United States v. Figueroa-Quinones , 657 F. App'x 9 ( 2016 )

  •                 Not for Publication in West's Federal Reporter
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 15-1190
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. Francisco A. Besosa, U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Thompson, Circuit Judges.
    Eric Alexander Vos, Federal Public Defender, District of
    Puerto Rico, Vivianne M. Marrero, Assistant Federal Public
    Defender, Supervisor, Appeals Section, and Liza L. Rosado-
    Rodriguez, Research and Writing Specialist, on brief for
    Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, United States Attorney, Nelson
    Pérez-Sosa, Assistant United States Attorney, Chief, Appellate
    Division, and Julia M. Meconiates, Assistant United States
    Attorney, on brief for appellee.
    October 31, 2016
    THOMPSON,   Circuit   Judge.     Defendant-Appellant   Oscar
    Figueroa-Quiñones ("Figueroa") challenges the 72-month sentence
    imposed upon him on both procedural and substantive reasonableness
    The facts underlying this case are, for the most part,
    uncontested.1       On February 21, 2014, Homeland Security received
    information from a confidential informant regarding an illegal
    marijuana growth laboratory inside a residence in Guaynabo, Puerto
    Rico.       After Homeland Security agents, accompanied by Puerto Rico
    police officers, went to the residence and announced themselves,
    they made a warrantless entry after hearing suspicious noises --
    a toilet flushing and the unloading of a gun -- sounds they thought
    to be the destruction of evidence.           Agents immediately located and
    detained Figueroa and two others.             During a quick scan of the
    premises, the officers observed a gun on top of a microwave, live
    marijuana plants, and large quantities of loose marijuana.
    After reading Figueroa his Miranda rights, officers
    proceeded to interview him on site.               At first he denied any
    connection to the residence, but eventually admitted it was his
    home. During the questioning, Figueroa initially gave the officers
    This sentencing appeal follows a guilty plea, and we
    therefore "glean the relevant facts from the change-of-plea
    colloquy,   the  unchallenged   portions  of  the   presentence
    investigation report (PSI Report), and the record of the
    disposition hearing." United States v. Vargas, 
    560 F.3d 45
    , 47
    (1st Cir. 2009).
    - 2 -
    verbal consent to search his vehicle, leading to the discovery of
    firearm    magazines.      Later,   he   consented   to   a   search   of   the
    residence,2 which resulted in the seizure of over 50 marijuana
    plants; a large amount of unpackaged marijuana; drug growing and
    packaging paraphernalia; and a variety of artillery, including an
    unloaded AK-47 assault rifle, two AK-47 assault rifle magazines,
    and a loaded Glock pistol.
    After his arrest and after waiving his Miranda rights
    for a second time, Figueroa confessed to Homeland Security agents
    to being the owner of the munitions and the operator of the growth
    laboratory.    Then several days later, a federal grand jury sitting
    in the District of Puerto Rico returned a two-count indictment,
    charging    Figueroa    with   possession   with     intent   to   distribute
    controlled substances and possession of a firearm in furtherance
    of a drug-trafficking crime.
    On the heels of the indictment came Figueroa's motion to
    dismiss and motion to suppress the evidence gathered during the
    warrantless search.        The district court denied the motion to
    dismiss.      As for the suppression motion, after conducting an
    evidentiary    hearing,    a   magistrate   judge    recommended    that    the
    motion be granted.        Following the government's objection to the
    2 Officers explained that a warrant could be obtained for his
    residence, but Figueroa stated (according to an agent) that "he
    would rather get the search 'over with,' and he signed the consent
    to search form."
    - 3 -
    magistrate judge's report and recommendation, a de novo hearing
    was scheduled before the district court; however, the merits were
    never addressed because the parties reached a preliminary plea
    The agreement, which called for Figueroa to plead guilty
    to possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug-trafficking
    crime, 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(a), proposed, inter alia, a sentence
    of 60 months' imprisonment, the statutory minimum.
    Subsequent to the plea entry, the probation department
    prepared     a    presentence          investigation       report      ("PSI    report")
    recommending the same sentence as the plea agreement.                        Thereafter,
    Figueroa     filed        a     sentencing        memorandum       highlighting        his
    cooperation with the government and characterizing his unlawful
    activity as being the result of his mistakes.                            Letters from
    Figueroa's       family       and    friends,     vouching       for   his     character,
    accompanied the memorandum.
    On January 13, 2015, sentencing day, the court reviewed
    the   PSI    report       and       acknowledged       receipt    of   the     sentencing
    memorandum.         At    the       court's    invitation,       Figueroa    offered   an
    allocution, expressing repentance and remorse, and reiterating
    some of the positive aspects of his sentencing memorandum. Counsel
    for Figueroa and the government stood by the 60-month term prison
    recommendation in the plea agreement.
    When    all      had     been     heard    from,    the   district     court
    - 4 -
    proceeded with its sentencing task. First, the court properly
    calculated the applicable guideline sentencing range.                 Then, after
    reviewing the PSI report -- and finding it satisfactory -- the
    court     went     on     to     describe    some     of    Figueroa's   personal
    characteristics: his age - 32; education - high school graduate;
    employment history - unemployed on date of sentencing; and personal
    drug use.        It also acknowledged that Figueroa was a first-time
    offender, notwithstanding a previously dismissed criminal case
    against    him,    and        expressly   indicated    it   had    considered   the
    sentencing factors set forth in 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a). The court
    spoke of the firearms seized and the impressive volume of marijuana
    grown and harvested by the defendant.                 The court then turned its
    attention to the high firearms and violent crime rate in Puerto
    Rico, and noted the importance of deterrence.                Concluding that the
    recommended 60-month sentence did not reflect the seriousness of
    the offense, serve the end of deterrence, or promote respect of
    the law, the court sentenced Figueroa to 72 months in prison and
    5 years of supervised release.
    Following the court's explication, counsel for Figueroa
    objected     to         the     heightened     sentence      and    requested     a
    "reconsideration," arguing that the sentence was both procedurally
    and substantively unreasonable.              The court denied that request.
    Figueroa now appeals, and, as below, he challenges both
    the procedural and substantive reasonableness of his sentence.
    - 5 -
    For the reasons set forth herein, we affirm.3
    Our Review
    Reviewing this challenged sentence requires a two-step
    process.   United States v. King, 
    741 F.3d 305
    , 307 (1st Cir. 2014)
    (citing Gall v. United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
    , 51 (2007)).         First, we
    resolve claims of procedural error (e.g., failing to consider the
    § 3553(a) factors or failing to adequately explain the sentence)
    before   inquiring   into   whether   the   sentence   is   substantively
    Id. at 308;
    United States v. Morales-Machuca, 
    546 F.3d 13
    , 25 (1st Cir. 2008).          We review preserved claims of
    procedural     and   substantive    unreasonableness    for    abuse   of
    discretion.     United States v. Flores-Machicote, 
    706 F.3d 16
    , 20
    (1st Cir. 2013); United States v. Medina-Villegas, 
    700 F.3d 580
    583 (1st Cir. 2012).
    Procedural Reasonableness
    Figueroa complains that the court did not correctly
    assess the § 3553(a) factors: as he sees it, the court focused too
    little on the positive aspects of his case (his first-time offender
    status, the glowing character letters sent by family and friends,
    3 Although the plea agreement included a waiver-of-appeal
    provision, that provision took effect only if Figueroa was
    sentenced in accordance with the agreement's "terms, conditions,
    and recommendations."    Because the court fashioned a sentence
    different from that which was proposed, this waiver-of-appeal
    provision does not prevent us from considering Figueroa's appeal.
    See United States v. Fernández-Cabrera, 
    625 F.3d 48
    , 51 (1st Cir.
    - 6 -
    and his cooperation with the government) and fixated too intensely
    on the negative (the seriousness of the offense, the crime rate in
    Puerto Rico, and deterrence and punishment considerations).4 Given
    our standard of review, we cannot agree.
    4 Section 3553(a) provides seven factors for a sentencing
    court to consider:
    The first factor is a broad command to consider "the
    nature and circumstances of the offense and the history
    and characteristics of the defendant." 18 U.S.C. §
    3553(a)(1). The second factor requires the consideration
    of the general purposes of sentencing, including:
    "the need for the sentence imposed—
    "(A) to reflect the seriousness of the
    offense, to promote respect for the law, and
    to provide just punishment for the offense;
    "(B) to afford adequate deterrence to criminal
    "(C) to protect the public from further crimes
    of the defendant; and
    "(D) to provide the defendant with needed
    educational or vocational training, medical
    care, or other correctional treatment in the
    most effective manner.”
    § 3553(a)(2).
    The third factor pertains to "the kinds of sentences
    available," § 3553(a)(3); the fourth to the Sentencing
    Guidelines; the fifth to any relevant policy statement
    issued by the Sentencing Commission; the sixth to "the
    need to avoid unwarranted sentence disparities," §
    3553(a)(6); and the seventh to "the need to provide
    restitution to any victims," § 3553(a)(7). Preceding
    this list is a general directive to "impose a sentence
    sufficient, but not greater than necessary, to comply
    with the purposes" of sentencing described in the second
    - 7 -
    As for the positives, the court explicitly stated that
    it   had   considered        all   of    the   §   3553(a)     factors.       Such    a
    declaration,     as     we    have      repeatedly     said,    "is    entitled      to
    significant weight," see United States v. Santiago–Rivera, 
    744 F.3d 229
    , 233 (1st Cir. 2014) (citing United States v. Dávila–
    595 F.3d 42
    , 49 (1st Cir. 2010)), and the record offers
    us no reason to doubt the court. Indeed, the court talked about
    the positives such as Figueroa's first-time offender status and
    his cooperation with the government.                Moreover, the court went on
    to make clear that it had reviewed the sentencing memorandum, which
    described Figueroa's commendable character attributes, and had
    reviewed as well the many letters of support submitted on his
    As for the negatives cited by the court, our caselaw
    makes    clear   that    community-based           elements    and    the   need   for
    deterrence are "widely recognized" as important ingredients in the
    sentencing calculus.         
    Flores-Machicote, 706 F.3d at 23
    .              And while
    we have cautioned that a sentencing court must not focus "too much
    on the community and too little on the individual" when it doles
    factor. § 3553(a) (2000 ed., Supp. V). The fact that §
    3553(a) explicitly directs sentencing courts to consider
    the Guidelines supports the premise that district courts
    must begin their analysis with the Guidelines and remain
    cognizant of them throughout the sentencing process.
    Gall v. United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
    , 50 n.6 (2007).
    - 8 -
    out a sentence, United States v. Rivera-González, 
    776 F.3d 45
    , 50
    (1st Cir. 2015) (citations omitted), we cannot say that such an
    improper balancing occurred in this case. The court's examination
    of the particulars of Figueroa's case, and its reflections upon
    the crime rate and gun violence statistics in Puerto Rico, were
    part and parcel of a wholesale review of the circumstances of this
    case.   Deterrence -- a legitimate sentencing goal, see 
    id. at 50-
    51 (citing 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a)(2)(B); 
    Flores–Machicote, 706 F.3d at 23
    ) -- and community-based concerns are proper factors in the
    court's sentencing calculus, and there is no indication that
    excessive weight was given to either.
    Seeking a way around this predicament, Figueroa points
    out that this crime-rate rationale has no limitations: "If Puerto
    Rico is plagued by high crime rates at the time a defendant is
    sentenced, that is reason enough to justify the need for increased
    punishment and deterrence" -- but, conversely, "if crime rate is
    down, then the court claims that the 'firearms initiative' is
    working and thus, tougher sentences are required to ensure it
    continues to diminish."    Figueroa concludes that this argument
    leaves defendants "doomed in a merciless cycle." This point, while
    potentially concerning in the abstract, does not trouble us in
    this case.   Figueroa has "waived the argument" by not raising it
    in his principal brief.   United States v. Jones, 
    748 F.3d 64
    , 73
    - 9 -
    (1st Cir. 2014) (citation omitted).5              And in any event, as we
    discuss below, the district court's sentencing determination was
    not erroneous.
    Overall, what we have here then, is an appellant whose
    "real complaint is not that the court failed to consider the
    section 3553(a) factors, but that the court did not assign the
    weight   to     certain    factors   that        the     [appellant]        thought
    appropriate."     See United States v. Ruiz-Huertas, 
    792 F.3d 223
    227 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 
    136 S. Ct. 258
    (2015); see also
    United States v. Clogston, 
    662 F.3d 588
    , 593 (1st Cir. 2011)
    (explaining that "the weighting of [sentencing] factors is largely
    within   the   court's    informed   discretion").            Here,    the    court
    correctly looked at everything presented to it, considered all
    appropriate    sentencing     factors,    and,    in    the   end     and    in   its
    substantial     discretion,     weighed     its        analysis     contrary       to
    Figueroa's preferences.
    Moving on to the court's sentencing explanation, it,
    too, we deem sufficient.       The court's thorough inspection of the
    5 Figueroa also seemingly suggests that the court should have
    taken alleged police misconduct -- warrantless entry and
    destruction of evidence -- into account in imposing the sentence.
    And, the argument continues (at least implicitly), had the court
    done so, he would have gotten a lighter sentence. But Figueroa
    did not raise the claim at sentencing, nor does he develop it here,
    so it is waived. See United States v. Zannino, 
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st
    Cir. 1990) (deeming waived "issues adverted to in a perfunctory
    manner, unaccompanied by some effort at developed argumentation").
    - 10 -
    case led it to conclude and to parse why the 60-month proposed
    sentence did not suitably account for the seriousness of the crime,
    nor sufficiently reflect the imperative notions of just punishment
    and deterrence.   To us, the rationale and explanation offered by
    the district court are clear, and to the extent any ambiguity can
    be found, whatever gap there may be in the court's reasoning is
    filled by "comparing what was argued by the parties or contained
    in the [PSR] with what the judge did.”6    United States v. Ocasio–
    727 F.3d 85
    , 91 (1st Cir. 2013) (quoting United States v.
    440 F.3d 514
    , 519 (1st Cir. 2006) (en banc)).
    The bottom line is that we see no procedural error in
    what the court did.
    Substantive Reasonableness
    That leaves Figueroa's substantive-reasonableness claim
    -- that the court failed to adequately consider the arguments
    advanced in favor of the recommended sentence and neglected to
    perform an individualized assessment, instead focusing on the
    firearms initiative and local murder rate.     "There is rarely, if
    ever, a single correct sentence in any specific case."    Santiago–
    Rivera, 744 F.3d at 234
    .     So, we ask "whether the sentence, in
    light of the totality of the circumstances, resides within the
    6 Although the parties also squabble about the district
    court's post-sentencing Statement of Reasons, we do not need to
    weigh in on that document's contents because we determined the
    explanation given at the sentencing hearing was adequate.
    - 11 -
    expansive universe of reasonable sentences."     
    King, 741 F.3d at 308
    . A sentence will survive a challenge to its substantive
    reasonableness as long as it rests on a "plausible sentencing
    rationale" and reflects a "defensible result."    United States v.
    520 F.3d 87
    , 96 (1st Cir. 2008).   "A challenge directed at
    substantive reasonableness is usually a heavy lift, and reversal
    is 'particularly unlikely when . . . the sentence imposed fits
    within the compass of a properly calculated [guideline sentencing
    Ruiz–Huertas, 792 F.3d at 228
    –29 (quoting United States
    v. Vega–Salgado, 
    769 F.3d 100
    , 105 (1st Cir. 2014) (omission and
    alteration in original)).
    The statute in play here clearly provides that anyone
    who possesses a firearm in furtherance of a drug-trafficking crime
    "shall, in addition to the punishment provided for such . . . drug
    trafficking crime . . . be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of
    not less than 5 years."7    18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1)(A)(i).   The 72-
    month sentence imposed by the court -- 12 months in excess of the
    recommendation -- is defensible: given the court's focus on the
    7 We recently explained that the statutory mandatory minimum
    sentence applicable in this case (60 months) is the guideline
    sentence. See United States v. Bermúdez-Meléndez, 
    827 F.3d 160
    164 (1st Cir. 2016). When, as now, "application of the sentencing
    guidelines yields a singular guideline sentence rather than a
    guideline sentencing range . . . a sentence in excess of the
    guideline sentence should be treated as an upward variance." 
    Id. This matters
    "because an upwardly variant sentence usually
    requires a fuller explanation than a guideline sentence." 
    Id. - 12
    large quantity of drugs involved, Figueroa's role in leasing an
    apartment to renovate into a grow lab, and the guns and ammunition
    seized,      the   chosen      sentence     inescapably     "resides     within   the
    expansive universe of reasonable sentences." 
    King, 741 F.3d at 308
    .   That the sentence exceeded the recommendation by 12 months
    does   not    render      it   --   by    that    fact   alone    --   substantively
    unreasonable.       See, e.g., 
    Flores-Machicote, 706 F.3d at 25
    ; United
    States v. Vargas, 
    560 F.3d 45
    , 51 (1st Cir. 2009).                       Instead, a
    court's rationale must be "plausible" and the sentence must fall
    "within the expansive universe" of acceptable outcomes.                    
    King, 741 F.3d at 308
    (citation omitted).             Here, the court's sentence passes
    that test.
    In   sum,     the     court   offered      sufficiently     persuasive
    explanations to justify the sentence imposed.                    Figueroa's conduct
    was serious, and the deterrence and societal-protective needs are
    great. We cannot say that the district court's sentencing decision
    was outside the "expansive universe" of defensible results, and so
    the sentence stands.           See 
    id. Conclusion Our
    review ends here.          For the reasons elucidated above,
    the sentence is
    - 13 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-1190U

Citation Numbers: 657 F. App'x 9

Filed Date: 10/31/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/13/2023