United States v. Voccola ( 1996 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit


    No. 96-1182





    Defendant, Appellant.




    [Mary M. Lisi, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Boudin, Circuit Judge, _____________

    Bownes, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Lynch, Circuit Judge. _____________


    David L. Martin for appellant. _______________
    Sheldon Whitehouse, United States Attorney for Rhode Island, for __________________

    November 5, 1996

    BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. Defendant-appellant BOWNES, Senior Circuit Judge. ____________________

    raises three issues in this appeal. They are: (1) the

    denial of defendant's motion for recusal of the sentencing

    judge; (2) whether the district court clearly erred in

    increasing defendant's sentencing level for his role in the

    offense; and (3) whether the district judge clearly erred in

    finding that defendant obstructed justice. We affirm.

    Background Background __________

    A grand jury returned a twenty-four count

    indictment charging defendant, Robert Voccola, his brother,

    Edward Voccola, and one of Edward's employees, Roger Cavaca,

    with an extensive scheme of automobile insurance fraud.

    Count one of the indictment charged each of the defendants

    with a federal racketeering violation, 18 U.S.C. 1962;

    counts two through twenty-three charged each defendant with

    federal mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1341, and

    aiding and abetting mail fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2;

    count twenty-four charged co-defendant Edward Voccola with

    obstruction of justice in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1503.

    Defendant Robert Voccola pled guilty to counts two,

    four, five, and twenty of the indictment, co-defendant Edward

    Voccola pled guilty to count one of the indictment, and co-

    defendant Roger Cavaca pled guilty to counts three, six,

    seventeen, and nineteen of the indictment.

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    Further facts bearing on the sentencing issues will

    be stated when we discuss those issues.


    The Facts The Facts _________

    The facts on which the recusal motion was based,

    although somewhat lengthy and convoluted, are not disputed.

    The district judge, Hon. Mary M. Lisi, held a

    chambers conference prior to the scheduled sentencing

    hearing. During the conference, she expressed concern about

    financial information furnished by defendant for the pre-

    sentence report. She questioned how the defendant could

    cosign a loan for his son when he had listed approximately

    $100,000 in unpaid debts on his personal financial statement

    and had submitted affidavits to the court claiming indigency.

    Defendant's sentencing was, therefore, continued so that

    additional financial information could be obtained. After

    the conference, defendant alleges that he realized, for the

    first time, that the district judge served as a member of a

    state commission investigating the financial activities of a

    number of persons and corporations, one of whom was


    Some background facts are now necessary. In 1991

    the Rhode Island Depositors Economic Protection Corporation

    (DEPCO) was created to address the problems arising from a

    financial crisis in Rhode Island. The crisis was triggered

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    by the failure of numerous banks and credit unions, all of

    which were insured by a private insurance fund -- the Rhode

    Island Share and Depositors Indemnity Corporation (RISDIC),

    which also failed. The unpaid debts of defendant listed on

    the pre-sentence report were owed to DEPCO.

    The state commission on which the judge served as

    an appointee of the governor, before she became a judge, was

    the Select Commission to Investigate the Failure of RISDIC

    Insurance Financial Institutions. She took an active role

    in the commission's investigation of the cause of the failure

    of the banks, the credit unions, and RISDIC. The commission

    held hearings, questioned witnesses, and subpoenaed records

    during the course of its investigation, which lasted nearly

    two years. In December 1992, the commission issued a report,

    recommending in effect that DEPCO take appropriate action to

    resolve the crisis. Legal action to recover loan proceeds

    was one of the specific recommendations. The commission made

    its findings and the evidence adduced at the hearings

    available "to law enforcement agencies, DEPCO and the

    receivers of RISDIC institutions so that they could pursue

    criminal and civil action." Report of Select Commission to

    Investigate Failure of RISDIC, at 2 (1992). Defendant was

    not named or identified in any of this material.

    On October 3, 1994, Edward D. Pare, receiver for

    the Rhode Island Central Credit Union, which was insured by

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    RISDIC, sued defendant and his wife for failure to pay a

    promissory note for $105,000 owed to the credit union. The

    note was secured by a mortgage on a yacht -- the Bella

    Famina. An in rem proceeding against the boat was brought __ ___

    together with an in personam action against defendant and his __ ________

    wife. Judge Lisi handled this case. The in personam action __ ________

    was terminated by default. Neither defendant nor his wife

    appeared at any hearing.

    Defendant has produced no evidence or made any

    allegations that the district judge gained any knowledge

    about defendant personally and/or his financial affairs

    during the course of her service on the state commission.

    After a hearing on the motion to disqualify, the

    court stated:

    Let me deal right now with the Motion
    to Disqualify.

    Mr. Martin, I certainly do not fault
    you for bringing such a motion. I think
    it's absolutely within your prerogative
    and certainly if it is in your client's
    best interest to do so, that you file
    such a motion. I think that the
    impartiality of the Court is the sine qua
    non of our justice system. It is an
    issue that I believe I am acutely
    sensitive of. And so, I have reviewed
    with great care the motion that you have
    filed as well as all of the appendices,
    although I must admit that I did not
    reread the entire report of the RISDIC
    Commission which you have appended to
    your motion.

    Let me just say that you are quite
    correct in asserting that I served as a

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    member of the colloquially-known RISDIC
    Commission for some two years and that
    the purpose of that commission was to
    investigate the reasons for the failure
    of RISDIC and ultimately the closure of
    some 45 financial institutions which
    affected approximately one-third of the
    population of this state; the effects of
    which continue to affect the taxpayers of
    this state.

    In any event, as your motion points
    out, this Defendant was never identified
    by name anywhere in the reports, public
    hearings or other materials generated by
    that commission. And quite frankly, I
    never heard your client's name until I
    came to this Court. And perhaps the
    first time I ever heard his name was in
    connection with the other case you cite,
    which I did preside over, and that is the
    in rem action against the BELLA FAMINA,
    which apparently was a motor boat owned
    by the Defendant and his wife. And I
    believe that that action likewise was an
    in personam action against Mr. Voccola
    and his wife.

    As you correctly point out in your
    memo, that action terminated as to the
    Defendant and his wife by default. It's
    my recollection that neither Mr. or Mrs.
    Voccola answered the Complaint. The
    hearing that you reference taking place
    with respect to that action, I can tell
    you, dealt solely with the claim of the
    substitute custodian who was looking for
    more money than the marshal thought he
    was entitled to. And that the Defendant,
    nor his wife, nor anyone on their behalf
    even appeared at any such hearing.

    The case law which both Mr. Martin and
    the Government cite indicates to this
    Court that any charge of partiality must
    be supported by a factual basis; that the
    movant cannot simply rely on conclusory
    allegations or innuendo. And further,
    that disqualification is appropriate only
    if the facts provide what an objective,

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    knowledgeable member of the public would
    find to be a reasonable basis for
    doubting the judge's partiality. That's
    the test in the First Circuit on a 455A

    I have weighed the exhibits and
    information you've provided in your memo.
    And I have, in so weighing that evidence,
    stepped away from the bench and into the
    shoes of that knowledgeable, objective
    person in the street. And I come to the
    conclusion that there is no evidence that
    would point to a lack of partiality on
    behalf of this Court.

    Instead, my concern is that the motion
    having been filed this late in the game
    after that chambers conference wherein I
    addressed to both you and the Government
    my skepticism, if you will, or questions
    as to the financial information which had
    been provided -- the DEPCO part of it
    aside -- how does one -- and I think that
    this is a plausible question. I don't
    think that the Sentencing Commission
    expects judges to review financial
    information provided to make a
    determination as to whether or not the
    Defendant is capable of paying a fine --
    to simply accept whatever we're handed.
    I would hope that the Sentencing
    Commission would expect us to scrutinize
    that information to make a determination
    as to the Defendant's ability to pay a

    And when I see that the Defendant, in
    a 1994 tax return, reports zero income,
    yet is able to sign a loan for his son to
    buy a $23,000 car, is able to lease a
    1995 Lincoln Continental, it does raise a
    question in my mind as to whether or not
    the information provided to Probation is
    correct. And as I said in December, I
    had those questions, I wanted answers and
    I wanted to give the Defendant ample
    opportunity, not only to provide the
    additional information, but to prepare an
    explanation since one would be requested.

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    All of that having been said, I do not
    believe that you have met your burden
    under Section 455. And the Motion for
    Disqualification is denied.

    Discussion Discussion __________

    Defendant's recusal motion is based on 28 U.S.C.

    455(a), which states:

    Any justice, judge, or magistrate of the
    United States shall disqualify himself in
    any proceeding in which his impartiality
    might reasonably be questioned.

    Defendant's claim that the district judge's "impartiality

    might reasonably be questioned" is based on three sets of


    (1) the judge presiding over his criminal
    case had previously served as a member of
    an investigative commission, a commission
    charged with examining improprieties and
    fraud in financial institutions; (2) the
    judge, as a member of the commission,
    recommended criminal and civil
    prosecutions of individuals who engaged
    in fraudulent business transactions with
    these failed institutions; and (3) the
    defendant had in fact borrowed money from
    one of the failed institutions and later
    been sued by the receiver for fraud.

    Brief for Appellant at 5-6.

    The case law fleshes out the bare-bone words of the

    statute. At the outset of our case law analysis we note that

    a guilty plea does not bar a recusal motion. United States _____________

    v. Chantal, 902 F.2d 1018, 1020-21 (1st Cir. 1990). __________

    The test in this circuit for determining whether a

    judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned is long

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    established. The standard stated in United States v. Cowden, _______________________

    545 F.2d 257, 265 (1st Cir. 1976), cert. denied, 430 U.S. _____ ______

    909 (1977), is the one we follow:

    [w]hether the charge of lack of
    impartiality is grounded on facts that
    would create a reasonable doubt
    concerning the judge's impartiality, not
    in the mind of the judge himself or even
    necessarily in the mind of the litigant
    filing the motion under 28 U.S.C. 455,
    but rather in the mind of the reasonable

    See also Town of Norfolk v. United States Army Corps of ___ ____ __________________________________________________

    Eng'rs, 968 F.2d 1438, 1460 (1st Cir. 1992); United States v. ______ ________________

    Lopez, 944 F.2d 33, 37 (1st Cir. 1991); United States v. _____ _________________

    Martorano, 620 F.2d 912, 919 (1st Cir.), cert. denied, 449 _________ _____ ______

    U.S. 952 (1980).

    There are two additional considerations in weighing

    a claim of impartiality. First, there must be a factual

    basis for the claim that there appears to be a lack of

    impartiality. Lopez, 944 F.2d at 37; United States v. _____ _________________

    Giorgi, 840 F.2d 1022, 1035 (1st Cir. 1988). And second, a ______

    decision not to recuse is reviewed only for abuse of

    discretion. Lopez, 944 F.2d at 37; Panzardi-Alvarez v. _____ ____________________

    United States, 879 F.2d 975, 984 (1st Cir. 1989), cert. ______________ _____

    denied, 493 U.S. 1082 (1990). ______

    These are the general rules that apply. There are

    cases factually analogous to the one at bar. For example, in

    United States v. Giorgi, 840 F.2d at 1035, we held: _______________________

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    Although the knowledge of a defendant
    gained during a judicial proceeding may ___
    present grounds for a reasonable person
    to question a judge's impartiality, see ___
    Blizard v. Frechette, 601 F.2d 1217, 1220 ____________________
    (1st Cir. 1979) (citation omitted), mere
    exposure to prejudicial information does
    not, in itself, establish the requisite
    factual basis: "[T]he judicial system
    could not function if judges could deal
    but once in their lifetime with a given
    defendant, or had to withdraw from a case
    whenever they had presided in a related
    or companion case or in a separate trial
    in the same case." Cowden, 545 F.2d at ______
    266 (citations omitted). And we have
    held that unless a party can establish a
    reasonable factual basis to doubt a
    judge's impartiality "by some kind of
    probative evidence," then a judge must ____
    hear a case as assigned. Blizard, 601 _______
    F.2d at 1221 (citation omitted).

    In In Re Cooper, 821 F.2d 833, 844 (1st Cir. 1987), we noted: ____________

    "Judges are not disqualified from trying defendants of whom,

    through prior judicial proceedings, they have acquired a low


    We end our case law analysis by quoting from Liteky ______

    v. United States, 510 U.S. 540 (1994). In Liteky, Justice _________________ ______

    Scalia, writing for the majority, explicated in detail the

    history of the recusal doctrine. Id. at 543-51. The ___

    question in Liteky was whether recusal under 28 U.S.C. ______

    455(a) was subject to the limitation of the "extrajudicial

    source" doctrine. The Court held that the doctrine did apply

    to 455(a). Id. at 554. In the course of the opinion the ___

    Court stated:

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    Also not subject to deprecatory
    characterization as "bias" or "prejudice"
    are opinions held by judges as a result
    of what they learned in earlier
    proceedings. It has long been regarded
    as normal and proper for a judge to sit
    in the same case upon its remand, and to
    sit in successive trials involving the
    same defendant.

    Id. at 551. ___

    As to defendant's contention that Judge Lisi's

    prior participation on the investigative commission requires

    recusal, we find the connection between such participation

    and defendant's criminal case to be too attenuated to create

    a reasonable doubt concerning the judge's impartiality in the

    mind of the reasonable man. The commission did not focus on

    this particular case or on this particular defendant. Cf. ___

    United States v. Payne, 944 F.2d 1458 (9th Cir. 1991) _________________________

    (finding that judge's prior service on pornography commission

    did not require recusal from child molestation case).

    Applying the legal principles to the facts asserted

    as a basis for recusal, it is obvious to us that Judge Lisi

    quite properly denied the motion for her recusal.


    We turn now to defendant's challenges to the

    district court's upward adjustments under the Federal

    Sentencing Guidelines for (i) his role in the offense and

    (ii) obstruction of justice. First, we provide a brief

    statement of the law relevant to appellate review of district

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    court determinations to make upward adjustments under the

    Guidelines. "When we review a district court's application

    of a sentencing guideline, we utilize a bifurcated process.

    First we review the guideline's legal meaning and scope de __

    novo. Next, we review the court's fact-finding for clear ____

    error, giving due deference to the court's application of the

    guidelines to the facts." United States v. Mitchell, 85 F.3d _________________________

    800, 813 (1st Cir. 1996)(quoting United States v. Thompson, __________________________

    32 F.3d 1, 4 (1st Cir. 1994)). Cf. Koon v. United States, ___ ______________________

    116 S. Ct. 2035 (1996) (departures from the Guidelines __________

    reviewed under abuse of discretion standard, id., at 2043, ___

    which includes review "to determine that the discretion was

    not guided by erroneous legal conclusions." Id. at 2048 ___

    (emphasis added)).

    We consider the facts as they are set forth in the

    unobjected-to portions of the Presentence Report ("PSR") and

    the sentencing hearing transcript. See United States v. ___ _________________

    Cali, 87 F.3d 571, 573 (1st Cir. 1996); United States v. ____ _________________

    Grandmaison, 77 F.3d 555, 557 (1st Cir. 1996). ___________

    Role in the Offense Role in the Offense ___________________

    At sentencing, the district court applied a three-

    level enhancement to defendant's sentence based upon a

    finding that defendant was a "manager or supervisor" of an

    extensive scheme under the United States Sentencing

    Guidelines ("U.S.S.G."), 3B1.1. Because the details of the

    -12- 12

    insurance fraud scheme are important to the determination of

    defendant's "manager or supervisor" status, we rehearse the

    relevant facts. Throughout the course of the automobile-

    insurance fraud scheme, defendant owned and ran Allandale

    Auto Body in Providence, Rhode Island. His brother and co-

    defendant ran another auto body shop in the same city.

    Although there were occasional variations, each false

    insurance claim generally followed the same pattern. First,

    an individual would purchase Massachusetts or Rhode Island

    vehicle insurance with liability coverage only. Usually only

    the first payment was made on the automobile insurance.

    Prior to the second payment coming due, an "accident" would

    take place. The "accident" always occurred between the

    insured vehicle and another vehicle that was either already,

    or soon came to be, in the possession of one of the

    defendants' auto body shops. After these staged accidents,

    the defendants would file insurance claims under the

    insurance policies in order to "repair" the "hit" car. The

    two body shops used the same damaged cars to show to

    different insurance appraisers as the car "hit" by the

    insured vehicle. In all, there were at least six

    individuals involved in the fraud: defendant and his brother,

    Edward, his brother's employee, Mr. Cavaca, his employee, Mr.

    Christopher, defendant's sister-in- law, Ms. Ng, and a Mr.


    -13- 13

    As detailed in the PSR, defendant admitted to at

    least one instance in which he directed the actions of

    another in furtherance of the fraud. In his own version of

    the events relating to a fraud in which his sister-in-law was

    involved, he states that, "I told her what she should do; I

    told her to bring her car to my shop and to tell her

    insurance company that she had hit a parked car. I also told

    her to tell her insurance company that the car she had hit

    was at [my brother's auto body shop]."

    In deciding to apply the three-level enhancement

    for managerial status, the district judge stated, "I think

    that what is most telling in this case are the Defendant's

    own words . . . where the Defendant himself describes his

    directions to Ms. Ng." The court expressly found that

    "beyond being a willing participant, he directed the

    transactions which make up the underlying schemes to defraud

    the various victims in this case."

    Discussion Discussion __________

    Utilizing the bifurcated review process, see ___

    Mitchell, 85 F.3d at 813, we first examine the legal meaning ________

    and scope of the Guideline applied by the district court.

    Sentencing Guideline 3B1.1 mandates a three-level increase

    if "the defendant was a manager or supervisor . . . and the

    criminal activity involved five or more participants or was

    otherwise extensive." U.S.S.G 3B1.1. The plain language

    -14- 14

    of the Guidelines requires that a two-step process be

    employed when determining the applicability of this

    enhancement. First, the criminal scheme must be found to

    have five or more participants or be "otherwise extensive."

    Id. Second, the defendant must be found to have managed or ___

    supervised the scheme. See United States v. Joyce, 70 F.3d ___ ______________________

    679, 682 (1stCir. 1995), cert. denied, 116S. Ct. 1556 (1996). _____ ______

    As an initial matter, we note that the first

    requirement under this Guideline has been met. The PSR

    conclusively shows that there were six participants in the

    scheme.1 Defendant does not challenge the district court's

    determination on this issue. The crux of defendant's

    contention lies in the district court's finding that

    defendant was a manager or supervisor of the illegal scheme.

    The legal meaning and scope of the "manager or

    supervisor" role under the Guidelines has been given

    considerable attention by this court in recent years. See, ___

    Cali, 87 F.3d at 576-79. Our decisions are consistent: "we ____

    have required 'some degree of control or organizational

    authority over others' to support a section 3B1.1(b)

    adjustment." Id. at 578 (citation omitted). Therefore, ___

    "[m]anagerial status . . . attach[es] if there is evidence

    that a defendant, in committing the crime, exercised control


    1. A participant is a person who "is criminally responsible
    for the commission of the offense, but need not have been
    convicted." U.S.S.G. 3B1.1, comment n.1.

    -15- 15

    over, or was otherwise responsible for overseeing the

    activities of, at least one other person." United States v. ________________

    Savoie, 985 F.2d 612, 616 (1st Cir. 1993). ______

    The district court was correct in relying on

    evidence of direction and control over others when making its

    decision to apply the 3B1.1(b) enhancement. There was,

    therefore, no mistake of law in the court's determination of

    the scope and legal meaning of 3B1.1(b).

    We turn now to the district court's fact-finding on

    the issue. Because "[t]he determination of the defendant's

    role in an offense is fact-specific," Joyce, 70 F.3d at 682, _____

    we remain "deferential to the sentencing court's views and

    review the determinations made only for clear error." Id. ___

    Examining the facts as set out in the PSR, which detail at

    least one instance in which the defendant expressly admits to

    managing the actions of another in furtherance of the fraud,

    we can find no basis for assigning error, clear or otherwise,

    to the district court's determination. As the district court

    pointed out, by admitting to directing Ms. Ng on the finer

    points of the fraudulent activity, defendant in effect

    acknowledged that he managed the activities of "at least one

    other person" in the course of the illegal activity. Savoie, ______

    985 F.2d at 616.

    The government "need only prove by a preponderance

    of evidence that an upward adjustment was warranted," Joyce, _____

    -16- 16

    70 F.3d at 682 (citation omitted), and when making

    determinations regarding a defendant's role in the offense,

    "the sentencing court may look beyond the count of conviction

    to the whole of the defendant's pertinent conduct." Id. We ___

    find ample support for the district court's decision to apply

    the three-level enhancement. We note that additional

    evidence of managerial status, above and beyond that which

    the district court expressly relied on at sentencing, can be

    found in the PSR to support a 3B1.1(b) enhancement. These

    facts include an admission that he engineered a fraudulent

    claim for Mr. Christopher, as well as the fact that

    defendant owned one of the body shops involved in such a

    sophisticated scheme of insurance fraud. Evidence relating

    to a defendant's role in the offense may be probative "by

    fair inference." United States v. Tejada-Beltran, 50 F.3d ________________________________

    105, 113 (1st. Cir 1995). It would therefore be reasonable

    for the district court to have inferred, from defendant's

    ownership of one of the loci of the criminal activity, a

    certain degree of managerial control. It is apparent,

    therefore, that enhancement by three levels under 3B1.1(b)

    was proper.

    Obstruction of Justice Obstruction of Justice ______________________

    The final matter in this appeal concerns

    defendant's challenge to the district court's two-level

    upward enhancement under 3C1.1 of the Guidelines for

    -17- 17

    obstruction of justice. Under the Guidelines, the sentence

    is enhanced by two levels where "the defendant willfully

    obstructed or impeded, or attempted to obstruct or impede,

    the administration of justice during the investigation,

    prosecution or sentencing of the instant offence." U.S.S.G


    The facts leading the court to apply the adjustment

    were presented at the sentencing hearing through the

    testimony of Maureen Ng, the defendant's sister-in-law and an

    unindicted co-conspirator in the insurance fraud. Ms. Ng

    testified that when she was first contacted by a Postal

    Inspector, defendant advised her "not to speak to him and not

    to come to Rhode Island." She also testified to the effect

    that defendant advised her not to answer the door when

    investigators were trying to serve a subpoena, and throughout

    the investigation defendant advised her "not to talk to

    anyone." Finally, she testified that defendant attempted to

    convince her to leave the jurisdiction, and "go down to

    Florida", in order to avoid the investigation.

    At sentencing, the district court found as follows:

    Based on the testimony of Ms. Ng, which I
    find to be credible, I find that this
    defendant did engage in conduct
    obstructing or impeding the
    administration of justice by counselling
    and directly advising Ms. Ng to avoid
    grand jury subpoenas, which were being
    served in connection with the
    Government's investigation of the
    insurance fraud scheme to which this

    -18- 18

    defendant has entered a plea of guilty;
    that Ms. Ng's acquiescence and the
    Defendant telling her to avoid the
    subpoenas, hindered the Government's
    investigation for a period of time while
    she, herself, admits to hiding her car
    and not going in her house and
    essentially avoiding service of the
    subpoena as she was directed to do by
    this Defendant.

    Tr. at 71. Defendant challenges this finding, basing his

    appeal on (i) the lack of evidence of any threat against the

    witness, and (ii) the court's failure to take into account

    additional testimony by Ms. Ng which, in defendant's view,

    would counsel against a 3C1.1 enhancement.

    Discussion Discussion __________

    Little needs to be said regarding the legal meaning

    of 3C1.1. The language of the Guideline is clear enough;

    it applies where the defendant intentionally impedes, or

    attempts to impede, the investigation of an offense.

    Culpability under the Guideline is also applicable where a

    defendant causes, or attempts to cause, the obstruction of

    justice by a third party. The Application Notes state that

    "[u]nder this section, the defendant is accountable for his

    own conduct and for conduct that he . . . counselled,

    commanded, induced, procured, or willfully caused." U.S.S.G

    3C1.1, note 7. Clearly, conduct such as that described by

    Ms. Ng falls within the scope of the Guideline. The only

    remaining basis for reversal, therefore, is if it was error

    for the district court to rely on Ms. Ng's testimony.

    -19- 19

    "Any credibility assessment made at sentencing

    falls within the province of the district court, and it

    should be respected on appeal unless it is clearly

    erroneous." Joyce, 70 F.3d at 682 (citation omitted); see _____ ___

    United States v. Indelicato, No. 95-1907, slip op. at 14 (1st ___________________________

    Cir. Oct. 15, 1996). We find no error in the district

    court's factual determination that defendant obstructed

    justice. The evidence presented by Ms. Ng wholly supports

    the district court's determination that defendant obstructed

    justice, and there is nothing in the record to suggest that

    the district court was somehow in error in relying on the

    testimony of Ms. Ng.

    We turn briefly to defendant's specific assignments

    of error. First, contrary to what defendant argues, 3C1.1

    does not require the existence of threats in order to apply.

    A court may find that defendant "obstructed or impeded" an

    investigation, without resorting to threats to obtain a

    witness's cooperation. The Application Notes are plain that

    a wide range of conduct will suffice to properly enhance a

    sentence for obstruction of justice. U.S.S.G. 3C1.1, note


    Second, defendant argues that the district court

    erroneously ignored testimony suggesting that he was not

    instructing Ms. Ng to obstruct the investigation or to avoid

    the service of a subpoena, but rather, merely advising her of

    -20- 20

    her right to preserve her Fifth Amendment right against self-

    incrimination. But the obstruction of justice adjustment is

    supported by actions of the defendant irrespective of any

    advice about rights under the Fifth Amendment. Defendant

    advised Ms. Ng not to answer the door for the investigator

    trying to serve the subpoena and to go to Florida in order to

    avoid the investigation. Because "[t]he facts constituting

    obstruction of justice for sentencing purposes need only be

    established by a preponderance of the evidence," United ______

    States v. Thomas, 86 F.3d 263 (1st Cir. 1996)(citation __________________

    omitted), defendant's challenge to the enhancement fails.

    Affirmed. Affirmed. _________

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