United States v. Kennedy , 881 F.3d 14 ( 2018 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-2298
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Douglas P. Woodlock, U.S. District Judge]
    Torruella, Kayatta, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Oscar Cruz, Jr., Assistant Federal Public Defender, and Amy
    Barsky, Research and Writing Specialist, Federal Public Defender
    Office, for appellant.
    Randall E. Kromm, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
    Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney, was on brief, for
    January 24, 2018
    KAYATTA, Circuit Judge.             Joseph Kennedy appeals his
    conviction    and   sentence   for    being    a   felon   in    possession    of
    ammunition in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1).               Challenging his
    conviction, Kennedy argues that the district court erred in denying
    his motion to suppress evidence obtained from a warrantless search
    of the vehicle he was driving immediately before his arrest.
    Challenging his sentence, he argues that the district court erred
    in finding that he qualified for a mandatory minimum sentence under
    the Armed Career Criminal Act ("ACCA").                 We affirm Kennedy's
    conviction, but vacate his sentence and remand for resentencing.
    I.    Background
    We draw from the district court's findings of fact for
    the circumstances leading to Kennedy's arrest and indictment.                 In
    the spring of 2014, Kennedy was on federal supervised release when
    a warrant issued for his arrest based on allegations that he had
    violated the terms of his supervision.                While several officers
    from the Boston Police Department and the United States Marshals
    Service were conducting surveillance in Charlestown, Massachusetts
    at the address of Kennedy's longtime girlfriend, the Quincy Police
    Department transmitted a "Be On the Lookout" bulletin.                        The
    bulletin explained that Kennedy was wanted for a larceny that had
    occurred     in   Quincy,   Massachusetts       the    night    before.       The
    surveillance      team   learned,   from   a   United    States    Marshal    who
    communicated the information in the bulletin, that the larceny had
    - 2 -
    involved the theft of a safe containing ammunition and possibly
    weapons, pepper spray, and drugs.           The officers were also told
    that Kennedy might be driving a gray Honda Fit and were provided
    with the license plate number of that vehicle.
    Later that afternoon, a gray Honda Fit matching the
    bulletin's description approached the surveillance location.             One
    officer   recognized   Kennedy   as   the   driver   of   the   car   from   a
    photograph he had been shown previously.         Kennedy parked the car
    legally near his girlfriend's apartment and exited the vehicle.
    When the officers approached Kennedy to arrest him, he ran away
    but was quickly apprehended.      He was handcuffed and removed from
    the scene.    Once Kennedy was secured and away from the car, one of
    the officers approached the Honda Fit.         Through the window of the
    vehicle, the officer could see clutter on the backseat, including
    duffel bags, garbage bags, backpacks, and clothing.             He also saw
    a large, box-shaped object on the backseat mostly covered by a
    duffle bag.     A small visible portion of the box appeared to be
    gray and metallic.     Believing the object to be the stolen safe,
    the officers decided to tow the vehicle.          Before doing so, they
    opened the car and searched it.       Inside, they uncovered a forced-
    open safe containing drug paraphernalia and the ammunition that
    served as the basis for Kennedy's charge in this case.
    After Kennedy was indicted, he moved to suppress all
    evidence stemming from the warrantless search of the Honda Fit, on
    - 3 -
    the grounds that the search violated the Fourth Amendment.            After
    a one-day evidentiary hearing, at which two officers testified,
    the court denied the motion, finding that the automobile exception
    applied and, in the alternative, that the officers had probable
    cause to believe the car itself had been used during the theft and
    therefore was the proper subject of an inventory search.           Kennedy
    subsequently entered a conditional guilty plea, reserving the
    right to appeal the court's denial of his motion to suppress.
    At sentencing, the primary issue was whether Kennedy
    qualified for a sentencing enhancement under the ACCA based on
    state crimes to which he had previously pled guilty.           The parties
    presented    arguments   regarding   six    potential   predicates:    two
    convictions for Massachusetts assault with a dangerous weapon
    ("ADW"), three convictions for Massachusetts assault and battery
    with   a   dangerous   weapon   ("ABDW"),   and   one   for   Massachusetts
    aggravated assault and battery ("AA&B").          The court found that it
    was bound by First Circuit law to count the two ADW offenses as
    violent felonies and therefore as qualifying ACCA convictions.
    As to the remaining offenses, the district court began
    by looking at the plea colloquy between Kennedy and the state
    court.     The transcript of the colloquy showed that Kennedy had
    been charged with both AA&B and ABDW resulting from the same
    incident.     In that incident, as described by the prosecutor,
    Kennedy and another attacker approached the victim, one of the two
    - 4 -
    attackers punched him, the victim fell backward and hit his head
    on a pole, and both Kennedy and the other attacker continued to
    punch and kick the victim once he was on the ground.         Kennedy was
    charged with one count of AA&B and three counts of ABDW, one for
    assault and battery with a pole and two for assault and battery
    with a "shod foot," due to repeated kicks to the victim.
    After the prosecutor recited these facts at the plea
    hearing, the state court asked Kennedy various questions about his
    plea.   Several of Kennedy's responses to important questions such
    as "Did you commit those acts?" were deemed "Unintelligible" by
    the reporter who completed the transcript, which was not requested
    until long after the proceeding.           At sentencing in the district
    court, the government presented a common-sense argument regarding
    how the court should interpret the incomplete transcript of the
    plea colloquy:    If any of Kennedy's responses had been "No," or if
    Kennedy had vacillated at all, the state court would have stopped
    and asked follow-up questions, rather than immediately continuing
    with the colloquy.      The government also explained that it had
    listened to the audio of the state court proceeding and, although
    it could not make out Kennedy's responses, it could tell that they
    were very brief, consistent with one-word answers.          Finally, the
    government     emphasized   that    after     asking   Kennedy   numerous
    questions, the state court asked, "Have you been confused with any
    of my questions?" to which Kennedy audibly responded "I have not."
    - 5 -
    On this basis, the government urged the district court to infer
    that Kennedy had answered "Yes" to the key questions by the state
    court (and "No" where appropriate).
    Accepting the government's interpretation of the plea
    colloquy transcript, the district court found that Kennedy had
    pled guilty to three additional offenses (AA&B, ABDW with a pole,
    and ABDW with a shod foot) that constituted violent felonies, any
    one of which, when added to the two ADW offenses, was sufficient
    to   satisfy    the   ACCA.   The   court   therefore   applied   the    ACCA
    enhancement and sentenced Kennedy to 180 months' imprisonment, the
    minimum sentence under the statute.         This timely appeal followed.
    II.   Discussion
    We discuss in turn Kennedy's two objections to the
    proceedings below, beginning with the suppression challenge.
    In reviewing the denial of a motion to suppress, we
    review factual findings for clear error and conclusions of law,
    including      ultimate   constitutional    determinations   such   as   the
    existence of probable cause, de novo.             See Ornelas v. United
    517 U.S. 690
    , 699 (1996); see also United States v.
    661 F.3d 718
    , 724, 726–27 (1st Cir. 2011) (reviewing the
    district court's determination of reasonable suspicion de novo).
    Under the automobile exception to the Fourth Amendment's
    warrant requirement, see California v. Acevedo, 
    500 U.S. 565
    , 579
    - 6 -
    (1991), the question before us is whether the totality of the
    circumstances created a "fair probability that . . . evidence of
    a crime" would be found in the Honda Fit.          United States v. Dion,
    859 F.3d 114
    , 132 (1st Cir. 2017) (alteration in original) (quoting
    United States v. Silva, 
    742 F.3d 1
    , 7 (1st Cir. 2014)).            When the
    officers    searched     the   vehicle,     they   knew     the   following
    information: Kennedy was wanted for the theft of a safe containing
    ammunition and possibly other items that had occurred the previous
    night; there was clutter in the backseat of the vehicle he had
    been driving immediately before his arrest, including bags and
    clothing piled on top of what appeared to be a large, box-shaped
    item consistent with the size and shape of a safe; and the small
    portion of the box-shaped item that was exposed appeared gray in
    color and metallic.      These were all facts found by the district
    court based on the testimony of two of the police officers involved
    in Kennedy's arrest, and these findings were not clearly erroneous.
    Camacho, 661 F.3d at 723
    ("A clear error exists only if, after
    considering all the evidence, we are left with a definite and firm
    conviction that a mistake has been made." (internal quotation marks
    omitted)); United States v. Barnes, 
    506 F.3d 58
    , 62 (1st Cir. 2007)
    ("Clear error does not exist if any reasonable view of the evidence
    supports the decision." (internal quotation marks omitted)).           This
    factual    basis   --   together   with    reasonable     inferences   drawn
    therefrom -- was sufficient to establish a "fair probability" that
    - 7 -
    evidence of the larceny would be found inside the vehicle.           
    Dion, 859 F.3d at 132
    Kennedy does not dispute these facts but nevertheless
    argues that the district court erred in denying his motion to
    suppress for two reasons:         The officers did not have specific
    information linking the Honda Fit to the larceny and the passage
    of ten to twelve hours between when the larceny was reported and
    when Kennedy was arrested renders any link between the crime and
    the car weak.
    Assuming   Kennedy's    first   contention   is   true,   it   is
    irrelevant.   The officers' search was proper so long as there was
    probable cause to believe the Honda Fit contained evidence of the
    larceny.   That the Honda Fit was directly used in the commission
    of the larceny -- as opposed to, for example, after the larceny to
    transport the stolen items -- is not a necessary condition for
    that conclusion.      And Kennedy's assertion that there was "no
    evidence of the theft in plain view in the Honda" is simply untrue.
    Although the district court correctly found that the full safe was
    not in plain view, what was in plain view as established by the
    officers' testimony was more than enough to support a reasonable
    belief that the object was a safe.
    As for Kennedy's second argument, the passage of ten to
    twelve hours after the report of the Quincy larceny does not render
    the search unconstitutional.      While there may be circumstances in
    - 8 -
    which the passage of half a day turns a tip into stale information
    that is insufficient for probable cause, cf. United States v.
    95 F.3d 105
    , 114–15 (1st Cir. 1996), this is not one
    of those cases.       Simply put, what the officers saw in the car
    served as verification of the information in the bulletin and
    ameliorated any concern that the information was stale.                    Given the
    totality of the circumstances in this case, there was probable
    cause to search the Honda Fit.
    Because   we     conclude      that   the    automobile        exception
    applies   and   therefore     that   the    search      of   the   Honda    Fit   was
    reasonable, we can affirm Kennedy's conviction without any need to
    determine   whether    the    district     court's      alternative    basis      for
    denying his motion to suppress was proper.
    We turn now to Kennedy's challenge to his sentence.
    Pursuant to the ACCA, an individual convicted of being a felon in
    possession of a firearm or ammunition under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1)
    is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence of fifteen years if he
    also has three prior convictions for violent felonies.                     18 U.S.C.
    § 924(e)(1).    The ACCA defines a violent felony, in relevant part,
    as any crime punishable by imprisonment over one year that "has as
    an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical
    force against the person of another." 18 U.S.C. § 924(e)(2)(B)(i).
    - 9 -
    It is undisputed that Kennedy has two prior convictions
    for Massachusetts ADW, an offense that qualifies as a violent
    felony under United States v. Whindleton, 
    797 F.3d 105
    , 116 (1st
    Cir. 2015).      The question before us is whether Kennedy has a third
    predicate offense for ACCA purposes.                 There are two possible
    contenders for Kennedy's third qualifying offense:                Massachusetts
    AA&B or Massachusetts ABDW, to both of which Kennedy pled guilty
    in February 2010.            In its supplemental brief, the government
    informed    us   that   it    "no   longer   seeks   to   rely"   on   the   AA&B
    conviction as a basis to affirm Kennedy's ACCA sentence.               Thus, we
    address only whether Kennedy's ABDW conviction qualifies as a
    violent felony.1        This "is a legal question we review de novo."
    Id. at 108.
    Massachusetts ABDW comes in two forms:            intentional and
    reckless.     See United States v. Tavares, 
    843 F.3d 1
    , 12 (1st Cir.
    2016).   This court has described the two forms of ABDW as:
    (1) The intentional and unjustified touching
    of another by use of a dangerous weapon,
    (2) The intentional commission of a wanton or
    reckless act [with a dangerous weapon] causing
    more than transient or trifling injury to
    1 At the government's behest, we focus even more narrowly on
    Kennedy's two convictions for assault and battery with a shod foot,
    rather than on the conviction arising out of the victim falling
    against a pole.
    - 10 -
    Id. at 14
    (alteration in original).      We have held that the first,
    intentional form of Massachusetts ABDW is a crime of violence under
    the force clause of section 4B1.2(a)(1) of the United States
    Sentencing Guidelines.     
    Tavares, 843 F.3d at 13
    .     That holding
    fits equally well with the ACCA's force clause.     See United States
    v. Edwards, 
    857 F.3d 420
    , 427 n.12 (1st Cir. 2017).    More recently,
    we held that reckless ABDW is not a violent felony under the force
    clause of the ACCA.     United States v. Windley, 
    864 F.3d 36
    , 39
    (1st Cir. 2017) (per curiam) (adopting the analysis in Bennett v.
    United States, 
    868 F.3d 1
    (1st Cir.), withdrawn as moot by 
    870 F.3d 34
    (1st Cir. 2017)).       Thus, ABDW is not categorically a
    violent felony, so we cannot affirm Kennedy's sentence on that
    basis.   See United States v. Faust, 
    853 F.3d 39
    , 51 (1st Cir.),
    reh'g denied, 
    869 F.3d 11
    (1st Cir. 2017) (explaining that under
    the categorical approach, a court must first determine "whether
    all of the conduct covered by the statute categorically requires
    violent force").   Instead, to affirm Kennedy's sentence, we would
    need to find both that Massachusetts ABDW is divisible into its
    intentional and reckless forms, and that Kennedy pled guilty to
    the intentional form.      See Mathis v. United States, 
    131 S. Ct. 2243
    , 2249, 2256 (2016).
    The question whether Massachusetts ABDW is divisible
    into elementally distinct forms has no easy answer.      In Tavares,
    we attempted to predict how the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial
    - 11 -
    Court would 
    rule. 843 F.3d at 14-15
    .          But, as we later explained,
    we did so without the benefit of any argument to proceed otherwise.
    See United States v. Tavares, 
    849 F.3d 529
    , 529–30 (1st Cir. 2017)
    (denying petition for rehearing).          We later pointed toward a more
    "backward-looking," "historical" approach in attempting to gauge
    the divisibility of another Massachusetts offense.                   
    Faust, 853 F.3d at 56-57
    (quoting McNeill v. United States, 
    563 U.S. 816
    820, 822 (2011)).    In this case now before us, we can avoid the
    difficult question of divisibility because we find that, even if
    ABDW is divisible into intentional and reckless forms, the record
    of Kennedy's prior convictions do not allow us to find that he
    pled guilty to intentional ABDW.          Our reasoning follows.
    When an offense is divisible (or, as here, assumed to be
    divisible), we look to so-called Shepard documents to see if we
    can determine that the defendant was previously convicted of the
    ACCA-qualifying form of the offense (here, intentional ABDW).
    Shepard v. United States, 
    544 U.S. 13
    , 26 (2005) (holding that, in
    determining   whether     a   defendant    pled    guilty   to   a    qualifying
    offense, a sentencing court may look to the charging document, the
    plea   agreement,   the       plea   colloquy     transcript,    or       to   some
    "comparable judicial record").           The relevant record in this case
    consists of the following.
    First,    the       criminal    complaint    lacks     any       express
    allegation    concerning      Kennedy's    mental     state.         It    alleges
    - 12 -
    conclusory facts (e.g., Kennedy "did, by means of a dangerous
    weapon, a shod foot, assault and beat" the victim) that certainly
    sound like an intentional act.    But cf. United States v. Holloway,
    630 F.3d 252
    , 262 (1st Cir. 2011) (vacating a sentence under the
    ACCA's now-severed residual clause because boilerplate language
    "did assault and beat" in an indictment was insufficient to
    establish a violent felony).     But it also alleges "serious bodily
    injury," a fact only required to sustain the reckless version of
    the offense.
    Second, there is the clerk's description of the accepted
    plea at the end of the colloquy.    It, like the criminal complaint,
    makes no mention of Kennedy's state of mind, describing the
    judgment as simply a finding of guilty on charges of "assault and
    battery with a dangerous weapon."
    Third, there is the prosecutor's description at the plea
    colloquy of the facts giving rise to the charges, together with
    Kennedy's admission that he "commit[ted] those acts."2         Those
    facts, like the statements in the complaint, plainly describe
    conduct that one would perform intentionally.     Specifically, the
    prosecutor described the assault as follows:
    2 Although the transcript reflects that many of Kennedy's
    responses to questions by the state court were "Unintelligible,"
    we, like the district court, assume that Kennedy answered "Yes" to
    these questions (and "No" where appropriate), thereby pleading
    guilty to the facts presented by the prosecutor.
    - 13 -
    [The victim] was jumped by two white males who
    then fled the area. . . . [O]ne of the
    individuals punched him.     He fell to the
    ground; fell back, hitting his head on a pole.
    They continued to punch him and kick him when
    he was on the ground.
    The government argues that the facts alleged, admitted,
    and "found by the district court show that Kennedy engaged in
    intentional, not merely reckless, conduct."                   So the question is
    posed, do we infer from admitted behavior that a defendant was
    convicted of the ACCA-qualifying form of the offense whose elements
    could be satisfied by the behavior?                Or do we instead limit our
    review of the plea colloquy to determine whether the defendant
    actually pled guilty to that form of the offense?                        The Supreme
    Court's case law arguably points in several directions on this
    question.      In Shepard, the Court stated that in pleaded cases, we
    can look to "the statement of factual basis for the charge, Fed.
    Rule    Crim.       Proc.    11(a)(3),     shown   by    a   transcript       of   plea
    colloquy . . . or by a record of . . . findings of fact adopted by
    the defendant upon entering the 
    plea." 544 U.S. at 20
    ; see also
    id. at 25
    (plurality opinion) (noting that "the defendant's own
    admissions or accepted findings of fact confirming the factual
    basis   for     a    valid   plea"   can    provide     certainty   of    a   generic
    finding).     Shepard, though, also suggests that what we look for in
    such an examination is whether there is an admission of "the
    generic fact," 
    id. (plurality opinion),
    which is the fact that
    - 14 -
    differentiates, for example, a burglary that is a violent felony
    (burglarizing a building or structure) from the overly broad non-
    generic burglary (which includes burglarizing a car).                     Here, the
    generic fact would be that Kennedy acted intentionally, which he
    never admits other than by implication.
    More    generally,       the     Court's       subsequent         direction
    instructs that the relevant inquiry does not train on ascertaining
    whether Kennedy admitted facts that could support a conviction for
    intentional ABDW.     See 
    Mathis, 136 S. Ct. at 2254
    (explaining that
    the modified categorical approach "is not to be repurposed as a
    technique     for     discovering          whether     a     defendant's         prior
    conviction . . .     rested     on   facts . . .         that    also    could       have
    satisfied the elements of a generic offense").                  Rather, we look at
    the record documents to determine the elements of the offense for
    which Kennedy was convicted.               "How a given defendant actually
    perpetrated   the    crime     --    what    we   have     referred      to     as    the
    'underlying brute facts or means' of commission -- makes no
    difference[,]      even   if   his    conduct     fits      within      the    generic
    offense . . . ."      
    Id. at 2251
    (internal citation omitted); see
    also Descamps v. United States, 
    570 U.S. 254
    , 262–63 (2013)
    (emphasizing that a court's responsibility is "not to determine
    'what the defendant and state judge must have understood as the
    factual basis of the prior plea,'" but rather "to assess whether
    the plea was to the version of the crime . . . corresponding to
    - 15 -
    the generic offense" (quoting 
    Shepard, 544 U.S. at 25
    –26 (plurality
    id. (emphasizing the
    "narrow scope" of the review under
    the modified categorical approach).              In light of this guidance
    from the Court, we have observed that the task of the sentencing
    court "is not to fit the facts of the individual defendant's
    conduct into one of the divisible offenses."                
    Faust, 853 F.3d at 53
    We think it best to follow the Court's most recent and
    direct pronouncements, as we did in Faust.                 We look to Kennedy's
    plea colloquy not to see if the admitted facts could support a
    conviction for the intentional form of ABDW, but instead to see if
    he    was   charged    with    and   pled   guilty    to    that   offense.   A
    hypothetical illustrates why we proceed in this manner.
    Imagine that the Massachusetts statute set forth two
    plainly     separate    (and    thus     completely    divisible)     offenses:
    intentional ABDW and reckless ABDW.                  Now picture a criminal
    complaint or indictment charging "reckless ABDW," a plea colloquy
    admitting to facts such as we have here, and a judgment of
    conviction for "reckless ABDW."          Clearly, under Descamps, we would
    decide the conviction to be for reckless ABDW notwithstanding the
    facts admitted during the colloquy.             Conversely, if the complaint
    and judgment alleged intentional ABDW, then we would regard the
    conviction as being for that offense.
    - 16 -
    Here, the government asks us to view Massachusetts ABDW
    just as in the hypothetical:     two divisible offenses with distinct
    elements.    And the facts Kennedy admitted to are just as in the
    hypothetical.     What   is   missing   --   in    the   complaint,   in   the
    colloquy, and in the judgment -- is any specificity as to which
    offense was charged and admitted.       It is as if the complaint and
    judgment said "intentional or reckless ABDW."               And if they so
    stated, we certainly could not say -- much less with "Taylor's
    demand for certainty," 
    Mathis, 136 S. Ct. at 2257
    Shepard, 544 U.S. at 21
    ) -- that Kennedy was convicted of a qualifying
    predicate offense under the ACCA.            See 
    Faust, 853 F.3d at 59
    ("Facts that are as consistent with intentional [assault and
    battery on a police officer] as they are with reckless ABPO can
    hardly be said to 'speak plainly.'").             Rather, we would have to
    say that, even assuming ABDW is divisible, the conviction was not
    plainly for one form rather than the other.
    Although we have at times suggested that courts may draw
    inferences from facts presented in a plea colloquy, see United
    States v. Miller, 
    478 F.3d 48
    , 52 (1st Cir. 2007) (noting that "an
    inquiring court has the right to draw reasonable inferences from
    the evidence" and need not "wear blinders" or "leave common sense
    out of the equation"), we have generally declined to do so for
    questions of mens rea, see United States v. Martinez, 
    762 F.3d 127
    , 136 (1st Cir. 2014) (holding that the defendant's prior
    - 17 -
    conviction was not a crime of violence under the sentencing
    guidelines even though he admitted that he "struck" his girlfriend
    because there was no showing that he confessed to the "added gloss"
    of doing so intentionally, rather than recklessly); cf. 
    id. n.5 (setting
    aside the "perhaps more difficult question of whether,
    when the elements of two or more offenses" overlap, "a plea
    colloquy in which a defendant admits to facts that might have given
    rise to a conviction under more than one of them nevertheless
    permits a sentencing court to conclude that the admissions were
    legally necessary components of a plea to a more serious charge");
    Patel v. Holder, 
    707 F.3d 77
    , 82 (1st Cir. 2013) (applying the
    modified   categorical   approach   in   the   immigration   context   and
    finding that the prosecutor's description of the offense "can only
    tell us so much about what was in [the defendant's] own mind during
    the crime").
    Another way to think about this question is to consider
    the plea context as an analogue to trial.         The Supreme Court has
    made clear that the modified categorical approach applies in both
    situations, and in the same manner.       See 
    Shepard, 544 U.S. at 19
    For tried cases, sentencing courts are instructed to look to
    charging documents, jury instructions, and jury verdicts (or the
    judge's formal rulings of law and findings of fact in a bench
    trial) to determine the nature of the prior conviction.         See id.;
    Taylor v. United States, 
    495 U.S. 575
    , 602 (1990).       Neither Taylor
    - 18 -
    nor Shepard allows courts to look to trial testimony for the facts
    presented or admitted to by the defendant.                That was exactly what
    the Supreme Court sought to avoid by imposing the categorical
    approach   in   the    first    place.         See   
    Taylor, 495 U.S. at 601
    (suggesting that where the charging paper does not reveal the
    theory presented to the jury, it would be inappropriate to allow
    the    government     to    introduce    the     trial   transcript    before     the
    sentencing court); cf. 
    Descamps, 570 U.S. at 274
    (noting that "we
    have    expressly     and    repeatedly    forbidden"      courts     from   asking
    whether a particular set of facts leading to a conviction conforms
    to an ACCA offense).         This analogy to tried cases should guide our
    application of the modified categorical approach in plea cases
    like Kennedy's.        We can look to the plea colloquy, see 
    Shepard, 544 U.S. at 20
    , but not for statements and admissions of the type
    that might show up in testimony at trial.                Rather, we are looking
    for something that resembles what we would find in a charging
    document or jury verdict in a tried case.                Cf. 
    Descamps, 570 U.S. at 272
    ("A prosecutor charging a violation of a divisible statute
    must generally select the relevant element from its list of
    This mode of analysis admittedly leaves little role for
    much of the plea colloquy in the modified categorical approach,
    just as it leaves little room for trial testimony in tried cases.
    The colloquy, though, remains relevant because it could very well
    - 19 -
    reflect not just the facts of the defendant's conduct, but also
    that he was charged with and pled to a particular version of the
    offense.   In other words, Kennedy's colloquy might have -- but did
    not -- contain an explicit discussion of intentional or reckless
    ABDW.   A colloquy, unlike the one here, might also reflect facts
    that simply could not support one form of the offense.
    Our analysis presumes that defendants may admit to facts
    that are not necessary to support a conviction on the charge
    brought against them.    We are in good company in so presuming.
    Mathis, 136 S. Ct. at 2253
    ("[A] defendant may have no
    incentive to contest what does not matter under the law . . . .");
    Descamps, 570 U.S. at 270
    (noting that defendants often have
    "little incentive to contest facts" that are "irrelevant to the
    proceedings").   Two tendencies make it especially likely that a
    defendant will admit to additional facts above and beyond those
    necessary for his conviction.    First, where, as here, there is no
    clear difference in the sentencing range for the various forms of
    the offense, a defendant has no reason to clarify the nature of
    his admission.    See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 265 § 15A(b) ("Whoever
    commits an assault and battery upon another by means of a dangerous
    weapon shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for
    not more than 10 years or in the house of correction for not more
    than 2 1/2 years, or by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by both
    such fine and imprisonment.").    Second, in the context of a plea
    - 20 -
    bargain, defendants frequently plead guilty to lesser charges than
    those originally brought against them; as a result, the facts
    alleged and admitted to at the plea colloquy can often support the
    greater charge.        The First Circuit regularly affirms convictions
    and sentences arising out of these situations.              See, e.g., United
    States v. Sánchez-Colberg, 
    856 F.3d 180
    (1st Cir. 2017) (affirming
    conviction      and    sentence   where   the   defendant       pled   guilty      to
    possessing marijuana and certain firearms in exchange for the
    government's dismissal of other charges and the facts alleged at
    the plea colloquy supported those additional charges); United
    States v. Díaz-Bermúdez, 
    778 F.3d 309
    (1st Cir. 2015) (similar);
    see also United States v. Díaz-Concepción, 
    860 F.3d 32
    (1st Cir.
    2017) (affirming conviction in similar situation); United States
    v. Santiago Miranda, 
    654 F.3d 130
    (1st Cir. 2011) (same).                 Relying
    too   heavily     on   the   facts   admitted   in   a   plea    colloquy     could
    therefore threaten to deprive many defendants of the benefit of
    their bargains.        See 
    Taylor, 495 U.S. at 601
    –02 ("[I]f a guilty
    plea to a lesser, nonburglary offense was the result of a plea
    bargain, it would seem unfair to impose a sentence enhancement as
    if the defendant had pleaded guilty to burglary.").
    In   sum,    even    assuming   that    intentional       ABDW   is    a
    separate, divisible form of Massachusetts ABDW, the record to which
    we are allowed to look does not plainly show that Kennedy pled
    guilty to that form of the offense.             
    Mathis, 136 S. Ct. at 2257
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    Therefore, Kennedy's ABDW conviction cannot serve as his third
    ACCA predicate and, since the government does not point to any
    other crime that could qualify, Kennedy was improperly sentenced
    as an armed career criminal.       We therefore vacate the mandatory
    minimum sentence imposed by the district court and remand for
    resentencing without the ACCA enhancement.3
    III.      Conclusion
    For   the   foregoing     reasons,   we   affirm   Kennedy's
    conviction and vacate his sentence.
    3 Kennedy has also preserved an argument that, even if his
    ABDW convictions were for violent felonies under the ACCA, unless
    proven or admitted in this subsequent case, they cannot be used to
    increase the statutory minimum or maximum sentence that would
    otherwise apply. Setting aside that we are bound by Almendarez-
    Torres v. United States, 
    523 U.S. 224
    , 243–47 (1998), we need not
    reach this question due to our conclusion that Kennedy's ACCA
    sentence was improper on other grounds.
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