United States v. Mehanna , 735 F.3d 32 ( 2013 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-1461
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. George A. O'Toole, Jr., U.S. District Judge]
    Howard, Selya and Thompson,
    Circuit Judges.
    Sabin Willett, with whom Susan Baker Manning, Julie Silva
    Palmer, Bingham McCutchen LLP, J. W. Carney, Jr., and Carney &
    Bassil were on brief, for appellant.
    Alex Abdo, Hina Shamsi, Matthew R. Segal, and Sarah R. Wunsch
    on brief for American Civil Liberties Union and American Civil
    Liberties Union of Massachusetts, amici curiae.
    Pardiss Kebriaei, Baher Azmy, and Amna Akbar on brief for
    Center for Constitutional Rights, amicus curiae.
    Nancy Gertner, David M. Porter, and Steven R. Morrison on
    brief for National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, amicus
    E. Joshua Rosenkranz and Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
    on brief for Scholars, Publishers, and Translators in the Fields of
    Islam and the Middle East, amici curiae.
    Elizabeth D. Collery, Attorney, Appellate Section, Criminal
    Division, U.S. Department of Justice, with whom Mythili Raman,
    Acting Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division, Denis J.
    McInerney, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Criminal
    Division, Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney, John P. Carlin,
    Acting Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, and
    Joseph F. Palmer, Attorney, National Security Division, were on
    brief, for appellee.
    November 13, 2013
    SELYA,   Circuit    Judge.        Terrorism   is   the     modern-day
    equivalent of the bubonic plague: it is an existential threat.
    Predictably, then, the government's efforts to combat terrorism
    through the enforcement of the criminal laws will be fierce.
    Sometimes, those efforts require a court to patrol the fine line
    between      vital    national        security     concerns     and     forbidden
    encroachments on constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and
    association.     This is such a case.
    As if that were not enough, the case presents a welter of
    other issues.        At the risk of singling out one of many, we pay
    particular heed to the need to appraise the district court's
    efforts — in the face of an avalanche of emotionally charged
    evidence — to hold steady and true the delicate balance between
    probative value and unfairly prejudicial effect. This appraisal is
    especially    difficult    in    terrorism       cases   because   it    puts   two
    competing rights on a collision course: the government's right to
    present its best case in support of its theories of guilt and the
    defendant's right to be shielded from untoward prejudice arising
    out of the introduction of evidence that is, at one and the same
    time, probative yet inflammatory.
    The stage can be set quite simply.            In the court below,
    the government aimed a barrage of terrorism-related charges at
    defendant-appellant Tarek Mehanna.             Following a protracted trial,
    the   jury   convicted    him    on   all     counts.    The    defendant,      ably
    represented and supported by a coterie of earnest amici, challenges
    not only these convictions but also his 210-month sentence.         After
    careful   consideration   of   the   massive   record,   the   defendant's
    prolific arguments, and the controlling law, we affirm.
    I.    OVERVIEW
    We start with an overview of the charges lodged against
    the defendant and then outline the travel of the case.
    This appeal has its genesis in an indictment returned by
    a federal grand jury sitting in the District of Massachusetts.         In
    its final form, the indictment charged the defendant with four
    terrorism-related counts and three counts premised on allegedly
    false statements.   The terrorism-related counts included one count
    of conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qa'ida (count 1);
    one count of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists
    knowing or intending its use to be in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 956
    and 2332 (count 2); one count of providing and attempting to
    provide material support to terrorists, knowing and intending its
    use to be in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 956 and 2332 (count 3); and
    one count of conspiracy to kill persons in a foreign country (count
    4).   The remaining counts included one count of conspiracy to make
    false statements as part of a conspiracy to commit an offense
    against the United States (count 5) and two counts of knowingly and
    willfully making false statements to federal officers (counts 6 and
    7).   See 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1001.      For the reader's convenience, we
    have annexed to this opinion an appendix delineating the pertinent
    portions of the relevant statutes.
    Counts 1 through 3 (the conspiracy and material support
    charges) were based on two separate clusters of activities.          The
    first cluster centered on the defendant's travel to Yemen.1           We
    briefly describe that trip.
    In 2004, the defendant, an American citizen, was 21 years
    old and living with his parents in Sudbury, Massachusetts.            On
    February 1, he flew from Boston to the United Arab Emirates with
    his associates, Kareem Abuzahra and Ahmad Abousamra.2           Abuzahra
    returned to the United States soon thereafter but the defendant and
    Abousamra continued on to Yemen in search of a terrorist training
    camp.       They remained there for a week but were unable to locate a
    camp. The defendant then returned home, while Abousamra eventually
    reached Iraq.
    The second cluster of activities was translation-centric.
    In 2005, the defendant began to translate Arab-language materials
    into English and post his translations on a website — at-Tibyan —
    that comprised an online community for those sympathetic to al-
    Qa'ida and Salafi-Jihadi perspectives.          Website members shared
    This cluster of activities also comprises the foundation for
    count 4.
    Abousamra was charged as a defendant in this case but
    absconded in December of 2006. For aught that appears, he remains
    a fugitive.
    opinions, videos, texts, and kindred materials in online forums.
    At least some offerings that the defendant translated constituted
    al-Qa'ida-generated media and materials supportive of al-Qa'ida
    and/or jihad.3
    The false statement counts (counts 5 through 7) related
    to statements that the defendant made during the course of an
    investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into his
    activities and those of his confederates. This investigation began
    in or around 2006.    The statements specified in the indictment
    concerned the whereabouts and activities of one Daniel Maldonado,
    as well as the purpose and ultimate destination of the defendant's
    trip to Yemen.
    After considerable pretrial skirmishing, not material
    here, trial commenced. It lasted some 37 days. The district court
    refused to grant judgment of acquittal on any of the seven counts.
    The jury convicted the defendant on all of them, and the district
    court imposed a 210-month term of immurement.
    This   timely   appeal   ensued.   In   it,   the   defendant
    challenges his convictions, various evidentiary rulings, and his
    sentence. We address below the more substantial components of this
    asseverational array.     A few points are not addressed at all
    While "jihad" is a linguistically protean term that may
    encompass both violent and nonviolent acts, the record makes clear
    that the defendant used the term to refer to violent jihad — and
    that is the meaning that we ascribe to it throughout this opinion.
    because we have found them to be insufficiently developed, patently
    meritless, or both. In addition, the amici have attempted to raise
    some issues not preserved by the defendant.                     We disregard those
    attempts.      The   law     is    settled       that   amici    cannot   ordinarily
    introduce    into    a    case    issues    not    briefed      and   argued   by   the
    appellant.    See United States v. Chiaradio, 
    684 F.3d 265
    , 284 n.7
    (1st Cir.) ("[W]e adhere to the established principle that an
    amicus may not 'interject into a case issues which the litigants,
    whatever their reasons might be, have chosen to ignore.'" (quoting
    Lane v. First Nat'l Bank of Bos., 
    871 F.2d 166
    , 175 (1st Cir.
    1989))), cert. denied, 
    133 S. Ct. 589
    (2012).                    This case presents
    no occasion for departing from this general rule.
    The centerpiece of the defendant's challenge to his
    convictions on the four terrorism-related counts is his binary
    claim that these convictions are neither supported by the evidence
    nor constitutionally permissible.
    A.    Sufficiency of the Evidence.
    We review de novo challenges to the sufficiency of the
    evidence.    See United States v. Gobbi, 
    471 F.3d 302
    , 308 (1st Cir.
    2006).   This review eschews credibility judgments and requires us
    to take the facts and all reasonable inferences therefrom in the
    light most favorable to the jury's verdict.                  See United States v.
    15 F.3d 1161
    , 1173 (1st Cir. 1993). Using this lens, we
    must determine whether a rational jury could have found that the
    government proved each element of the crimes charged beyond a
    reasonable doubt.    See 
    id. To withstand
    a sufficiency challenge,
    a guilty verdict need not be an inevitable outcome; rather, "it is
    enough that the finding of guilt draws its essence from a plausible
    reading of the record."      
    Id. To put
    the defendant's sufficiency challenge into a
    workable perspective, it is helpful to trace the anatomy of the
    four terrorism charges.           Count 1 charges the defendant with
    conspiring    to   violate   18    U.S.C.   §   2339B,   which   proscribes
    "knowingly provid[ing] material support or resources to a foreign
    terrorist organization." 
    Id. § 2339B(a)(1).
    To satisfy the intent
    requirement of section 2339B, a defendant must have "knowledge
    about the organization's connection to terrorism."               Holder v.
    Humanitarian Law Project (HLP), 
    130 S. Ct. 2705
    , 2717 (2010).             A
    specific intent to advance the organization's terrorist activities
    is not essential.     See id.; see also United States v. Al Kassar,
    660 F.3d 108
    , 129 (2d Cir. 2011) (identifying "two express scienter
    requirements: that the aid be intentional and that the defendant
    know the organization he is aiding is a terrorist organization or
    engages in acts of terrorism").
    In this case, the defendant does not dispute that al-
    Qa'ida was and is a foreign terrorist organization (FTO).              Nor
    could he credibly do so.       See Redesignation of Foreign Terrorist
    Organizations,    68     Fed.   Reg.   56,860,   56,862    (Oct.   2,   2003);
    Redesignation of Foreign Terrorist Organization, 66 Fed. Reg.
    51,088, 51,089 (Oct. 5, 2001); see also United States v. Farhane,
    634 F.3d 127
    , 135 n.7 (2d Cir. 2011).            By like token, the record
    leaves no doubt that the defendant was aware of al-Qa'ida's status.
    Count 2 charges the defendant with conspiring to violate
    18 U.S.C. § 2339A, which proscribes "provid[ing] material support
    or resources . . . , knowing or intending that they are to be used
    in preparation for, or in carrying out," certain other criminal
    Id. § 2339A(a).
        The intent requirement under section
    2339A differs somewhat from the intent requirement under section
    2339B: to be guilty under section 2339A, the defendant must have
    "provide[d] support or resources with the knowledge or intent that
    such resources be used to commit specific violent crimes."              United
    States v. Stewart, 
    590 F.3d 93
    , 113 (2d Cir. 2009) (emphasis in
    original).     Thus, "the mental state in section 2339A extends both
    to the support itself, and to the underlying purposes for which the
    support   is   given."      
    Id. at 113
      n.18.    As    adapted     to   the
    circumstances of this case, the government had to prove that the
    defendant had the specific intent to provide material support,
    knowing or intending that it would be used in a conspiracy to kill
    persons abroad.     See 18 U.S.C. §§ 956, 2332.
    Count 3 is closely related to count 2.          It charges the
    defendant with violating, or attempting to violate, 18 U.S.C.
    § 2339A. The district court instructed the jury that it could find
    the defendant guilty on count 3 under theories of direct liability,
    attempt, aiding and abetting, or agency.                  Because the parties'
    arguments on appeal target the attempt theory, we focus our
    attention there.
    Material support is defined identically for purposes of
    sections 2339A and 2339B.          Such support may take various forms,
    including    (as        arguably   pertinent      here)     the    provision   of
    "service[s]"       or     "personnel."       18    U.S.C.     §§    2339A(b)(1),
    2339B(g)(4).       With respect to the Yemen trip, the government
    accused the defendant of conspiring to provide himself as an al-
    Qa'ida recruit (count 1); knowing or intending the use of this
    material support in a conspiracy to kill persons abroad (count 2);
    and attempting to provide this support, knowing or intending that
    it would be used in such a conspiracy (count 3).
    Count 4 bears a family resemblance to counts 1 through 3,
    but it has a slightly different DNA. It charges the defendant with
    violating 18 U.S.C. § 956, which proscribes conspiring in the
    United States "to commit at any place outside the United States an
    act that would constitute the offense of murder" if that act had
    been committed within the United States.                 
    Id. § 956(a)(1).
    purposes    of   this      statute,   it   does    not    matter    whether    the
    defendant's coconspirators are located within the United States or
    abroad.    See 
    id. -10- We
    turn next to the government's proof.   In gauging the
    sufficiency of that proof, we start with the Yemen trip and the
    cluster of activities surrounding it.
    The defendant asserts that this trip cannot bear the
    weight of his convictions on any of the four terrorism-related
    counts because the record shows nothing more than that he went to
    Yemen to pursue Islamic studies.   The government counters that the
    evidence reflects a far more sinister purpose.          The salient
    question — at least with respect to the first three terrorism-
    related counts — is whether the record, viewed in the light most
    agreeable to the verdict, supports a finding that the defendant
    conspired to provide or attempted to provide himself and others as
    recruits (and, thus, as material support) for al-Qa'ida's terrorist
    The government's evidence of the defendant's specific
    intent with respect to his Yemen trip included his own actions,
    discussions with others, coconspirator statements, and materials
    that the defendant either kept on his computer or shared on the
    Internet.     The defendant contends that this evidence, in the
    aggregate, showed nothing more than his participation in activities
    protected by the First Amendment (e.g., discussing politics and
    religion, consuming media related to those topics, and associating
    with certain individuals and groups) and, thus, could not support
    a finding of guilt.    See Scales v. United States, 
    367 U.S. 203
    229-30 (1961); United States v. Spock, 
    416 F.2d 165
    , 169-74 (1st
    Cir. 1969).       But the defendant is looking at the evidence through
    rose-colored glasses.            We think it virtually unarguable that
    rational jurors could find that the defendant and his associates
    went abroad to enlist in a terrorist training camp.
    On this point, the defendant's own statements are highly
    probative.        His   coconspirators    testified    that    the   defendant
    persistently stated his belief that engaging in jihad was "a duty
    upon a Muslim if he's capable of performing it," and that this duty
    included committing violence.          The evidence further showed that,
    following    United     States    intervention   in    Iraq,   the   defendant
    concluded "that America was at war with Islam," and saw American
    "soldiers as being valid targets."
    Acting upon these views, the defendant and his associates
    — as early as 2001 — discussed seeking out a terrorist training
    camp.      Following    these     discussions,   the   defendant     expressed
    interest     in    receiving     military-type   training      in    order   to
    participate in jihad.       The defendant made clear that he wished to
    engage in jihad if he "ever had the chance" and that he and his
    associates "would make a way to go." Together, they "discussed the
    different ways people could get into Iraq, the different training
    In these conversations, the defendant voiced his desire
    to fight against the United States military forces in Iraq. He and
    his associates went "in depth on details" regarding the logistics
    of reaching such a terrorist training camp.
    Coconspirator testimony shined a bright light on the
    defendant's   intent.       This   testimony   made   pellucid   that   the
    defendant and his comrades traveled to Yemen "for the purpose of
    finding   a     terrorist     training     camp"      and   "[e]ventually
    . . . get[ting] into Iraq." The defendant's particular interest in
    Iraq was because it was "an area that was being attacked."         He took
    the position that "there was an obligation for Muslims to stand up
    and fight against invasion of Iraq and the U.S. forces in Iraq."
    The defendant attempts to characterize these remarks as
    mere political speech.      The jury, however, was entitled to draw a
    different inference: that the defendant's comments were evidence of
    the formation and implementation of a scheme to go abroad, obtain
    training, join with al-Qa'ida, and wage war against American
    soldiers fighting in Iraq.
    The timing of the trip and the furtiveness with which the
    defendant acted provide circumstantial support for this conclusion.
    The record contains evidence that the defendant abruptly suspended
    his studies in Massachusetts during the school year and kept his
    plans hidden from his parents. Prior to his departure, he gave his
    brother a bag of personal belongings and asked his brother to
    dispose of them. These belongings included "something about how to
    make a bomb."
    We note that the defendant and his associates purchased
    round-trip airline tickets.    In the travelers' own words, however,
    the return portions were for use "[i]f things didn't work out," as
    well as to avoid raising the sort of suspicion often associated
    with one-way ticketing.      And Abuzahra testified at trial that,
    notwithstanding the return ticket, he did not expect to return to
    the United States because "[t]he purpose of . . . going was to
    basically fight in a war."
    From this and other evidence, a rational jury could
    conclude that the defendant did not intend to return to the United
    States after leaving for Yemen.      This intent dovetails with the
    defendant's self-proclaimed jihadi agenda and makes the purpose of
    the trip apparent.
    There was more.     The evidence showed that the defendant
    and his associates had a plan of action for their arrival in Yemen.
    Abousamra had obtained the name of a contact there "who was going
    to get them to a military training camp."   When the men traveled to
    Yemen, they carried a piece of paper that contained the contact's
    To be sure, the Yemen trip did not bear fruit.        Once
    there, the defendant learned to his evident dismay that training
    camps no longer existed in the area and "that it was nearly
    impossible for anybody to get any training" there.    The contact in
    Yemen fizzled, telling the defendant and Abousamra that "all that
    stuff is gone ever since the planes hit the twin towers."                  It is
    consistent with the government's theory of the case, however, that
    the   defendant,     when      confronted    with   this    news,   expressed
    disappointment that he had "left [his] life behind" based on faulty
    The government's case is strengthened by evidence that
    the   defendant    and   his    associates   engaged   in    a   coverup    that
    continued long after the defendant's return from Yemen. The record
    reflects that the defendant and his associates repeatedly discussed
    how to align their stories and mislead federal investigators (in
    point of fact, they formulated cover stories for their Yemen trip
    even before the trip began).            To facilitate the coverup, the
    defendant and his cohorts attempted to obscure their communications
    by using code words such as "peanut butter," "peanut butter and
    jelly," or "PB&J" for jihad and "culinary school" for terrorist
    training.    Relatedly, the defendant encouraged an associate to
    install an "encryptor" on his computer in order to make it "much
    harder for [the FBI] to" monitor their online communications.
    It is settled beyond hope of peradventure that evidence
    of participation in a coverup can be probative of elements of the
    underlying crime such as knowledge and intent.              See United States
    v. Davis, 
    623 F.2d 188
    , 192 (1st Cir. 1980) (citing Grunewald v.
    United States, 
    353 U.S. 391
    , 405 (1957)).            This is a commonsense
    proposition, and "criminal juries are not expected to ignore what
    is perfectly obvious."       United States v. Echeverri, 
    982 F.2d 675
    679 (1st Cir. 1993).
    There    is    another   dimension   to   this   aspect   of   the
    government's case.       Although the theory of guilt that we have been
    discussing centered on the cluster of activities surrounding the
    Yemen trip, it was bolstered by other evidence.
    To begin, the defendant's desire to engage in jihad did
    not end with the failed Yemen trip.        Early in 2006, the defendant
    told an associate, Ali Aboubakr, about how he had traveled to Yemen
    to engage in jihad.      The defendant invited Aboubakr to join him if
    he elected to travel abroad for jihad again. He described "a camp"
    that they could attend in Yemen, where they would "live with like,
    300 other brothers" who "all walk around . . . with camo jackets
    and AK-47s."    The defendant urged Aboubakr, who was then a college
    student, not to tell his father about his plan.
    The defendant's communication with his "best friend,"
    Daniel Maldonado, further evinced his determination to engage in
    jihad.4   In December of 2006, Maldonado telephoned the defendant
    from Somalia.      During this call, the two discussed the logistics
    needed for the defendant to join Maldonado in Somalia, including
    transportation and travel documents.        Maldonado said that he was
    "in a culinary school" and "mak[ing] peanut butter and jelly."
    At the time of trial, Maldonado was serving a ten-year
    sentence pursuant to his guilty plea for receiving military-type
    training from an FTO. See 18 U.S.C. § 2339D(a).
    Maldonado testified that this was code language, familiar to the
    defendant, denoting that Maldonado was in a terrorist training camp
    and engaged in jihad.
    Percipient witnesses testified that the defendant watched
    jihadi videos with his associates for the purpose of "gain[ing]
    inspiration from the[m]" and "becom[ing] like a mujahid."5        These
    videos depicted events such as Marines being killed by explosives,
    suicide bombings, and combat scenes glorifying the mujahideen. The
    defendant was "jubilant" while watching them.
    In a similar vein, the record is shot through with
    evidence of the defendant's rabid support for al-Qa'ida, his "love"
    for Osama bin Laden, his admiration of the September 11 hijackers,
    and his conviction that the September 11 attacks were justified and
    a "happy" occasion.
    The defendant complains that some of this evidence bears
    no direct connection to his Yemen trip.    This plaint is true as far
    as it goes — but it does not take the defendant very far.              It
    overlooks     the   abecedarian   proposition   that   evidence   of    a
    defendant's general mindset may be relevant to the issue of his
    intent. See, e.g., United States v. Allen, 
    670 F.3d 12
    , 14-16 (1st
    Cir. 2012).    The record here is replete with such evidence.
    "Mujahideen" (singular: "mujahid") is defined as "Muslim
    guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad."      The American Heritage
    Dictionary of the English Language 1153 (4th ed. 2000). At trial,
    Aboubakr described "mujahid" as meaning "somebody who partakes in
    The evidence we have summarized sufficed to ground a
    finding, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant traveled to
    Yemen with the specific intent of providing material support to al-
    Qa'ida, knowing or intending that this support would be used in a
    conspiracy to kill persons abroad.      It likewise sufficed to ground
    a finding that the defendant attempted to provide such material
    support, knowing or intending that it would be used in a conspiracy
    to kill persons abroad.    Finally, it sufficed to ground a finding
    that the defendant, while in the United States, conspired with
    others in a plan to kill persons abroad.           The evidence was,
    therefore, ample to convict on the four terrorism-related counts.
    B.   The Defendant's Rejoinders.
    Despite the obvious logic of the government's position
    and the wealth of evidence that supports it, the defendant labors
    to undermine the four terrorism-related convictions.      His efforts
    take two different directions — one a frontal assault and the other
    an end run.    We address each in turn.
    1.    Scholarly Pursuits.     The defendant argues that the
    only reasonable interpretation of his Yemen trip and the activities
    surrounding it is an innocent one: he sojourned to Yemen solely for
    the purpose of studying there.    He describes himself as a devoted
    scholar of Islam and asserts that he visited Yemen, specifically,
    because the purest form of Arabic is spoken there.     In support, he
    reminds us that he toured a school while in the country.
    Relatedly, the defendant suggests that, regardless of his
    associates' purpose and intent, he was far more moderate than they.
    This moderation allegedly included adherence to certain beliefs
    antithetic to al-Qa'ida canon.             Among these beliefs was the
    doctrine of "aman," which the defendant describes as "a covenant to
    obey the law within a country that permits practice of the faith."
    As he would have it, his adherence to aman would prohibit him from
    targeting American troops.
    We readily agree that the record contains some evidence
    supporting    the   defendant's    alternative     narrative.    Yet,   that
    evidence does not eclipse the plethora of proof pointing in the
    opposite direction. When all was said and done, the jury heard and
    rejected the defendant's innocent explanation of the events that
    occurred.    It was plainly entitled to do so.        See United States v.
    61 F.3d 967
    , 972-73 (1st Cir. 1995).
    To    gain   a   conviction,     the    government   need   not
    "eliminat[e] every possible theory consistent with the defendant's
    innocence."      United States v. Noah, 
    130 F.3d 490
    , 494 (1st Cir.
    1997).   It is the jury's role — not that of the Court of Appeals —
    to choose between conflicting hypotheses, especially when such
    choices depend on the drawing of inferences and elusive concepts
    such as motive and intent.        See id.; 
    Olbres, 61 F.3d at 972-73
    2.    The Alternative Theory of Guilt.        The defendant's
    second rejoinder represents an attempt to change the trajectory of
    the debate.   He points out that the indictment identifies his
    translations as culpable activity; that the government introduced
    copious evidence in support of a theory of guilt based on the
    translations; that it argued this theory to the jury; and that the
    jury returned a general verdict.         Building on this platform, he
    argues that even if the evidence of the Yemen trip is sufficient to
    ground his terrorism-related convictions, those convictions cannot
    stand because they may have been predicated on protected First
    Amendment speech.
    It is pointless to speak in the abstract of a verdict
    predicated on protected conduct.         The Court of Appeals is not a
    sorting hat, divining which criminal defendants' stories fall into
    constitutionally    protected   and    unprotected   stacks.     Cf.   J.K.
    Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 113-22 (1997).
    Instead, an appellate court's role is to discern what, if any,
    errors marred the trial below.        This inquiry requires us to focus
    on the relevant actors in the trial and not to engage in an
    untethered academic analysis of the verdict itself.
    Personification has its limits.            Verdicts, not being
    sentient, cannot err on their own; rather, any errors in a verdict
    come from the actors who have contributed to it.          For example, a
    trial judge can commit error by instructing the jury that it can
    convict a defendant for wholly legal conduct.          See, e.g., United
    States v. Tobin, 
    480 F.3d 53
    , 56-58 (1st Cir. 2007).           By the same
    token, jurors can err by returning a guilty verdict that is
    unsupported by legally sufficient evidence.               See, e.g., United
    States v. Valerio, 
    48 F.3d 58
    , 63-65 (1st Cir. 1995).
    When it comes to the argument that the defendant makes
    here — that one of two possible grounds for the general verdict is
    suspect — the classification of the specific error makes all the
    difference.   If "a mistake about the law" underlies the argument,
    reversal may be necessary.        Griffin v. United States, 
    502 U.S. 46
    59 (1991); see Yates v. United States, 
    354 U.S. 298
    , 312 (1957);
    Stromberg v. California, 
    283 U.S. 359
    , 367-68 (1931).                  Such a
    "legal error" occurs, for instance, when "jurors have been left the
    option of relying upon a legally inadequate theory" by the trial
    court's charge.    
    Griffin, 502 U.S. at 59
    .       If, however, "a mistake
    concerning the weight or the factual import of the evidence"
    underlies the argument, the verdict must be upheld as long as the
    evidence is adequate to support one of the government's alternative
    theories of guilt.       
    Id. With this
       short    primer   in   place,    we   turn   to   the
    defendant's asseveration that the district court committed legal
    error in charging the jury with respect to his translations.                At
    first blush, this asseveration is counter-intuitive because the
    court below evinced a keen awareness of the First Amendment issues
    implicated here.    Pertinently, the court instructed:
    Now, this is important. Persons who
    act     independently of a foreign terrorist
    organization    to    advance     its   goals   or
    objectives are not considered to be working
    under the organization's direction or control.
    A person cannot be convicted under this
    statute     when     he's      acting     entirely
    independently     of    a    foreign     terrorist
    organization. That is true even if the person
    is advancing the organization's goals or
    objectives. Rather, for a person to be guilty
    under this count, a person must be acting in
    coordination with or at the direction of a
    designated foreign terrorist organization,
    here, as alleged in Count 1, al Qa'ida.
    You need not worry about the scope or
    effect of the guarantee of free speech
    contained in the First Amendment to our
    Constitution. According to the Supreme Court,
    this   statute    already     accommodates    that
    guarantee by punishing only conduct that is
    done in coordination with or at the direction
    of a foreign terrorist organization. Advocacy
    that is done independently of the terrorist
    organization and not at its direction or in
    coordination with it does not violate the
    Put another way, activity that is
    proven to be the furnishing of material
    support or resources to a designated foreign
    terrorist organization under the statute is
    not activity that is protected by the First
    Amendment; on the other hand, as I've said,
    independent    advocacy    on    behalf   of   the
    organization, not done at its direction or in
    coordination with it, is not a violation of
    the statute.
    The defendant assigns error to these instructions in
    three respects.   He says that they (i) fail to define the term
    "coordination"; (ii) incorrectly direct the jury not to consider
    the First Amendment; and (iii) should have been replaced by a set
    of instructions that he unsuccessfully proffered to the district
    Where, as here, preserved claims of error relate to the
    correctness of a jury instruction as a matter of law, our review is
    de novo.       See United States v. Sasso, 
    695 F.3d 25
    , 29 (1st Cir.
    2012). None of the defendant's three claims of instructional error
    survives this review.
    Although we agree that coordination can be a critical
    integer in the calculus of material support, the defendant's first
    assignment of instructional error is simply wrong.                     While the
    district   court     did   not   use   the    phrase   "is   defined    as,"   it
    nonetheless defined the term "coordination" functionally.                      It
    explained to the jury in no fewer than three different ways that
    independent advocacy for either an FTO or an FTO's goals does not
    amount    to    coordination.      This      distinction,    which   the   court
    accurately characterized as "important," went to the heart of the
    Moreover, the district court's instructions harmonize
    with the text of the material support statute, which reads:
    "Individuals who act entirely independently of the [FTO] to advance
    The defendant makes a fleeting argument that the district
    court's "coordination" instruction was directed only to count 1 and
    that the district court failed to instruct on the coordination
    element with regard to counts 2 and 3.          This argument is
    disingenuous: it is nose-on-the-face plain that the district court
    incorporated its "coordination" instruction by reference into its
    instructions on counts 2 and 3. No more was exigible.
    its goals or objectives shall not be considered to be working under
    the [FTO]'s direction and control."            18 U.S.C. § 2339B(h).        The
    context made clear that the government's "translations-as-material-
    support" theory was premised on the concept that the translations
    comprised a "service," which is a form of material support within
    the purview of the statute.        See 
    id. §§ 2339A(b)(1),
    The HLP Court explained that "service," as material support,
    "refers to concerted activity, not independent advocacy."               130 S.
    Ct. at 2721.     The instructions given to the jury embraced this
    In sum, the district court's instructions captured the
    essence of the controlling decision in HLP, where the Court
    determined that otherwise-protected speech rises to the level of
    criminal material support only if it is "in coordination with
    foreign    groups   that     the     speaker    knows     to   be     terrorist
    Id. at 2723.
    If speech fits within this taxonomy,
    it is not protected.         See 
    id. at 2722-26.
              This means that
    "advocacy performed in coordination with, or at the direction of,"
    an FTO is not shielded by the First Amendment.            
    Id. at 2722.
    district court's instructions tracked the contours of this legal
    framework. The court appropriately treated the question of whether
    enough    coordination     existed    to    criminalize    the      defendant's
    translations as factbound and left that question to the jury. See,
    e.g., Jones v. United States, 
    526 U.S. 227
    , 247 n.8 (1999).                  We
    discern no error.
    The second assignment of instructional error is no more
    robust.     The defendant contends that the court below erroneously
    foreclosed his argument that his activities were constitutionally
    protected by telling the jury: "You need not worry about the scope
    or effect of the guarantee of free speech contained in the First
    Amendment to our Constitution."
    This contention is futile. The very next sentence of the
    instructions     makes     the   district      court's   purpose      pellucid:
    "According to the Supreme Court, this statute already accommodates
    that   guarantee    by   punishing      only   conduct   that    is   done   in
    coordination with or at the direction of a foreign terrorist
    organization." The instructions, read in context, did not tell the
    jury to blind itself to the protections of the First Amendment.
    Instead, they appropriately advised the jury that the material
    support statute, as well as the instructions the district court
    gave   regarding    that     statute,     already    accounted     for   those
    In all events, it is a bedrock principle that "[t]he role
    of the jury in a federal criminal case is to decide only the issues
    of fact."    Berra v. United States, 
    351 U.S. 131
    , 134 (1956).               In
    line with this principle, the district court properly barred the
    jury from embarking on an independent evaluation of First Amendment
    protections.       See United States v. Victoria-Peguero, 
    920 F.2d 77
    86 (1st Cir. 1990); see also United States v. Fincher, 
    538 F.3d 868
    , 872 (8th Cir. 2008).
    The defendant's third assignment of instructional error
    calumnizes the district court for failing to give his proffered
    instructions on the interaction of the material support statutes
    and the prophylaxis afforded by the First Amendment.                        We will
    reverse   a     trial    court's      refusal   to    give    a    proffered     jury
    instruction only if the proffered instruction is substantively
    correct, not otherwise covered in substance in the court's charge,
    and of sufficient import that its omission seriously affects the
    defendant's ability to present his defense.                  See 
    Chiaradio, 684 F.3d at 281
    ; United States v. Prigmore, 
    243 F.3d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir.
    2001); United States v. McGill, 
    953 F.2d 10
    , 13 (1st Cir. 1992).
    In   the   case    at     hand,   the    defendant's         proffered
    instructions were not substantively correct but, rather, contained
    legally flawed propositions.             There is nothing to be gained by
    citing book and verse.          A single illustration suffices.
    The proffered instruction stated: "the person [providing
    the alleged support] must have a direct connection to the group
    [FTO] and be working directly with the group [FTO] for it to be a
    violation     of   the   statute."       Contrary     to     the   tenor    of   this
    statement, a direct link is neither required by statute nor
    mandated by HLP.
    We add, moreover, that to the extent that the proffered
    instructions were sound, they were covered in substance by the
    charge actually given.        Here, too, a single example makes the
    The proffered instructions stated: "[m]ere association
    with terrorists or a terrorist organization is not sufficient to
    meet the element of 'in coordination with.'"               What the district
    court told the jury is perfectly consistent with this language.
    That ends the matter: a defendant has a right to an instruction on
    his theory of the case, but he has no right to insist that the
    trial court parrot his preferred wording. See, e.g., United States
    v. DeStefano, 
    59 F.3d 1
    , 2-3 (1st Cir. 1995); 
    McGill, 953 F.2d at 12
    The bottom line is that the defendant's assault on the
    district court's jury instructions is without merit.               And, having
    eliminated the defendant's claims of legal error, we are left only
    with his claim that the jury's finding of "coordination" lacked
    sufficient supporting evidence.
    As noted above, that inquiry is foreclosed by Griffin.
    We    already    have   determined   that    the    cluster   of    activities
    surrounding the defendant's Yemen trip supplied an independently
    sufficient      evidentiary   predicate     for    the   convictions   on   the
    terrorism-related counts.         The defendant's translation-related
    activities were tendered to the jury only as an alternative basis
    for   those    convictions.    Even     if    that    proof   is   factually
    insufficient,    Griffin   dictates   that     we    affirm   based   on    the
    government's Yemen theory.
    It makes no difference that the absence of facts showing
    coordination with al-Qa'ida might have resulted in constitutionally
    protected conduct.     The dividing line that the Supreme Court drew
    in Griffin was based on the distinct roles of judge and jury in our
    system of justice, not the presence vel non of constitutional
    issues.   We entrust trial judges with the grave responsibility of
    giving juries a proper view of the law, and when they fail to do
    so, reversal may be warranted because "there is no reason to think
    that [jurors'] own intelligence and expertise will save them from
    that error."     
    Griffin, 502 U.S. at 59
    On the other hand, jurors are endowed with expertise in
    factfinding. See 
    id. That presumed
    expertise is not vitiated even
    when performing the factfinding task requires them to separate
    constitutionally protected conduct from illegal conduct.                   See,
    e.g., N.Y. Times Co. v. Sullivan, 
    376 U.S. 254
    , 279-82 (1964).
    Thus, Griffin wisely teaches that there is no need for courts to
    save jurors from themselves "when they have been left the option of
    relying upon a factually inadequate theory, since jurors are well
    equipped to analyze the 
    evidence." 502 U.S. at 59
    (emphasis in
    That brings down the final curtain.     We have found the
    defendant's claims of legal error with respect to his translation
    activities wanting, and we have no occasion to examine the factual
    sufficiency of those activities as a basis for his terrorism-
    related convictions.       Even if the government's translation-as-
    material-support theory were factually insufficient, we would not
    reverse: the defendant's convictions on the affected counts are
    independently supported by the mass of evidence surrounding the
    Yemen trip and, under Griffin, we need go no further.7
    C.   Odds and Ends.
    The defendant invites us to overturn his conviction on
    some or all of the terrorism-related counts for a variety of
    additional reasons. Without exception these reasons are meritless.
    We dispose of them summarily.
    1.   Variance.    The defendant perceives a fatal variance
    between the conspiracies charged in counts 1, 2, and 4 and what he
    visualizes as a hodge-podge of other conspiracies captured by the
    Citing strong circumstantial evidence that the jury rested
    these convictions on the Yemen trip — for example, the conviction
    on count 4 was necessarily predicated on the Yemen trip (not the
    translations), making it highly likely that the convictions on
    counts 1, 2, and 3 shared the same provenance — the government
    argues strenuously that any instructional error would have been
    harmless.   See Hedgpeth v. Pulido, 
    555 U.S. 57
    , 58 (2008) (per
    curiam) (holding that constitutionally or legally defective jury
    instruction becomes reversible error only if it "had substantial
    and injurious effect or influence in determining the jury's
    verdict" (quoting Brecht v. Abrahamson, 
    507 U.S. 619
    , 623 (1993))).
    Inasmuch as we discern no instructional error, we do not reach this
    proof at trial.     The accepted rule is that when the government's
    case at trial varies from the crime limned in the charging document
    and that variance is both material and prejudicial, an ensuing
    conviction must be set aside.        See United States v. Boylan, 
    898 F.2d 230
    , 246-48 (1st Cir. 1990).
    We need not tarry. As we have explained, questions about
    the number of conspiracies that are in play and about their
    structure    typically   "present    matters   of   fact   suitable   for
    resolution by a jury."       
    Sepulveda, 15 F.3d at 1190
    .          Hence,
    variance claims are normally reviewed on appeal as matters of
    evidentiary sufficiency.    See 
    id. Silhouetted against
    this backdrop, what we have said
    about the defendant's failed sufficiency argument, 
    see supra
    II(A), not only shows that the government proved the conspiracies
    that it charged but also refutes the defendant's variance claim.
    Based upon a careful perscrutation of the record, we are confident
    that no material and prejudicial variance exists in this case. The
    government introduced sufficient evidence to prove each of the
    conspiracies with which the defendant was charged.
    We add, moreover, that the district court's instructions
    focused the jury with laser-like intensity on these particular
    conspiracies.     And even though the defendant labored to splinter
    the government's proof into a myriad of separate conspiracies, the
    jury supportably rejected this effort at deconstruction. That ends
    the matter.
    2.    Legal Impossibility.         The defendant argues that
    counts   2   and    3   must   fail   because    they   depend       on   a   legal
    impossibility.      See United States v. Dixon, 
    449 F.3d 194
    , 202 n.2
    (1st Cir. 2006) (explaining that "legal impossibility exists when
    a defendant sets out to achieve an objective which, even if
    achieved     as    envisioned,    will   not     constitute      a    crime").
    Specifically, he maintains that he could not have had an intent to
    provide material support knowing or intending its use to violate
    either section 956 or section 2332.             In terms of section 956, he
    envisions a legal impossibility because "[p]utative recipients of
    the 'personnel' could not 'use' that support, as section 2339A
    contemplates, to commit a predicate crime requiring conspiracy
    within the United States, because by definition, those recipients
    were contemplated to be abroad."             He further argues that legal
    impossibility results because the government's theory of the case
    fell short of making out a conspiracy to commit "an act that would
    constitute the offense of murder."           18 U.S.C. § 956(a)(1).
    With respect to section 2332, the defendant contends that
    legal impossibility forecloses conviction because the government
    did not make out "a contemplated conspiracy or attempt occurring
    outside the United States to make use of [the defendant's] or
    Abousamra's person to kill some national of the United States."
    These convoluted theories are difficult to follow.                 We
    need   not   wend   our   way,   step    by    step,    through    the   intricate
    labyrinth that the defendant constructs.               It suffices to say that,
    in the last analysis, his theories raise questions of factual,
    rather than legal, impossibility.                As such, their resolution
    depends on the sort of functions that the criminal law commits to
    juries, namely, how one looks at the facts of the case and what
    inferences one chooses to draw.
    At any rate, dressing up an argument in different raiment
    rarely improves its prospects.          Stripped of rhetorical flourishes,
    the defendant's legal impossibility theories are nothing more than
    creative reformulations of discrete aspects of his previously
    rejected sufficiency claim.        What matters is that the evidence in
    this case was adequate to prove all of the elements of the
    terrorism-related counts.        
    See supra
    Part II(A).            The defendant's
    legal impossibility theories therefore fail.
    3.   Vagueness.     The defendant makes a cursory argument
    that the district court's "construction" of the material support
    laws was unconstitutionally vague.                To the extent that this
    argument is preserved, it is foreclosed by 
    HLP, 130 S. Ct. at 2718
    22.    Consequently, we reject it out of hand.
    4. The Certification Requirement. The defendant objects
    that his convictions on counts 2 and 3 are invalid because of the
    government's failure to comply with the certification requirement
    adumbrated in 18 U.S.C. § 2332(d).     This requirement reads: "No
    prosecution for any offense described in this section shall be
    undertaken . . . except on written certification . . . that, in the
    judgment of the certifying official, such offense was intended to
    coerce, intimidate, or retaliate against a government or a civilian
    Id. The government
    concedes that no such certification was
    obtained.   In the circumstances of this case, however, the absence
    of a certification affords the defendant no sanctuary.
    To begin, the defendant did not raise this objection in
    the district court.      Our review, therefore, is only for plain
    error.   See United States v. Duarte, 
    246 F.3d 56
    , 60 (1st Cir.
    2001).   To make out plain error, the defendant must show "(1) that
    an error occurred (2) which was clear or obvious and which not only
    (3) affected the defendant's substantial rights, but also (4)
    seriously impaired the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of
    judicial proceedings."    
    Id. There is
    no plain error here.   In the first place, it is
    doubtful that the certification requirement applies to this case.
    The defendant was not prosecuted for an offense "described in"
    section 2332 but, rather, for an offense described in section 2339A
    (which references section 2332 as a specific-intent element).
    Given this uncertainty, any error that may have transpired would
    not be "clear or obvious."
    At any rate, the defendant cannot vault the third hurdle
    erected by the plain error standard: on this record, he cannot show
    that his substantial rights were adversely affected by the absence
    of a certification.        The defendant's convictions under section
    2339A were premised on knowledge and intent that his material
    support would be used for violations of either section 2332 or
    section 956.   On a separate count — count 4 — the jury found that
    the defendant violated section 956.         Thus, his section 2339A
    conviction was supported by an intent to violate section 956. This
    makes it highly unlikely that the inclusion of the reference to
    section 2332 had any substantial effect.        See Turner v. United
    396 U.S. 398
    , 420 (1970) (explaining "that when a jury
    returns a guilty verdict on an indictment charging several acts in
    the conjunctive, . . . the verdict stands if the evidence is
    sufficient with respect to any one of the acts charged").
    5.    Count 3.    The defendant mounts a singular attack on
    count 3, which charged him with attempted violation of section
    2339A; that is, attempting to provide material support knowing or
    intending its use in a conspiracy to kill persons abroad.        The
    defendant suggests that the government failed to prove that he
    engaged in the substantial step necessary to undergird an attempt
    conviction.    This suggestion is plainly unavailing.
    We agree with the defendant that a conviction for attempt
    necessitates proof that the defendant took at least one substantial
    step toward the actual commission of the charged crime. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Pires, 
    642 F.3d 1
    , 8 (1st Cir. 2011); 
    Gobbi, 471 F.3d at 309
    .    Here, however, the Yemen trip constituted a very
    substantial step toward the attempted commission of the crime. The
    defendant suspended his studies, instructed his brother to destroy
    a bag of his possessions, and flew to Yemen armed with the name of
    a possible al-Qa'ida liaison.   The jury was fully entitled to find
    that these actions satisfied the "substantial step" requirement.
    In an effort to efface this reasoning, the defendant
    posits that the Yemen trip could not have constituted a substantial
    step toward the commission of the crime because there was no al-
    Qa'ida presence in Yemen in February of 2004.       Notwithstanding
    these importunings, we need not decide whether or when al-Qa'ida
    pulled up stakes and quit Yemen.    Even if we assume arguendo that
    al-Qa'ida retreated before the defendant's trip, the existence of
    a substantial step would not be called into question.       Such a
    departure would, at most, have created a factual impossibility; and
    as we previously have explained, "factual impossibility is not a
    defense to . . . liability . . . for inchoate offenses such as
    conspiracy or attempt."   
    Dixon, 449 F.3d at 202
    The defendant does not contest the sufficiency of the
    evidence underpinning his convictions on counts 5 (making false
    statements as part of a conspiracy to commit an offense against the
    United States) and 7 (making false statements anent the purpose and
    ultimate destination of the Yemen trip).               He does, however,
    interpose a sufficiency challenge to his conviction on count 6. We
    turn next to this challenge.
    Count 6 charges a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001(a)(2),
    which criminalizes "knowingly and willfully . . . mak[ing] any
    materially     false,   fictitious,        or   fraudulent   statement    or
    representation" to federal officials. The statements on which this
    count depends pertain to the whereabouts and activities of the
    defendant's friend and compatriot, Maldonado.            These utterances
    were made when FBI agents questioned the defendant in December of
    2006. In response to direct queries, the defendant told the agents
    that he had last heard from Maldonado two weeks earlier and that
    Maldonado was living in Egypt, working as a website steward. These
    statements were unquestionably false: the defendant had spoken to
    Maldonado within the week and knew that Maldonado was in Somalia
    and training for jihad.
    Still, even proof of knowing and willful falsity, without
    more,   is   not   enough   to   sustain    a   conviction   under   section
    1001(a)(2).     Targeted statements must not only be false but also
    materially so.     See United States v. Sebaggala, 
    256 F.3d 59
    , 64-65
    (1st Cir. 2001).
    The defendant seizes on this additional requirement.         He
    points out that when the agents questioned him, they knew full well
    where Maldonado was and what he was doing.               They also knew that he
    had spoken with Maldonado by telephone within a matter of days.
    Building on this foundation, the defendant argues that
    the agents were asking him questions to which they already knew the
    answers for the sole purpose of catching him in a lie.                    Thus, his
    argument runs, his false statements cannot be material because the
    agents      knew   that    his   statements       were   false    ab    initio   and,
    therefore, were not misled by them.                 Inasmuch as this argument
    challenges     the   sufficiency       of   the    government's        evidence,    it
    engenders de novo review.            See 
    Gobbi, 471 F.3d at 308
    The defendant is fishing in an empty stream.               To satisfy
    the materiality requirement of section 1001(a)(2), a statement must
    have   "a    natural      tendency    to    influence,    or     [be]   capable    of
    influencing, a governmental function." 
    Sebaggala, 256 F.3d at 65
    But    the    statement      need     not   actually      have    influenced       the
    governmental function. It is enough that the "statement could have
    provoked governmental action." Id.; see United States v. Edgar, 
    82 F.3d 499
    , 510 (1st Cir. 1996) (explaining that "the standard is not
    whether there was actual influence, but whether [the statement]
    would have a tendency to influence").              Thus, the proper inquiry is
    not whether the tendency to influence bears upon a particular
    aspect of the actual investigation but, rather, whether it would
    bear upon the investigation in the abstract or in the normal
    course. See United States v. McBane, 
    433 F.3d 344
    , 350-51 (3d Cir.
    Edgar, 82 F.3d at 510
    Under this formulation, the knowledge of the interrogator
    is   irrelevant      to    the     materiality         of       the   defendant's      false
    statements.       See United States v. Land, 
    877 F.2d 17
    , 20 (8th Cir.
    1989).   With this in mind, courts have rejected variations of the
    metaphysical       proposition         advanced       by       the    defendant      with    a
    regularity bordering on the monotonous.                        See, e.g., United States
    v. Lupton, 
    620 F.3d 790
    , 806-07 (7th Cir. 2010); 
    McBane, 433 F.3d at 350-52
    Edgar, 82 F.3d at 510
    Land, 877 F.2d at 20
    ; see also
    Brogan v. United States, 
    522 U.S. 398
    , 399-400, 402 (1998) (finding
    defendant's false response to be material where agents knew correct
    answer at time of questioning, but not elaborating on this point).
    In   the     case    at   hand,     it    is       clear       beyond   hope   of
    contradiction that the defendant's false statements about Maldonado
    had a natural tendency to influence an FBI investigation into
    terrorism.    After all, Maldonado was hip-deep in terrorism-related
    antics. During the critical interview, the defendant was plainly
    attempting to obscure both Maldonado's participation in terrorist
    endeavors and the telephone call in which he and Maldonado had
    discussed    jihad      and      terrorist     training.              The    misinformation
    imparted    by    the     defendant     thus     had       a    natural      propensity     to
    influence an FBI investigation into terrorist activity.
    To   cinch    matters,    the   defendant's        mendacity   was
    undertaken    for   the    purpose    of   misdirecting    the    ongoing   FBI
    investigation (or so the jury could have found).                   This is an
    important datum: where a defendant's statements are intended to
    misdirect     government     investigators,      they     may    satisfy    the
    materiality requirement of section 1001 even if they stand no
    chance of accomplishing their objective.          See 
    Lupton, 620 F.3d at 806-07
    .   This principle makes eminently good sense: it would stand
    reason on its head to excuse a defendant's deliberate prevarication
    merely because his interrogators were a step ahead of him.
    To say more on this point would be supererogatory.             The
    defendant's challenge to the sufficiency of the evidence on count
    6 is a losing proposition.
    The next leg of our journey takes us through a series of
    hotly contested evidentiary rulings.            Although these claims of
    error are somewhat interrelated, we subdivide them into five
    A. Coconspirator Statements.
    The challenged evidentiary rulings concern four sets of
    out-of-court statements attributed to coconspirators and admitted
    at trial.    The first two sets of declarations were made by closely
    related coconspirators and were uttered either before or after the
    Yemen trip. The remaining two sets comprise remarks of more remote
    personages, whom the government also alleges were coconspirators.
    Although the defendant unleashes a torrent of arguments against the
    admission of these statements, we discern no reversible error.
    The principles that govern the admission of coconspirator
    statements are old hat.    Out-of-court statements offered to prove
    the truth of the matter asserted are generally regarded as hearsay
    and, thus, inadmissible. See Fed. R. Evid. 801(c), 802. But there
    are exceptions.     Pertinently for present purposes, when such a
    statement is offered against a party and is shown to have been
    "made by the party's coconspirator during and in furtherance of the
    conspiracy," it is "not hearsay" and therefore admissible. Fed. R.
    Evid. 801(d)(2)(E).
    If a defendant challenges the admissibility of such a
    statement when it is offered against him, the trial court may
    provisionally admit the evidence and defer its final ruling until
    the close of all the evidence.      See United States v. Perez-Ruiz,
    353 F.3d 1
    , 12 (1st Cir. 2003).    This procedure imposes a two-fold
    obligation upon a protesting defendant: he must object when the
    evidence is first offered and again at the close of all the
    evidence.    See 
    id. In evaluating
    a trial court's refusal to sustain such a
    close-of-evidence objection, we ask whether the record adequately
    evinces "that a conspiracy embracing both the declarant and the
    defendant existed, and that the declarant uttered the statement
    during and in furtherance of the conspiracy."        United States v.
    298 F.3d 47
    , 52 (1st Cir. 2002) (internal quotation mark
    omitted).   The party seeking the benefit of the hearsay exception
    (here, the government) must carry the devoir of persuasion on this
    inquiry and establish the necessary elements by a preponderance of
    the evidence.     
    Id. "If these
    conditions are met, and if there is
    corroboration in the form of extrinsic evidence of the declarant's
    involvement in the conspiracy, then the hearsay barrier is avoided
    and the statement may be admitted." United States v. Bradshaw, 
    281 F.3d 278
    , 283 (1st Cir. 2002).
    1.   Pre-Yemen Statements.   With this framework in place,
    we turn first to certain statements that preceded the Yemen trip.
    The Yemen trip did not take place until February of 2004.
    Abousamra had sought to locate a terrorist training camp in 2002.
    At that time, Pakistan captured his fancy. He solicited assistance
    from Hassan Masood, a confederate who had particularized knowledge
    about that country.
    Armed with Masood's information, Abousamra traveled to
    Pakistan twice that year.     Upon returning, he complained to Masood
    about the futility of his quest.     Abousamra nonetheless noted that
    this cloud had a silver lining: in his travels, he had come across
    a sympathetic contact who had urged him to "do whatever [he could]
    back in America."
    That advice presaged conversations that took place in
    2003 among Abousamra, Abuzahra, and the defendant. Fueled by anger
    over the intervention by the United States in Iraq, the three men
    agreed in principle to participate in jihad against the United
    States.   They discussed possible ways to implement this consensus,
    including    the   assassination   of   political   leaders,   attacks   on
    military bases, and incursions at shopping malls.
    Ultimately, the trio abandoned any plans for mischief-
    making in the United States.       At that point, Abousamra conversed
    with Jason Pippin, a person whom he had met through online Salafi-
    Jihadi forums.     Abousamra sought Pippin's counsel about a possible
    Yemen trip.
    At trial, the government used several of the statements
    that had been made during the foregoing discussions. The defendant
    argues that nothing Abousamra said at those times can satisfy the
    strictures    of   Rule   801(d)(2)(E).     He   insists   that   all    the
    statements preceded the formation of any plan to go to Yemen and,
    a fortiori, did not take place during the conspiracy.             He adds
    that, even when viewed in the most sinister light, the statements
    relate to separate conspiracies that he never joined.          Because the
    defendant challenges these statements for the first time on appeal,
    our review is for plain error.      See 
    Duarte, 246 F.3d at 60
    We find no error, plain or otherwise.          To begin, we
    already have rejected the defendant's atomizing conception that
    each distinct terrorism-oriented thought must be treated as its own
    separate conspiracy.     
    See supra
    Part II(C)(1).          Our rejection is
    consistent with the truism that a conspiracy may "shift its
    priorities from time to time without sacrificing its essential
    Sepulveda, 15 F.3d at 1191
    .          That the conspiracy
    shifted its focus from Pakistan to domestic attacks and then to
    Yemen did not rob it of its essential purpose: waging jihad against
    the United States.     The means may have changed from time to time,
    but the end remained the same.
    Once this essential purpose is understood, it becomes
    evident that none of the statements at issue predate the formation
    of the relevant conspiracy.         All of the statements follow the
    discussions between the defendant and his associates in 2001 about
    terrorist training camps.      What is more, the defendant agreed to
    participate in jihad against the United States before Abousamra's
    exploration of domestic attacks and the trio's investigation into
    the plausibility of a Yemen trip.
    To be sure, Abousamra's flirtation with Pakistan and his
    conversations with Masood occurred earlier.          But even though these
    remarks came beforehand, the law is settled that a "statement made
    by a coconspirator, if in furtherance of the conspiracy, is
    . . . admissible against the defendant even if made prior to the
    defendant's involvement in the conspiracy."                United States v.
    816 F.2d 805
    ,   811   (1st    Cir.   1987).     Judge   Aldrich
    graphically described the underlying rationale: "[A] conspiracy is
    like a train.        When a party knowingly steps aboard, he is part of
    the crew, and assumes conspirator's responsibility for the existing
    freight . . . ."          United States v. Baines, 
    812 F.2d 41
    , 42 (1st
    Cir. 1987).
    2.    Post-Yemen Statements.         After Abuzahra bailed out of
    the Yemen trip, he told Masood his reasons for doing so.                     For his
    part, Abousamra recounted his travels in Yemen and beyond to a
    number of witnesses. These post-Yemen oral histories were admitted
    at   trial.        The    defendant      maintains   that    by   the   time      these
    statements     were       made,    the   conspiracy    had    ended     as   to     the
    declarants: he says that Abuzahra abandoned the conspiracy by
    leaving Yemen early and that, by the time Abousamra spoke, there
    was no one left with whom he could have been conspiring.                     Because
    these fact-laden claims of error were preserved below, we review
    them for clear error.         See 
    Sepulveda, 15 F.3d at 1180
    With respect to Abousamra, the defendant's attempt to
    limit the conspiracy to Yemen alone casts the net too narrowly. As
    we   already       have   explained,      the    defendant   continued       to   seek
    opportunities to engage in jihad well after his return from Yemen.
    See supra
    Part II(A).             Furthermore, the defendant's claim ignores
    entirely the charged conspiracy to provide false information to the
    government — a conspiracy that continued long after the Yemen trip.
    The      defendant's     plaint      that    Abuzahra     abandoned     the
    conspiracy is equally asthenic.                  "[I]n order to withdraw from a
    conspiracy, a conspirator must act affirmatively either to defeat
    or disavow the purposes of the conspiracy," such as by confessing
    to the authorities or informing his coconspirators that he has
    forsaken the conspiracy and its goals.                     
    Piper, 298 F.3d at 53
    (internal       quotation     marks       omitted).       Abuzahra     took   no    such
    affirmative       steps     but,    rather,      merely   eschewed      contact     with
    Abousamra and the defendant upon his return from Yemen.                       Avoiding
    contact with one's coconspirators, without more, is not in any way,
    shape,    or      form     tantamount      to     abandoning    the     conspiracy.
    Consequently, the record in this case does not support the notion
    that    Abuzahra       abandoned    the     conspiracy     before      recounting    his
    travels. See 
    id. (explaining that
    "[m]ere cessation of activity in
    furtherance of the conspiracy does not constitute withdrawal from
    a conspiracy" (alteration in original) (internal quotation marks
    There is no need to tarry.             We conclude, without serious
    question, that the court below did not clearly err in admitting the
    post-Yemen statements.
    3.        At-Tibyan      Statements.         We    next    consider     the
    statements       of    more   remote      figures     alleged    to    be   among   the
    defendant's coconspirators.               Once again, we split the inquiry into
    two    parts.         We   start   with    the    defendant's    challenge     to   the
    admission of instant messages from his at-Tibyan collaborators —
    messages that tended to show that al-Qa'ida solicited translations
    from the website's members.
    In the defendant's view, the evidence showing a link
    between at-Tibyan and the charged conspiracy consisted of these
    messages alone — and more was needed in order to invoke the hearsay
    exception. See 
    Bradshaw, 281 F.3d at 283
    (requiring "corroboration
    in the form of extrinsic evidence").       We need not weigh the
    substance of this objection. Even if we assume for argument's sake
    that the district court erred in admitting the at-Tibyan messages,
    the error would be harmless.   After all, a conviction will stand,
    notwithstanding a non-constitutional error, "as long as it can be
    said 'with fair assurance, after pondering all that happened
    without stripping the erroneous action from the whole, that the
    judgment was not substantially swayed by the error.'"   
    Sasso, 695 F.3d at 29
    (quoting Kotteakos v. United States, 
    328 U.S. 750
    , 765
    Our conclusion about the harmlessness of any error is
    easily explained.   In this case, the relevance of the at-Tibyan
    evidence is limited to the translation theory of guilt.    But the
    Griffin Court's teachings, when applied here, render that theory of
    guilt academic.     
    See supra
    Part II(B)(2) (explaining why the
    defendant's conviction would endure even if the evidence were
    insufficient to convict on the translation theory). And if we need
    not consider whether sufficient evidence exists to undergird the
    translation theory of guilt, it would be pointless to evaluate
    whether some of that evidence should have been excluded.8                     It
    follows that any error in the admission of such evidence is
    perforce harmless.       See, e.g., United States v. Mitchell, 
    85 F.3d 800
    , 812 n.11 (1st Cir. 1996).
    4. Al-Qa'ida Statements. The defendant's last challenge
    under Rule 801(d)(2)(E) implicates the district court's failure to
    exclude statements of high-level al-Qa'ida leaders.                  In support,
    the defendant asserts that any connection between those infamous
    figures and himself was too attenuated to warrant admission of the
    This   might   be   a   different   case   had   the    challenged
    statements been admitted for their truth. The government suggested
    below that these statements qualified for the Rule 801(d)(2)(E)
    exception because al-Qa'ida leaders "called for individuals to come
    join al Qa'ida" and the defendant "tried to respond to that call,"
    but the perimeter staked out by the government's rationale seems
    vast.       Arguably, any pro-jihadi Muslim publicly announcing his
    opinions would come within its borders.
    Here, however, we can leave the obvious concerns raised
    by this scenario for another day.             It is virtually a tautology to
    Of course, it is possible that this evidence, even if
    harmless as to guilt, might have been so incendiary as to offend
    Federal Rule of Evidence 403. We consider this possibility infra.
    say that in order to require a hearsay exception, a piece of
    evidence must otherwise satisfy the definition of hearsay.                  See
    United States v. Salameh, 
    152 F.3d 88
    , 112 (2d Cir. 1998).                  To
    qualify as hearsay, a statement must be offered for its truth. See
    Fed. R. Evid. 801(c)(2). The defendant directs us to no statements
    of al-Qa'ida leaders that were admitted to prove the truth of the
    matter asserted.
    This hardly seems to be an oversight.                It would, for
    instance, defy logic to think that the government offered Abu Musab
    al-Zarqawi's invective that "the American administration" has
    "become an utter liar" to prove itself a perpetual prevaricator.
    By the same token, it is plain that the government did not offer
    Osama bin Laden's hypothesis that "[t]he wounds of the Muslims are
    deep, very deep, in every place" to prove the depth and ubiquity of
    Muslim wounds.     Because these coconspirator statements simply do
    not fit within the taxonomy of Rule 801(d)(2)(E), the district
    court did not clearly err in allowing them into evidence over such
    an objection.
    5.      Recapitulation.      The   short   of   it    is   that   the
    defendant's objections to the admission of coconspirator statements
    are unavailing.    Collectively, those objections take too crabbed a
    view of the relevant conspiracy, joust with harmlessly admitted
    evidence, and tilt with windmills by addressing statements that do
    not meet the definition of hearsay.   When all is said and done, the
    objections afford no basis for tampering with the jury's verdict.
    B.   Probative Value/Prejudicial Effect.
    The next cluster of contested evidentiary rulings relates
    to the district court's admission of dozens of terrorism-related
    pictures, videos, and printed materials.        This evidence, the
    defendant insists, vastly exceeded what was necessary to prove the
    government's case, inflamed the jury, and contaminated the verdict.
    Federal Rule of Evidence 403 governs this challenge.
    That rule permits a court to "exclude relevant evidence if its
    probative value is substantially outweighed by a danger of" certain
    pitfalls, including "unfair prejudice" or "needlessly presenting
    cumulative evidence."   Fed. R. Evid. 403.   Within this rubric, the
    term "unfair prejudice" denotes "an undue tendency to suggest
    decision on an improper basis, commonly, though not necessarily, an
    emotional one."   Old Chief v. United States, 
    519 U.S. 172
    , 180
    (1997) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The role of an appellate court in conducting the triage
    that Rule 403 contemplates is narrowly circumscribed.         "With
    respect to evidentiary questions in general and Rule 403 in
    particular, a district court virtually always is in the better
    position to assess the admissibility of the evidence in the context
    of the particular case before it."      Sprint/United Mgmt. Co. v.
    552 U.S. 379
    , 387 (2008).    As a natural corollary of
    the district court's superior coign of vantage, that court's
    striking of the Rule 403 balance between probative value and
    prejudicial effect should not be disturbed unless an abuse of
    discretion looms.       See 
    id. at 384.
        In undertaking such review, we
    afford the district court "especially wide latitude."                       United
    States v. Candelaria-Silva, 
    162 F.3d 698
    , 705 (1st Cir. 1998)
    (internal     quotation    marks   omitted).      "Only    rarely     —    and   in
    extraordinarily compelling circumstances — will we, from the vista
    of a cold appellate record, reverse a district court's on-the-spot
    judgment concerning the relative weighing of probative value and
    unfair effect."       
    Pires, 642 F.3d at 12
    (quoting Freeman v. Package
    Mach. Co., 
    865 F.2d 1331
    , 1340 (1st Cir. 1988)).
    With this deferential standard in mind, we turn to the
    defendant's contention that terrorist media admitted at trial
    incited the jury to irrational decisionmaking.               We begin with a
    frank acknowledgment that the collection of terrorist-related media
    introduced     into    evidence    was   extensive.        According       to    the
    defendant, the "most disturbing" items referenced beheadings.                    For
    example, one witness testified about portions of a video in which
    Abu   Musab    al-Zarqawi    extolled      the   decapitation   of        American
    businessman     Nicholas    Berg   while    images    of   deceased       American
    soldiers were displayed on screen.9 Other testimony indicated that
    While this evidence was terrifying, we think that the
    district court's handling of it was emblematic of the court's
    measured approach: the court allowed descriptive testimony but did
    the defendant circulated a video depicting the beheading of Wall
    Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl.
    Of course, the defendant's Rule 403 challenge goes well
    beyond evidence of beheadings.        He also assails the government's
    introduction of more than thirty propaganda video clips, such as
    al-Qa'ida's State of the Ummah; statements of Osama bin Laden and
    Ayman al-Zawahiri in book and interview form; and dozens of images
    portraying gripping scenes, such as the World Trade Center engulfed
    in flames and al-Qa'ida leaders exhorting their followers.
    The defendant remonstrates that any appropriate use of
    these materials was overwhelmed by the prejudice inherent in them.
    This remonstrance lies at the heart of the defendant's claim of
    error.   We test its soundness.
    In   this    instance,   the    first   half   of   the   probative
    value/prejudicial effect dichotomy is easily satisfied.              Evidence
    is relevant if it tends to make a material fact more or less
    likely. See Fed. R. Evid. 401. The persuasiveness of the evidence
    with respect to such a fact is an appropriate proxy for its
    probative force.       See United States v. Lachman, 
    48 F.3d 58
    6, 591
    (1st Cir. 1995).
    The government proffered all of the disputed evidence on
    the theory that the defendant either saw or read it and shaped his
    not permit the video itself to be shown to the jury.
    worldview accordingly.         The evidence was relevant, the government
    says, for two reasons.
    The first reason (stressed by the government at oral
    argument) is breathtaking in its scope: the government labeled the
    defendant's crimes "ideological" and argued that, as a result, his
    speech and beliefs, as well as the writings and videos that he
    consumed were integral to the charged crimes.                   We do not accept
    this sweeping proposition.
    Courts must be wary of the particular perils associated
    with prosecutions centered on ideology (which include, to use the
    government's phrase, prosecutions centered on "propaganda").                     An
    objective       observer    might    well   regard    the    sprawling   taxonomy
    suggested by the government as a thinly disguised effort to saddle
    defendants indiscriminately with the criminal and cultural baggage
    of internationally notorious terrorists.              The government's embrace
    of such a theory smacks of overreaching, and we give that theory no
    We have much less difficulty with the government's second
    (more traditional) reason for urging a finding of relevance.                    The
    government argues convincingly that the defendant's motive and
    intent    are    material    facts    and   that     the    disputed   media   have
    probative value with respect to those facts.                   Specifically, the
    government posits that the defendant, inspired by terrorist rants,
    developed an anti-American animus, which culminated in his decision
    to travel to Yemen to join in al-Qa'ida's struggle.                 The pictures,
    videos, and literature that he absorbed and endorsed during that
    evolutionary process, as well as the materials that he used to
    recruit others to follow a similar path, doubtless bear on his
    motive and intent. See, e.g., United States v. El-Mezain, 
    664 F.3d 467
    , 509-10 (5th Cir. 2011) (holding that material seized from the
    defendant, "including images of violence and videos glorifying
    Hamas and depicting Hamas leaders, was probative of the motive or
    intent of the [defendant] to support Hamas"), cert. denied, 133 S.
    Ct. 525 (2012); United States v. Jayyousi, 
    657 F.3d 1085
    , 1108
    (11th Cir. 2011) (holding that televised interview with Osama bin
    Laden was properly admitted as "state of mind evidence"); United
    States    v.    Abu-Jihaad,      
    630 F.3d 102
    ,    133-34    (2d   Cir.   2010)
    (affirming conclusion that "pro-jihadist contents of the videos
    were   relevant      to   understanding       [the    defendant's]     motive    and
    intent").       While no picture, video, book, or tract spoke directly
    to the defendant's purpose in going to Yemen, evidence need not
    achieve the conspicuousness of a smoking gun in order to have
    probative value.
    Probative value, however, is only one pan of the scale.
    For    Rule    403   purposes,    that   value       must   be   juxtaposed     with
    prejudicial effect (or, more precisely, with unfairly prejudicial
    effect).       The juxtaposition in this case, the defendant suggests,
    indicates that the probative value of the evidence is substantially
    To prove his point, the defendant argues long and loud
    that the situation here reprises the situation in United States v.
    545 F.3d 139
    (2d Cir. 2008).       The defendants there were
    convicted of, among other things, conspiring and attempting to
    provide material support to Hamas.       
    Id. at 145.
      On appeal, they
    complained about the admission of the testimony of Gideon Black,
    who gave a graphic, first-hand account concerning a suicide bombing
    aboard a bus in Tel Aviv.    
    Id. at 152-53.
       They likewise complained
    about the testimony of Yahya Goba, who told the jury about an al-
    Qa'ida training camp that he attended, recounting Osama bin Laden's
    visit there and commenting on a video documenting that visit.      
    Id. at 156-57.
    The Second Circuit concluded that this testimony had been
    improvidently admitted.      In reaching this conclusion, the court
    found the probative value of Black's testimony infinitesimal:
    although the government offered the testimony to establish the
    defendants' knowledge of Hamas's violent activities, the "bombing
    was almost entirely unrelated to the elements of the charges," 
    id. at 161,
    and in all events the defendants had offered to stipulate
    unqualifiedly to their knowledge that Hamas engaged in violent
    id. at 160-61.
        Thus, Black's "extended account of the
    tragedy        could   not   reasonably   be    considered   part    of"   the
    government's narrative.          
    Id. at 161.
    The court offered much the same critique with respect to
    Goba.        A "mujahidin form" required for entry into al-Qa'ida camps
    mentioned one defendant, and the ostensible purpose of Goba's
    testimony was to explain that form's significance.                
    Id. at 156.
    Despite the tenuous nature of this link to the case, the district
    court "never appear[ed] to have assessed the probative value" of
    the testimony. 
    Id. at 163.
    Without some "assurance that the court
    conscientiously balanced the probative value of the testimony
    against its prejudicial effect," the "highly inflammatory and
    irrelevant" testimony and accompanying bin Laden video should have
    been excluded.         
    Id. It is
    hen's-teeth rare that two cases involving different
    parties, different facts, and different scenarios will be of much
    assistance        through    a    comparative    analysis    of     Rule   403
    determinations.        These determinations are case-specific and it is
    readily apparent that Al-Moayad and the case at hand are not fair
    congeners. Although the defendant's counsel in this case stated at
    one point that he could "virtually stipulate to the defendant's
    state of mind," no actual stipulation was ever proffered or made.10
    We do not mean to imply that a stipulation would necessarily
    have dictated the result of a Rule 403 analysis. To the contrary,
    "the prosecutor's choice [not to accept a defendant's stipulation]
    will generally survive a Rule 403 analysis when a defendant seeks
    to force the substitution of an admission for evidence creating a
    Perhaps   more   important,   the   evidence   of   which   the
    defendant complains was (unlike the evidence challenged in Al-
    Moayad) central to the government's narrative: the government's
    case depended on proving that the defendant's actions emanated from
    views that, over time, had aligned with al-Qa'ida's.          The media
    that he consumed en route to forming those views is a salient part
    of the story.
    Moreover, that part of the story was fiercely contested.
    Although the defendant indicated a willingness to admit that he
    admired al-Qa'ida's ideals, he steadfastly disassociated himself
    from any anti-American actions involving violence.       As he put it,
    his beliefs "would prevent [him] from attacking fellow Americans
    within the United States or outside of it."     In the same vein, his
    counsel cast Yemen as nothing more than a "free trip" for the
    defendant to "do what he wanted to do" — seek out a scholarly
    community. The challenged evidence helped to tell a different tale
    — and it tended to make the defendant's account less believable.
    We summarize succinctly.      On the pivotal issue of his
    state of mind with respect to his Yemen trip, the defendant refused
    coherent narrative of his thoughts and actions in perpetrating the
    offense for which he is being tried." United States v. Balsam, 
    203 F.3d 72
    , 84 (1st Cir. 2000) (alteration in original) (quoting Old
    Chief, 519 U.S. at 192
    ); see United States v. Hammoud, 
    381 F.3d 316
    , 342 n.12 (4th Cir. 2004) (en banc) (explaining that where
    proffered stipulation "would not relieve the Government of the
    burden of demonstrating that [the defendant] knew that Hizballah
    engaged in terrorist activity," it did not have to be accepted),
    vacated on other grounds, 
    125 S. Ct. 1051
    to yield an inch.     His objections below largely overlooked (or, at
    least,     implausibly     discounted)   the   potential   value   of    the
    challenged evidence in undercutting his insistence that his motive
    in   going    to   Yemen    was   benign.      Al-Moayad   is,   therefore,
    distinguishable.     See 
    El-Mezain, 664 F.3d at 511
    Al-Moayad "because evidence of Hamas violence found on the premises
    of [the defendant] tended to rebut the defendants' denial that they
    supported Hamas").
    Even apart from Al-Moayad, the defendant mounts an all-
    out attack on the Rule 403 balancing performed by the court below.
    Despite the deferential standard of review, we do not suggest that
    such decisions are by any means insulated from effective appellate
    oversight. Indeed, we have demonstrated our willingness to reverse
    such rulings when the interests of justice so require.           We did so,
    for instance, in a case in which "there were no findings on
    prejudice and probativeness, and a 'hair-trigger' decision was
    made."   Rubert-Torres v. Hosp. San Pablo, Inc., 
    205 F.3d 472
    , 479
    (1st Cir. 2000).
    Here, however, the record is replete with manifestations
    of the district court's conscientious Rule 403 evaluations.             There
    would be little point in cataloguing each and every illustration of
    the court's careful stewardship.            One concrete example should
    At   oral     argument,    the        defendant   emphasized     the
    prejudicial impact of the "Texas BBQ" video — so called because the
    defendant used that phrase to refer to the remains of American
    soldiers shown in the video.       When the defendant objected to this
    evidence, the district court entertained arguments on both the
    importance of the evidence to the government and its potential to
    inflame the jury.        After fully considering these arguments, the
    court found that the video would be "very probative" in rebutting
    the defendant's mantra that his moderate beliefs prevented him from
    attacking     Americans.      Relatedly,       the    court    determined    that
    describing the more gruesome elements through witness testimony,
    rather than publishing the video to the jury, would go "a great
    distance to minimizing unfair prejudice" and would render the video
    "significantly less inflammatory." Such painstaking consideration
    of a Rule 403 objection hardly can be deemed arbitrary, and the
    defendant directs us to no other portion of the record indicating
    that   the   district    court   engaged      in    anything   approaching   the
    thoughtless discarding of Rule 403 issues.
    The defendant's most powerful argument under Rule 403 is
    fueled by the sheer mass of the circumstantial evidence introduced
    by the government to show motive and intent.              Dozens of terrorist
    videos, writings, and images are in play here.                 This raises the
    specter, skillfully evoked by the defendant and some of the amici,
    that the cumulative effect of the evidence caused unfair prejudice.
    The district court addressed this cumulativeness concern
    on several occasions.      We offer two representative vignettes.
    On the 10th day of trial, the court noted its concern
    "that at some point the evidence becomes so cumulative that unfair
    prejudice outweighs probative value."           The court found, however,
    that "we're not at that point."           On the 25th day of trial, the
    court overruled an objection that the government's evidence was so
    cumulative as to be unfairly prejudicial.         The court observed that
    the very volume of terrorism evidence viewed by the defendant
    "might have some probative value as to [his] obsessiveness" with
    the subject.
    There is a line past which the government's introduction
    of relevant evidence for the legitimate advancement of its case
    goes too far.     When that line is crossed, fair play morphs into
    piling on.      But that line is hard to draw, and there is no
    mathematically precise way in which to plot it.
    When we pressed the parties at oral argument as to when
    and where the district court should have drawn the line, neither
    side gave us any serviceable guide for determining which particular
    video, image, or book was the straw that broke the camel's back.
    Rather, the parties resorted to generalities.
    The parties' inability to plot a well-defined line is
    understandable.     The    point   at   which   relevant   and    admissible
    evidence   lapses   into   relevant     but   cumulative   (and    therefore
    inadmissible) evidence is murky.                    Moreover, it is different in
    every case. A court simply cannot say with any degree of assurance
    that thirteen images of Osama bin Laden may safely be admitted, but
    that the fourteenth image ought to be excluded.
    In the last analysis, the lack of a scientifically
    accurate measuring device reinforces both the importance of the
    trial   judge's       role      and    the   wisdom       of     affording    substantial
    deference to his balancing decision.                  In this case, we think it is
    plain   that    the       question     of    whether       the    quantum     of   evidence
    introduced by the government crossed the indistinct boundary that
    separates      the    permissible          from     the    impermissible       is    fairly
    debatable.     The district court gave this fairly debatable question
    careful   attention,         and      we   are    reluctant       to    second-guess    its
    judgment.      After all, "the very closeness of the question favors
    the district court's reconciliation of the competing centrifugal
    and centripetal forces" that attend the striking of the delicate
    balance that Rule 403 demands.                   
    Pires, 642 F.3d at 12
    .            We hold,
    therefore, that the district court's rejection of the defendant's
    cumulativeness objections, though not inevitable, was not an abuse
    of discretion.
    Let     us    be    perfectly        clear.         We    are   mindful   that
    terrorism-related evidence is often emotionally charged.                            Courts,
    with good reason, have on occasion termed such evidence "alarming,"
    United States v. Benkahla, 
    530 F.3d 300
    , 310 (4th Cir. 2008),
    Salameh, 152 F.3d at 122
    , and even "blood curdling,"
    United States v. Mubayyid, 
    658 F.3d 35
    , 56 (1st Cir. 2011).                                       But
    much of this emotional overlay is directly related to the nature of
    the crimes that the defendant has set out to commit.                                   It should not
    surprise       a    defendant         that       proof    of        his    participation         in
    conspiracies to provide material support to terrorist organizations
    and   to       kill    Americans           here     and    abroad          will    engender      the
    presentation          of    evidence        offensive          to    the     sensibilities        of
    civilized people.               See 
    El-Mezain, 664 F.3d at 511
    .                           Terrorism
    trials are not to be confused with high tea at Buckingham Palace.
    The     Fifth      Circuit          wisely       observed,          in     analogous
    circumstances,         that      in    a    terrorism          case,       "it    is    inescapable
    . . . that there would be some evidence about violence and
    terrorist activity."             
    Id. So it
    is here.
    This brings us to the ultimate question that underlies a
    claim of error based on Rule 403: whether the district court abused
    its   discretion           in   holding       that       the    probative         worth     of    the
    challenged         evidence      was       not    substantially             outweighed      by    its
    prejudicial impact.             We think that this question must be answered
    favorably to the district court.
    The government's evidence plainly packed an emotional
    punch, but Rule 403 does not ensure that trials — even criminal
    trials     —    will       be   antiseptic         affairs.               Litigants      invariably
    introduce particular evidence as part of an effort to sway jurors
    to their point of view.          In that sense, "all evidence is meant to
    be prejudicial." United States v. Rodriguez-Estrada, 
    877 F.2d 153
    156 (1st Cir. 1989).        Rule 403 was never designed to alter that
    reality.   "[I]t is only unfair prejudice which must be avoided."
    Id. (emphasis in
    We   cannot   say    that   the   district   court's    Rule   403
    determinations offended this principle.             For the most part, the
    evidence of which the defendant complains served to discredit his
    claim that his purpose in Yemen was innocuous. This is significant
    because "[e]vidence which tends to rebut a defendant's claim of
    innocent action is unlikely to be unduly prejudicial."              El 
    Mezain, 664 F.3d at 509
    .      The court below carefully superintended the ebb
    and flow of the evidence, displayed a high degree of sensitivity in
    regard to Rule 403 concerns, took pains to minimize the impact of
    potentially inflammatory bits of evidence, and gave the jury
    suitably prophylactic instructions. There is no reason to believe,
    on this record, that the verdict was the result of passion or
    C.   Thumbnails.
    The defendant has an additional shot in his sling.             He
    objects here, as he did below, to the admission of "thumbnail"
    images retrieved from his computer.            In support, he argues that
    such images can exist on a person's computer without the person's
    involvement or knowledge.
    The defendant couches this argument in the idiom of Rule
    403 — but this may not be a Rule 403 objection at all.               Instead, it
    may properly be viewed either as an objection to the relevance of
    the evidence, see Fed. R. Evid. 401, or as an objection to the lack
    of a proper foundation, see Fed. R. Evid. 901.
    In the end, it does not matter how we characterize this
    objection.     Regardless, the objection goes to the weight of the
    evidence, not to its admissibility. One logical inference from the
    discovery of the thumbnails is that the defendant viewed and
    approved of such images.             See 
    El-Mezain, 664 F.3d at 510
    .          The
    government was free to argue in favor of this inference, and the
    defendant was free to argue otherwise.              Jurors are not so naive
    that they must be shielded from choosing among reasonable but
    competing inferences extractable from proven facts.
    To say more would be pointless.              The objection to the
    introduction of the thumbnails was appropriately overruled.
    D.   Failure to Disclose.
    The next disputed evidentiary ruling is of a different
    genre.   In a criminal case, the Fifth Amendment imposes certain
    disclosure    obligations       on    the   government.      These   disclosure
    obligations were most famously articulated in the Supreme Court's
    watershed decision in Brady v. Maryland, 
    373 U.S. 83
    The   Brady   Court     held   that   "the    suppression   by   the
    prosecution of evidence favorable to an accused upon request
    violates due process."        
    Id. at 87.
         This "no-fault disclosure
    obligation," Haley v. City of Boston, 
    657 F.3d 39
    , 48 (1st Cir.
    2011), applies "irrespective of the good faith or bad faith of the
    Brady, 373 U.S. at 87
    It is important to remember that in Brady, the Court
    "wielded a scalpel, not a meat-axe."        
    Haley, 657 F.3d at 48
    .         "The
    Justices made it transparently clear that the newly announced no-
    fault disclosure obligation does not cover all evidence but,
    rather, only 'evidence [that] is material either to guilt or to
    Id. (alteration in
    original) (quoting 
    Brady, 373 U.S. at 87
    ). This taxonomy includes any evidence that fairly tends
    to negate guilt, mitigate punishment, or undermine the credibility
    of government witnesses, including evidence known only to police
    investigators and not to the prosecutor.         See Strickler v. Greene,
    527 U.S. 263
    ,   281-82   (1999).     Reversal   is   warranted    if   the
    government    improperly     withholds   Brady   material   and   prejudice
    results.     See 
    id. The defendant
    in this case essays a Brady claim.                He
    alleges that defense counsel received a tip that his client had
    refused a solicitation, relayed through either an undercover agent
    or a cooperating informant, to engage in criminal acts.              He moved
    to compel production of this evidence.           The government responded
    with a representation that it possessed no such evidence.
    The district court held a hearing on this motion.
    Following the hearing, the court reviewed in camera an ex parte
    proffer by the government. It then denied the defendant's motion.
    It is to this ruling that the defendant takes exception.
    The defendant's position can be stated without much
    ceremony.     He suggests that evidence of his refusal to commit a
    crime would have reinforced a central theme of the defense: that
    although    he   may     have   sympathized    with   al-Qa'ida   and    spoken
    glowingly of the virtues of jihad, he nonetheless avoided crossing
    the line into criminal activity.             The defendant further suggests
    that such evidence would have impeached Abuzahra's testimony that
    the defendant was ready and willing to commit terrorist acts.
    We have inspected the government's in camera submission.
    Due to the confidential nature of this submission, we think it
    prudent to refrain from any detailed description.                 For present
    purposes, it suffices to say that both the content and the timing
    of the contact disclosed in the government's in camera submission
    militate against a finding that the conversation in question
    constituted      Brady    material.     First,    the   transcript      of   that
    conversation does not show any solicitation of the defendant's
    participation in further terrorist acts.           Second, given the timing
    of the contact, even a rebuffed solicitation would have had no real
    probative value.
    We review a district court's decision that particular
    evidence     does   not    constitute     Brady    material     for      abuse    of
    discretion.    See United States v. DeCologero, 
    530 F.3d 36
    , 65 (1st
    Cir. 2008).
    Because the material withheld by the government was
    tangential    to    the   issues   in    the   case,   we    find   no   abuse    of
    discretion in the district court's judgment that the material was
    not "discoverable."
    E.    Expert Witnesses.
    The last group of contested evidentiary rulings deals
    with expert witnesses.          The defendant sought to present no fewer
    than eight experts at trial.            The district court allowed six of
    these experts to testify, but excluded the remaining two.                        The
    defendant complains about the dual exclusion.                 We review orders
    excluding expert witnesses for abuse of discretion. See Kumho Tire
    Co. v. Carmichael, 
    526 U.S. 137
    , 141-42 (1999); United States v.
    832 F.2d 1299
    , 1310 (1st Cir. 1987).
    The first excluded expert was Dr. Steven Durlauf.                     The
    defendant sought to have him present mathematical formulae for the
    purpose of undermining the opinion of one of the government's
    experts, Evan Kohlmann, with respect to the latter's method of
    defining who was an al-Qa'ida adherent.                     The district court
    rejected this proffered testimony on the primary ground that
    Kohlmann never claimed that his conclusions comported with, or were
    based        upon,    scientific   standards.11     We   discern   no    abuse   of
    Under Federal Rule of Evidence 702, a district court
    pondering whether to admit expert testimony must determine, among
    other things, whether the proffered testimony is tied closely
    enough to the facts to "assist the trier of fact."                      Daubert v.
    Merrell Dow Pharm., Inc., 
    509 U.S. 579
    , 591-93 (1993); see United
    States v. Shay, 
    57 F.3d 126
    , 132-33 (1st Cir. 1995).               To forge this
    link, there must be "a valid connection . . . between the expert's
    testimony and a disputed issue."            
    Shay, 57 F.3d at 133
    Viewed against this backdrop, the district court had a
    plausible basis for rejecting Dr. Durlauf's testimony.                   There was
    simply no "fit" between what Kohlmann described as the basis for
    his opinion and the criticism of that opinion that Dr. Durlauf
    proposed       to     make.   Admitting   Dr.     Durlauf's   testimony     would,
    therefore, have been akin to inserting a square peg into a round
    The second excluded expert witness was Dr. Brian Glyn
    Williams.            The defendant tendered this witness in a professed
    effort to rebut Kohlmann's testimony about both the efficacy of
    jihadi videos in generating recruits for al-Qa'ida and the purpose
    As an alternative ground for exclusion, the district court
    pointed out that the defendant had not given the government proper
    notice of the substance of Dr. Durlauf's proposed testimony. See
    Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(b)(1)(C). There is no need for us to address
    this alternative ground.
    behind    the   production   of   those    videos.   The   district    court
    determined that this testimony would not be helpful to the jury.
    This ruling, too, was within the compass of the district court's
    It is common ground that a trial court may bar expert
    testimony if that testimony will not assist the jury to sort out
    contested issues.     See Fed. R. Evid. 702; see also 
    Daubert, 509 U.S. at 592-93
    ; United States v. Tetioukhine, 
    725 F.3d 1
    , 6-8 (1st
    Cir. 2013).     In this case, whether the jihadi videos discussed by
    Kohlmann were effective as a recruiting tool was a non-issue.
    Rather, the relevant issue was whether the defendant intended to
    provide material support by helping al-Qa'ida to produce the
    videos.    See, e.g., Al 
    Kassar, 660 F.3d at 129
    Jayyousi, 657 F.3d at 1105
    . Even if the videos were not an effective recruiting tool,
    this lack of efficacy would not dissipate the defendant's criminal
    intent. Seen in this light, Dr. Williams's proffered testimony had
    no bearing on the relevant issue and perforce would not have helped
    the jury to resolve it.
    Much the same can be said about Dr. Williams's proffered
    testimony about al-Qa'ida's purpose in making the videos.             Within
    the margins of this prosecution, it was immaterial whether al-
    Qa'ida's purpose was for recruiting (as Kohlmann indicated) or to
    boost morale (as Dr. Williams would have testified).          Either way,
    the videos would constitute material support.         Paving the way for
    the jury to choose between the witnesses' competing assessments of
    al-Qa'ida's aims would, therefore, have been an empty exercise.
    See, e.g., United States v. Maxwell, 
    254 F.3d 21
    , 25-26 (1st Cir.
    We add a coda.     The proffered testimony of Drs. Durlauf
    and Williams was cumulative.        One of the expert witnesses who was
    allowed to testify on the defendant's behalf, Dr. Marc Sageman,
    made essentially the same points that the defendant sought to
    pursue through the two excluded experts.       The cumulative nature of
    the excluded testimony, in itself, adequately underpinned the
    district court's exclusionary rulings.        See Bobby v. Van Hook, 
    558 U.S. 4
    , 12 (2009) (per curiam); LaPlace-Bayard v. Batlle, 
    295 F.3d 157
    , 163-64 (1st Cir. 2002).
    We   have   one   more   stop   before   we   reach   our   final
    destination.    The probation office prepared the presentence report
    based on the 2011 version of the federal sentencing guidelines, and
    the district court embraced that premise.           The defendant asserts
    that the court should have used the November 2003 version of the
    guidelines because the relevant criminal activity was the Yemen
    trip (which occurred early in 2004).
    This bevue is material, the defendant says, because of a
    key difference between the two editions of the guidelines.             That
    difference came about when the Sentencing Commission amended the
    guidelines in November of 2004.          See USSG §2A1.5(a) (Nov. 2004).
    The amendment, which remained in place through ensuing editions of
    the guidelines (up to and including the November 2011 edition), had
    the effect of boosting the defendant's base offense level (BOL) by
    five levels for one of the linchpin counts of conviction.12 Compare
    id. §2A1.5(a) (Nov.
    2003), with 
    id. §2A1.5(a) (Nov.
    As a general rule, a sentencing court should use the
    version of the guidelines in effect at the time of the disposition
    hearing.    See United States v. Harotunian, 
    920 F.2d 1040
    , 1041-42
    (1st Cir. 1990).      But this rule, like every other general rule,
    admits of exceptions.      One such exception obtains when the Ex Post
    Facto Clause, U.S. Const. art. I, § 9, cl. 3, is implicated.                The
    application of a particular version of the guidelines raises ex
    post    facto   concerns   if   that    version   increases   the   level   of
    punishment for a crime above that in place when the crime was
    committed.      See Peugh v. United States, 
    133 S. Ct. 2072
    , 2078
    The district court sentenced the defendant in 2012.
    Thus, in the absence of ex post facto implications, the then-
    current edition of the sentencing guidelines (published in November
    The seven counts of conviction were grouped for sentencing
    purposes. See USSG §3D1.2. The amendment in question affected
    count 2, which was one of the counts that had the highest BOL and,
    thus, figured prominently in the overall sentencing calculus.
    2011) was the appropriate reference point.           See 
    Harotunian, 920 F.2d at 1041-42
    The defendant counters that his culpable activity was
    complete before the guidelines were amended in 2004.            To avoid ex
    post facto concerns, therefore, the court should have employed the
    earlier, less draconian, version of the guidelines, promulgated in
    November 2003.     To the extent that this assignment of error poses
    a question of law, it engenders de novo review.        See United States
    v. Goergen, 
    683 F.3d 1
    , 3 (1st Cir. 2012); United States v.
    28 F.3d 223
    , 226 (1st Cir. 1994). To the extent, however,
    that it hinges on the sentencing court's factfinding, it can be
    disturbed   only   if   that   factfinding    is   shown   to   be   clearly
    erroneous. See United States v. David, 
    940 F.2d 722
    , 739 (1st Cir.
    We acknowledge that the defendant's premise is largely
    correct: if all of the culpable criminal activity were completed
    before the relevant guidelines were made more stringent, then the
    district court would in all probability have had to apply the
    earlier version of the guidelines.13         See, e.g., United States v.
    37 F.3d 687
    , 698-700 (1st Cir. 1994); Harotunian, 
    920 F.2d 13
           We hedge this statement because, as an alternative ground
    in support of the sentencing court's use of the 2011 version of the
    guidelines, the government asks us to apply the so-called "one
    book" rule.    See USSG §1B1.11(b)(2); 
    Goergen, 683 F.3d at 3
    Inasmuch as we conclude that the charged conspiracies extended
    beyond the effective date of the 2004 amendment, we do not reach
    this issue.
    at 1042.      But the conclusion that the defendant draws from this
    premise is wrong.         The sentencing court determined as a matter of
    fact, at least impliedly, that the charged conspiracies continued
    well   into    2006.        The    court    similarly       determined    that   the
    defendant's culpable conduct continued for that same period of
    time. These determinations are not clearly erroneous; indeed, they
    are consistent with the heavy weight of the evidence adduced at
    See supra
    Part II(A).
    Seen   in   this     light,   the      defendant's   assignment    of
    sentencing error falters.           Because his culpable criminal activity
    continued past the point when the November 2004 amendment to the
    guidelines went into effect, the district court did not err in
    using the current version of the guidelines.                   "[T]he guidelines
    apply to a defendant whose offense begins before the guidelines'
    effective date and continues after the effective date." 
    David, 940 F.2d at 739
    . When a defendant participates in a conspiracy and the
    duration of that conspiracy extends past the effective date of a
    change in the guidelines, the new version of the guidelines
    ordinarily     applies     to     the   whole   of    the   defendant's   culpable
    conduct. See United States v. Aviles, 
    518 F.3d 1228
    , 1230-31 (11th
    Cir. 2008); United States v. Zimmer, 
    299 F.3d 710
    , 717-18 (8th Cir.
    2002); United States v. Regan, 
    989 F.2d 44
    , 48 (1st Cir. 1993).                   In
    such a scenario, no ex post facto concerns are present.
    That ends this aspect of the matter.         We hold that the
    district    court   appropriately   referred   to   the   version   of   the
    guidelines then in effect — the 2011 version — when sentencing the
    Cases like this one present a formidable challenge to the
    parties and to the trial court: the charged crimes are heinous, the
    evidentiary record is vast, the legal issues are sophisticated, and
    the nature of the charges ensures that any trial will be electric.
    In this instance, all concerned rose to meet this formidable
    challenge.    The lawyers on both sides performed admirably, and the
    able district judge presided over the case with care, skill, and
    circumspection.     After a painstaking appraisal of the record, the
    briefs, and the relevant case law, we are confident — for the
    reasons elucidated above — that the defendant was fairly tried,
    justly convicted, and lawfully sentenced.
    We do not pretend to understand why the defendant chose
    to go down such a treacherous path.        Nevertheless, the jury found
    that he knowingly and intentionally made that choice, and that
    finding is both supported by the clear weight of the evidence and
    untainted by legal error.     We need go no further.
    18 U.S.C. § 371. Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United
    If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense
    against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any
    agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of
    such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy,
    each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than
    five years, or both.
    If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of
    the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such
    conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for
    such misdemeanor.
    18 U.S.C. § 956. Conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim, or injure
    persons or damage property in a foreign country
    (a)       (1)   Whoever,    within    the    jurisdiction      of    the    United
    States,   conspires      with     one    or   more   other      persons,
    regardless of where such other person or persons are
    located, to commit at any place outside the United States
    an act that would constitute the offense of murder,
    kidnapping,      or   maiming     if    committed    in   the    special
    maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United
    States shall, if any of the conspirators commits an act
    within the jurisdiction of the United States to effect
    any object of the conspiracy, be punished as provided in
    subsection (a)(2).
    *     *   *
    (b)   Whoever,   within   the   jurisdiction   of   the    United    States,
    conspires with one or more persons, regardless of where such other
    person or persons are located, to damage or destroy specific
    property situated within a foreign country and belonging to a
    foreign government or to any political subdivision thereof with
    which the United States is at peace, or any railroad, canal,
    bridge,   airport,   airfield,    or   other   public     utility,   public
    conveyance, or public structure, or any religious, educational, or
    cultural property so situated, shall, if any of the conspirators
    commits an act within the jurisdiction of the United States to
    effect any object of the conspiracy, be imprisoned not more than 25
    18 U.S.C. § 1001. Statements or entries generally
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any
    matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or
    judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly
    and willfully—
    (1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick,
    scheme, or device a material fact;
    (2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent
    statement or representation; or
    (3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing
    the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or
    fraudulent statement or entry;
    shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years
    or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as
    defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or
    both.   If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 109A,
    109B, 110, or 117, or section 1591, then the term of imprisonment
    imposed under this section shall be not more than 8 years.
    *   *   *
    18 U.S.C. § 2332. Criminal penalties
    (a) Homicide.—Whoever kills a national of the United States, while
    such national is outside the United States, shall—
    (1) if the killing is murder (as defined in section
    1111(a)), be fined under this title, punished by death or
    imprisonment for any term of years or for life, or both;
    (2) if the killing is a voluntary manslaughter as defined
    in section 1112(a) of this title, be fined under this
    title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and
    (3) if the killing is an involuntary manslaughter as
    defined in section 1112(a) of this title, be fined under
    this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or
    (b) Attempt or conspiracy with respect to homicide.—Whoever outside
    the United States attempts to kill, or engages in a conspiracy to
    kill, a national of the United States shall—
    (1) in the case of an attempt to commit a killing that is
    a murder as defined in this chapter, be fined under this
    title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both; and
    (2) in the case of a conspiracy by two or more persons to
    commit a killing that is a murder as defined in section
    1111(a) of this title, if one or more of such persons do
    any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, be
    fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of
    years or for life, or both so fined and so imprisoned.
    *   *     *
    (d) Limitation on prosecution.—No prosecution for any offense
    described in this section shall be undertaken by the United States
    except on written certification of the Attorney General or the
    highest       ranking     subordinate    of    the   Attorney    General     with
    responsibility for criminal prosecutions that, in the judgment of
    the certifying official, such offense was intended to coerce,
    intimidate,      or     retaliate   against    a   government   or   a   civilian
    18 U.S.C. § 2339A. Providing material support to terrorists
    (a) Offense.—Whoever provides material support or resources or
    conceals or disguises the nature, location, source, or ownership of
    material support or resources, knowing or intending that they are
    to be used in preparation for, or in carrying out, a violation of
    section 32, 37, 81, 175, 229, 351, 831, 842(m) or (n), 844(f) or
    (i), 930(c), 956, 1091, 1114, 1116, 1203, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1366,
    1751, 1992, 2155, 2156, 2280, 2281, 2332, 2332a, 2332b, 2332f,
    2340A, or 2442 of this title, section 236 of the Atomic Energy Act
    of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284), section 46502 or 60123(b) of title 49, or
    any offense listed in section 2332b(g)(5)(B) (except for sections
    2339A and 2339B) or in preparation for, or in carrying out, the
    concealment of an escape from the commission of any such violation,
    or attempts or conspires to do such an act, shall be fined under
    this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both, and, if the
    death of any person results, shall be imprisoned for any term of
    years or for life.   A violation of this section may be prosecuted
    in any Federal judicial district in which the underlying offense
    was committed, or in any other Federal judicial district as
    provided by law.
    (b) Definitions.—As used in this section —
    (1) the term "material support or resources" means any
    property, tangible or intangible, or service, including
    currency or monetary instruments or financial securities,
    financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or
    assistance,    safehouses,   false    documentation   or
    identification, communications equipment, facilities,
    weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or
    more individuals who may be or include oneself), and
    transportation, except medicine or religious materials;
    (2) the term "training" means instruction or teaching
    designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to
    general knowledge; and
    (3) the term "expert advice or assistance" means advice
    or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other
    specialized knowledge.
    18 U.S.C. § 2339B. Providing material support or resources to
    designated foreign terrorist organizations
    (a) Prohibited activities.—
    (1) Unlawful conduct.—Whoever knowingly provides material
    support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization,
    or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be fined under
    this title or imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both,
    and, if the death of any person results, shall be
    imprisoned for any term of years or for life. To violate
    this paragraph, a person must have knowledge that the
    organization is a designated terrorist organization (as
    defined in subsection (g)(6)), that the organization has
    engaged or engages in terrorist activity (as defined in
    section 212(a)(3)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality
    Act), or that the organization has engaged or engages in
    terrorism (as defined in section 140(d) (2) of the
    Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1988
    and 1989
    *   *   *
    *   *   *
    (g) Definitions.—As used in this section —
    *     *     *
    (4) the term “material support or resources” has the same
    meaning given that term in section 2339A (including the
    definitions       of   “training”     and        “expert   advice   or
    assistance” in that section);
    *     *     *
    (6)       the   term   "terrorist     organization"        means    an
    organization designated as a terrorist organization under
    section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
    (h) Provision of personnel.—No person may be prosecuted under this
    section in connection with the term “personnel” unless that person
    has knowingly provided, attempted to provide, or conspired to
    provide a foreign terrorist organization with 1 or more individuals
    (who may be or include himself) to work under that terrorist
    organization's        direction    or   control   or    to    organize,   manage,
    supervise, or otherwise direct the operation of that organization.
    Individuals who act entirely independently of the foreign terrorist
    organization to advance its goals or objectives shall not be
    considered to be working under the foreign terrorist organization's
    direction and control.
    (i)   Rule   of   construction.—Nothing   in   this   section   shall   be
    construed or applied so as to abridge the exercise of rights
    guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the
    United States.
    (j) Exception.—No person may be prosecuted under this section in
    connection with the term "personnel", "training", or "expert advice
    or assistance" if the provision of that material support or
    resources to a foreign terrorist organization was approved by the
    Secretary of State with the concurrence of the Attorney General.
    The Secretary of State may not approve the provision of any
    material support that may be used to carry out terrorist activity
    (as defined in section 212(a)(3)(B)(iii) of the Immigration and
    Nationality Act).