Gina McClain v. Bank of America, N.A. ( 2016 )

  •             Case: 15-11810   Date Filed: 01/04/2016   Page: 1 of 8
    No. 15-11810
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 1:13-cv-00443-CC
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Georgia
    (January 4, 2016)
    Before WILSON, JORDAN, and JILL PRYOR, Circuit Judges.
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    Gina McClain appeals the final order of the district court granting a motion
    for summary judgment in favor of Bank of America, N.A. (BANA). In her
    amended complaint, McClain alleged fraud, tortious conversion, and two counts of
    trespass in connection with the foreclosure of her home. After thorough
    consideration of the briefs and review of the record, we affirm summary judgment
    with respect to McClain’s tortious conversion and trespass claims, but reverse the
    finding of summary judgment as to McClain’s fraud claim.
    On September 23, 2003, McClain obtained a mortgage loan from BANA for
    $141,300, secured by her home (the Property). McClain executed a note and
    security deed (the Security Deed) in favor of BANA, conveying to BANA the
    power of sale of the Property.
    McClain made her last regular mortgage payment in July 2006 and has not
    made any payments since, causing her loan to be in default. Foreclosure was
    initiated on the Property around October 2006. The Property has since undergone
    two foreclosure sales that were later rescinded, one on which occurred on
    September 4, 2007. During this period, McClain was evicted from her home.
    Notably, BANA failed to present any evidence of why the 2007 foreclosure was
    rescinded, or, most importantly for purposes of this case, when the rescission took
    place. From 2007 to 2010, BANA represented on multiple occasions that it had
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    foreclosed on the Property, including: communications made in 2007 to McClain
    and her real estate agent; a report to the credit bureau that BANA had foreclosed
    on the Property; a 1099 Form filed with the Internal Revenue Service; BANA’s
    collection of over $38,000 from a private mortgage insurer as a loss incurred by
    BANA from its acquisition of the Property; 2008 and 2009 communications with
    McClain that BANA later told her to disregard; and several 2010 communications
    with McClain (after she received violation notices from the city about the
    Property’s unkempt condition) in which BANA informed McClain that it owned
    the Property and not to concern herself as BANA would remedy the violation. In
    late 2010, McClain made a property insurance claim to complete repairs on the
    Property. Insurance proceeds were paid directly to BANA, who refused to release
    such proceeds to McClain when asked.
    As of the date of this appeal, the Property has not been sold pursuant to the
    latest foreclosure activity, and McClain owns the Property.
    “We review a district court’s grant of summary judgment de novo, viewing
    all of the facts in the record in the light most favorable to the non-movant.”
    Haynes v. McCalla Raymer, LLC, 
    793 F.3d 1246
    , 1249 (11th Cir. 2015) (internal
    quotation marks omitted). Where “there is no genuine dispute as to any material
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    fact and the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law,” summary judgment
    is appropriate. Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    1. Fraud
    McClain alleges that BANA fraudulently represented its ownership of the
    Property and, accordingly, did not have the authority to evict McClain from her
    home. We find there is sufficient evidence in the record for McClain’s fraud claim
    to survive BANA’s motion for summary judgment. As recounted above, there is
    an issue of material fact as to whether BANA made false representations to
    McClain regarding the status of the Property and the foreclosure proceedings.
    Although the representations made to McClain and her real estate agent in 2007
    could have been true given that the Property was admittedly sold through public
    foreclosure on September 4, 2007, at some unknown point in time the 2007
    foreclosure was rescinded. Yet BANA continued to represent the veracity of the
    2007 foreclosure up until late 2010.1 Moreover, the magistrate judge’s conclusion
    that McClain failed to present any evidence that BANA knew its representation
    BANA also argued McClain could not establish a fiduciary or confidential relationship between
    herself and BANA such that BANA had a duty to update or disclose its voluntary rescission of
    the 2007 foreclosure. The relevance of this argument, likewise, depends on the timing of
    BANA’s rescission and also ignores the ongoing nature of the representations made by BANA
    regarding the Property.
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    was false was dependent on his previous finding that BANA had not made any
    false representations.
    With respect to damages, McClain argues that BANA’s continuous
    representations that it successfully foreclosed on the Property caused her, among
    other harms, to lose the use of her home for three years. 2 We do not yet know how
    much of this time actually falls under the post-rescission period, when BANA’s
    representations of ownership may be found to be fraudulent, and McClain’s
    damages would be limited accordingly.
    2. Tortious Conversion
    McClain alleges tortious conversion of insurance proceeds by BANA in the
    amount of $7,000. In order to make out a prima facie case for conversion of
    personal property, “the plaintiff must show title to the property, possession by the
    defendant, demand for possession, and refusal to surrender the property.” Taylor
    v. Powertel, Inc., 
    551 S.E.2d 765
    , 769 (Ga. Ct. App. 2001) (internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    Although we find sufficient alleged facts and arguments in the record to
    support McClain’s claim under the second, third, and fourth prongs of her tortious
    We are not convinced by BANA’s argument that McClain’s damages, if any, were caused by
    her admitted default on the loan. The caselaw cited in support is distinguishable and does not
    stand for the broad proposition that McClain’s default grants BANA a free pass to make false
    representations at any point in time. See Heritage Creek Dev. Corp. v. Colonial Bank, 
    601 S.E.2d 842
    , 845 (Ga. Ct. App. 2004) (technical default in a foreclosure advertisement); Haynes
    v. McCalla Raymer, LLC, 
    793 F.3d 1246
    , 1253 (11th Cir. 2015) (notice of foreclosure sale that
    wrongly identified the entity with full authority to modify the loan).
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    interference claim when viewed through the lens most favorable to McClain, she
    has failed to meet the first prong of demonstrating title to the insurance proceeds.
    McClain could establish title to the money by demonstrating that the
    insurance proceeds were earmarked for her. See In re Hercules Auto. Prod., Inc.,
    245 B.R. 903
    , 912 (Bankr. M.D. Ga. 1999) (stating that a showing of earmarking
    proceeds establishes plaintiff has title to the allegedly converted property). Under
    the Security Deed, there is a question as to whether the contract provides clear
    earmarking of insurance of proceeds in favor of McClain. And McClain fails to
    make any non-conclusory argument that she is entitled to the proceeds under the
    terms of the contract. While the magistrate judge invited McClain to make an
    argument showing she falls under the Hercules exception, McClain instead simply
    indicated in a footnote of her brief to this court that she “agrees with the
    conclusion” promulgated in Hercules. This is insufficient to show that the Security
    Deed language indicates earmarked proceeds are intended for her. Though it is
    true, as McClain argues, that BANA was required to promptly inspect the Property
    before issuing the proceeds, she fails to make a clear argument that BANA is
    contractually obligated to pay the proceeds directly to her as opposed to paying by
    some other means that would be applied directly to repairs.
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    Because we see no genuine issue of material fact to save the deficiency in
    demonstrating title, we affirm the district court’s grant of summary judgment to
    BANA on this issue.
    3. Trespass
    Neither party disputes the fact that at the time of BANA’s entrances onto the
    Property to make repairs, McClain was in monetary default under the mortgage.
    The Security Deed grants BANA wide latitude in protecting its security interest in
    the Property in the event of default. If McClain
    fails to perform the covenants and agreement contained in this
    Security [Deed] . . . then [BANA] may do and pay for whatever is
    reasonable or appropriate to protect [BANA]’s interest in the Property
    and rights under the Security [Deed], including protecting and/or
    assessing the value of the Property, and securing and/or repairing the
    Security Deed ¶ 9. McClain’s failure to make mortgage payments, arguably her
    most significant obligation under the Security Deed, triggers BANA’s ability to
    enter the Property and protect its security interest by all reasonable and appropriate
    means necessary. Permitted actions include “making repairs,” which presumably
    involves entrance onto the Property. 3 See Tacon v. Equity One, Inc., 
    633 S.E.2d 3
    McClain claims Paragraph 7 of the Security Deed requiring BANA to provide notice in order to
    inspect the Property governs even when McClain is in monetary default under the agreement.
    However, she fails to make any argument addressing how this term defeats BANA’s right to “do
    . . . whatever is reasonable” to protect its security interest triggered by McClain’s own monetary
    default. Moreover, the breach of covenant trigger language in Paragraph 9 suggests that this
    section would govern over any other general language in the contract regarding BANA’s rights
    with respect to the Property. Combined with the fact that this broad language is designed to
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    599, 604 (Ga. Ct. App. 2006) (recognizing that, under Georgia law, “[t]he common
    law right to the exclusive use and possession of property may be modified by
    agreement, in which the landowner grants permission to enter his property under
    certain circumstances”). Therefore, BANA did not violate McClain’s common law
    property rights in exercising its contractual rights, and no action for trespass may
    lie on the facts. See 
    We find no genuine issue of material fact to save either of McClain’s
    trespass claims. McClain’s legal arguments also fail as a matter of law. Therefore,
    the district court properly granted BANA summary judgment on both counts.
    We hold there are no genuine issues of material fact with respect to
    McClain’s tortious conversion and trespass claims, and find that BANA is entitled
    to judgment as a matter of law. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c). We reverse the grant of
    summary judgment on McClain’s fraud claim because we find there is a genuine
    issue of material fact as to whether BANA made false representations to McClain
    regarding the status of the Property and the foreclosure proceedings. Accordingly,
    we affirm in part, and reverse in part.
    allow BANA to protect its only secured remedy to default (the Property), McClain’s claim that
    Paragraph 7 governs over BANA’s rights under Paragraph 9 is not persuasive.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-11810

Filed Date: 1/4/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021