Rojas v. Fitch ( 1997 )

  • USCA1 Opinion


    No. 96-2328


    Plaintiff - Appellant,



    Defendants - Appellees.


    No. 97-1089


    Plaintiff - Appellee,



    Defendants - Appellants.




    [Hon. Francis J. Boyle, Senior U.S. District Judge] __________________________



    Torruella, Chief Judge, ___________

    Campbell, Senior Circuit Judge, ____________________

    and Boudin, Circuit Judge. _____________


    John W. Dineen, with whom Yesser, Glasson & Dineen was on _______________ ________________________
    brief for appellant Guadalupe Rojas.
    Scott Glabman, Attorney, with whom J. Davitt McAteer, Acting _____________ _________________
    Solicitor of Labor, Charles D. Raymond, Associate Solicitor for __________________
    Employment and Training, Legal Services, and Harry L. Sheinfeld, __________________
    Counsel for Litigation, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of the
    Solicitor, were on brief for appellee Cynthia A. Metzler, Acting
    Secretary of Labor.
    Rebecca Tedford Partington, Assistant Attorney General, for __________________________
    appellee Dr. Lee Arnold, Director, Rhode Island Department of
    Labor and Training.
    Michael G. Dolan, with whom Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, ________________ ______________________________
    and Gerard P. Cobleigh were on brief for appellee Salvation Army. __________________


    October 9, 1997


    TORRUELLA, Chief Judge. Plaintiff-Appellant Guadalupe TORRUELLA, Chief Judge. ___________

    Rojas, a former employee of the Salvation Army, sought a

    declaratory judgment that exemptions for religious employers

    under the Rhode Island unemployment tax statute and under the

    Federal Unemployment Tax Act ("FUTA"), 26 U.S.C. 3301-3311,

    violate the Establishment Clause and the Equal Protection Clause

    of the federal Constitution, as well as Article I, 3 of the

    Rhode Island Constitution, which protects the Freedom of

    Religion. She named as defendants the director of the Rhode

    Island Department of Employment and Training ("DET") and the

    Secretary of the federal Department of Labor. The Salvation Army

    intervened as a defendant. The district court rejected all of

    Rojas's substantive arguments for declaratory relief, see Rojas ___ _____

    v. Fitch, 928 F. Supp. 155, 162-67 (D.R.I. 1996), and now, on _____

    appeal, she reasserts her federal Establishment Clause and Equal

    Protection claims. We affirm.


    The following facts are not disputed. Rojas was a paid

    employee of the Salvation Army, serving as a social case worker

    from 1988 to 1994, except for a short interruption in 1990 and

    1991 when she worked for Catholic Social Services. Rojas was

    not, and was not required to be, a soldier or member of the

    Salvation Army when employed as a case worker. The Salvation

    Army terminated her employment on March 18, 1994, citing

    financial constraints.


    Approximately one month after her termination, Rojas

    applied for unemployment insurance benefits from the DET. The

    DET found that Rojas was ineligible because her former employer,

    the Salvation Army, was exempt from contributing to Rhode

    Island's unemployment insurance scheme under sections 28-42-8(4)

    and 28-44-11 of the Rhode Island General Laws.1 Pursuant to the

    exemption for religious employers under section 28-42-8(4), no

    taxes were withheld from Rojas's wages by the Salvation Army, and

    her income was not reported to the DET. The DET's denial of

    benefits was upheld by a DET referee after a hearing, and later

    the referee's determination was upheld by the DET Board of


    On September 9, 1994, Rojas initiated an action in

    federal district court against the Director of the DET, seeking

    declaratory invalidation of the exemption under either the

    Establishment Clause,2 the Equal Protection Clause,3 or Article

    I, 3 of the Rhode Island Constitution.4 In an amended

    1 In 1987, the DET determined that the Salvation Army is a
    "church" and thus entitled to an exemption pursuant to R.I. Gen.
    Laws 28-42-8(4).

    2 U.S. Const. amend. I ("Congress shall make no law respecting
    an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
    thereof . . . .").

    3 U.S. Const. amends. V, XIV.

    4 Article I, 3 provides, in pertinent part:

    . . . no person shall be compelled to
    frequent or to support any religious worship,
    place, or ministry whatever, except in
    fulfillment of such person's voluntary
    contract; nor enforced, restrained, molested,


    complaint, Rojas added the Secretary of the Department of Labor

    as a defendant, on the theory that FUTA's allowance of state

    exemptions for religious employers in the federal-state

    unemployment insurance system was an underlying cause of the

    Rhode Island exemption she challenged. See 26 U.S.C. 3309(b) ___

    (FUTA provision listing permissible employer exemptions,

    including exemption for religious employers). The Salvation Army

    was allowed to intervene, without objection, as a defendant.

    FUTA establishes a federal-state unemployment benefit

    scheme requiring employers to pay a federal excise tax, see 26 ___

    U.S.C. 3301 (computing the tax as a percentage of wages of

    covered employees), but encouraging the development of state

    unemployment insurance programs in the following ways: first,

    employers paying into a qualifying state unemployment fund are

    entitled to a credit on the federal tax, see 26 U.S.C. 3302, ___

    and second, a qualifying state is entitled to receive federal

    grants toward the cost of administering the state's unemployment


    or burdened in body or goods; nor
    disqualified from holding any office; nor
    otherwise suffer on account of such person's
    religious belief; and that every person shall
    be free to worship God according to the
    dictates of such person's conscience, and to
    profess and by argument to maintain such
    person's opinion in matters of religion; and
    that the same shall in no wise diminish,
    enlarge, or affect the civil capacity of any

    R.I. Const. art. I, 3. Rojas also appealed the decision of the
    DET board in state court, a suit which has been stayed pending
    resolution of her federal civil action.


    compensation program, see 42 U.S.C. 503. Rhode Island's ___

    unemployment fund qualified for participation in the FUTA system.

    FUTA exempts certain classes of employees from

    mandatory state coverage by a qualifying state plan. See 26 ___

    U.S.C. 3309(b). The current scope of exemptions reflects

    amendments made to FUTA by Congress in 1976. The 1976 Amendments

    narrowed the set of employees who were exempt from mandatory

    state coverage, by requiring, for example, that previously

    exempted school employees be covered. In 1970 as well, the scope

    of FUTA exemptions was narrowed significantly by Congress when it

    repealed a broad exemption previously available to all nonprofit

    organizations. See generally California v. Grace Brethren ___ _________ __________ _______________

    Church, 457 U.S. 393, 397 (1982) (describing the 1970 and 1976 ______

    FUTA Amendments).

    Currently, the segments of the labor force that the

    states are not required to cover under FUTA section 3309(b)

    include persons "in the employ of (A) a church or convention or

    association of churches, or (B) an organization which is operated

    primarily for religious purposes and which is operated,

    supervised, controlled, or principally supported by a church or

    convention or association of churches." 26 U.S.C. 3309(b)(1).

    Also exempt are employees of small nonprofit organizations

    (having fewer than four regular employees), see 3309(c), ___

    elected state employees, see 3309(b)(3), employees at certain ___

    rehabilitation facilities, see 3309(4)(A), and inmates of ___

    custodial or penal institutions, see 3309(b)(6). ___


    The Rhode Island Employment Security Act ("RIESA"),

    R.I.G.L. 28-42-1 et seq., exempts a variety of kinds of ________

    employment from coverage. See R.I. Gen. Laws 28-42-8 (1995). ___

    Apparently tracking the language of FUTA, Section 28-42-8(4)(i)

    exempts service performed "in the employ of: (A) A church or

    convention or association of churches, or (B) an organization

    which is operated, supervised, controlled, or principally

    supported by a church or convention or association of churches."

    Other exempted employees under RIESA include certain insurance

    brokers, golf caddies, certain rehabilitation center employees,

    and certain real estate brokers. R.I. Gen. Laws 28-42-8(11),

    (9), (4)(B)(iii), (10).

    The defendants raised a number of procedural claims

    below, all of which were rejected by the district court. Upon

    reaching the merits of Rojas's suit, the district court rejected

    all of her claims. On appeal, Rojas argues that the Rhode Island

    and FUTA exemptions for religions violate the Establishment

    Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the federal

    Constitution, while the appellees reassert their claims that

    jurisdiction is lacking because of the Tax Injunction Act, 28

    U.S.C. 1341 and that the appellant lacks standing.


    Because we find that the appellant's claims fail on the

    merits, we need not reach either the claim put forward by the

    federal defendant-appellee that Rojas lacks standing to challenge

    FUTA or the claim put forward by the state defendant-appellee


    that the Tax Injunction Act bars federal jurisdiction over the

    suit. See Norton v. Matthews, 427 U.S. 524, 530-31 (1976); ___ ______ ________

    Hachikian v. FDIC, 96 F.3d 502, 506 n.4 (1st Cir. 1996) ("'It is _________ ____

    a familiar tenet that when an appeal presents a jurisdictional

    quandary, yet the merits of the underlying issue, if reached,

    will in any event be resolved in favor of the party challenging

    the court's jurisdiction, then the court may forsake the

    jurisdictional riddle and simply dispose of the appeal on the

    merits.'")(quoting United States v. Stoller, 78 F.3d 710, 715 ______________ _______

    (1st Cir. 1996)).

    I. The Establishment Clause Claim I. The Establishment Clause Claim

    At the core of the Establishment Clause is the idea

    that government cannot "favor religion over nonreligion, nor

    sponsor a particular sect, nor try to encourage participation in

    or abnegation of religion." Walz v. Tax Comm'n, 397 U.S. 664, ____ __________

    694 (1970) (Harlan, J., concurring) (noting that while

    disagreements over applications of Establishment Clause are

    common, its core ideal is well established). In order to

    vindicate this constitutional guarantee, two tests have long

    guided judicial review of any challenged legislation: first, the

    law must have a purpose other than to advance or inhibit

    religion; second, the primary effect of the law must not be to

    advance or inhibit religion. See, e.g., Abington School District ___ ____ ________________________

    v. Shempp, 347 U.S. 203, 222 (1963) ("The test may be stated as ______

    follows: what are the purpose and primary effect of the

    enactment? If either is the advancement or inhibition of religion


    then the enactment exceeds the scope of legislative power as

    circumscribed by the Constitution."). A third practical concern

    under the Establishment Clause is that the net effect of

    governmental programs avoid "excessive governmental entanglement

    with religion." Walz, 397 U.S. at 674. ____

    These threads were united in the well-known three-part

    test in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1971), which provides: _____ ________

    "First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose;

    second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither

    advances or inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not

    foster 'an excessive government entanglement with religion.'" Id. ___

    at 612-13 (quoting Walz)(citation omitted). The district court ____

    applied the Lemon test in the course of holding that FUTA and the _____

    RIESA did not violate the Establishment Clause. See 928 F. Supp. ___

    at 163-66. This approach was appropriate, for the Supreme Court,

    despite criticisms of previous applications of the Lemon test, _____

    essentially confirmed in Agostini v. Felton, 117 S. Ct. 1997 ________ ______

    (1997), that the Lemon criteria still apply. See 117 S. Ct. at _____ ___

    2010, 2015.

    In Agostini, the Court overruled its Establishment ________

    Clause decision in Aguilar v. Felton, 473 U.S. 402 (1985) -- _______ ______

    which had barred the New York City Board of Education from

    sending public school teachers into sectarian private schools to

    teach remedial classes pursuant to Title I -- but nevertheless

    stated that the general tests used in analyzing challenged

    legislation under the Establishment Clause had not changed. The ___


    Agostini decision reaffirmed the need to ascertain that laws have ________

    a secular purpose and a primary effect other than advancing

    religion, see 117 S. Ct. at 2010, and explicitly incorporated the ___

    entanglement prong into the effects calculus, thereby making the

    third prong of Lemon a part of the second prong, see id. at 2016. _____ ___ ___

    The Court in Agostini noted that what has changed since Aguilar ________ _______

    are certain presumptions regarding the effects of neutral laws

    that incidentally confer benefits to religions. See 117 S. Ct. ___

    at 2010-13 (stating that the Court no longer considers the

    presence of public school employees on parochial school property

    to lead ineluctably to the impermissible effect of advancing or

    endorsing religion where their presence is part of neutral


    The district court properly found that the FUTA and

    RIESA exemptions had neither an impermissible purpose, nor an

    impermissible effect on religion. First, both the FUTA and the

    RIESA exemption provisions serve the secular purpose of

    facilitating the administration of the federal-state unemployment

    insurance program by excluding from coverage a variety of workers

    whose employment patterns are irregular or whose wages are not

    easily accountable. With regard to FUTA, Rojas concedes that the

    original purpose of the coverage exemptions was to address

    administrability concerns. She contends, however, that the

    current 26 U.S.C. 3309, viewed in the wake of the 1970 and 1976

    Amendments, reflects the purpose of favoring religion rather than

    the secular purpose of providing ease of administration. Rojas


    is unable to direct our attention to, nor can we find, any

    indications in the legislative history of the 1970 and 1976

    Amendments that suggest an impermissible purpose of advancing

    religion in general or any particular religion. See, e.g., ___ ____

    Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 56 (1985) ("[T]he First _______ _______

    Amendment requires that a statute must be invalidated if it is

    entirely motivated by a purpose to advance religion.").

    Moreover, the current exemption for religious employment, even

    after the amendments, still rests within the context of a variety

    of other exemptions, all of which appear to share a common

    secular purpose. Efficient administration of the unemployment

    compensation system is particularly enhanced through the

    exemptions for religion because it eliminates the need for the

    government to review employment decisions made on the basis of

    religious rationales. These considerations are also true of the

    exemptions listed in R.I. Gen. Laws 28-42-8(1). The exemption

    for religions contained therein, when viewed in context, is

    innocuous. It appears to serve the interest in facilitating the

    administration of federal and state unemployment benefits

    programs, and Rojas can point to no other evidence that the

    "purpose that animated adoption" was to advance religion.

    Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 585 (1987). In Walz, the _______ _________ ____

    Supreme Court upheld property tax exemptions for religious

    institutions, arguing that such exemptions, although not required

    by the Free Exercise Clause, were valid governmental actions

    "productive of a benevolent neutrality which will permit


    religious exercise to exist without sponsorship and without

    interference." 397 U.S. at 669. Including religious

    institutions within a set of unemployment tax exemption

    recipients -- selected on the basis of reducing difficulties in

    administering an unemployment insurance program -- reflects less

    of a desire to sponsor religion than the direct property tax

    exemptions upheld in Walz. ____

    Rojas's brief on appeal places much weight on Texas _____

    Monthly v. Bullock, 489 U.S. 1 (1989), which struck down a narrow _______ _______

    Texas sales and use tax exemption for "'periodicals that are

    published or distributed by a religious faith and that consist

    wholly of writings promulgating the teaching of the faith and

    books that consist wholly of writings sacred to a religious

    faith.'" Id. at 5 (quoting Texas statute). Although Texas ___ _____

    Monthly stands for the proposition that a subsidy that is granted _______

    only to religious publications and not to other similar

    publications "lacks sufficient breadth to pass scrutiny under the

    Establishment Clause," it also stated that "[i]nsofar as [a tax]

    subsidy is conferred upon a wide array of non-sectarian groups as

    well as religious organizations in pursuit of some legitimate

    secular end, the fact that religious groups benefit incidentally

    does not deprive the subsidy of the secular purpose and primary

    effect mandated by the Establishment Clause." 489 U.S. at 14-15.

    The exemption provisions at issue in the instant case fall within

    the latter category. We decline Rojas's invitation to read Texas _____

    Monthly as requiring that a provision incidentally benefitting _______


    religion must grant a like benefit to every group that could also ____

    conceivably fall within the secular rationale for the exemption

    provision. Texas Monthly nowhere requires this ________________

    underinclusiveness analysis, but instead indicates that when a

    "wide array" of groups are benefitted by a provision that pursues

    a single, unifying, secular end, one of these groups may indeed

    be religious institutions. In Texas Monthly, the other Texas _____________

    sales tax exemptions did not serve the same purpose as the narrow

    exemption for religious periodicals, and thus their existence

    could not rescue the challenged exemption. By contrast, an

    adequate array of groups are exempted under the FUTA and RIESA

    provisions, reinforcing our conclusion that the religious

    exemptions here serve the legitimate secular purpose of

    facilitating the administration of the unemployment insurance


    The second basic Establishment Clause concern is that

    of avoiding the effective promotion or advancement of particular

    religions or of religion in general by the government. Although

    5 We therefore need not address the defendants' alternative
    legal argument in defense of the exemptions, namely that even
    were the exemption provided only to religions, it would still ____
    serve the legitimate secular purpose of decreasing governmental
    entanglement with religion. It is well established that "it is a
    permissible legislative purpose to alleviate significant
    governmental interference with the ability of religious
    organizations to define and carry out their religious missions."
    Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ _________________________________________________________________
    of the Latter-Day Saints v. Amos, 483 U.S. 327, 335 (1987) __________________________ ____
    (upholding exemption for religious institutions from Title VII's
    prohibition against religious discrimination in employment for
    secular activities of a nonprofit). But again, we do not need to
    consider whether the exemptions at issue here are supported on
    this accommodation rationale.


    favoritism toward any particular sect is not an issue raised by

    this appeal, it is not disputed that religious institutions as a

    whole benefit from the FUTA and RIESA tax exemptions. An

    incidental benefit to religion does not, however, render invalid

    a statutory scheme with a valid secular purpose. See, e.g., ___ ____

    Agostini, 117 S. Ct. at 2014; Zobrest v. Catalina Foothills Sch. ________ _______ _______________________

    Dist., 509 U.S. 1 (1993); Witters v. Washington Dept. of Servs., _____ _______ __________________________

    474 U.S. 481, 488-89 (1986); Walz, 397 U.S. at 664. It is also ____

    worth noting that while religious employers may be benefitted,

    the employees of exempted religious institutions, as the

    appellant has discovered, may be ineligible to enjoy the

    attendant benefits of the unemployment compensation scheme.

    Thus, the primary effect of the exemptions is not to force the

    general public to subsidize religion. Rather, the primary

    practical effect of the exemptions for religious institutions is

    to exclude former employees of such institutions from

    participating in the Rhode Island unemployment insurance system.

    Finally, as the district court correctly reasoned,

    entanglement concerns are in fact reduced through the adoption of

    the exemptions in this case. See 928 F. Supp. at 165. ___

    II. Equal Protection II. Equal Protection

    With regard to Rojas's claim that the FUTA and RIESA

    tax exemptions for religious employers violate constitutional

    equal protection principles, we affirm the district court for

    substantially the grounds given in its opinion. See 928 F. Supp. ___

    at 166. Although Rojas recasts her equal protection claim


    slightly on appeal, arguing that the district court erred by

    focusing on the difference in treatment of employers rather than

    on the difference in treatment of employees of exempt and non-

    exempt entities, the rationality requirement under the equal

    protection clause is equally lenient from either vantage. The

    same considerations that led the district court to find no equal

    protection violation with regard to the difference in treatment

    of exempt and non-exempt employers applies to exempt and non-

    exempt employees as well.


    For the reasons stated above, the decision of the

    district court is affirmed. affirmed ________
