William J. Kardash, Sr. v. Commissioner of IRS , 866 F.3d 1249 ( 2017 )

  •                Case: 16-14254        Date Filed: 08/04/2017      Page: 1 of 18
    No. 16-14254
    Agency No. 012681-10
    Petitioner - Appellant,
    Respondent - Appellee.
    Petition for Review of a Decision of the U.S. Tax Court
    (August 4, 2017)
    Before WILLIAM PRYOR, MARTIN, and BOGGS, ∗ Circuit Judges.
    BOGGS, Circuit Judge:
    Appellant William Kardash challenges the Tax Court’s determination that he
    is liable as a transferee under 26 U.S.C. § 6901 for his former employer’s unpaid
    taxes. For the following reasons, we affirm.
    Honorable Danny J. Boggs, United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, sitting by
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    Appellant William Kardash was a shareholder and employee of Florida
    Engineered Construction Products Corporation (“FECP”). FECP manufactured
    concrete lintels and sills for use in construction, particularly new residential
    construction, and had been doing so in some corporate form since 1955. 1 Kardash
    joined the company, then called Cast Crete, in 1979 as a plant engineer and was
    quickly promoted to president of engineering in 1980. When FECP was formed in
    1986, Kardash was one of its founding shareholders and was promoted again, this
    time to president of manufacturing and operations. Kardash remained in this
    position until he retired from the company in January 2014.
    At all times relevant to this appeal, Kardash owned 575,000 shares of FECP
    stock. The company’s remaining shares were owned by Ralph Hughes, John
    Stanton, and Charles Robb. Hughes and Stanton, who served as FECP’s chairman
    of the board and president respectively, each owned 3,000,000 shares of stock.
    Robb served as president of FECP’s residential division and owned 75,000 shares
    of stock. As the proportion of their stock ownership suggests, Hughes and Stanton
    effectively controlled the company.
    The company was founded as Cast-Crete Corporation of America (“Cast Crete”) in 1955.
    FECP was incorporated on December 31, 1986, and immediately assumed all of Cast Crete’s
    operations. The two companies did not formally merge until February 1996.
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    During the early 2000s, FECP’s revenues rose dramatically with the
    booming housing market. In 1999, FECP earned $39.9 million in revenue, but by
    2005, FECP’s revenues had risen to $132.2 million. Unfortunately for FECP,
    however, 2005 represented the high-water mark for the company. By 2007, the
    housing bubble in Florida had already begun to burst, and FECP’s revenues shrank
    to $55.4 million.
    Throughout this period, FECP paid no federal income tax and its majority
    shareholders, Hughes and Stanton, siphoned substantially all of the cash out of the
    company. 2 The two are believed to have used hidden bank accounts and shell
    corporations to facilitate their fraud undetected. At no point was Kardash, who
    focused on managing FECP’s production operations, involved in the cash-
    siphoning scheme.
    In 2009, the Commissioner issued a notice to FECP informing the company
    of its tax deficiencies, additions, penalties, and interest accrued during the years
    2001 to 2007. This marked the beginning of a three-year investigation into
    FECP’s assets and other outstanding liabilities. The investigation revealed that
    FECP’s assets had a fair market value of approximately $3,000,000. Of some
    relevance to this appeal, Kardash contests this valuation, arguing that FECP
    Between 2003 and 2007, Hughes siphoned $62,037,927 and Stanton $56,469,747.
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    actually possessed cash and equity worth approximately $8,500,000.3 Regardless,
    the Commissioner never elected to levy FECP’s bank accounts or seize its assets.
    Instead, the Commissioner entered into an agreement with FECP in which the
    company stipulated that it owed the IRS $129,130,131.60, which it would repay in
    monthly installments of $70,000. At this rate of payment, FECP would satisfy its
    tax liability in a little over 150 years. Should FECP begin to afford larger monthly
    installments, however, the agreement stipulated that the Commissioner could
    increase FECP’s monthly obligation at his discretion.
    While its investigation into FECP’s tax liability was still ongoing, the
    Commissioner began to pursue funds that, he argues, FECP fraudulently
    transferred to its shareholders. Stanton and Hughes, the majority-shareholder
    masterminds of the cash-siphoning scheme, were easy targets. Stanton was
    ultimately convicted on eight counts of federal tax crimes and, per the terms of his
    sentencing order, required to pay restitution. The Commissioner likewise reached
    an agreement with the estate of Hughes, who had passed away in 2008. Robb and
    Kardash, however, contested the Commissioner’s determination of liability in the
    Kardash reaches this figure by combining FECP’s reported cash reserves ($421,421),
    accounts receivable ($1,195,408), equity in assets ($2,602,556), equity in vehicles ($2,500,000),
    equity in inventory ($1,022,309) and bank accounts ($815,077). These figures were accurate
    according to FECP’s Form 433-B filed with the IRS in July 2011, when the Commissioner’s
    investigation was still ongoing. Form 433-B is used by the IRS to determine the financial status
    of a company with outstanding tax liabilities.
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    tax court below, arguing that they were not liable as transferees for FECP’s
    outstanding tax liability. Only Kardash’s transfers are the subject of this appeal.
    As detailed by the tax court in the proceedings below, the Commissioner’s
    theory of transferee liability focused on two sets of payments from FECP to
    Kardash: “Advance Transfers” of $250,000 and $300,000 in 2003 and 2004
    respectively, and “Dividend Payments” of approximately $1.5 million, $1.9
    million, and $57,500 in 2005, 2006, and 2007. According to the Commissioner, all
    of these payments were actually or constructively fraudulent transfers under the
    Florida Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act (“FUFTA”) because FECP did not
    receive any value from Kardash in exchange and FECP was insolvent or the
    transfers led to FECP’s insolvency. Kardash argued that both the Advance
    Transfers and Dividend Payments were designed to replace his lucrative bonuses,
    which FECP had temporarily suspended in 2003. Thus, according to Kardash, the
    transfers were part of his compensation package and not fraudulent. In any event,
    Kardash reasoned, FECP did not become insolvent until 2006, meaning that any
    prior payments could not satisfy the insolvency element of constructive fraud.
    Kardash also argued that, FUFTA notwithstanding, the IRS failed to exhaust all
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    reasonable collection efforts against FECP before pursuing transferee liability
    against him, in violation of 26 U.S.C. § 6901.
    The tax court below rejected Kardash’s exhaustion argument out of hand,
    reasoning that the existence of any exhaustion requirement depended upon state
    law, and FUFTA did not impose one. Although the tax court agreed with Kardash
    with respect to the Advance Transfers, reasoning that they were designed to
    replace FECP’s prior bonus program, it held that the Dividend Payments were not
    compensation and therefore constituted actual or constructive fraud. The tax court
    further held that, despite the fact that FECP only became insolvent in 2006,
    Kardash’s 2005 dividend payment could be grouped together with the 2005
    dividend payments to Stanton and Hughes and considered constructively
    fraudulent because all of the payments “were part of a series of transactions that
    led to the insolvency of FECP.” Only the status of the Dividend Payments is the
    subject of this appeal.
    We review the tax court’s factual findings for clear error and its legal
    conclusions de novo. Estate of Atkinson v. Comm’r, 
    309 F.3d 1290
    , 1293 (11th
    Cir. 2002) (citation omitted). This is the same standard of review that we apply “in
    the same manner and to the same extent [to] decisions of the district courts in civil
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    actions tried without a jury.” L.V. Castle Inv. Group, Inc. v. Comm’r, 
    465 F.3d 1243
    , 1245 (11th Cir. 2006) (quoting 26 U.S.C. § 7482(a)(1)). Moreover, “[a]
    finding of fraud is a finding of fact, which we will not set aside on appeal unless it
    is clearly erroneous.” First Ala. Bank of Montgomery, N.A. v. First State Ins. Co.,
    899 F.2d 1045
    , 1057 (11th Cir. 1990) (citations omitted).
    Kardash first argues that 26 U.S.C. § 6901 imposes an exhaustion
    requirement upon the IRS that, as a matter of federal law, requires the
    Commissioner to pursue all reasonable collection efforts against the transferor (in
    this case FECP) before collecting from the transferee. The Commissioner
    disagrees, arguing that, although § 6901 establishes a procedure for transferee
    liability in the case of a delinquent transferor, the substance of transferee liability is
    governed by the relevant state law. Since the relevant state law in this case,
    FUFTA, does not require a collector to exhaust all reasonable collection efforts
    against a transferor before proceeding against the transferee, the Commissioner
    argues that the IRS is likewise not bound to do so. Each party points to a wealth of
    Tax Court opinions that support his view, meaning, as the Commissioner
    succinctly put it: “[I]t is apparent that precedent is divided on this issue.”
    Appellee’s Br. at 29.
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    We are not the first court to wrestle with the ambiguities contained within
    § 6901. In Commissioner v. Stern, 
    357 U.S. 39
    (1958), the Supreme Court dealt
    with a similar question involving § 6901’s substantively identical predecessor
    statute, § 311 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939.4 Noting that disagreement
    existed “on the question whether the substantive liability enforced under § 311 is to
    be determined by state or federal law,” 
    id. at 42,
    and that the text of the statute did
    not answer the question, the Court began by examining legislative history. Prior to
    the enactment of § 311, the Court explained:
    the rights of the Government as creditor, enforceable only by bringing
    a bill in equity or an action at law, depended upon state statutes or
    legal theories developed by the courts for the protection of private
    creditors, as in cases where the debtor had transferred his property to
    another. . . . This procedure proved unduly cumbersome . . . in
    comparison with the summary administrative remedy allowed against
    the taxpayer himself.
    Id. at 43
    (citations omitted). Thus, § 311 was intended “to provide for the
    enforcement of such liability to the Government by the procedure provided in the
    act for the enforcement of tax deficiencies,” thereby permitting the government to
    avoid complicated suits against transferees in state and federal courts. 
    Id. (quoting S.
    Rep. No. 69-52, at 30 (1926) (Conf. Rep.)). As such, § 311 provided a
    § 311, in turn, is substantively identical to § 280 of the Revenue Act of 1926. See 
    Stern, 357 U.S. at 43
    . All portions of § 6901 that are relevant to this appeal can be traced back to §
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    procedural remedy to the government “[w]ithout in any way changing the extent of
    such liability of the transferee under existing law.” 
    Ibid. (quoting H.R. Rep.
    69-356, at 43 (1926) (Conf. Rep.)). Because “§ 311 is purely a procedural statute,”
    the Court reasoned, “we must look to other sources for definition of the substantive
    Id. at 44.
    The Stern Court would go on to conclude that Kentucky state
    substantive law governed the extent of transferee liability in that case.5 
    Id. at 45.
    The question for us, then, is what source of law provides the definition of
    substantive liability in this case? The text of the statute provides a helpful
    clue. § 6901 discusses the liability of a transferee in terms of “at law or in
    equity.” 26 U.S.C. § 6901(a)(1)(A). As Stern discussed, this statute was passed
    against a backdrop of various legal and equitable remedies that the Commissioner
    could use to collect against a transferee--remedies that the Court made clear that §
    6901, as a purely procedural statute, left unchanged. Before the passage of § 6901,
    “the Government was relegated to proceed either in equity against the transferee by
    The question in Stern was whether the beneficiary of a life-insurance policy held by a
    deceased tax debtor could be held liable as a transferee for the policyholder’s unpaid taxes. The
    Court held that, because Kentucky state substantive law did not permit beneficiary liability
    except in cases of fraud, the Commissioner was barred from collecting from the beneficiary as a
    transferee under § 311. 
    Stern, 357 U.S. at 45
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    way of a creditor’s bill,6 or in law under the theory of a third-party beneficiary if
    the transferee had assumed the debts of the transferor.” Ronald S. Rizzo,
    Transferee Liability, 21 Tax Law 223, 223 (1967) (citation omitted). In order to
    proceed in equity, “there are two significant elements that must appear[:] the
    insolvency of the transferor, and an exhaustion of remedies against the
    Id. at 225
    (emphasis added). Under principles of federal equity law,
    therefore, the Commissioner would have to exhaust all remedies against FECP
    before proceeding against Kardash. See Healy v. Comm’r, 
    345 U.S. 278
    , 284 n.16
    (1953) (“To sustain transferee liability the Commissioner must prove that he is
    unable to collect the deficiency from the transferor.”); H.R. Rep. No. 69-356, at 43
    (1926) (Conf. Rep.) (describing the state of federal equity law prior to the passage
    of § 6901, noting that “[p]roceedings against the transferee are ordinarily had in
    equity, though if the taxpayer is still in existence, an unsatisfied return of execution
    must be had against him and a creditor’s bill brought to satisfy the judgment”).
    Unfortunately for Kardash, however, § 6901 also permits the Commissioner
    to proceed against transferees “at law.” At the time that § 6901’s predecessor
    statute was passed in 1926, few state or federal laws existed governing transferee
    Creditor’s Bill, Black’s Law Dictionary (5th ed. 1979) (“Equitable proceeding brought to
    enforce payment of debt out of property or other interest of debtor which cannot be reached by
    ordinary legal process.”).
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    liability. Where they did exist, however, the Commissioner was free to utilize
    them as he would any other remedy to proceed against the transferees of a
    delinquent taxpayer. See H.R. Rep. No. 69-356, at 43 (1926) (Conf. Rep.) (“By
    reason of . . . various State statutory provisions the transferee of assets of an
    insolvent transferor is ordinarily liable for the accrued and unpaid taxes of the
    transferor.”). Since that time, a number of states including Florida have codified a
    uniform body of transferee-liability law. Under Florida’s law, FUFTA, transferee
    liability is not dependent upon the creditor proving that all remedies have been
    exhausted against the transferor. Fla. Stat. § 726.101–726.112. Because the
    Florida statute further defines creditor to include any “government or
    governmental subdivision or agency,” the Commissioner is entitled to rely upon it
    to collect against an alleged transferee in a § 6901 proceeding. 
    Id. at §
    Stated another way, the existence of an exhaustion requirement in a
    transferee-liability claim depends upon the legal theory under which the
    Commissioner brings his claim. If brought under federal equity, then exhaustion is
    required. If brought under state or federal statute, then the substantive law of the
    statute governs. § 6901, as a purely procedural statute, permits both. Because the
    state substantive law in this case does not require exhaustion for liability to exist,
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    we hold that the Commissioner was not required to exhaust remedies against FECP
    before proceeding against Kardash as a transferee.
    Having concluded that Florida state substantive law governs the extent of
    transferee liability in this case, we must now determine whether Florida law
    permits the Commissioner to establish transferee liability against Kardash. Of
    relevance to this case, FUFTA permits a creditor to collect against a transferee of a
    debtor under a theory of constructive fraud 7 where the creditor’s claim “arose
    before the transfer was made,” and the debtor “made the transfer or incurred the
    obligation without receiving a reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the
    transfer or obligation and . . . was insolvent at that time or . . . became insolvent as
    a result of the transfer or obligation.” 
    Id. at §
    726.106(1). Kardash raises two
    challenges to the Tax Court’s determination that the 2005, 2006, and 2007
    Dividend Payments constituted constructive fraud: 1) FECP received value from
    his services in exchange for the Dividend Payments, and 2) the Dividend Payments
    cannot be grouped together with the fraudulent transfers made to Stanton and
    As opposed to actual fraud, which consists of “the intentional and successful employment
    of any cunning, deception, or artifice used to circumvent or cheat another,” constructive fraud
    involves “any act of commission or omission . . . [that] is contrary to good conscience and
    operates to the injury of another.” Fraud, Black’s Law Dictionary, supra note 6.
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    Hughes in order to satisfy the insolvency requirement. Neither argument has
    Kardash first argues that the Dividend Payments were designed to replace
    FECP’s defunct bonus program, and, as such, FECP received reasonably
    equivalent value from the services he provided in exchange. As an initial matter, it
    is undisputed that both Kardash and FECP fiscally characterized the transfers as
    dividends. FECP reported the transfers as dividends on its IRS Form 1099-DIV,
    and Kardash reported the transfers as qualified dividends on his tax returns.
    Kardash benefitted from this designation, too, paying a lower marginal rate on the
    distributed dividends than he would have paid if the transfers were reported as
    bonus compensation. See 26 U.S.C. § 1(h)(11). Finally, like dividend transfers,
    these payments were based on Kardash’s percentage of stock ownership in FECP.
    Based on this information, the Tax Court made a fact finding that FECP received
    no value in exchange for the dividends and that they were therefore constructively
    Kardash encourages this court to look to the substance of the Dividend
    Payments rather than their form and hold that the Dividend Payments are
    indistinguishable from the Transfer Payments that the Tax Court concluded were
    compensation. Kardash can point to no legal authority, however, in support of the
    Case: 16-14254     Date Filed: 08/04/2017    Page: 14 of 18
    proposition that transfer payments that a corporation and a shareholder expressly
    declare to be dividends can nonetheless be considered compensation as a matter of
    law. On the contrary, what little case law exists on this issue suggests that
    dividend payments are not considered compensation as a matter of law. In re
    Brentwood Lexford Partners, LLC, 
    292 B.R. 255
    (Bankr. N.D. Tex. 2003),
    provides a good example. In that case, a bankruptcy trustee sought to set aside a
    series of allegedly fraudulent transfers from a company’s bankruptcy estate,
    including several dividend payments that the recipients claimed were
    compensation for services rendered. As in this case, the recipients argued that the
    dividends were designed to make up for a salary discrepancy, with one recipient
    explicitly arguing that he “viewed the excess cash flow distribution as a bonus.”
    Id. at 267.
    The bankruptcy court sided with the trustee. Noting that “none of [the
    recipients] had an employment contract . . . providing that the excess cash flow
    distribution would be part of their salary or a bonus as part of their compensation,”
    the court looked to the form of the contested transfer payments and concluded that
    they were dividends and not compensation. 
    Ibid. (“The court finds
    that the
    distributions were made to the equity holders . . . on account of their equity interest
    and not to the individuals on account of services rendered.”).
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    We hold that the same principles apply here. Because Kardash cannot
    definitively prove that the Dividend Payments were a part of his employment with
    FECP and because he did not raise any other argument for why FECP might have
    received reasonably equivalent value even if the dividends were not
    compensation,8 we must conclude that they were dividends for which FECP did
    not receive reasonably equivalent value. As such, we affirm the Tax Court’s
    determination that the reasonable-value element of constructive fraud under
    FUFTA was satisfied for all of the Dividend Payments.
    Kardash next argues that the Tax Court erred by grouping his 2005 dividend
    payment with the 2005 dividend payments to Stanton and Hughes in concluding
    that the insolvency element of constructive fraud was also satisfied. In order to
    establish the insolvency element of constructive fraud under FUFTA, a claimant
    must show either that the debtor was insolvent at the time of the transfer or became
    insolvent as the result of the transfer. Fla. Stat. § 726.106(1). Although the
    language of the statute speaks in terms of a single transfer of property, courts have
    A company can receive value for dividends in some other circumstances. See In re
    Northlake Foods. Inc., 
    715 F.3d 1251
    , 1256 (11th Cir. 2013) (holding that a shareholder
    provided value to a company by agreeing to a contract that would allow the company to alter its
    corporate status in exchange for dividends).
    Case: 16-14254        Date Filed: 08/04/2017        Page: 16 of 18
    interpreted the language to apply to a series of related transactions. See In re
    215 B.R. 158
    , 169 (Bankr. N.D. Ill. 1997) (citing a list of cases). 9
    The Tax Court below found that FECP became insolvent by January 2006,
    and neither party disputes that finding here. Therefore, Kardash’s argument
    concerns only the status of the 2005 dividend payment—it is undisputed that
    FECP’s actual insolvency satisfies the insolvency element of constructive fraud for
    both the 2006 and 2007 dividend payments.
    Kardash argues that because his 2005 dividend payment was small, both in
    relation to the dividends paid to Stanton and Hughes and in relation to FECP’s
    total assets, the Tax Court erred in grouping them together and concluding that
    they were part of a series of transactions that led to FECP’s insolvency. Kardash’s
    point is not without some merit. In 2005, Kardash received dividend payments
    totaling just over $1.5 million. In the same year, dividends paid to Stanton and
    Hughes totaled $16.6 million and $21.5 million respectively, and FECP’s net
    equity fell from $58 million to negative $12 million. Taken by itself, Kardash’s
    2005 dividend payment seems paltry in comparison to the fraudulent cash
    Although the Illinois case is not interpreting FUFTA, it is nonetheless instructive because it
    is interpreting identical language contained in the version of UFTA adopted by the state of
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    siphoning conducted by Stanton and Hughes and the impact that those payments
    had on the solvency of FECP.
    But the law does not instruct us to evaluate Kardash’s 2005 dividend
    payment in isolation. Although Kardash was not privy to the machinations of
    Stanton and Hughes, his 2005 dividend payment was part of the same series of
    dividend payments that led to FECP’s insolvency. Kardash, Hughes, and Stanton
    were all paid dividends based upon their equity ownership in the company. The
    record does not reflect, for example, that FECP issued different classes of shares
    and that Stanton and Hughes perpetrated their fraud by triggering special dividends
    that were distributed solely to their class of shares. On the contrary, the record
    suggests that the dividends were paid on a per-share basis and that any discrepancy
    in the amounts paid to Kardash, Hughes, and Stanton can largely be attributed to
    the different number of shares that they owned.10
    Although Kardash presents a sympathetic case, he has not demonstrated that
    the Tax Court committed clear error in grouping his 2005 dividend payment with
    Kardash disagrees, pointing to the fact that the Tax Court initially “decline[d] to group the
    transfers to petitioners with the transfers to Messrs. Hughes and Stanton for the purpose of
    determining whether the transfers to petitioners were fraudulent” as indicative that the dividend
    payments were unrelated. Appellant Br. at 30 (alteration in original) (citation omitted). Kardash
    takes the Tax Court out of context, however. There, the Tax Court was determining whether the
    dividend payments constituted actual fraud, where the intent of the transferor is an important
    factor and where distinguishing between the unaware Kardash and the active fraudsters makes a
    great deal of sense. Determining constructive fraud requires no such distinction.
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    those paid to Stanton and Hughes. And when considered together, those dividend
    payments are substantial enough for the Tax Court to conclude that they led to the
    insolvency of FECP. For these reasons, we affirm the Tax Court on this point as
    William Kardash was not a villain. By all accounts, he was a victim of the
    fraud conducted by his friends and coworkers at FECP, Ralph Hughes and John
    Stanton. In perpetrating that fraud, however, they transferred funds from FECP to
    Kardash that rightly belonged to the IRS, and the law of Florida requires that he
    pay those funds back. We therefore DENY the petition to review the decision of
    the Tax Court.