Barto P. Benjamin v. Chemtall Inc. , 602 F. App'x 758 ( 2015 )

  •            Case: 14-13218   Date Filed: 03/11/2015   Page: 1 of 10
    No. 14-13218
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 4:13-cv-00088-BAE-GRS
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of Georgia
    (March 11, 2015)
    Before ROSENBAUM, JULIE CARNES, and FAY, Circuit Judges.
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    Plaintiff Barto Benjamin appeals pro se from the district court’s grant of
    Defendant Chemtall Inc.’s motion for summary judgment on Benjamin’s race and
    age employment-discrimination claims, brought under 42 U.S.C. § 1981, Title VII
    of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(1), and the Age
    Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”), 29 U.S.C. § 623(a)(1). On appeal,
    Benjamin contends that the evidence was sufficient for a jury to conclude that he
    was fired because of his race or his age. 1 After careful review, we affirm.
    Benjamin, an African-American male, was hired by Chemtall in 2006 as a
    warehouse manager at its facilities in Riceboro, Georgia. Benjamin was 53 years
    old at the time. Chemtall is a manufacturer that produces and ships products used
    to treat water.
    As warehouse manager, Benjamin was responsible for the operations of the
    Benjamin also appears to challenge an interlocutory magistrate judge order denying his
    request to serve additional interrogatories, as well as the district court’s substitution of Chemtall
    as the named defendant in place of SNF Holding Company, which Benjamin had named in his
    complaint. Chemtall represented in its answer that it was a subsidiary of SNF Holding Company
    and that it was Benjamin’s actual employer.
    With regard to the discovery order, Benjamin did not appeal the order to the district
    court, so he has waived his right to appeal that order to this Court. See Smith v. Sch. Bd. of
    Orange Cnty., 
    487 F.3d 1361
    , 1365 (11th Cir. 2007) (“We have concluded that, where a party
    fails to timely challenge a magistrate’s nondispositive order before the district court, the party
    waived his right to appeal those orders in this Court.”); Fed. R. Civ. P. 72(a). With regard to the
    substitution issue, even if any error had been committed by the district court, it would be
    harmless because the court properly granted summary judgment on Benjamin’s claims. See Fed.
    R. Civ. P. 61 (instructing reviewing courts to disregard all errors that do not affect the substantial
    rights of the parties). We refer to the defendant as “Chemtall” throughout this opinion.
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    Warehouse Department, which included processing and shipping customer orders
    and developing standardized practices. In this capacity, Benjamin supervised over
    thirty employees. His supervisory responsibilities included training, counseling,
    and disciplining employees or recommending discipline for employees.
    From February 2009 to April 2009, the Warehouse Department made a
    series of shipping errors, some of which triggered customer complaints. Benjamin
    does not dispute that the specific incidents occurred or that he ultimately was
    responsible for the errors. Specifically, the Warehouse Department shipped (1) a
    torn bag of product that had been repaired with duct tape; (2) a 59-drum order that
    was 9 drums short; (3) the wrong containers of product to Brazil and Chile, which
    caused the company to lose around $100,000 on additional shipping and tariff
    costs; (4) off-spec pallets that were not included in the customer’s order; and (5) an
    empty tote bin to Korea without inspecting the order beforehand. Joe McCullough,
    Benjamin’s supervisor and the Production Planning Director, testified in a
    deposition that the third incident in particular, involving shipping the wrong
    containers to Brazil and Chile, “drew a lot of attention” to the Warehouse
    Department from company management.
    Based primarily on these shipping errors, McCullough placed Benjamin on a
    thirty-day “Performance Improvement Plan” (“PIP”), and they met to discuss the
    PIP on June 9, 2009.       A contemporaneous memorandum given to Benjamin
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    regarding the PIP lists the five incidents described above and states, “You have not
    been monitoring the work of your employees.           As a Warehouse Department
    Manager, you are expected to lead your employees and to provide support and
    direction to them in order to meet the objectives of the company. You have failed
    to do this.”    The document advises Benjamin that he must “show immediate
    improvement and consistent results” to avoid further disciplinary action, including
    termination. McCullough met with Benjamin on a weekly basis during the thirty-
    day PIP to discuss Benjamin’s progress. Following Benjamin’s placement on the
    PIP, the Warehouse Department received three additional customer complaints
    concerning shipping errors similar to the earlier ones.
    At a meeting on September 14, 2009, McCullough and a human-resources
    representative discharged Benjamin.       According to McCullough’s deposition
    testimony, he terminated Benjamin because his job performance was not
    improving and McCullough did not believe that Benjamin could keep up with the
    demands of the warehouse as the company continued to grow.                The human-
    resources representative also stated in an affidavit that Benjamin did not make
    improvements after being placed on the PIP and that McCullough and other
    company management agreed that it would be in Chemtall’s best interest to hire a
    new warehouse manager. In Benjamin’s termination letter, McCullough explained
    that customer complaints continued to originate from the warehouse with no plan
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    for improvement, and that Benjamin still was not holding his employees
    accountable for their actions. Benjamin was replaced by Robert Jordan, who was
    thirty-five years old and white.
    After his termination, Benjamin filed a charge of discrimination with the
    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and then filed suit in the United
    States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia.2 Chemtall moved for
    summary judgment on Benjamin’s race- and age-discrimination claims. Without
    responding to Chemtall’s motion, Benjamin filed a motion for summary judgment
    on his age-discrimination claim over a month after the deadline established in a
    scheduling order.        The magistrate judge recommended granting Chemtall’s
    summary-judgment motion and terminating as a nullity Benjamin’s untimely
    motion. According to the magistrate judge, Benjamin did not establish a prima
    facie case of discrimination and, even if he had, he failed to show that Chemtall’s
    reasons for his discharge—“his poor leadership, lack of supervisory skills, and
    failure to perform at the level expected of a warehouse manager”—were pretextual.
    The district court adopted the magistrate judge’s recommendation, and this appeal
    In addition to his race- and age-discrimination claims under § 1981, Title VII, and the
    ADEA, Benjamin alleged claims under the Fair Labor Standards Act and 42 U.S.C. §§ 1983,
    1985, and 1986. He does not challenge the disposition of those claims on appeal. Accordingly,
    those matters have been abandoned. Timson v. Sampson, 
    518 F.3d 870
    , 874 (11th Cir. 2008).
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    We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, viewing
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. Schwarz v. City
    of Treasure Island, 
    544 F.3d 1201
    , 1211 (11th Cir. 2008). Summary judgment is
    appropriate if the movant shows that there is no genuine dispute of material fact
    and that he is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a). Even
    where, as here, summary judgment is unopposed, the district court must still
    consider the merits of the motion. Reese v. Herbert, 
    527 F.3d 1253
    , 1269 (11th
    Cir. 2008).   To that end, the court must, at the least, review all evidentiary
    materials submitted in support of the motion to determine whether they establish
    the absence of a genuine issue of material fact. 
    Id. But the
    court need not conduct
    a sua sponte review of the entire record. 
    Id. III. Title
    VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful for an employer
    to discharge or otherwise discriminate against an employee because of his race. 42
    U.S.C. § 2000e-2(a)(1). Similarly, 42 U.S.C. § 1981 prohibits race discrimination
    in employment by providing that all persons shall have the same right to make and
    enforce contracts as white citizens. 42 U.S.C. § 1981(a). In the employment
    context, the elements of a race-discrimination claim under § 1981 are the same as
    those in a Title VII disparate-treatment claim.        Rice-Lamar v. City of Fort
    232 F.3d 836
    , 843 n.11 (11th Cir. 2000).
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    The ADEA, in turn, makes it unlawful for an employer to discharge or
    otherwise discriminate against an employee because of his age.                     29 U.S.C.
    § 623(a)(1). Specifically, the ADEA prohibits employment discrimination against
    individuals who are at least 40 years of age. 
    Id. § 631(a).
    Where, as here, a plaintiff puts forth only circumstantial evidence in support
    of his discrimination claims, we generally apply the burden-shifting framework of
    McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    (1973). EEOC
    v. Joe’s Stone Crabs, Inc., 
    296 F.3d 1265
    , 1272 (11th Cir. 2002); see Sims v.
    MVM, Inc., 
    704 F.3d 1327
    , 1332-33 (11th Cir. 2013) (ADEA); Smith v. Lockheed-
    644 F.3d 1321
    , 1325 & n.14 (11th Cir. 2011) (Title VII and § 1981).
    Under this framework, the plaintiff bears the initial burden of establishing a prima
    facie case of discrimination.3 Joe’s Stone Crabs, 
    Inc., 296 F.3d at 1272
    . If the
    plaintiff establishes a prima facie case, he creates a rebuttable presumption that the
    employer unlawfully discriminated against him. 
    Id. The burden
    then shifts to the
    employer to articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for the challenged
    employment action. 
    Id. If the
    employer satisfies this burden of production, the
    burden shifts back to the plaintiff to demonstrate that the proffered reason is
    merely a pretext for unlawful discrimination. 
    Id. at 1272-73.
    Although the burden
    Generally, in a case alleging discriminatory discharge, the prima facie case is
    composed of the following elements: (1) the plaintiff is a member of a protected group; (2) he
    was qualified for the job; (3) he was discharged; and (4) he was replaced by someone outside the
    protected group. See, e.g., Chapman v. AI Transport, 
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1024 (11th Cir. 2000) (en
    banc) (ADEA); Jones v. Lumberjack Meats, Inc., 
    680 F.2d 98
    , 101 (11th Cir. 1982) (Title VII).
    Case: 14-13218     Date Filed: 03/11/2015   Page: 8 of 10
    of production shifts back and forth, the ultimate burden of persuasion always
    remains with the plaintiff. 
    Id. at 1273.
    We affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment because the court
    properly found that Benjamin failed to demonstrate that Chemtall’s reasons for
    terminating his employment were pretextual. For that reason, we need not address
    whether the court erred in finding that Benjamin did not make out his prima facie
    case of discrimination.
    Here, Chemtall proffered a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for
    discharging Benjamin: poor job performance in managing the Warehouse
    Department. According to the evidence presented by Chemtall, which is recounted
    above, Benjamin’s poor job performance consisted of failures to keep up with the
    increasing shipping demands of the growing company, to hold employees
    accountable, and to develop plans for improvement. In order to defeat summary
    judgment, Benjamin must create a genuine issue of material fact that the
    employer’s articulated reasons were merely a pretext for discrimination. Chapman
    v. AI Transp., 
    229 F.3d 1012
    , 1024-25 (11th Cir. 2000) (en banc). We conclude
    that Benjamin has not done so.
    Benjamin contends that his work performance was not deficient because he
    instituted several cost-saving measures during his tenure that saved the company
    money on shipping. He also points out that he received raises in the years prior to
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    2009. 4 But Benjamin does not deny that the errors identified in the PIP occurred or
    that he was ultimately responsible for those errors. And the fact that he received
    raises in 2007 and 2008, even if they were performance based, has little relevance
    to events occurring in 2009 leading up to his discharge. Therefore, this evidence is
    insufficient to show pretext because it does not meet Chemtall’s reason “head on
    and rebut it.” 
    Chandler, 229 F.3d at 1030
    . Benjamin cannot succeed by merely
    “quarreling with the wisdom” of Chemtall’s reasons. 
    Id. Nor has
    Benjamin presented or identified any evidence to show that
    Chemtall was motivated by discriminatory animus. Benjamin did not contest that
    his replacement was qualified, and he admitted in his deposition that none of
    Chemtall’s managers made any reference to his age or race. Benjamin also stated
    that he believed he was terminated due to corruption within the company and
    because he did not fit in with McCullough’s personal agenda, undermining his
    assertions that he was terminated because of his race and age. And even bad
    reasons for discharge, so long as they are not discriminatory, are not actionable
    under federal employment-discrimination laws. See 
    id. While Benjamin
    that other white managers at Chemtall had more complaints than he but were not
    Chemtall contends that we should disregard certain facts relied on by Benjamin in his
    appellate brief because they were not introduced as evidence before the district court. See
    Chapman, 229 F.3d at 1026
    (“The rule is that a federal appellate court may examine only the
    evidence which was before the district court when the latter decided the motion for summary
    judgment.” (internal quotation marks omitted)). We discuss the facts in any event because they
    do not show that summary judgment was improper.
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    also fired, he has not shown that these other managers were similarly situated for
    purposes of comparison. See Wilson v. B/E Aerospace, Inc., 
    376 F.3d 1079
    , 1091
    (11th Cir. 2004) (stating that a comparator must be “nearly identical to the plaintiff
    to prevent courts from second-guessing a reasonable decision by the employer”).
    Because Benjamin has failed to establish a genuine issue of material fact that
    Chemtall’s proffered explanation for his termination is pretext for discrimination,
    the district court did not err in granting summary judgment on his discrimination
    claims. We, therefore, affirm.