Caribbean Petro Corp v. EPA ( 1994 )

  •                   UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    No. 93-1597
    Selya and Cyr, Circuit Judges,
    and Pettine,* Senior District Judge.
    Karin G. Diaz-Toro, with whom Goldman, Antonetti & Cordova was on
    brief for petitioner.
    Alan  D. Greenberg, Attorney, with  whom Lois J. Schiffer, Acting
    Assistant  Attorney General,  Randolph L.  Hill,  Attorney, and  Meyer
    Scolnick, Assistant Regional Counsel, were on brief for respondent.
    July 7, 1994
    *Of the District of Rhode Island, sitting by designation.
    CYR,  Circuit Judge.    Petitioner Caribbean  Petroleum
    CYR,  Circuit Judge.
    Corporation challenges the discharge permit it was issued by  the
    United  States Environmental  Protection Agency  (EPA) under  the
    Clean Water  Act.  Relying on  our recent opinion  in Puerto Rico
    Sun Oil Co.  v. United  States EPA,  
    8 F.3d 73
      (1st Cir.  1993),
    Caribbean contends that EPA acted arbitrarily and capriciously by
    incorporating a water  quality certification issued by  the Envi-
    ronmental Quality Board of the Commonwealth  of Puerto Rico (EQB)
    which was still undergoing review by the EQB.  Finding no  error,
    we deny the petition for review.
    We had occasion, in Puerto  Rico Sun Oil, to survey the
    regulatory framework controlling the present appeal:
    The  Clean Water Act,  33 U.S.C.   1251,
    et seq.,  prohibits the  discharge into  pro-
    tected waters of any pollutant by any person,
    id.   1311(a), unless  a discharge permit has
    been  secured from  EPA.   Id.    1342.   The
    permitting regime is  a hybrid  one in  which
    both  EPA and  the  counterpart state  agency
    play a  role.   The precise  role depends  on
    whether  EPA  has  delegated  permit  issuing
    authority  to the state;  but no such delega-
    tion is present here.  Puerto Rico is treated
    as  a state for  purposes of the  Clean Water
    Act, id.    1362(3), and its local  agency is
    the Environmental Quality Board.
    To obtain  a permit, the  applicant must
    satisfy a variety of substantive requirements
    under the Clean  Water Act but,  in addition,
    no EPA permit  can issue unless the  state in
    which the  discharge will occur gives its own
    approval (called  "certification") or  waives
    its right to do so.   33 U.S.C.   1341(a)(1).
    Further, the  state certification  may impose
    discharge  limitations  or  requirements more
    stringent  than  federal  law  requires,  and
    those more stringent obligations are incorpo-
    rated  into the federal permit as a matter of
    course.  See generally United States v. Mara-
    thon Development Corp., 
    867 F.2d 96
    , 99 (1st
    Cir. 1989) (describing state role).
    Id. at 74-75.
    Petitioner  Caribbean  discharges  a  large  volume  of
    process and storm  water from its Bayamon,  Puerto Rico, refining
    facility into Las Lajas Creek, a protected waterway designated by
    EQB as  a drinking  water source.   Caribbean has  been regulated
    under the Clean  Water Act National Pollution  Discharge Elimina-
    tion System (NPDES) at its  Bayamon operation since it was issued
    a  five-year permit in  1983.   The present  controversy surfaced
    during the NPDES renewal process, which proceeded as follows:
    10/27/88  Caribbean files NPDES renewal
    application with EPA.
    11/10/88  EPA requests EQB certification.
    02/01/89  EQB issues draft certification,
    instructing EPA that it "shall be
    incorporated into [Caribbean's]
    NPDES permit."
    04/07/89  Caribbean submits comments to EQB
    on draft certification, contending
    that its pollutant concentration
    standards are unreasonable,
    impractical, and unfeasible.
    05/10/89  EQB issues (substantially
    unmodified) final certification.
    06/30/89  Caribbean requests EQB
    reconsideration of certification
    issued 5/10/89.
    08/07/89  EPA issues draft NPDES to Caribbean
    incorporating the 5/10/89 final
    09/06/89  EPA receives comments on draft
    NPDES from Caribbean.
    10/13/89  EQB notifies EPA that it is
    reviewing the 5/10/89 certification
    and requests that EPA delay is-
    suance of final NPDES pending re-
    09/28/90  EPA issues final NPDES, incorpora-
    ting 5/10/89 certification.
    At the time the final NPDES was issued on September 28,
    1990, EPA considered  the May 10, 1989  certification appropriate
    for  incorporation into  the final  NPDES  because EQB  had never
    stayed its certification and it therefore remained in effect as a
    matter of  law.  Now, more than five  years later, EQB has yet to
    act on  Caribbean's request  for reconsideration  of the  "final"
    certification issued May 10, 1989.
    Caribbean attempts to  rest its challenge to  the final
    NPDES on the coattails of Puerto Rico Sun Oil, by posing the same
    generic question involved there:  Is it  arbitrary and capricious
    for EPA to incorporate a water quality certification into a final
    NPDES  while the certification ostensibly is undergoing review by
    the local agency?  In Puerto Rico Sun Oil, we held that there was
    no procedural  bar to the  incorporation of an  EQB certification
    which had  not been  stayed until after  the final  NPDES issued.
    Id. at 77.  In a similar  vein, we perceive no serious procedural
    obstacle in the  present case.1   We went on  to hold,  neverthe-
    less, that in the circumstances presented in Puerto Rico Sun Oil,
    EPA's decision "made  no sense,"  and amounted  to arbitrary  and
    capricious agency action  absent explanation.  Id.   By contrast,
    however,  here the  only colorable  rationality  claim raised  by
    Caribbean rests on a far less substantial basis.
    "The  scope  of   review  under   the  'arbitrary   and
    capricious' standard is  narrow and a court is  not to substitute
    its judgment for  that of the agency." Motor  Vehicle Mfrs. Ass'n
    v. State Farm Mut. Auto Ins. Co., 
    463 U.S. 29
    , 43 (1983).  Agency
    actions are not to be set  aside as arbitrary and capricious, see
    Administrative Procedure Act,  5 U.S.C.   706(2)(a),  unless they
    1Caribbean  raises two  lackluster  procedural claims  which
    warrant but brief consideration.  First, a request from the local
    certifying agency that  EPA delay issuance  of its NPDES  pending
    reconsideration  of the  local agency  certification  is not  the
    equivalent of  a formal stay  suspending the legal effect  of the
    certification,  such as  EPA issued  in the  Puerto Rico  Sun Oil
    proceedings,  see Puerto Rico  Sun Oil,  
    8 F.3d at 80
    .   Second,
    since  the original certification  was never stayed,  EPA was not
    obliged to resort  to the procedures in 40  C.F.R.   122.44(d)(3)
    to compel EQB  either to issue a new certification within 60 days
    or waive certification. See Puerto Rico Sun Oil, 
    8 F.3d at 80
    lack  a rational  basis.   See, e.g.,  Rhode Island  Higher Educ.
    Assistance Auth. v.  Department of Educ., 
    929 F.2d 844
    , 855 (1st
    Cir. 1991).   Like other executive  agencies acting within  their
    respective  bailiwicks,  EPA  is  due  substantial  deference  in
    interpreting and implementing the Clean  Water Act -- "so long as
    [its] decisions do not collide directly with substantive statuto-
    ry  commands  and  so  long as  procedural  corners  are squarely
    turned." Puerto Rico Sun Oil, 
    8 F.3d at 77
    ; see generally Chevron
    U.S.A. v. Natural  Resources Defense Council,  
    467 U.S. 837
    ,  843
    (1984).   We  therefore inquire  whether,  in the  vernacular  of
    Puerto Rico Sun Oil, the challenged EPA action    its issuance of
    a  final NPDES notwithstanding  EQB's request that  EPA forestall
    its  processes in anticipation  of further action  on Caribbean's
    request for review of the EQB certification    makes sense.
    First,  surface  appearances   aside,  several  factors
    plainly reflect  that this case is  not of a  feather with Puerto
    Rico Sun Oil.  Not least  important is the fact that EPA  delayed
    its issuance of  the Caribbean NPDES  for almost a year  at EQB's
    request; whereas in Puerto Rico  Sun Oil EPA incorporated the EQB
    certification   within   two  weeks   after  learning   that  the
    certification was  being reconsidered by EQB.   Thus, whereas the
    timing of  the EPA  action in  Puerto Rico  Sun Oil  lent to  the
    impression that an  administrative trap had been  hastily snapped
    shut, there is nothing in the present record to indicate that the
    eleven and one-half  month period EPA afforded EQB  to review its
    certification was either unreasonable or arbitrary.
    Second,  the  significance  of the  timing  of  the EPA
    action  in Puerto  Rico Sun  Oil was  magnified by  a substantive
    Clean Water Act monitoring issue not implicated in these proceed-
    ings.  As a consequence  of EPA's precipitous action, the permit-
    tee  in Puerto Rico  Sun Oil was  left to cope  with a monitoring
    methodology unequivocally  disavowed by EQB.2  We found that this
    whipsaw  certification procedure "made no sense." Puerto Rico Sun
    8 F.3d at 77
    2The late 1980s witnessed an abortive effort by EQB to alter
    its  water quality  monitoring methodology.   For many  years EQB
    Water Quality  Standards had used  a "mixing zone"  method, which
    calls for pollutant concentrations to be measured in the protect-
    ed waters  into which the  permitted discharge occurs.   In 1989,
    however, EQB  issued a draft  document that  adopted an  "end-of-
    pipe"  (or effluent)  approach, whereby  pollutant concentrations
    are measured  at the discharge  source, prior to dilution  in the
    receiving waters.  Although this  draft document was withdrawn in
    1990, the  permittee in  Puerto Rico Sun  Oil had  been certified
    during the  brief reign of the new  "effluent monitoring" policy,
    and this  (presumably more  exacting) monitoring methodology  had
    been written into the certification EQB provided EPA.
    3"EQB  had used a mixing  zone analysis in  the past and was
    proposing  to do so in the future . .  . .  Yet just as [Sun Oil]
    moved  to  correct the  EQB  certification, EPA  moved  even more
    swiftly to adopt a final permit based on the EQB certificate that
    omitted  a mixing zone analysis." Puerto  Rico Sun Oil, 
    8 F.3d at 76
    In sharp contrast, no such ambivalent EQB monitoring method-
    ology  was at work in this case.   Effluent monitoring, see supra
    note 2, was  the pre-1990 baseline  for Caribbean, which,  unlike
    the permittee in Puerto Rico Sun Oil, discharges into a designat-
    ed drinking water  source.  This much  is clear from the  face of
    the 1983 permit: "Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring
    requirements set out  above shall be taken  at the outfall .  . .
    prior   to  discharge  to   Las  Lajas  Creek."     Additionally,
    Third, at no time did EQB stay its Caribbean certifica-
    tion.  In Puerto Rico Sun Oil, however, EQB issued a formal stay,
    albeit after EPA had issued its NPDES incorporating the  certifi-
    cation.   Although this court held that the  ex post EQB stay was
    ineffective, as a matter of  procedure under the Clean Water Act,
    id.  at 80  ("We agree  with EPA  that the  [post-NPDES issuance]
    decision of  EQB to  re-characterize its  certification order  as
    non-final cannot affect the procedural validity of EPA's decision
    to grant the permit."), the fact remains that EQB, by staying the
    certification in  Puerto Rico Sun  Oil, took far more  timely and
    definitive action than was ever  taken during the eleven and one-
    half  months (not  to mention  the ensuing  four years)  that EPA
    awaited EQB's promised review of the Caribbean certification.
    Finally, moving beyond the precedential shadow  cast by
    Puerto Rico  Sun Oil, Caribbean  has not identified (nor  can we)
    any other  potential manifestation  of  arbitrary and  capricious
    agency conduct on EPA's part.  Rather, our review evinces reason-
    able agency  adherence to  appropriate procedures  and reasonable
    Caribbean's  April 7, 1989, comments on EQB's draft certification
    requested "interim effluent standards," a further indication that
    the substantive standards contained in the certification, not the
    monitoring methodology, were driving  the conflict between Carib-
    bean and EQB.  In sum, there is no evidence that the EQB certifi-
    cation  issued  to Caribbean  was the  product of  a bureaucratic
    snafu such as infected the  permitting process in Puerto Rico Sun
    8 F.3d at 76
     (noting that  EQB's certification  "must have
    appeared  a  probable  candidate for  administrative  or judicial
    revision"  as it incorporated effluent standards that had already
    been abandoned).
    accommodation  of Caribbean's legitimate interests.  We note as a
    significant further consideration that should EQB issue Caribbean
    a revised certification, EPA may amend its NPDES. See 40 C.F.R.
    124.55(b); Puerto Rico Sun Oil, 
    8 F.3d at 80
    .4   The availability
    of   contingency   procedures   for   considering   post-issuance
    modifications to EQB's  certification further  reduces the  like-
    lihood of "arbitrary" EPA action in these circumstances.
    Our conclusion that  the challenged EPA action  was not
    "arbitrary and  capricious" is firmly  rooted in the  record evi-
    dence that (1) EPA stayed its hand for more than eleven months to
    permit EQB to reconsider its Caribbean certification; (2) yet EQB
    neither issued a new certification, nor stayed its original cert-
    ification;  and (3)  the EQB  certification  incorporated in  the
    NPDES  essentially comported with  the effluent monitoring policy
    to  which Caribbean  had been  subject  ever since  it was  first
    permitted under the Clean Water Act.   We decline to visit on EPA
    4We need  not address  the complex issue  as to  whether any
    such changes  to Caribbean's NPDES  would run afoul of  the Clean
    Water Act "anti-backsliding" provisions. See 33 U.S.C.   1342(o).
    We do note, however, that EPA represents that anti-backsliding is
    "unlikely to be  an issue in this case"  because the modification
    of a NPDES  to reflect changes in the  local agency certification
    likely would  come within  one of  several exceptions to  section
    1342(o).  See 33 U.S.C.   1342(o)(2) (prescribing five exceptions
    to section 1342(o)).
    the  responsibility for  unexplained,  if not  inexplicable,  EQB
    delays in undertaking or completing its promised reconsideration,
    nor to compromise in the meantime the important public  interests
    served by the Clean Water Act.
    The petition for review is denied.