MCI Tele Comm v. Matrix Comm Corp ( 1998 )

  • USCA1 Opinion

    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit

    Nos. 96-2246


    Plaintiff, Appellee,



    Defendant, Appellant.



    [Hon. Edward F. Harrington, U.S. District Judge] ___________________
    [Hon. Patti B. Saris, U.S. District Judge] ___________________



    Boudin, Circuit Judge, _____________
    Coffin, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________
    and Dowd,* Senior District Judge. _____________________


    Richard W. Miller with whom Stephen R. Miller, Andrew C. __________________ __________________ __________
    Gately, John D. Hanify, and Joseph A. Cortellini were on brief ______ _______________ ____________________
    for appellant.
    Paul M. Smith with whom Ross B. Bricker, Terri L. Mascherin, _____________ _______________ __________________
    Mark A. Berthiaume, Louis J. Scerra, Jr., and David J. Brecher ___________________ _____________________ _________________
    were on brief for appellee.


    January 27, 1998


    *Of the Northern District of Ohio, sitting by designation.

    COFFIN, Senior Circuit Judge. The parties in this case have ____________________

    been engaged in a heated battle over the proper setting for their

    underlying legal dispute. Appellee MCI Telecommunications Corp.

    insists that the conflict must be resolved through arbitration,

    while appellant Matrix Communications Corp. asserts that the

    arbitration clause in the parties' contract does not apply here,

    and that it is entitled to a judicial forum for its claims. The

    district court sided with MCI -- thus ordering arbitration -- and

    then rejected Matrix's motion under Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b) to set

    aside that ruling based on newly discovered evidence. Matrix

    appeals both the judgment on the merits and the Rule 60(b)

    decision. After close review of the tangled procedural backdrop

    and the substantive issues, we affirm.

    I. Factual and Procedural Background _________________________________

    Little needs to be said about the companies' underlying

    dispute, which arises from an October 1995 agreement (the "Agent

    Agreement") in which MCI gave Matrix limited agency to sell MCI

    services. The Agent Agreement provided for substantial

    commissions if Matrix generated a specified minimum amount of

    revenue for MCI. Matrix alleged, inter alia, that MCI improperly _____ ____

    terminated the Agent Agreement eight months later, in June 1996,

    because Matrix was so successful in obtaining customers that MCI

    owed it more than one billion dollars in commissions that the

    corporation did not wish to pay. MCI countered that termination

    was proper because Matrix breached the terms of the Agent

    Agreement in various ways.


    Following MCI's termination, Matrix filed suit in

    Massachusetts state court. MCI removed the action to federal

    court. It then moved to stay the litigation and compel

    arbitration, on the ground that the language of the arbitration

    clause in the Agent Agreement unambiguously evidenced the

    parties' intent to arbitrate all disputes arising from that

    agreement. The provision, contained in paragraph 22 of the Agent

    Agreement, states:

    Any dispute relating to this Agreement shall be
    submitted for binding arbitration in accordance with
    the rules contained in MCI Tariff FCC No. 1 and
    judgement[sic] on any award entered therein may be
    entered in any court of competent jurisdiction.

    Matrix opposed the motion to stay, arguing that, because MCI

    Tariff FCC No. 1 ("the Tariff") expressly limited arbitration to

    customer billing disputes of $10,000 or more, and Matrix neither

    was a customer nor had a billing dispute of any amount with MCI,

    the arbitration clause did not apply to its dispute.1

    1 A tariff is a detailed compilation of charges, regulations
    and other relevant information about the provision of
    telecommunications services to the public that common carriers
    like MCI are required to file with the FCC. MCI Tariff FCC No. 1
    is a voluminous document whose "Section B," labeled "Rules and
    Regulations," spans 34 pages and contains nineteen separate
    rules. Rule No. 7 is labeled "Payment Arrangements" and has
    twenty-one subsections. One of those subsections, B-7.13, is
    entitled "Arbitration of disputes," and states, in part:

    All disputes concerning or affecting payment of
    invoices issued after February 28, 1994 for charges
    totaling $10,000 and above may be resolved through
    binding arbitration.

    Subsection B-7.13 is further divided into numerous parts that
    detail the procedures to be used in such arbitrations. Section
    .1327, for example, requires the Responding Party to file a
    written answer within 17 days after the arbitration commences;


    Judge Harrington of the United States District Court for

    the District of Massachusetts held a hearing on MCI's motion to

    compel arbitration on September 27, 1996. Later that day, he

    signed an order granting the motion, concluding that the

    arbitration clause unambiguously reflected an intention by the

    parties to arbitrate all disputes relating to the Agreement. In ___

    his view, the Tariff was referenced not to define the scope of

    the agreement to arbitrate but to provide the procedural rules

    under which any arbitration would take place.

    The same day, Matrix filed a notice of voluntary dismissal

    under Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(1)(i).2 In a letter to Judge

    Harrington, Matrix's counsel explained that the company had

    decided to ask the arbitrator to rule on whether Matrix could

    receive all the relief it sought through arbitration. If so,

    Matrix would consent to continue the arbitration; if not, Matrix

    would refile its action in federal court.

    Judge Harrington dismissed the action. On September 30, the

    day both the order compelling arbitration and the grant of

    dismissal were entered on the docket, Matrix initiated the


    section .133 directs the case manager to hold an administrative
    conference within nine days of the arbitration's commencement;
    under section .1341, the appointed arbitrator may be removed only
    for bias or "other good cause"; section .135 provides for an
    exchange of documents and other information within 23 days after
    the arbitration commences; and section .1391 provides for the
    privacy of all arbitration conferences and hearings.

    2 Although Judge Harrington may have ruled before Matrix
    filed for dismissal, it appears that Matrix did not learn of the
    ruling until later, and believed at the time it filed that the
    decision would not be made for several days.


    arbitration by filing a claim with J.A.M.S./Endispute ("JAMS"),

    the arbitration administrator designated by MCI in its Tariff.

    Matrix argued to the arbitrator, as it had to the court, that its

    claims were not arbitrable, and again relied on a reading of the

    arbitration clause that limited its scope to billing disputes

    exceeding $10,000.

    MCI responded two days later, on October 2, by filing its

    own action in federal court seeking to compel arbitration of

    Matrix's claims. Although Matrix was at that point participating

    in arbitration, MCI was concerned that Matrix would not follow

    through if the arbitrator decided the threshold questions against

    Matrix's position. Because of his involvement in the earlier

    proceeding, Judge Harrington was assigned the MCI action.

    Without additional hearings or any responsive pleading from

    Matrix, he entered an order on October 10 compelling Matrix to

    arbitrate all of its claims and awarding MCI attorney's fees.

    Meanwhile, the arbitration that Matrix had initiated went

    forward, and, on December 10, 1996, the arbitrator ruled that

    Matrix's claims were arbitrable but that certain types of relief

    sought by Matrix, including multiple damages and attorney's fees,

    were unavailable in the arbitration because the Tariff barred

    such remedies. In February 1997, Matrix filed a motion in

    district court under Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b), seeking relief from

    the October 10 order. Matrix contended that MCI had fraudulently

    induced it to enter into the arbitration clause in the Agent

    Agreement by concealing an agreement between JAMS and MCI that


    provided for a close working relationship between the two

    companies and specified various payments and services to be given

    by MCI to JAMS. Matrix argued that the MCI/JAMS Agreement

    constituted newly discovered evidence of bias on the part of JAMS

    in favor of MCI. MCI opposed the motion, filing affidavits and

    other materials in support of its position that the JAMS

    Agreement had not been concealed and did not evidence bias on the

    part either of JAMS, or, more importantly, the arbitrator.

    Following a hearing, District Court Judge Saris denied the

    Rule 60(b) motion,3 concluding that Matrix had failed to show the

    elements necessary for post-judgment relief, see Hoult v. Hoult, ___ _____ _____

    57 F.3d 1, 5-6 (1st Cir. 1995). See infra at 16. ___ _____

    Matrix appeals from the October 10, 1996 order compelling

    arbitration of its claims, and the March 27, 1997 denial of its

    rule 60(b) motion.

    II. Discussion __________

    Before discussing the district court's October 10 judgment

    and its subsequent rejection of Matrix's Rule 60(b) motion, we

    must address a threshold issue raised by MCI. It claims that,

    because Matrix voluntarily submitted the issue of arbitrability

    to the arbitrator, who then determined that Matrix's claims are

    arbitrable, Matrix cannot at this juncture challenge the

    arbitrator's authority to hear the case. This appeal, MCI

    contends, is moot.


    3 The case had been reassigned to Judge Saris subsequent to
    Judge Harrington's October 10, 1996 order.


    We have little difficulty in concluding that the appeal

    should go forward. From the outset, Matrix explicitly advised

    the district court that it would return to the courtroom if the

    arbitrator ruled that Matrix could not obtain all the relief it

    sought in the arbitral forum. Although MCI cites language

    suggesting that Matrix later agreed to arbitrate its claims if

    the arbitrator ruled that they were arbitrable, we are persuaded

    that that language was unfairly drawn out of context and that

    Matrix's actual position has been consistently in opposition to

    resolving its claims through arbitration unless it were possible

    to obtain full relief. Indeed, we think it disingenuous, and

    bordering on effrontery, for MCI to suggest otherwise.

    We now turn to the issues raised by Matrix on appeal.

    A. The October 10 Ruling _____________________

    At the outset of our analysis, it is worth recalling the

    context of the district court's decision on October 10 to compel

    arbitration. The motion on which the court ruled was filed by

    MCI on October 2. Only three working days earlier, on September

    27, the court had held a hearing on arbitrability pursuant to

    Matrix's action, and had concluded that the Agent Agreement's ________

    arbitration clause embraced all disputes. That decision was not ___

    enforced then because, virtually contemporaneously, Matrix

    dismissed its suit. Seeking to resolve the arbitrability

    question, MCI jumped in with its own action, and the court

    responded on October 10 by compelling arbitration, thereby


    effectively (though not technically) reinstating its earlier


    If review of that decision posed only the question whether

    the court properly interpreted the Agent Agreement to compel

    arbitration of the parties' dispute, our task would be

    straightforward and relatively easy. But several factors affect

    our analysis, two of which complicate the inquiry. First, the

    court ruled before Matrix had answered MCI's complaint seeking to

    compel arbitration, and without a hearing, although Section 4 of

    the Federal Arbitration Act states that "[t]he court shall hear

    the parties" before ordering arbitration to proceed.5 The second

    difficulty is that Matrix's appellate challenge to the

    arbitration clause includes arguments that the district court

    never considered, an omission that typically forecloses us from

    taking them into account. See United States v. Bongiorno, 106 ___ _____________ _________

    F.3d 1027, 1034 (1st Cir. 1997). The two problems obviously are

    4 Matrix complains that the district court wrongly "based"
    its October 10 order on the September 27 order, which had become
    a "nullity" once Matrix dismissed its suit. Although Judge
    Harrington's October 10 order stated that it was "[i]n accordance
    with" the earlier decision, we take that as a shorthand reference
    to the content of that decision -- which he chose not to repeat -
    - rather than as a statement of precedent governing the October
    10 ruling.

    5 The relevant portion of the statute states:

    The court shall hear the parties, and upon being
    satisfied that the making of the agreement for
    arbitration or the failure to comply therewith is not
    in issue, the court shall make an order directing the
    parties to proceed to arbitration in accordance with
    the terms of the agreement.

    9 U.S.C. 4.


    intertwined; Matrix logically points out that it had no

    opportunity to make any arguments to the district court because, ___

    in its view, the court ruled prematurely.

    The third factor, somewhat simplifying our task, is that

    Matrix asserts that it does not challenge any procedural flaws in

    the district court's ruling, specifically waiving its complaints

    about the speed of the court's judgment and its failure to hold a

    hearing. It maintains that we should resolve "the underlying

    issue of whether Matrix must arbitrate its claims against MCI

    since such a determination is largely a question of law in which

    no material facts are in dispute." Procedural errors alone,

    therefore, are waived as a basis for vacating the district

    court's judgment.6

    We address first the straightforward issue: whether the

    arbitration clause in the Agent Agreement applies to the present

    conflict.7 We think it does, finding unpersuasive Matrix's

    argument that the reference to the Tariff in that clause meant

    that the Agent Agreement limited arbitration only to customer

    billing disputes in excess of $10,000 -- the types of claims

    specifically arbitrable under the Tariff. Like the district

    court, we think the only sensible reading is that the Tariff was

    incorporated to provide a set of procedural rules for

    6 In any event, as we discuss infra at 13-14, Matrix's _____
    failure to raise issues before the district court in a motion for
    reconsideration bars them on appeal.

    7 Our review on this question is de novo. See Keystone __ ____ ___ ________
    Shipping Co. v. New England Power Co., 109 F.3d 46, 50 (1st Cir. ____________ _____________________


    arbitrations arising from the Agent Agreement. Not only is the

    opening language of the arbitration clause in the Agent Agreement

    broad -- "any" dispute relating to this agreement "shall" be

    submitted for arbitration -- but the limited construction

    proposed by Matrix would have the absurd result of entirely

    negating the arbitration provision. Under Matrix's view, because

    the Agreement established an agency relationship between MCI and

    Matrix, and the Tariff provided for arbitration only of customer ________

    billing disputes, no issue arising between the two parties to the

    Agent Agreement could fall within the arbitration clause. Matrix

    explains this disjunction by arguing that the clause was inserted

    to specify the dispute resolution procedure for customers brought

    to MCI by Matrix. We find this argument to be implausible.

    Either the MCI Tariff would directly govern the customers' claims

    -- making reference to the Tariff in the Agent Agreement

    unnecessary -- or the customers themselves would have to agree to


    The Tariff language, moreover, reinforces our reading of the

    Agent Agreement's arbitration provision. In subsection 7.13, the

    portion titled "Arbitration of disputes," see note 1 supra, the ___ _____

    Tariff states that arbitrations "shall be conducted under the

    arbitration rules and procedures set forth in Sections B-7.131

    through B-7.139 (Rules)," which account for more than four pages

    of text. Thus, while all of Section B of the Tariff carries the

    heading "Rules and Regulations," this portion of Rule 7, which

    governs arbitration, makes another, limited use of the term


    "Rules" to denote the specific provisions relating to

    arbitration. It is much more reasonable to construe the use of

    the word "rules" in the Agent Agreement's arbitration clause to

    refer to the limited set of rules concerning arbitration than to

    all nineteen rules contained in Section B of the Tariff on a

    broad range of subjects.

    In addition, when viewed against the backdrop of the federal

    policy favoring arbitration, see, e.g., Volt Info. Sciences, Inc. ___ ____ _________________________

    v. Board of Trustees, 489 U.S. 468, 475-76 (1989); Moses H. Cone _________________ _____________

    Memorial Hosp. v. Mercury Constr. Corp., 460 U.S. 1, 24-25 _______________ _______________________

    (1983),8 and the generous reading given to broadly worded

    commercial arbitration agreements, see, e.g., Raytheon Co. v. ___ ____ ____________

    Automated Bus. Sys., 882 F.2d 6, 9-11 (1st Cir. 1989), the ____________________

    provision here cannot bear the interpretation Matrix seeks to

    assign to it. We thus agree with the district court that the

    arbitration provision contained in paragraph 22 applies to any

    dispute relating to the Agent Agreement, and that the Tariff was

    incorporated by reference merely "to guide an arbitrator as to

    how he should conduct his hearing."

    Having concluded that paragraph 22 requires arbitration

    between these parties, we must confront Matrix's assertion that

    it was duped into accepting the provision by representations from


    8 The Supreme Court in Moses H. Cone Memorial Hosp. stated _____________________________
    that "any doubts concerning the scope of arbitrable issues should
    be resolved in favor of arbitration, whether the problem at hand
    is the construction of the contract language itself or an
    allegation of waiver, delay, or a like defense to arbitrability."
    460 U.S. at 24-25.


    MCI officials that the clause applied only to billing disputes

    involving customers brought to MCI by Matrix. Fraud in inducing

    acceptance of the arbitration clause unquestionably would negate

    the contractual agreement on that issue. See generally Prima ___ _________ _____

    Paint Corp. v. Flood & Conklin Mfg. Co., 388 U.S. 395, 403-04 & ___________ _________________________

    n.12 (1967); see also Three Valleys Mun. Water Dist. v. E.F. ___ ____ ________________________________ ____

    Hutton & Co., 925 F.2d 1136, 1139-40 (9th Cir. 1991); Wick v. ____________ ____

    Atlantic Marine, Inc., 605 F.2d 166, 168 (5th Cir. 1979)("[i]f . _____________________

    . . the arbitration clause was induced by fraud, there can be no


    As noted above, however, Matrix never raised this issue of

    fraud before the district court,9 a default that implicates our

    bedrock principle that new arguments may not be made on appeal.10

    See Bongiorno, 106 F.3d at 1034; Lawton v. State Mut. Life ___ _________ ______ ________________

    Assurance Co. of Am., 101 F.3d 218, 222 (1st Cir. 1996). But _____________________

    applying this rule to these circumstances presents something of a

    puzzle. Matrix maintains that it cannot be penalized for failing

    to assert all theories because the district court gave it no ___

    opportunity to offer any, having ruled without a hearing and


    9 In fact, in its Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants'
    Motion to Stay Action and Compel Arbitration (in the first,
    Matrix-filed lawsuit), Matrix stated: "Matrix does not contend
    that the parties have not agreed to arbitrate pursuant to the
    Tariff Rules, and therefore raises no questions about the
    existence or validity of the arbitration agreement generally."

    10 In reviewing the district court's substantive ruling, we
    may not consider materials added to the record in connection with
    the Rule 60(b) motion. See J. Geils Band Employee Benefit Plan ___ ____________________________________
    v. Smith Barney Shearson, Inc., 76 F.3d 1245, 1250 (1st Cir. ____________________________


    before Matrix answered MCI's complaint. Seeking to avoid a

    remand, Matrix waives any claim that the court's procedure was

    improper and contends that the questions we face are legal in

    nature and thus suitable for resolution by the appellate court.

    Although we do not wish to condone precipitous action by the

    district court (and the procedural irregularities), we have some

    difficulty with Matrix's position. First, while interpretation

    of the arbitration provision presents a legal question that is as

    suitable for our review as for the trial court's, the issue of

    fraud is decidedly fact-based and thus inappropriately brought to

    us first. We may not assume the trial court's role of

    factfinder. In addition, Matrix's assertion that it had no

    opportunity to raise the issue of fraud before the district court

    is at least somewhat disingenuous. Only days before MCI filed

    its action, the district court had held a hearing on the

    enforceability of the Agent Agreement's arbitration provision --

    with no suggestion of fraudulent inducement. Putting to one side

    the technical errors, which Matrix waives, the court reasonably

    could assume that Matrix's position with respect to the

    arbitration clause would be the same a week later.

    It is theoretically possible, of course, for Matrix to have

    changed its strategy during that interim, and for the district

    court's quick action thus to have deprived Matrix of its most

    direct opportunity to air the claim of fraud. If that were the

    case, however, we would expect Matrix to have alerted the court

    to its new position through a motion for reconsideration.


    Particularly when a new theory turns on questions of fact, we are

    disinclined to stray from our longstanding raise-or-waive rule.

    If Matrix did not have the information within the post-trial

    motion period, its only recourse was through its 60(b) motion.

    In short, neglecting to seek reconsideration meant omission

    before the trial court of the fraud theory upon which Matrix now

    wishes to rely. Although the circumstances here are peculiar, we

    conclude that Matrix's "failure to move for reconsideration of

    the district court order should not be excused," Vanhaaren v. _________

    State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co., 989 F.2d 1, 5 (1st Cir. 1993). _______________________________

    Cf. Berkovitz v. Home Box Office, Inc., 89 F.3d 24, 31 (1st Cir. ___ _________ _____________________

    1996) ("[T]his court from time to time has refused to permit

    appellants to take advantage of supposed oversights that had not

    been called to the district court's attention by way of a timeous

    motion to reconsider."); United States v. Schaefer, 87 F.3d 562, _____________ ________

    570 n.9 (1st Cir. 1996) (failure to move to reopen the

    proceedings or for reconsideration undercuts claim of surprise

    about use of police report in suppression hearing); Beaulieu v. ________

    IRS, 865 F.2d 1351, 1352 (1st Cir. 1989) ("[I]t is a party's ___

    first obligation to seek any relief that might fairly have been

    thought available in the district court before seeking it on

    appeal."). We therefore conclude that Matrix has forfeited its

    claim that the arbitration clause should be invalidated on the

    basis of MCI's alleged statements that the arbitration clause did


    not apply to the Agent Agreement.11 Consequently, we affirm the

    district court's October 10 judgment compelling arbitration.12

    B. The Rule 60(b) Motion _____________________

    Matrix's effort to undo the October 10 decision via Rule

    60(b) rests on the agreement establishing JAMS as the

    administrator of MCI's arbitration program. Under Rule 60(b)(2),

    11 We recognize that Matrix's waiver of procedural errors
    was motivated by a desire to have its claims heard promptly, in
    this court. Omission of the hearing required by Section 4 of the
    Arbitration Act also could have been addressed by the district
    court if brought to its attention on a motion for
    reconsideration, and, even if the issue were not waived, we would
    be inclined to view it as defaulted.

    12 Equally unavailing is Matrix's new contention that the
    Agent Agreement's arbitration clause is invalid because the
    Tariff arbitration rules foreclose remedies, such as multiple
    damages, to which it is entitled. Putting aside the question of
    waiver, this argument must be brought to the arbitrator because
    it does not go to the arbitrability of the claims but only to the
    nature of available relief. See Great W. Mortgage Corp. v. ___ ________________________
    Peacock, 110 F.3d 222, 230-31 (3d Cir. 1997) ("Any argument that _______
    the provisions of the Arbitration Agreement involve a waiver of
    substantive rights afforded by the state statute may be presented
    in the arbitral forum. It would be anomalous for a court to
    decide that a claim should be referred to an arbitrator rather
    than a court, and then, by deciding issues unrelated to the
    question of forum, foreclose the arbitrator from deciding
    them."); PaineWebber Inc. v. Elahi, 87 F.3d 589, 599 (1st Cir. _________________ _____
    1996) ("[T]he signing of a valid agreement to arbitrate the
    merits of the subject matter in dispute presumptively pushes the
    parties across the `arbitrability' threshold; we will then
    presume that other issues relating to the substance of the
    dispute or the procedures of arbitration are for the
    Matrix's reliance on Graham Oil Co. v. ARCO Prods. Co., 43 ______________ ________________
    F.3d 1244 (9th Cir. 1994), is misplaced because, unlike the
    plaintiffs there, Matrix's claims are not brought under a statute
    specifically designed to protect bargaining rights. The
    applicable precedent in our circuit is instead that parties may
    contract to limit remedies in arbitration. See Raytheon Co. v. ___ ____________
    Automated Bus. Sys., 882 F.2d 6, 12 (1st Cir. 1989); see also ___________________ ___ ____
    Mastrobuono v. Shearson Lehman Hutton, Inc., 514 U.S. 52, 60-62 ___________ _____________________________
    (1995) (finding that arbitration agreement did not include "an
    unequivocal exclusion of punitive damages claims").


    the district court has discretion to vacate a judgment based upon

    "newly discovered evidence which by due diligence could not have

    been discovered in time to move for a new trial under Rule

    59(b)." See Hoult, 57 F.3d at 5-6.13 To prevail, a moving party ___ _____

    must demonstrate that "the missing evidence was `of such a

    material and controlling nature as [would] probably [have]

    change[d] the outcome.'" Id. at 6 (citations omitted). ___

    Matrix argues that the MCI/JAMS Agreement easily satisfies

    both the "newly discovered" and "material and controlling" impact

    prongs of this standard. First, it asserts that it had no

    ability to discovered the concealed agreement, which it contends


    13 Although Matrix relied on both subsections (2) and (3) of
    Rule 60(b) in the district court, its briefs on appeal do not
    refer to subsection (3), which provides for relief from judgment
    based upon fraud, misrepresentation, or other misconduct. See ___
    Anderson v. Cryovac, Inc., 862 F.2d 910, 924 (1st Cir. 1988) ________ ______________
    (setting forth the standard applicable to 60(b)(3) claims:
    retrial mandated only when the challenged misconduct has
    "substantially" interfered with aggrieved party's ability to
    fully and fairly prepare for and proceed at trial). Matrix's
    reply brief contained no such argument even in the face of MCI's
    assertion in its brief that the 60(b)(3) claim was waived.
    Matrix does argue generally, however, that the district court
    orders should be vacated because of fraudulent conduct and
    misrepresentations by MCI. To the extent that Matrix has not
    waived a 60(b)(3) claim by failing to brief it fully, we find no
    abuse of discretion in the district court's rejection of that
    claim, as we agree with its conclusion that lack of access to the
    MCI/JAMS Agreement was inconsequential in the proceeding before
    Judge Harrington. As Matrix posits, if the MCI/JAMS Agreement
    had been brought to Judge Harrington's attention, he would have
    had to consider, in addition to the contractual language,
    "whether a reasonable person would have agreed to an arbitration
    provision that called for JAMS to handle the arbitration of
    certain disputes, in view of the MCI/JAMS Agreement." As our
    discussion of Matrix's 60(b)(2) claim demonstrates, see infra, ___ _____
    access to the MCI/JAMS Agreement would not have added measurably
    to Matrix's effort to invalidate the Agent Agreement's
    arbitration provision.


    even JAMS' general counsel was unaware of until this litigation

    commenced.14 Second, Matrix emphasizes that the MCI/JAMS

    Agreement reveals an improper relationship involving "substantial

    financial and reporting ties" between MCI and JAMS, and it argues

    that the Agreement's terms are so obviously suggestive of bias in

    favor of MCI that its mere existence is enough to invalidate the

    contested arbitration provision.

    The district court, after a hearing, found Matrix's argument

    lacking in several respects. We may reject its judgment only

    upon finding an abuse of discretion, see Ahmed v. Rosenblatt, 118 ___ _____ __________

    F.3d 886, 891 (1st Cir. 1997); Hoult, 57 F.3d at 3. We are _____

    unable to do so.

    Judge Saris initially concluded that Matrix had failed to

    show that, with due diligence, it could not have discovered the

    evidence earlier. She pointed out that Matrix conceded at oral

    argument that corporate sponsored arbitration programs are

    commonplace, and that the MCI Tariff named JAMS as the company's

    arbitration administrator. Had Matrix been concerned about the

    details of the arrangement, she observed, it could have sought to

    discover them.


    14 Although Matrix asserts that JAMS' general counsel
    "professes he was unaware of the MCI/JAMS Agreement until this
    litigation commenced," the attorney, Michael Young, actually
    stated that he was unfamiliar with the terms of the agreement, _____
    not that he was unaware of any contractual relationship.

    Matrix's attorney states that he discovered the agreement in
    November 1996 as a result of an offhand remark by an attorney in
    an unrelated case.


    Matrix argues on appeal, however, that it was essentially

    foreclosed from conducting discovery by the sequence of

    proceedings in the district court. In the original Matrix

    lawsuit, MCI secured an extension of time to comply with its

    obligation to make the voluntary disclosures required under Fed.

    R. Civ. P. 26, which had the effect of holding off other

    discovery. The court then granted the motion to compel

    arbitration before the extended time period had expired. Matrix

    argues that MCI therefore managed to avoid producing any

    documents, including the undisclosed MCI/JAMS Agreement. In the

    subsequent MCI lawsuit, no opportunity for discovery was

    presented because the court's ruling preceded any action by ___


    We need not resolve whether the district court erred in

    finding that Matrix did not exercise due diligence with respect

    to the MCI/JAMS relationship because we conclude, infra, that the _____

    Agreement between them was not likely to have had an effect on

    Judge Harrington's decision. Before moving on to the materiality

    discussion, however, we wish to note that MCI's failure to make

    the Agreement available when it first was requested from JAMS in

    November 1996 is incomprehensible to us.15 Its refusal to do so

    15 Matrix on November 8 requested that a copy of the
    Agreement be provided before a meeting scheduled with the
    arbitrator for November 15. In a reply sent on November 15, the
    JAMS case manager directed Matrix to request the document via
    subpoena as provided in the Tariff Arbitration Rules. A
    conference was held on November 22 with counsel for both parties
    and the arbitrator. Matrix again requested a copy of the
    Agreement, but MCI refused to turn it over unless Matrix signed a
    strict confidentiality agreement. Matrix would not sign such an


    undoubtedly fueled the already bitter nature of this litigation,

    and intensified the wrangling over the Agreement's contents.

    Moreover, while the provisions of the MCI/JAMS agreement are not

    sufficiently troublesome to warrant the extraordinary relief for

    which Rule 60(b)(2) is reserved, they do include matters

    unquestionably of interest and concern to parties contracting to

    arbitrate with MCI. Our judgment should not be taken to condone

    MCI's nondisclosure.

    Even if we were to conclude that the district judge erred

    in finding a lack of diligence, her judgment that "Matrix's

    motion flunks the materiality test" would stand as a separate

    barrier to relief. After noting that the burden is on the party

    presenting the new evidence to demonstrate that it would probably

    have changed the outcome, and that Matrix was not challenging the

    impartiality of the arbitrator selected by JAMS, Judge Saris

    considered the provisions of the MCI/JAMS Agreement that Matrix

    claimed were pivotal. She found only one that caused her to

    hesitate in finding that the Agreement was entirely immaterial.

    That provision precluded the arbitrator from making findings of

    fact and conclusions of law. See App. at 1190 (MCI/JAMS ___

    Agreement at Section XIIE). Judge Saris ultimately concluded

    that the provision had no significant effect, and we agree.


    agreement. On December 10, the arbitrator entered an order that
    all documents exchanged in the arbitration would be confidential,
    but Matrix did not receive notice of the order until the next
    conference with the arbitrator, on January 8, 1997. The MCI/JAMS
    Agreement was given to Matrix at that conference.


    MCI is an institutional litigant and probably has no

    interest in having an arbitrator spell out findings and legal

    rulings that might be used against it in future cases with its

    customers. But there is no reason whatever to think that Matrix

    would have regarded such a position as material. Its contract

    does not involve ordinary customer disputes, and Matrix is fully

    capable of litigating the matters afresh whether before an

    arbitrator or in court.

    Indeed, Matrix' only explanation as to why it might have

    cared about the provision involves a terse suggestion that

    arbitrator findings and conclusions might help Matrix establish

    willfulness, a requirement that Matrix says is necessary to avoid

    a limitation on liability otherwise imposed by the Tariff. That

    limitation provision is not part of the Tariff arbitration rules,

    however, and is therefore inapplicable.16 MCI argued that the

    liability limitation is clearly directed under the Tariff to

    delays and installation and like matters involving MCI's

    relations with its customers and has nothing to do with this

    case, and Matrix is visibly silent on this issue in its reply

    brief. And, as it happens, the arbitrator in this case does

    propose to make findings and conclusions.


    16 We note that, like the arbitration rules in the MCI
    Tariff, the MCI/JAMS Agreement explicitly states that it covers
    the arbitration of customer payment disputes over $10,000. The ______________________________________
    parties seem to assume that the Agreement also applies to other
    arbitrations administered by JAMS for MCI, and we likewise are
    presuming its relevance here.


    An additional factor reinforces the conclusion that the

    provision was immaterial. "It has long been settled that

    arbitrators are not required to make formal `findings of fact' to

    accompany the awards they issue. Indeed, `[a]rbitrators have no

    obligation . . . to give their reasons for an award at all.'"

    Raytheon Co., 882 F.2d at 8 (citation omitted). See also _____________ ___ ____

    Prudential-Bache Sec., Inc. v. Tanner, 72 F.3d 234, 240 n.9 (1st ___________________________ ______

    Cir. 1995) ("It is well established that arbitrators are not

    required to either make formal findings of fact or state reasons

    for the awards they issue.") Moreover, errors in an arbitrator's

    legal rulings or factual findings do not provide a basis for

    reversal. See, e.g., Prudential-Bache, 72 F.3d at 239 & n.6; ___ ____ ________________

    Eljer Mfg., Inc. v. Kowin Dev. Corp., 14 F.3d 1250, 1253-54 (7th ________________ _________________

    Cir. 1994); Advest, Inc. v. McCarthy, 914 F.2d 6, 8 (1st Cir. _____________ ________

    1990). We cannot see how prohibiting a feature of arbitration

    that was not guaranteed to begin with could be deemed

    sufficiently material to have negated a party's willingness to


    Matrix also highlights various payments and "perks" that the

    MCI/JAMS Agreement requires to be furnished by MCI to JAMS,

    including provision of "[f]ree MCI 800 numbers," a "free MCI Mail

    Account," and "[t]wo free dedicated phone lines." These

    services, however, are for use in connection with the tasks JAMS

    is required to provide under the contract (such as 24-hour

    electronic docketing and toll-free response to inquiries from MCI

    customers about arbitration), and we see nothing sinister in the


    communications company contracting to provide the "tools" for the

    work it seeks to obtain from its contractor, particularly when

    those tools are its stock-in-trade. Likewise, the payments

    specified in the MCI/JAMS Agreement are for services to be

    provided, plus a $40,000 start-up fee "to cover administration

    design, computer services and technical support". See App. at ___


    Matrix knew from the outset, or should have known, that JAMS

    had a substantial relationship with MCI simply by virtue of its

    role as administrator of MCI's arbitration program. Matrix

    should have known as well that the two parties must have spelled

    out their working relationship in some form; we think it

    virtually inconceivable that there would be no written contract

    between them. Moreover, many of the terms that Matrix claims to

    find shocking in the MCI/JAMS Agreement were included in MCI's

    public request for bids for a contract to administer its

    arbitration program, meaning that those aspects of MCI's

    relationship with its arbitration administrator effectively were

    public knowledge when Matrix entered the Agent Agreement.17

    With this much reasonably presumed to be already on the

    table, we are unpersuaded that the district court would have


    17 For example, the MCI/JAMS Agreement requires JAMS to
    provide weekly reports on the status of current arbitrations, 24-
    hour electronic docketing containing any change in the status of
    cases, deadlines the parties must meet and any decisions that
    affect what the parties must do, a centralized case scheduling
    system, and an 800 number to handle inquiries about arbitration
    from MCI customers. All of these services were contained in the
    bid request. See App. at 1828-1830. ___


    deemed the additional information contained in the MCI/JAMS

    Agreement material to Matrix's decision to participate in the

    arbitration. None of the contacts between MCI and JAMS specified

    in the Agreement involve the arbitrators who are deciding

    cases,18 and Matrix's suggestion that any arbitrator working for

    JAMS would have an inherent bias toward MCI, as JAMS' customer,

    is contradicted by Matrix's explicit assurance that it did not

    doubt the impartiality of the arbitrator assigned to its case.19

    We consequently hold that the district court did not abuse its

    discretion in denying Matrix's Rule 60(b) motion.

    In sum, Judge Harrington, as the appeal is presented to us,

    committed no reversible error in issuing the October 10 order

    granting MCI's motion to compel arbitration, and Judge Saris did


    18 In fact, the MCI/JAMS Agreement states that arbitrators
    will be selected based on, among other factors, "absence of
    conflicts of interest with MCI," and "demonstrated neutrality and
    impartiality in professional practice". See Section XII(A). The ___
    Agreement also provides:

    ENDISPUTE will ensure that arbitrators serving on the
    MCI panel have been screened for potential conflicts of
    interest with MCI prior to inclusion on the panel.
    When appointed to a particular proceeding, arbitrators
    will be required to disclose any conflicts of interest
    with MCI which may have developed during the interim
    since the arbitrator's inclusion on the panel. In
    addition, arbitrators will be screened prior to
    appointment to a particular arbitration for potential
    conflicts with the MCI customer who is a party to the

    Id. at (C). ___

    19 The arbitrator is the Honorable Robert L. Steadman,
    former chief justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court.


    not abuse her discretion in rejecting a new trial under Fed. R.

    Civ. P. 60(b).

    Their judgments accordingly are affirmed. Each party to __________________________________________ ______________

    bear its own costs. ___________________


Document Info

Docket Number: 96-2246

Filed Date: 1/29/1998

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/21/2015

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