Loaiza Archila v. Holder , 495 F. App'x 98 ( 2012 )

  •                Not for Publication in West's Federal Reporter
    United States Court of Appeals
    For the First Circuit
    No. 12-1117
    Howard, Stahl, and Lipez,
    Circuit Judges.
    Robert Michael Warren on brief for petitioner.
    Rebecca Hoffberg Phillips, Trial Attorney, Office of
    Immigration Litigation, Civil Division, Stuart F. Delery, Acting
    Assistant Attorney General, and Ada E. Bosque, Senior Litigation
    Counsel, on brief for respondent.
    November 16, 2012
    STAHL, Circuit Judge.        Hector Rene Loaiza petitions for
    review of the denial by the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) of
    his applications for asylum, withholding of removal, and protection
    under the Convention Against Torture (CAT).               Because the BIA's
    decision    is   supported      by   substantial   evidence,   we   deny   the
    I.   Background
    Loaiza, a citizen of Guatemala, entered the United States
    without inspection on January 23, 1993.               Five months later, he
    applied for asylum and withholding of removal, citing the danger
    from paramilitary and guerrilla groups in Guatemala as the reason
    for his application.      In May 2008, he was interviewed by an asylum
    officer.    Later that year, after being served with a Notice to
    Appear, Loaiza conceded removability, renewed his request for
    asylum and withholding, and added a request for CAT protection. He
    appeared with counsel for a merits hearing before an Immigration
    Judge (IJ) in February 2010.
    At   the   merits    hearing,    Loaiza   testified   about,   and
    produced documentary evidence of, various threats and acts of
    violence directed at his family and neighbors by clandestine groups
    affiliated with the Guatemalan military or communist guerrilla
    organizations.     Loaiza's father was tortured, and his brother and
    brother-in-law were murdered. More than once, Loaiza was forced to
    flee his home to avoid forced recruitment or violence at the hands
    of these clandestine groups.   A psychologist testified that these
    experiences had traumatized Loaiza, leaving him with symptoms of
    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    The IJ denied Loaiza's application. He credited Loaiza's
    testimony, but found that Loaiza had failed to show a nexus between
    his fear of persecution upon returning to Guatemala and his race,
    religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or
    political opinion, as required to justify asylum or withholding of
    removal.   See Mayorga-Vidal v. Holder, 
    675 F.3d 9
    , 13 (1st Cir.
    2012). He also found that Loaiza's CAT claim failed because Loaiza
    had not shown that he would be tortured in Guatemala.
    On appeal, the BIA agreed with the IJ that Loaiza had
    failed to show that any past or feared future persecution was on
    account of a protected ground.          The BIA assumed that Loaiza's
    family could be a particular social group, but concluded that he
    had not shown a link between his fear of future persecution and his
    family membership.   Likewise, the BIA found no evidence to support
    Loaiza's claim that he was persecuted because the clandestine
    groups imputed a political opinion of "neutrality" to Loaiza and
    his family.   Finally, the BIA agreed with the IJ that Loaiza had
    not shown sufficient evidence that the Guatemalan government would
    torture him or acquiesce in his torture if he returned.
    II.    Discussion
    Our review of the BIA's decision is deferential.                  The
    BIA's "findings of fact are conclusive unless any reasonable
    adjudicator would be compelled to conclude to the contrary."
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b)(4)(B). Thus, we will "accept the BIA's findings
    so long as they are 'supported by reasonable, substantial, and
    probative    evidence   on   the   record    considered       as   a    whole.'"
    Scatambuli v. Holder, 
    558 F.3d 53
    , 58 (1st Cir. 2009) (quoting
    Sharari v. Gonzáles, 
    407 F.3d 467
    , 473 (1st Cir. 2005)).                We review
    the BIA's legal interpretations de novo.            See 
        Where, as here,
    the BIA affirms and elaborates on the IJ's findings, we review both
    decisions.    Chanthou Hem v. Mukasey, 
    514 F.3d 67
    , 69 (1st Cir.
    To be eligible for asylum, an applicant must establish a
    well-founded fear that he will be persecuted upon repatriation on
    account of a protected ground: race, religion, nationality, social
    group membership, or political opinion. Mayorga-Vidal, 
    675 F.3d at 13
    .   A fear is well-founded if it is both genuine and objectively
    reasonable.    Mendez-Barrera v. Holder, 
    602 F.3d 21
    , 25 (1st Cir.
    2010).   An applicant seeking withholding of removal must clear the
    higher bar of showing that future persecution on account of one of
    the   statutory   grounds    is    more    likely    than   not    to    occur.
    675 F.3d at 13
    .              To satisfy the on-account-of
    requirement, an applicant must provide at least "some evidence,"
    whether direct or circumstantial, of his persecutors' motives.
    I.N.S. v. Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U.S. 478
    , 483 (1992) (emphasis
    Before this court, Loaiza asserts that the BIA erred by
    finding that he failed to show a nexus between the persecution he
    fears in Guatemala and either his family membership or an imputed
    political opinion of neutrality. He also suggests -- for the first
    time -- that he was targeted as a member of a social group
    comprised of "persons who resist clandestine groups." Because this
    novel argument was not raised before the BIA, we will not consider
    it.    See Silva v. Gonzales, 
    463 F.3d 68
    , 72 (1st Cir. 2006) ("Under
    the    exhaustion         of   remedies     doctrine,     theories    insufficiently
    developed before the BIA may not be raised before this court.").
    Likewise, because Loaiza makes no more than a cursory reference to
    his CAT claim, that claim is waived.                    See Morgan v. Holder, 
    634 F.3d 53
    ,    60     (1st      Cir.   2011)      (deeming     abandoned   a   "wholly
    undeveloped"        CAT     claim).       Thus,    we   turn   to   Loaiza's   family-
    membership and political-opinion claims.
    Family      membership    can    constitute      membership   in   a
    particular social group for asylum purposes. "[T]o ground a viable
    asylum claim, that family membership must be at the root of the
    persecution, so that family membership itself brings about the
    persecutorial conduct." Ruiz v. Mukasey, 
    526 F.3d 31
    , 38 (1st Cir.
    2008).        We    cannot      conclude    that    the   record     compels   such   a
    conclusion here.       Loaiza testified that multiple members of his
    family   were   the   victims    of    troubling       incidents     of     violence,
    intimidation, and even murder, but he did not establish that they
    were targeted specifically because of their kinship.                         See 
    (noting that "it is not enough merely to show that multiple members
    of a single family had negative experiences").                On this record, it
    may be a plausible inference that the Loaiza family was targeted en
    masse because of some family members' unwillingness to pick a side
    in the government-guerrilla conflict, but it is also plausible
    that, as the BIA concluded, they were simply victims of the chaotic
    lawlessness that prevailed in Guatemala.                See Escobar v. Holder,
    No. 11-2086, 
    2012 WL 5193223
    , at *2 (1st Cir. Oct. 22, 2012)
    (noting widespread civil strife and violence in Guatemala during
    the same time period).        Where the IJ and the BIA choose between
    equally plausible inferences, that choice is, a fortiori, supported
    by substantial evidence.         See Morgan, 
    634 F.3d at 60
    ; López de
    Hincapie   v.   Gonzales,     
    494 F.3d 213
    ,    219   (1st     Cir.    2007).
    Accordingly,    we    conclude   that    Loaiza      has    failed    to    show the
    requisite link between the persecution he fears and his family
    Likewise, we reject Loaiza's imputed-political-opinion
    claim.   Even if this claim is not, as the Government contends, too
    perfunctory for us to consider, the requisite nexus is absent.                    To
    succeed,   Loaiza     must   show     that    his    persecutors     attributed       a
    political    opinion    to   him    (correctly     or   not)    and    that   this
    attributed    opinion    was   a    motive   for    the   persecution.           See
    502 U.S. at 482, 483
    ; Mayorga-Vidal, 
    675 F.3d at 18
    .   Loaiza appears to ground his political-opinion claim in his
    efforts to avoid recruitment by guerrilla and militia groups.                    But
    the Supreme Court has held that resisting guerrilla recruitment is
    not inherently political; a person might resist for any number of
    apolitical reasons.      Elias-Zacarias, 
    502 U.S. at 482
    .              Here, even
    if Loaiza's resistance was political -- he testified that he
    opposed the guerrillas' "corrupt" and violent actions -- he has
    offered no evidence that his resistance was understood by the
    guerrillas   to   be    political    in   nature.       See    
        (finding    no
    statutory nexus where there was no "indication . . . that the
    guerrillas . . . believed that Elias-Zacarias' refusal [to join
    them] was politically based").        Consequently, this claim too falls
    In sum, Loaiza has failed to show an evidentiary basis
    for his claims sufficient to compel the conclusion that the BIA
    erred.   See 
    8 U.S.C. § 1252
    (b)(4)(B).             Although Loaiza's fear of
    returning to the violent conditions that plague Guatemala is
    understandable, the absence of the requisite statutory nexus is
    fatal to both his asylum and withholding of removal claims.
    Accordingly, we need not address his argument, based on In re
    19 I. & N. Dec. 439
     (BIA 1987), that the BIA somehow
    misapplied the well-founded-fear standard.     As Mogharrabi itself
    notes, "an alien who succeeds in establishing a well-founded fear
    of persecution will not necessarily be granted asylum.     He must
    also show that the feared persecution would be on account of" a
    statutory ground. 
    Id. at 447
     (emphasis added). Because Loaiza has
    not made that showing, we deny his petition.
    III.   Conclusion
    For the foregoing reasons,    we deny the petition for