United States v. Throne , 702 F. App'x 765 ( 2017 )

  •                                                                          FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS                    July 31, 2017
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    TENTH CIRCUIT                        Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    No. 16-1296
    v.                                           (D.C. No. 1:16-CR-00073-CMA-1)
    D. Colo.
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before HOLMES, MURPHY, and PHILLIPS, Circuit Judges **.
    Jason Throne embezzled money from his employer and did not report the
    income to the IRS. Pursuant to an agreement with the government, Throne
    pleaded guilty to one count of mail fraud, 
    18 U.S.C. § 1341
    , and one count of
    making a false tax return, 
    26 U.S.C. § 7206
    (1). In arriving at an advisory
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. It may be cited,
    however, for its persuasive value consistent with Fed. R. App. P. 32.1 and 10th
    Cir. R. 32.1.
    After examining the briefs and the appellate record, this three-judge panel
    has determined unanimously that oral argument would not be of material
    assistance in the determination of this appeal See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a); 10th Cir.
    R. 34.1(G). The cause is therefore ordered submitted without oral argument.
    sentencing range under the Sentencing Guidelines, the district court increased
    Throne’s offense level on the mail-fraud conviction by two because Throne
    “abused a position of . . . private trust . . . in a manner that significantly
    facilitated the commission or concealment of the offense.” See U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3.
    Throne asserts the district court erred in applying § 3B1.3 to increase his offense
    level, thus rendering his sentence procedurally unreasonable. See United States v.
    485 F.3d 1120
    , 1127 (10th Cir. 2007) (“To impose a procedurally
    reasonable sentence, a district court must calculate the proper advisory Guidelines
    range . . . .” (quotation omitted)). Exercising jurisdiction pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 1291
    , this court affirms.
    A. Factual Background
    All the record facts and evidence relevant to the applicability of § 3B1.3
    are set out in Throne’s plea agreement with the government. The plea agreement
    provides as follows:
    Hunter Douglas, Inc. (HDI) and its affiliate, Hunter Douglas Window
    Fashions, Inc. (HDWFI), [are] in the business of designing,
    manufacturing, and fabricating window coverings . . . . HDWFI’s
    place of business was Broomfield, Colorado.
    The defendant Jason Timothy Throne, a lawyer, joined HDI as
    an intellectual property counsel in 1993. He was promoted to
    intellectual property general counsel in 2001 and remained in that
    position until his HDI employment was terminated in June 2014.
    Until 2015, Throne was licensed to practice law in New Hampshire
    and registered to practice in patent cases before the United States
    Patent and Trademark Office.
    Throne’s duties during the relevant times included managing
    and overseeing patents and trademarks for HDI and HDWFI;
    managing outside patent attorneys and outside inventors; evaluating
    and licensing inventors’ technologies; the day-to-day management of
    patent and trademark litigation; advising senior management on
    patent and trademark issues; formulating, negotiating, and
    implementing licensing strategies; tracking the development of new
    products and processes within HDI’s North American companies;
    establishing patent and trademark strategies for HDI; keeping
    inventors abreast of new technologies and inventions in the window
    coverings industry; advising in-house tax counsel on patent and
    trademark issues; and “brainstorming” with inventors and other
    company employees to assess the possibility of patenting new
    inventions, to enhance inventions, and to respond to competitive
    threats. In addition, Throne is listed as an inventor in forty-two of
    HDI’s United States patents.
    In September 2007, HDI provided Throne with a written policy
    statement that said full-time employees, such as him, could not have
    outside employment without approval. Throne . . . acknowledged
    that he understood that policy and signed an HDI form on which he
    checked a box next to the words, “No; I do not have a 2nd Job.”
    Throne resided in Colorado from the time he joined HDI until
    July 2004, when he moved to Maine. Beginning in 1995, while he
    lived in Colorado, and continuing until his employment ended,
    Throne worked primarily from his home . . . . His supervisors
    approved that arrangement.
    On December 29, 1999, Throne arranged for Patent Services
    Group, Inc. (PSG) to be incorporated in Colorado. At about the same
    time, he opened post office box 2019 in Boulder, Colorado, stating
    on a Postal Service application that the box would be used by PSG.
    In early 2000, Throne opened an account in the name of PSG at
    Vectra Bank in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
    Beginning in early 2000 and continuing to April 2014, Throne
    prepared 162 false PSG invoices, each addressed, “Jason T. Throne
    Hunter Douglas Inc.,” and each showing the Boulder post office box
    as PSG’s address. Throne stated on each invoice that PSG had
    performed patent searches for Hunter Douglas and that Hunter
    Douglas owed money to PSG for those services. After writing “OK
    to pay” and his initials on each of the invoices, Throne submitted
    them on a monthly basis to the accounting department at the HDWFI
    office in Colorado.
    Relying on Throne’s approvals, the accounting department
    paid the invoices by mailing HDWFI checks to the Boulder post
    office box between April 18, 2000, and April 25, 2014. . . . The total
    amount of the checks was $4,841,146.09.
    After retrieving the checks from the post office, Throne
    deposited them into the PSG account at Vectra Bank. He then caused
    the money to be moved from that account to personal bank accounts
    and used it for . . . personal expenses.
    Other than submitting the invoices to the HDWFI accounting
    department, Throne never mentioned PSG to anyone at HDI or
    HDWFI. Neither his supervisors nor any other Hunter Douglas
    employee was aware of any services provided by PSG. Physical
    searches of Hunter Douglas’s files produced no memoranda, reports,
    summaries, analyses, or other materials documenting patent searches
    or any other services provided by PSG. . . .
    On November 22, 2013, HDWFI’s accounting department
    prepared a summary of the year’s legal charges, including the
    payments to PSG, and emailed it to two company employees. One of
    the recipients was N.H., a patent engineer whom Throne . . .
    supervised . . . and who had assisted him in investigating patents and
    evaluating the enforceability of the company’s intellectual
    property. . . . N.H. sent an email to the accounting department and to
    Throne, saying, “I have NO idea what all of the ‘Patent services
    group’ astronomical charges are.” She asked Throne, “Jason, do you
    know what those are? I have never heard of that.” Throne
    immediately contacted N.H. by telephone and told her that PSG was
    a patent search service and the payments had been approved. Later
    that day, Throne sent an email to N.H. and other HDWFI employees,
    misrepresenting that PSG “is a patent search service that I use that
    tracks a number of different developments throughout the
    organization.” He claimed that he used PSG “to conduct state of the
    art searches for different inventors and to conduct validity searches
    for are [sic] lawsuits, which for this year have been very high.” In
    that email and in his earlier call to N.H., Throne continued to hide
    his relationship to PSG.
    On June 3, 2014, two Hunter Douglas supervisors . . . , having
    determined there was a connection between Throne and PSG,
    confronted him about it. Throne responded by misrepresenting that
    his wife, as the owner of PSG, performed patent searches under his
    guidance. . . .
    The government’s position is that the patent searches described
    in the PSG invoices were not conducted and that Throne knew they
    were not conducted. The defendant’s position is that he conducted
    the searches. . . .
    The defendant agrees that, assuming he did the patent searches
    described in the PSG invoices, he nevertheless defrauded HDI and
    HDWFI out of $4,841,146.09 because arranging for such searches
    was his responsibility as a paid HDI employee.
    R. Vol. I at 17-22 (footnote omitted).
    B. Procedural Background
    A United States Probation Officer prepared a Presentence Investigation
    Report (“PSR”) that recommended a two-level enhancement to Throne’s offense
    level because Throne’s position of private trust significantly facilitated the
    commission and/or concealment of his mail fraud offense. See U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3.
    The PSR’s recommendation was based exclusively on the stipulated facts set out
    in the plea agreement entered into by Throne and the United States. Both the
    government and Throne objected to the proposed § 3B1.3 enhancement, asserting
    Throne’s position as an attorney was not a significant factor allowing him to carry
    out the fraud. At the sentencing hearing, both the prosecutor and defense counsel
    repeated their previously lodged objections to the § 3B1.3 enhancement.
    The district court overruled the objections, concluding the enhancement
    was appropriate. In so doing, the district court specifically recognized the
    substantial managerial discretion placed in Throne as Hunter Douglas’s
    intellectual property general counsel:
    Essentially, I agree with the probation officer. The stipulated facts
    here are that his duties included managing and overseeing patent and
    trademarks for [Hunter Douglas and a subsidiary]. He managed the
    outside patent attorneys, the outside inventors, the day-to-day
    management of patents and trademark litigation, tracking and
    development of new products, et cetera.
    The district court also found that Throne utilized that managerial discretion to
    facilitate the embezzlement: “He had authority to both approve and submit
    invoices for patent searches, which were then paid by the firm's accounting
    department without any further scrutiny. And it appears to me that if he weren’t
    in this position of trust as their patent attorney, this couldn’t have gone on for 15
    years.” The district court calculated the total offense level to be twenty-five and
    the criminal history category to be I, which yielded an advisory guideline range of
    fifty-seven to seventy-one months as to the mail fraud conviction. The court
    sentenced Throne to seventy-one months’ imprisonment on the mail fraud count
    and thirty-six months’ imprisonment on the tax count and ordered the sentences to
    run concurrently.
    A. Standard of Review
    Whether a defendant occupied a position of trust under U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3 is
    “generally a factual matter” this court reviews for clear error. United States v.
    491 F.3d 1150
    , 1153 (10th Cir. 2007) (quotation omitted). “Nevertheless,
    this court review[s] a district court’s interpretation of the Guidelines de novo to
    see if the correct standard was applied to the factual findings.” United States v.
    548 F.3d 1340
    , 1345 (10th Cir. 2008) (quotation omitted).
    B. Discussion
    Section 3B1.3 provides for an enhancement of a defendant’s sentence if the
    defendant abuses a position of private trust “in a manner that significantly
    facilitated the commission or concealment of the offense.” Thus, for this
    sentencing enhancement to apply, the record must demonstrate: (1) the defendant
    occupied a position of trust; and (2) the position of trust was used to facilitate
    significantly the commission or concealment of the crime. U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3;
    491 F.3d at 1153
    1. Position of Private Trust
    The commentary to § 3B1.3 makes clear that the defining characteristic of a
    position of public or private trust is the presence of professional or managerial
    “Public or private trust” refers to a position of public or private trust
    characterized by professional or managerial discretion (i.e.,
    substantial discretionary judgment that is ordinarily given
    considerable deference). Persons holding such positions ordinarily
    are subject to significantly less supervision than employees whose
    responsibilities are primarily nondiscretionary in nature.
    U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3, cmt. n.1. “Our cases interpreting the guideline make clear that
    the term ‘position of trust’ is a bit of a misnomer. It actually has little to do with
    trustworthiness and everything to do with authority and discretion.” Spear, 
    491 F.3d at 1154
    ; see also United States v. Edwards, 
    325 F.3d 1184
    , 1187 (10th Cir.
    2003) (holding that the lack of “any . . . authority to make substantial
    discretionary judgments” is key in determining whether the enhancement applies).
    “The discretion necessary to qualify for the enhancement exists where the person
    charged had the authority to make broad case-by-case decisions for the
    organization.” Spear, 
    491 F.3d at 1155
    . 1
    Throne asserts the district court erred in analyzing the applicability of
    § 3B1.3 to his conduct by focusing on his trustworthiness, rather than on whether
    his position as intellectual property general counsel was characterized by
    managerial or professional discretion. Although some isolated statements on the
    part of the district court at the sentencing hearing refer to Throne being a trusted
    employee of Hunter Douglas, the transcript of the sentencing hearing, when
    The district court did not err in concluding Throne occupied a position of
    private trust as Hunter Douglas’s intellectual property general counsel. The
    stipulated facts make clear Throne had authority to make substantial discretionary
    judgments. His authority included, among other duties, managing and overseeing
    Hunter Douglas’s patents and trademarks; managing outside patent attorneys and
    inventors; formulating, negotiating, and implementing licensing strategies;
    tracking the development of Hunter Douglas products and processes; and
    “brainstorming” with inventors and company employees to assess the possibility
    of patenting new inventions, to enhance inventions, and to respond to competitive
    threats. Furthermore, given these undisputed facts, along with a further
    stipulation that Throne could have Hunter Douglas vendors paid via his signature
    authority, it was reasonable for the district court to infer that Throne had the
    power to choose necessary vendors and set those vendors’ rates of compensation.
    In light of these facts, there is simply no doubt Throne occupied a position of
    private trust. See Arreola, 
    548 F.3d at 1346-47
     (holding that an employee with
    authority to activate new vendors on employer’s procurement system, together
    considered as a whole, leaves no doubt the district court applied the correct legal
    test in concluding Throne occupied a position of private trust. That is, the district
    court specifically focused on Throne’s exceedingly broad authority and discretion
    in managing all aspects of Hunter Douglas’s intellectual property.
    with authority to purchase goods and services valued up to $100,000, occupied a
    position of trust).
    2. Significant Facilitation
    Having determined the district court did not err in concluding Throne
    occupied a position of private trust, this court moves on to determine if that
    position was used in a “manner that significantly facilitated the commission or
    concealment of the offense.” U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3. “That step is satisfied where the
    person’s duties allow the more effective commission of the crime by ‘making the
    detection of the offense or the defendant’s responsibility for the offense more
    difficult.’” Spear, 
    491 F.3d at 1155-56
     (quoting U.S.S.G. § 3B1.3, cmt. n.1).
    In light of this standard, there is simply no doubt the district court correctly
    concluded Throne’s position of private trust (i.e., intellectual property general
    counsel) significantly facilitated his embezzlement of funds from Hunter Douglas.
    Based on Throne’s management of Hunter Douglas’s intellectual property
    portfolio, the record strongly supports an inference that Throne could (1) choose
    vendors for critical goods/services and (2) purchase necessary/desirable patents.
    From this it is quite easy to infer it would be necessary to do due diligence on
    acquisitions of intellectual property, including the use of a patent search entity.
    The record here makes clear Throne could use any such vendor he chose,
    including a fictitious vendor he created to siphon funds away from Hunter
    Douglas. These actions would not have been possible if the position Throne
    occupied were merely ministerial. See United States v. Chee, 
    514 F.3d 1106
    1118 (10th Cir. 2008) (“The primary concern of § 3B1.3 is to penalize defendants
    who take advantage of a position that provides them freedom to commit or
    conceal a difficult-to-detect wrong.” (quotation omitted)).
    For those reasons set out above, the sentence imposed by the United States
    District Court for the District of Colorado is hereby AFFIRMED.
    Michael R. Murphy
    Circuit Judge