Zeru v. Gonzales , 503 F.3d 59 ( 2007 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Nos. 06-1399, 06-2345
    Attorney General of the United States,
    Boudin, Chief Judge,
    Torruella and Lynch, Circuit Judges.
    Howard A. Silverman and Ross, Silverman & Levy LLP on brief
    for petitioners.
    Jeanette Kain, Harvey Kaplan, and Kaplan, O'Sullivan &
    Friedman on brief, for Advocates for Survivors of Torture and
    Trauma et al., amici curiae.
    Eric W. Marsteller, Attorney, Peter D. Keisler, Assistant
    Attorney General, and M. Jocelyn Lopez Wright, Assistant Director,
    U.S. Department of Justice, on brief for respondent.
    September 19, 2007
    LYNCH, Circuit Judge.         Petitioners Minya Zeru and her
    husband, Russom Ghebrai, both natives and citizens of Eritrea,
    applied for asylum on the basis of past persecution and a fear of
    future persecution.    The petitioners premised their application on
    government   harassment   of   Zeru   due   to   her   membership   in   an
    organization that advocated Eritrean independence when that country
    belonged to Ethiopia; the organization now opposes the incumbent
    Eritrean government.    Following hearings conducted over the course
    of almost five years, an Immigration Judge (IJ) found petitioners'
    testimony to be not credible, that they had not established past
    persecution, and that, in any event, there was no basis for a claim
    of future persecution.    The IJ thus denied the asylum application.
    The Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) affirmed in a per curiam
    Zeru and Ghebrai moved to reopen by challenging the
    credibility determination and alleging ineffective assistance of
    counsel during the asylum appeal to the BIA.           The BIA denied the
    Zeru and Ghebrai petition for review of both the denial
    of asylum and the denial of the motion to reopen.         The petition is
    supported by an amicus brief on behalf of various groups concerned
    with the rights of refugees and torture victims.        We affirm both of
    the BIA orders and deny the petitions for review.
    A.           Denial of Claims for Relief
    Zeru arrived in the United States on December 20, 1994.
    Her non-immigrant business visa allowed her to remain in the United
    States until July 20, 1995.    In October 1995, she filed for asylum
    and for withholding of removal and was interviewed by an asylum
    officer. Zeru's case was transferred to the Immigration Court. In
    February 1998, both Zeru and Ghebrai, who had overstayed his visa
    as   well,    received   Notices   to    Appear   charging   them   with
    removability.     Zeru and Ghebrai conceded removability, but both
    sought asylum, withholding of removal, voluntary departure, and
    relief under the Convention Against Torture (CAT) based on Zeru's
    assertions of political persecution.
    An IJ heard testimony from Zeru and Ghebrai on five
    occasions between January 20, 1999, and March 21, 2002.1       In those
    initial hearings before the original IJ, Zeru testified to the
    following facts.     She was born in 1968 in Massawa, then a part of
    Ethiopia.     From the age of fifteen, Zeru began pamphleteering and
    engaging in fundraising activities on behalf of the Eritrean
    Liberation Front-Revolutionary Council (ELF-RC), a political group
    devoted to Eritrean independence and the establishment of a multi-
    The IJ continued the first hearing, in which he heard
    testimony from Zeru, due to concerns about the quality of the
    interpreter.   Zeru began her testimony anew, with a different
    interpreter, at the next hearing on August 27, 1999.
    party democratic system of government.            Zeru kept her political
    activities secret from her family, fearing retribution from various
    political opponents. One rival separatist group in particular, the
    Eritrean Peoples' Liberation Front (EPLF), opposed the ELF-RC's
    agenda in favor of single-party rule.
    Zeru testified that she was arrested in 1987 by Ethiopian
    soldiers acting on a tip from the EPLF, and endured a six-month
    period of imprisonment ending on January 27, 1988.               She testified
    that she was raped, and that she was beaten numerous times by her
    jailors.     Following     her   release,     Zeru     spent    six    months   in
    outpatient treatment for depression in Ethiopia.
    Within a year of her release from imprisonment, Zeru
    resumed fundraising for the ELF-RC.            By that time, she had met
    Ghebrai, a physician who worked in a state-run hospital.                    Zeru
    testified   that   she    did   not   tell   Ghebrai    about    her   political
    activities or her prior imprisonment.          Zeru and Ghebrai testified
    that they were married in January 1990.
    The EPLF defeated the Ethiopian military in 1991 and took
    power in Eritrea.        Zeru testified that Eritrean security forces
    (according to Zeru, effectively the same organization as the former
    EPLF) began harassing her in 1993, following a failed coup attempt.
    On two occasions, security officers detained Zeru and interrogated
    her in security forces offices near her import business in Asmara.
    Then, in September 1994, Eritrean officers detained Zeru for a ten-
    hour interrogation.     According to testimony that Zeru gave in
    August 1999, one of her interrogators held a gun to her head and
    threatened to kill her.     Zeru testified that she had "never felt
    worse" than during that encounter.
    After the September 1994 incident, Zeru sought the advice
    of a friend who worked as a secretary with the Eritrean security
    forces.    In November, the friend warned her that her name had
    appeared on a list of ELF-RC members, and that she was in grave
    danger.    Leaving the country, her friend said, was her "only
    option."   At that point, Zeru told Ghebrai about her political
    activities and her history of harassment by government officials.
    Zeru testified that she obtained a visa and passport through her
    secretary friend and left Eritrea.     This was more than six years
    after her 1987-88 imprisonment. Zeru arrived in Boston in December
    1994 and resided with a cousin in Portland, Maine.    She was eight
    months pregnant with her second child at the time.
    Zeru testified that she did not contact her family after
    leaving Eritrea, and that she had not been in communication with
    them until recently.   Nor did Zeru have any contact with Ghebrai,
    but communicated with him in occasional messages conveyed through
    a relative.   Ghebrai entered the United States in March of 1996, on
    a short-term visa to study medicine in Los Angeles, but initially
    had no contact with Zeru.   Ghebrai did not join Zeru in Maine until
    completing six months of medical training.
    A new IJ was assigned to petitioners' case in 2003.         He
    reviewed the record, including petitioners' previous testimony, and
    held a full day of hearings on November 26, 2003.         Zeru and Ghebrai
    reiterated their prior testimony.           Zeru stated during direct
    evidence that she had been raped once, at the start of her
    imprisonment in 1987.      Later, following cross examination and in
    response to questioning by the IJ, Zeru said there were two
    instances of rape, the second just before her release.
    Petitioners also presented an affidavit and testimony
    from a fact witness named Efrem Weldemichael.             Weldemichael, a
    native of Eritrea and a United States citizen, testified that he
    was an ELF-RC executive committee member in the United States.
    Weldemichael testified that he knew Zeru as an ELF-RC member when
    they were both in Ethiopia during the mid-1980s; he also testified
    that he heard reports from other ELF-RC members in 1987 or 1988
    that Zeru was imprisoned by the Ethiopian government.
    The IJ also heard from Dr. Melissa Wattenberg, a clinical
    psychologist specializing in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
    whom petitioners presented as an expert witness.           Wattenberg was
    not   a   treating   psychologist   and   did   not   provide   therapeutic
    services to Zeru.      Rather, at the request of Zeru's counsel, she
    interviewed Zeru about her experiences during two meetings in
    October and November of 1998, almost four years after Zeru entered
    the country, and produced a detailed Assessment Report dated
    December 1999. That report summarized Zeru's oral statement of her
    own history and concluded that "Ms. Zeru meets criterion for
    current moderate PTSD, and moderate depression."                    The report also
    opined that Zeru "is a sincere and reliable reporter of her own
    experience."      Zeru told Wattenberg that she had been raped three
    times, which differed from her hearing testimony.
    Zeru's attorney sought to use Wattenberg's testimony to
    establish   the    contents     of     her    report    and    to    assess   Zeru's
    credibility.       The   IJ   admitted       the    report    into    evidence   and
    indicated that he need not hear testimony duplicative of the
    report's contents.       Zeru's counsel stated that she had no other
    questions for Wattenberg, and rested on the contents of the report.
    The IJ also reviewed petitioners' documentary evidence
    during the November 26, 2003, hearing. The hearing opened with the
    IJ pointing out that Ghebrai failed to bring his original passport,
    including the relevant visa page, to the hearing.                       Petitioners
    presented the IJ with a letter they had written to the hospital in
    Eritrea where Zeru had allegedly received treatment following her
    1987-88 incarceration, but they were unable to produce the hospital
    records requested in the letter.               Zeru also produced an ELF-RC
    identification      card      issued     at        Zeru's     request    from    the
    organization's office in Bonn, Germany, in 1998.                     Zeru testified
    that she did not carry such a card in Eritrea, but that she
    obtained it because she "was asked to produce this to prove my
    Zeru    also   entered   into     evidence    an   official        letter
    signifying her release from the prison where she was held in
    Ethiopia. Zeru testified that she possessed the letter since 1995.
    Zeru's attorney explained that the document could not be verified
    by the United States Embassy in Addis Ababa because petitioners had
    sent a copy instead of the original document to the embassy.
    Finally,       petitioners        submitted        their         marriage
    certificate.       They sent the certificate for verification to the
    United States Embassy in Asmara, but the embassy responded that
    Zeru's date of birth as listed on the certificate conflicted with
    the date recorded in Asmara municipal records.                       In addition,
    certain information on the certificate, including the bride's date
    of birth and the date of the marriage contract, had been covered
    with white-out and typed over.                The IJ admitted all of the
    documents into evidence, noting that he would "give them what
    weight I deem is appropriate."
    On     December   29,    2003,     the   IJ   denied       the    asylum
    application and ordered petitioners' removal.                  The IJ based his
    decision on adverse credibility findings for Zeru and Ghebrai, a
    lack   of   corroborating     evidence       requested    by   IJs     during     the
    proceedings, and the submission of apparently fraudulent documents.
    We describe some, but not all, of the IJ's findings.                   The IJ gave
    a number of reasons for his credibility determinations.                 Among
    them, he pointed out that Zeru claimed on different occasions to
    have been raped once, twice, or three times.           The IJ noted that
    even if he was willing to ignore the contradiction in Zeru's
    testimony between whether she was raped once or twice during her
    six-month detention, he was still concerned that Zeru had told
    Wattenberg   that   she   was   raped     three    times.    It   was    the
    inconsistency between her testimony to the IJ and her report to
    Wattenberg that the IJ found material and relevant.         The IJ stated
    that "it would not be unusual for a victim of trauma to confuse
    dates or sequences of events, but it would be very unusual . . . to
    simply forget that an event occurred."            The IJ recited numerous
    other inconsistencies in petitioners' testimony relating to their
    backgrounds, their marriage, their experiences in Eritrea, and
    their work histories.
    The IJ noted that Zeru had been asked to produce specific
    documents to corroborate her claim and failed to do so.                   For
    example, the IJ noted that she had testified that her uncle was
    arrested in 1993 for involvement in a coup attempt and that the
    arrest was very well publicized.        She was directed at a hearing on
    August 27, 1999, to obtain news reports or other information to
    substantiate the arrest.    Yet at the hearing on November 26, 2003,
    she neither produced the documents nor had an explanation for her
    failure to do so.
    In    addition,     the   documents    petitioners        did   submit
    contained inconsistencies and evident alterations detracting from
    petitioners' claims.     The IJ recounted the bases for his findings
    that the prison release letter,2 the marriage certificate3 and other
    documentary evidence offered by petitioners were fraudulent.
    The IJ further observed that petitioners' demeanor during
    the November 26, 2003, hearing belied their believability.                The IJ
    not only found Ghebrai to be wholly incredible, but also that he
    had given fraudulent testimony under oath.              Indeed, the IJ found
    that he doubted the testimony of both petitioners even as to their
    identities and whether they were husband and wife.
    The IJ also made an adverse credibility finding as to
    Weldemichael.      The   IJ    pointed     out   that    in   his    affidavit,
    Weldemichael stated that he first met Zeru in Ethiopia in 1983 and
    saw her "a couple of time[s]" in that context.                At the hearing,
    however, Weldemichael insisted that he first met Zeru in 1986, and
    only met her once in Ethiopia.           The IJ also found it incredible
    For example, the IJ found it telling that though Zeru
    said she had the letter in her possession since as early as 1995,
    she did not present it to the asylum officer at her interview. He
    found the document most likely had been recently fabricated to
    support her testimony.
    The IJ suspected that the certificate was fraudulent
    because of the unexplained presence of white-out on the document,
    the discrepancy regarding Zeru's purported date of birth between
    the certificate and Asmara municipal records, and the fact that the
    United States Embassy could not determine whether the certificate
    was genuine.    The IJ also pointed out that petitioners could
    provide no other documentary evidence of their marriage.
    that although Weldemichael purported to be an ELF-RC leader in
    Ethiopia, and although he had heard reports of Zeru's imprisonment
    due to her ELF-RC affiliation, Weldemichael never took enough
    interest in Zeru's plight to investigate Zeru's condition in prison
    or whether she was released before the two met again in the United
    States in 1994.      The IJ also observed Weldemichael's demeanor and
    stated that he "simply cannot find that Mr. W[e]ldemichael was
    Because petitioners' testimony was not credible, and
    because their corroborating evidence was not only insufficient to
    support their claims, but in fact contradicted them, the IJ found
    that   Zeru    and   Ghebrai   had    failed   to   establish   either   past
    persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution following their
    return   to    Eritrea.    See    
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13
    (a)-(b)   (asylum
    applicants bear burden of proof to establish refugee status); see
    also Singh v. Gonzales, 
    413 F.3d 156
    , 159 (1st Cir. 2005) (citing
    Diab v. Ashcroft, 
    397 F.3d 35
    , 39 (1st Cir. 2005)) (stating that
    corroborating evidence may bolster the testimony of a less than
    entirely credible alien).        In concluding that petitioners had not
    established past persecution, the IJ found that petitioners had
    shown neither that they suffered any harm nor that they had
    established a nexus to one of the five statutory grounds for
    establishing refugee status. 
    8 U.S.C. § 1158
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13
    (b)(1).      The IJ also separately rejected the claims that
    petitioners would suffer persecution on their return or had a well-
    founded fear of future persecution.           See 
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13
    The IJ noted that petitioners' close relatives continued to live
    peacefully in Eritrea. Indeed, Zeru's brother was in the military,
    and her family continued to live in the same home and run the
    family business, unmolested by the Eritrean government.                  The IJ
    also denied petitioners' applications for withholding of removal,
    protection under the CAT, and voluntary departure.4
    Zeru and Ghebrai retained a new attorney, Solomon Bekele,
    for their appeal to the BIA.         On appeal, petitioners insisted they
    had established past persecution.            They claimed that the IJ erred
    in   his    credibility    finding       because   he    improperly     demanded
    authenticated documentary evidence to prove petitioners' claims.
    They also objected to the IJ's use of demeanor in finding Zeru and
    Ghebrai incredible.
    Petitioners    described       inconsistencies        regarding    the
    number of Zeru's rapes as "minor" and explained them as lapses in
    memory due to the passage of time.            Petitioners also claimed that
    the second IJ did not observe proper procedures applicable upon
    assigning    a   new   judge   to   an    immigration     case.      Petitioners
    additionally     argued   that      because    Zeru     had   established     past
    Petitioners' brief does not advance any arguments
    regarding their claims for withholding of removal, protection under
    the CAT, or voluntary departure. Those claims accordingly have
    been waived for purposes of this petition. See Dine v. Gonzales,
    464 F.3d 89
    , 93 (1st Cir. 2006).
    persecution, petitioners were entitled to a finding of well-founded
    fear of future persecution and a grant of their withholding of
    removal claim.     Finally, petitioners made a perfunctory argument
    that they qualified for protection under the CAT.
    On February 7, 2006, the BIA affirmed, incorporating an
    earlier August 3, 2005 per curiam order. The BIA upheld both the
    lack   of    credibility       finding     and     the    finding    that   the
    inconsistencies were not sufficiently explained.               The BIA noted
    that   it   did   not   find    persuasive       Zeru's   argument   that   the
    inconsistencies were caused by lapses of memory.               Further, that
    argument    did   not   explain    inconsistencies        in   Ghebrai's    and
    Weldemichael's testimony. The BIA also noted that the IJ allowably
    considered the demeanor of the witnesses.
    The BIA also found a lack of corroborating evidence. The
    BIA noted that Zeru's immediate family members continued to reside
    in Eritrea without harm.           As to the argument that this was
    explained by the fact that her family members were politically
    inactive, the BIA noted that was inconsistent with her husband's
    testimony that he was not politically active, but nonetheless he
    had been threatened repeatedly by security agents. In turn, it was
    implausible that the husband, had he been threatened by government
    agents, would have been granted a passport and permitted to travel
    to the United States.
    The BIA also addressed petitioners' argument regarding
    the assignment of a new IJ to their case.       The BIA's decision made
    clear that the IJ complied with the requirement that he familiarize
    himself with the record and so state on the record.        In fact, the
    IJ's opinion made repeated reference to details of petitioners'
    testimony given in hearings presided over by the previous IJ.
    B.          Motion to Reopen
    Zeru and Ghebrai, represented by new counsel, filed a
    motion to reopen on May 5, 2006.        The motion was based on alleged
    new information about Zeru's PTSD and on alleged ineffective
    assistance of counsel stemming from Bekele's representation during
    the initial appeal.
    Zeru and Ghebrai offered evidence tending to show that
    Zeru's PTSD had worsened.      Zeru's evidence was that she suffered a
    breakdown upon learning of her imminent deportation to Eritrea and
    was hospitalized on November 12, 2005, for depression and suicidal
    thoughts.     Zeru submitted a letter from Dr. John Mirczak, a
    psychiatrist who treated her after her release from the hospital,
    dated February 1, 2006, and stating that Zeru suffered severe PTSD
    as a result of        "multiple gang rapes . . . suffered while a
    political prisoner in Eritrea."         The letter further stated that
    Zeru's symptoms would worsen if she were to return to Eritrea.
    Petitioners    also    submitted    a     "supplementary   psychological
    assessment" from Dr. Mirczak dated April 27, 2006.          Dr. Mirczak
    wrote that "what can sometimes happen with trauma patients is that
    they may dissociate" and that their memories "may be repressed."
    The    supplemental     assessment     does     not    explicitly      ascribe    such
    symptoms to Zeru.
    The    motion     also   relied    on     three   other    letters       to
    petitioners' attorneys from mental health professionals regarding
    Zeru's PTSD diagnosis.           The first, from a staff member at the
    Psychiatric Institute of Washington named Dianne Carlson, explained
    that Zeru had flashbacks to her imprisonment and rapes, and that
    Zeru used dissociation and denial to avoid re-experiencing past
    traumas.      The     second    letter    contained      the   impressions       of    a
    psychologist, Jane McGoldrick, who met with Zeru twice in April
    2006.    McGoldrick wrote that Zeru referred in her meetings to her
    rape and torture, but that she was "too tearful and distressed to
    report details" of those episodes. McGoldrick asserted that Zeru's
    recovery was contingent upon the success of her asylum claim.
    Finally, the motion to reopen presented a lengthy letter
    from    F.   Barton    Evans,     a   forensic        psychologist     retained       by
    petitioners' counsel to review the Wattenberg report and provide a
    "literature        review"   regarding     PTSD.         The   letter     aimed       at
    contradicting the IJ's statement that "it would not be unusual for
    a victim of trauma to confuse dates or sequences of events, but it
    would be very unusual for a victim of trauma to simply forget that
    an event occurred." The IJ was referring to the difference between
    Zeru's testimony and what she told Wattenberg about the number of
    different occasions on which she had been raped.                     Evans wrote that
    Wattenberg's affidavit negated the IJ's statement because of its
    reference to Zeru "recall[ing] feeling dissociated from her body
    during these rapes" and "utiliz[ing] avoidant strategies."                       Evans
    cited several psychological studies for the proposition that PTSD
    victims may suffer inconsistent recall of traumatic events.                       Evans
    wrote that "from the perspective of the psychology of trauma, the
    presence of dissociative symptoms in fact adds believability to
    [Zeru's] report." Petitioners' motion to reopen explained that all
    of    the   foregoing         letters    "challenged      the   credibility     finding
    stemming from Zeru's differing statements regarding the number of
    times she was raped."
    Zeru   and    Ghebrai    claimed       ineffective     assistance   of
    counsel      because     "Bekele's       work     was    egregiously    deficient    in
    preparation of" the asylum appeal.                      This was so because Bekele
    failed      to    address      adequately    in    his    brief   the    IJ's   adverse
    credibility findings in general, and in particular "the most
    important ground of appeal, namely the virtual elimination of the
    testimony of [Wattenberg,] who was in the best position to address
    . . . Zeru's credibility."                  Petitioners argued that Bekele's
    failures amounted to a due process violation. The motion to reopen
    did   not    address      the    IJ's    decisions       regarding    withholding    of
    removal, the CAT, or voluntary departure.
    The BIA denied the motion to reopen on August 22, 2006,
    in a four-page, closely reasoned order discussing, inter alia, the
    specifics of the new medical evidence.       The BIA noted the limited
    nature of the new evidence.       Mirczak's letter opined that Zeru's
    memory "could have been [a]ffected by dissociation, but overall she
    is being factual about the brutality that happened."          McGoldrick,
    who said the disorder Zeru was suffering "often has as symptoms"
    memory problems and amnesia for aspects of traumatic experiences,
    did not say that Zeru suffered those symptoms.          The BIA stressed
    that Evans did not even conduct a direct examination of Zeru.
    The   BIA   met   head-on   Evans's   criticism   of   the   IJ's
    statement that "it would not be unusual for a victim of trauma to
    confuse dates of sequences of events, but it would be very unusual
    for a victim of trauma to simply forget that an event occurred."
    Even accepting Evans's criticism, the BIA held that it would not
    likely have changed the outcome of the proceeding, for several
    reasons.    Zeru's inconsistent statements about the number of
    occasions on which she was raped were not the sole basis for the
    lack of credibility finding, which rested on numerous independent
    inconsistencies as well as upon the IJ's assessment of Zeru's
    demeanor. Also, Zeru had failed to provide corroborating evidence.
    The entire body of medical evidence rested on the credibility of
    her reports to the doctor, but the IJ had, based on substantial
    evidence, found her not to be credible in her reporting of her
    history. Further, the basic PTSD diagnosis evidence was before the
    BIA in the prior appeal and had been considered.
    As to the ineffective assistance claim, the BIA reasoned
    that it also failed because even considering the new evidence and
    new emphasis on the effects of trauma on memory (the argument prior
    counsel, it was argued, should have made), the respondent still had
    not demonstrated that the outcome might have differed.
    Zeru and Ghebrai timely petitioned to this court for
    review of the BIA's rejection of their asylum appeal and the
    Board's denial of the motion to reopen.
    Petitioners urge this court that "the Petition for Review
    of the Motion [to Reopen] should . . . be held to be the functional
    equivalent of the direct appeal" such that the two petitions would
    be reviewed under the same standard and with reference to the
    entire administrative record.            Based on this misunderstanding,
    petitioners conflate their arguments challenging the denial of
    asylum and the denial of the motion to reopen.
    The two petitions are legally distinct.           See Keo Chan v.
    413 F.3d 161
    , 165 n.3 (1st Cir. 2005) ("[T]he legal
    separateness of the denial of the asylum claim and the motion to
    reopen   is    demonstrated   by   the   fact     that   each   is   a   separate
    appealable order."); see also 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b)(4)(A) ("[T]he
    court    of    appeals   shall     decide   the     petition     only    on   the
    administrative record on which the order of removal is based.")
    (emphasis added).       We review them separately according to their
    respective records and standards of review.               See, e.g., Zeng v.
    436 F.3d 26
    , 29, 32 (1st Cir. 2006); Olujoke v. Gonzales,
    411 F.3d 16
    , 21, 23 (1st Cir. 2005); Fesseha v. Ashcroft, 
    333 F.3d 13
    , 18, 20 (1st Cir. 2003).
    A.            Denial of Asylum
    Petitioners challenge the denial of asylum by attacking
    the IJ's credibility findings.           Petitioners assert that the IJ did
    not give sufficient weight to evidence provided by Wattenberg, who
    "would have been able to address the impact of PTSD on Ms. Zeru's
    memory and ability to recollect certain events related to her
    trauma."      This is dispositive, petitioners argue, because they
    characterize the IJ's credibility finding as turning on Zeru's
    inconsistent testimony as to the number of times she was raped
    after her imprisonment in 1987.             Petitioners also argue that the
    credibility      finding,     to   the    extent   it   was    based   on     other
    inconsistent testimony or deficiencies in corroborating evidence,
    was   based    on   trivial   or   immaterial      evidence.     We    hold    that
    substantial evidence supports the IJ's findings and deny the
    petition for review.
    We must affirm an IJ's findings of fact, including the
    credibility of witnesses, if they are "supported by reasonable,
    substantial, and probative evidence on the record considered as a
    whole."    INS v. Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U.S. 478
    , 481 (1992) (quoting
    8 U.S.C. § 1105a(a)(4)) (internal quotation marks omitted).                           An
    IJ's credibility determinations demand deference where (1) the
    discrepancies and omissions described by the IJ are actually
    present in the record; (2) those discrepancies and omissions
    provide     specific     and     cogent     reasons      to     conclude      that   the
    petitioners provided incredible testimony regarding facts central
    to the merits of the asylum claim; and (3) petitioners do not
    provide    a   convincing       explanation        for    the     discrepancies      and
    omissions.     Zheng v. Gonzales, 
    464 F.3d 60
    , 63 (1st Cir. 2006)
    (citing Hoxha v. Gonzales, 
    446 F.3d 210
    , 214 (1st Cir. 2006)).
    The IJ based his findings of incredibility on, inter
    alia,    numerous     inconsistencies        in    Zeru's       testimony.       First,
    although Zeru told Wattenberg that she had been gang raped three
    times during her imprisonment from 1987-88, she testified to the IJ
    that she had been raped once, and then later, that she had been
    raped twice.         Second, Zeru testified in August 1999 that in
    September 1994, Eritrean security officers interrogated her for ten
    hours, at one point pointing a gun at her and threatening to kill
    her.    She testified that the encounter terrified her.                      In November
    2003,     however,     Zeru    described         the    episode    as    a    four-hour
    questioning,    and     stated    that     she    did    not    take    the   officers'
    warnings seriously.            Third, Zeru told Wattenberg that she met
    Ghebrai when working at a pharmacy owned by her father.                               In
    contrast, Zeru testified to the IJ that they met at the government
    hospital where Ghebrai worked and where Zeru did volunteer work.
    Fourth, Zeru testified in 2000 that she completed twelfth grade,
    while in 2003 she testified that she attended school until the
    tenth grade.     Fifth, Zeru gave inconsistent testimony as to how
    long she owned her own business in Asmara and what products her
    store sold.
    As to Ghebrai's testimony, the IJ noted inconsistencies
    as to when he learned of Zeru's participation in the ELF-RC, as
    well as conflicting testimony regarding the location of Ghebrai's
    alleged encounters with Eritrean security forces searching for Zeru
    after her departure to the United States.           The IJ also stressed
    that Ghebrai's demeanor during his November 2003 testimony "was one
    of a person who completely lacked v[e]racity."
    Morever, the IJ cited discrepancies and omissions in the
    petitioners' corroborating documentary evidence that bolstered his
    determination of incredibility.        The document that Zeru offered as
    proof of her 1987-88 imprisonment could not be authenticated when
    she sent a copy to the United States Embassy in Ethiopia.              There
    were reasons to doubt another important document.              Petitioners'
    marriage   certificate    revealed     an    inconsistency     with   Asmara
    municipal records regarding Zeru's date of birth, and the whited-
    out   document   displayed   signs    of    tampering.   The    documentary
    problems continued:      Zeru testified that hospital records were
    available in Eritrea to corroborate her outpatient treatment for
    depression in 1988.    In spite of being advised by an IJ to obtain
    those documents, and in spite of the fact that her family lives in
    proximity to the hospital in Eritrea, Zeru was able neither to
    produce the hospital records nor to explain why she did not produce
    them.   Nor was Zeru able to produce business records or the
    mandatory annual government permits for the business in Asmara that
    she testified at various times to having operated for either one
    year or for three and a half years.       Petitioners were not even able
    to produce, at an IJ's request, income tax filings, employment-
    related documents, or any other documents that could corroborate
    that they were indeed married.
    Petitioners      concede,       appropriately,       that   these
    discrepancies    are   "specific    and    cogent"   to    a    finding   of
    incredibility, and that some of them "do go to the heart of the
    asylum claim."   Petitioners seem to suggest, however, that had the
    IJ given due weight to Wattenberg's testimony, her diagnosis of
    PTSD would have adequately explained the discrepancies in Zeru's
    testimony regarding traumatic events, especially variations in the
    number of alleged rapes.
    During their direct appeal to the BIA, petitioners did
    not challenge the credibility determination on grounds that the
    inconsistencies resulted from PTSD. Instead, petitioners attempted
    at that stage to explain away testimonial inconsistencies as "the
    result of memory laps[e]" due to the passage of time between events
    in Eritrea and the asylum hearings.      Issues not raised before the
    BIA generally may not be raised for the first time on a petition
    for review.      Bernal-Vallejo v. INS, 
    195 F.3d 56
    , 64 (1st Cir.
    Even construing petitioners' arguments in front of the
    BIA as encompassing the PTSD theory, however, we cannot conclude
    that "any reasonable adjudicator" would be compelled to disagree
    with the IJ's credibility determination. 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    Wattenberg's     Assessment   Report    was    based        on   Zeru's   oral
    representations    to   Wattenberg,    which   the     IJ    concluded    were
    Even so, the IJ did not ignore the report or Wattenberg's
    diagnosis of Zeru as suffering from PTSD.               The IJ expressly
    acknowledged that "it would not be unusual for a victim of trauma
    to confuse dates or sequences of events."            The IJ expressed his
    doubt that such an effect would be sufficient to explain Zeru's
    disparate statement to Wattenberg and her testimony as to the
    number of times she was raped.     No evidence was ever submitted by
    petitioners to contradict that specific doubt. Indeed, no specific
    evidence was submitted to the BIA on this point until the motion to
    reopen, when Evans addressed it in his letter, and he had not even
    met Zeru.
    Further,    even       assuming       arguendo      the   accuracy     of
    Wattenberg's diagnosis of PTSD, petitioners do not claim that PTSD
    clouded Zeru's testimony regarding non-traumatic facts of life such
    as dates of birth, educational level, where she met her future
    spouse,   or    how    long    she   owned   her      own   business.         Nor   does
    Wattenberg's report offer any explanation of the many gaps and
    contradictions within petitioners' documentary evidence.                      Taken as
    a    whole,    the    record   available       to    the    BIA   at    the   time   of
    petitioners' direct appeal provides substantial evidence in support
    of the IJ's credibility determination.
    B.            Denial of Motion to Reopen
    Petitioners challenge the BIA's denial of the motion to
    reopen on two grounds.          They first assert a due process violation
    resulting from an alleged ineffective assistance of counsel during
    the appeal of the asylum proceedings to the BIA.                    They also argue
    that the BIA erred in discounting the newly presented evidence of
    Zeru's PTSD in denying the motion to reopen.
    Motions to reopen deportation proceedings are disfavored
    due to the "strong public interest in bringing litigation to a
    close . . . promptly."           Fesseha, 333 F.3d at 20 (quoting INS v.
    485 U.S. 94
    , 107 (1988)) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The normal deference granted agency decisions on motions to reopen
    applies with greater force in the immigration context because of
    the implications for foreign relations.                Ven v. Ashcroft, 386 F.3d
    357, 360 (1st Cir. 2004) (citing Abudu, 
    485 U.S. at 110
    ).                 We
    review the BIA's denial of a motion to reopen for abuse of
    discretion, reversing the denial "only if the BIA 'misread the law'
    or acted 'in an arbitrary or capricious fashion.'"            Fesseha, 333
    F.3d at 20 (quoting Carter v. INS, 
    90 F.3d 14
    , 17 (1st Cir. 1996)).
    A motion to reopen proceedings before the BIA must state
    "new facts that will be proven at a hearing to be held if the
    motion is granted."    
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.2
    (c)(1).        The evidence sought
    to   be   offered   must   be    material    and   neither   available   nor
    discoverable at the former hearing. 
     Ineffective assistance of
    counsel claims, in certain circumstances, may satisfy these general
    requirements.    Saakian v. INS, 
    252 F.3d 21
    , 25 (1st Cir. 2001).
    While aliens in deportation proceedings do not enjoy a
    Sixth Amendment right to counsel, they have due process rights in
    deportation proceedings.        
    Id. at 24
    .   As an "integral part" of this
    procedural due process, aliens in deportation proceedings have a
    statutory right to be represented by counsel at their own expense.
     (quoting Batanic v. INS, 
    12 F.3d 662
    , 667 (7th Cir. 1993)); see
    8 U.S.C. § 1362
    .       "Ineffective assistance of counsel in a
    deportation proceeding is a denial of due process only if the
    proceeding was so fundamentally unfair that the alien was prevented
    from reasonably presenting his case."         Lozada v. INS, 
    857 F.2d 10
    13 (1st Cir. 1988) (quoting Ramirez-Durazo v. INS, 
    794 F.2d 491
    499-500 (9th Cir. 1996)) (internal quotation marks omitted).             To
    succeed on an ineffective assistance of counsel claim, petitioners
    must show "a reasonable probability of prejudice" resulting from
    their former representation.         Saakian, 
    252 F.3d at 25
    The gravamen of petitioners' argument before the BIA and
    this court is that their appeal of the denial of asylum was
    prejudiced by Bekele's failure to challenge adequately the IJ's
    credibility determination.           Petitioners peg their arguments to
    counsel's    failure   to    argue    that       Wattenberg's   PTSD      diagnosis
    explained the inconsistencies and undercut the lack of credibility
    Neither the IJ nor the BIA rested either solely or
    necessarily on Zeru's inconsistent testimony concerning traumatic
    past events in denying petitioners asylum.                 The BIA noted in its
    denial of the motion to reopen that it had reviewed Wattenberg's
    report and testimony.        The Board, informed by that information,
    concluded that although petitioners had challenged some of the IJ's
    bases for his credibility determination, the board "[did] not find
    that [petitioners] have demonstrated that all bases . . . were
    erroneous."      Therefore, even if Bekele's initial appeal were
    deficient in some respects, petitioners have failed to demonstrate
    that the result would have been any different given their present
    arguments.     In    addition,     "the    Board's        careful   attention    to
    [petitioners']      motion   to   reopen     .    .   .   negated   any    possible
    violation" of petitioners' Fifth Amendment rights.                 Lozada, 
    857 F.2d at 14
    Petitioners raise another due process issue related to
    Wattenberg's     testimony.    Petitioners     argue   the    IJ    improperly
    limited Wattenberg's testimony and thereby "deprived Ms. Zeru of
    the opportunity to present fundamental evidence critical to her
    case."   Petitioners misstate the record.5        During the November 26,
    2003 hearing, the IJ admitted Wattenberg's Assessment Report into
    evidence   and   allowed   petitioners'     attorney   an    opportunity     to
    examine Wattenberg beyond the report.          Counsel declined to do so.
    Following the government's cross-examination of Wattenberg, the IJ
    offered petitioners' counsel an opportunity to conduct redirect
    questioning; counsel again declined.           Petitioners do not claim
    their representation before the IJ was deficient.              Further, the
    record reveals that the IJ reviewed Wattenberg's report in detail.
    Petitioners received a full and fair opportunity to present their
    expert testimony.     That the IJ considered Wattenberg's testimony
    and reasonably discounted its evidentiary weight does not offend
    the Fifth Amendment.
    Finally,    petitioners     claim    that   the   BIA     erred   in
    discounting the new evidence of Zeru's PTSD accompanying the motion
    to reopen.     The BIA considered that evidence but concluded that
    Unfortunately,      Zeru   has mischaracterized the record
    throughout her brief,         and    amici have relied upon those
    "evidence of [Zeru's] need for psychiatric care in late 2005 is not
    a   sufficient        basis    to    overturn     the    comprehensive,        adverse
    credibility finding from December 2003."                      Indeed, petitioners'
    "new" evidence simply reiterates Wattenberg's previous diagnosis of
    PTSD.     The    petitioners'        brief   concedes         that    "[a]ll   of   this
    information could have been provided by Dr. Wattenberg if she had
    been given a chance to testify fully" at the asylum hearings.
    Wattenberg      was    given    that    chance.         The    PTSD    diagnosis     was
    considered during the asylum proceedings and before the BIA.                          We
    cannot say the BIA erred in holding the additional evidence of
    Zeru's PTSD did not present "new facts" justifying a motion to
    8 C.F.R. § 1003.2
    (c)(1); cf. Lemus v. Gonzales, 
    489 F.3d 399
    , 401 (1st Cir. 2007).              The BIA did not act arbitrarily or
    capriciously in denying petitioners' motion.
    We acknowledge the assistance provided by the brief filed
    by amici.    Zeru and amici correctly argue that the IJ and the BIA,
    in assessing credibility of aliens who are victims of trauma and
    consequently suffer from PTSD, should be mindful that serious
    memory problems are a common symptom of PTSD.                        See Br. of Amici
    Curiae in Support of the Pet'rs 18-19.                  They also correctly argue
    that expert medical evidence may assist the agency.                      Id. 27-28.
    The record reveals that the BIA and IJ adhered to both
    principles in this case.            The IJ explicitly recognized that trauma
    victims may give discrepant testimony. The IJ articulated his view
    that   this    did    not    explain    the    discrepancies     between    Zeru's
    testimony and her report to Wattenberg as to the number of rapes.
    Zeru's evidence did not dispute this drawing of the line by the IJ.
    Contrary to Zeru's claim that the BIA rejected the new evidence of
    Zeru's medical condition in 2005, the BIA carefully considered that
    evidence, as described.
    Amici also join Zeru in arguing that she was not given a
    fair chance to respond to doubts about her credibility.                    Not so.
    There is no presumption that an alien seeking refugee status is
    credible.      Nor is there an assumption that if the IJ has not made
    an express finding of non-credibility, the alien's testimony must
    be taken as credible.         The burden of persuasion is Zeru's, 
    8 C.F.R. § 1208.13
    (a), and that requires her to put forth sufficiently
    credible testimony or other evidence to establish her eligibility
    for asylum.
    It was, or should have been, self-evident to Zeru and her
    counsel      that    there    were    weaknesses      in   her   case   from   her
    presentation of evidence alone.            First, on the issue of the number
    of   times     she   had     been    raped,    she   was   inconsistent.       The
    inconsistency between her testimony to the IJ on that point and her
    statements     to    Wattenberg      was   obvious.        Second,   Wattenberg's
    affidavit attempted to respond by saying that Zeru "recall[ed]
    feeling dissociated from her body" during the rapes and adverted to
    avoidance as a symptom of her PTSD.            Wattenberg was not barred from
    giving further testimony on this point or from explaining the
    discrepancies.           Third, Zeru had the opportunity and means to
    provide competent corroborative evidence. The documentary evidence
    she presented appeared to be fraudulent. Fourth, during the course
    of the hearing, the IJ made it clear he had reason to doubt Zeru's
    claims.       During one colloquy between Zeru and the IJ during the
    November 23, 2003, hearing, the IJ specifically pressed Zeru on
    inconsistencies between her testimony and facts contained in the
    Wattenberg report.         For instance, the IJ asked Zeru multiple times
    whether there were only two rapes during her imprisonment in
    Ethiopia.       The IJ elicited Zeru's unequivocal denial that a third
    rape had occurred.          Thus Zeru herself contradicted what she told
    Wattenberg.       The IJ also asked Zeru whether her father ever owned
    a pharmacy, as stated in the Wattenberg report. Zeru answered that
    he did not.      As for petitioners' suspect documentary evidence, the
    IJ indicated during the hearings that he had reason to believe they
    were       fraudulent.     These   exchanges   put   petitioners   and   their
    attorney on notice of the IJ's misgivings, but petitioners never
    offered satisfactory explanations for any of these discrepancies.6
    To the extent Zeru and amici argue that as a mechanical
    matter the IJ must always, before the end of proceedings,
    articulate a belief that a petitioner is not credible and provide
    an additional opportunity to respond, we reject the argument.
    Neither the regulations nor procedural due process require such a
    procedure. Indeed, it would be unusual.
    There may be cases in which the failure by an IJ or the
    BIA to give due consideration to expert evidence regarding PTSD
    justifies dislodging a decision of the Board.     Cf. Mukamusoni v.
    390 F.3d 110
    , 122-23 (1st Cir. 2004).     For the reasons
    described, this is not such a case.
    We affirm the decisions of the BIA.