United States v. DiBiase ( 1995 )

  • USCA1 Opinion



    No. 94-1841

    Plaintiff, Appellee,


    Defendants, Appellants.



    The opinion of the Court issued on January 25, 1995, is
    corrected as follows:

    On cover sheet, line 6, change "Louis" to "Lois"



    No. 94-1841

    Plaintiff, Appellee,


    Defendants, Appellants.




    [Hon. A. David Mazzone, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Selya, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Stahl, Circuit Judge. _____________


    Stephen M. Leonard, with whom Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, ___________________ ____________________________
    Glovsky & Popeo was on brief, for appellants. _______________
    John E. Darling, with whom Joseph C. Correnti, Ellen M. ________________ ____________________ _________
    Winkler, and Serafini, Serafini and Darling were on brief, for _______ _______________________________
    defendant-appellee South Essex Sewerage Dist.
    Joan M. Pepin, with whom Lois J. Schiffer, Assistant _______________ __________________
    Attorney General, David C. Shilton, Catherine Adams Fiske, and _________________ ______________________
    Andrea Nervi Ward Attorneys, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Environment & _________________
    Natural Resources Div., and John T. McNeil, Sr. Asst't Regional ______________
    Counsel, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, were on brief, for
    the United States.


    January 25, 1995

    SELYA, Circuit Judge. The United States negotiated a SELYA, Circuit Judge. ______________

    settlement with a potentially responsible party, the South Essex

    Sewerage District (SESD), fixing SESD's share of certain

    emergency removal costs incurred by the government in the cleanup

    of a Superfund site.1 The district court placed its imprimatur

    on the settlement by entering a consent decree (the SESD decree).

    Appellant, Ugo DiBiase, a non-settling responsible party left to

    hold the bag for the remainder of the emergency removal costs,

    prosecuted this appeal in hopes of convincing us that the consent

    decree is unfair. We are not persuaded.


    The Salem Acres Superfund Site (the Site) consists of

    five acres of undeveloped land containing wetlands and a brook,

    located in Salem, Massachusetts. From 1946 until 1969, James

    Grasso owned it. During that interval, Grasso permitted SESD to

    dump at the Site. SESD deposited sewerage wastes into unlined

    "sludge pits" which were surrounded by earthen berms and fences.

    SESD maintained the Site, including the berms and interior

    fencing, during the period that Grasso permitted it to dump


    In December of 1969, Grasso sold a large tract of land

    that encompassed the Site to Salem Acres, Inc., a corporation


    1At that point in time, the emergency removal costs totalled
    $2,258,893. They comprised sums already spent by the United
    States for containment and capping work at the Site, together
    with interest and costs of enforcement. See 42 U.S.C. 9604, ___


    owned jointly by two brothers, Ugo and Elio DiBiase.2 Unaware

    that the property had changed hands, SESD transported a shipment

    of solid wastes to the sludge pits early in 1970. When appellant

    learned of this occurrence, he informed SESD that he would not

    tolerate disposal at the Site in the future. SESD refrained from

    further dumping.

    During the 1970s, appellant received correspondence

    from various municipal agencies, including the Board of Health

    and the Fire Department, expressing concern over the unrestricted

    access to the Site and the random dumping that was taking place.

    Appellant responded by erecting gates at the entrances to the

    property, but he did not thereafter maintain them. Consequently,

    intermittent dumping by unknown parties continued.

    Appellant claims that he had no direct knowledge of the

    sludge pits until 1980, when a state agency notified him that

    legal action would be taken unless he rectified conditions at the

    Site. Even when confronted with this threat, appellant failed to

    take meaningful action. He agreed to install new gates, but, in

    the end, neglected to do so. And although the earthen berms and

    interior fencing around the sludge pits had completely decayed,


    2In 1982, Elio DiBiase divested himself of any beneficial
    interest in the property, and the corporation transferred title
    to the Site to DiBiase Salem Realty Trust, an entity under
    appellant's sole control. Hence, the defendants in the
    underlying action include DiBiase Salem Realty Trust; Ugo
    DiBiase, in his capacity as trustee; and Ugo DiBiase,
    individually. For ease in reference, we ignore both Elio's
    passing involvement and the inclusion of the trust as a
    defendant, and treat Ugo DiBiase as the property owner and sole


    appellant made no discernible effort to investigate the situation

    or ameliorate the obvious hazards (or so the district court

    supportably found).

    In 1987, an easily foreseeable contretemps occurred.

    Heavy rains caused the sludge pits to overflow and release

    deleterious substances into the nearby wetlands (including the

    brook). The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    reacted to the release by conducting the two emergency removal

    actions that underlie this appeal. After completing that work,

    the government sued appellant and SESD, seeking not only to

    recover EPA's emergency removal costs but also to secure a

    declaration of the defendants' liability for future cleanup


    In due season, the district court granted the

    government's motion for partial summary judgment against

    appellant, finding him liable for past and future response costs

    at the Site under the Comprehensive Environmental Response,

    Compensation, & Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9601-9675.

    The government lodged a similar motion against SESD, but the

    district court never ruled on it. Thus, at the time it signed

    the consent decree, SESD remained a potentially responsible party

    (PRP) rather than a demonstrably responsible party (like DiBiase)

    whose liability had been judicially established.

    Throughout the proceedings, the government endeavored

    to arrange a global settlement. Though EPA's negotiations with

    appellant came to naught, its negotiations with SESD bore fruit.


    After notice, opportunity for public comment, and an in-court

    hearing, the district court, over appellant's vigorous objection,

    entered the SESD decree on April 5, 1994. Under it, SESD agreed,

    inter alia, to reimburse the United States for 85% of the past _____ ____

    removal costs calculated as of the settlement date. SESD's

    payment amounted to $1,822,775.

    On May 6, 1994, the district court entered judgment

    against appellant for $494,207, representing the unremunerated

    portion of the government's historic removal costs calculated as

    of that date.3 After the court denied DiBiase's motion for

    reconsideration, this appeal ensued.


    The legislative history of the Superfund Amendments and

    Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), P.L. 99-499, 101 et seq., __ ____

    clearly indicates that, when reviewing a proposed consent decree

    in the CERCLA context, a trial court does not write on a pristine

    page. Instead, its function is circumscribed: it must ponder

    the proposal only to the extent needed to "`satisfy itself that

    the settlement is reasonable, fair, and consistent with the

    purposes that CERCLA is intended to serve.'" United States v. _____________

    Cannons Eng'g Corp., 899 F.2d 79, 85 (1st Cir. 1991) (quoting ___________________

    House Report).

    This circumscription has important ramifications for

    appellate oversight. We elucidated the standard of review

    3The amount also includes incremental interest and
    enforcement costs arising after the effective date of the
    settlement between SESD and the United States. See supra note 1. ___ _____


    governing the entry of CERCLA consent decrees in Cannons, and _______

    reaffirmed that standard in United States v. Charles George ______________ _______________

    Trucking, Inc., 34 F.3d 1081 (1st Cir. 1994). We noted that, by ______________

    the time CERCLA consent decrees reach this court,

    they are "encased in a double layer of
    swaddling." In the first place, a trial
    court, without abdicating its responsibility
    to exercise independent judgment, must defer
    heavily to the parties' agreement and the
    EPA's expertise . . . . The second basis
    for deference is equally compelling. Because
    an appellate court ordinarily cannot rival a
    district court's mastery of a factually
    complex case . . . the district court's views
    must be accorded considerable respect.

    Largely in consequence of these layers
    of protective swaddling, an appellate
    tribunal may overturn a district court's
    decision to approve or reject the entry of a
    CERCLA consent decree only for manifest abuse
    of discretion. [In other words], the
    decision below stands unless the objectors
    can show that, in buying into [the decree],
    the lower court made a serious error of law
    or suffered a meaningful lapse of judgment.

    Id. at 1085 (quoting and citing Cannons, 899 F.2d at 84). It is ___ _______

    this yardstick which must be used to measure the lower court's

    acceptance of the SESD decree.


    On appeal, DiBiase does not attack the district court's

    liability determination. Rather, he fires a rifle shot aimed

    strictly and solely at the appropriateness of the court's

    allocation of the emergency removal costs. The shot misses the


    In actuality, appellant draws a bead on an even tinier

    target. He virtually concedes that two of the three criteria for


    the approval of an environmental consent decree have been

    satisfied, and snipes only at the fairness vel non of the SESD ___ ___

    decree. Moreover, while fairness in respect to CERCLA

    settlements has both a procedural and a substantive aspect, see ___

    Cannons, 899 F.2d at 86, appellant does not train his sights on _______

    any alleged procedural unfairness. Since our inquiry must be

    limited accordingly, the issue before us reduces to whether the

    SESD decree, as approved below, is substantively fair.

    Substantive fairness has a protean quality and,

    therefore, is often discussed in general terms. In Cannons, we _______


    Substantive fairness introduces into the
    equation concepts of corrective justice and
    accountability: a party should bear the cost
    of the harm for which it is legally
    responsible. The logic behind these concepts
    dictates that settlement terms must be based
    upon, and roughly correlated with, some
    acceptable measure of comparative fault,
    apportioning liability among settling parties
    according to rational (if necessarily
    imprecise) estimates of how much harm each
    PRP has done . . . .

    Whatever formula or scheme EPA
    advances for measuring comparative fault and
    allocating liability should be upheld so long
    as the agency supplies a plausible
    explanation for it, welding some reasonable
    linkage between the factors it includes in
    its formula or scheme and the proportionate
    shares of settling PRPs.

    Id. at 87 (citations omitted). Viewing the SESD decree in this ___

    deferential perspective, we find EPA's rationale for the proposed

    allocation to be plausible, and also find the district court's

    endorsement of that rationale to be well within the parameters of


    fundamental fairness.

    In the first instance, the allocation reflects EPA's

    determination that both SESD and DiBiase are legally responsible

    to reimburse the public fisc for the emergency removal costs. It

    is impossible to quarrel with this determination. SESD, though

    not adjudged liable, no longer contests its liability. By like

    token, DiBiase has not appealed the district court order

    adjudging him liable for the damages; and, legally, the liability

    of responsible parties in a CERCLA case is joint and several, see ___

    O'Neil v. Picillo, 883 F.2d 176, 178-79 (1st Cir. 1989), cert. ______ _______ _____

    denied, 493 U.S. 1071 (1990). ______

    Next, the allocation fashioned by EPA reflects the

    agency's assessment that SESD, as the generator and transporter

    of most of the toxic waste dumped in the sludge pits, is chiefly

    responsible for the offending conditions. The consent decree

    recognizes this primary responsibility by assigning the lion's

    share of the removal costs to SESD. The flip side of the same

    coin is that the consent decree implicitly recognizes appellant's

    lesser involvement by leaving a relatively small share of the

    removal costs (15%) to be collected from him.

    The district court concluded that this apportionment is

    fair. The court cited its earlier judgment on liability, noted

    appellant's utter failure to take any action either to

    investigate conditions or to ameliorate danger during almost two

    decades of involvement in Site ownership and more than seven

    years of actual knowledge about the sludge pits, and specifically


    rejected appellant's claim that he "did no wrong." Appellant

    importunes us to set aside the district court's order. Despite

    having been adjudged liable, appellant stubbornly refuses to

    recognize his own culpability and maintains that it is unfair to

    expect him to bear any of the removal costs. His importuning ___

    fails for no fewer than five reasons.

    In the first place, appellant does not cite and we

    have been unable to locate any CERCLA case in which a

    demonstrably liable party has been held entitled to safe passage ______

    in a global settlement. We think it is counterintuitive to

    suppose that any such entitlement exists.

    Second, and relatedly, we regard appellant's argument

    as a surreptitious attempt to relitigate his "innocent landowner"

    defense, see 42 U.S.C. 9607(b)(3) (exonerating PRPs who ___

    "exercised due care" and can demonstrate, inter alia, that a _____ ____

    release was caused "solely" by a third party's act or omission);

    see also Westwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. National Fuel Gas ___ ____ ________________________________ __________________

    Distrib'n Corp., 964 F.2d 85, 89-91 (2d Cir. 1992) (discussing _______________

    operation of innocent landowner defense),4 rejected by the


    4For purposes of this statutory provision, a PRP is
    responsible for the acts and omissions of his employees, agents,
    or other persons who have a "contractual relationship" with him.
    42 U.S.C. 9607(b)(3). The term "contractual relationship"
    includes relationships involving "land contracts, deeds, or other
    instruments transferring title," 42 U.S.C. 9601(35), subject to
    certain exceptions. One such exception is for innocent
    landowners, that is, acquirers of land who, having made "all
    appropriate inquiry" into the condition of the property at the
    time of acquisition, id. 9601(35)(B), nevertheless "had no ___
    reason to know" that any environmental problem might exist, id. ___


    district court when it granted the government's motion for

    partial summary judgment. We have no warrant to entertain a

    collateral attack on that judgment. It follows that, as a party

    jointly and severally liable for payment of all the emergency

    removal costs, appellant cannot reasonably expect others to foot

    the entire bill.

    In the third place, the allocation proposed by EPA and

    ratified by Judge Mazzone does not strike us as either

    substantially disproportionate or manifestly unfair. To be sure,

    SESD played a leading role in the contamination of the Site and

    appellant, who came on the scene later, played an appreciably

    less prominent role. But, an actor cast in a bit part is not to

    be confused with a mere spectator, whose only involvement is to

    lounge in the audience and watch events unfold. Appellant

    contributed to the 1987 incident in a variety of ways. Despite

    being warned of a potentially dangerous condition, he twiddled

    his thumbs: he failed to safeguard the Site, thus permitting

    third parties to dump at will and exacerbate an already parlous

    situation; fiddled while the earthen berms deteriorated; and

    turned a blind eye to evolving public health and safety concerns.

    Allocating 15% of the historic removal costs as appellant's share

    seems commensurate with these shortcomings and with the quantum

    of comparative fault fairly ascribable to him.

    Fourth, appellant's concept which seems to be that

    liable parties should go scot free in environmental cases if

    other parties are considerably more culpable runs at cross-


    purposes with CERCLA's policy of encouraging settlements as

    opposed to endless court battles. See H.R. Rep. No. 253, 99th ___

    Cong., 1st Sess., pt. 5, at 58-59 (1985), reprinted in 1986 _________ __

    U.S.C.C.A.N. 3124, 3181-82; see also United Technologies Corp. v. ___ ____ _________________________

    Browning-Ferris Indus., Inc., 33 F.3d 96, 102-03 (1st Cir. 1994) ____________________________

    (explaining the interface between settlement and liability).

    Such settlements reduce excessive litigation expenses and

    transaction costs, thereby preserving scarce resources for

    CERCLA's real goal: the expeditious cleanup of hazardous waste


    In most instances, settlement requires compromise.

    Thus, it makes sense for the government, when negotiating, to

    give a PRP a discount on its maximum potential liability as an

    incentive to settle. Indeed, the statutory scheme contemplates

    that those who are slow to settle ought to bear the risk of

    paying more if they are eventually found liable. See 42 U.S.C. ___

    9613(f)(2) - (3); see also Cannons, 899 F.2d at 91-92. Congress ___ ____ _______

    apparently thought that paradigm fair, and so do we.

    This case illustrates the point. The government gave

    SESD a 15% discount on its maximum potential exposure. This

    proved to be a sufficient incentive to achieve a settlement,

    despite the fact that SESD's liability had not yet been

    adjudicated. Appellant who, unlike SESD, already had been

    found liable received ample opportunities to buy peace, but

    took no advantage of them. Against this unsympathetic backdrop,

    appellant cannot rewardingly complain that he must now shoulder a


    larger share of the overall expense than might have been the case

    if he had moved faster or if SESD had proven intransigent.

    Fifth, and last, fairness rarely can be described in

    absolute terms. There is no litmus test for it and no one

    allocation that will, in a CERCLA case, comprise the only fair

    allocation. Rather, fairness is a mutable construct that

    "tak[es] on different forms and shapes in different factual

    settings." Cannons, 899 F.2d at 85. Absent a mistake of law _______

    and we see none here this reality, coupled with the twice-

    insulated deference afforded CERCLA consent decrees, see Charles ___ _______

    George Trucking, 34 F.3d at 1085; Cannons, 899 F.2d at 84, places _______________ _______

    a heavy burden on an objector who strives to convince an

    appellate court that error inheres in the entry of such a

    decree.5 In this case, the burden has not been carried. Judge

    Mazzone's finding that the SESD decree falls within the wide

    universe of fair solutions is abundantly supported.


    We need go no further.6 Because appellant has neither


    5This burden is particularly weighty when the district judge
    is called upon to assess the comparative fault of different
    classes of PRPs. So it is here. The court below had to contrast
    the fault ascribable to a generator and transporter (SESD) with
    the fault ascribable to a landowner (DiBiase). In such
    circumstances, the trial judge is in effect forced to compare
    apples with oranges. Accordingly, his prolonged exposure to the
    litigation and his firsthand knowledge of the case's nuances
    become extremely important, heightening the need for deference.

    6This appeal presents no issues anent cleanup costs over and
    above the emergency removal costs. The parties informed us at
    oral argument that all issues of that nature have been resolved


    offered any compelling reason to brand the consent decree unfair

    nor persuaded us that the district court blundered in approving

    it, his appeal falters.

    Affirmed. Affirmed. ________
