Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1976 )

  •                      March 8, 1976
    The Honorable Clayton Garrison       Opinion No. H-791
    Executive Director
    Texas Parks & Wildlife Department    Re: Validity of deputy
    John H. Reagan Building              game warden commissions
    Austin, Texas 78701                  in light of the omission
    of the authorizing statute
    from a non-substantive
    recodification of game
    and fish laws.
    Dear Nr. Garrison:
    You requested our opinion regarding the validity of
    deputy game warden commissions after September 1, 1975.
    In 1973, the 63rd Legislature authorized the executive
    director of the Parks and'wildlife Department to commission
    deputy game wardens who, after filing an oath and bond, were
    empowered to enforce state laws relating to hunting, fishing,
    and the preservation of wildlife and marine animals. Acts
    1973, 63rd Leg., ch. 151, at 353. The deputy game wardens
    were required to serve without compensation.  The author-
    izing law was compiled as article 978f-5f of Vernon's Texas
    Penal Auxiliary Laws. Commissions were issued after
    September 1, 1973.
    Two years later the 64th Legislature enacted H.B. 1186
    embodying a comprehensive Parks and Wildlife Code. Acts
    1975, 64th Leg., ch. 545, at 1405. Section 2(a) of H.B.
    1186 expressly repealed certain existing laws, including
    "Articles 871 through 978n-2, Vernon's Texas Penal Code
    Auxiliary Laws. . . ." But the new Code, which became
    effective September 1, 1975, failed to contain a provision
    comparable to article 978f-5f specifically authorizing the
    appointment of deputy game wardens.
    p. 3333
    The Honorable Clayton Garrison - page 2   (H-791)
    You ask (1) whether deputy game warden commissions
    issued between September 1, 1973 and September 1, 1975
    remain valid and "permit the commissioned person to continue
    enforcement of game and fish laws as authorized under omitted
    Article 978f-5f," and (2) whether commissions issued after
    September 1, 1975 are valid. The principal issue is whether
    authority granted by article 978f-5f survived enactment of
    the new Parks and Wildlife Code. In our opinion it did not.
    There is no doubt that article 978f-5f of the Penal
    Auxiliary Laws, which provided specific authority for
    deputy game warden commissions , was repealed by the law
    enacting the new Parks and Wildlife Code. Section 2(a) of
    H.B. 1186 contained a specific express repealer of "Articles
    871 through 978n-2, Vernon's Texas Penal Code Auxiliary
    Laws," which is inclusive of article 978f-5f. The article
    was not among those specifically saved from repeal by section
    2(c) of H.B. 1186.
    Deputy game wardens are not mentioned at all in the new
    Parks and Wildlife Code. The only apparent source of author-
    ity for deputy game warden commissions is section 11.018
    which provides generally for the executive director of the
    Parks and ,Wildlife Department to appoint employees of the
    Department.  But like its predecessor proyision, article
    978f-3a of the Texas Penal Auxiliary Laws section 11.018
    does not provide for appointments, salaried or otherwise,
    unless authorized by the current appropriations act. See
    Attorney General Opinion M-1080 (1972) construing article
    978f-3a. The current appropriations act fails to provide
    for deputy game wardens. Acts 1975, 64th Leg., ch. 743,
    at 2417.
    Section 3 of H.B. 1186 provides:
    Sec. 3. This Act is intended as a recod-
    ification only, and no substantive change
    is intended by this Act.
    p. 3334
    The Honorable Clayton Garrison - page 3   (H-791)
    See also V.T.C.S. art. 5429b-1. While this statement of
    legislative intent is helpful in construing the Act, the
    language of the Act designed to accomplish that intent must
    fairly and reasonably do so.' City of Sweetwater v. Geron,
    380 S.W.2d 550
    , 552 (Tex. Sup. 1964). The rule applicable
    to code revisions was addressed by the Texas Supreme Court
    in American Indemnit Co. v. City $ Austin, 
    246 S.W. 1019
    ---d---- , where it said:
    1024 (Tex. Sup.
    Codes are not mere compilations of laws
    previously existing, but bodies of laws
    so enacted that laws previously existing
    and omitted therefrom cease to exist, and
    such additions as appear therein are the
    law from the approval of the act adopting
    the Code. . . .
    The Court went on to e,xplain at 1025:
    But the Revised Statutes, as we have
    seen, are the law, and are to be looked
    to with safety and confidence by the
    citizen; nor need one, under the rules
    of construction shown in the authorities
    cited, look into the original acts, except
    to explain ambiguities in the Code. . . .
    246 S.W. 1019
    , 1024 (authorities cited therein); 1A
    .Kherland,   Statutory Construction 4th ed. fi 28.05; 53 Tex.
    Jur.2d Statutes 99 4, 189, and 190; Freeman, The Texas
    Legislative Council's Statutory Revision Program, 29 Tex.
    B.J. 1021 (1966). The rule allows for the scrutiny of prior
    statutes if the new code is unclear or ambiguous.    See
    V.T.C.S. art. 5429b-2, 9 3.03; Honea v. United States, 
    344 F.2d 798
    (5th Cir. 1965); Orton 5 Adams, 
    444 P.2d 62
    D;;;: Ex parte Copeland, 91 SzW.2d 700 (Tex.Crim:App.
    After carefully reviewing the Parks and Wildlife
    Code, 'it is our view that the language of the Code with
    regard to authority to commission deputy game wardens is
    clear and unambiguous.   While the Legislature may well have
    not intended to eliminate the statutory authority for deputy
    game wardens, we do not believe the rules of statutory
    construction give us the option of looking behind the very
    clear language of the Act. Accordingly, we are required to
    p. 3335
    The Honorable Clayton Garrison - page 4   (H-791)
    conclude that after the Code became effective and article
    978f-5f was repealed, the executive direc.tor was without
    authority to commission deputy game wardens.   Therefore, any
    commission issued on or after September 1, 1975 is invalid.
    Your inquiry concerning the validity of commissions
    issued before September 1, 1975 presented a somewhat dif-
    ferent question.  Undoubtedly the commissions were valid
    when issued if issued in conformance with the requirements
    of article 978f-5f. Whether such commissions remain valid
    is not the controlling factor in regard to the concerns you
    expressed.  Even if the commissions remain valid, which we
    do not decide in this opinion, the sole source of special
    authority for deputy game wardens to enforce the laws of
    this state by virtue of those commissions was under article
    978f-5f. When that article was repealed, any authority
    arising from it was lost. We are unable to find any sug-
    gestion that the special enforcement authority in the new
    Parks and Wildlife Code, which is broader than that previ-
    ously available under article 978f-5f, was intended to
    extend to deputy game wardens.
    Wildlife Code 9 12.101 et seq. %&-~g~Z&a~~ptem-
    ber 1, 1975, persons commissioned as deputy game wardens
    under article 978f-5f were no longer specially authorized to
    enforce the game and fish laws of this state.
    Acts 1975, 64th Leg., ch. 545, at 1405,
    which enacted the Parks and Wildlife Code,
    repealed article 978f-5f, Texas Penal Auxiliary
    Laws, and eliminated authority for deputy
    game wardens.  Deputy game warden commissions
    issued after September 1, 1975 are invalid.
    Persons commissioned before September 1,
    1975 are not authorized to continue to enforce
    the game and fish laws of this state as previ-
    ously authorized by article 978f-5f.
    Attorney General of Texas
    p. 3336
    The Honorable Clayton Garrison - page 5 (H-791)
    DAVID M/KENDALL,   Bidst Assidtant
    da                    c-
    C. ROBERT HEATH[, Chairman
    Opinion Committee
    p. 3337