Miranda-Bojorquez v. Barr ( 2019 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 18-1202
    Torruella, Lipez, and Kayatta,
    Circuit Judges.
    Rachel L. Rado and The Law Office of Rachel L. Rado, LLC on
    brief for petitioner.
    Jennifer P. Levings, Senior Litigation Counsel, U.S.
    Department of Justice, Civil Division, Office of Immigration
    Litigation, Joseph H. Hunt, Assistant Attorney General, and
    Shelley R. Goad, Assistant Director, Office of Immigration
    Litigation, on brief for respondent.
    August 27, 2019
    *Pursuant to Fed. R. App. P. 43(c)(2), Attorney General William P.
    Barr is substituted for former Attorney General Jefferson B.
    Sessions III as respondent.
    TORRUELLA, Circuit Judge.              Petitioner Dennis Mauricio
    Miranda-Bojorquez ("Miranda") fled his native El Salvador and
    entered   the   United     States    unlawfully.           He   sought   asylum,
    withholding of removal, and relief under the Convention Against
    Torture ("CAT"), claiming that he was abused and threatened as a
    child by family and purported gang members in El Salvador.                  The
    Immigration Judge ("IJ") denied Miranda's application for refugee
    status, and the Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA") affirmed.
    Because   the   agency's     decision       is     supported    by   substantial
    evidence, we deny Miranda's petition for judicial review.
    On    November    22,     2014,     at     age   seventeen,    Miranda
    unlawfully entered the United States near Hidalgo, Texas, after
    which he was detained by border patrol and classified as an
    unaccompanied juvenile.      Miranda was later released to the custody
    of his parents, who lived in Chelsea, Massachusetts. On February 6,
    2015, the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") charged Miranda
    with removability, pursuant to section 212(a)(6)(A)(i) of the
    Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"), as an alien present in
    the United States who has not been admitted or paroled.                  In May
    of that year, he filed a timely application for asylum.
    While in Chelsea, Miranda attended school and held jobs
    at restaurants.    It was also in Chelsea, however, where he had two
    run-ins with the police. The first encounter took place on June 26,
    2016.   Miranda was riding in a car with three other individuals
    when the police stopped them after receiving a tip that individuals
    matching their description had been acting suspiciously in the
    area.   During this stop, Miranda was subjected to a protective
    search and thereafter arrested for possession of a dangerous
    weapon, a large knife, in violation of a local ordinance.
    Miranda's next encounter with the police resulted from
    a group altercation that occurred on September 23, 2016.         Miranda
    was stabbed in the abdomen during this incident, after which he
    was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital for treatment.
    While   Miranda   was   hospitalized,   a   Chelsea   Police   Department
    Officer, Anthony D'Alba, interviewed him.        Miranda was under the
    effects of anesthesia and oxycodone at the time of this interview.
    Officer D'Alba filed a police report that detailed his interview
    with Miranda.     The report stated that a woman had instigated the
    altercation.      It explained that after Miranda and his friend
    ignored the woman's taunts, she summoned around a dozen of her
    friends, all alleged members of the 18th Street Gang.               Upon
    arriving, the alleged gang members got into a scuffle with Miranda
    and his friend that eventually resulted in the latter two being
    stabbed.    The police report further reflects that during the
    interview Miranda stated that he was previously a member of MS-13
    but was no longer involved with the gang.1      Miranda also told
    Officer D'Alba that he still associated with and had friends who
    were members of MS-13.
    On October 14, 2016, Homeland Security Investigations
    ("HSI")2 designated Miranda as a verified and active member of MS-
    13.   As a result, on November 17, 2016, DHS seized Miranda at his
    home and transferred him back to immigration custody.
    In a series of hearings beginning on July 14, 2017, an
    IJ considered Miranda's application for asylum, withholding of
    removal, and relief under the CAT.
    Miranda testified that, as a child in El Salvador, he
    suffered a pattern of physical and psychological abuse at the hands
    of family members -- specifically, his uncle Mauricio and aunt
    Virginia -- with whom he lived after his parents left El Salvador
    1  MS-13 and the 18th Street Gang are rival gangs. The Government
    claims Miranda was arrested for "assault/attempted murder" as a
    result of the altercation.    But the sections of the record the
    Government cites do not support this assertion.
    2  "HSI is a critical investigative arm of the Department of
    Homeland Security . . . ." Homeland Security Investigations, U.S.
    Immigration and Customs Enforcement, https://www.ice.gov/hsi (last
    visited Aug. 19, 2019).
    for the United States.           Specifically, Miranda testified that
    Mauricio beat him and forced him to do agricultural work and that
    Virginia singled him out, beat him, and abused him repeatedly, all
    because of his race.3
    During the proceedings, the IJ also examined police
    reports -- including Officer D'Alba's -- and other government
    documents, such as those prepared by DHS, identifying Miranda as
    a gang member.      After finding these documents admissible, the IJ
    allowed Miranda a "full opportunity" to rebut their reliability.
    Miranda then went on to testify that he had never told anyone that
    he used to be a gang member; that he had never associated with
    anyone belonging to a gang; and that he had "never been associated
    with any gang."
    On August 25, 2017, the IJ issued a twenty-seven page
    opinion   denying    Miranda's   application    for   refugee   status   and
    ordering his removal to El Salvador.           The opinion lists all the
    documentary evidence that the IJ examined, including a memorandum
    of Miranda's "verified gang affiliation" based on the HSI database
    3  Virginia perpetrated these beatings with belts, broomsticks,
    and electric cords, and they were consistently accompanied by
    racial slurs referring to Miranda's dark complexion. Miranda was
    also deprived of food and medical care and forced to do
    agricultural work. His testimony further revealed that, out of
    all the children under Virginia's care, only those with dark skin
    received this treatment.
    and other government sources, as well as the reports detailing his
    encounters with the Chelsea Police Department.
    The IJ deemed credible Miranda's testimony about the
    abuse he experienced in El Salvador and found that Miranda faced
    past persecution on account of his race.      Nonetheless, the IJ
    concluded that Miranda did not establish a well-founded fear of
    future persecution.   The IJ made this determination in light of
    Miranda's testimony that his aunt Virginia is now deceased and the
    absence of evidence elsewhere in the record indicating that other
    actors would subject Miranda to similar mistreatment animated by
    racial animus.
    The IJ also rejected Miranda's claim for asylum based on
    his belonging to a particular social group of "male minor children
    who are dependent and who cannot leave their families."   According
    to the IJ, Miranda did not establish his membership in such a
    social group because he is no longer a minor and the record shows
    that he was in fact able to leave his family twice while living in
    El Salvador.4
    4  The IJ also rejected Miranda's claim that he was a member of a
    protected social group made up of "family members of individuals
    who have been executed by gang members" because they resisted gang
    membership.   Miranda, however, does not seek our review of the
    agency's denial of asylum based on this proposed category.
    Next, the IJ determined that Miranda was ineligible for
    humanitarian asylum.       Critical to this determination was the IJ's
    adverse credibility finding with regards to Miranda's testimony
    about his gang affiliations in El Salvador and the United States.
    The IJ explained that "the record is dotted with inconsistent
    statements" about Miranda's connections to gangs in view of his
    testimony denying any involvement and the documentary evidence
    from multiple government sources revealing the contrary.                    This
    left the IJ "unable to discern the extent of [Miranda's] gang
    connections."        Thus, despite finding that Miranda suffered past
    persecution, the IJ declined to exercise his discretion to grant
    humanitarian asylum because of the evidence showing that Miranda
    "associated with gang members and gang affiliates."                 Finally, the
    IJ found that Miranda's claim for withholding of removal failed
    because he could not meet the lower burden for asylum and that he
    did not show the requisite level of government involvement to
    access protection under the CAT.5             Miranda thereafter appealed to
    the   BIA,   which    dismissed   his    appeal    and   affirmed    the   IJ   on
    February 5, 2018.
    Miranda now seeks our review of the BIA's decision.                He
    claims that the BIA erred in upholding the IJ's factual findings
    5  Miranda does not challenge the agency's denial of withholding
    of removal or relief under the CAT.
    about his fear of future race-based persecution and his belonging
    to a protected social group.      Miranda also challenges the agency's
    denial of humanitarian asylum.          Specifically, he argues that it
    was an abuse of discretion for the IJ to deny him humanitarian
    asylum because of his purported gang affiliation.             Lastly, Miranda
    contends that the agency violated his due process rights by relying
    on gang incident reports that he was unable to refute.
    Where, as here, the BIA embraces the IJ's decision but
    adds its own gloss, we review both decisions as a unit. Urgilez
    Méndez v. Whitaker, 
    910 F.3d 566
    , 569 (1st Cir. 2018); see also
    Aguilar-De Guillen v. Sessions, 
    902 F.3d 28
    , 32 (1st Cir. 2018).
    "Judicial   review    of   the   denial    of   asylum   is    deferential."
    Urgilez, 910 F.3d at 569 (citing 
    8 U.S.C. § 2152
    "[D]enial of asylum must be affirmed unless the administrative
    record unequivocally indicates error."              
    Id. at 570
    We will leave the agency's factual findings -- such as
    credibility    determinations     and     whether   persecution     occurred
    because of a protected ground -- undisturbed so long as they are
    supported by substantial evidence.          See Ordonez-Quino v. Holder,
    760 F.3d 80
    , 87 (1st Cir. 2014); Jabri v. Holder, 
    675 F.3d 20
    , 24
    (1st Cir. 2012).     "Only where the record compels a contrary outcome
    will we reject the IJ's findings."                   Aguilar-De Guillen, 902 F.3d
    at 32-33 (citing Thapaliya v. Holder, 
    750 F.3d 56
    , 59 (1st Cir.
    To obtain asylum, an applicant must establish that he
    qualifies as a refugee under section 101(a)(42)(A) of the INA. 
    8 U.S.C. §§ 1101
    , 1158.             A refugee is someone who is "unable or
    unwilling"      to     return    to    his    country         of   origin    "because       of
    persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of
    race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social
    group,    or    political       opinion."          
       §    1101(a)(42)(A).          If    a
    petitioner      proves    past     persecution,          "a    presumption     of   future
    persecution follows."           Santos-Guaman v. Sessions, 
    891 F.3d 12
    , 17
    (1st   Cir.     2018).      The       Government,        however,      may    rebut    this
    presumption       by     showing       either        a       fundamental      change        in
    circumstances that eliminates the fear of persecution or the
    reasonable      expectation       that       the    applicant       can     avoid   future
    persecution by relocating within the country.                             
    8 C.F.R. § 208.13
    We first direct our attention to the argument that it
    was an error for the BIA to affirm the IJ's factual findings that
    Miranda does not belong to a particular social group and that he
    will not face race-based persecution if repatriated to El Salvador.
    We conclude that it was not, as substantial evidence supports both
    As    noted    before,     Miranda   claimed   membership    in   a
    "particular social group" made up of "male minor children dependent
    on and who cannot leave their families."                But the IJ found that
    Miranda did not belong to such a group because he is no longer a
    minor and is neither dependent on his family nor unable to leave
    it.   Nothing in the record contradicts the IJ's findings.                It is
    unquestionable that Miranda is now twenty-one years old, a fact
    that means he is no longer in his purported social group of "minor
    children."        Moreover, the record presents evidence that Miranda
    was able to leave his abusive family members, even as a minor in
    El Salvador.        Miranda, for instance, escaped from the abuse he
    suffered at the hands of his aunt Virginia by choosing to go live
    with another aunt.          Thus, there is substantial evidence in the
    record that supports the IJ's finding, affirmed by the BIA, that
    Miranda was not a member of the social group he invoked to seek
    The    IJ     did   find    that     Miranda   established    past
    persecution on the basis of his race, thus entitling him to a
    presumption of a well-founded fear of future persecution.                   The
    agency    determined,      however,     that    the   Government   successfully
    rebutted this presumption by demonstrating that the circumstances
    leading   to    Miranda's     past   persecution    in    El   Salvador   have
    fundamentally changed because of the death of his aunt Virginia.
    See Uruci v. Holder, 
    558 F.3d 14
    , 19 (1st Cir. 2009) ("The
    presumption can be rebutted, however, if 'a report demonstrates
    fundamental changes in the specific circumstances that form the
    basis of a petitioner's presumptive fear of future persecution.'"
    (quoting Chreng v. Gonzáles, 
    471 F.3d 14
    , 22 (1st Cir. 2006))).
    And Miranda does not allege a fear of race-based persecution by
    any other parties.     Here again, we spot nothing in the record to
    justify overturning the IJ's finding.
    Under the applicable deferential standard of review, we
    conclude there is substantial evidence to support the IJ's findings
    -- accepted by the BIA -- that Miranda is no longer a member of
    his proposed social group composed of minors and that circumstances
    in El Salvador have sufficiently changed so as to render his fears
    of future persecution unfounded.
    We   now   shift    our   focus   to   the    agency's   denial   of
    humanitarian asylum, which Miranda contends was also erroneous.
    Even if the Government rebuts the presumption of future
    persecution -- like it did here -- the immigration courts retain
    the discretion to award asylum for humanitarian reasons to an
    applicant who has suffered past persecution.              See Martínez-Pérez
    v. Sessions, 
    897 F.3d 33
    , 42 (1st Cir. 2018); see also Ordonez-
    Quino, 760 F.3d at 94.      "To qualify for humanitarian asylum based
    on the severity of past persecution, an applicant must prove that
    he experienced extraordinary suffering in the past.                       In other
    words, an [applicant] must show past persecution so severe that
    repatriation would be inhumane."              Ordonez-Quino, 760 F.3d at 94
    (alteration     in   original)    (internal      quotation        marks   omitted)
    (citation omitted); see also Precetaj v. Holder, 
    649 F.3d 72
    , 77
    (1st Cir. 2011) ("[T]he paradigm case is one in which so much abuse
    has   been   directed   against    the    victim     that    the    suffering    is
    projected into the future and that a return of the applicant to
    the place where the harm was inflicted would magnify the prior
    suffering.").        This is a "last-resort form of relief that is
    difficult to obtain and rarely granted."                  Precetaj, 
    649 F.3d at 78
    .   Here, the IJ denied humanitarian asylum after concluding that
    the hardship Miranda might face if returned to El Salvador was
    overcome by evidence of his involvement with gangs and gang
    Miranda asks that we overrule the denial of humanitarian
    asylum because the agency's decision was informed by "erroneous,
    unauthenticated,       prejudicial,      and     impermissible        speculative
    evidence."     He takes particular issue with the police and other
    government    reports    considered      by    the   IJ    that    indicated    his
    association with MS-13 and its affiliates.             Among other things,
    Miranda insists that the police reports contain hearsay, present
    inconsistencies        "that   at    least    cast    suspicion     on   their
    reliability," and that such inconsistencies should have led the IJ
    "to wonder if the [police officers] had ulterior motives when
    preparing them."       According to Miranda, his own testimony -- that
    he was under the effects of anesthesia in a hospital bed when he
    told the police about his past affiliation with MS-13 -- "casts
    suspicion on the narratives in the police report."                Miranda also
    uses the alleged unreliability of these reports to challenge the
    IJ's   refusal    to    deem   credible      his   testimony   denying    gang
    Nothing in the record compels us to find that the police
    and other government reports were so obviously unreliable as to
    render the agency's reliance on them an abuse of the agency's wide
    discretion.      See Conde Cuatzo v. Lynch, 
    796 F.3d 153
    , 156 (1st
    Cir. 2015) ("Immigration judges have broad discretion over the
    conduct of immigration court proceedings.").            Here, not only did
    the IJ find the reports reliable and that their use would not be
    fundamentally unfair, but he also gave Miranda an opportunity to
    rebut their reliability.            This is exactly what our precedents
    required the IJ to do.         See, e.g., Arias-Minaya v. Holder, 
    779 F.3d 49
    , 54 (1st Cir. 2015) (upholding admissibility of police
    report after the agency determined its reliability and fairness
    and offered petitioner "an opportunity to challenge its veracity
    and refute its contents").
    As we recently reiterated in Cabas v. Barr, since the
    rules of evidence do not apply in immigration proceedings, the
    evidentiary    standards    deployed     by   immigration   judges   "are
    generally more lax."       
    928 F.3d 177
    , 184 (1st Cir. 2019) (citing
    Castilho de Oliveira v. Holder, 
    564 F.3d 892
    , 897 (7th Cir. 2009)).
    This means, for instance, that -- when considering discretionary
    decisions like whether to grant humanitarian asylum -- immigration
    judges can review police reports containing hearsay, "even if an
    arrest did not result in a charge or conviction, because the report
    casts probative light on [the applicant's] character."           Mele v.
    798 F.3d 30
    , 32 (1st Cir. 2015).       Similarly, authentication
    in the immigration context "requires nothing more than proof that
    a document or thing is what it purports to be," and it is undisputed
    that such a requirement was fulfilled here.          Cabas, 928 F.3d at
    184 (citing Yongo v. INS, 
    355 F.3d 27
    , 30-31 (1st Cir. 2004)).         A
    presumption of regularity also attaches to the reports that Miranda
    contests, and he was unable to rebut that presumption with clear
    evidence.   See Tota v. Gonzáles, 
    457 F.3d 161
    , 168 (1st Cir. 2006)
    ("[I]n the absence of clear evidence to the contrary, courts
    presume that [government agencies] have properly discharged their
    official duties." (alterations in original) (quoting United States
    v. Armstrong, 
    517 U.S. 456
    , 464 (1996))).
    The IJ's decision not to grant humanitarian asylum was
    in any event further informed by evidence other than the government
    reports.   In the almost three full pages that his twenty-seven
    page opinion dedicated to this claim, the IJ notes that he also
    accounted for the testimony of a school counselor and Miranda's
    sister as "negative factors" suggesting his involvement with gangs
    and thereby weighing against the grant of humanitarian asylum.6
    Conversely, the IJ considered a myriad of "humanitarian factors"
    that favored the grant of asylum to Miranda.        These included
    Miranda's history of "suicidal ideations, depression, as well as
    symptoms" of PTSD; the "thoughts of hopelessness" that he expressed
    to a social worker; the medical complications that he experienced
    as a result of the abuse and neglect he suffered in El Salvador;
    and his ties to immediate family living in the United States.
    This comprehensive weighing of factors lead the IJ to acknowledge
    that "[t]he removal of an individual who suffers from ongoing
    mental and physical health is a challenging one" and that Miranda's
    "removal to El Salvador will place a hardship on him and his
    6  The IJ further noted that Miranda did not attempt to rebut his
    sister's negative testimony by calling her as a witness, even
    though she was available to testify.
    health."   After considering all available evidence, the agency
    nonetheless remained "unpersuaded that [Miranda] will refrain from
    gang affiliations that pose a danger to the community at large"
    and declined to grant him humanitarian asylum.
    The abuse that Miranda experienced in El Salvador was
    undoubtedly deplorable.   But we conclude that substantial evidence
    supports both the agency's finding of adverse credibility with
    regards to Miranda's gang-affiliation testimony and the decision
    to withhold humanitarian asylum.7     Cf. Cantarero v. Holder, 
    734 F.3d 82
    , 86 (1st Cir. 2013) (noting that "Congress did not mean to
    grant asylum to those whose association with a criminal syndicate
    has caused them to run into danger").
    Finding that substantial evidence supports the findings
    of the immigration court, we deny Miranda's petition for judicial
    7  Miranda also argues that the agency's consideration of the
    government reports affiliating him with gangs violated his right
    to due process under the Fifth Amendment.      In the immigration
    context, "[t]o make out a due process violation, a claimant must
    show that a procedural error led to fundamental unfairness as well
    as actual prejudice."    Conde Cuatzo, 796 F.3d at 156.     Having
    discerned no procedural error, we need not entertain this argument
    any further.