West v. Bell Helicopter Textron , 803 F.3d 56 ( 2015 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 14-2168
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    [Hon. Joseph N. Laplante, Chief U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Chief Judge,
    Lynch and Thompson, Circuit Judges.
    Joan A. Lukey, with whom Justin J. Wolosz and Choate, Hall &
    Stweart, LLP were on brief, for appellant.
    Brian M. Quirk, with whom Jonathan G. Mermin and Preti
    Flaherty, PLLP were on brief, for appellee Bell Helicopter Textron,
    James C. Wheat, with whom Pierre A. Chabot and Wadleigh, Starr
    & Peters, P.L.L.C. were on brief, for appellee Goodrich Pump and
    Engine Control Systems, Inc.
    Martha C. Gaythwaite, with whom Marie J. Mueller and Verrill
    Dana, LLP were on brief, for appellee Rolls-Royce Corp.
    August 21, 2015
    THOMPSON,   Circuit   Judge.   For   thousands   of    years,
    humanity has looked to the sky and dreamt of flying.     Philosophers
    and poets have had much to say on the subject, leaving in their
    wake a bevy of quotes and sayings about the beauty of flight.1        The
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, although elegant in their own
    way, have so far failed to inspire such devotion.
    Though this case arises out of a helicopter accident,
    our focus today is upon the Federal Rules, Rule 60(b)(3) in
    particular.    This rule, insofar as it concerns us here, allows a
    party to ask for a new trial on the grounds that an opponent has
    committed "misconduct" during discovery. Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(3).
    Plaintiff-Appellant Kurt West claims he should get a new trial
    because he discovered, several months after the jury's defense
    1   Plato, for example:
    The natural function of the wing is to soar
    upwards and carry that which is heavy up to
    the place where dwells the race of gods. More
    than any other thing that pertains to the body
    it partakes of the nature of the divine.
    Plato, Phaedrus.
    Or Shakespeare:     "My soul is in the sky."                 William
    Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream act 5, sc. 1.
    Or how about Igor Sikorsky: "The helicopter approaches closer
    than any other (vehicle) to fulfillment of mankind's ancient dream
    of the flying horse and the magic carpet."       Igor Sikorsy the
    Aviation       Pioneer       Speaks,      Sikorsky       Archives,
    (last accessed August 20, 2015).
    - 3 -
    verdict,      that     the    Defendants-Appellees2       withheld    discoverable
    information directly responsive to his document requests.
    We do not determine today whether West gets a new trial.
    This is because, we believe, the district judge misconstrued the
    requirements of the Rule 60(b)(3) burden-shifting inquiry we set
    forth in Anderson v. Cryovac, Inc., 
    862 F.2d 910
    (1st Cir. 1988).
    We must, therefore, remand for further proceedings on West's Rule
    60(b)(3) motion.
    Because our concern is primarily with the application of
    Rule 60(b)(3), we need not give an extensive run-down of the
    factual background.            Many of the background facts necessary to
    shed light on the legal issue we have to deal with are uncontested.
    We'll       set     them   forth    as    the   jury   could   have   found   them,
    highlighting some of the contested areas as we go.3
    In December of 2008, West was a helicopter pilot in the
    employ of JBI Helicopter Services ("JBI").                     JBI, based in New
    Hampshire,         provides    pilots     and   maintenance    services   for   its
    clients' helicopters.              The helicopter at the center of this case
    Because so much of our focus is on what happened at trial,
    we refer to West as either West or "plaintiff" and the Appellees
    collectively as "defendants."
    In addition, much of what happened fits in nicely with time-
    honored aviation clichés.
    - 4 -
    is a Bell 407 manufactured by Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc.
    ("Bell").     With a machine as complex as a modern helicopter, Bell
    had some help in bringing the aircraft to life.            Relevant here are
    Rolls-Royce Corporation ("Rolls-Royce"), which manufactured the
    engine, and Goodrich Pump & Engine Control Systems, Inc. ("GPECS")
    which made the 'copter's electronic control unit ("ECU"), itself
    a part of the digital engine controls.
    On Monday, December 22, 2008, West was tasked with flying
    the    407   from    a   small   airport   in    Connecticut   back   to   JBI's
    facilities in New Hampshire.          The weather over the preceding few
    days had not been good, with an early-winter snowstorm having hit
    New England.        Indeed, on Saturday, December 20, another of JBI's
    pilot-employees was attempting to fly the helicopter up to New
    Hampshire but got caught in bad weather and had to land at the
    Danielson Airport in Connecticut.               For various reasons, the 407
    was left outside in the storm -- which raged all Saturday night,
    picked up again on Sunday and finally came to an end in the early
    morning hours on Monday -- instead of brought into a hangar.
    So, before taking off on Monday, West and another JBI
    employee spent time clearing the accumulated snow and ice from the
    407.    That task completed to his satisfaction, West performed his
    pre-flight checks.         Once assured of the 'copter's airworthiness,
    West took off to begin his journey back to New Hampshire.
    - 5 -
         Helicopters are really a bunch of parts flying in relatively
    close formation; all rotating around a different axis. Things
    work well until one of the parts breaks formation.
    For the first 45 minutes of flight, the 407 behaved just
    fine.     But, it has been observed, if something hasn't broken on
    your helicopter, it's about to.       Sure enough, West experienced one
    of those dreaded "moments of stark terror" when the 'copter's
    engine quit suddenly and without warning.         He had on his hands
    what is known in aviation parlance as a "flame-out." And, although
    the 407 was equipped with an automated system intended to get the
    engine going again, it never started back up. Without fuel, pilots
    become pedestrians, and the 407 was going down.        Even worse, the
    flame-out happened when West was over a residential area; he could
    see that many of the houses had been decorated for the upcoming
    Christmas holiday.
         You can land anywhere once.
    Fortunately, West was able to keep the 407 from dropping
    like a stone by entering into what's known as an "autorotation."
    Without getting deep into the aerodynamic principles, what happens
    is that as the helicopter descends, the air passing through its
    blades keeps them spinning and produces lift.          An autorotation
    does not produce enough lift to keep the helicopter in the air,
    but it does allow the pilot some amount of control over the descent
    and ultimate landing spot.
    - 6 -
    Once he'd gotten the autorotation going, West looked for
    a place to land.        He didn't like what was directly in front of
    him, but fortunately he was able to reverse direction (performing
    what is known as a 180 degree autorotation) and come in along a
    road.    West managed to avoid any houses or power lines and set the
    'copter down -- hard -- in the middle of the street, across from
    a house.      Though he had gotten it down on the ground, the 407 had
    experienced what is euphemistically called a "hard" (as opposed to
    "crash") landing.       The helicopter suffered significant damage and
    never flew for JBI again, with it ultimately being sold for
         Any landing you can walk away from...
    Besides being rough on the helicopter, the hard landing
    was not an especially good one for West.             West was banged up, and
    emergency responders brought him to the hospital for observation,
    where he was kept overnight and not discharged until Christmas
    Day.     Although he did not suffer any broken bones, West alleged
    that    the   extreme   force   exerted   on   his    body   (10Gs   or   more)
    exacerbated his preexisting gastrointestinal problems.
    Later on, West was diagnosed with PTSD related to the
    accident.      He explained to the jury that his PTSD interfered with
    his flying, as over time his symptoms worsened and he eventually
    - 7 -
    curtailed      much    of   his    flying     activities.4           In   addition,     he
    experienced flashbacks, nightmares, and difficulty sleeping.
    At trial, the parties presented the jury with vastly
    different theories to explain the engine's sudden shutdown.
    West believes it was caused by a problem with the
    electronics.      His experts explained (and the defendants agreed)
    that Bell 407s are equipped with mechanisms intended to prevent
    the   engine    from    rotating        too   quickly,       a    condition   known     as
    "overspeed."5         Should the engine begin to spin too fast, the
    electronic     controls     send    a    signal   to     a       device   known   as   the
    "overspeed solenoid."             The solenoid is basically an electrical
    switch coupled with a fuel valve, and fuel must flow through that
    valve before it reaches the engine.
    When an electrical current reaches that solenoid, the
    switch activates and causes a plunger to close, which shuts the
    valve.    The valve is designed so that, even when closed, some fuel
    4At oral argument before us, West's counsel represented to
    the Court that his symptoms had worsened to the point that he has
    now lost his pilot's license.
    5For comparison, think of a car's tachometer, which tells
    the driver how fast the engine is spinning in terms of revolutions
    per minute. A tachometer generally includes a red line showing
    the engine's maximum RPM. An overspeed event in a helicopter can
    be thought of as "overrevving" or "redlining" a car's engine.
    Defense witnesses testified that helicopter overspeeds generally
    occur due to pilot input when the helicopter is operated under
    manual control.
    - 8 -
    is still able to get through and into the combustion chamber. With
    less fuel to burn, the engine speed begins to slow.                      Once the
    electronic controls "see" that the engine speed has been brought
    back       under    control    (meaning    the     engine   is   no     longer   in
    "overspeed"), electricity stops going into the solenoid.                   Without
    electricity coming in, the plunger opens back up, restoring the
    full flow of fuel to the engine. At least, that's how it's supposed
    to work.
    West theorized that his engine shutdown was caused by an
    unintended activation of the overspeed solenoid when, in fact, the
    engine was not spinning too fast.6               Throughout trial, the parties
    referred       to    this     phenomenon   as      false    overspeed     solenoid
    activation, or "FOSSA."             FOSSA just means that the solenoid
    incorrectly "thought" the engine was spinning too fast and closed
    the valve.
    At trial, West sought to convince the jury that his
    helicopter experienced FOSSA approximately 45 minutes into his
    flight.      He claimed the FOSSA reduced the fuel flow enough and for
    a sufficient length of time so that the engine, no longer having
    enough fuel to stay lit, flamed out.                 It happened in the first
    place, West theorized, because one of the components7 within the
    Returning to our car analogy, the engine speed had not
    reached the red line on the tachometer.
    It appears that during the discovery phase of the case West
    eventually settled on a specific component -- one of the ECU's
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    helicopter's electronic control system malfunctioned in a way that
    sent an electrical signal into the overspeed solenoid.    And, due
    to the solenoid's design, any electrical signal will activate it
    and close the fuel valve.
    West's liability expert, Peter Chen, took the position
    that normal fuel flow would not return once electricity ceased
    flowing into the solenoid, by which he meant that the valve would
    not open up again on its own.    Chen opined that the system needed
    to reset itself once the engine overspeed had been eliminated.   In
    West's case, however, because there was no genuine engine overspeed
    in the first place, the reset signal never went out.8    Thus, the
    engine continued to operate on a restricted fuel flow, which
    ultimately turned out to be insufficient to keep the engine running
    and the helicopter aloft.
    To further support West's theory, his experts pointed to
    other FOSSA incidents involving Bell 407s equipped with the same
    electronic controls.   West argued that his incident was similar to
    those others, although with at least one significant difference:
    capacitors -- as the suspected cause of the problem. At trial the
    parties agreed, and the jury was told, that component testing never
    took place through no one's fault.
    8 According to Chen, the only way to reset the system and
    restore full fuel flow would have been for West to "turn off and
    turn on the engine."
    - 10 -
    in the other FOSSA events, the helicopter's incident recorder9
    showed that the overspeed solenoid had been triggered, while West's
    did not.      Instead, the incident recorder in West's helicopter
    showed that everything was running fine up until the moment the
    engine shut off.
    West's experts explained to the jury, however, that the
    incident recorder, instead of creating a continuous, uninterrupted
    record,     takes     "snapshots"   of   the    system's    status    every    48
    milliseconds.10 If the recorder notes a problem with the helicopter
    or its electronics, it creates and saves a data log that could be
    reviewed     and    analyzed   later.    One    of   the   things    that   would
    generally be recorded is an activation of the overspeed solenoid.
    But, according to West's experts, not every activation
    of the overspeed solenoid necessarily shows up in the incident
    recorder's     log.      Specifically    (and   as   the   defense    witnesses
    agreed), if the flow of electricity going to the overspeed solenoid
    shuts off after 24 milliseconds or less, such a short-lived event
    would not be recorded under any circumstances.             And if the current
    had gone into the solenoid for up to 48 milliseconds (in other
    words, if it was activated for 48 or fewer milliseconds), it may
    9    Think of it as a "black box" from a commercial airliner.
    10The defendants explained that it had to work this way (as
    opposed to recording continuously and keeping a record of the
    entire flight) because the recorder is old technology and does not
    have enough system memory to keep a log of the entire flight.
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    or may not have shown up on the recorder.         Whether or not a 48-
    millisecond or shorter signal would be noticed by the data recorder
    depends entirely on when the activation occurred with respect to
    the "snapshot" that preceded it.
    On the flip side, an electrical signal of any duration,
    even one less than 24 milliseconds, would activate the solenoid
    and restrict the fuel flow.11      And, per West's theory, the solenoid
    would remain activated, thereby continuing to deprive the engine
    of its normal fuel flow.         In this way, West told the jury, his
    accident could have been caused by a FOSSA event even though the
    incident recorder did not show an activation of the overspeed
    Needless to say, the defendants took a different view.
    According to their experts, West's engine flameout was not caused
    by FOSSA, and West only thought it was because his experts didn't
    really understand how the overspeed solenoid worked.             Indeed, a
    defense witness told the jury that Chen had been laboring under
    "some significant misunderstandings of the basic operation of the
    control system."
    First,   according    to   the   defendants,   the    solenoid
    automatically opens back up once it's no longer being hit with an
    11 Provided, however, that the electrical current was 10 or
    more volts, but we really don't need to get into this level of
    technical minutia to decide this appeal.
    - 12 -
    electrical current.        The experts told the jury that this is so
    because, once the solenoid is no longer actively keeping the
    plunger in the closed position there is nothing else holding it
    closed.     Thus, the pressure of the fuel that had already been
    getting through forces the plunger back up and into the open
    The defense experts did agree that an overspeed solenoid
    activation might not show up on the incident recorder until it had
    been   activated     for   48   milliseconds.        A   GPECS    employee   even
    testified that he believed it was "highly improbable, but possible"
    that a FOSSA event of less than 48 milliseconds could have occurred
    and yet escaped detection by the incident recorder.                He went on to
    state, however, that any signal lasting 48 milliseconds or less
    would not have activated the solenoid for a long enough time to
    reduce the fuel flow to such an extent as to cause the engine to
    Furthermore,       the   defense    experts        testified    that,
    importantly     in    other      FOSSA-based     accidents,        post-accident
    inspections revealed physical damage to at least one electronic
    component.     Although the parties agreed that the components of
    West's helicopter had not (through no party's fault) been subjected
    to tests following West's accident, the defense experts did testify
    that   there   was   no    visible    damage    to   any   of    the   electronic
    - 13 -
    components.12     This    lack   of    visible   damage,     they    argued,
    distinguished   West's    accident    from   other   known   FOSSA   events,
    making it less likely that his engine flamed out due to FOSSA.
    In sum, the defense experts told the jury that West's
    accident had nothing to do with FOSSA, and that the engine could
    not have flamed out for the reasons West alleged.
    The defendants did not content themselves with trying to
    poke holes in West's case, though.        Conceding that the engine did
    in fact suddenly shut down in the middle of flight, they offered
    the jury an alternative explanation.
    The defense posited to the jury that the flameout was
    caused by the engine's ingestion of snow and ice.             To that end,
    the defendants put on evidence showing (and West himself admitted)
    that the helicopter had been left out overnight in a hazardous
    snow and ice storm.      They also testified that if a helicopter had
    to be left out overnight and exposed to the elements, certain
    protective devices should have been placed over the engine's intake
    to keep ice and snow from accumulating in and around the engine.
    These devices, which JBI owned, were not used on West's helicopter.
    The defendants faulted West for his de-icing procedures, arguing
    that the evidence showed that he used improper materials (e.g.,
    rubbing alcohol and automotive windshield washing fluid), that he
    12Chen, West's expert, also agreed that no component failures
    were visible "[t]o the naked eye."
    - 14 -
    did not spend as much time de-icing the helicopter as he claimed,
    and that he rushed through the preparatory procedures.
    Thus, the defendants urged the jury to find that West
    failed to adequately clear the helicopter of snow and ice before
    he took off that afternoon.         As a consequence, about 45 minutes
    into the flight, the defense experts theorized, a chunk of ice
    broke off the helicopter (a defense expert compared it to ice
    breaking loose from a car's hood while on the highway) and was
    sucked into the engine.        This chunk of ice, they told the jury,
    was enough to cause the flameout.13
    Furthermore, while there was no visual evidence of any
    damage to electronic components (as had been present in other FOSSA
    events), the defendants claimed there was in fact physical evidence
    to corroborate ice ingestion.        The jury was shown photographs of
    the engine's impeller blades showing that one of them had been
    bent.        This was damage, the defense contended, resulting from the
    impact of a chunk of ice as it was sucked into the combustion
    After deliberating for two days, the jury returned a
    defense verdict.
    This can happen, a defense expert explained, because snow
    or ice that gets into the engine turns into steam, which cools the
    combustion chamber. Sucking in snow or ice "also displaces air
    and it disrupts the balance of fuel and air in the combustion
    section. The result is a flame-out of the engine."
    - 15 -
    The verdict came back on September 30, 2013.           West moved
    for a new trial in October based on Federal Rule of Civil Procedure
    59, asserting that he had been prejudiced by a variety of errors
    that occurred at trial.        We do not need to address today any of
    the issues raised in this particular motion.
    Then, on January 23, 2014 -- while West's Rule 59 motion
    was pending -- Rolls-Royce issued a "Commercial Engine Bulletin"
    applicable to the type of engine and ECU in West's helicopter.
    The Engine Bulletin described an "adapter" (which has its own part
    number) that the defendants had developed and which should be
    installed on Bell 407s.          The adapter "modifies the overspeed
    protection system to reduce the likelihood of a false overspeed
    activation," or FOSSA.     The Bulletin went on to provide detailed
    instructions for installing the adapter and for checking that the
    overspeed protection system continued to function as intended
    post-modification.       The    Bulletin    further    advised   that   its
    "[t]echnical aspects are FAA approved."
    That   same   day,    Bell   issued   its   own   "Alert   Service
    Bulletin" for its 407s. Just like the Engine Bulletin, the Service
    Bulletin addressed FOSSA, too.         It advised that "Bell Helicopter
    has been made aware of a potential condition where a false engine
    overspeed protection system activation could occur."
    - 16 -
    As Rolls-Royce's Engine Bulletin did, Bell's Service
    Bulletin directed "the installation of an overspeed adapter to
    reduce the likelihood of a false overspeed activation."                      Bell also
    "introduc[ed]      a    recurring      functional       check     of   the   overspeed
    protection circuits within the Electrical Control Unit (ECU)."
    Following the explanatory material, the Service Bulletin provided
    the part number for the adapter and set forth several pages of
    instructions for its installation, as well as a diagram and "before
    and   after"     photographs.          Moreover,       "[t]he    engineering    design
    aspects"    of    the     Service      Bulletin    had     received      governmental
    approval by "Transport Canada Civil Aviation."
    West       soon   became    aware     of    the     Engine   and   Service
    Bulletins. Two weeks after their release, he filed a second motion
    seeking a new trial, this time invoking Rule 60(b)(2) and Rule
    60(b)(3).      These Rules provide the following:
    On motion and just terms, the court may
    relieve a party or its legal representative
    from a final judgment, order, or proceeding
    for the following reasons:
    . . .
    (2) newly discovered evidence that, with
    reasonable diligence, could not have been
    discovered in time to move for a new trial
    under Rule 59(b);
    (3) fraud (whether previously called intrinsic
    or    extrinsic),     misrepresentation,    or
    misconduct by an opposing party . . . .
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b).
    - 17 -
    In his motion, West argued that the fix described in the
    Bulletins demonstrated that a "circuit design error" existed at
    the   time    of   West's   accident   and   which   rendered     Bell   407s
    "susceptible to FOSSA."      According to West, the Bulletins revealed
    that a particular circuit's design "inadvertently allows current
    to flow from the ECU [Electronic Control Unit] to the HMU [hydro
    mechanical unit] where the overspeed solenoid resides, thereby
    potentially    activating    the   latter,   i.e.,   a   'false    overspeed
    activation.'"      In sum, he said that it was now clear the circuit's
    design was defective because it "remain[ed] closed when it should
    be open."     This constituted newly discovered evidence entitling
    him to a new trial, regardless of whether or not the defendants
    discovered the defect before, during, or after the trial of his
    But West didn't stop there.       He went on to argue that
    the technical nature of the information in the Bulletins, combined
    with the detailed fixes described therein and government approval
    of them, "compels" an inference that one or more of the defendants
    knew about the defect but failed to disclose it during discovery
    or at trial.       Per West, "the passage of time between the end of
    trial and the issuance of the [Bulletins] is simply too short for
    the problem to have been discovered, a solution found and tested,
    and the [Bulletins] issued."       In West's view, at least some of the
    defendants had to have been engaged in efforts to identify the
    - 18 -
    defect, design and test a solution, and prepare documentation long
    before trial began.
    Failure     to     disclose   this      information,     West     said,
    constituted     misconduct     during   the       course   of    discovery     --
    misconduct which, he claimed, substantially interfered with the
    preparation and presentation of his case.            Thus, West argued that
    he was entitled to a new trial pursuant to Rule 60(b)(3).                     Or,
    failing that, he asked for an evidentiary hearing to tease out
    "who knew what and when" about the defectively designed circuit,
    which he expected would assist the court in determining whether
    misconduct had occurred.14
    The    defendants     submitted     a   joint    opposition.       They
    argued first that West's motion was "premised on a fundamental and
    self-serving misunderstanding of a technical document."                   Per the
    defendants, "FOSSA events result from failures of component parts
    in the engine's FADEC which result in errant closure of the
    overspeed solenoid."15     Instead of revealing a new and previously-
    undisclosed mechanism by which FOSSA could occur, the Bulletins
    simply provided information about a "FAA-approved modification to
    14West also argued that the defendants should have disclosed
    this information in response to certain questions at trial.
    Because we ultimately order a remand to address the defendants'
    discovery misconduct, we do not reach this argument.
    15FADEC means "Full Authority Digital Engine Control." This
    system automatically (i.e., without the pilot's input) controls
    the flow of fuel into the helicopter's engine.
    - 19 -
    the overspeed protection system designed to remedy the existing
    and acknowledged FOSSA issue."    The modification described in the
    Bulletins was intended to make FOSSA less likely to happen in the
    event of a component failure.
    Having taken this position as to the import of the
    Bulletins, the defendants went on to argue that they do not
    constitute newly-discovered evidence under Rule 60(b)(2) because
    they "do not describe any sort of new cause of FOSSA."       They also
    argued that there is no likelihood that this additional information
    would have had any impact on the outcome at trial because the
    defendants "presented a persuasive case that a FOSSA did not cause
    the accident and that Plaintiff's failure to properly de-ice his
    aircraft caused this accident."     In returning a defense verdict,
    the defendants argued, the jury was unconvinced by West's position
    that his accident resulted from FOSSA.
    With respect to the Rule 60(b)(3) new trial request
    premised on the defendants' alleged "misconduct," the defendants
    argued that West failed to meet his burden of showing misconduct
    by clear and convincing evidence.        Because the Bulletins did not
    disclose a "new cause of FOSSA," the defendants argued that they
    did not improperly respond to any of West's discovery requests or
    withhold any responsive documents.         The defendants also argued
    that information related to the Bulletins was not responsive to
    any of West's discovery requests and that, even if it was, West is
    - 20 -
    barred from obtaining relief because he failed to file a motion to
    compel    after    the     defendants    refused     to       answer     certain
    Finally, the defendants argued that even if the court
    were to consider the defendants to have committed "fraud or
    misconduct," West is still required to show by clear and convincing
    evidence that the misconduct substantially interfered with his
    ability to prepare for trial.         West failed to make this showing,
    the defendants said, because the existence of the FOSSA phenomenon
    was well-known to West prior to trial.         In fact, according to the
    defendants, "FOSSA events were the subject of thousands of pages
    of document production and deposition transcript taken by [West's]
    counsel," including "over a dozen depositions of GPECS and Rolls-
    Royce witnesses."        In light of this "thorough record" regarding
    FOSSA, the defendants argued West failed to show "what or how
    evidence of the [Bulletins'] modification . . . could possibly
    have added to [his] case."
    The district judge did not hold an evidentiary hearing.
    Ultimately, he released a lengthy written decision denying all of
    West's post-trial motions.      Although the written decision disposed
    of a laundry list of issues, the only one we need concern ourselves
    with today is his resolution of the Rule 60(b)(3) new trial motion.
    In denying this motion, the trial judge pointed out that
    Bell   407s'   susceptibility    to   FOSSA   "is   not   a    new     fact,"   as
    - 21 -
    information     about      FOSSA     was     disclosed     in    discovery      and
    acknowledged by the defendants at trial.                 Furthermore, the jury
    was aware of FOSSA, as West's entire claim was that the defendants
    were aware of FOSSA, "but failed to properly remedy it." The judge
    also   indicated    that    "the     jury    was   not    tasked      merely    with
    determining     whether    some     defect    existed     in    the   defendants'
    products, but whether such a defect caused West's accident."
    Embarking on his Rule 60(b)(3) analysis, the trial judge
    first assumed that "West could prove the defendants' culpability
    [in withholding discoverable information] by clear and convincing
    evidence."     He stated in no uncertain terms that he "need not and
    does not decide" whether there was any such culpability.                       But,
    even   assuming    that     the     defendants     culpably     withheld       their
    knowledge of the defect discussed in the Bulletins, the judge said
    that West would need to prove -- by a preponderance of the evidence
    -- that the misconduct substantially interfered with his ability
    to fully and fairly prepare for, and proceed at, trial.                  This, the
    judge said, West could not do.
    The judge construed West's motion as disclaiming any
    argument that the modifications described in the Bulletins would
    have prevented his accident.            Against this backdrop, the judge
    observed that "a party cannot obtain a new trial based on his
    adversary's failure to disclose irrelevant evidence, at least
    without   a     showing      that     the     non-disclosure          nevertheless
    - 22 -
    substantially interfered with the movant's trial preparation or
    presentation."        West, in the judge's view, failed to make such a
    showing given that he was already well aware of the existence of
    the FOSSA phenomenon.       Accordingly, he denied West's Rule 60(b)(3)
    This timely appeal followed.
    We review the district court's resolution of a Rule
    60(b)(3)   new   trial    motion       "solely    for   abuse   of   discretion."
    Nansamba v. N. Shore Med. Ctr., Inc., 
    727 F.3d 33
    , 38 (1st Cir.
    2013); Anderson v. Cryovac, Inc., 
    862 F.2d 910
    , 923 (1st Cir. 1988)
    (Rule 60(b)(3) motions are "addressed to the district court's sound
    discretion.").        We utilize this deferential standard because we
    recognize "the trial judge's more intimate knowledge of the case."
    Anderson, 862 F.2d at 923
    .            Accordingly, we will "reverse only if
    it plainly appears that the court below committed a meaningful
    error of judgment."        
    Id. Nevertheless, and
    as the Supreme Court
    has put it, "[a] district court by definition abuses its discretion
    when it makes an error of law."              Koon v. United States, 
    518 U.S. 81
    , 100 (1996); see also Golas v. HomeView, Inc., 
    106 F.3d 1
    , 3
    (1st Cir. 1997) ("It is well-settled . . . that, when a district
    court   makes    an    error     of   law,   by   definition    it    abuses   its
    - 23 -
    Because this case involves the application of a specific
    Federal Rule of Civil Procedure, we start with an overall, aerial
    view of that particular rule before descending into the weeds of
    the parties' arguments.
    1.   Overview of Rule 60(b)(3)
    Once again, and as relevant to our discussion today,
    Rule 60(b) provides the following:
    On motion and just terms, the court may
    relieve a party or its legal representative
    from a final judgment, order, or proceeding
    for the following reasons:
    . . .
    (3) fraud (whether previously called intrinsic
    or    extrinsic),     misrepresentation,    or
    misconduct by an opposing party[.]
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(3).16      Although by its terms the rule sets
    forth multiple grounds on which a district court may grant relief,
    West's arguments only require us to talk about the last one,
    misconduct.   Fortunately, we are not without precedent in this
    area: Anderson v. Cryovac, Inc., 
    862 F.2d 910
    (1st Cir. 1988),
    went in depth into a Rule 60(b)(3) motion premised (as is alleged
    here) on an opposing party's misconduct in failing to disclose
    West also sought a new trial grounded upon "newly discovered
    evidence," see Fed. R. Civ. P. 60(b)(2), and he takes issue with
    the district judge's denial of that motion in this appeal. Our
    Rule 60(b)(3) analysis, however, renders it unnecessary to
    consider Rule 60(b)(2) at this time.
    - 24 -
    certain materials that were responsive to discovery requests.                 
    See 862 F.2d at 922-23
    In Anderson, we recognized that a party's "[f]ailure to
    disclose      or    produce   materials   requested      in    discovery       can
    constitute 'misconduct' within the purview of" Rule 60(b)(3).                 
    Id. at 923
    (citing Rozier v. Ford Motor Co., 
    573 F.2d 1332
    , 1339 (5th
    Cir. 1978)).       The concept of Rule 60(b)(3) "misconduct," we said,
    differs from fraud and misrepresentation.                It is an expansive
    concept, as misconduct "does not demand proof of nefarious intent
    or purpose as a prerequisite to redress," and the term "can cover
    even accidental omissions." 
    Id. All in
    all, "relief on the ground
    of misconduct may be justified 'whether there was evil, innocent
    or careless[] purpose.'"          
    Id. (quoting Bros.
    Inc. v. W.E. Grace
    Mfg. Co., 
    351 F.2d 208
    , 211 (5th Cir. 1965)).
    However, we do "not lightly . . . disturb[]" a jury
    verdict returned after a trial on the merits, so a complaining
    party   must       "demonstrate   convincingly    that    [it]       ha[s]    been
    victimized by an adversary's misconduct."             
    Id. at 924;
    see also
    Nansamba, 727 F.3d at 40
    (recognizing that "the moving party must
    prove   the    culpable   party's    culpable    misconduct     by    clear    and
    convincing evidence").        And just showing that discovery misconduct
    has occurred is not enough to merit a new trial.              The moving party
    must still demonstrate that such "discovery misconduct . . .
    substantially . . . interfered with the aggrieved party's ability
    - 25 -
    fully and fairly to prepare for and proceed at trial."                  
    Anderson, 862 F.2d at 924
    Substantial interference may be shown in at least two
    ways.      First,    the   moving    party    may       demonstrate    "that     the
    concealment     precluded     inquiry      into     a    plausible     theory     of
    liability, denied it access to evidence that could well have been
    probative on an important issue, or closed off a potentially
    fruitful avenue of direct or cross examination."                      
    Id. at 925.
    Alternatively, "[s]ubstantial interference may also be established
    by presumption or inference."        
    Id. When figuring
    out whether a presumption of substantial
    interference should flow from the failure to make discovery, we
    consider     the    non-disclosing        party's       intent.       After     all,
    "[n]ondisclosure comes in different shapes and sizes: it may be
    accidental    or    inadvertent,     or    considerably       more    blameworthy
    (though still short of fraud or outright misrepresentation)."                   
    Id. Thus, "where
    concealment was knowing and purposeful, it seems fair
    to presume that the suppressed evidence would have damaged the
    nondisclosing party."         
    Id. (collecting cases).
                And "[i]t seems
    equally logical that where discovery material is deliberately
    suppressed, its absence can be presumed to have inhibited the
    unearthing     of   further     admissible        evidence    adverse     to     the
    withholder, that is, to have substantially interfered with the
    aggrieved party's trial preparation."             
    Id. - 26
    In the event that such a presumption of substantial
    interference arises, it "should be a rebuttable one."                       
    Id. To rebut
    the inference, the withholding party must adduce "clear and
    convincing evidence demonstrating that the withheld material was
    in fact inconsequential."            
    Id. When the
    presumption is in play,
    rebutting it is critical for the withholding (i.e., the nonmoving)
    party: "[o]nce a presumption of substantial interference arises,
    it can alone carry the day, unless defeated by a clear and
    convincing demonstration that the consequences of the conduct were
    Id. at 926.
    2.   The parties' positions
    On appeal, the parties raise several arguments, but we
    really only need to address one of them.
    West argues that the trial judge erred because he failed
    to   apply    what    he     describes      as    Anderson's      "burden-shifting
    framework with respect to the intent of the non-moving party" in
    failing to disclose discoverable information.                     The judge, West
    says, failed to apply Anderson's presumption that intentionally
    "suppressed     evidence       would       have   damaged   the      nondisclosing
    party[,]" 862 F.2d at 925
    , thereby shifting the burden to the
    defendants    to     prove   their     misconduct     did   not    result   in    any
    substantial interference.            Instead, the district judge departed
    from Anderson by keeping the burden on West to prove substantial
    interference, and by requiring him to show the result of the trial
    - 27 -
    would likely have been different had the withheld material been
    disclosed.       Thus,   in   West's    view,    the   district   judge's
    misapplication    of   Anderson   "perpetuated   the   unfair   effect   of
    Defendants' non-disclosure on [his] ability to prepare for and
    participate in trial."
    The defendants17 say that the district judge did not
    abuse his discretion in finding that the nondisclosure -- even if
    it constituted purposeful misconduct -- worked no substantial
    interference with West's case.         This is so, they argue, because
    the finding is supported by the clear and convincing trial evidence
    as outlined in their response to West's Rule 60(b)(3) motion.
    Simply put, defendants argue the Bulletins did not actually reveal
    17GPECS is the only defendant to brief this issue. Bell and
    Rolls-Royce state in their briefs that they are adopting GPECS's
    arguments pursuant to Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 28(i).
    When parties invoke this Rule, we generally determine whether the
    adopted argument really is readily transferable to the adopting
    party, or if the adopting party should have briefed the issue on
    its own. See, e.g., United States v. Brown, 
    669 F.3d 10
    , 16 n.5
    (1st Cir. 2012) ("Adoption by reference cannot occur in a vacuum
    and the arguments must actually be transferable from the
    proponent's to the adopter's case."); see also Putnam Res. v.
    958 F.2d 448
    , 462 (1st Cir 1992) (recognizing the
    existence of "limits to the ability of parties to adopt other
    parties' arguments"); United States v. David, 
    940 F.2d 722
    , 737
    (1st Cir. 1991) (stating arguments must be "readily transferable"
    in order to be adopted pursuant to Rule 28(i)).
    Here, at the trial court level, the defendants submitted a
    combined opposition to West's Rule 60(b) motion, and neither the
    district judge nor West took issue with this. And West does not
    complain about the defendants' taking a similar tack in this
    appeal. Accordingly, at least for today, we simply assume that
    Rolls-Royce and Bell have adequately adopted GPECS's arguments.
    - 28 -
    any information about Bell 407s or about FOSSA that West did not
    already have before trial.    The defendants further contend that
    West has specifically conceded that the adapter and modifications
    to the overspeed protection system described in the Bulletins would
    not have prevented his accident, foreclosing any possibility that
    the information could have affected the trial's outcome.
    3.   The district judge misapplied Rule 60(b)(3)'s framework
    After reviewing the extensive trial record, the parties'
    submissions to the trial judge regarding West's new trial motion,
    and the judge's lengthy written decision denying all of West's
    post-trial motions, we conclude the district judge erred in how he
    went about analyzing West's Rule 60(b)(3) motion.
    Having already laid out how the inquiry is supposed to
    go, it is not difficult to see where the district court went awry.
    In considering West's argument, the district judge first assumed
    West could prove, by clear and convincing evidence, that the
    defendants culpably withheld relevant documents.    Making such an
    assumption on the first prong of a required multi-part showing in
    order to bypass it and delve into the merits of a later requirement
    is a common feature of judicial decisionmaking and is, in and of
    itself, unremarkable.   Indeed, in a case as complex and lengthy as
    this one, it is perfectly understandable why the district judge
    would want to follow this route.
    - 29 -
    But,     after   assuming   West      could    fly   through     the
    turbulence of the first hurdle and show culpable misconduct, the
    district judge misconstrued and misapplied the next stage of the
    Anderson test.     Having assumed the defendants culpably withheld
    their knowledge of the defect addressed by the Bulletins, the
    district judge should have gone on to presume the defendants'
    misconduct substantially interfered with West's trial preparation.
    He did not do this, though.       Rather than shift the burden to the
    defendants to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the
    withheld material was inconsequential like Anderson requires, the
    judge erroneously placed the burden on West to show that disclosure
    of the information would likely have made a difference in the
    trial's outcome.    This misstep is evident from the judge's written
    statement that even assuming culpable misconduct, West may not
    prevail unless he "also proves by a preponderance of the evidence
    that this misconduct 'substantially interfered with [his] ability
    fully and fairly to prepare for, and proceed at, trial.'"
    In these circumstances, the judge's failure to draw a
    presumption   of   substantial    interference     despite     assuming   the
    existence of the defendants' culpable misconduct led him to place
    the burden of proof on the wrong party.                 This error of law
    necessarily   constituted    an   abuse    of   discretion.       We     must,
    therefore, vacate the judge's denial of West's Rule 60(b)(3) motion
    and remand for further proceedings on it.
    - 30 -
    4.   Evidence of misconduct within the meaning of Rule 60(b)(3)
    Vacating and remanding means that the district judge
    should consider the entire motion with fresh eyes; a do-over, as
    it were.   However, based on the record before us, including some
    developments    that   came   about    at    oral   argument,    we   make   the
    following comments and observations.
    As noted above, though failure to make discovery can
    constitute "misconduct" even when nondisclosure is careless or
    innocent, we do not ignore the nondisclosing party's motivation.
    Anderson, 862 F.2d at 925
    .          Indeed, the reason behind a party's
    nondisclosure plays a big part in determining whether the moving
    party is able to take advantage of a presumption of substantial
    interference.      "In the case of intentional misconduct, as where
    concealment was knowing and purposeful, it seems fair to presume
    that the suppressed evidence would have damaged the nondisclosing
    Id. (citing cases).
           If     "discovery   material      is
    deliberately suppressed, its absence can be presumed to have
    inhibited the unearthing of further admissible evidence adverse to
    the withholder, that is, to have substantially interfered with the
    aggrieved party's trial preparation."             
    Id. (citing cases).
    Here,    West   argues     that   the    defendants   should      have
    disclosed information and documents relevant to the Bulletins in
    response to his first set of Rule 34 Requests for Production of
    - 31 -
    Documents.18     The   parties   have   not   extensively   briefed   the
    threshold issues of whether any documents relating to the Bulletins
    actually exist and, if so which one or ones are responsive to these
    For West's part, this is likely because he does not know
    what documents may be in the hands of the defendants -- indeed,
    18   Request 7 to Bell Helicopter sought
    [A]ll documents, including but not limited to
    communications, investigative reports, and
    test results, relating to any other accident
    involving a Bell 407 helicopter and either (a)
    an alleged uncommanded shutdown or (b) an
    alleged fault, deficiency or failure of the
    ECU, HMU, or FADEC.
    Request No. 7 to GPECS and Rolls-Royce was similar, but asked
    for these types of documents when an accident had occurred in any
    helicopter using the same type of engine as was present in West's
    Here's Request No. 8 to Bell Helicopter:
    All documents relating to whether, and under
    what circumstances, any Bell helicopter model
    that employs the same version of the ECU, HMU,
    and FADEC as the Subject ECU, Subject HMU, and
    Subject FADEC, may suffer (a) an uncommanded
    shutdown; (b) a fault, deficiency, or failure
    of the ECU; (c) a fault, deficiency, or
    failure of the FADEC; or (d) a fault,
    deficiency or failure of the HMU.
    To see what West sought from Rolls-Royce, replace "any Bell
    helicopter model" with "any Rolls-Royce Engine."      For GPECS,
    replace "any Bell helicopter model that employs the same version"
    with "any ECU, HMU, and FADEC of the same models as".
    - 32 -
    this is why "discovery" is aptly named.                The defendants do not
    engage much with this issue either.             Although at oral argument
    GPECS's counsel stated his belief that additional documents would
    not have been responsive to the first set of discovery requests,
    this argument appears nowhere in the defendants' brief.                  Instead,
    GPECS's brief spends time arguing that a further response is not
    called for by West's second Rule 34 request.
    Without question, discovery in this case was technical,
    fact-specific, and at times contentious.               It involved the filing
    of at least two motions to compel by the plaintiff, a motion for
    protective      order    by   the   defendants,     and      multiple    informal
    discovery conferences with the district judge in an attempt to
    resolve   the    parties'     differences     short     of    motion     practice.
    Furthermore, West's first motion to compel specifically asserted
    that the defendants had failed to completely respond to Requests
    7 and 8, among many others.          After the district judge struck the
    motion in favor of scheduling a discovery conference, it appears
    the parties were able to resolve their disagreement on these two
    requests.       We   are   unable   to    discern   the      substance    of   that
    agreement, including whether the parties agreed to limit or modify
    the requests, from our review of the record.
    From     a   commonsense     standpoint,    it    is   difficult     to
    imagine that documents reflecting the process culminating in the
    development of the overspeed adapter as described in the Bulletins
    - 33 -
    did not reflect or discuss "whether" or "under what circumstances"
    the ECU, HMU, or FADEC either failed or was faulty or deficient so
    as to be responsive to West's request.          But we cannot make this
    judgment from the record on appeal.         Accordingly, we leave it to
    the district judge to determine whether additional documents are
    responsive     to    West's   document   requests.      This    task   could,
    consistent with Anderson, be aided by additional fact-finding.
    Anderson, 862 F.2d at 930
    (remanding with instructions for the
    district court to conduct a factual inquiry into whether evidence
    had been "knowingly and deliberately concealed").
    Assuming there are additional responsive documents that
    have not been produced, we reiterate that a party is under a
    continuing     obligation     to   supplement    its     response      to   an
    interrogatory or request for production of documents should it
    "learn[] that in some material respect the disclosure or response
    is incomplete or incorrect, and if that additional or corrective
    information has not otherwise been made known to the other parties
    during the discovery process or in writing."              Fed. R. Civ. P.
    26(e)(1)(A).        It is clear that none of the defendants served
    supplemental discovery responses or did anything else to make the
    plaintiff aware of additional information regarding FOSSA, as
    reflected in the Bulletins.        Furthermore, at oral argument before
    us   counsel   for    GPECS   candidly   acknowledged    that    information
    regarding the defendants' internal processes culminating in the
    - 34 -
    Bulletins' release was known to him and his client, but that he
    did not think he was obligated to disclose it.19
    Thus, thanks to counsel's own admissions, there can be
    no doubt that the defendants failed to produce information not due
    to oversight, inadvertence, or counsel's own ignorance of its
    existence.     Rather, the decision not to produce the information
    was a conscious, deliberate choice. But, the defendants say, their
    failure to turn over information does not qualify as discovery
    misconduct because they were not required to disclose it in the
    first place.     They offer two reasons -- separate and apart from
    any argument about the information's responsiveness to West's
    discovery requests -- as to why this might be so.
    First, counsel for GPECS stated at oral argument, in
    response to questioning from this Court, that he did not think he
    had to disclose it and explained his thinking:
    We did not feel that we had any obligation to
    make disclosure, . . . either before or at the
    time of trial because the development of the
    modifications set forth in the bulletins was
    in a very preliminary stage. In other words,
    it was being evaluated, initially tested and
    there wasn't anything at that point in time to
    be produced.
    19 This seemingly opens the door to Bell and/or Rolls-Royce
    separately   arguing   that  GPECS  alone   committed  discovery
    misconduct. But neither one says anything along these lines.
    - 35 -
    The argument, therefore, is that the information was withheld not
    because West failed to ask for it, but because the defendants'
    investigatory process had not been completed prior to trial.
    This position is without merit.     West's requests for
    production of documents sought documents relating to uncommanded
    engine shutdowns in Bell 407s and/or faults or failures of the
    Bell 407s' ECU, FADEC, or HMU -- failures of which, West alleged
    at trial, could bring about a FOSSA. Whether or not the defendants
    had gotten beyond a "preliminary" result in their process is
    irrelevant to whether or not information about the process and the
    ongoing pursuit of a fix was responsive to West's discovery
    requests.       Accordingly,   we   conclude   that   the   allegedly
    "preliminary" nature of the investigation did not relieve the
    defendants of their obligation to disclose information about it in
    response to proper discovery requests.
    Second, in their brief the defendants argued that even
    if information about the modification and its development was
    originally discoverable pursuant to West's first Rule 34 request,
    West agreed during an on-the-record discovery conference to waive
    supplementation of his first set of Requests for Production.20
    According to the defendants, West agreed to serve a second set of
    20None of the defendants argued to the district court (or on
    appeal) that any of the information was properly withheld on the
    basis of privilege.
    - 36 -
    discovery requests specifically geared toward FOSSA in lieu of
    receiving supplemental responses to his first round of discovery
    requests.     Not surprisingly, West contends such an agreement was
    never made.
    We   have    reviewed    the    transcript   of       the   discovery
    conference, which was called not in response to a motion to compel
    but to the defendants' motion for protective order focusing on the
    confidentiality of already-produced documents and resisting West's
    demands     to   produce    certain     documents     regarding         "tantalum
    capacitors" (a particular electronic component).                   We have been
    unable to find any statements of counsel waiving supplementation
    of West's first request for production of documents.                      And the
    defendants do not bring to our attention any specific statements,
    either.     Nor have they pointed us to any other evidence in the
    record -- a written stipulation or correspondence between the
    parties' counsel, for example -- of the purported agreement.
    Furthermore, nowhere in the 65-page transcript of the discovery
    conference did the defendants argue, or the judge indicate, that
    there was anything improper about West's discovery requests.
    On appeal, defendants only contend -- and in conclusory
    fashion at that -- that West's second request for production
    "superseded"     any    obligation    the   defendants      may    have   had   to
    supplement their responses to the first request.                    But this is
    nothing   more   than    wishful     thinking,   as   the     defendants     have
    - 37 -
    presented us with no authority for the proposition that serving a
    subsequent discovery request relieves a party from its obligation
    to supplement its prior discovery responses.
    Moreover,       it    is   plain    from    the      transcript   of   the
    discovery conference that, based on defendants' position that
    particular     documents          regarding     tantalum     capacitors      were   not
    responsive to the first round of requests and since discovery was
    still open, the parties agreed that West would simply serve a new,
    more focused, document request. In this way, the parties cut short
    a fight over whether the documents should have been produced in
    the first instance.           As near as we can tell, the resolution of
    this specific conflict had no bearing whatsoever on the defendants'
    continuing obligation to provide supplemental responses to West's
    first set of discovery requests, none of which had been determined
    to be improper.
    Accordingly, we reject as unsupported (in the record or
    our caselaw) the defendants' assertion that West waived the right
    to supplemental responses to his first request for production.
    In    light     of    this    conclusion,       it   follows    that   the
    defendants     have    not        presented     us    with   a    valid    reason   for
    deliberately withholding discoverable information.                          On remand,
    should   the      district    court       in   fact   determine     that    additional
    documents within the defendants' possession were responsive to
    West's first set of Requests for Production, this record supports
    - 38 -
    a finding of culpable misconduct within the meaning of Rule
    60(b)(3),    thereby         raising     the    presumption   of    substantial
    interference.         Whether the defendants are able to rebut this
    presumption (if it arises) by clear and convincing evidence is a
    question on which we take no position.
    Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the district
    judge committed an error of law in his application of Rule 60(b)(3)
    by placing the burden on West to prove substantial interference in
    spite of his assumption that the defendants culpably withheld
    materials that should have been produced in discovery.                 Because
    the judge erroneously placed the burden on the wrong party, we
    must    remand   to    the    district    court    for   further   proceedings.
    Accordingly, we vacate the district judge's denial of West's Rule
    60(b)(3) motion and remand this matter to the district court for
    further proceedings in accordance with this opinion.                  Costs to
    Vacated in part and remanded.
    One final point. The conclusion of West's brief asks that
    this matter be assigned to a different judge. Assuming that such
    a terse request is sufficient to raise the issue, we construe it
    as seeking a new judge should we order a new trial. As we are not
    ordering a new trial, we need not take up the request at this time.
    - 39 -