Rice v. Apfel ( 2000 )

  •                                                                           F I L E D
    United States Court of Appeals
    Tenth Circuit
    NOV 14 2000
    v.                                                   No. 99-1422
    (D.C. No. 98-M-2177)
    KENNETH S. APFEL, Commissioner,                        (D. Colo.)
    Social Security Administration,
    ORDER AND JUDGMENT            *
    Before BRORBY , ANDERSON , and MURPHY , Circuit Judges.
    After examining the briefs and appellate record, this panel has determined
    unanimously to grant the parties’ request for a decision on the briefs without oral
    argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(f); 10th Cir. R. 34.1(G). The case is therefore
    ordered submitted without oral argument.
    This order and judgment is not binding precedent, except under the
    doctrines of law of the case, res judicata, and collateral estoppel. The court
    generally disfavors the citation of orders and judgments; nevertheless, an order
    and judgment may be cited under the terms and conditions of 10th Cir. R. 36.3.
    Plaintiff seeks review of the district court’s order upholding the
    Commissioner’s determination to deny him social security disability benefits. We
    have jurisdiction under 42 U.S.C. § 405(g) and 28 U.S.C. § 1291, and we affirm.
    Procedural Background
    Plaintiff was born in 1950 and has an eighth grade education. He enlisted
    in the United States Marine Corps at age eighteen and served for two years,
    including one year in combat duty in Vietnam. He sustained a lung injury during
    training for which he was awarded a ten percent service-connected disability in
    1970. His work history includes jobs as a siding applicator, truck driver, field
    superintendent, maintenance superintendent, and cat operator. Appellant’s App.,
    Vol. I at 252. He filed for benefits in 1992, claiming disability as of May 15,
    1990, primarily due to back pain from herniated disks. He was last insured as of
    June 30, 1992. Following an initial hearing before an administrative law judge
    (ALJ), he was found not disabled at step five.    See Williams v. Bowen , 
    844 F.2d 748
    , 750-52 (10th Cir. 1988) (outlining five-step sequential process for
    determining disability). The Appeals Council remanded the matter to a different
    ALJ for further consideration of the evidence.
    Following a second hearing, another ALJ found at step four that plaintiff
    was not disabled because he could perform his past relevant work as a tractor
    operator. See Appellant’s App., Vol. I at 201-02. After plaintiff’s appeal was
    denied by the Appeals Council, he filed suit in federal district court. The
    Commissioner filed an unopposed motion seeking a remand under 42 U.S.C.
    § 405(g) (sentence four), to “(1) fully evaluate plaintiff’s mental condition during
    the relevant period; (2) arrange for medical expert testimony to clarify the
    medical issues; and (3) obtain vocational expert evidence if appropriate.”
    See Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 722. The district court granted the motion.
    id. at 724.
    After a third hearing, the ALJ determined that plaintiff was not disabled
    prior to June 30, 1992, by “non-substance abuse related impairments.” The ALJ
    further determined that plaintiff “is disabled because of a continuous period of
    alcohol abuse.”    See 
    id. at 694.
    Because the ALJ found the alcohol abuse was
    “a contributing factor material to the disability determination,” he determined that
    plaintiff was not entitled to benefits.   
    Id. ; 42
    U.S.C. § 423(d)(2)(C) (“An
    individual shall not be considered to be disabled . . . if alcoholism . . . would (but
    for this subparagraph) be a contributing factor material to the Commissioner’s
    determination that the individual is disabled.”). Plaintiff again sought review in
    the district court, which affirmed the denial of benefits, and he appeals.
    On appeal, plaintiff raised the following issues: (1) the ALJ’s finding that
    alcohol abuse was a contributing factor material to the disability determination is
    not supported by substantive evidence; (2) the ALJ failed to comply with the
    district court’s remand order of August 7, 1997; (3) the ALJ did not properly
    consider plaintiff’s limitations and complaints of pain from his low back injury;
    (4) the ALJ did not properly consider the opinions of the treating, examining and
    consulting doctors; and (5) the matter should be remanded or reversed to complete
    the record.
    Medical History
    Plaintiff’s medical records concerning his back problems indicate that
    Dr. Welch performed a lumbar microdisectomy at L4-5 and L5-S1 on him in July
    of 1980. See Appellant’s App., Vol. II at 282. Although he did well after
    surgery, he developed some recurrent pain in his right lower extremity (thought to
    be primarily muscle tightness), for which physical therapy, heat and massage were
    prescribed. See 
    id. at 287.
    A lumbar myelogram revealed recurrent disk
    herniation, for which further surgery was recommended,      see 
    id. at 289,
    but the
    surgery was not performed because plaintiff had improved considerably by
    January of 1981.    See 
    id. at 294.
    He was told both to avoid heavy lifting and to
    limit his lifting to twenty pounds.    See 
    id. at 292-94.
    Plaintiff experienced recurrent lumbar radiculopathy in 1983, for which
    Dr. Welch prescribed two weeks of bed rest and no work.      See 
    id. at 296.
    Plaintiff reported improvement after a couple months and was released to return
    to work with the admonition that he avoid heavy lifting, prolonged bending, and
    twisting motions of the back.      See 
    id. at 297.
    He did not return for medical
    treatment until 1988 when he was diagnosed with likely recurrent facetal disease
    or possibly recurrent lumbar radiculopathy, with some degenerative changes and
    abnormal disks at L4-5 and L5-S1. Bed rest and physical therapy were
    prescribed, and plaintiff was given prescriptions for Motrin and Flexeril,    see 
    id. at 298-99.
    His last contact with Dr. Welch was in 1992, by letter; the doctor
    recommended plaintiff seek further treatment in Michigan where plaintiff was
    then living. See 
    id. at 300.
    There is no indication plaintiff sought medical
    treatment at the time of his alleged disability onset date of May 15, 1990.
    Plaintiff was treated in November of 1990 for acute chest pain (to rule out
    myocardial infarction) and ultimately diagnosed with a “[a]cute chest pain,
    probable hiatus hernia and acute esophagitis.”      See 
    id. at 444.
    Plaintiff was
    discharged with the doctor’s notation that if plaintiff continued heavy smoking
    and drinking, “I’m sure he will have recurrences of pain.”       
    Id. He was
    seen at
    a Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital in March of 1991 for alcohol abuse,
    acidosis, and dehydration.      See 
    id. at 491.
    In March of 1992, plaintiff was treated by Dr. Failer for degenerative joint
    disease of the lumbosacral spine with a vacuum disk phenomenon at L5-S1 and
    L4-5, a bulging disk prominent especially at L4-5, but no herniation of the disk.
    id. at 485.
    He was prescribed Darvocet and Toradol in April, and restricted
    from lifting, carrying, standing, and walking, pending further evaluation.          See 
    id. at 477,
    In July (past the June 30 date he was last insured), plaintiff was again seen
    at the VA hospital for chronic back pain, shortness of breath, anxiety, difficulty
    sleeping, and alcohol abuse.     See 
    id. at 303.
    He was noted to have a mild airway
    obstruction (and smoking three to four packs of cigarettes daily) but with no
    evidence of cardiopulmonary abnormality.            See 
    id. at 303-04,
    306. Disk
    degeneration was found.
    A social work service report of July 14, 1992, reported multiple failed
    marriages, financial difficulties, and the service-connected lung injury, with the
    interviewer noting that plaintiff denied having a substance abuse problem.           See 
    id. at 309-12.
    A second evaluation by a VA staff psychiatrist on August 10 noted
    that all plaintiff wanted was pain pills and nerve pills.      See 
    id. at 313.
    expressed anger at the medication and exercises prescribed for him and
    resentment that his doctors would not give him “real pain pills.”        See 
    id. He acknowledged
    heavy smoking, but claimed to have ceased drinking his one to
    two-fifths of liquor daily and was presently drinking one to eight beers per day.
    id. at 314.
    When offered a prescription for a nonhabit forming
    anti-depressant with some sedative qualities, plaintiff discarded the prescription
    when advised of the need for monitoring his progress.        See 
    id. Although he
    experienced some intrusive memories of Vietnam for several years after serving
    there, he did not describe flashbacks or continued intrusive thoughts.      See 
    id. at 313.
    The diagnosis at this time was alcohol and tobacco dependence.           See 
    id. at 314.
    Dr. Friedman, a Social Security Administration consultant, examined
    plaintiff in September of 1992 and found full range of motion of the major joints
    of the lower extremities, with some limits to the lumbosacral spinal motion.
    Seated straight leg raising was pain free and full to ninety degrees on the right but
    positive for midline low back pain on the left at seventy degrees. Plaintiff was
    able to walk on both heels and toes, squat and arise from a deep knee bend.
    Plaintiff’s gait was observed to be essentially normal, and he had no difficulty
    with undressing or getting on and off the examining table.       See 
    id. at 316-17.
    Plaintiff was further evaluated for drinking problems in January and March
    of 1993, see 
    id. at 324-27,
    with no change in his back condition noted. The
    examiner also noted that plaintiff could care for his needs and that he could shop
    with some help, drive a car, watch TV, visit with his family, and attend church.
    id. at 327.
    Plaintiff claimed he had not been drinking since July of 1992.        See
    id. at 324,
    327. In April of 1993, however, he was reevaluated for the “waxing
    and waning, recurrent pain in his lower left extremity with minimal back pain.”
    id. at 409.
    He admitted the pain was “the best that it [had] been in the past
    two years.” 
    Id. He also
    stated that he had been an alcoholic until the recent past.
    id. In May
    of 1993 he returned “with a set of spine films [demonstrating]
    closed down disk space at L4-5 and L5-S1” and “[n]o obvious spondylolsthesis.”
    On examination, plaintiff demonstrated full strength throughout the lower
    extremities with a positive straight leg raise on the left.    See 
    id. at 407.
    In June,
    nerve conduction studies of the right and left lower extremities showed normal
    amplitudes and latencies of bilateral peroneal motion responses, with
    electrodiagnostic evidence of chronic bilateral S1 radiculopathies, worse on the
    right. See 
    id. at 405.
    He was taken to a VA hospital in August of 1993, apparently intoxicated
    and quite belligerent.    See 
    id. at 401-02.
    In November, his prior evaluation of
    thirty percent disability for bronchitis was continued, but an additional ten percent
    service-connected disability for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was
    established. See 
    id. at 473-74.
    In February of 1994, he was again admitted to a VA hospital complaining
    of fever, chest pains, nausea, vomiting, and coughing. Admission notes reflect
    that he was smoking three packs of cigarettes a day and taking no medications.
    id. at 375.
    He was referred for a surgical consultation,      see 
    id. at 379,
    expressed no interest at the time.     See 
    id. at 380.
    He was successfully detoxified,
    id. Vol. II
    at 361, and released eight days later with multiple diagnoses,
    including acute and chronic alcoholism, duodenal diverticulum, bronchitis,
    nicotine addiction, hypertension secondary to alcoholism (currently resolved by
    abstinence), history of past disk surgeries, and possible recent minor upper
    gastrointestinal bleeding, presumably secondary to alcohol gastritis.         See 
    id. In July,
    he was evaluated for residual or recurrent disk herniation.       See 
    id. at 397.
    He was diagnosed with failed back syndrome with no operative lesion, for
    which he was prescribed nonsurgical treatment, including physical therapy, use of
    a TENS unit and acupuncture.      See 
    id. at 399.
    In June of 1995, he was again hospitalized for fatigue, diarrhea, nausea,
    dyspnea, and possible incomplete resolution of pneumonia. His doctor noted the
    back was supple and without tenderness. Plaintiff did not report being on any
    medications. He was “further[ ] advised to cease smoking and consumption of
    alcohol,” which he promised to do.      See 
    id. at 457-60.
    He returned in August,
    apparently at the behest of his mother and sister, who were concerned about his
    drinking. See 
    id. at 469.
    He was also still smoking three packs of cigarettes
    per day. See 
    id. From April
    to July of 1996, plaintiff spent approximately three months at
    a VA medical center undergoing treatment for depression, PTSD, and alcohol
    dependence. He was also noted to have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    and degenerative disk disease.    See 
    id. at 498-500.
    He was readmitted a week after his initial discharge with symptoms
    of depression, anxiety, coping difficulties, and insomnia,      see 
    id. at 501,
    remained at the hospital until October of 1996.       See 
    id. Although he
    of problems sleeping, nurses’ notes from at least two occasions indicate he had
    been asleep at all bed checks and was likely sleeping both more and better than he
    realized. See 
    id. at 522,
    532, 541. He attended depression group sessions on
    a frequent basis as well as dual diagnostic groups and the PTSD program. His
    clinical psychologist reported that he was having PTSD nightmares,         see 
    id. at 578,
    and that she thought him to be unemployable due to the PTSD symptoms, back
    problems, and his age.    See 
    id. at 584.
    Following his discharge, he apparently
    continued therapy as an outpatient, but returned to heavy drinking in December.
    id. , Vol.
    III at 786-87.
    Plaintiff was readmitted on two occasions in May of 1997, based on
    “alcohol intoxication and suicidal ideations,”      see 
    id. at 762,
    and a psychiatric
    admission for substance abuse treatment.         See 
    id. at 751.
    Notations at his second
    discharge reflected continuous alcohol dependence, nicotine addition, PTSD, and
    depression. See 
    id. -10- Discussion
    We examine the record as a whole to determine whether the
    Commissioner’s decision is supported by substantial evidence and whether correct
    legal standards have been applied.       See Soliz v. Chater , 
    82 F.3d 373
    , 375
    (10th Cir. 1996). Substantial evidence is “such relevant evidence as a reasonable
    mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.”         Richardson v. Perales ,
    402 U.S. 389
    , 401 (1971) (quotation omitted). However, we may not reweigh the
    evidence, nor may we substitute our judgment for that of the Commissioner.
    See Casias v. Secretary of Health & Human Servs.         , 
    933 F.2d 799
    , 800 (10th Cir.
    1991). In order to receive benefits, plaintiff needed to establish his disability
    prior to June 30, 1992, his last insured date.      See Henrie v. United States Dep’t of
    Health & Human Servs. , 
    13 F.3d 359
    , 360 (10th Cir. 1993).
    Plaintiff first contends that the ALJ’s conclusion that alcoholism is
    a contributing factor material to his disability is not supported by substantial
    evidence in the record and that he was disabled by his other impairments prior to
    the expiration of his insured status. The record, however, is replete with evidence
    of plaintiff’s alcoholism. Plaintiff has been hospitalized a number of times for
    treatment of this condition and, indeed, candidly admitted his drinking problem at
    the first two administrative hearings,     see Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 619-20,
    625, 630-31, 640, 649-50, 665, even stating that he had been a drunk since he
    returned from Vietnam,      see 
    id. at 631.
    Plaintiff also made it clear on numerous
    occasions that he prefers alcohol to any type of medication that might help
    alleviate his pain symptoms.      See, e.g. , 
    id. at 309,
    313-14; Vol. III at 665, 738-39.
    Plaintiff has attempted instead to establish that he was disabled by PTSD as of
    1990 based on a 1998 opinion by Dr. Co       tgageorge, plaintiff’s consulting
    psychologist, that plaintiff was suffering from the syndrome as of May 1990.
    Even assuming this to be a proper retrospective diagnosis, “the relevant analysis
    is whether [plaintiff] was actually disabled prior to the expiration of [his] insured
    status.” See Potter v. Secretary of Health & Human Servs.         , 
    905 F.2d 1346
    1348-49 (10th Cir. 1990);      see also Adams v. Chater , 
    93 F.3d 712
    , 714 (10th Cir.
    1996) (holding that although a “treating physician may provide a retrospective
    diagnosis of [plaintiff’s] condition, a retrospective diagnosis without evidence of
    actual disability is insufficient”) (further quotation omitted). Here, as in     Adams ,
    Dr. Co tgageorge did not actually indicate that plaintiff was disabled before the
    expiration of plaintiff’s insured status.    See Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 743.
    Nor did Dr. Hardin, who treated plaintiff for PTSD at the VA hospital during
    1996. Moreover “‘while the onset of [plaintiff’s] impairments may be traceable
    to events which occurred during a period of coverage, there is no evidence to
    suggest that [plaintiff] experienced disabling effects of these impairments during
    the relevant period.’”    Flint v. Sullivan , 
    951 F.2d 264
    , 267-68 (10th Cir. 1991)
    (quotations omitted) (rejecting claim for disability based on PTSD as shown by
    subjective testimony of plaintiff and post-insured date objective medical
    Nor did the ALJ fail to comply with the remand instructions of the district
    court and the Appeals Council.    1
    The ALJ’s decision reflects a clear
    understanding of the remand,     see Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 687. Plaintiff
    concedes that he has been evaluated by several psychologists, including
    Dr. Hardin and Dr. Cotgageorge, as well as psychiatrists through the VA,         see
    Appellant’s Br. at 31, but objects to the weight the ALJ gave their opinions.
    Plaintiff further contends that there is adequate evidence in the record that “he
    had a disabling mental impairment caused by his PTSD and depression as of
    May 15, 1990,” but fails to provide any citations to this evidence.        
    Id. Indeed, based
    on the 1998 evaluation, Dr. Cotgageorge opined only that plaintiff was
    “suffering from PTSD as of May 1990” and that if plaintiff did not use alcohol,
    “his PTSD symptoms alone       could have rendered him unable to perform work on a
    sustained basis. . . .” Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 743 (emphasis supplied).
    There is simply no indication that the condition was disabling as of plaintiff’s last
    insured date.
    Because neither the district court nor the Appeals Council issued specific
    remand instructions, we assume plaintiff’s arguments address the reasons given
    by the Commissioner in requesting the remand.
    With respect to the remand issue, plaintiff also claims that the ALJ “failed
    to arrange for medical expert testimony to clarify medical issues with respect to
    [plaintiff’s] mental condition; and failed to obtain any vocational expert
    evidence.” Appellant’s Br. at 29. Again, however, plaintiff concedes that a
    medical expert (Dr. Oren Ellis) in fact testified at the hearing.      See 
    id. at 31-32.
    Although the hearing testimony is not available, Dr. Ellis’s conclusions, based on
    his extensive analysis of the medical records, are a part of the record.       See
    Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 799-807. In addition, the remand orders of the
    district court and Appeals Council were nonspecific, and the Commissioner’s
    motion for remand only suggested obtaining vocational expert advice if
    appropriate. See 
    id. Vol. II
    I at 721-28. Because the ALJ concluded that, but for
    his alcoholism, plaintiff was not disabled from performing his past relevant work,
    id. , Vol.
    III at 703, the ALJ was not obligated to use a vocational expert.     See
    Glenn v. Shalala , 
    21 F.3d 983
    , 988 (10th Cir. 1994).
    Next plaintiff complains that the ALJ failed to properly consider his
    limitations and complaints of pain due to his back injury. We disagree. The
    medical record reflects that following his 1980 lumbar microdisectomy, plaintiff
    improved considerably and returned to work. Appellant’s App., Vol. II at 282,
    292-93. He was not seen by his treating physician, Dr. Welch, for over two years
    between 1981 and 1983.       See 
    id. at 296.
    Dr. Welch prescribed two weeks worth
    of rest, see 
    id. , and
    two months later reported that plaintiff had resolved his
    recurrent radicular symptoms and could return to work, avoiding only “heavy
    lifting and prolonged bending and twisting motions of the low back.”          
    Id. at 297.
    Plaintiff did not return to Dr. Welch again until 1988, following an injury playing
    racquetball. See 
    id. at 298.
    Plaintiff improved with physical therapy and was
    given prescriptions for Flexeril and Motrin.        See 
    id. at 299.
    Plaintiff concedes, as
    he must, that “there is a gap in treatment from October 1988 to February 1992,”
    nearly two years after the alleged onset of disability.      Appellant’s Br. at 36.
    A subsequent CT scan revealed a mild bulging disk prominent at L4-5 and some
    degenerative joint disease of the lumbosacral spine at the same level.        See
    Appellant’s App., Vol. II at 485. A lumbar examination showed a decrease in the
    intervertebral space at L5-S1 with osteophyte formation at L5, likely secondary to
    degenerative joint disease but with no other evidence of abnormality in the lumbar
    spine. See 
    id. at 486.
    In April of 1992, Dr. Failer completed a medical examination report stating
    that plaintiff was unable to lift, carry, sit, stand, or walk during the work day, nor
    could he bend or climb.     See 
    id. at 479.
    However, these restrictions were
    accompanied by the comment “not at this time,” and his unemployability for more
    than sixty days was tied to the notation of “until [the] eval[uation] is complete.”
    id. In addition,
    the general statement plaintiff’s condition was deteriorating
    also indicated that improvement by treatment was possible.        See 
    id. Dr. Failer
    also indicated that his treatment would be for three to six months.        See 
    id. Thus, even
    if this report is considered as the opinion of a treating physician, it does not
    reflect a disability expected to last twelve months or longer.        See 42 U.S.C.
    § 423(d)(A) (defining disability as inability to engage in substantial activity by
    reason of impairment expected to result in death or which has lasted or is
    expected to last for a period not less than twelve months).
    Plaintiff was also examined during this time period by Dr. Friedman,
    a consulting physician. Dr. Friedman noted plaintiff’s complaints of pain when
    performing certain movements. Dr. Friedman also noted that straight leg raising
    in a seated position was full and pain free to ninety degrees on the right and
    positive for midline low back pain on the left at approximately seventy degrees.
    id. , Vol.
    II at 316-17. At the time plaintiff’s medications included a Maxair
    inhaler, Nifedipene, and Salsalate.   2
    Although plaintiff complains that there is no discussion by the ALJ of why
    he adopted Dr. Friedman’s opinion over Dr. Failer’s, plaintiff does not show how
    these opinions are inconsistent. Moreover, the ALJ did discuss specific evidence
    The inhaler was for respiratory difficulties, Nifedipene is used to treat
    hypertension, and Salsalate is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory.
    he relied on, and he is not obligated to discuss each piece of evidence.     See
    Clifton v. Chater , 
    79 F.3d 1007
    , 1009-10 (10th Cir. 1996).
    Similarly, plaintiff contends that the ALJ failed to give the appropriate
    weight to the treating and examining physicians’ opinions.        Here, he rehashes
    earlier arguments emphasizing his interpretation of the opinions of
    Dr. Cotgageorge. Plaintiff states that the doctor opined plaintiff “could be
    disabled even if he did not have a problem with alcoholism due to his mental
    limitations from his PTSD.”     See Appellant’s Br. at 40. Dr. Cotgageorge’s report
    reflects that the doctor stated his opinion that plaintiff was suffering from PTSD
    as of May 1990, but it is not clear at what point in time the doctor believed the
    PTSD symptoms alone could have rendered plaintiff unable to work on
    a sustained basis.   See Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 743. Likewise Dr. Failer’s
    opinion was expressed in connection with the need for further evaluation.
    Dr. Hardin, the VA psychologist who treated plaintiff during 1996, did not state
    that plaintiff’s PTSD symptoms were even present prior to his last insured date,
    much less that plaintiff was disabled or unemployable as of that time.      See 
    id. Vol. II
    at 584. Moreover, the responsibility “for determining the ultimate issue of
    disability is reserved to the [Commissioner].”      See Castellano v. Secretary of
    Health and Human Servs. , 
    26 F.3d 1027
    , 1029 (10th Cir. 1994) (further citations
    omitted). Essentially plaintiff is asking this court to reweigh the evidence, which,
    of course, we may not do.     See Qualls v. Apfel , 
    206 F.3d 1368
    , 1371 (10th Cir.
    Finally, plaintiff claims the case should be remanded to complete the
    record because the transcript of the last hearing is not available.    Although he
    states that the record is insufficient for this court to review, he fails to specify
    what testimony transpired during the hearing that is essential to our
    determination. Moreover, the extensive notes of the medical expert who testified
    are part of the record.   See Appellant’s App., Vol. III at 799-807. This argument
    is without merit.
    The judgment of the United States District Court for the District of
    Colorado affirming the Commissioner’s denial of disability benefits is
    Entered for the Court
    Stephen H. Anderson
    Circuit Judge