Boston Property Exchange Trans v. Iantosca ( 2013 )

  •              United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 11-2475
    f/k/a Benistar Property Exchange Trust Company, Inc.,
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    JOSEPH IANTOSCA, individually and as a Trustee of Faxon Heights
    Apartments Realty Trust and Fern Realty Trust; BELRIDGE
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Nathaniel M. Gorton, U.S. District Judge]
    Lynch, Chief Judge,
    Souter,* Associate Justice,
    and Selya, Circuit Judge.
    Joseph M. Pastore III with whom Smith, Gambrell & Russell,
    LLP, Sean T. Carnathan and O'Connor, Carnathan, & Mack LLC were on
    brief for appellant.
    Anthony R. Zelle with whom Thomas W. Evans and Zelle McDonough
    & Cohen, LLP were on brief for appellees Joseph Iantosca,
    individually and as Trustee of Faxon Heights Apartments Realty
    Trust and Fern Realty Trust, Belridge Corporation, Gail A. Cahaly,
    Jeffrey M. Johnston, Bellemore Associates, LLC, and Massachusetts
    Lumber Company, Inc.
    The Hon. David H. Souter, Associate Justice (Ret.) of the
    Supreme Court of the United States, sitting by designation.
    Timothy O. Egan with whom George A. Berman, Timothy M.
    Pomarole and Peabody & Arnold LLP were on brief for appellees Zelle
    McDonough & Cohen LLP, Anthony R. Zelle, P.C., and Nystrom Beckman
    & Paris LLP.
    June 12, 2013
    SOUTER, Associate Justice.          As plaintiffs in a prior
    suit, several of the defendant-appellees here (the defendants)
    obtained a state court judgment for $19.2 million against the
    plaintiff-appellant here, Boston Property Exchange Transfer Company
    (BPE), formerly Benistar Property Exchange Trust Company. In order
    to   satisfy   that   judgment,   the    successful,   present   defendants
    obtained an order from the state court assigning to them BPE's
    related arbitration claims against PaineWebber.           In this federal
    action, BPE claims damages from the defendant assignees and their
    lawyers for mishandling the PaineWebber arbitration.         The district
    court dismissed all of BPE's claims, either on a motion to dismiss
    or on summary judgment.     We affirm.
    This is the latest of over a decade of state and federal
    cases arising out of the financial misconduct of BPE and its owner
    Daniel Carpenter.1      In what the parties refer to as the Cahaly
    litigation, the following evidence led to findings that BPE,
    Carpenter, and other defendants were liable for various forms of
    financial misconduct. See generally Cahaly v. Benistar Prop. Exch.
    See, e.g., Iantosca v. Step Plan Servs., Inc., 
    604 F.3d 24
    (1st Cir. 2010); United States v. Carpenter, 
    494 F.3d 13
     (1st Cir.
    2007), cert. denied, 
    552 U.S. 1230
     (2008); United States v.
    405 F. Supp. 2d 85
     (D. Mass. 2005); Cahaly v. Benistar
    Prop. Exch. Trust Co., 
    885 N.E.2d 800
     (Mass.), cert. denied, 
    555 U.S. 1047
     (2008); Cahaly v. Benistar Prop. Exch. Trust Co., 
    864 N.E.2d 548
     (Mass. App. Ct. 2007); Cahaly v. Benistar Prop. Exch.
    Trust Co., 
    2003 WL 21246167
     (Mass. Super. Ct. Feb. 25, 2003).
    Trust Co., 
    864 N.E.2d 548
    , 552-53, 559-60 (Mass. App. Ct. 2007);
    Cahaly v. Benistar Prop. Exch. Trust Co., 
    885 N.E.2d 800
    , 807-09
    (Mass.), cert. denied, 
    555 U.S. 1047
     (2008).            BPE was a financial
    intermediary for "like-kind" property exchanges under section 1031
    of the federal tax code, which allows a property owner to avoid
    recognizing capital gains from a sale by using the proceeds to
    purchase a similar or "like-kind" property within 180 days.                The
    seller must lodge the proceeds from the sale with a qualified
    intermediary (or one of several other regulatory safe harbors)
    until the funds are used to buy the replacement property.             See 
    26 C.F.R. § 1.1031
    The Cahaly plaintiffs, who are among the defendants in
    this case, were six individuals or companies that used BPE when
    engaging in like-kind exchanges.2           BPE held their funds under
    agreements providing that the monies would be available on demand,
    prior to which they would be held in escrow accounts, either a
    "money   market"   account   earning   three   percent     interest   or    an
    "investment" account earning six percent.
    In 1998, Carpenter opened trading accounts for such funds
    at   Merrill   Lynch,   superseded     in   2000   by    new   accounts    at
    The plaintiffs in Cahaly, all of whom are defendant-
    appellees in this case, were Gail A. Cahaly; Jeffrey M. Johnston;
    Bellemore Associates, LLC; Massachusetts Lumber Company, Inc.;
    Joseph Iantosca, individually and as trustee of the Faxon Heights
    Apartments Realty Trust and Fern Realty Trust; and Belridge
    Corporation. Cahaly, 864 N.E.2d at 548 n.1.
    PaineWebber.      Contrary to the escrow agreements, Carpenter engaged
    in aggressive and high-volume trading of options on technology
    stocks, rendered the more risky by margin funding with money
    borrowed from the brokerage houses.                 Although the trading was
    successful for a time, Carpenter began to lose money quickly when
    technology stocks fell sharply in 2000, the consequences being that
    BPE was unable to return the exchangors' funds as required, and
    ultimately lost about $8.6 million of their money.
    BPE was found liable for (inter alia) conversion, breach
    of      contract,       breach     of        fiduciary      duty,   intentional
    misrepresentation, and violation of the Massachusetts consumer
    protection statute, Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A.3               These judgments were
    upheld on appeal by the Massachusetts Appeals Court and the Supreme
    Judicial Court of Massachusetts, Cahaly, 864 N.E.2d at 559-60;
    Cahaly, 885 N.E.2d at 822, and the Cahaly plaintiffs obtained a
    final       judgment   against   BPE    of   some   $19.2   million,   including
    punitive damages, interest, attorneys' fees, and costs.
    At the time of that judgment, BPE was about to begin
    arbitration of claims against PaineWebber, which it charged with
    The trial judge granted summary judgment for the Cahaly
    plaintiffs on their breach of contract and conversion claims. The
    plaintiffs then prevailed at a jury trial on their fiduciary duty
    and misrepresentation claims, along with claims under New York and
    Connecticut consumer protection statutes. In a subsequent bench
    trial, the trial judge found for the plaintiffs on the Chapter 93A
    claim. The plaintiffs also prevailed on certain causes of action
    against other defendants, including Carpenter, though only the
    judgment against BPE is directly relevant here.
    responsibility for its debacle, as described further below.           The
    Cahaly plaintiffs filed a motion with the Superior Court to compel
    assignment of BPE's legal claims to them to help satisfy their
    judgment against BPE, a move BPE strenuously opposed.                Then-
    Superior Court Judge Botsford (who presided over the Cahaly trials)
    granted the motion in the following assignment order:
    After hearing, and pursuant to G. L. c. 223A,
    § 86A, and c. 214, § 3(6), it is Ordered that
    Benistar Property Exchange Trust Company,
    Inc.'s legal claims against UBS PaineWebber,
    Inc. (PaineWebber) be assigned for prosecution
    to the plaintiffs in this action. Any action
    that the plaintiffs, as assignees, may take
    with respect to the pending NASD proceedings
    is a matter for the arbitrators to decide, not
    this court. Any damages that may be awarded
    to Benistar Property against PaineWebber are
    to be held in escrow by the plaintiffs
    (through their counsel) pending further order
    of this Court.
    Thereupon, the Cahaly plaintiffs and their lawyers (who
    are also defendants here) took control of the arbitration against
    PaineWebber.   They promptly replaced BPE's statement of claim with
    an amended claim based on a completely new theory of liability.
    BPE says here that in doing this, the defendants "hijacked" the
    arbitration claims in a way that violated their legal duties as
    assignees and attorneys.
    Each   theory,    of   course,    starts   with   PaineWebber's
    relationship   with   BPE   through   the   brokerage   accounts   already
    mentioned, which extended from October 2000 through January 2001.
    As technology stocks declined in this period, BPE's losses rose to
    $4   million    in     November   and   $5.5    million       by   December    18.
    PaineWebber eventually decided to cut its losses from the margin
    transactions by forcing BPE to close its accounts and liquidate its
    trading positions in December 2000 and early January 2001.                       The
    crux of BPE's original arbitration claim was that PaineWebber
    caused   BPE's    own    losses   by    forcing     it   to    stop   trading:    if
    PaineWebber      had    allowed   BPE   to    continue    trading,      BPE    would
    allegedly have benefitted from a market rally in late December 2000
    and January 2001 that could have erased the losses.                    BPE argued
    that PaineWebber bore responsibility not just for losing the $8.6
    million, but for the Cahaly plaintiffs' entire judgment against
    BPE, which it then estimated at about $20.5 million.                    BPE sought
    indemnification for the Cahaly judgment, contribution for costs and
    attorneys' fees related to the Cahaly litigation, and compensation
    for other funds that it said PaineWebber withheld wrongfully from
    BPE.     In total, BPE requested compensatory damages of $29.5
    million, along with punitive damages of $58.9 million, which would
    treble the award sought to $88.4 million.
    From the start, BPE and the state court judge knew that
    the Cahaly plaintiffs derided this position.                  One basis of their
    argument for assignment was that BPE's proposed theory of recovery
    was "meritless" and that the arbitration panel would "certainly
    never    find    PaineWebber      liable      for   stopping       Carpenter   from
    continuing to illegally trade the plaintiffs' depository funds."
    Once the assignment was ordered, the Cahaly plaintiffs substituted
    an amended statement of claim based on the theory that PaineWebber
    never should have allowed Carpenter and BPE to speculate in
    technology stock options with what it knew or should have known
    were escrowed property exchange funds.   The Cahaly plaintiffs also
    charged that PaineWebber committed professional malpractice in
    brokering unsuitable speculative trades for BPE, and they contended
    that the broker's failure to discern the nature of BPE's business
    and stop the trading earlier constituted negligence and breach of
    fiduciary duties, among other claims. The amended claim was stated
    at $8.6 million in compensatory damages plus attorneys' fees,
    costs, and an unspecified punitive amount.
    The arbitration panel ruled for BPE on the basis of the
    amended theory, with an award of $8.7 million in compensatory
    damages along with interest and attorneys' fees, for a total of
    $12.7 million, but with no punitive damages.     The panel gave no
    explanation for its decision.   In accordance with the assignment
    order, the award went to the Cahaly plaintiffs toward satisfaction
    of their judgment against BPE, but because the amount was less than
    the judgment, BPE received nothing.
    On December 12, 2008, BPE filed this complaint against
    the Cahaly plaintiffs and their lawyers,4 the Iantosca defendants
    and the attorney defendants, in federal district court, citing
    diversity    jurisdiction.    As   amended,   the   complaint   claimed
    negligence, breach of the attorney-client duty of care, and breach
    of fiduciary duty against the attorney defendants (Counts I-III);
    negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of contract
    against the Iantosca defendants (Counts IV-VI); and violation of
    Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 93A and the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices
    Act (CUTPA) against all defendants (Counts VII and VIII).
    Under each theory, the dereliction alleged was the same:
    that the defendants committed these violations by jettisoning BPE's
    claim in the PaineWebber arbitration in favor of the new one.
    Because the arbitration produced $12.6 million, not the $88 million
    sought under the discarded theory, BPE asked for the entire
    The lawyers are Anthony R. Zelle's personal corporation and
    two law firms: Zelle McDonough & Cohen, LLP, and Nystrom Beckman &
    Paris LLP. These defendants represented the Iantosca defendants
    when they were plaintiffs in the Cahaly litigation and claimants in
    the PaineWebber arbitration.     Zelle and his firm continue to
    represent the Iantosca defendants in this appeal.
    difference of $75.4 million,5 along with punitive damages of $226.2
    In response to the defendants' motions, the district
    court dismissed some claims but left others intact. See Bos. Prop.
    Exch. Transfer Co. v. Iantosca, 
    686 F. Supp. 2d 138
     (D. Mass.
    2010).     It dismissed all claims against the attorney defendants,
    holding that the lawyers owed no duty to BPE in conducting the
    PaineWebber arbitration because of a potential conflict of interest
    between BPE and their clients, the Iantosca defendants, 
     at 142-
    43; and thus BPE had failed to state a claim against the attorney
    defendants for violation of Chapter 93A or CUTPA, 
    id. at 145
    .   The
    district court dismissed the CUTPA claim against the Iantosca
    defendants, but declined to dismiss the others.    
    Id. at 143-45
    Following the dismissal order, the attorney defendants
    moved for entry of partial final judgment in their favor on all
    claims against them, as allowed under Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b).    The
    district court signed the bottom of the first page of their motion:
    "Motion allowed," and the ensuing entry in the docket report read,
    "Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton: ENDORSED ORDER entered granting 46
    Motion for Entry of Judgment under Rule 54(b) . . . (Entered:
    Although the award rounds to $12.7 million, BPE consistently
    refers to the award as $12.6 million. In its complaint, BPE also
    stated that it sought $88 million in the PaineWebber arbitration,
    rather than the actual $88.4 million. It used these amounts to
    calculate its sought-after compensatory award of $75.4 million. We
    will occasionally repeat these rounding errors when discussing
    BPE's claims, but they have no impact on the substance of the case.
    06/10/2010)."      The district court did not produce a separate
    document signifying that a judgment had been entered, nor did the
    court make any findings to support granting the motion.
    Discovery continued for the remaining claims against the
    Iantosca defendants, and both sides filed motions for summary
    judgment.    BPE's was denied, and the Iantosca defendants' was
    granted as to all remaining claims.        See Bos. Prop. Exch. Transfer
    Co. v. Iantosca, 
    834 F. Supp. 2d 4
     (D. Mass. 2011).            The district
    court held that the Superior Court's assignment order was not a
    contract,    and   that   it   imposed    no   duty   to   prosecute   BPE's
    arbitration claim on its original theory.             Id. at 8-9.      BPE's
    Chapter 93A claim was discarded for failure to show that the
    defendants exceeded the scope of the assignment order or acted in
    an unfair or deceptive manner.      Id. at 10.
    Preceding the merits issues, there is a question about
    our appellate jurisdiction over the attorney defendants.               They
    argue that BPE's appeal was untimely as to them because the
    district court's endorsement of their Rule 54(b) motion ripened
    into a final judgment for which the appeal period ran out before
    BPE filed its notice of appeal.      This objection is not well taken.
    Under Fed. R. App. P. 4(a)(1)(A), a notice of appeal
    generally must be filed within thirty days of the "entry of the
    judgment or order appealed from."          See also Budinich v. Becton
    Dickinson & Co., 
    486 U.S. 196
    , 203 (1988) (time limit is "mandatory
    and jurisdictional").        Typically, under 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , there is
    an appealable judgment only when the district court issues an order
    that   disposes   of   all    claims    against   all   parties   (with   some
    exceptions not pertinent here), "leav[ing] nothing for the court to
    do but execute the judgment."          Catlin v. United States, 
    324 U.S. 229
    , 233 (1945).        Rule 54(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil
    Procedure   provides    for    an   exception,    however,   under   which   a
    district court can enter partial final judgment related to a subset
    of the claims or parties involved, but "only if the court expressly
    determines that there is no just reason for delay."
    The attorney defendants say that the district court's
    "endorsed order" signed on a page of their Rule 54(b) motion is a
    final judgment as to the claims against them.                And although a
    judgment customarily requires entry of a separate document in the
    civil docket, Fed. R. Civ. P. 58(a), under Fed. R. Civ. P.
    58(c)(2)(B), judgment enters after 150 days have passed since a
    judgment order was placed on the civil docket, even if no separate
    document was filed.     The attorney defendants therefore argue that
    judgment in their favor entered 150 days after the endorsed order,
    in November 2010, making this appeal untimely as to them, having
    been filed more than a year later on December 12, 2011.
    This argument misses the mark, because Rule 58(c) details
    when a judgment has entered, if timing is the only question, but it
    does not address whether a judgment has entered, when the issue
    implicates more than timing.     The jurisdictional question here is
    in the latter category, and to determine whether the endorsed order
    was a judgment, it is Rule 54(b) that controls.         By its terms the
    endorsed order was not a judgment; thus, judgment in favor of the
    attorney defendants did not become final until the district court's
    summary judgment order disposed of the remaining claims.
    Rule 54(b) reads this way:
    Judgment on Multiple Claims or Involving
    Multiple Parties.    When an action presents
    more than one claim for relief--whether as a
    claim,    counterclaim,     crossclaim,    or
    third-party claim--or when multiple parties
    are involved, the court may direct entry of a
    final judgment as to one or more, but fewer
    than all, claims or parties only if the court
    expressly determines that there is no just
    reason for delay.    Otherwise, any order or
    other decision, however designated, that
    adjudicates fewer than all the claims or the
    rights and liabilities of fewer than all the
    parties does not end the action as to any of
    the claims or parties and may be revised at
    any time before the entry of a judgment
    adjudicating all the claims and all the
    parties' rights and liabilities.    (emphasis
    As the Supreme Court has put it, a district court
    entering a Rule 54(b) judgment must go through two steps: it must
    "determine that it is dealing with a 'final judgment'" that
    provides   an   ultimate   disposition   on   a   "cognizable   claim   for
    relief," and it must "determine whether there is any just reason
    for delay." Curtiss-Wright Corp. v. Gen. Elec. Co., 
    446 U.S. 1
    , 7-
    8 (1980); accord Willhauck v. Halpin, 
    953 F.2d 689
    , 701 (1st Cir.
    1991).     This court has said that in most cases, some concise
    findings "will likely be needed" to explain why there is no just
    reason for delay, Spiegel v. Trs. of Tufts Coll., 
    843 F.2d 38
    , 43
    n.4 (1st Cir. 1988), and in simply signing his name to the attorney
    defendants' motion, the district judge made no such findings. That
    would be the end of the matter, save for the fact that in at least
    two cases we have relaxed the usual requirement of Rule 54(b)
    findings in order to hear an appeal immediately in the interests of
    justice.   See Quinn v. City of Boston, 
    325 F.3d 18
    , 26-27 (1st Cir.
    2003); Feinstein v. Resolution Trust Corp., 
    942 F.2d 34
    , 39-40 (1st
    Cir. 1991).
    The attorney defendants here ask for similar relaxation
    of the black-letter findings requirement, but careful attention to
    their circumstances fails to show why they should have it.              Rule
    54(b) can prove pivotal to the question of appellate jurisdiction
    in two situations.      In the first, the district court disposes of a
    subset of the claims, and the appellant attempts to appeal the
    order    immediately.      In   that   situation,   a   valid   Rule   54(b)
    determination of no just reason for delay would provide the
    appellate court with jurisdiction, and a tolerance for arguably
    inadequate findings would do the same.         By contrast, as in this
    case, Rule 54(b) can also be invoked to deprive an appellate court
    of jurisdiction, when a district court disposes of the subset and
    the losing party waits until the conclusion of litigation to
    appeal. The appellee then argues that the appeal is untimely as to
    the claims that were disposed of earlier because the appellant did
    not appeal within 30 days of the purported Rule 54(b) order.
    Our prior cases treating the requirement for a Rule 54(b)
    finding as malleable have rested on conclusions that either the
    public or predominant equitable interest weighed in favor of
    adjudicating those appeals.          See Quinn, 
    325 F.3d at 27
     ("The most
    important factor counseling in favor of allowing an immediate
    appeal in this case is the public interest. . . . In short, the
    nature   of    the   issue   calls    out    for   immediate   resolution.");
    942 F.2d at 40
     ("A weighing of the factors relevant to
    the use of Rule 54(b) tilts sharply in favor of allowing the
    appeals to go forward." (citation omitted)).6           While we do not hold
    that the rigor of Rule 54(b) is diminished only when the result
    would be to entertain an immediate appeal, here we know of no
    Other circuits likewise have occasionally relaxed the Rule
    54(b) requirements when doing so would allow the court to hear an
    immediate appeal. See, e.g., St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v.
    PepsiCo, Inc., 
    884 F.2d 688
    , 693 (2d Cir. 1989) ("[W]e have
    recognized an exception to Rule 54(b)'s requirements where the
    question of whether a Rule 54(b) certificate was improvidently
    granted is a close one, [and therefore] we may decline to dismiss
    the appeal chiefly because we believe that our disposition of the
    appeal . . . will make possible a more expeditious and just result
    for all parties." (second and third alterations in original)
    (internal quotation marks omitted)); Akers v. Alvey, 
    338 F.3d 491
    495 (6th Cir. 2003) ("Because this case has already been briefed
    and argued on appeal, however, the scales of judicial economy are
    now tipped in favor of disposing of the appeal on the merits.").
    public interest or other equitable argument for relaxation of the
    usual requirement of findings.      For want of them, therefore, the
    endorsed order did not qualify as a final judgment under Rule
    54(b), the time did not run from the endorsement, and the appeal is
    timely now as to all defendants.
    There is one more issue enough in need of attention at
    the threshold that we raise it ourselves, though we do not resolve
    it.   We are puzzled that this lawsuit ever ended up in federal
    court or remained in the federal forum as long as it has.             BPE
    claims injury mainly under Massachusetts law.           Its claim has no
    merit if the defendants' action was authorized by the terms of the
    state court assignment and that assignment was properly ordered
    under state law.       The parties were in litigation before the
    Massachusetts state courts, and BPE has provided no convincing
    explanation for its failure to seek resolution there of the scope
    and   propriety   of   the   assignment   order   and   the   defendants'
    conformity to it, instead waiting years to pursue these matters in
    federal court.
    Specifically, BPE argues that when the defendants amended
    BPE's arbitration claim against PaineWebber, they violated the
    assignment order and breached various state law duties incumbent on
    them as assignees and their lawyers.      At the time of the disputed
    amendment in July 2005, BPE and the defendants in this lawsuit were
    engaged in the Cahaly litigation before the Massachusetts state
    courts.   BPE conceded at oral argument (as it surely had to) that
    it could have complained at the time to the Superior Court judge
    who issued the assignment order, Judge Botsford.            Judge Botsford
    could have elucidated the scope of the assignment order and the
    state law duties that arose from that order.         If she had ruled for
    the present defendants, we would not be hearing argument now.              If
    she had ruled in BPE's favor, she would have been able to change
    the course of the PaineWebber arbitration before it was too late.
    But BPE did not complain to Judge Botsford.         Instead, it passed up
    any opportunity for a remedy in the Superior Court at the time of
    the assignment order and at the time the claim was amended.                And
    after the arbitration panel produced an award that BPE thought was
    insufficient, BPE waited nearly three years and then brought a new
    lawsuit in federal court, turning on issues that could have been
    appropriately resolved in the underlying state litigation but were
    not pursued.
    It   is   beside   the   point   that   Erie   Railroad   Co.    v.
    304 U.S. 64
     (1938), requires federal courts exercising
    diversity jurisdiction to pronounce on questions of state common
    law, for the issue posed by this situation is not how questions of
    state law should be answered, but when those questions should be
    raised.   When federal parties have already been before a state
    court, and the federal plaintiff had and passed up an opportunity
    for the state court to resolve state law issues, why should its
    failure to avail itself of state court remedies diligently not be
    treated in federal court as a waiver of those claims?7
    Although a strong argument thus exists that BPE waived
    state law claims tantamount to this entire lawsuit, at no point in
    the district court or on appeal have the defendants raised the
    waiver issue or suggested that this dispute does not belong in
    federal court.   We broached the issue sua sponte at oral argument,
    but counsel for each side seemed unprepared to offer developed
    Other federal courts have declined to adjudicate claims in
    analogous circumstances.     For example, in Snyder v. Office of
    Personnel Management, 
    136 F.3d 1474
     (Fed. Cir. 1998), the Federal
    Circuit rejected an argument that a Texas state court's divorce
    decree was invalid and unconstitutional. The OPM had relied on the
    decree to award a portion of the petitioner's civil service pension
    to his ex-wife. 
    Id. at 1477
    . The Federal Circuit declined to hear
    the collateral challenge to the state court order because that
    challenge should have been brought in state court. 
    Id. at 1479
    accord Adler v. Office of Personnel Mgmt., 437 Fed. App'x 928, 931
    (Fed. Cir. 2011) ("The proper forum for a constitutional challenge
    to the Wisconsin Order is a Wisconsin state court.").
    Similarly, in Allstate Insurance Co. v. West Virginia State
    233 F.3d 813
     (4th Cir. 2000), the Fourth Circuit refused to
    hear an attack on a state administrative proceeding that could have
    been brought in the state court.      A West Virginia state legal
    disciplinary tribunal had ruled against Allstate for engaging in
    the unauthorized practice of law, and Allstate subsequently brought
    a federal complaint challenging the adverse ruling. 
    Id. at 815
    The Fourth Circuit refused to hear a constitutional challenge that
    Allstate failed to raise in the state court, noting, "[b]y failing
    to raise his claims in state court a plaintiff may forfeit his
    right to obtain review of the state court decision in any federal
     at 819 (citing D.C. Court of Appeals v. Feldman, 
    460 U.S. 462
    , 484 n.16 (1983)).
    Though not perfectly on point, these cases provide some
    support for the notion that once the parties were in state court,
    it was only there that BPE had the opportunity to raise claims
    related to the assignment order.
    argument on the matter.   Because it was the defendants' burden to
    raise this issue, and they have not done so, it may be unfair to
    deny BPE's claim on a ground that was not stated until appellate
    oral argument and to which BPE was not warned to respond or asked
    to address after argument.      We will therefore go no further here
    than to caution counsel in future cases about the risk of resorting
    to   diversity   jurisdiction   as    a   substitute   for   a   foregone
    opportunity in underlying state court litigation between the same
    Addressing the merits, we start with BPE's appeal of the
    summary judgment in favor of the Iantosca defendants, which we
    examine de novo, viewing the facts and drawing all reasonable
    inferences in favor of the nonmoving party (in this case, BPE),
    Rared Manchester NH, LLC v. Rite Aid of N.H., Inc., 
    693 F.3d 48
    , 52
    (1st Cir. 2012), and affirming only if "there is no genuine dispute
    as to any material fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as
    a matter of law," Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).     But because we may affirm
    on any basis apparent from the record, Hoyos v. Telecorp Commc'ns,
    488 F.3d 1
    , 5 (1st Cir. 2007), it is unnecessary to reach any
    of the many difficult state law issues about the existence and
    scope of various duties raised by BPE's claims on appeal.
    As for the tort claims, we affirm summary judgment for
    the defendants on all of them because BPE failed to provide any
    evidence to meet an essential element of each: that the defendants
    caused it to suffer damages.8           Every one of these causes of action
    required   BPE    to     prove   that   the    defendants'   revision    of   the
    arbitration      claim    left    BPE    worse   off   financially      by    some
    ascertainable amount than would have been the case if BPE's own
    theory of recovery had been pursued.              Courts sometimes list the
    requirement as a single element and sometimes list causation and
    damages separately, but the substance is the same: the plaintiff
    must show that the defendant's allegedly tortious conduct put the
    plaintiff in a worse position than he would have been in but for
    the misdeed.
    BPE says that the defendants harmed it by substituting an
    amended arbitration claim for its original, but the amended claim
    produced an award of $12.6 million.              Thus, to prove causation of
    damages, BPE would need to show that it would have recovered more
    than $12.6 million on its original theory.             Cf. Fishman v. Brooks,
    487 N.E.2d 1377
    , 1380 (Mass. 1986) ("A plaintiff who claims that
    his attorney was negligent in the prosecution of a tort claim will
    See Donovan v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 
    914 N.E.2d 891
    , 898-
    99 (Mass. 2009) (negligence); Correia v. Fagan, 
    891 N.E.2d 227
    , 232
    (Mass. 2008) (legal malpractice); Hanover Ins. Co. v. Sutton, 
    705 N.E.2d 279
    , 288 (Mass. App. Ct. 1999) (breach of fiduciary duty);
    Weeks v. Harbor Nat'l Bank, 
    445 N.E.2d 605
    , 607 n.2 (Mass. 1983)
    (Chapter 93A); Stevenson Lumber Company-Suffield, Inc. v. Chase
    Assocs., Inc., 
    932 A.2d 401
    , 406 (Conn. 2007) (CUTPA); cf.
    Ankiewicz v. Kinder, 
    563 N.E.2d 684
    , 686 (Mass. 1990) ("All torts
    share the elements of duty, breach of that duty, and damages
    arising from that breach.").
    prevail if he proves that he probably would have obtained a better
    result had the attorney exercised adequate skill and care."). This
    means that in an action based on alleged mishandling of a legal
    damage claim, such as legal malpractice, it is essential to
    establish the likelihood of a better result had the proceeding been
    different from the defendant's chosen course.
    Here, BPE failed to put forward any evidence that its
    original arbitration theory against PaineWebber had any reasonable
    chance of leading to a recovery of more than $12.6 million.
    Indeed, the district court and appellate record is notable for the
    total absence of any discussion by BPE of the merits of its
    original claim, and the witness who spoke for BPE as much as
    admitted that he had no evidentiary basis for such a contention, in
    the following deposition testimony:
    Q Do you have any facts or information that
    would   support  the   contention   that   the
    arbitration panel would have awarded more than
    it did to [BPE] if [the defendants] had not
    amended [the] statement of claim?
    A The only fact or information I have on that
    is the fact that they didn't award more,
    because the statement of claim was amended.
    The Iantosca defendants clearly raised this issue in
    their memorandum in support of summary judgment.       It elicited
    nothing more by way of response than the facts that the defendants
    amended the arbitration claim, and the amended claim produced $8.7
    million in compensatory damages, or $12.6 million in total.     It
    should be unnecessary to point out that an award of $12.6 million
    on the amended claim indicates nothing about what the claim as
    originally stated would have produced.
    This hole in BPE's evidentiary proffer would support the
    judgment in any case, but is all the more striking owing to the
    evidently fanciful character of BPE's original theory of tortious
    conduct.   In the Cahaly litigation, the judge and jury found that
    BPE committed (inter alia) breach of contract, conversion, and
    breach of fiduciary duty by speculating in technology stock options
    with clients' escrowed funds.     Yet BPE's original arbitration
    position was that PaineWebber should be held liable for refusing to
    let BPE continue its proven unlawful trading.    Not only that, but
    because PaineWebber financed the trading by providing BPE with
    "large amounts of margin debt," PaineWebber would have had to
    continue to put its own money at risk to support unlawful conduct
    that was piling up rapid losses.9        A finding of liability in
    Yet another reason exists to doubt the potential of BPE's
    original theory. BPE claimed that if it had been allowed to trade
    technology stock options for longer, it could have recovered its
    losses in a subsequent stock market rally. But the rally proved
    short-lived. We take judicial notice that from December 20, 2000,
    through January 24, 2001, the NASDAQ Composite Index (a leading
    index of technology stocks) rose from 2332.78 to 2859.15, a jump of
    22.6%; yet the index then suffered a further plunge, dropping to
    1638.8 on April 4, 2001; to 1423.19 on September 21, 2001; and to
    1114.11 on October 9, 2002 (a drop of 61.0% from the January 2001
    peak).      See   Yahoo!    Finance,   NASDAQ    Composite   Stock,     (last
    visited May 31, 2013). BPE's original theory thus depended on the
    assumption that it would have stopped trading after the brief
    January 2001 rally, and so would have avoided the sustained decline
    response to this approach seems inconceivable to us, and the lack
    of any evidence of damages seems as inevitable as it is fatal.
    BPE's only remaining issue on the summary judgment for
    the Iantosca defendants goes to the breach of contract claim, which
    we address separately because of the Massachusetts rule that
    causation of damages is not an element of breach of contract, as a
    plaintiff is entitled to at least nominal damages upon proving a
    breach.   See Nathan v. Tremont Storage Warehouse, Inc., 
    102 N.E.2d 421
    , 423 (Mass. 1951).         We affirm this portion of the district
    court's judgment on the ground that the assignment order was not a
    contract.     Whereas the elements of a contract include voluntary
    offer and acceptance, Quinn v. State Ethics Comm'n, 
    516 N.E.2d 124
    127 (Mass. 1987), BPE did not bargain for, offer, or accept the
    assignment    order,   which    was    imposed   on   it   over    its   strong
    objection.    The Massachusetts courts have instructively held that
    a form listing probation conditions is not a contract because its
    "enforceability . . . is derived not from the agreement of the
    defendant, but from the force of the judge's order."              Commonwealth
    v. MacDonald, 
    736 N.E.2d 444
    , 447-48 (Mass. App. Ct. 2000); accord
    Commonwealth v. MacDonald, 
    757 N.E.2d 725
    , 727 (Mass. 2001) ("The
    probation form is not a contract.").             By the same token, the
    assignment order is not a contract.
    that followed. This assumption of market clairvoyance is not what
    the record suggests.
    What we have said about the fatal flaw in the tort claims
    also disposes of the appeal from the dismissal on a Rule 12(b)(6)
    motion of all claims against the attorney defendants and the CUTPA
    claim against the Iantosca defendants.   Iantosca, 
    686 F. Supp. 2d at 143-45
    .   It is true that the district court's decision at the
    stage of the proceedings before summary judgment relied on the
    scope of duty owed by lawyers to non-clients and the meaning of the
    Massachusetts and Connecticut consumer protection statutes.    But
    there is no need to get to these state law issues because even if
    these claims had survived a motion to dismiss, they would have
    failed on summary judgment owing to BPE's failure to provide
    evidence of causation of damages. See note 8, above. BPE's theory
    of damages was identical for the dismissed claims and for the
    surviving ones (that it was harmed because it was prevented from
    presenting an arbitration claim that would have won more than $12.6
    million), and there is no reason to doubt that its failure to
    proffer any supporting evidence would have proven equally fatal to
    the claims dismissed.   Neither at summary judgment nor in briefing
    and argument here has BPE suggested that the dismissal as to the
    attorney defendants affected access to any indication of damage
    causation or discouraged the proffer of any such evidence.      We
    therefore affirm the district court's dismissal as to the attorney
    defendants and the CUTPA claim on the ground that the claims
    affected would inevitably have failed at the summary judgment