previous rulings of that district court. Judge
    Ezra understood the Agency’s arguments about the exclusivity of the
    IDEA remedy as raising only a question of administrative exhaustion, and
    so never decided whether the IDEA is the exclusive remedy for acts that
    violate its terms. As a result, there was no ruling by Judge Ezra on the
    exclusivity of the IDEA, and no “law of the case” on this issue prior to
    Judge Real’s ruling. Further, to the extent that Judge Real decided whether
    sovereign immunity barred the H. family’s actions under § 504, he held
    only that it barred actions under § 504 to enforce the IDEA FAPE provi-
    sions. Because, for reasons we develop at length below, the § 504 FAPE
    regulations and the IDEA FAPE requirement are distinct, this ruling did
    not determine whether actions under § 504 to enforce the § 504 regula-
    tions are barred by sovereign immunity. As the H. family may pursue
    damages only for a violation of the § 504 FAPE requirements, Judge
    Real’s sovereign immunity ruling is simply not relevant. Moreover, the
    Agency does not rely on or defend Judge Real’s sovereign immunity rul-
    ing on appeal, stating in its brief that “[i]n the present case, the State is
    not questioning the fact that it has waived its Eleventh Amendment immu-
    nity in return for receiving federal financial assistance under the IDEA and
    the Rehabilitation Act.”
    610                   MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    First, the district court’s conclusion assumed that FAPE in
    the IDEA and FAPE in the U.S. DOE § 504 regulations are
    identical. This assumption underlies not only the district
    court’s ruling on the second summary judgment motion but
    all of the proceedings in this case. In particular, it also under-
    lies the district court’s earlier holding that the administrative
    hearing determination that Michelle and Natalie were denied
    a FAPE under the IDEA was res judicata with regard to
    whether they were denied a FAPE under the § 504 regula-
    tions. An examination of the definitions of FAPE in the two
    statutes demonstrates that this assumption is false.
    [1] FAPE under the IDEA and FAPE as defined in the
    § 504 regulations are similar but not identical. When it pro-
    mulgated its § 504 regulations, the U.S. DOE described them
    as “generally conform[ing] to the standards established for the
    education of handicapped persons in . . . the [IDEA].” Depart-
    ment of Education, Establishment and Title and Chapters, 45
    Fed. Reg. 30,802, 30,951 (May 4, 1980) (emphasis added).
    Although overlapping in some respects, the two requirements
    contain significant differences.
    [2] The most important differences are that, unlike FAPE
    under the IDEA, FAPE under § 504 is defined to require a
    comparison between the manner in which the needs of dis-
    abled and non-disabled children are met, and focuses on the
    “design” of a child’s educational program. See 34 C.F.R.
    § 104.33(b)(1) (a FAPE requires education and services “de-
    signed to meet individual educational needs of handicapped
    persons as adequately as the needs of nonhandicapped per-
    sons are met” (emphasis added)); cf. 20 U.S.C. §§ 1401(9),
    Moreover, the U.S. DOE’s § 504 regulations distinctly state
    that adopting a valid IDEA IEP is sufficient but not necessary
    to satisfy the § 504 FAPE requirements. 34 C.F.R.
    § 104.33(b)(2) (“Implementation of an [IEP under the IDEA]
    is one means of meeting” the substantive portion of the § 504
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                          611
    regulations’ definition of FAPE (emphasis added)); 
    id. at §
    104.36 (“Compliance with the procedural safeguards of sec-
    tion 615 of the [IDEA] is one means of meeting” the § 504
    procedural requirements in § 104.36) (emphasis added).
    Plaintiffs who allege a violation of the FAPE requirement
    contained in U.S. DOE’s § 504 regulations, consequently,
    may not obtain damages simply by proving that the IDEA
    FAPE requirements were not met.
    [3] The district court thus erred when it held that the H.
    family’s § 504 claim attempts “to correct what is in essence
    a mere violation of a [FAPE] under the IDEA,” and that the
    IDEA is therefore the H. family’s exclusive remedy. At the
    same time, this examination of the text of the § 504 regula-
    tions and the IDEA demonstrates that the H. family cannot
    rely on the administrative hearing officer’s decision with
    regard to an IDEA FAPE as dispositive of whether a FAPE
    was denied under § 504. So, to the extent that the district
    court held, in deciding the first summary judgment motion,
    that the administrative hearing officer’s IDEA decision pre-
    cluded further litigation as to whether a FAPE was denied
    under the § 504 regulations, that decision is also incorrect.9
    [4] Second, and as important, Congress has clearly
    expressed its intent that remedies be available under Title V
    of the Rehabilitation Act for acts that also violate the IDEA,
    overriding the holding of the Supreme Court in Smith v. Rob-
    468 U.S. 992
    (1984). In Smith, the Court considered
    the relationship between the remedies available under § 504
    and those available under the IDEA. Petitioners in Smith
    At oral argument, the H. family stated that they were not relying on
    that res judicata ruling as dispositive of the specific question whether a
    FAPE was provided under § 504. We note that our conclusion that the
    administrative hearing decision is not dispositive of whether Michelle and
    Natalie were provided a FAPE under § 504 does not affect the district
    court’s holding to the extent that it determined that the administrative
    hearing decision precludes litigation on the question whether an IDEA
    FAPE was provided.
    612                    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    established that their rights under the IDEA had been violated
    because no FAPE was provided, and then sought payment of
    their attorney’s fees under Title V of the Rehabilitation Act.
    Smith, 468 U.S. at 1016
    . The Court in Smith held that the
    “remedies, rights, and procedures” available under the IDEA
    were the exclusive relief for failure to provide a FAPE, so that
    remedies under Title V of the Rehabilitation Act, including
    payment of a prevailing party’s attorney’s fees, were unavail-
    Id. at 1019.
    Congress responded to the decision in Smith by adding to
    the IDEA what is now 20 U.S.C. § 1415(l), which provides.
    Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict
    or limit the rights, procedures, and remedies avail-
    able under the Constitution, the Americans with Dis-
    abilities Act of 1990, title V of the Rehabilitation
    Act of 1973, or other Federal laws protecting the
    rights of children with disabilities, except that before
    the filing of a civil action under such laws seeking
    relief that is also available under this subchapter, the
    procedures under subsections (f) and (g) of this sec-
    tion shall be exhausted to the same extent as would
    be required had the action been brought under this
    Despite the intervening passage of § 1415(l), the district
    court relied on the reasoning of the Supreme Court in Smith
    and held that, by bringing a damages claim under § 504 for
    denial of a FAPE, the H. family was impermissibly attempt-
    ing to “circumvent or enlarge on the remedies available under
    the [IDEA] by resort to § 504.” With regard to § 1415(l), the
    district court concluded, and the Agency here argues, that the
    legislative history of § 1415(l) of the IDEA shows that it was
    intended only to permit recovery of attorneys’ fees under
    § 504, not damages.
    [5] Even if the legislative history supported this conclusion,
    it could not overrule the statute’s plain language. See Botosan
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                            613
    v. Paul McNally Realty, 
    216 F.3d 827
    , 831 (9th Cir. 2000).
    The plain text of the statute preserves all rights and remedies
    under the Rehabilitation Act, not just attorneys’ fees. Given
    the absence of any ambiguity in the statute’s text, there is no
    need to examine its legislative history.
    In any event, the statute’s legislative history is not to the
    contrary. The district court observed that neither the Senate
    nor House reports discussed the possibility of monetary dam-
    ages under § 1415(l). See S. REP. NO. 99-112 (1986), as
    reprinted in 1986 U.S.C.C.A.N. 1798. Nowhere in the legisla-
    tive history of the statute, however, does Congress state that
    it was intended to provide only for attorneys’ fees, or that it
    was not intended to allow monetary damages under § 504. Cf.
    United States v. Turkette, 
    452 U.S. 576
    , 591 (1981) (observ-
    ing that, although “the legislative history [of RICO] forcefully
    supports the view that the major purpose of [the statute] is to
    address the infiltration of legitimate businesses,” that does not
    require “the negative inference that [the statute] [does] not
    reach the activities of enterprises organized and existing for
    criminal purposes” where the plain text of the statute clearly
    includes all “enterprises”).10
    [6] In sum, availability of relief under the IDEA does not
    limit the availability of a damages remedy under § 504 for
    failure to provide the FAPE independently required by § 504
    and its implementing regulations.11
    We have recently held that, despite passage of § 1415(l), the provi-
    sions of the IDEA are not enforceable under § 1983. Blanchard v. Morton
    Sch. Dist., ___ F.3d ___, 
    2007 WL 4225789
    at *3 (9th Cir. 2007). The
    conclusion that § 1983 actions cannot be used to enforce the IDEA does
    not affect our analysis in this case. Section 1415(l) explicitly mentions the
    remedies available under the Rehabilitation Act and indicates that they are
    preserved, but does not refer to § 1983.
    Because the § 504 FAPE requirement differs from the IDEA FAPE
    requirement, it is not clear how the exhaustion provision of § 1415(l)
    applies to suits for damages for failure to provide a § 504 FAPE. We need
    not reach this issue, because the H. family did exhaust the IDEA adminis-
    trative remedies.
    614                  MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    § 504 REGULATIONS.
    The district court further held that there is no private right
    of action available to enforce in any respect the U.S. DOE’s
    § 504 regulations regarding provision of a FAPE. On exami-
    nation, we observe that the district court’s approach to this
    question did not recognize some considerations likely to be
    informative in determining whether there is or is not a private
    cause of action for damages available to enforce the § 504
    FAPE regulations. As we explain below, however, we cannot
    determine without clarification of the H. family’s allegations
    whether the district court’s ultimate conclusion — that no
    cause of action for damages is available on these facts under
    § 504 — is correct, and so remand for further proceedings.
    [7] It has long been established that § 504 contains an
    implied private right of action for damages to enforce its pro-
    visions. See Greater L.A. Council on Deafness v. Zolin, Inc.
    812 F.2d 1103
    , 1107 (9th Cir. 1987). Whether the H. family
    can bring an action to enforce the § 504 regulations will
    depend on whether those regulations come within the § 504
    implied right of action.
    [8] In Alexander v. Sandoval, 
    532 U.S. 275
    (2001), the
    Supreme Court addressed the circumstances under which reg-
    ulations can be enforced using the private right of action cre-
    ated by a Spending Clause-based statute. See Day v. Apoliona,
    496 F.3d 1027
    , 1037 n.12 (9th Cir. 2007). Sandoval held that
    disparate impact regulations promulgated under § 602 of Title
    VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 impose affirmative obliga-
    tions that go beyond the requirements of § 601 and so do not
    fall within the private right of action created by the statute.
    Sandoval, 532 U.S. at 285-86
    . According to Sandoval, regula-
    tions can only be enforced through the private right of action
    contained in a statute when they “authoritatively construe” the
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                          615
    statute; regulations that go beyond a construction of the stat-
    ute’s prohibitions do not fall within the implied private right
    of action, even if valid.12 
    Id. at 284.
    As applied here, Sandoval
    instructs that whether the § 504 regulations are privately
    enforceable will turn on whether their requirements fall within
    the scope of the prohibition contained in § 504 itself.
    The district court held that § 504 “merely prohibits inten-
    tional discrimination,” while the § 504 FAPE regulations pur-
    port to create “affirmative obligations.” Applying Sandoval,
    the district court concluded that because the § 504 FAPE reg-
    ulations uniformly impose “affirmative obligations” that are
    not imposed by the statute itself, they are not enforceable at
    all through the implied private right of action.
    The district court’s approach to this question fails to recog-
    nize three key features of § 504 and the § 504 FAPE regula-
    First, insofar as the district court was drawing a direct anal-
    ogy to Sandoval’s prohibition on private causes of action
    under a disparate impact regulation, that analogy is not
    entirely persuasive. The § 504 regulations in question —
    unlike the regulations under § 602 that the Supreme Court
    characterized in Sandoval as “disparate impact” regulations
    — are not fairly viewed as imposing liability based only on
    unintentionally created “effects” or outcomes.
    The Title VI regulations at issue in Sandoval provided that
    funding recipients may not “utilize criteria or methods of
    administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals
    to discrimination because of their race, color, or national ori-
    gin.” 28 C.F.R. § 42.104(b)(2) (emphasis added). In contrast,
    the § 504 FAPE regulations encompass several provisions, the
    The Court in Sandoval made clear that it was not declaring the Title
    VI disparate impact regulations substantively invalid. Alexander v. Sando-
    532 U.S. 275
    , 281 (2001).
    616                  MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    central requirement being that disabled children must be pro-
    vided an “education and related aids and services that (i) are
    designed to meet individual educational needs of handicapped
    persons as adequately as the needs of nonhandicapped persons
    are met.” 34 C.F.R. § 104.33(b)(1). The plain language of this
    first, overarching FAPE regulation is not violated by a mere
    difference in educational outcomes or “effects.” Rather, it is
    violated only if a state fails to “design” educational plans so
    as to meet the needs of both disabled and nondisabled chil-
    dren comparably. To “design” something to produce a certain,
    equal outcome involves some measure of intentionality. And
    an obligation to “design” something in a certain way is not
    violated simply because the actual impact of the design turns
    out otherwise than intended.
    In contrast, a disparate effect or impact need not be the
    result of “design” at all, could be entirely accidental, and need
    not be recognized once it occurs. This much was made clear
    in Alexander v. Choate, 
    469 U.S. 287
    In Choate, the Supreme Court expressed its view that,
    while § 504 may prohibit some disparate impacts, it is not
    intended to prohibit all such impacts. 
    Choate, 469 U.S. at 299
    . The Court repeatedly distinguished disparate impact dis-
    crimination from other forms of discrimination by noting that
    disparate impact discrimination arises from actions that dis-
    criminate only in “effect” rather than “design.” 
    Id. at 292,
    297. And the Court was concerned that a prohibition on any
    and all disparate impacts would lead to liability for effects
    brought about wholly inadvertently, indeed, even for effects
    that agencies had acted to avoid. 
    Id. at 298.
    By requiring only
    appropriate “design” of programs, § 104.33 does not fall into
    that category of “disparate impacts” about which the Court
    was most concerned in Choate.
    Second, § 104.33 requires a comparison between the treat-
    ment of disabled and nondisabled children, rather than simply
    requiring a certain set level of services for each disabled
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                            617
    child. So, contrary to the district court’s apparent concern that
    the § 504 regulations create free-floating “affirmative obliga-
    tions,” in fact the obligation created is a comparative one. In
    other words, school districts need only design education pro-
    grams for disabled persons that are intended to meet their edu-
    cational needs to the same degree that the needs of
    nondisabled students are met, not more.
    Further, the regulations also prohibit separating handi-
    capped students from nonhandicapped students unless “it is
    demonstrated . . . that the education of the person in the regu-
    lar environment with the use of supplementary aids and ser-
    vices cannot be achieved satisfactorily,” and require that
    disabled children be provided “comparable facilities” to those
    used by non-disabled children. 34 C.F.R. § 104.34(a)-(c).
    Even if some of the other regulations might be characterized
    as imposing “affirmative obligations” rather than prohibiting
    discrimination, regulations aimed at preventing baseless seg-
    regation of disabled and nondisabled students clearly repre-
    sent a prohibition on simple discrimination as long
    understood. Cf. Brown v. Bd. of Educ., 
    347 U.S. 483
    , 493
    Third, regardless of whether or not the § 504 FAPE regula-
    tions can be characterized as to some degree prohibiting “dis-
    parate impacts” or imposing “affirmative obligations,” the
    district court gave the prohibition contained in § 504 itself too
    cramped a reading. The text of § 504 prohibits not only “dis-
    crimination” against the disabled, but also “exclu[sion] from
    . . . participation in” and “deni[al] [of] the benefits of” state
    programs solely by reason of a disability. 29 U.S.C. § 794(a).
    This language is nearly identical to the language in Title VI,
    and, in general, the remedies available under both § 504 and
    Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”),
    42 U.S.C. § 12132,13 are “linked” to Title VI. Ferguson v.
    “[T]here is no significant difference in the analysis of rights and obli-
    gations created by” the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA. Vinson v.
    288 F.3d 1145
    , 1152 n.7 (9th Cir. 2002).
    618                  MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    City of Phoenix, 
    157 F.3d 668
    , 673 (9th Cir. 1998). But see
    Choate, 469 U.S. at 293
    n.7 (“[T]oo facile an assimilation of
    Title VI law to § 504 must be resisted.”). Nonetheless, the
    legislative history of the Rehabilitation Act and the nature of
    discrimination against disabled individuals have led us to con-
    strue the § 504 prohibition somewhat more broadly.
    This court has recognized that the focus of the prohibition
    in § 504 is “whether disabled persons were denied ‘meaning-
    ful access’ to state-provided services.” Crowder v. Kitagawa,
    81 F.3d 1480
    , 1484 (9th Cir. 1996) (quoting 
    Choate, 469 U.S. at 302
    ); Bird v. Lewis & Clark College, 
    303 F.3d 1015
    , 1020
    (9th Cir. 2002) (“[T]he College must provide Bird with
    ‘meaningful access’ to its programs.”). Thus, although § 504
    does not require “substantial adjustments in existing programs
    beyond those necessary to eliminate discrimination against
    otherwise qualified individuals,” it, like the ADA, does
    require reasonable modifications necessary to correct for
    instances in which qualified disabled people are prevented
    from enjoying “ ‘meaningful access’ to a benefit because of
    their disability.” Southeastern Community College v. Davis,
    442 U.S. 397
    , 410 (1979); 
    Choate, 469 U.S. at 301
    to decide whether § 504 encompasses disparate impact dis-
    crimination while characterizing “[t]he balance struck in
    Davis” as “requir[ing] that an otherwise qualified handi-
    capped individual must be provided with meaningful access
    to the benefit that the grantee offers” and noting that “to
    assure meaningful access, reasonable accommodations . . .
    may have to be made”); see also Vinson v. Thomas, 
    288 F.3d 1145
    , 1154 (9th Cir. 2002) (“A failure to provide reasonable
    accommodation can constitute discrimination under section
    504 of the Rehabilitation Act.”); Weinreich v. Los Angeles
    County Metro. Transp. Auth., 
    114 F.3d 976
    , 979 (9th Cir.
    1997). Moreover, contrary to the Agency’s contentions at oral
    argument, evidence that appropriate services were provided to
    some disabled individuals does not demonstrate that others
    were not denied meaningful access “solely on the basis of
    their disability.” See Lovell v. Chandler, 
    303 F.3d 1039
    , 1054
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                          619
    (9th Cir. 2002) (“The State’s appropriate treatment of some
    disabled persons does not permit it to discriminate against
    other disabled people under any definition of ‘meaningful
    access.’ ”).14
    The district court and the Agency appear to have forgotten
    the established § 504 “reasonable accommodation” and
    “meaningful access” requirements in evaluating whether the
    § 504 FAPE regulations come within § 504’s substantive
    scope. The reason for this elision may have been a misunder-
    standing about the distinction between interpreting the scope
    of the prohibition contained in § 504 and determining the state
    of mind with which a violation of § 504 must be committed
    so as to give rise to a damages remedy.
    Our cases on the appropriate mens rea standard for a § 504
    damages remedy recognize — as they must after Crowder —
    that § 504 itself prohibits actions that deny disabled individu-
    als “meaningful access” or “reasonable accommodation” for
    their disabilities. See Duvall v. County of Kitsap, 
    260 F.3d 1124
    , 1135-36 (9th Cir. 2001); 
    Ferguson, 157 F.3d at 679
    . Cf.
    Lovell, 303 F.3d at 1054
    (assuming that “meaningful access”
    is the appropriate standard). Those cases then go on to ana-
    lyze the state of mind with regard to a denial of “meaningful
    access” or “reasonable accommodation” necessary to justify
    Without deciding whether any cause of action the H. family may
    allege in the future based on the § 504 FAPE regulations meets the stan-
    dard of Sandoval, we observe that a number of the § 504 FAPE regula-
    tions are arguably intended to ensure “meaningful access” to public
    education. In particular, a disabled individual may be denied “meaningful
    access” to public education when that education is not designed to meet
    her needs as adequately as the needs of other students are met. See 34
    C.F.R. § 104.33. The FAPE regulations also require adherence to certain
    procedures intended to facilitate provision of a FAPE, including testing
    and evaluation, 34 C.F.R. § 104.35, and notice to parents of educational
    plans for their children. 34 C.F.R. § 104.36. Depending on the particular
    circumstances, testing and evaluation of a disabled child may be necessary
    to ensure “meaningful access” to an appropriate education, as might notice
    to a child’s parents of the educational plan for that child.
    620                      MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    monetary damages. As to this latter question, we have held
    that plaintiffs must prove a mens rea of “intentional discrimi-
    nation,” to prevail on a § 504 claim, but that that standard
    may be met by showing “deliberate indifference,” and not
    only by showing “discriminatory animus.” See 
    Duvall, 260 F.3d at 1138
    id. at 1139
    (deliberate indifference is “knowl-
    edge that a harm to a federally protected right is substantially
    likely, and a failure to act upon that likelihood”); 
    Lovell, 303 F.3d at 1056
    . Thus, a public entity can be liable for damages
    under § 504 if it intentionally or with deliberate indifference
    fails to provide meaningful access or reasonable accommoda-
    tion to disabled persons.
    For purposes of determining whether a particular regulation
    is ever enforceable through the implied right of action con-
    tained in a statute, the pertinent question is simply whether
    the regulation falls within the scope of the statute’s prohibi-
    tion. The mens rea necessary to support a damages remedy is
    not pertinent at that stage of the analysis. It becomes essential,
    instead, in determining whether damages can actually be
    imposed in an individual case. See 
    Sandoval, 532 U.S. at 280
    (considering which actions are encompassed by the prohibi-
    tion in § 601).15 The district court took a misstep when it
    brought the mens rea question into the private cause of action
    [9] In sum, the § 504 FAPE regulations are somewhat dif-
    ferent from the Title VI disparate impact regulation in Sando-
    val, because the regulations focus on “design” rather than
    “effect” and establish only a comparative obligation. Further,
    because the basic statutory prohibition has been understood
    somewhat differently in Title VI and § 504, to the degree the
    We note that, as this brief discussion of our case law on the mens rea
    requirement indicates, to the extent that the district court concluded that
    the H. family, in order to recover damages, is required to demonstrate a
    mental state greater than deliberate indifference to the requirements
    imposed by the FAPE regulations, it erred.
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                   621
    § 504 FAPE regulations that the H. family invokes can be
    interpreted as a variety of meaningful access regulation, they
    will fall within the § 504 implied cause of action. Finally, to
    obtain damages, the H. family will ultimately have to demon-
    strate that the Agency was deliberately indifferent to the vio-
    lation of whatever requirements the family validly seeks to
    We also note that resolution of the question whether the
    regulations can be enforced through the right of action in
    § 504 will likely be dispositive of the Eleventh Amendment
    sovereign immunity concerns that have frequently popped up
    in this case. The state argues that, while states do not enjoy
    sovereign immunity from suits to enforce § 504 itself, see
    Lovell v. 
    Chandler, 303 F.3d at 1051
    , the U.S. DOE’s § 504
    regulations cannot be enforced against states because they
    demand more of the states than they bargained for when they
    agreed to waive their Eleventh Amendment sovereign immu-
    [10] However, as our discussion of Sandoval demonstrates,
    to be enforceable through the § 504 implied private right of
    action, regulations must be tightly enough linked to § 504 that
    they “authoritatively construe” that statutory section, rather
    than impose new obligations. 
    Sandoval, 532 U.S. at 284
    . Reg-
    ulations that do not impose obligations beyond § 504’s prohi-
    bition on disability-based disadvantage but instead implement
    that prohibition are part of the bargain struck between states
    and the federal government. See 
    Lovell, 303 F.3d at 1051
    Douglas v. Cal. Dept. of Youth Auth., 
    271 F.3d 812
    , 820-21
    (9th Cir. 2001); cf. Vinson v. 
    Thomas, 288 F.3d at 1151
    , 1154
    (holding that state was not immune from a suit under § 504
    in a case in which plaintiff relied in part on Department of
    Justice regulations promulgated under the ADA). Accord-
    ingly, those regulations that can be enforced through the
    622                       MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU
    § 504 private right of action under Sandoval are almost cer-
    tainly enforceable against the states in a damages action.
    [11] We do not here decide whether the H. family has
    alleged a privately enforceable cause of action for damages
    against the state. To this point, both parties have proceeded on
    the assumption that the IDEA and the § 504 FAPE require-
    ments are identical, and have not litigated whether any of the
    § 504 FAPE regulations, as opposed to the IDEA FAPE
    requirements, can support a private cause of action. We there-
    fore remand to the district court for further proceedings. On
    remand, the H. family should be given an opportunity to
    amend its complaint to specify which § 504 regulations they
    believe were violated and which support a privately enforce-
    able cause of action. See Verizon Delaware, Inc. v. Covad
    Commc’ns Co., 
    377 F.3d 1081
    , 1091 (9th Cir. 2004) (Federal
    Rule of Civil Procedure 15(a) embodies a “policy favoring
    liberal amendment”).16
    For the foregoing reasons, the district court decision is
    The H. family also argues that “rare and extraordinary circumstances”
    require reassignment of the case on remand. United Nat’l Ins. Co. v. R&D
    Latex Corp., 
    242 F.3d 1102
    , 1118 (9th Cir. 2001) (internal quotation
    marks omitted). The H. family has pointed to no circumstances sufficient
    to justify reassignment of the case. Judge Real did not abuse his discretion
    when he revisited Judge Ezra’s earlier substantive orders, nor was his
    change in the scheduling order for filing pre-trial motions inappropriate.
    See Zivkovic v. S. Cal. Edison Co., 
    302 F.3d 1080
    , 1087 (9th Cir. 2002)
    (district courts have “broad discretion in supervising the pretrial phase of
    litigation” (quotation omitted)). The H. family’s request for reassignment
    is therefore denied.
    As we do not decide whether the H. family has alleged a privately
    enforceable cause of action, we do not reach the family’s argument that
    the district court erred in holding that there is no material question of fact
    as to whether plaintiffs were “intentionally discriminated” against so as to
    MARK H. v. LEMAHIEU                          623
    support a damages action under § 504, nor do we reach the family’s
    motion for summary judgment. We do note that, as with the district court’s
    ruling on sovereign immunity, the court held only that there was insuffi-
    cient evidence of intentional discrimination as to the IDEA’s FAPE
    requirements, not the § 504 FAPE regulations. The district court’s deci-
    sion therefore does not determine whether the H. family has demonstrated
    a triable issue as to violation of the § 504 regulations.

Document Info

Docket Number: 05-16236

Filed Date: 1/16/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/3/2016

Authorities (28)

United States v. Kory Ray Smith , 389 F.3d 944 ( 2004 )

Day v. Apoliona , 496 F.3d 1027 ( 2007 )

Robert E. Weinreich v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan ... , 114 F.3d 976 ( 1997 )

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Milgard Tempering, Inc., Plaintiff-Appellee/cross-Appellant ... , 902 F.2d 703 ( 1990 )

Mladen Zivkovic v. Southern California Edison Company , 302 F.3d 1080 ( 2002 )

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Vernon Crowder Stephanie Good v. Yukio Kitagawa, Chairman, ... , 81 F.3d 1480 ( 1996 )

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