CP Kelco US, Inc. v. International Union of Operating Engineers , 381 F. App'x 808 ( 2010 )

  •                                                                        FILED
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    June 3, 2010
    Elisabeth A. Shumaker
    Clerk of Court
    No. 09-7041
    (D.C. No. 6:08-CV-00068-SPS)
    (E.D. Okla.)
    NO. 627, AFL-CIO,
    Before MURPHY, HOLMES, Circuit Judges, and ARMIJO, ** District Judge.
    This is an appeal from the district court’s grant of summary judgment in
    favor of Plaintiff-Appellee CP Kelco US, Inc. (“CP Kelco”). CP Kelco brought
    this action under the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. §§ 151–169
    (“NLRA”), in an attempt to set aside an arbitrator’s award in favor of Defendant-
    Appellant International Union of Operating Engineers, Local No. 627, AFL-CIO
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. It may be cited,
    however, for its persuasive value consistent with Federal Rule of Appellate
    Procedure 32.1 and 10th Circuit Rule 32.1.
    The Honorable M. Christina Armijo, District Judge, United States District
    Court for the District of New Mexico, sitting by designation.
    (“the Union”). The arbitrator had determined that CP Kelco had violated the
    terms of a collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) between the Union and CP
    Kelco. The district court held that the arbitrator’s decision did not draw its
    essence from the CBA and that the arbitrator had exceeded his authority under the
    CBA. The court therefore vacated the arbitrator’s decision and granted summary
    judgment in favor of CP Kelco. Exercising jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291,
    we AFFIRM.
    I. Factual Background
    CP Kelco operates a plant in Okmulgee, Oklahoma that manufactures
    xanthan gum and welan gum for use in the food, oil, and printing industries. The
    plant operates twenty-four hours a day. The Union represents nearly 100
    employees at the plant, including the maintenance mechanics. From December 1,
    2002 to November 30, 2007, CP Kelco and the Union were parties to a CBA.
    This dispute began when CP Kelco notified the Union of a new maintenance
    department call-in policy (“2007 Call-In Policy”) on January 5, 2007. The 2007
    Call-In Policy required all maintenance department day mechanics to wear pagers
    outside of their normal working hours on a rotating basis. “‘Failure to respond to
    a page [would] be considered insubordination and [could] result in a written
    warning, (second step progressive discipline).’” Aplt. App. at 22 (Arbitration
    Decision, dated Dec. 18, 2007) (quoting 2007 Call-In Policy); see 
    id. at 171
    Call-In Policy, filed Mar. 21, 2008). The on-call mechanics were required to call
    back within thirty minutes of receiving a page and then to “proceed to the plant
    within a reasonable time.” 
    Id. at 22,
    The Union filed a grievance under the CBA alleging that CP Kelco’s
    implementation of the 2007 Call-In Policy violated the CBA. 1 An arbitrator heard
    the grievance and issued a decision that made various factual findings and
    conclusions. Both parties presented the issue to the arbitrator slightly differently,
    and he ultimately framed the issue as: “Did the Company violate the CBA by its
    unilateral implementation of the 2007 Maintenance Department Call-In Policy
    effective January 16, 2007? If so, what is the appropriate remedy?” 2 
    Id. at 34.
    In a January 17, 2009 grievance letter to CP Kelco’s Human
    Resources Manager, the Union stated:
    This is to notify the Company that the maintenance mechanics
    do not agree with the Company’s decision to require them to
    participate, effective January 15, 2007, in a rotation of wearing
    pagers outside their normal work hours.
    We also believe the company has violated Article IX,
    Management Rights, Paragraph D and Article XXII Hours of
    Work and Compensation, Call Back Pay and any other articles
    in the Collective Bargaining Agreement that may apply.
    In order to remedy this improper action by the company we
    request the company rescind the pager policy, and we request
    that each employee required to wear a pager be paid a fair
    compensation for the time required.
    Aplt. App. at 21 (quoting Joint Grievance Letter) (internal quotation marks
    omitted); see 
    id. at 169
    (Joint Grievance Letter, filed Apr. 21, 2008).
    In its January 5, 2007 notification to the Union, CP Kelco explained
    In his decision, the arbitrator found that the following CBA provisions were
    applicable to this dispute: Article IV, Union Management Cooperation; Article
    IX, Management Rights; Article XIII, Grievance and Arbitration Procedure; and
    Article XXII, Hours of Work and Compensation. Under the CBA’s Management
    Rights Article, CP Kelco
    retain[ed] all rights of Management it had prior to the
    certification of the Union, including, . . . the right to:
    C. establish and to enforce standards of production, policies,
    regulations and safety rules not inconsistent with this
    D. establish and to alter from time to time reasonable work
    and shop rules and regulations to be observed and complied
    with by employees, which rules shall not be inconsistent with
    the provisions of this Agreement. The Union shall be advised
    of such rules and regulations . . . .
    Id. at 24
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks omitted); see 
    id. at 45–46
    (CBA, filed Apr. 21, 2008). The CBA’s Grievance and Arbitration Procedure
    states in relevant part:
    The arbitration hearing shall be held as promptly as possible
    and the arbitration award shall be final and binding upon all
    that the 2007 Call-In Policy would become effective on January 15, 2007;
    however, due to a holiday, the arbitrator found that the policy did not actually
    come into effect until the next day, January 16, 2007. Aplt. App. at 21, 28, 34.
    Adding to the confusion, in his decision, the arbitrator sometimes identified
    January 17, 2007 as the effective date. See 
    id. at 22,
    28. This difference
    ultimately is inconsequential.
    parties, provided it does not exceed the authority of the
    arbitrator. The arbitrator’s authority shall be limited to the
    application of this Agreement, and he/she shall have no
    authority to render an award which amends, alters, or
    modifies any provision of this Agreement.
    Id. at 24
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks omitted); see 
    id. at 50.
    CBA’s Hours of Work and Compensation Article addressing call-in pay provides
    in relevant part:
    Occasionally, hourly personnel may be asked to return to work
    after they have left the premises for the day. Once on site,
    he/she may be required to perform more than one job,
    however, pay will be based solely on the total number of hours
    worked. If an employee is called in, he/she will be guaranteed
    a minimum of four (4) hours pay 1X his/her base rate.
    Id. at 25
    (emphasis added) (internal quotation marks omitted); see 
    id. at 60.
    The arbitrator found that “[a]t the time the CBA became effective the
    Company had a call in policy which consisted of calling mechanics when needed
    on a rotational basis” starting with the mechanic who had the lowest hours. 
    Id. at 26.
    Under this system, mechanics could decline to return and there was no
    discipline for not responding. However, the arbitrator found that in 2003, out of a
    desire to improve the call-in response, the Plant Engineer instituted a new policy
    so that the plant could have better maintenance coverage of break-downs at the
    plant. This new policy (“2003 Call-In Policy”) increased pay for certain hours to
    “2X,” liberalized hours of work for mechanics who had to report during certain
    hours, and allowed for the payment of one-half the mechanic’s hourly rate for
    travel time when he/she responded to a call in a timely manner. 
    Id. The document
    outlining these new procedures explained that CP Kelco was “applying
    this policy on a non-precedent setting basis” and it “w[ould] be reviewed as
    warranted by the Union/Management Committee.” 
    Id. Despite the
    institution of the 2003 Call-In Policy, the arbitrator found that,
    in late 2005, the new Plant Engineer believed that the mechanics’ response to
    call-ins was not what it should be and that they had responded inadequately to
    two fires at the plant in December 2005. The Plant Engineer also noted that only
    two mechanics were taking a majority of the call-ins under the voluntary system
    and he was concerned that there could be break-downs to which no one would
    In response to these perceived deficiencies, the Plant Engineer asked the
    Team Leader to meet with the Union to discuss these problems and to work out a
    “‘win-win’ solution to improve call-in responses.” 
    Id. at 27.
    The arbitrator found
    that the Team Leader and the Plant Engineer had discussions during 2006 with
    one of the union stewards concerning a new call-in policy and sought input from
    the mechanics. However, several meetings with the mechanics revealed that there
    was “little interest” among them in revising the call-in policy. 
    Id. Nonetheless, the
    Union offered a proposal to the Plant Engineer in August 2006 and the Plant
    Engineer indicated that he would have to take the proposal to the Human
    Resources Manager. The Human Resources Manager, in either late November or
    early December 2006, told the Union Steward that the proposal was “a no-go”
    because CP Kelco would not guarantee six hours of pay when a mechanic was
    called in because that would exceed the amount of pay allowed for in the CBA’s
    Hours of Work and Compensation Article addressing call-back pay. 
    Id. (internal quotation
    marks omitted). The Plant Engineer then published the 2007 Call-In
    Policy, distributing it to the mechanics on January 5, 2007, and faxing it to the
    Union office. As it was being distributed to the mechanics, one mechanic asked if
    they would be receiving pay for carrying the pager outside of work hours and the
    Plant Engineer said “no.” 
    Id. at 28
    (internal quotation marks omitted).
    The arbitrator found that there was “nothing in the CBA which specifically
    addresses ‘call-in policy’ procedures.” 
    Id. at 35.
    He further found that while the
    2003 Call-In Policy had been implemented without Union agreement, it had been
    followed by the parties for four years without complaint, creating a “past
    practice” that could not be changed unilaterally. 
    Id. at 35.
    He also found that the
    parties had “engaged in ‘bargaining’” over the 2003 Call-In Policy, but not over
    the 2007 Call-In Policy. 
    Id. at 36.
    He determined that “the language of Article
    IX [Management Rights] does not provide the Company with the coverage it
    seeks in defending its position on the 2007 Call-In Policy.” 
    Id. at 35.
    Finally, the
    arbitrator concluded that “the Company unilaterally implemented the 2007 Call-In
    Policy in violation of its duty to bargain to revise its past practice. This, in
    general, would be a violation of the Management Rights Article of the CBA.” 
    Id. at 36.
    In fashioning a remedy, the arbitrator suspended the 2007 Call-In Policy
    and ordered the parties to follow the 2003 Call-In Policy, “subject to the parties
    returning to the bargaining table to negotiate” any further changes. 
    Id. at 37.
    also ordered CP Kelco to pay any employees who had been “‘paged’” and
    “‘reported for duty’” under the 2007 Call-In Policy “as if ‘on the clock’ from the
    time the page was received until they reported for duty.” 
    Id. The arbitrator
    ordered that “[t]his payment would be in addition to the contract provisions that
    would be applicable for work performed thereafter.” 
    Id. Following the
    arbitrator’s decision, CP Kelco brought suit in the United
    States District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma in an effort to vacate
    the award, arguing that the arbitrator exceeded his authority under the CBA and
    that his decision did not draw its essence from the CBA. In response, the Union
    filed a motion to dismiss CP Kelco’s complaint in which it argued that courts are
    not authorized to review the merits of labor-arbitration decisions. CP Kelco
    responded that judicial review of arbitration decisions, while narrow, is permitted
    and proper under federal law. Subsequently, CP Kelco moved for summary
    judgment. Instead of filing a response to the summary judgment motion
    addressing the arguments raised by CP Kelco, the Union filed a document styled,
    “Defendant’s Motion to Summarily Dismiss Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary
    Judgment,” in which the Union reiterated its arguments regarding the scope of
    judicial review of labor-arbitration decisions.
    The district court decided to treat these pending motions as cross motions
    for summary judgment. The court granted CP Kelco’s motion and denied the
    Union’s motion. In its ruling, the district court acknowledged the narrow scope
    of the available judicial review. However, the district court also explained that,
    despite the Union’s protests to the contrary, “an arbitrator’s decision is not
    entirely beyond the reach of the courts” because “his award is legitimate only so
    long as it draws its essence from the collective bargaining agreement. When the
    arbitrator’s words manifest an infidelity to this obligation, courts have no choice
    but to refuse enforcement of the award.” 
    Id. at 11
    (Op. & Order Granting Summ.
    J. in Favor of the Pl., filed Mar. 30, 2009) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Under that limited review, the district court held that “[t]he Court is satisfied that
    the arbitrator’s decision in this case did not draw its essence from the collective
    bargaining agreement between the parties.” 
    Id. at 13.
    Instead, the district court
    determined that the arbitration decision “drew its essence from the 2003 Call-In
    Policy, which the arbitrator found was an enforceable past practice that CP Kelco
    could not unilaterally alter or amend.” 
    Id. The court
    emphasized that the
    arbitrator was not using the 2003 Call-In Policy “as an aid to resolving
    ambiguity” in the CBA; instead, the arbitrator’s decision “dr[ew] its essence
    from the 2003 Call-In Policy.” 
    Id. at 16,
    17. The court therefore held that “the
    arbitrator exceeded his authority under the collective bargaining agreement and
    rendered a decision inconsistent therewith.” 
    Id. at 17.
    Consequently, the district
    court vacated the arbitrator’s award and granted CP Kelco’s summary judgment
    motion. The Union timely filed this appeal.
    II. Discussion
    The district court found that the arbitrator did not draw the essence of its
    decision from the CBA. Instead, the district court held that the arbitrator’s
    decision drew its essence from the 2003 Call-In Policy, considering it to be an
    enforceable past practice that CP Kelco could not alter or amend unilaterally.
    And the court reasoned that, by doing this, the arbitrator exceeded his authority
    and impermissibly altered a provision of the CBA, namely, the Management
    Rights Article. The court therefore vacated the arbitrator’s decision. We agree
    with the district court’s conclusions and affirm.
    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment in labor-arbitration
    cases de novo. Local No. 7 United Food & Commercial Workers Int’l Union v.
    King Soopers, Inc., 
    222 F.3d 1223
    , 1226 (10th Cir. 2000); Kennecott Utah Copper
    Corp. v. Becker, 
    195 F.3d 1201
    , 1204 (10th Cir. 1999). However, as the district
    court acknowledged, judicial review of labor-arbitration awards is “among the
    narrowest known to the law.” Champion Boxed Beef Co. v. Local No. 7 United
    Food & Commercial Workers Int’l Union, 
    24 F.3d 86
    , 87 (10th Cir. 1994)
    (internal quotation marks omitted); see also 
    Becker, 195 F.3d at 1204
    . This
    limited review is
    mandated by a strong Congressional policy of encouraging the
    peaceful resolution of labor disputes by means of binding
    arbitration . . . . [C]ourts decline to review the merits of
    arbitration awards so that both employers and unions can be
    confident in obtaining the decision of the arbitrator for which
    they have bargained.
    NCR Corp., E.M.-Wichita v. Int’l Assoc. of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, 
    906 F.2d 1499
    , 1504 (10th Cir. 1990) (citation omitted) (internal quotation marks
    omitted). Under this narrow standard, “[t]he arbitrator’s factual findings are
    beyond review, and, so long as the arbitrator does not ignore the plain language of
    the collective bargaining agreement, so is his interpretation of the contract.”
    Champion Boxed Beef 
    Co., 24 F.3d at 87
    . An arbitrator’s factual findings are
    beyond review even if “an arbitrator’s express factual finding[s] may have
    ignored or contradicted some or even all of the evidence.” Kennecott Utah
    Copper Corp. v. Becker, 
    186 F.3d 1261
    , 1269 (10th Cir. 1999). “[E]ven ‘serious
    error’ on the arbitrator’s part does not justify overturning his decision, where . . .
    he is construing a contract and acting within the scope of his authority.” Major
    League Baseball Players Ass’n. v. Garvey, 
    532 U.S. 504
    , 510 (2001) (quoting
    United Paperworkers Int’l Union v. Misco, Inc., 
    484 U.S. 29
    , 38 (1987)). In
    saying that the merits of the arbitrator’s decision are not “open to review,” we
    have explained that “[t]he merits [not open to review] embrace not only asserted
    errors in determining the credibility of witnesses, the weight to be given their
    testimony, and the determination of factual issues, but also the construction and
    application of the collective bargaining agreement.” Sterling Colo. Beef Co. v.
    United Food & Commercial Workers, Local Union No. 7, 
    767 F.2d 718
    , 720 (10th
    Cir. 1985) (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Despite these extensive limitations, the district court correctly noted that an
    arbitrator’s decision is not wholly beyond the reach of judicial review. “[A]n
    arbitrator’s discretion, though entitled to ‘profound deference,’ is not unlimited.”
    LB & B Assocs., Inc. v. Int’l Bhd. of Elec. Workers, Local No. 113, 
    461 F.3d 1195
    , 1197 (10th Cir. 2006) (citation omitted). The Supreme Court has stated
    an arbitrator is confined to interpretation and application of the
    collective bargaining agreement; he does not sit to dispense his
    own brand of industrial justice. He may of course look for
    guidance from many sources, yet his award is legitimate only
    so long as it draws its essence from the collective bargaining
    agreement. When the arbitrator’s words manifest an infidelity
    to this obligation, courts have no choice but to refuse
    enforcement of the award.
    United Steelworkers of Am. v. Enter. Wheel & Car Corp., 
    363 U.S. 593
    , 597
    (1960). An award does not draw its essence from the collective bargaining
    agreement if
    it is contrary to the express language of the contract or is so
    unfounded in reason and fact, so unconnected with the working
    and purpose of the agreement as to manifest an infidelity to the
    obligation of the arbitrator or if viewed in the light of its
    language, its context, and any other indicia of the parties’
    intention, it is without factual support.
    LB & B 
    Assocs., 461 F.3d at 1197
    –98 (internal quotation marks omitted).
    On appeal, CP Kelco convincingly argues that the arbitrator’s decision
    conflicts with and improperly amends the CBA by considering and enforcing the
    2003 Call-In Policy without first finding an aspect of the CBA to be ambiguous.
    Although an arbitrator may resolve ambiguities that the arbitrator finds in the
    collective bargaining agreement by considering extrinsic evidence like past
    practices or the “law of the shop,” the arbitrator cannot use such evidence to alter
    or rewrite an unambiguous provision in the collective bargaining agreement. See,
    e.g., Champion Boxed Beef 
    Co., 24 F.3d at 88
    –89 (“It is a well-recognized
    principle that, except where expressly limited by a labor agreement, an arbitrator
    may consider and rely upon extrinsic evidence, including negotiating and
    contractual history of the parties, evidence of past practices, and the common law
    of the shop, when interpreting ambiguous provisions.” (emphasis added)); see
    also Star Tribune Co. v. Minn. Newspaper Guild Typographical Union, 
    450 F.3d 345
    , 348 (8th Cir. 2006) (holding that an arbitration decision may be vacated “if
    the arbitrator ignored or disregarded the plain language of an unambiguous
    contract or nullified a provision of the contract”). Therefore, the arbitrator in this
    case could only rely upon the 2003 Call-In Policy as an interpretative aid if he
    first found some provision of the CBA to be ambiguous. He did not do so.
    Rather, the arbitrator apparently believed he could resort to past practices as an
    interpretive aid, even if such practices were inconsistent with the unambiguous
    language of the CBA. See Aplt. App. at 34 (“The Company argued that this
    arbitrator should be guided by the ‘Plain Meaning’ Rule thereby precluding any
    consideration of evidence contrary to the literal language of the CBA. This
    arbitrator cannot accept such a simple solution to labor disputes . . . .”). Although
    the arbitrator acknowledged that “[t]here is nothing in the CBA which specifically
    addresses ‘call-in policy’ procedures,” 
    id. at 35,
    the arbitrator failed to recognize
    that CP Kelco had reserved expressly the right to outline unilaterally such
    procedures in the CBA’s Management Rights Article. For example, the
    Management Rights Article granted CP Kelco the right to “establish and enforce
    . . . policies . . . not inconsistent with this Agreement” and the right to “establish
    and to alter from time to time reasonable work and shop rules and regulations.”
    Id. at 24
    , 46. The arbitrator erroneously imposed a new condition on these rights
    when he determined that CP Kelco was required to negotiate to an impasse over
    the implementation of the 2007 Call-In Policy. By imposing this new condition
    on unilateral management rights, the arbitrator created a conflict with, and
    improperly amended, an unambiguous provision of the CBA—that is, the
    Management Rights Article.
    In addition, the parties themselves incorporated limits to the arbitrator’s
    authority within the CBA’s Grievance Procedures Article. As the arbitrator
    found, the CBA expressly limits the arbitrator’s authority “to the application of
    this Agreement, and he/she shall have no authority to render an award which
    amends, alters, or modifies any provision of this Agreement.” 3 
    Id. at 24
    , 50. As
    the CBA expressly recognizes, the arbitrator had no authority to amend the
    Management Rights Article to require CP Kelco to bargain to an impasse with the
    Union before issuing a policy or work rule. 4 Therefore, the arbitrator exceeded
    The Union does not address this contractual limit despite the fact that
    CP Kelco relied upon that language in part in its motion to vacate.
    For the first time on appeal, the Union argues that the 2007 Call-In
    Policy was not a work or shop rule. However, we do not consider arguments
    raised for the first time on appeal absent extraordinary circumstances. Turner v.
    Pub. Serv. Co. of Colo., 
    563 F.3d 1136
    , 1143 (10th Cir. 2009). The Union has
    demonstrated no extraordinary circumstances.
    The Union also attempts to raise other arguments on appeal for the first
    time. In particular, the Union attempts to expand its challenge to the district
    court’s decision beyond its previous reliance on the narrow scope of judicial
    review as the sole basis for its challenge. The Union now argues that: (1) the
    arbitrator relied on past practices to fashion its remedy and did not rely on past
    practices in reaching its conclusion on the merits; (2) the CBA was ambiguous
    and so the arbitrator properly interpreted it through application of statutory-
    interpretation principles; and (3) there is an alternative interpretation of the
    “essence” test that the district court should have considered. However, our
    independent review of the record confirms CP Kelco’s contention that the Union
    failed to raise any of these arguments below. In fact, in response to questioning
    at oral argument, the Union admitted that it had not made at least one of these
    arguments before the district court—viz., its statutory-interpretation argument.
    As previously suggested above, it is well-settled that we generally will not
    consider arguments or issues raised for the first time on appeal. See, e.g., 
    id. at 1143
    (“Absent extraordinary circumstances, we will not consider arguments
    raised for the first time on appeal.”); Utah Envtl. Congress v. Russell, 
    518 F.3d 817
    , 828–29 (10th Cir. 2008) (“Generally, we do not consider issues not
    presented to, considered and decided by the trial court because an appellant’s new
    his authority in imposing this additional requirement and it was proper for the
    district court to vacate the arbitration award. 5
    III. Conclusion
    Because the arbitrator exceeded his authority by not drawing his decision
    from the essence of the CBA and by impermissibly amending the Management
    Rights Article, we AFFIRM the district court’s vacation of the arbitrator’s award
    and its grant of summary judgment in favor of CP Kelco.
    Jerome A. Holmes
    Circuit Judge
    argument gives rise to a host of new issues, and [Appellee] had no opportunity to
    present evidence it may have thought relevant to these issues.” (alteration in
    original) (citation omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted)); McDonald v.
    Kinder-Morgan, Inc., 
    287 F.3d 992
    , 999 (10th Cir. 2002) (“[W]e will not consider
    arguments raised for the first time on appeal. This is true whether an appellant is
    attempting to raise a bald-faced new issue or a new theory on appeal that falls
    under the same general category as an argument presented at trial.” (citation
    omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted)). The Union has not convinced us
    that extraordinary circumstances exist that would overcome our reluctance to
    reach these additional arguments.
    Because we have determined that the arbitrator exceeded his
    authority, we need not address CP Kelco’s assertion that the arbitrator erred in
    finding that CP Kelco had engaged in negotiations over the 2003 Call-In Policy,
    but not over the 2007 Call-In Policy, given the arbitrator’s allegedly similar
    description of the events leading up to the development of both policies.