Ramon Gonzalez v. State of Florida Department of Management Services , 683 F. App'x 738 ( 2017 )

  •                 Case: 15-14324       Date Filed: 03/23/2017       Page: 1 of 16
    No. 15-14324
    D.C. Docket No. 1:14-cv-22479-MGC
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Florida
    (March 23, 2017)
    Before ED CARNES, Chief Judge, FAY and PARKER, * Circuit Judges.
    Honorable Barrington D. Parker, Jr., United States Circuit Judge for the Second Circuit,
    sitting by designation.
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    In November 2010 Ramon Gonzalez, who is Cuban, began working as
    maintenance supervisor for Florida’s Department of Management Services in its
    Division of Real Estate Development and Maintenance.1 Facilities Manager
    Norberto Fernandez (“N. Fernandez”) hired him. The two of them together were
    responsible for developing work plans for the mechanical staff, reviewing
    maintenance work performed at three buildings, and contracting with outside
    vendors for work order supplies and services. And in his position as maintenance
    supervisor, Gonzalez was also responsible for managing seven employees who
    worked as maintenance mechanics and support technicians in the three buildings,
    prioritizing work orders, and conducting daily inspections of operations systems.
    Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to Gonzalez, nine months
    after N. Fernandez hired Gonzalez, Deputy Bureau Chief of Regional Facilities
    Daniel Eberhart told N. Fernandez that he would not have hired Gonzalez because
    he “spoke with a heavy Cuban accent” and he “spoke too loud.” According to N.
    Fernandez’s declaration,“there were several occasions where Mr. Eberhart made
    comments about Ramon Gonzalez’s accent in a way that made it clear that he
    wanted to get rid of him.” Neither N. Fernandez’s declaration nor any other part of
    the record provides any information about when those comments were made or
    “At summary judgment we view the facts in the light most favorable to the nonmoving
    party,” taking those facts from the “evidentiary materials on file.” Crawford v. Carroll, 
    529 F.3d 961
    , 964 n.1 (11th Cir. 2008).
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    specifically what was said by Eberhart that “made it clear” he wanted to “get rid
    of” Gonzalez.
    In January 2013 Eberhart issued a memo to N. Fernandez expressing
    concerns about his work performance and directing him to take immediate action
    to correct the problems. The memo listed three areas in need of improvement —
    communication, personnel management, and maintenance management — and
    provided details of the specific problems within each category. After deciding that
    N. Fernandez had not sufficiently improved by April of that year, Tom Berger,
    Director of the Division of Real Estate and Maintenance, recommended that
    human resources fire him based on his poor supervisory performance, hostile
    demeanor, and insubordination. N. Fernandez was fired soon thereafter and, so far
    as the record shows, he never filed any action contesting his firing.
    After N. Fernandez was fired, Eberhart assigned joint responsibility of the
    three buildings to Gonzalez and Lissette Fernandez (“L. Fernandez”), with
    Gonzalez supervising all of the maintenance tasks. Eberhart directed them to send
    all work requests to him for final approval because he wanted control over the
    maintenance work for budgetary reasons. In violation of that directive, Gonzalez
    authorized the repair of a fence before Eberhart had given that repair work final
    approval, which caused the work to be performed without the Department having
    in place any way to pay for those repairs. Gonzalez also authorized payment for
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    the repair of a light pole that should not have been paid for because the work was
    Senior mechanic Joel Kyllonen and facilities manager Ralph Reynolds
    emailed Eberhart in late April 2013 after visiting Gonzalez at one of the buildings
    he was managing. Both Kyllonen and Reynolds described Gonzalez as having
    been angry, argumentative, and loud while they were with him. Reynolds reported
    that he had told Gonzalez that “his attitude was not a positive representative [sic]
    of [the Department] and shouldn’t occur again.” Around that time, Eberhart had a
    conference call with his supervisor, a human resources representative, and
    Eberhart’s assistant, whose handwritten notes show that the discussion topics
    included Gonzalez’s “poor attitude” and difficulties communicating with others,
    and also state that “[s]ince [N. Fernandez]’s exit we have discovered more details
    about [Gonzalez]’s performance.” They discovered “deficiencies” in Gonzalez’s
    performance that N. Fernandez “did not address” while he was Gonzalez’s
    supervisor. During that conference call, Eberhart also mentioned receiving
    complaints from employees who directly reported to Gonzalez. According to
    Eberhart, those employees said that Gonzalez berated and belittled them in front of
    building tenants, vendors, and members of the public. Those were not the only
    complaints about Gonzalez. L. Fernandez testified that she had received
    complaints from employees, tenants, and vendors about his loud, aggressive, and
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    intimidating manner of communication, and that he had a bad attitude and
    complained about having to make necessary repairs. Evidence showed that
    Eberhart knew about at least one of the tenant’s complaints.
    Gonzalez himself testified that he is a “strong, hard-voiced talking person”
    and knows that he talks “loud.” He also conceded that he tends to talk louder and
    faster when he is upset and that those around him could misinterpret him as
    In a May 30, 2013 memo to the director of human resources, Division
    Director Berger recommended that Gonzalez be terminated. Berger’s memo stated
    that Eberhart had visited one of the three buildings and had determined that
    Gonzalez lacked organization in carrying out his supervisory duties. The memo
    explained that there was no routine maintenance program and that employees had
    complained that Gonzalez yelled at them, berated them, and called them names. It
    also mentioned Gonzalez’s failure to follow proper purchasing and payment
    protocols, and it concluded by recommending that he be terminated “for poor
    performance, insubordination/failure to follow instructions and conduct
    unbecoming.” The information upon which Berger relied to write that memo came
    from human resources, which had in turn received the information from Eberhart.
    After receiving Berger’s memo, the director of human resources decided that
    dismissal was warranted, and in a letter dated June 4, 2013, he notified Gonzalez
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    that “[w]e have determined that it is in the best interest of the Department that your
    employment be terminated . . . .” The letter offered no further explanation for the
    termination. Because he was in a supervisory position, Gonzalez was a “select
    exempt service employee,” which is an “at will” employee who can be terminated
    at any time without cause. For those select exempt service employees, the
    Department “may use disciplinary actions at [its] discretion.”
    After obtaining a right-to-sue letter from the EEOC, Gonzalez filed a lawsuit
    in Florida state court alleging national origin discrimination in violation of the
    Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Fla. Stat. § 760.10, and Title VII of the Federal
    Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2. The Department removed the case to
    federal district court and, after discovery, filed a motion for summary judgment.
    Gonzalez filed a response in opposition to that motion, attaching as support N.
    Fernandez’s declaration as well as his own. The Department then filed a motion to
    strike N. Fernandez’s declaration because it violated Federal Rule of Civil
    Procedure 26 and to strike one paragraph of Gonzalez’s declaration as inadmissible
    hearsay. The district court, in its summary judgment order, granted both parts of
    the Department’s motion to strike and its motion for summary judgment. This is
    Gonzalez’s appeal.
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    Gonzalez contends that the district court abused its discretion by granting the
    Department’s motion to strike. We need not resolve that question because, as we
    will explain, even considering both declarations in their entirety, Gonzalez has
    offered no direct evidence of discrimination and has failed to offer evidence raising
    a genuine issue of fact as to pretext.
    In relevant part, Title VII makes it unlawful to fire or take any other adverse
    employment action against an employee based on that employee’s national origin.
    See 42 U.S.C. § 2000e–2(a)(1).2 A plaintiff bringing a Title VII claim can prove
    intentional discrimination through direct or circumstantial evidence. See Alvarez
    v. Royal Atl. Developers, Inc., 
    610 F.3d 1253
    , 1264 (11th Cir. 2010). Gonzalez
    contends that he should not suffer summary judgment because he has presented
    direct evidence of discrimination and, alternatively, he has presented circumstantial
    evidence sufficient to both make out a prima facie case and show pretext under the
    framework established in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    (1973), and Texas Department of Community Affairs v. Burdine, 
    450 U.S. 248
    101 S. Ct. 1089
    Doing so is also unlawful under the Florida Civil Rights Act. Fla. Stat. § 760.10(1)(a).
    Florida courts have held, and the parties do not dispute, that “decisions construing Title VII are
    applicable when considering claims under the Florida Civil Rights Act, because the Florida act
    was patterned after Title VII.” Harper v. Blockbuster Entm’t Corp., 
    139 F.3d 1385
    , 1387 (11th
    Cir. 1998). As a result, analysis of the state claim is subsumed in analysis of the federal claim.
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    Gonzalez contends that Eberhart’s comments about his accent and loud
    manner of talking are direct evidence of discrimination. Because Eberhart did not
    make the final decision to fire Gonzalez, the first step is usually to determine
    whether Eberhart’s statements about Gonzalez’s accent and loud volume can be
    imputed to Berger under a “cat’s paw” theory of liability. See Stimpson v. City of
    186 F.3d 1328
    , 1332 (11th Cir. 1999) (“This [cat’s paw] theory
    provides that causation may be established if the plaintiff shows that the
    decisionmaker followed the biased recommendation [of a non-decisionmaker]
    without independently investigating the complaint against the employee. In such a
    case, the recommender is using the decisionmaker as a mere conduit, or ‘cat’s paw’
    to give effect to the recommender’s discriminatory animus.”). Because it does not
    matter to the result, however, we will simply assume for purposes of this appeal
    that Eberhart’s comments about Gonzalez’s accent and loud voice can be imputed
    to Berger under the “cat’s paw” theory of liability.
    We also conclude that Eberhart’s comments about Gonzalez’s accent and
    loud manner of speaking are not direct evidence of national origin discrimination.
    “Direct evidence is evidence which, if believed, proves the existence of a fact
    without inference or presumption.” Scott v. Suncoast Beverage Sales, Ltd., 
    295 F.3d 1223
    , 1227 (11th Cir. 2002). “[O]nly the most blatant remarks, whose intent
    could mean nothing other than to discriminate on the basis of some impermissible
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    factor constitute direct evidence of discrimination. If the alleged statement
    suggests, but does not prove, a discriminatory motive, then it is circumstantial
    evidence.” Wilson v. B/E Aerospace, Inc., 
    376 F.3d 1079
    , 1086 (11th Cir. 2004)
    (citations and quotation marks omitted).
    As support for his contention that Eberhart’s comments about his accent and
    loud voice are direct evidence of discriminatory motive, Gonzalez cites Akouri v.
    State of Florida Department of Transportation, 
    408 F.3d 1338
    (11th Cir. 2005).
    In the Akouri decision, the plaintiff, who was born in Lebanon, testified that he had
    been denied a promotion and that when he asked “shortly after” that denial why
    another employee had been chosen instead, he was told: “[T]he people working in
    the crew are not the same that are working in the office. There [are] no black or
    Hispanic [employees] in the back. . . . [T]hey are all white and they are not going
    to take orders from you, especially if you have an accent, and something like that.”
    Id. at 1341,
    1347–48 (quotation marks omitted) (third alteration in original). We
    concluded in the Akouri decision that the explanation for why the plaintiff had
    been denied the promotion was direct evidence because “[t]here is no mere
    suggestion or need for inferences because the statement relates directly to the
    [employer]’s decision to promote [someone else] over Akouri . . . and blatantly
    states that the reason he was passed over for the promotion was his ethnicity.” 
    Id. at 1348.
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    Unlike the direct evidence in the Akouri case, Eberhart’s statements were
    not directly related to Gonzalez’s termination (or Eberhart’s decision to report to
    Berger about the problems with Gonzalez’s job performance). The only evidence
    of when Eberhart commented about Gonzalez’s accent and loud voice is the
    statement Eberhart made to N. Fernandez two years before Gonzalez’s termination.
    Scott, 295 F.3d at 1227
    –28 (noting that the comment “[w]e’ll burn his black
    ass” was not direct evidence of discrimination because “it was made approximately
    two and one-half years before the [plaintiff was terminated] and because it was not
    directly related to the subject of [the plaintiff]’s termination”). As a result,
    Eberhart’s comments are not direct evidence of discrimination.
    Lacking any direct evidence of discrimination, Gonzalez could still have
    escaped summary judgment by offering sufficient circumstantial evidence to meet
    the burden-shifting framework under the McDonnell Douglas and Burdine
    decisions. Under that framework the plaintiff bears the initial burden of showing a
    prima facie case of discrimination. McDonnell Douglas 
    Corp., 411 U.S. at 802
    , 93
    S. Ct. at 1824. If the plaintiff makes that showing, the burden shifts “to the
    employer to articulate some legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the [adverse
    employment action].” 
    Id. “[S]hould the
    defendant carry this burden, the plaintiff
    must then have an opportunity to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the
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    legitimate reasons offered by the defendant were not its true reasons, but were a
    pretext for discrimination.” 
    Burdine, 450 U.S. at 253
    , 101 S. Ct. at 1093.
    While the parties dispute whether Gonzalez has made out a prima facie case
    of discrimination, we need not decide that issue because, as we will discuss,
    Gonzalez has failed to raise a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the
    Department’s proffered reasons for firing him were a pretext for discrimination.
    Alvarez, 610 F.3d at 1265
    (“It matters not whether Alvarez has made out a
    prima facie case if she cannot create a genuine issue of material fact as to whether
    [the defendant]’s proffered reasons for firing her are pretext masking
    The Department provided several legitimate nondiscriminatory reasons for
    firing Gonzalez, all of which are summarized in Berger’s memo recommending
    that he be terminated: He did not carry out his maintenance supervisory duties in
    an organized way; there was no routine preventative maintenance program;
    employees, including Kyllonen and Reynolds, had complained that Gonzalez had
    yelled at them, berated them, or called them names; at least one tenant had
    complained to Eberhart that Gonzalez had yelled at her and made her
    uncomfortable; and Gonzalez had failed to follow proper purchasing and payment
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    Because the Department articulated several legitimate nondiscriminatory
    reasons for terminating Gonzalez, he had the burden of putting forward evidence
    raising a genuine issue of material fact as to whether those reasons were pretextual.
    Alvarez, 610 F.3d at 1265
    . Gonzalez could have done so “either by offering
    evidence that [the Department] more likely than not acted with a discriminatory
    motive, or by showing that its proffered reasons are not credible.” 
    Id. Because the
    Department provided multiple reasons for terminating Gonzalez, he had to
    “produce sufficient evidence for a reasonable factfinder to conclude that each of
    [those] proffered nondiscriminatory reasons is pretextual.” Chapman v. AI
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1037 (11th Cir. 2000) (en banc) (emphasis added).
    Gonzalez contends that he presented enough circumstantial evidence to
    create a genuine issue of material fact that each proffered reason was pretextual.
    But he didn’t. Gonzalez submitted a declaration asserting that his performance
    was satisfactory, that he had never been counseled or disciplined, and that “[i]f
    there were any truth to these matters [raised by the Department as supporting his
    termination], they would have been brought to my attention through the
    progressive discipline [policy].” And N. Fernandez, who had himself been fired
    for other reasons, submitted a declaration stating that he had been satisfied with
    Gonzalez’s performance and that in his opinion the Department should have
    addressed the alleged problems about Gonzalez’s performance through “coaching
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    for improvement,” and not termination. However, as we have “repeatedly and
    emphatically held”:
    employers may terminate an employee for a good or bad reason
    without violating federal law. Title VII does not allow federal courts
    to second-guess nondiscriminatory business judgments, nor does it
    replace employers’ notions about fair dealing in the workplace with
    that of judges. We are not a super-personnel department assessing the
    prudence of routine employment decisions, no matter how medieval,
    high-handed, or mistaken. Put frankly, employers are free to fire their
    employees for a good reason, a bad reason, a reason based on
    erroneous facts, or for no reason at all, as long as its action is not for a
    discriminatory reason.
    Flowers v. Troup Cty., Ga., Sch. Dist., 
    803 F.3d 1327
    , 1338 (11th Cir. 2015)
    (quotation marks and citations omitted).
    While Gonzalez’s declaration asserts that his performance was satisfactory,
    he has offered no evidence disputing the fact that: (1) employees and at least one
    tenant had complained to Eberhart about Gonzalez’s communication problems;
    (2) tenants and vendors had complained to L. Fernandez about his belligerent
    treatment of them; (3) he did not wait for a purchase order for a fence repair before
    having that work done, which caused the work to be completed before the
    Department had in place a method of payment; and (4) Gonzalez had authorized
    payment for the repair of a light pole that should not have been paid for because
    the work was unacceptable. 3 In his deposition Gonzalez conceded that when he
    While his declaration states that the initial repair of the light pole was approved by
    Eberhart, Gonzalez does not dispute that the repair should not have been paid for because the
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    gets upset he speaks more rapidly and at a louder volume, and that his doing so
    could be interpreted by others as yelling. There was no evidence at all disputing
    the fact that he had yelled at employees and tenants of the Department.
    The statement in N. Fernandez’s declaration that he was satisfied with
    Gonzalez’s performance does not establish pretext. N. Fernandez himself was
    fired because of his poor supervisory performance along with his hostile and
    insubordinate demeanor. “Different supervisors may impose different standards of
    behavior, and a new supervisor may decide to enforce policies that a previous
    supervisor did not consider important.” Rojas v. Florida, 
    285 F.3d 1339
    , 1343
    (11th Cir. 2002). Evidence that a supervisor — who was himself fired because of
    his hostile demeanor and poor performance — did not find an employee’s
    demeanor and performance unsatisfactory, is not sufficient to create a genuine
    issue of material fact about whether non-terminated supervisors did. And there is
    also evidence showing that even more problems with Gonzalez’s performance
    were discovered after N. Fernandez had been fired.
    Gonzalez argues that the fact the Department gave him no formal warning or
    counseling is evidence of pretext. The Department’s disciplinary policy does not
    mandate counseling or formal warning before termination but instead states that
    work was unacceptable, and instead asserts only that “[t]he repair work on the light pole did not
    need to be redone to my knowledge” and speculates that “[i]f there were any truth to the claim
    that I did something wrong, it would have been brought to my attention through the progressive
    discipline [policy].” (Emphasis added).
    Case: 15-14324     Date Filed: 03/23/2017   Page: 15 of 16
    the Department “may use disciplinary actions at their discretion concerning Select
    Exempt Service . . . employees,” and that “[c]ounseling may be used to help
    employees recognize a mistake or deficiency. . . .” (Emphasis added). Because
    counseling and formal warnings were discretionary options, the Department’s
    failure to provide them does not raise a genuine issue of fact as to whether its
    stated reasons for terminating Gonzalez were pretextual. See 
    Alvarez, 610 F.3d at 1262
    n.7, 1268 (concluding that the plaintiff had failed to raise a genuine issue of
    material fact even though the employer had admitted that it had not followed its
    progressive discipline policy, which normally provided for successive verbal and
    written warnings before an employee was terminated for misconduct); see also
    Morris v. City of Chillicothe, 
    512 F.3d 1013
    , 1020 (8th Cir. 2008) (“Deviance
    from a progressive discipline policy can be evidence of pretext, but here, the
    department’s employee manual and related documents specifically state that the
    department is not bound by any number of warnings and that it can fire at-will
    employees without warning if necessary. We have found such caveats in an
    employee policy negate its persuasiveness in showing pretext.”).
    Gonzalez has failed to raise a genuine issue as to pretext. While he offered
    evidence showing that Eberhart made some remarks about his accent and loud
    manner of speaking at some point during his employment, including one comment
    that was made almost two years before his termination, that evidence standing
    Case: 15-14324     Date Filed: 03/23/2017    Page: 16 of 16
    alone does not establish pretext. See 
    Scott, 295 F.3d at 1229
    (“Although a
    comment unrelated to a termination decision may contribute to a circumstantial
    case for pretext, it will usually not be sufficient absent some additional evidence
    supporting a finding of pretext.”) (citation omitted). The district court did not err
    in granting summary judgment to the Department.