Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1950 )

  • Hon. George, 9. Avery               'Opinion   RO.~v-1059
    County Attorney
    Fannin,County                        Re: The sala??y of the
    Bonham; Texas                            oourt reporter of
    the 6th Judicial
    Mstriet   comprised
    of Fannln and Lamar
    Dear Sir:                                Counties.
    Your request   for'aa    opinion   reads   in part   as
    "I have received a requert for an opin-
    ian from Hri,Farris    Plrtle,    Auditor of FinnIn
    County, ~which request is herewith attabhed, in
    effect   venting to know if the 'Court Reporter
    for the Sixth Judicial     Distrlot,     yhioh is oom-
    posed of Fannin.and Lamar Cotitiea,          should be
    paid under the provisions.of       Article    2326h or
    Artiole 2327a-1 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of
    the,Sttite of Texas, vith reference        to'arriv-
    ing at the proportion     of auah dalary'eaoh        coun-
    ty should pay. Lamar County alao is in the 62nd
    Judicial   Dlatriot,  which la composed of Lamar,
    Hunt, Delta ati.FTanklin       Counties..
    "Therefore,    I request an opinion upon the
    follovlug    queation:~     'In apportioning   the sal-
    ary of the officla$       shorthand Feporter for the
    C&H, of the 6th Judicial Diatriot,           between'
    Lamar and Fannln Counties,        should we ba gov-
    erned by the,provlsions        of Article   2326h, and
    let each county pay that portion of the ex-
    penses and salaries       which the population    of
    the county, aaoorddiug       to the, last preceding
    Federal Census, bears to the total population
    of both oountiea,      or, should 'era be governed
    by;?      provisions   bf Artiole 2327a-1, and
    only one half of Lamar County's popu-
    latiob in arriving      at that County's propor-
    tionate,ah,are     of aucrh salary?"
    Hon. George T. Avery,     page 2    (V-1059)
    Article   232611, V.C .S.,     provides :
    “In eaoh Judiolal District     in this State
    in which the terms of Court do not operate on
    a oontinuous term basis end La whioh there Is
    more than one County, the salaries       and ex-
    penses of the official     Court reporter    shall
    2 ;zg,y      the respeotlve   aountles es’provld-
    . lEaoh of the oountles vithin such
    Diatriot   shall pay that portion of the ex-
    penses and salaries     of the off1oiel   Court
    reporter which the population      of the oounty,
    according to the last preoeding Federal Cen-
    sus, bears ~to the total population      of the
    counties acmprlaing the Judloial District.         rr
    Artiole   2327a-1,   V.C.S.,     provides :~
    Slhere any Judiolal DistrLot in this
    State .is composed of more than one ~county,
    and the Dlstriot     Court thereof has swoessive
    terma ln,,elther    of suoh oountles throughout
    the year, without more than tvo (2) .days in-
    tervening betveen any of suoh terms, the aal-
    arg of the offlolal       shorthand reporter of
    ,suoh Distrlot     shall ‘be paid by the several
    counties of the District,         the same to be sp-
    portioned among such oountles In proportion
    to their population       aocording to the latest
    United Wates deoennial oensus * provided that
    where swh oounty is in two (2 different              Ju-
    aioial   Districts,     either one, of vhioh '3.a ooa-
    posed of more than one county, In oaloulating
    suoh county’s proportion         of liability     f  th
    salary of the offioial        shorthand reDort?r in'
    any auoh District      containing more than one
    oounty, such county’s 1)ODU‘IetiOU          shall be
    aounted at one-half of its aotual pomdation
    as shown by the last Drecediw’ United States
    decennial oena us . ” (Emphasis added )
    It ia’apparent     from reading the above 8tatUteS
    that Artiole 2326h 1s . appllcabl?-to
    .              aoupties Ilf Judioial
    Dlstrlcts  vhlch do not have oontlnuous tezw or oourt,
    while Artiole   23278-l applZea to oounties in Judicial
    Districts  which have continuous terms in either county.
    Since Lamar County is located in two Judioial DistrMts
    it is necessary that we determine vhether either oounty
    in the 6th Judicial    District   has oontlnuous terms of oourt.
    Hon. Qeorge T. Avery,             page 3   (V-1059)
    .Prior to 1947, s’ubdivialoh.      ‘6:&f Ai%lole    199, V.
    C.S.,      provided ln~ pert;
    yii:    - Fannici
    ‘~      bnd Lamar’
    .. .               ,:
    ‘%6gtPon 1. T&ma’ of Oo& in’ and for
    the 6th ‘Judioiil ~Diattiiat shaL1 ba hereefter
    held therein each year as fol1 ova :
    “k $he County ‘of ~‘Bannin on the9 eeoond
    Monday in January of eaoh year and may eon- ”                 ~’
    tinw in session for QlWJetl     weeks;
    .,  ,. .,
    !‘In the County of Lamar on ~t&e eleventh
    Monday. after, the se&t.@. Aonday: in January of
    esoh year and may oontinue in aessfon for ten
    weeks ;
    “In the County of Fannin on the tventy-
    flrst.Ronday   efter the ae6ond Monday in Jaqu-
    ary bf ,eaoh’year and may oontinw   in a,ession
    for eight weeks;
    “In the County ‘qf Lamap oh $h? Ififth Hou-
    day after     the qeoond Monday in August in eaoh,
    year     and may oontinue ,ln sesalop six vee.ks;
    “In the Countp of iann& ‘oh the eleventh    :’
    Honday~after the second Monday in August of
    each year and may continue In session six weeks;
    “In the County of La’mclr on tbs aetintsen-
    th Monday efter the seoond Mondsy in, August of
    eaah year ,and may oontinue in session until the
    aeoon$ yonday ,in Jqnuery, the following    year.
    . . .
    Hove&;    in House Bill 737, Aats 50th, Leg., R.S.
    1947, oh.112,          p.175, effeotlve   April r21, 1947, the above
    statute          was amended by adding thereto   the following;
    “Eaoh term of Court in each of such ooun-
    tleti~.may oontinue until the date herein fixed
    for the beginning of the next suooeediag team
    It la thus seen that the Le lti,lature authorto-
    ed oontlkous     terms of court for the t th Judicial  Dls-
    Hon. Geopge T. Avery,     page 4   (V-1059)
    We are further supported      In this oonolwion    by
    the emergenoy clause of Howe Bill       737, vhtoh provides:
    %*a .5. The fact that the dookets in
    the above-named oounties are orowded, and
    the further faot that no relief   can be had
    for this condition  until oontinuow   terms
    of Court are authorized,  create an emetigen-
    oy . . .n
    It la stated in Texarkana 8 Ft. 9.
    ton Qas & Fuel Co., 121 Term,     51 S.W.2d
    “In oonstruing  statutes   enaoted direct-
    ly by the Legislature     it Is the duty of the
    oourt to look to the entire a&, inoluding
    the osption,    the body of the sot, and even
    the emergency clause,     to determine the leg-
    islative   intent.    When the legislative   in-
    tent is once determined it la the law.”
    You state in your letter    also that the 6th Ju-
    diolal   District has been operating    under oontinuow  terms
    of its   aourts.
    Since Fannln and Lamar CountLes now have oontin-
    uow terms of aourt, it is our opinion that in apportlon-
    lng the salary of the official  shorthand court reporter
    for the 6th Judiaial Distfiot  between suah counties you
    are governed by the underlined provisions  of Article
    The 6th Judloial Dist’riot aomprlsed of
    Fannln and Lamar Counties has aontinuow        tems
    of court.     H.B: 737, dots 50th Leg., R.S.1947,
    oh.112, p.175.      Texarkana & FC.S.Ry.v.Bowton
    Gas & Fuel CO., ‘121 T .       4 
    51 S.W.2d 284
                  . Therefore th?oourt’reporter      of such
    dlstriot    ahould be paid aooordlng to the pro-
    visiow     of Artlole 2327s-1, V.C.S.
    Yours very truly,
    J. C. DE&S, Jr.                                 PRICE DARIRL
    County Affairs Divialon                       Attorney General
    Charles D. Hathevs
    Rxeoutlve Assistant
    Joe 8. Greenhill                              Bg   d&S
    First Assistant                                       Assistant
    BA:mw ”

Document Info

Docket Number: V-1059

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1950

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017