The PH Group LTD v. Birch ( 1993 )

  • February 17, 1993
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 92-1052
    Plaintiff, Appellant,
    Defendants, Appellees.
    No. 92-1053
    Plaintiff, Appellee,
    Defendant, Appellee,
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. W. Arthur Garrity, Jr., Senior U.S. District Judge]
    Breyer, Chief Judge,
    Brown,* Senior Circuit Judge,
    Stahl, Circuit Judge.
    Edwin A.  McCabe  with whom  Joseph  P.  Davis, III,  Karen  Chinn
    Lyons, and The McCabe Group were on brief for appellants.
    Robert  J. Kaler  with  whom Gadsby  &  Hannah  was  on brief  for
    February 17, 1993
    *Of the Fifth Circuit, sitting by designation.
    STAHL, Circuit Judge.   This case involves a failed
    attempt to license American-made computer software for use in
    Europe.   On appeal,  plaintiff The  pH Group  Ltd., formerly
    known   as  Cognetics  Europe  Ltd.  ("PH"),  challenges  the
    district court's failure (1) to  award it attorneys' fees and
    (2) to rule favorably  on its claims of unfair  and deceptive
    trade  practices.   Defendants Cognetics,  Inc. ("Cognetics")
    and  David  L.  Birch  cross-appeal, taking  issue  with  the
    district court's  denial of their motion  for judgment n.o.v.
    or  a  new  trial  on  their   counterclaims  for  breach  of
    contract.1    Finding  no   error  in  the  district  court's
    rulings, we affirm.
    David  Birch  developed  computer   software  which
    analyzes Dun & Bradstreet  data bases for business consulting
    purposes.2  In order  to exploit this software in  the United
    States, Birch  and his associates  formed Cognetics.   PH was
    formed by Rolf Hickmann,  Norbert Reis, and other individuals
    principally  to  develop  a  consulting  business  in  Europe
    through  the use of the Cognetics software.  PH and Cognetics
    1.  Because  the  interests   of  Birch  and   Cognetics  are
    inexorably   intertwined  for   purposes   of  this   appeal,
    references  to Cognetics  should  be  construed  as  applying
    equally to Birch.
    2.  Dun  & Bradstreet  generates  computer data  bases  which
    report the financial statistics of private businesses.
    negotiated a license agreement ("the Agreement"), under which
    PH  received the right to use the Cognetics name and software
    in Europe.   For its part,  Cognetics was to provide  PH with
    both Dun & Bradstreet's European data bases and the Cognetics
    software  to   analyze  them.     The  parties   agreed  that
    Massachusetts law would govern the Agreement's construction.
    The Agreement was signed in January of 1987, and PH
    began doing business in Europe.  Shortly thereafter, the same
    individuals who  had  formed PH  incorporated Maven  Systems,
    Ltd. ("Maven").3  The  record reflects that Maven  was formed
    to allow  the individual  owners of PH  to pursue  consulting
    business in Europe without using the Cognetics software.  The
    Agreement clearly  contemplates and  allows for  such outside
    Almost   immediately,   difficulties  between   the
    parties  surfaced.    Essentially,  PH  claimed  that  Dun  &
    Bradstreet's European  data bases differed  from its American
    data bases, and that Birch and Cognetics knew, or should have
    3.  Maven is not  a party  to this appeal.   Cognetics  named
    Maven  as  a  defendant-in-counterclaim below,  but  does not
    appeal the district  court's ruling that Maven is  not liable
    on the counterclaims.
    4.  Section   2(e)   of   the   Agreement,   entitled  "Other
    Businesses," states:
    [N]othing shall  preclude  [PH] from  conducting  a
    business unrelated to [Cognetics] Software, Related
    Software  or  Products .  .  .  provided that  such
    business is  not  conducted under  the  [Cognetics]
    Name or any variation thereof.
    known, that as  a result  of these  differences the  European
    data bases  could not be analyzed  effectively with Cognetics
    software.   Cognetics, on the other hand, claimed that PH had
    violated the  Agreement by  improperly allowing Maven  to use
    the Cognetics name in Maven's  initial business dealings.  By
    September  1987,   each  party  was  claiming   that  it  had
    terminated the Agreement.
    On April 22, 1988,  PH sued Cognetics in diversity,
    alleging  common law fraud,  breach of  contract, negligence,
    breach of an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing,
    breach of  an implied  warranty of fitness  for a  particular
    purpose, and violation of Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch.  93A,    2
    and 11 (West  1984 and Supp.  1992) (hereinafter referred  to
    collectively  as  "ch.  93A"),  which  proscribe  unfair  and
    deceptive trade practices.  PH sought $10 million  in damages
    on  these claims.  The complaint also asked for a declaratory
    judgment that the Agreement's non-competition clause did  not
    preclude  PH  from  pursuing  its  now  established  European
    consulting business.5
    Cognetics   counterclaimed,   alleging  breach   of
    contract,   misappropriation   of   trade   secrets,   unfair
    5.  PH  also sought to recover  $30,000, a "fixed  fee" to be
    paid  to Cognetics  for  certain services  due  PH under  the
    Agreement.  PH had  placed this money into an  escrow account
    when its relations with Cognetics began to sour, and it began
    to question  whether Cognetics would provide  the "fixed fee"
    services.  Cognetics never  contested PH's entitlement to the
    $30,000, and the district court awarded the funds to PH.
    competition,  violation  of  the  Lanham Trade-Mark  Act,  15
    U.S.C.A.   1125(a) (West Supp. 1992), violation of Mass. Gen.
    Laws Ann. ch. 110B,   12 (West 1990), which forbids trademark
    infringement, and violation of ch. 93A,   11.  Cognetics also
    sought injunctive relief  to prevent further use  of its name
    and proprietary materials.
    The district  court bifurcated the trial  and tried
    all liability issues first.  After directing verdicts against
    several  of  the  parties'  substantive  claims,   the  court
    submitted  the following claims to the jury:  (1) PH's claims
    for fraud, breach of contract, and breach of implied covenant
    of good faith and fair dealing; and (2) Cognetics' claims for
    misappropriation of  trade secrets,  and breach  of contract.
    The  claims and counterclaims under ch. 93A were tried to the
    court along with the  requests for declaratory and injunctive
    The jury  found  against PH  on all  of its  claims
    except for the claim of breach of an implied covenant of good
    faith and fair dealing.   In the subsequent damages  phase of
    the trial,  notwithstanding the  favorable verdict,  the jury
    awarded  PH zero  damages  on this  claim.   The  jury  found
    against Cognetics on all of its counterclaims.  The  district
    court  found no  violations of  ch. 93A  by either  party and
    denied all  requests for declaratory  and injunctive  relief.
    Finally,  the  court denied  Cognetics'  motion for  judgment
    n.o.v. or new  trial, and denied  PH's motion for  attorneys'
    A.  PH's Appeal
    1.  PH's Claim for Attorneys' Fees
    PH argues  that it  is entitled to  attorneys' fees
    under  section 21 of the Agreement6 because it "prevailed" on
    its covenant  of good faith  and fair dealing claim.7   As an
    initial matter, we note that the parties dispute whether this
    issue was  properly preserved  for appeal.   Assuming without
    deciding that  the issue was preserved,  we find unpersuasive
    PH's contention that it was a "prevailing party" below.
    6.  Section 21 of the Agreement states:
    Attorneys' Fees.  In any litigation, arbitration or
    court   proceeding   between   the   parties,   the
    prevailing party shall be  entitled to all costs of
    the   proceedings   incurred   in  enforcing   this
    7.  At oral argument, PH seemed to argue that the uncontested
    award of  the $30,000  in  escrow entitled  it to  prevailing
    party status.  This argument, however, appears nowhere in the
    trial record, nor does it appear in PH's appellate brief.  It
    is  settled in this circuit that issues adverted to on appeal
    in a  perfunctory manner are  deemed to have  been abandoned.
    United  States v. St. Cyr, 
    977 F.2d 698
    , 701 (1st Cir. 1992).
    As a result, we need not address this argument.
    Courts, both in  Massachusetts and elsewhere,  have
    uniformly  required that  a  party succeed  on a  significant
    issue in order to be entitled to attorneys' fees.  See, e.g.,
    Handy v. Penal Insts. Comm'r of Boston, 
    592 N.E.2d 1303
    , 1307
    (Mass.  1992)  (requiring that  party  in  civil rights  case
    "succeed[]  on  a  significant   issue"  to  be  entitled  to
    attorneys'  fees); Fedele  v. School  Comm. of  Westwood, 
    587 N.E.2d 757
    , 761  (Mass. 1992)  (same).   See also  Farrar v.
    113 S. Ct. 566
    ,  569 (1992) (holding  that "[w]hen  a
    [civil   rights]  plaintiff  recovers  only  nominal  damages
    because of his failure  to prove an essential element  of his
    claim for monetary relief,  the only reasonable  [attorneys']
    fee  is usually  no fee at  all." (citation  omitted)); Texas
    State Teachers Ass'n  v. Garland Indep. Sch.  Dist., 
    489 U.S. 782
    , 792 (1989) (holding  that civil rights plaintiff seeking
    attorneys' fees "must be able to point to a resolution of the
    dispute which  changes the legal  relationship between itself
    and  the  defendant.    Beyond this  absolute  limitation,  a
    technical victory  may be  so insignificant  . .  . as to  be
    insufficient to support prevailing party status."); Guglietti
    v.  Secretary of Health and  Human Servs., 
    900 F.2d 397
    , 399
    (1st  Cir.  1990) (requiring  either  "bottom-line litigatory
    success"  or "catalytic  effect in  bringing about  a desired
    result"  for  social security  plaintiff  to  be entitled  to
    attorneys'  fees).   Moreover,  outside of  the civil  rights
    context, an award  of zero damages,  supported by a  rational
    basis in the  record, is generally considered a  judgment for
    defendant.   See, e.g., Ruiz-Rodriguez  v. Colberg-Comas, 
    882 F.2d 15
    ,  17 (1st  Cir. 1989)  (stating  that award  of zero
    damages is  "commonly viewed  as, in  effect, a  judgment for
    defendant"); Poulin  Corp. v. Chrysler  Corp., 
    861 F.2d 5
    , 7
    (1st Cir. 1988)  (holding that, upon  award of zero  damages,
    "plaintiff has failed to establish  an essential part of  its
    proof,   and   judgment   should   have   been  entered   for
    defendant.").   Cf. Farrar, 
    113 S. Ct. at 573-74
     ("Of itself,
    `the moral  satisfaction [that]  results  from any  favorable
    statement of law' cannot bestow  prevailing party status. . .
    .   No material alteration of the  legal relationship between
    the parties  occurs until  the plaintiff becomes  entitled to
    enforce a judgment, consent  decree or settlement against the
    defendant.")  (quoting Hewitt  v.  Helms, 
    482 U.S. 755
    ,  762
    (1986).   The thrust  of this authority  renders unpersuasive
    PH's argument that the  district court erred in finding  that
    it  was  not a  "prevailing party"  under  section 21  of the
    Moreover, PH has not  proffered any evidence of the
    parties' intent in drafting section 21 of the Agreement.  Nor
    has it argued, let  alone demonstrated, that any construction
    other than the ordinary  construction of the term "prevailing
    party"  should apply.  Accordingly,  we find no  error in the
    district court's holding that PH was not a "prevailing party"
    for purposes of section 21 of the Agreement.
    2.  PH's ch. 93A Claim
    PH also  argues that  the  district court's  ruling
    that Cognetics did not  violate ch. 93A is inconsistent  as a
    matter of law with the jury's verdict that Cognetics breached
    the  Agreement's  implied covenant  of  good  faith and  fair
    dealing.   Massachusetts  courts have  held, however,  that a
    trial  court's ruling on  a ch. 93A  claim may  differ from a
    jury's  verdict  on  common  law claims  involving  the  same
    evidence.   Chamberlayne Sch. v. Banker, 
    568 N.E.2d 642
    , 648-
    49 (Mass. App. Ct. 1991) ("Although consistency . . . ha[s] a
    surface appeal, we think the broader scope and more  flexible
    guidelines of ch. 93A permit  a judge to make his or  her own
    decisions under  [ch.] 93A  without being constrained  by the
    jury's findings.").   See also Turner  v. Johnson &  Johnson,
    809 F.2d 90
    , 102  (1st Cir.  1987) (interpreting  Mass. law)
    (holding that jury's determination  is not binding on court's
    ch.  93A decision);  Wallace  Motor Sales,  Inc. v.  American
    Motor Sales  Corp., 
    780 F.2d 1049
    , 1063-67  (1st Cir.  1985)
    (interpreting Mass.  law) (finding no reversible  error where
    district  court  denied  judgment  n.o.v.   on  jury  counts,
    reviewed  same evidence, and  reached conclusion  contrary to
    jury's  verdict on the ch. 93A  claim).  Moreover, violations
    of ch. 93A  must meet a higher standard of  liability than do
    breaches  of  an  implied covenant  of  good  faith and  fair
    dealing.     Compare  Anthony's   Pier  Four,  Inc.   v.  HBC
    583 N.E.2d 806
    ,  820-22  (Mass.  1991) ("[t]he
    implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing provides that
    neither  party shall do anything that will have the effect of
    destroying or  injuring  the  right  of the  other  party  to
    receive the fruits of the contract . . . .'") (quoting Druker
    v. Roland  Wm.  Jutras Assocs.,  Inc.,  
    348 N.E.2d 763
    ,  765
    (Mass.  1976)) with Tagliente v.  Himmer, 
    949 F.2d 1
    , 7 (1st
    Cir. 1991) (stating that under ch. 93A, "`[t]he objectionable
    conduct  must attain a level of rascality that would raise an
    eyebrow  of someone  inured to  the rough  and tumble  of the
    world of commerce.'" (quoting Quaker State Oil Refining Corp.
    v.  Garrity  Oil Co.,  Inc., 
    884 F.2d 1510
    , 1513  (1st Cir.
    1989)).  As such,  PH's claim that the verdicts  were legally
    inconsistent is without merit.8
    B.  Cognetics' Cross-Appeal
    Cognetics  appeals the  district court's  denial of
    its motion for judgment  n.o.v. or new trial on its breach of
    contract  claim.  We must sustain the district court's denial
    8.  Although it is not  clear from its briefs, PH  appears to
    argue  that the district court (a) failed to make findings of
    fact sufficient  to support  its  ch. 93A  ruling and/or  (b)
    inappropriately relied upon the jury's finding that Cognetics
    committed no fraud.  Having carefully reviewed the record, we
    find  that the  district court's  factual findings  were both
    comprehensive and  independent of  the jury's  fraud verdict.
    Thus,  PH's   contentions  to  the   contrary  are   entirely
    of a motion for judgment n.o.v. unless the evidence, together
    with all reasonable inferences in favor of the verdict, could
    lead a reasonable person to only one conclusion, namely, that
    the  moving  party was  entitled  to judgment.    Luson Int'l
    Distribs.,  Inc. v.  Fabricating and  Prod. Mach.,  Inc., 
    966 F.2d 9
    , 10-11 (1st Cir. 1992).   On the other hand, we review
    denial of a motion for new trial under an abuse of discretion
    standard,  with a view  toward whether  "`the verdict  was so
    clearly against the weight of the evidence as  to amount to a
    manifest miscarriage of justice.'"   Pontarelli v. Stone, 
    930 F.2d 104
    , 113  (1st Cir. 1991) (quoting Hendricks  & Assocs.,
    Inc. v. Daewoo Corp., 
    923 F.2d 209
    , 217 (1st Cir. 1991)).
    Cognetics  presented   uncontroverted  evidence  at
    trial that the Cognetics name  appeared on two separate Maven
    products.  On the first occasion, the Cognetics name appeared
    in  a Maven slide presentation  at the bottom  of every page.
    On the second  occasion, it  appeared on the  first and  last
    pages of  a 43-page Maven  presentation.  On  both occasions,
    the Maven products were produced without the use of Cognetics
    software.9   Cognetics  argues  that this  evidence can  only
    9.  Cognetics  cites  a  third   and  different  use  of  the
    Cognetics name in arguing that section 2(b) was breached.  On
    this  third occasion, PH used the Cognetics name in a product
    proposal, but  the final  product used neither  the Cognetics
    name or software.   We fail  to see how such evidence relates
    to sublicensing.  PH's  use of the Cognetics name  in product
    proposals  is clearly  contemplated by  the Agreement.   More
    importantly,  this third  example  presents no  evidence that
    Maven, or any other  alleged "sublicensee," actually used the
    lead  to one  conclusion,  namely, that  PH breached  section
    2(b),10  the   Agreement's   sublicensing  provision.      We
    In  determining whether a breach of the Agreement's
    sublicensing provision has occurred, we must first define the
    terms "licensing" and "sublicensing" as they are used  in the
    Agreement.  We consider the terms "in light of all the  other
    phraseology  in  the  instrument,"   and  "in  light  of  the
    circumstances of the transaction."  McDonald's Corp. v. Lebow
    Realty Trust, 
    888 F.2d 912
    , 913-14 (1st Cir. 1989) (citations
    Cognetics name or software.   PH's use of the  Cognetics name
    in  this  situation might  support a  claim that  PH breached
    section 11(e) of the Agreement, which states that  neither PH
    nor  its affiliates  may market  products which  compete with
    Cognetics products. However, this  evidence does not  support
    Cognetics'  claim that PH  improperly sublicensed  its rights
    under the Agreement.
    10.  Section 2(b) provides:
    Sublicense  Right.   Cognetics  grants to  [PH] the
    right to sublicense its  rights under Section  2(a)
    to  an entity or entities which are wholly owned by
    [PH],  provided however,  that  (i)  [PH]  notifies
    Cognetics in advance and in writing with respect to
    such  sub-license, (ii)  the foregoing  right shall
    not  relieve [PH]  from its  obligations hereunder,
    and (iii)  such sub-licensee  is subject to  all of
    the   terms  and  conditions   of  this  Agreement.
    Cognetics  may, in  advance  of  such  sub-license,
    require  any reasonable  documentation of  [PH] and
    its sub-licensee in order to  assure sub-licensee's
    agreement to the foregoing.
    As  we  read  section  2(a)11   of  the  Agreement,
    licensing  consists of three elements:  (1) an agreement; (2)
    which  permits the  licensee  to use  the  Cognetics name  in
    tandem  with  the  Cognetics  software;  (3)  in  an  ongoing
    commercial manner.  These  three characteristics ensure  that
    PH, the licensee, can  establish a viable consulting business
    in Europe through the use of the Cognetics name and software.
    Section  2(b),  in turn,  grants  PH  the right  to
    "sublicense" its  rights under the Agreement  to wholly owned
    third  parties.    Sublicensing  under  2(b)  is  similar  to
    licensing under 2(a).  It consists of:  (1) an agreement; (2)
    whereby  PH  grants  a  third  party  permission  to  use the
    Cognetics name in tandem with the Cognetics software; (3) for
    ongoing commercial purposes.
    11.  Section 2(a) provides:
    Software and Name License.  Cognetics hereby grants
    to Licensee the  exclusive, non-transferable  right
    and license without right  of sublicense, except as
    specifically  provided  in  subsection (b)  hereof,
    (the "License"), to (i) use the Object Code version
    of  the   [Cognetics]  Software  and   any  Related
    Software,   including  but   not  limited   to  any
    Improvements, and all Software  Documentation, (ii)
    use and  to commercialize the  Name, including  but
    not limited  to  as part  of the  Name under  which
    Licensee  does business  in  the  European  Market,
    provided, however,  that use  of the Name  shall be
    solely in respect of [Cognetics] Products and (iii)
    use,  market, sell  and otherwise  to commercialize
    the  Products,  provided   however,  that  all  the
    foregoing  is granted throughout  but solely within
    the European Market.
    In  order  to  prove  a  breach  of  section  2(b),
    Cognetics  would first have  to establish the  existence of a
    sublicensing agreement between PH and Maven.  Cognetics would
    then have to  show that the  sublicensing was improper  under
    section  2(b)  or  some  other provision  of  the  Agreement.
    Cognetics  has failed to allege or  demonstrate that any such
    sublicensing occurred.
    Both  at trial  and on  appeal, Cognetics  seems to
    rely  on  the  mistaken assumption  that  any  misuse  of the
    Cognetics  name  by  Maven  or  PH,  whether  intentional  or
    inadvertent, conclusively  demonstrates improper sublicensing
    in breach  of section 2(b) on  the part of PH.   However, not
    all misuses  of the  Cognetics name by  non-sublicensed third
    parties amount to breaches of  section 2(b).  General misuses
    of  the Cognetics name may be actionable under several of the
    Agreement's  provisions.12   However, in  order to  give rise
    to a claim under section 2(b), the  misuse must take place in
    the context of an improper sublicensing agreement.
    At  trial, PH's  principals testified  that Maven's
    misuse  was  essentially  inadvertent.    For  example,  Rolf
    12.  For  example, section  6(c) states  that PH  acquires no
    proprietary interest in the Cognetics name; section 11 states
    that both  parties agree  to preserve the  confidentiality of
    proprietary material;  section 14 states that  PH will notify
    Cognetics  of any  infringements  of the  Agreement by  third
    parties; and section  16 states  that PH may  not assign  its
    rights or  obligations under the  contract without Cognetics'
    Hickmann, a principal  of both PH  and Maven, testified  that
    the use of  the Cognetics name in Maven's  slide presentation
    was "careless," and  that, between them, PH  and Maven "could
    only  afford  one  set  of stationery  for  slide  material."
    Cognetics  offered no  contrary  evidence  showing  that  the
    misuses of the Cognetics name were in fact due to an improper
    sublicensing agreement.
    At best, Cognetics has demonstrated  that PH and/or
    Maven misused  the Cognetics name on two occasions.  Standing
    alone,  this evidence  of misuse  does not  conclusively show
    that PH improperly  sublicensed its rights to Maven,  or that
    PH breached section 2(b) of the Agreement.  Thus, contrary to
    Cognetics' claim in its  post-trial motion, the evidence does
    not  lead inexorably  to  the conclusion  that PH  improperly
    sublicensed  its rights to Maven in breach of section 2(b) of
    the  Agreement.  A reasonable  jury could have concluded that
    Maven's  misuse of the  Cognetics name  was inadvertent.   In
    fact, we find  no evidence in the record  which would allow a
    jury to conclude otherwise.   Accordingly, the district court
    properly denied Cognetics' motion for judgment n.o.v.
    By  the  same token,  the  verdict  is not  clearly
    against the  weight of the evidence and  presents no manifest
    miscarriage of  justice.  Thus, the  district court committed
    no error in denying Cognetics' motion for new trial.13
    For  the foregoing  reasons,  the judgment  of  the
    district court is affirmed.
    13.  Cognetics   also   challenges   the   district   court's
    instructions to the jury on section 2(b).  The district court
    instructed the jury that  only "material" breaches of section
    2(b)  give  rise  to  a right  to  terminate  the  Agreement.
    Cognetics  argues  that  under  the  Agreement,  non-material
    breaches  of  section  2(b) also  give  rise  to  a right  to
    terminate,  and  that  the  district court's  failure  to  so
    instruct entitles it to judgment n.o.v. or a new trial.
    We assume without deciding that non-material breaches of
    section 2(b) give rise to a right to terminate.  Nonetheless,
    as we  have  noted  above,  Cognetics  failed  to  allege  or
    demonstrate a breach of  section 2(b), material or otherwise.
    Thus,  even if  the district  court's instruction  on section
    2(b) was incorrect, the evidence does not necessarily lead to
    the conclusion  that a non-material breach  of 2(b) occurred.
    Nor can we say  that the verdict was  so clearly against  the
    weight of the evidence as to amount to a manifest miscarriage
    of justice.  Accordingly, Cognetics' argument  regarding jury
    instructions  does  not  alter  our  determination  that  the
    district court properly denied Cognetics' motion for judgment
    n.o.v. or new trial.