United States v. Carpenter , 163 F. App'x 707 ( 2006 )

  •                                                                        F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    January 18, 2006
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    TENTH CIRCUIT                        Clerk of Court
    Plaintiff - Appellee,
    v.                                                    No. 05-8010
    (D.C. No. 04-CR-110-D)
    WILLIAM KENT CARPENTER, SR.,                           (D. Wyo.)
    aka B.K. Carpenter,
    Defendant - Appellant.
    Before EBEL, McKAY and HENRY, Circuit Judges.
    William Carpenter pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute
    methamphetamine and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking
    crime. On direct appeal, his court-appointed attorney has filed an Anders brief
    and a motion to withdraw as counsel. See Anders v. California, 
    386 U.S. 738
    After examining appellant’s brief and the appellate record, this panel has
    determined unanimously that oral argument would not materially assist the
    determination of this appeal. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2) and 10th Cir. R.
    34.1(G). The case is therefore ordered submitted without oral argument. This
    Order and Judgment is not binding precedent, except under the doctrines of law of
    the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court generally disfavors the
    citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order and judgment may be
    cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    (1967). Mr. Carpenter has filed pro se briefs asking that his convictions be set
    aside due to ineffective assistance of counsel and making various other claims.
    We agree with counsel that there are no meritorious issues to be raised on appeal,
    grant counsel’s motion to withdraw, and dismiss this appeal.
    Police procured a search warrant for the home of Mr. Carpenter, an
    American Indian enrolled in the Northern Arapaho tribe, based on evidence that
    he was selling methamphetamine from his home. In executing the search warrant,
    officers discovered 31.26 grams of methamphetamine, some of which was
    packaged for distribution, and a loaded .44 Magnum. Pursuant to a plea
    agreement, Mr. Carpenter pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute
    methamphetamine, a crime under 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (a)(1) & (b)(1)(C), and to
    possession of a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking crime, a crime under 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A). The district court sentenced Mr. Carpenter to a term of 87
    months’ imprisonment — 60 months for the firearm count and 27 months for the
    drug count.
    Mr. Carpenter sought to appeal. However, his attorney filed an Anders
    brief and moved to withdraw as counsel, stating that his client’s grounds for
    appeal — that “[t]he United States of America does not have jurisdiction over a
    Native American engaging in conduct on Tribal lands” — is clearly without merit.
    Mr. Carpenter thereafter filed two pro se briefs asking that his conviction be set
    aside for ineffective assistance of counsel and making various other claims.
    As stated in Anders v. California, if appointed counsel finds
    [a defendant’s] case to be wholly frivolous, after a conscientious
    examination of it, he should so advise the court and request permission
    to withdraw. . . . A copy of counsel’s brief should be furnished the
    indigent and time allowed him to raise any points that he chooses; the
    court—not counsel—then proceeds, after a full examination of all the
    proceedings, to decide whether the case is wholly frivolous. If it so
    finds it may grant counsel’s request to withdraw and dismiss the appeal
    insofar as federal requirements are concerned . . . .
    386 U.S. at 744
    . We therefore examine the grounds of appeal raised in
    both counsel’s Anders brief and Mr. Carpenter’s pro se briefs to determine
    whether this case should be dismissed and counsel allowed to withdraw.
    A. Jurisdiction over Native American conduct on tribal lands
    Counsel’s Anders brief only notes one ground for appealing: the claim that
    the United States lacks jurisdiction over conduct by Native Americans on tribal
    lands. We agree that this claim is meritless because general federal laws, such as
    the federal drug and firearm laws, apply to Native Americans on tribal land just as
    readily as to any other person. See United States v. Brisk, 
    171 F.3d 514
    , 520–21
    & 522 n.6 (7th Cir. 1999) (citing cases); United States v. Blue, 
    722 F.2d 383
    , 386
    (8th Cir. 1983) (“In limiting tribal punishment powers to relatively mild penalties,
    Congress must have assumed that Indians on reservations would generally be
    subject . . . to federal criminal sanctions which apply to all persons.”).
    B. Ineffective assistance of counsel
    In his pro se briefs, Mr. Carpenter asserts multiple grounds for reversing
    his conviction due to ineffective assistance of counsel. Because Mr. Carpenter is
    proceeding pro se, we construe his pleadings liberally. See Haines v. Kerner, 
    404 U.S. 519
    , 520-21 (1972). We note, however, that “[i]neffective assistance of
    counsel claims should be brought in collateral proceedings, not on direct appeal.”
    United States v. Galloway, 
    56 F.3d 1239
    , 1240 (10th Cir. 1995) (en banc).
    Bringing such claims on collateral review is preferable because it enables
    development of a factual record, allows the district court to address the question
    in the first instance, and permits counsel accused of deficient performance to
    explain their reasoning and actions. 
     Therefore, “[ineffective assistance]
    claims brought on direct appeal are presumptively dismissible, and virtually all
    will be dismissed.” 
     With these principles in mind, we address each of Mr.
    Carpenter’s claims.
    Mr. Carpenter’s first claim is that his attorney was ineffective for not
    seeking to suppress evidence obtained from the search of Mr. Carpenter’s
    residence. Mr. Carpenter asserts both that the affidavit in support of the search
    warrant was false and that the officers violated the “knock and announce” rule.
    However, we agree with the government that this claim must be dismissed due to
    an inadequate record — because Mr. Carpenter pleaded guilty and did not seek to
    suppress the fruits of the search, there is no evidence in the record as to how the
    search warrant was executed or whether there was factual support for the affidavit
    and search warrant. If this claim is to be addressed at all, it must be on collateral
    Mr. Carpenter also claims that his counsel was ineffective for failing to
    bring Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
     (2000), to the district court’s
    attention. Apprendi held that “any fact that increases the penalty for a crime
    beyond the prescribed statutory maximum must be submitted to a jury, and proved
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    530 U.S. at 490
    . However, Apprendi is irrelevant in
    this case because Mr. Carpenter was sentenced well below the 20-year statutory
    maximum for his drug offense, see 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b)(1)(C), and at the statutory
    minimum for his firearm offense, see 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A). Moreover,
    submission to a jury and proof beyond a reasonable doubt are not required for
    facts that are stipulated to in the guilty plea or admitted by the defendant. See
    United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    125 S. Ct. 738
    , 756 (2005). Because Mr.
    Carpenter’s sentence was based entirely on facts admitted to in his plea
    agreement, there was no violation of Apprendi and failure to raise an Apprendi
    argument was not ineffective assistance.
    Mr. Carpenter also claims that his counsel was ineffective for failing to
    argue that under Bailey v. United States, 
    516 U.S. 137
     (1995), Mr. Carpenter
    should not have been charged with a firearm offense. Bailey held that to be
    convicted for “use” of a firearm under 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c), a defendant had to
    have “actively employed” the firearm. 
    516 U.S. at 147
    . However, Bailey is
    inapplicable because Mr. Carpenter was convicted under the statute as amended
    after Bailey. As amended, § 924(c) allows conviction for “possess[ion]” of a
    firearm in furtherance of a drug crime, not just “use” of the firearm. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 924
    (c)(1)(A). Because Mr. Carpenter was convicted under the amended
    statute, failure to raise an argument under Bailey was not ineffective assistance.
    Next, Mr. Carpenter argues that his counsel was ineffective for failing to
    challenge the presentence report’s assessment of one criminal history point based
    on a 1994 DUI conviction. However, to show ineffective assistance, Mr.
    Carpenter must prove that he was prejudiced by the alleged error. Strickland v.
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687 (1984). The assessment of one criminal history
    point put Mr. Carpenter in Criminal History Category I — the same category he
    would have been in if he had no criminal history points. See U.S. Sentencing
    Guidelines Manual § 5A (2003). He thus cannot show prejudice from the alleged
    error; thus, there was no ineffective assistance of counsel.
    Mr. Carpenter also argues that his counsel was ineffective for failing to
    inform him that drugs for personal use could not be used in calculating his
    sentence for possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine. However, the
    rule is that although “drugs possessed for personal consumption cannot be
    considered when determining the statutory sentencing range pursuant to 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b), . . . such drugs can be considered when determining the sentencing
    range under the more expansive Sentencing Guidelines.” United States v. Asch,
    207 F.3d 1238
    , 1240 (10th Cir. 2000). The amount of methamphetamine to which
    Mr. Carpenter stipulated (31.26 grams) was too small to raise the statutory
    sentencing range, see 
    21 U.S.C. § 841
    (b)(1); thus, he would have been in the
    same statutory sentencing range even if almost all of the 31.26 grams of
    methamphetamine was for personal use. This alleged error therefore did not
    prejudice Mr. Carpenter, and we reject his claim of ineffective assistance.
    Finally, Mr. Carpenter claims that his counsel was ineffective for failure to
    keep him appraised of the facts of his case or give him copies of legal materials
    from the court. The Supreme Court has stated that “keep[ing] [a] defendant
    informed of important developments in the course of the prosecution” is one of
    counsel’s “basic duties.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 688
    . However, we dismiss this
    claim due to an inadequate record — nothing in the record shows what counsel
    did or did not give Mr. Carpenter copies of, and counsel has not had a chance to
    respond to Mr. Carpenter’s claim. We therefore decline to address it on direct
    review. See Galloway, 
    56 F.3d at 1240
    C. Other claims
    Mr. Carpenter makes various other claims, all of which we find to be
    without merit. First, he alleges corruption by the tribal court judge who signed
    the search warrant for his residence. However, he does not explain how this
    corruption could have affected his guilty plea and/or his sentence; we therefore
    dismiss this claim.
    Next, Mr. Carpenter cites to the Second Amendment right to bear arms,
    apparently arguing that his firearm conviction infringed upon this right.
    However, he waived any such claim by unconditionally pleading guilty to the
    firearm charge. 1
    Third, Mr. Carpenter claims that prosecution in both federal court and tribal
    court for drug counts arising out of the same activity violates his Fifth
    Amendment right to be free from double jeopardy. His guilty plea has waived
    this claim. In addition, because he asserts that the tribal drug counts “were stayed
    In addition, “we repeatedly have held that to prevail on a Second
    Amendment challenge, a party must show that possession of a firearm is in
    connection with participation in a ‘well-regulated’ ‘state’ ‘militia.’” United
    States v. Parker, 
    362 F.3d 1279
    , 1283 (10th Cir.), cert. denied, 
    543 U.S. 874
    (2004). Mr. Carpenter claims only that the firearm was for “protection of my
    family, home and property”; thus, he could not prevail on a Second Amendment
    claim even if not waived.
    pending federal prosecution,” his federal convictions cannot amount to double
    jeopardy since there has been no prior instance of jeopardy. Mr. Carpenter’s
    claim thus does not cast doubt on the federal convictions we are reviewing here.
    Fourth, Mr. Carpenter claims discrimination in the enforcement of the drug
    laws. Specifically, he claims that a certain “White man” arrested on the
    reservation for possession of drugs received a lesser sentence than Mr. Carpenter;
    he claims that he told his attorney about the disparity but that his attorney made
    no effort to present that information to the court. Similarly, Mr. Carpenter claims
    that the reservation police are prejudiced against him and that they have arrested
    him twenty-five times for over fifty charges that were eventually dismissed.
    Finally, Mr. Carpenter cites to the Fourteenth Amendment, apparently in
    connection with the police department’s failure to properly address a claim of
    arson on his home and theft/vandalizing in his “auto-truck salvage yard” since his
    incarceration. To the extent that these claims do not relate to his current
    conviction, they are irrelevant to this appeal. To the extent that Mr. Carpenter
    makes a claim of ineffective assistance, there is an insufficient factual record for
    us to address that claim on direct appeal. See Galloway, 
    56 F.3d at 1240
    . And, to
    the extent that he claims arbitrary enforcement of the law or violation of the
    Fourteenth Amendment in this case, Mr. Carpenter waived those claims by
    pleading guilty. See United States v. Salazar, 
    323 F.3d 852
    , 856 (10th Cir. 2003)
    (“[I]t is well established that a voluntary and unconditional guilty plea waives all
    non-jurisdictional defenses.”). We thus dismiss all these claims.
    Fifth, Mr. Carpenter claims that the United States has failed in its role as
    guardian of the American Indians. He claims that he had to use illegal drugs for
    pain relief since the United States failed to provide him adequate medical care.
    Similarly, he claims that the United States should have set up a drug court or
    narcotics program and that failure to do so was a failure of guardianship. We
    conclude that even if these claims had merit, Mr. Carpenter waived them by
    pleading guilty to the charges at issue in this case. See Salazar, 
    323 F.3d at 856
    Finally, Mr. Carpenter cites to numerous Tenth Circuit and Supreme Court
    cases. We have reviewed these cases and find nothing that would cast doubt on
    Mr. Carpenter’s convictions or sentence.
    For the foregoing reasons, we find that Mr. Carpenter’s appeal is wholly
    without merit, GRANT counsel’s motion to withdraw, and DISMISS this appeal.
    We have received Mr. Carpenter’s untimely motion for an extension of time in
    which to file a reply brief, but because that motion is substantially out of time,
    and given our disposition of this case, we DENY the motion.
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    David M. Ebel
    Circuit Judge
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