United States v. Murchison , 865 F.3d 23 ( 2017 )

  •           United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    Nos. 16-1251; 16-1252
    Defendant, Appellant.
    [Hon. George Z. Singal, U.S. District Judge]
    Thompson, Stahl, and Barron,
    Circuit Judges.
    Peter J. Cyr and Law Offices of Peter J. Cyr on brief for
    Thomas E. Delahanty II, United States Attorney, and Margaret
    D. McGaughey, Assistant United States Attorney, on brief for
    July 26, 2017
    THOMPSON, Circuit Judge.
    Back in 2014, Akylle Murchison was picked up and charged
    in   connection          with   a    lengthy    investigation          into    a    cocaine-
    producing and -selling conspiratorial enterprise.                        Murchison pled
    guilty       to     a    one-count     indictment        for     violating     
    21 U.S.C. §§ 841
    (a)(1) and 846 (he conspired with others to distribute, and
    possessed with intent to distribute, twenty-eight grams or more of
    mixtures containing cocaine and cocaine base) and to a one-count
    information under 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1) (he possessed with intent
    to distribute a substance containing bk-MDEA, or ethylone, usually
    called a "bath salt").
    At       sentencing     and     in    his       sentencing      memorandum,
    Murchison objected to the Pre-Sentence Investigation Report's
    (PSR)       inclusion      of    paragraphs         10   and     83,   which       reference
    information         (false      information,        says   Murchison)         given   by   a
    cooperating source who claims Murchison also was involved in
    purchasing firearms.1               Murchison asked the court to strike those
    1   Paragraph 10 states:
    Notably, SOI-4 [(Source of Information)] also alleged
    that Akylle Murchison arranged for third parties
    (usually females) to buy firearms on his behalf at local
    stores in Lewiston.    According to SOI-4, the serial
    numbers would be scratched off those weapons, and Akylle
    Murchison then arranged for the guns to be delivered to
    a "gang" in Boston, known as the Norwood Bulls. It's
    noted that SOI-4 did not allege these firearms were
    connected to Akylle Murchison’s drug activity. Instead,
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    paragraphs, or at least to initial the paragraphs and indicate
    that there were insufficient facts to support the information.   In
    ruling, the district-court judge explained, "All right, I'm going
    to leave [the paragraphs] in the report.    I'm going to indicate
    for the record that it won't make any difference with regard to
    whatever sentence I give, but I think it's proper to be in the
    report."   After another effort by Murchison, in which he argued
    that the information contained in paragraphs 10 and 83 would
    negatively impact the Bureau of Prison's (BOP) classification
    determination and the availability of a 500-hour drug treatment
    program, the judge reiterated:   "I'm not going to strike it.     I
    think I was more than lenient in not using it as part of my
    sentencing determination.   It's an accurate statement, and to the
    extent the Bureau of Prisons considers it so be it, though I'm
    advised by probation it probably won't happen, though that doesn't
    according to SOI-4, Akylle Murchison told SOI-4 "I have
    to supply the hood with guns, you know how I do."
    And paragraph 83 states:
    To the contrary, there also appears to be a basis for a
    non-guideline sentence above the guideline range.
    Namely, there is evidence that the defendant utilized
    straw purchasers for firearms, which were later sold to
    members of a gang in Boston, MA, known as the Norwood
    Bulls. Because this conduct appears to be unrelated to
    the instant offense, it can’t be accounted for in the
    guideline calculations.
    - 3 -
    enter into my judgment on that."2     In due course, Murchison was
    sentenced to concurrent prison terms of 108 months.
    On appeal, Murchison presents us with two complaints:
    (1) the court erred when it refused to strike paragraphs 10 and 83
    from the PSR, and therefore the matter should be remanded so the
    PSR can be amended,3 and (2) the sentence imposed is unreasonable.
    We take each in turn.
    Rule 32 and the Bureau of Prisons
    Murchison claims the court's refusal to strike these
    paragraphs was a violation of Fed. R. Crim. P. 32(i)(3)(B).     He
    also says the paragraphs' inclusion is prejudicial to the way in
    2 The court determined that the PSR statement accurately
    reflected what the cooperating source reported, sidestepping the
    issue of the truthfulness of the accusation.
    3 In passing, Murchison observes that, "[w]ithout a hearing
    and the introduction of evidence" regarding the contents of the
    challenged paragraphs, the district court "should have deleted"
    those paragraphs. To the extent that Murchison intended to argue
    that he wants us to remand for an evidentiary hearing, we decline
    to address that angle -- Murchison has not developed this argument
    on appeal. United States v. Zannino, 
    895 F.2d 1
    , 17 (1st Cir.
    1990)   ("[I]ssues   adverted   to  in   a   perfunctory   manner,
    unaccompanied by some effort at developed argumentation, are
    deemed waived."). But at any rate, while it is true that "[w]hen
    a defendant objects to factual statements contained in such a
    report, 'the sentencing court may not rely on those facts unless
    the government proves them by a preponderance of the evidence,'"
    United States v. Hopkins, 
    824 F.3d 726
    , 734–35 (8th Cir.), cert.
    137 S. Ct. 522
     (2016) (quoting United States v. Bowers,
    743 F.3d 1182
    , 1184 (8th Cir. 2014)), that is not a problem here.
    As will be discussed, the district court did not rely on the
    contested information in sentencing, so any hearing-related
    argument has no pull.
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    which the BOP will classify and house him, and will negatively
    affect the availability of rehabilitation programs.    We review a
    district court's compliance with Rule 32 de novo.     United States
    v. Acevedo, 
    824 F.3d 179
    , 184 (1st Cir. 2016) (quoting United
    States v. González-Vélez, 
    587 F.3d 494
    , 508 (1st Cir. 2009)).
    Before we get into these issues, we provide the following
    primer to explain generally how the pieces of this Rule 32-and-
    the-BOP puzzle come together.
    Rule 32(i)(3)(B) -- the subsection specifically raised
    by Murchison -- instructs that a court "must -- for any disputed
    portion of the presentence report or other controverted matter --
    rule on the dispute or determine that a ruling is unnecessary
    either because the matter will not affect sentencing, or because
    the court will not consider the matter in sentencing."     Fed. R.
    Crim. P. 32(i)(3)(B).    And Rule 32(i)(3)(C) suggests a clear
    connection between the PSR and the BOP:    it requires a court to
    "append a copy of the court's determinations under this rule to
    any copy of the presentence report made available to the Bureau of
    Prisons." Fed. R. Crim. P. 32(i)(3)(C). So Rule 32(i)(3)(C) tells
    us that the PSR, accompanied by other Rule 32 "determinations,"
    gets sent to the BOP.
    For its part, the BOP's Inmate Security and Custody
    Classification Manual (the BOP Manual) explains that, prior to
    classification, the Designation and Sentence Computation Center
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    (DSCC) must receive all sentencing material, including the PSR,
    judgment, statement of reasons (SOR),4 and an "Individual Custody
    and Detention Report"5 from the sentencing court, U.S. Probation
    Office (USPO), and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS).6                 Custody &
    Care:        Designations,         Fed.       Bureau       of          Prisons,
    (last visited July 17, 2017); see also Fed. Bureau of Prisons,
    Program     Statement:    Inmate   Security       Designation   and     Custody
    Classification      No.      P5100.08,      Ch.      3,   at    1       (2006),
    https://www.bop.gov/policy/progstat/5100_008.pdf [hereinafter BOP
    The statement of reasons is a form completed after
    sentencing -- it reports the court's findings and comments as to
    the PSR, mandatory minimum sentence, guideline range for
    sentencing, the sentencing determination, any departures or
    variances from the guidelines, and the determinations of
    The Individual Custody and Detention Report is a USMS form
    that reports information such as any aliases and gang affiliations.
    The breakdown of events, roles, and responsibilities,
    according to the BOP Manual, is: (1) "[t]he inmate is sentenced";
    (2) "[t]he Clerk of the Court transmits the Judgment and Commitment
    Order (old law cases) or Judgment in a Criminal Case (new law
    cases) to the USMS;" (3) "[t]he USMS makes a request to the DSCC
    advising that the inmate is now ready for designation to a
    facility;" (4) "[i]f it has not already been provided, DSCC staff
    must contact the necessary officials (USPO or USMS) for the
    following: two copies of the PSR, a copy of the Judgment, to
    include the SOR, and the Individual Custody and Detention Report."
    BOP Manual, Ch.3, at 1.
    - 6 -
    So, together, Rule 32 and the BOP's system work to ensure
    that the BOP classifies and processes sentenced offenders with the
    benefit of all relevant and informative sentencing material.
    Back to Murchison's Rule 32 argument.                 To be sure,
    Murchison's concerns are not frivolous -- they are valid and
    important contentions based on the interplay of Rule 32 and the
    information that gets sent to the BOP, which in turn is used by
    the   BOP   to    make   fundamental    decisions   about   classification,
    housing,    and    eligibility    for    rehabilitation     and    employment
    programs, all of which will, of course, impact Murchison's day-
    to-day life as an inmate.        So getting it right is important.        But
    on these facts, we do not see the Rule 32(i)(3)(B) violation
    Murchison complains of.       Simply put, the judge complied with Rule
    32(i)(3)(B) when he "rule[d] on the dispute" ("I'm going to leave
    [the paragraphs] in the report" and "I'm not going to strike it"),
    and, after that, he was required to do nothing more. United States
    v. Melendez, 
    279 F.3d 16
    , 19 (1st Cir. 2002) (quoting United States
    v. Turner, 
    898 F.2d 705
    , 710 (9th Cir. 1990)).            Nevertheless, the
    judge also made it plain that he would not rely on the contested
    information in sentencing, and the record bears out that he stuck
    to that plan.      On this record, we fail to understand how this is
    anything other than a measured ruling that constitutes compliance
    with Rule 32(i)(3)(B).
    - 7 -
    Murchison's BOP angle also fails.    That the BOP may see
    in the PSR certain information Murchison believes is prejudicial
    does not compel the district court to strike it from the PSR.   See,
    e.g., Hopkins, 824 F.3d at 735 (rejecting argument that court was
    required to strike contested information in the PSR because the
    BOP would rely on it); United States v. Beatty, 
    9 F.3d 686
    , 689
    (8th Cir. 1993) ("[Rule 32] does not require that the objected-to
    material be stricken.").   And remember:    The BOP does not receive
    only the PSR for its classification determination, but rather it
    receives "all sentencing material," including the PSR, judgment,
    and SOR.   BOP Custody & Care:   Designations; see also Fed. R. Crim.
    P. 32(i)(3)(C); BOP Manual, Ch. 3, at 1.          This is important
    because, in Murchison's case, the SOR indicated for the BOP's
    consideration that "[t]he Court will not consider the reference to
    firearms in paragraphs 10 and 83 when imposing sentence."7      Taken
    together, that means the BOP was equipped with the full complement
    7 This comment from the district court falls under "Additional
    Comments or Findings" on the SOR.      That section's instructions
    echo Rule 32, asking the court to "include comments or factual
    findings    concerning    any    information    in    the    [PSR],
    including information that the [BOP] may rely on when it makes
    inmate classification, designation, or programming decisions; any
    other rulings on disputed portions of the [PSR]; identification of
    those portions of the report in dispute but for which a court
    determination is unnecessary because the matter will not affect
    sentencing or the court will not consider it." (Emphasis added.)
    That the SOR says the BOP "may rely on" certain information
    contained in the SOR tells us, of course, that the SOR is intended
    to be reviewed by the BOP.
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    of sentencing information, so it was aware that, although there is
    information about firearms in the PSR, the district court did not
    consider       that   information     in   sentencing.        This    undercuts
    Murchison's argument about the prejudicial impact of the firearms
    information, which "will follow [him] to the [BOP]," since more
    than just the PSR follows Murchison to the BOP.
    We note too that, in the judgment, the district-court
    judge       recommended   to   the   BOP   that   Murchison   be     allowed   to
    participate in the 500 Hour Comprehensive Drug Treatment Program,
    which Murchison specifically wanted.              If the BOP does otherwise,
    as the district-court judge noted, "so be it," for classification
    determinations are the BOP's call, not ours.8
    Reasonableness of the Sentence
    Next up:   Murchison's similarly unavailing argument that
    the sentence is "greater than necessary and unreasonable given the
    totality of the circumstances."            It is unclear whether Murchison
    challenges the sentence on procedural or substantive grounds (he
    takes issue with both the court's assessment of the 
    18 U.S.C. § 3553
    (a) factors and the weight given to them), but since either
    Determinations as to classification of prisoners and
    eligibility to participate in certain programs are left to the
    BOP, not the courts. See Melendez, 
    279 F.3d at 18
     (quoting Thye
    v. United States, 
    109 F.3d 127
    , 130 (2d Cir. 1997) ("Decisions to
    place a convicted defendant within a particular treatment program
    or a particular facility are decisions within the sole discretion
    of the Bureau of Prisons.")); see also Hopkins, 824 F.3d at 735.
    - 9 -
    route leads to a dead end -- even using the more defendant-friendly
    abuse of discretion standard for each9 -- we quickly dispose of
    Murchison's sentence challenge rehashes what he argued
    at the hearing:            he highlights mitigating factors that, in his
    view,        justify   a   lesser   sentence     (his   young   age,   no   prior
    convictions, past abuse, loss of his mother at a young age, mental
    health issues, and more), and he also argues that he "is a good
    prospect for rehabilitation."
    The    district-court    judge    calculated    the    applicable
    Guideline range of imprisonment of 151 to 188 months (neither party
    Reviewing a challenged sentence requires a two-step process.
    United States v. King, 
    741 F.3d 305
    , 307 (1st Cir. 2014) (citing
    Gall v. United States, 
    552 U.S. 38
    , 51 (2007)). First, we resolve
    claims of procedural error before inquiring into whether the
    sentence is substantively reasonable. Id. at 308. We review the
    procedural reasonableness of the sentence for abuse of discretion.
    United States v. Flores-Machicote, 
    706 F.3d 16
    , 20 (1st Cir. 2013).
    For a preserved challenge to the substantive reasonableness of a
    sentence, "we proceed under the abuse of discretion rubric, taking
    account of the totality of the circumstances." United States v.
    792 F.3d 223
    , 226 (1st Cir. 2015). Where, as here,
    a defendant does not preserve an objection to the substantive
    reasonableness of their sentence, "[t]he applicable standard of
    review is somewhat blurred" as to whether the ordinary abuse of
    discretion standard or the plain error standard applies. 
    Id. at 228
    .   But Murchison's challenge fails even under the abuse of
    discretion standard.
    This sentencing appeal follows a guilty plea, and we
    therefore look to "the unchallenged portions of the presentence
    investigation report (PSI Report), and the record of the
    disposition hearing" for the relevant facts. United States v.
    560 F.3d 45
    , 47 (1st Cir. 2009).
    - 10 -
    objected to that calculation), and stated that he had considered
    all of the § 3553(a) factors, which "is entitled to significant
    weight."    United States v. Santiago-Rivera, 
    744 F.3d 229
    , 233 (1st
    Cir. 2014) (citing United States v. Dávila–González, 
    595 F.3d 42
    49   (1st   Cir.    2010)).     The    judge   acknowledged   the    defense's
    mitigation arguments, and thanked those who spoke on Murchison's
    behalf for providing insight into Murchison's character and story
    before ordering the sentence of 108 months, a forty-three-month
    downward variance.       The judge told Murchison the sentence was
    imposed in an effort to impress upon Murchison "not only the
    seriousness of his actions but also indicate to him that the Court
    has taken into account some of the ameliorating factors present in
    this case."
    So this comes down to yet another case where the true
    complaint seems to be that "the court did not assign the weight to
    certain factors that the [appellant] thought appropriate," which
    is meritless.       Ruiz-Huertas, 792 F.3d at 227; see also United
    States v. Clogston, 
    662 F.3d 588
    , 593 (1st Cir. 2011) (explaining
    that "the weighting of [sentencing] factors is largely within the
    court's informed discretion").             The judge correctly looked at
    everything     presented,      considered      all   appropriate    sentencing
    factors,     and,   frankly,     seemed     particularly   mindful    of   the
    "ameliorating factors" in play.           In the end and in his substantial
    - 11 -
    discretion,    the     judge    pronounced    a    procedurally      reasonable
    Mindful that "[t]here is rarely, if ever, a single
    correct sentence in any specific case," Santiago-Rivera, 744 F.3d
    at 234, we turn to the substantive reasonableness of the sentence,
    concluding that it easily passes muster.                    The district-court
    judge's "ultimate responsibility [wa]s to articulate a plausible
    rationale and arrive at a sensible result," United States v.
    589 F.3d 22
    , 30 (1st Cir. 2009), and he did so
    by plausibly reasoning that Murchison's extensive involvement as
    a leader and organizer in this conspiracy, the duration and
    regularity of his involvement, the seriousness of the crime, and
    the quantity of drugs involved warranted the sentence imposed.
    "[T]he    district     court   sufficiently       weighed    the   history   and
    characteristics of both the offense and the offender," and the
    judge's    plausible    rationale   and   careful     consideration     of   the
    relevant    factors    places    this   sentence      squarely     "within   the
    universe of acceptable outcomes."             United States v. Anonymous
    629 F.3d 68
    , 78 (1st Cir. 2010).
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