Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1972 )

  •                THF,        ATTORNEY                 GENERAL
    OF      TEXAS
    Honorable   Robert   E. Johnson                    Opinion      No.     M-1243
    Executive   Director
    Texas Legislative      Council                     Re:      Upon return      to the Ford
    P. 0. Box 12128,     Capitol   Station                      Foundation    of the unex-
    Austin,   Texas    78711                                    pended   balance    of a grant
    should   the interest      earned
    on the deposits       be returned
    with the principal       or re-
    tained   by the grantee,       the
    Dear     Mr.   Johnson:                                     Texas Legislative       Council?
    In your recent        opinion   request,     you     provided   us   with
    the     following    information:
    “In 1964 the Legislative        Council    received
    a grant    of $88,000   from the Ford Foundation            for
    partial     support  of a legislative       intern    program.
    The program      is now terminated      and the Ford Founda-
    tion    has asked for a refund        of the unexpended
    balance    of the grant.
    “The balance   in the internship         account   at
    this   time is $10,183.21,       consisting     of $7,621.02
    remainder     of the original      grant    and $2,562.29
    earned    interest  on deposits.
    “It    is our intent     to refund      the grant    balance
    to the foundation.           Our question      is, should    the
    full   amount of $10,183.21         be forwarded      to the
    Ford Foundation        or should    the interest      earned    on
    deposits      be considered     an administrative        earning
    and retained       by the Council?        If so, would it be
    proper     to deposit     the interest      earned  to the General
    Revenue      Fund?”
    According   to Black’s Law Dictionary,                       “grant”    means “to
    bestow; to confer;  upon someone other    than the                     person    or entity
    which makes the grant.”
    Under     the terms     of the   Ford Foundation’s     grant   to the
    Texas     Legislative        Council    “grant   funds will   be returned    to the
    Hon.   Robert     E.      Johnson,     page   2    (M-1243)
    Foundation   if these   funds  are not expended                   or committed       for   the
    purposes   of the grant    and within  the period                   stated.”
    We view this        grant    as a gift       which could       have been ex-
    pended  in its   entirety       during     the five-year         period    of the grant.
    The funds were given         to the Legislative            Council     for the use and
    benefit  of the Council          in its    legislative        internship      program
    and were deposited       to the Council           in a private        account     in a local
    bank.   We do not find         that   this    grant     created     a trust     or that the
    Council  acted   as trustees        of these        funds,    but rather      the Council
    was the beneficiary        of the grant         and the interest          derived    from
    time deposits    became the property              of the beneficiary          and did not,
    as in a trust,    accrue       to the principal.
    Return  of the unexpended      grant   funds plus      interest
    earned    on the funds   is more than is required         by the terms of the
    grant.     Return of the unexpended       funds    and interest     could     be
    looked    upon as an “investment”       which is prohibited        in grants
    of this    type because    such grants    must be made for “charitable”
    purposes    under the Tax Reform Act of 1969.            Therefore      we hold
    that only     the unexpended    balance   of the grant      funds,    without    the
    interest,     should  be returned    to the Ford Foundation.
    Article       2543d,    Section   1,   Vernon’s     Civil   Statutes,
    provides    :
    “Section      1.   Interest     received     on account       of
    time deposits        of moneys in funds         and accounts        in
    the charge      of the State       Treasurer      shall    be allocated
    as follows:        To each constitutional            fund there       shall
    be credited       the pro rata portion          of the interest
    received     due to such fund.            The remainder       of the
    interest     received,     with the exception           of that portion
    required     by other     statutes      to be credited        on a pro
    rata basis      to protested        tax payments,       shall   be
    credited     to the General         Revenue   Fund.       The interest
    received     shall     be allocated       on a monthly      basis.”
    We are of the opinion         that    the interest       earned   on the
    grant   funds    should   be deposited      to the credit         of the General      Revenue
    Fund because       the interest    actually      belongs     to the State,      although
    the State     Treasurer    was onlv constructivelv              and not directlv
    “in charge”      of the account     which earned         the interest,      under’the
    holding    in Boyett    v. Calvert,      
    467 S.W.2d 205
    ,   209 (Tex.Civ.App.
    1971,   reh.den.).
    Hon.   Robert   E.   Johnson,   page    3    (M-1243)
    The unexpended      balance    of the Ford Founda-
    tion    grant  must be returned        to the Foundation.
    The interest       earned   on the grant     funds must be
    deposited     to the General       Revenue   Fund under
    Article     2543d,    Vernon's   Civil   Statutes.
    eneral     of   Texas
    Prepared    by Linda     Neeley
    Assistant    Attorney     General
    Kerns Taylor,    Chairman
    W. E. Allen,    Co-Chairman
    James Maxwell
    Jim Swearingen
    Lewis Jones
    Linward  Shivers
    Staff Legal Assistant
    Executive Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-1243

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1972

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017