Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1949 )

  •                       May 5, 1949.
    Hon.‘Q:~C.‘M~rls, chairman
    Joint LeglsSative Advisory Committee
    Austin, Texas
    Opinion Bo. V-825.
    Re: The necessity for peach
    vocational teacher to
    meet the staiwlardsof
    the State Board 6f Vo-
    cational Rducatson't6
    qualify for~dompensa-
    tlon under the salary
    aid law.
    i        We quote from yo& recent letter as follows:
    ."TheJMnt Legislative Commltt;6e has,had
    Attorney General's Opin-
    ion X0. V-674, dealing ilth the status of Vo-
    catlbnal Agricultkre,Vocationi3~~Home RcOnom-
    lcs and Trades.'and.Indtistry
    teachers. We be-.'
    Zleve that we are.ln complete agreement with
    this oplnlon except one pointwhich needs
    clarlflc&tlonln'our minds. In view of this
    fact, I am subml$Mng to you this additional
    question with reference to said opinion. In
    order for a VocatloxialHome Economics teacher
    to qualify for compensationfor a twelve
    monthq period, Is lt~necessarg'thateach ln-
    dlvldual tea&e? meet the standards and re-
    quirements set out by the State Board of'Voca-
    By statute, the Department of R&cation ls.em-
    Powered to Issue "certlflcates~.authorlxlngthe holders
    to teach the special subjects of agriculture,domestic-
    art . . . industrial training" where the teachetihas met
    the requirementsthereof. Art. 2889, V.C.S., paragraphs
    4, 5, 6. 8 and 9. Under this law any person desiring to
    Eon. 0. C. MorrIS, Page 2 (v-825)
    teach any of the designated special subjects in the
    Texas public free school system must hoId a teaoher cer-
    tificate Issued by the Department of Education before
    he may contract to teach hi.8special subject.
    Under H. B/239,. Acts 1923, quoted In Opinion
    V-674, wherein the State under the Federal Smith-Hughes
    Act authorized Its public schools to secure the bene-
    fits of Federal appropriationsfor vocational education
    by compl.lancewlth standards and quallflcdtlonsln a
    state plan bearing the approval of the State Board fcir
    Vocational Education, a person desiring to teach voca-
    tional subjects in Texas public schools which receive
    beneilts under."theSmith-Hugheslaw must acquire an ad-
    ditional certificate,commonly known as the Smith Hughes
    certificate. Such.a certificateshows ,thathe has met
    the qualificationsand standards prescribed for's voca-
    tional teach& covered In the aforementionedplan. Sec.
    5, H. B. 239.
    Consonant with such laws, we find ln accredl-
    tatlon standards and regulations of the Department of
    Bducatlop, Bulletin 476, clt?d in V-674, and ln its lat-
    est Bulletin 491, the followlngr~-~
    "A certificateof Approval for Hom&ak-
    lng Education issued by the HomemakingDe-
    partment, State Bijardfor VocationalEduca-
    tlon, Austin, Texas,~ls required if the
    schbol e%uects to receive 'pelmbura     from
    vocational fuud8." (Underscorlngours.)
    The @rovlslons~l.xi
    Ii.B. 295, Acts 1947, deal-
    ing with the salary of vocatlonal,~homeeconomics teach-
    ers do not conflictwlth these laws governing their
    certlflcatlon. In the first paragraph of Se&Ion 2 of
    Article III, H. B..295, we read:
    "The base pay for . . . Vocational Home
    EconomQis . . . teachers shall be One Hundred
    and Twenty-fourDollars ($124.00)p&r month,
    f& twelve (12) months In both accredited and
    unaccreditedschools." (Emphasis0~s.)
    ,Inthe last paragraph of same Section 2, we
    Hon. 0. C. Morris, Page 3'(V-825)~       ,~.-:
    .- "99~1ainiisal.~
    sax-     of ~. .I:;Vi$Oational
    ‘Hom~~EcoimsUc8~teabhers’ '.'.m&~be the
    monthly balarf’as~ dM$&&ed.by:sch&dule
    stated herein multlplled b$ ttitilv& ,(12). . .
    Salaries of . . . vocational teachers'may
    be&   p July first rat&e~,tha&~p~mb~~
    ThLs'Offlce In Its OplnlciiV&'4 advised that
    the vocational te&her provlsloixsin'& B. 295 are not
    llmlted tti'vocatlonal   teachers,trhi'merealizing r&m-'
    bureements or benefits under tha:Federal Smith-Hughes
    Act, but that same applies also,to yotiatlonal   teachers
    who are pard .whollyfromState~an&local.fuuds.
    'Based.~ on the statutea consldsredand the don-
    plusIons rea&ed'ln V-674,-it'.ls~o~~.op~onthat a vo-
    cational. ,hoiae economics teacher tebchbg IB a sChoo1~
    receiving ald under the Smith-HughesAct, to,qualify
    for compensationfor a twelve month~lsperiod, must meet
    the st&ndarda~   and.requlremenU ~S&t.oUtby the State
    BosFd for VocstXonal EdtictitSoni,.'Sec,;3 oftH. B.~542.;
    Actb 1947, 50th Legislature.            __
    However, as to a voc.atlonal
    home economics
    teacher teachln&ln a school'no%;axi
    appll@nt for aid
    under the Smith-HughesAct'but.'whcisactually engaged
    in~teachingthis work twelv~~mont,hs,.ths~laws do'not-
    require that such teacher&ieet.the'standards,andre-
    qulremexitsset out bs the State Bd&rd.f~r.Vocatlon~LBd-
    ucatlon. Art. 2889, V.C.S.; Sec. 2 of Art..III, H. B..
    295, Acts 19473 Opinion V-674. Howeve@, In connection
    aith this matter,.we quote'~
    from.v-674 as follows:
    "purtliep,we aresa@rised that those
    schools desiring to offer'vocation courses
    but not desiring to apply'for the benefits
    under the Federal subsidisedprogram are
    advised by.the Department of Education to
    employ only such vocational teachers as
    have been.certifiedby the State Board of.
    Vodatlonal Education as meeting the stand-
    ards and quallflcatlonsrequired of teach-
    ers functioningunder the Federal subsl-
    dlzed vocational program;
    -   .
    Hon. a. C. Morrls,~Page4 (v-825)
    "Departmentcf EducationalBulletin No.
    476,          pages 99 to 105 inclusive,
    wherein are published departmentalrules and
    regulatlons.governlngacaredltatlonof the
    public free schools of Texas, reveals that
    vocational programs offered'lnsaid sahOols
    to be recognized for accreditationor afflli-
    ation purposes should be organized In acaord-
    ante wlth requirementsof the State plans for
    vocational eduaatlon and merit the approval
    of the State Board for VocationalEducation.
    %l!heserules evidence a cooperationln-
    tent on the part OS the Departplentof Educa-
    tion to require a vocational educationalpro-
    gram In Texas which meets the test of the
    State Plan~approvedby the State Board and
    the Federal Government.'
    Uhzitwe have said applies only to contracts
    entered prior to enactment of Senate Bill 19, 51st Leg-
    lslature,whlah contains an amendmentto Section 2 of
    Article III of B. B. 295, 50th Legislature,changing
    the present law as to ba&e,pay for vocational teachers
    by adding the followingwords: "providedthe proposed
    plan for such twelve (12),months'pro&ms have been
    approved lndlvldually+d ln advance by the State Board
    for Vocational Education," etc. In Opinion v-784, we
    advised that this change In teacher salary schedules
    cannot be given a retroactiveeffect In such a manner
    as to destroy any presently existing contractualrights
    of the teachers concerned,but It will of course apply
    to future contracts. Sec. 16 of Art. I. Tex. Cohst.;
    Federal Crude 011 Co. v. Yount-Lee011 to., 122 Tex.-21,'
    . . 5b (1932); A. Q. Opinion V-674.
    A vocational home eaonon&asteacher
    teaching In a school-notreceiving aid under
    the Smith-HughesAct, who is actually en-
    gaged In teachlaigthis work~twelvemonths,
    Is not required to meet the standards and
    requirements set 'outby~the State Board for
    .   ”
    ~0%   Q- C. M~rrls, Page 5 (v-825)
    Vocatlonai Bduaakon. Arty.2889 V.C.S *
    Sec. 2 Of Art. I of I$.B.-295, A&s 194:; /
    A. Q. Opinion v-674.
    Yours very truly,
    Chester E. Olllson
    CEO:bh                                    Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: V-825

Judges: Price Daniel

Filed Date: 7/2/1949

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017