Commodores Entertainment Corporation v. Thomas McClary , 879 F.3d 1114 ( 2018 )

  •             Case: 16-15794   Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 1 of 51
    No. 16-15794
    D.C. Docket No. 6:14-cv-01335-RBD-GJK
    Plaintiff -
    Counter Defendant -
    Defendants -
    Counter Claimants -
    Third Party Plaintiffs -
    DAVID FISH, et al.,
    Third Party Defendants.
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (January 9, 2018)
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    Before MARCUS, MARTIN, and NEWSOM, Circuit Judges.
    MARCUS, Circuit Judge:
    In this common-law trademark case, Thomas McClary appeals from an order
    granting judgment as a matter of law to Commodores Entertainment Corporation
    (CEC) and converting a preliminary injunction into a permanent one against
    McClary and his corporation, Fifth Avenue Entertainment, LLC. The dispute
    concerned ownership of the mark “The Commodores,” the name of a famous
    Grammy Award–winning rhythm and blues, funk, and soul music band. McClary
    was an original member of The Commodores, but, by his own admission, he “split
    from the band” in 1984 to strike out on his own in the world of music. He later
    formed a musical group that performed as “The 2014 Commodores” and “The
    Commodores Featuring Thomas McClary.” When CEC -- a corporation run by two
    original Commodores who remain active with the group -- found out about
    McClary’s group, it filed this lawsuit against McClary and Fifth Avenue claiming
    trademark infringement, trademark dilution, passing off, false advertising, and
    unfair competition.
    The district court granted CEC a preliminary injunction and enjoined
    McClary from using the marks; a panel of this Court affirmed. Then, after a two-
    week trial, the district court granted judgment as a matter of law to CEC and
    converted the preliminary injunction into a permanent one. McClary and Fifth
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    Avenue appeal that order, as well as the district court’s oral ruling denying their
    motion to dismiss for failure to join an indispensable party.
    After careful review, we hold we lack jurisdiction to review the denial of the
    motion to dismiss and that the district court did not abuse its discretion in
    excluding expert testimony from an attorney who proffered only legal conclusions.
    We also conclude that when McClary left the band, he left behind his common-law
    rights to the marks. Those rights remained with CEC. Moreover, we conclude that
    the scope of the injunction was not impermissibly broad, that McClary’s arguments
    about the validity of the federal registration of the marks are irrelevant to this
    determination, and that McClary did not establish any affirmative defenses.
    Accordingly, we affirm.
    The Commodores was formed in 1968. The group has released over forty
    albums, has charted seven number-one singles and numerous top-ten hits, and
    continues to record music and play for audiences around the world. The group’s
    big break came in 1971, when it opened for the Jackson 5 on a world tour. Shortly
    after the tour, the group signed a recording contract with Motown Record
    Corporation. The group’s first album, “Machine Gun,” was released in 1974.
    Throughout the 1970s, The Commodores became internationally acclaimed with
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    hits including “Easy,” “Brick House,” “Three Times a Lady,” and “Too Hot ta
    Although three other individuals were also involved at the early stages of the
    group, the “original” members are generally regarded as William King, Ronald
    LaPread, Thomas McClary, Walter Orange, Lionel Richie, and Milan Williams. 1
    On March 20, 1978, these six members, along with their manager, Benjamin
    “Benny” Ashburn, formed a general partnership governed by a General Partnership
    Agreement. The agreement included a section expressly addressing the use of the
    name “The Commodores” upon the withdrawal of a partner: “Upon the death or
    withdrawal of less than a majority of the Partners, the remaining majority of the
    Partners shall continue to have the right to use the name THE COMMODORES for
    any purpose.” Each partner was permitted to withdraw at any time so long as he
    provided the group with six months’ written notice; notably, one partner’s
    withdrawal would not end the partnership.           Two months later, the partners
    registered CEC as a Nevada corporation.
    Around a year later, in 1979, CEC entered into an Exclusive Artist
    Production Agreement with Motown Record Corporation. This agreement also
    restricted use of the name: band members could perform as “sidemen” for other
    The group’s first members were Andrew Callaghan, Michael Gilbert, Jimmy Johnson, William
    King, Thomas McClary, Lionel Richie, and Milan Williams. Sometime in 1968 or 1969, Walter
    Orange replaced Callaghan and Ronald LaPread replaced Gilbert. Johnson was fired from the
    group and was not replaced.
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    artists and groups, but “in no event” could they use the name “Commodores” in
    connection with that engagement. And the members and the group as a whole
    were, “joint and not severally, the sole and exclusive owner of all rights in and to
    the Name.”     Much like the General Partnership Agreement, this agreement
    provided that if a member withdrew from the group, neither he nor his heirs would
    have the right to make individual use of the name. In addition, if “one or more
    Members [became] a Leaving Member(s), then the Remaining Member(s) [would]
    automatically and without notice become (jointly and not severally) the sole and
    exclusive owner of the rights” to the name.
    In 1982, Lionel Richie left the group to pursue his solo career; The
    Commodores continued without him and notified Motown of the change. CEC and
    Motown entered into a new agreement whereby CEC again “warrant[ed] and
    represent[ed] that it and [the signee] [were], jointly and not severally, the sole and
    exclusive owner of all rights in and to the Name” and that “its agreement with the
    Group provide[d] that no Leaving Member, nor heirs of any member have or will
    have the right to make any individual use of the Name.” This agreement described
    “Leaving Members” as a member or members who “separate[d] from, and/or
    ceased to perform with, the remaining Member(s).”
    Around the time that Richie left the group, Ashburn passed away. In March
    1984, the remaining members of the group (King, LaPread, McClary, Orange, and
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    Williams) executed an “amendment in toto” to the General Partnership Agreement
    that read this way, in part:
    The principal business activity of the Partnership no longer is to engage in
    the entertainment business as the Group but is to own, maintain and lease
    certain motor vehicles and musical and studio equipment to Commodores
    Entertainment Corporation, a Nevada corporation, (the “Corporation”),
    which now conducts the business of the Group, and to hold all rights in and
    to the Group name “THE COMMODORES,” the logo thereof, and any
    service mark, trademark, service name, or tradename associated therewith,
    and all goodwill inherent therein (collectively referred to as the “Group
    Like the other contractual arrangements, this amendment also clarified the use of
    the group’s name: “Upon the death or withdrawal of less than a majority of the
    Partners, the remaining majority of the Partners shall continue to have the right to
    use the Group Name for any purpose.”
    Later in 1984, and by his own admission, McClary “split from the band” to
    pursue his own solo career. On August 6, 1984, McClary allegedly sent a letter
    confirming his withdrawal from the band to King, LaPread, Orange, and Williams,
    as well as to several lawyers affiliated with the group. The letter was addressed to
    Lawrence J. Blake, a lawyer who had done legal work for The Commodores. It
    read in full: “I hereby confirm my withdrawal from the Commodores Effective as
    of May 31, 1984. I have certainly enjoyed fourteen years of being with you guys
    and I wish you the best.” The letter was on the letterhead of “Thomas McClary
    Productions, Inc.” and was marked with Blake’s firm’s “received” stamp, which
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    Blake later swore was part of the firm’s procedure to indicate when documents
    were received. However, McClary said that he had not seen the letter until the
    lawsuit began.   At the later trial, McClary presented a forensics expert who
    testified that it was “highly probable” that the signature on the letter was not
    Although the formalities of McClary’s departure are contested, it is
    undisputed that McClary did not perform with The Commodores from 1985
    through 2010. Soon after McClary’s departure, J.D. Nicholas joined the group. In
    1986, The Commodores received its only Grammy for the single “Nightshift.”
    McClary had no part in that single and did not receive the Grammy with the group.
    Over time, LaPread and Williams also departed from the group, leaving
    King and Orange as the only remaining original members. At some point, King
    and Orange transferred their common-law trademark rights in The Commodores’
    name and logo to CEC. In 2001, CEC registered four trademarks (“the marks” or
    “the Commodores marks”) with the United States Patent and Trademark Office
    (PTO). The trademarks were for the word mark “THE COMMODORES” and the
    word mark “COMMODORES” with a design. They granted CEC exclusive rights
    to the marks for “[e]ntertainment services, namely live performances by a musical
    and vocal group,” as well as for “[m]usical sound and video recordings, namely,
    pre-recorded audio cassettes, video tapes, compact discs of live and in-studio
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    musical performances.” For three of the marks, first use was listed as April 1,
    1972; first use in commerce was on April 30, 1972. For the fourth mark, first use
    was listed as December 31, 1968; first use in commerce was on the same day. The
    marks were renewed in March 2010, and are still active and in use today.
    In 2002, King, Nicholas, and Orange executed an amended and restated
    partnership agreement for a new partnership, Commodores New, LLP, so that
    Nicholas could also share in the partnership. This agreement recounted that the
    partners had previously agreed to “transfer ownership of the trademark and/or
    service mark ‘COMMODORES’” to CEC.
    This lawsuit arose out of McClary’s allegedly improper use of the marks.
    After leaving the group in 1984, McClary signed a solo contract with Motown and
    released a solo album. He eventually formed his own recording label and released
    another solo album in 2008. Then, in 2009, McClary performed with Richie and
    LaPread at the Superdome in New Orleans.          McClary’s wife sent an email
    advertising the show as a Commodores reunion, and David Fish, the manager of
    the original Commodores, received the email. On June 8, 2009, CEC wrote to
    McClary declaring CEC’s ownership of the name and stating that McClary had “no
    right to make any announcement about or use the name Commodores.” McClary
    never responded.
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    In 2010, McClary was asked to fill in as a guitar player when The
    Commodores’ regular guitar player became ill.       McClary appeared with The
    Commodores two or three times and signed autographs with The Commodores’
    members. McClary never appeared with the group on any other occasion. At no
    point did McClary ask to rejoin the group, and the group never offered him
    membership.    In 2011, McClary hosted a “listening session” at his home in
    Orlando that several original members of the group attended. In planning the
    listening session, McClary thanked Fish for “bringing The Commodores to the
    table.” This session was meant to be an opportunity to brainstorm and develop
    new songs, but ultimately The Commodores and McClary did not release any
    songs from this session.
    Nothing further happened until 2013, when McClary formed the group
    “Commodores Featuring Thomas McClary.” He and his wife also established
    Fifth Avenue Entertainment to conduct entertainment-oriented business; Fifth
    Avenue is the manager of “Commodores Featuring Thomas McClary.” McClary’s
    group began performing under the names “Commodores Featuring Thomas
    McClary” and “The 2014 Commodores,” and he scheduled a performance at a
    New York venue on July 6, 2014.         On June 5, 2014, King learned of this
    engagement when a friend called to ask about the performance, thinking that it was
    an official Commodores show. King and Orange realized that this was McClary’s
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    band and, the same day, their manager contacted the executive director of the
    venue. The executive director said he thought he had booked the Grammy Award–
    winning Commodores -- not a tribute or cover band featuring a former member.
    On June 10, CEC received a cease and desist letter from McClary’s wife.
    She claimed that McClary’s band name constituted fair use and asserted that CEC
    was interfering with McClary’s ongoing business relationships. She demanded
    that CEC “cease and desist from contacting any venues that may book [her] client
    in the future and making similar unsubstantiated claims” regarding McClary’s use
    of the marks.
    On August 19, 2014, CEC filed this action in the United States District
    Court for the Middle District of Florida claiming trademark infringement,
    trademark dilution, passing off, false advertising, and unfair competition. CEC
    also moved for a temporary restraining order or a preliminary injunction. McClary
    raised several counterclaims, alleging, among other things, intentional interference
    with present and prospective business relationships, trademark infringement, unfair
    competition, cancellation of a registered trademark, passing off, false advertising,
    misappropriation of likeness and identity, and defamation. McClary also claimed
    that CEC lacked standing, arguing that “Commodores Entertainment Corporation”
    is not a valid Nevada corporation because the Nevada corporation was registered
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    as “Commodores Entertainment Corp.” In addition, McClary asserted that the
    federal trademark registrations were invalid because they listed “Commodore
    Entertainment Corp.” as the registrant rather than “Commodores Entertainment
    The district court granted CEC’s motion for a preliminary injunction,
    enjoining McClary from “using any of the Marks at issue in a manner other than
    fair use, including performing under the name ‘The Commodores featuring
    Thomas McClary’ or ‘The 2014 Commodores’” and concluding that CEC had
    shown a substantial likelihood of success on its claim of trademark infringement.
    After the injunction was entered, CEC learned that McClary and his band were
    advertising and marketing upcoming performances in the United Kingdom and
    Switzerland. CEC asked the district court to clarify the extraterritorial reach of its
    preliminary injunction.    The trial court granted the motion and held that the
    injunction would have extraterritorial application because use of the marks
    overseas would have a substantial and negative impact on CEC, an American
    corporation.    A panel of this Court affirmed the entirety of the preliminary
    injunction, finding “no error as to the district court’s determination that CEC
    established a substantial likelihood of success on the merits.” Commodores Entm’t
    Corp. v. McClary, 648 F. App’x 771, 777 (11th Cir. 2016) (per curiam).
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    In a series of pretrial motions, CEC moved to strike one of McClary’s expert
    witnesses, lawyer Richard Wolfe, claiming that his testimony amounted to
    improper legal opinions and conclusions.        The district court limited Wolfe’s
    testimony, excluding “any legal conclusions or opinions concerning the law.” At
    the close of discovery, both parties unsuccessfully moved for summary judgment.
    The district court bifurcated the trial of the case sua sponte.     Phase I would
    determine only the “ownership rights to the service marks and trade name at
    issue”; then, “[i]f necessary, Phase II w[ould] concern outstanding issues of
    infringement, liability, and damages.”
    The trial began on July 25, 2016. After CEC rested, McClary unsuccessfully
    moved for judgment as a matter of law. McClary also unsuccessfully moved to
    dismiss the case for failure to join an indispensable party -- Ronald LaPread, an
    original member of The Commodores. McClary then presented his case, again
    offering the testimony of attorney Wolfe, but after reviewing Wolfe’s expert report
    and taking testimony from Wolfe outside of the presence of the jury, the court
    excluded his testimony in its entirety. The defense rested on July 28, 2016, and its
    renewed motion for judgment as a matter of law was denied.
    CEC also moved for judgment as a matter of law; the district court granted
    the motion and discharged the jury.           The court said that the record was
    “uncontroverted that Mr. McClary left the group known as the Commodores in or
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    around 1984 to pursue a solo career”; that “Mr. McClary left behind all of his
    rights to the trademarks when he left the band in 1984”; and that “those rights
    remained with the group, including Mr. Orange and Mr. King.” Later, the trial
    court issued a written order on the grant reiterating its conclusion that “no
    reasonable jury could conclude that: (1) Plaintiff does not own or have rights to the
    trademarks at issue; or (2) Mr. McClary does own or have rights to the
    trademarks.”     The district court observed that the “original members of ‘The
    Commodores’ acquired common law rights to the trademarks associated with the
    musical band once the band achieved public fame.” However, McClary walked
    away from his rights to the marks when he left the band in 1984, and those rights
    remained with the group.        Further, no reasonable juror could conclude that
    McClary had exercised any control over the quality and characteristics of the band
    since his departure. Finally, the court concluded that King and Orange made valid
    assignments of their ownership rights in the marks to CEC and that CEC now owns
    the rights to the marks. The district court also converted its preliminary injunction
    into a permanent one, again enjoining McClary from using the marks in any
    manner other than fair use, and entered final judgment for CEC.
    McClary moved to certify the grant of judgment as a matter of law to CEC
    and the denial of its motion to dismiss for failure to join an indispensable party for
    immediate interlocutory appeal. The district court certified only the order granting
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    judgment as a matter of law to CEC. The court’s certification did not reference
    McClary’s motion to dismiss.
    McClary timely appealed from the district court’s entry of judgment as a
    matter of law on the issue of trademark ownership, from the entry of a permanent
    injunction barring his use of the marks, and from the denial of his motion to
    dismiss for failure to include an indispensable party.
    Before we address the merits of this appeal, two preliminary issues require
    our consideration: whether we have appellate jurisdiction over the orders on review
    and whether it was reversible error to exclude McClary’s expert witness, attorney
    Richard Wolfe. After reviewing this lengthy record, we are satisfied that we have
    jurisdiction over the district court’s entry of judgment as a matter of law in favor of
    CEC and over the entry of a permanent injunction, but we conclude that we have
    no power to entertain, at this stage in the proceedings, the district court’s order
    denying McClary’s motion to dismiss for failure to join an indispensable party.
    We also conclude that the district court did not abuse its considerable discretion in
    excluding Wolfe’s testimony.
    We have jurisdiction to review only “final decisions of the district courts.”
    28 U.S.C. § 1291. “A final decision is one which ends the litigation on the merits
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    and leaves nothing for the court to do but execute the judgment.” CSX Transp.,
    Inc. v. City of Garden City, 
    235 F.3d 1325
    , 1327 (11th Cir. 2000) (quotations
    omitted). Thus, an order that disposes of fewer than all of the claims against all of
    the parties is not immediately appealable unless the district court certifies the order
    as final pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b). Rule 54(b) provides that when an action
    presents more than one claim for relief or involves multiple parties, “the court may
    direct entry of a final judgment as to one or more, but fewer than all, claims or
    parties only if the court expressly determines that there is no just reason for delay.”
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 54(b); see also Supreme Fuels Trading FZE v. Sargeant, 
    689 F.3d 1244
    , 1246 (11th Cir. 2012). To determine whether an order is certifiable under
    Rule 54(b), a district court engages in a two-step process. First, the court must
    decide whether the order is both “final” and a “judgment.” Lloyd Noland Found.,
    Inc. v. Tenet Health Care Corp., 
    483 F.3d 773
    , 777 (11th Cir. 2007) (quotations
    omitted). Then, it must determine that there is “no just reason for delay” in
    permitting the parties to appeal its decision immediately. 
    Id. (quotations omitted).
    The district court engaged in this inquiry, finding that its decision was “final” and
    that there was no reason for delay and ordering that its entry of judgment as a
    matter of law was a final judgment for purposes of Rule 54(b). Even if that was
    incorrect, a party may immediately appeal interlocutory orders “granting,
    continuing, modifying, refusing or dissolving injunctions, or refusing to dissolve or
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    modify injunctions.” 28 U.S.C. § 1292(a)(1). Thus, it is abundantly clear that we
    have jurisdiction under § 1292(a)(1) to review a district court’s interlocutory order
    granting a permanent injunction. See Hillcrest Prop., LLC v. Pasco Cty., 
    754 F.3d 1279
    , 1280 (11th Cir. 2014).
    Moreover, as for the order converting the preliminary injunction into a
    permanent one, appellate jurisdiction is likewise present. See Sec. and Exch.
    Comm’n v. First Fin. Grp. of Tex., 
    645 F.2d 429
    , 433 (5th Cir. Unit A May 1981).2
    Although the district court proceedings were designed to continue into a second
    phase for resolution of infringement, liability, and damages, the permanent
    injunction is plainly one “granting, continuing, modifying, refusing or dissolving”
    an injunction. 28 U.S.C. § 1292(a)(1).
    The same cannot be said, however, of the trial court’s order denying
    McClary’s motion to dismiss for failure to join an indispensable party. We have
    previously observed that “the denial of a motion to dismiss is not a final order
    reviewable under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.” Foy v. Schantz, Schatzman & Aaronson,
    108 F.3d 1347
    , 1350 (11th Cir. 1997). However, “we may, within our
    discretion, exercise jurisdiction over otherwise nonappealable orders under the
    pendent appellate jurisdiction doctrine.” Summit Med. Assocs., P.C. v. Pryor, 180
    In Bonner v. City of Prichard, 
    661 F.2d 1206
    , 1209 (11th Cir. 1981) (en banc), this Court
    adopted as binding precedent all decisions of the former Fifth Circuit handed down prior to
    October 1, 1981.
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 17 of 
    51 F.3d 1326
    , 1335 (11th Cir. 1999). “Pendent appellate jurisdiction is present when
    a nonappealable decision is ‘inextricably intertwined’ with the appealable decision
    or when ‘review of the former decision [is] necessary to ensure meaningful review
    of the latter.’” King v. Cessna Aircraft Co., 
    562 F.3d 1374
    , 1379 (11th Cir. 2009)
    (quoting Swint v. Chambers Cty. Comm’n, 
    514 U.S. 35
    , 51 (1995)). But, notably,
    pendent appellate jurisdiction does not exist “when resolution of the nonappealable
    issue [is] not necessary to resolve the appealable one.” 
    Id. at 1380;
    see also In re
    MDL-1824 Tri-State Water Rights Litig., 
    644 F.3d 1160
    , 1179 (11th Cir. 2011)
    (“[T]he critical inquiry is whether the appealable issue can be resolved without
    reaching the merits of the nonappealable issues.”). Indeed, the Supreme Court has
    suggested that “pendent appellate jurisdiction should be present only under rare
    circumstances,” so we will exercise this jurisdiction “in only limited factual
    King, 562 F.3d at 1379
    –80 (citing Johnson v. Jones, 
    515 U.S. 304
    , 318
    In his motion to dismiss, McClary claimed that Ronald LaPread was an
    indispensable party because LaPread was an original member of The Commodores
    who claimed partial ownership of the marks. However, the issue of joinder is not
    inextricably intertwined with the permanent injunction. In fact, the district court
    made no reference to LaPread; rather, it adjudicated CEC’s and McClary’s
    ownership rights in the marks. At no point did the trial court so much as address
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    whether LaPread had rights to the marks, whether he had withdrawn from the
    partnership, or whether he had abandoned his rights. Nor did McClary present any
    evidence that LaPread had sought to use the marks; nor, finally, did he even
    suggest how LaPread’s possible claim to ownership would affect the instant
    dispute between CEC and McClary. Moreover, LaPread would not be precluded
    from suing in the future to determine any ownership rights he may have in the
    marks because, in Florida, both res judicata and collateral estoppel require an
    identity of the parties and LaPread is neither a party to nor in privity with any party
    to this suit. See Marquardt v. State, 
    156 So. 3d 464
    , 481 (Fla. 2015); Fla. Bar v.
    959 So. 2d 150
    , 158 (Fla. 2007). Thus, we decline to exercise pendent
    appellate jurisdiction over the motion to dismiss because it is not inextricably
    intertwined with the permanent injunction.
    McClary also claims that the district court abused its discretion in excluding
    expert testimony from attorney Richard Wolfe. At trial, McClary offered the
    testimony of Wolfe on the validity and value of the marks, the goodwill associated
    with the marks, the validity of the assignment to CEC, the difference between
    statutory and common-law trademarks, and whether CEC breached duties owed to
    its shareholders. CEC moved to strike the witness because his testimony amounted
    to no more than improper legal conclusions. The district court initially said Wolfe
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    could testify so long as he did not offer “any legal conclusions or opinions
    concerning the law,” but after reviewing Wolfe’s report and hearing his testimony
    outside the presence of the jury, it excluded the testimony entirely.
    “We review for abuse of discretion the district court’s decisions regarding
    the admissibility of expert testimony and the reliability of an expert opinion.”
    United States v. Frazier, 
    387 F.3d 1244
    , 1258 (11th Cir. 2004) (en banc). Under
    this standard, “we must affirm unless we find that the district court has made a clear
    error of judgment, or has applied the wrong legal standard.” 
    Id. at 1259.
    Federal Rule of Evidence 702, a witness with particular “knowledge, skill,
    experience, training, or education” may offer opinion testimony if, inter alia, he is
    qualified to do so based on his “scientific, technical, or other specialized
    knowledge.” Fed. R. Evid. 702.
    Here, CEC does not contest Wolfe’s qualification as a legal expert. Rather,
    CEC says that Wolfe’s testimony was properly excluded because he offered only
    legal conclusions. While it is well established that a qualified expert in a civil case
    may offer his opinion on an “ultimate issue” in a case, Fed. R. Evid. 704(a),
    experts “may not testify to the legal implications of conduct” or “tell the jury what
    result to reach.” Montgomery v. Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 
    898 F.2d 1537
    , 1541
    (11th Cir. 1990). Rather, “the court must be the jury’s only source of law,” and
    questions of law are not subject to expert testimony. 
    Id. “[C]ourts must
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018    Page: 20 of 51
    vigilant against the admission of legal conclusions, and an expert witness may not
    substitute for the court in charging the jury regarding the applicable law.” United
    States v. Milton, 
    555 F.2d 1198
    , 1203 (5th Cir. 1977). Thus, the district court must
    take “adequate steps to protect against the danger that [an] expert’s opinion would
    be accepted as a legal conclusion.” United States v. Herring, 
    955 F.2d 703
    , 709
    (11th Cir. 1992).
    Wolfe’s expert report is replete with legal opinion. In it, he offered the legal
    view that the original members “owned the underlying marks jointly as tenants in
    common, owning an undivided interest in the totality of the partnership assets.”
    He explained that McClary “was an equal owner, in an undivided interest in the
    name and had equal rights (as each of the other founding members had) to use and
    enjoy the mark, which right was not waived, nor divested”; that “McClary was not
    divested of his interest in the PARTNERSHIP nor his interest in the underlying
    trademark”; and that McClary “never executed an assignment or waiver of his
    ownership rights.” He even wrote that “ownership of the trademark will be vested
    in those persons who created, used and controlled the creative endeavors of the
    group” and that “[i]n this case, that occurred in 1978, when there were five members
    of the band to be called ‘the Commodores’ including Thomas McClary.” These
    legal conclusions were properly struck. The district court was the only source of the
    law, and Wolfe’s testimony would have invaded the court’s exclusive prerogative.
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    Wolfe’s trial testimony, taken outside of the jury’s presence, fares no better.
    On the stand, he said that “it’s common in the industry that the owner of the name
    is the person or persons who create the signature sound”; that he would expect to
    see written agreements for any transfer of ownership rights to a group name; that a
    hiatus from a band is not enough to relinquish ownership in the band; and that
    “[t]here are multiple ways in which an owner of a mark can continue to participate
    and exploit that mark even though they may not be standing up on stage and
    performing.” These statements, too, do no more than offer expert opinion in the
    form of legal conclusions, and they risked confusing, prejudicing, or misdirecting
    the jury.
    McClary also claims that Wolfe offered opinions on music industry customs
    and norms and that these opinions were improperly excluded. But these opinions
    were not offered in his expert report, and he was therefore properly precluded from
    discussing these topics at trial. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(a)(2)(B)(i). Moreover,
    McClary’s suggestion that Lawrence Blake, “also an attorney, was allowed to testify
    for CEC about his interpretations of the Parties’ contracts provisions” is wholly
    unpersuasive. Notably, McClary does not challenge the district court’s admission of
    Blake’s testimony. And Blake was not called as an expert witness; rather, he was
    offered as a fact witness who testified about McClary’s interactions with the group,
    the letter he received from McClary, and whether any group member had formally
    Case: 16-15794     Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 22 of 51
    voided his shares in the corporation. The district court’s responsibility to serve as
    the singular source of law required it to be vigilant about the admissibility of legal
    conclusions from an expert witness. There was no abuse of discretion here.
    The purpose of a mark is to be identifiable as a unique entity -- to be
    knowable by a name. The Lanham Act describes that trademarks are used “to
    identify and distinguish [one’s good from the goods of] others and to indicate the
    source of the goods.” 15 U.S.C. § 1127. Marks are legally protected to avoid
    confusion between a legitimate good and one claiming to be that same good. In
    the context of this case, where both parties acknowledge that valid marks did and
    do exist in the name “The Commodores,” the trademarks help to identify and
    distinguish the music of the ensemble known as “The Commodores.”
    To properly overturn the district court’s grant of CEC’s motion for judgment
    as a matter of law on the question of mark ownership, we would have to find a
    reasonable basis to say that McClary should have the rights to use the name “The
    Commodores” to identify and distinguish a musical ensemble.               That is, a
    reasonable juror would have had grounds to believe that the marks could be used
    by McClary while performing individually and without the group that has
    continuously performed as “The Commodores.” We can find no contested facts
    Case: 16-15794     Date Filed: 01/09/2018    Page: 23 of 51
    that would lead a reasonable juror to say that McClary should properly be termed
    the legal owner of the trademarks. Therefore, the district court’s grant of judgment
    as a matter of law is due to be upheld.
    McClary’s core argument on appeal is that the district court erred in granting
    CEC’s motion for entry of judgment as a matter of law. The standard for granting
    the motion is a demanding one. As the district court recognized, the motion may
    be granted only when the evidence is “overwhelmingly” in favor of one party’s
    position. “[A] court should render judgment as a matter of law when ‘a party has
    been fully heard on an issue and there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for a
    reasonable jury to find for that party on that issue.’” Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing
    Prods., Inc., 
    530 U.S. 133
    , 149 (2000) (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 50(a)). But “if
    substantial evidence exists in opposition to the motion such that reasonable people,
    exercising impartial judgment, might reach differing conclusions, then the motion
    should have been denied and the case submitted to the jury.” Williams v. Dresser
    Indus., Inc., 
    120 F.3d 1163
    , 1167 (11th Cir. 1997).
    The district court also properly recognized that it could not “make
    credibility determinations or weigh the evidence.”        
    Reeves, 530 U.S. at 150
    Likewise, on appeal, we “review all of the evidence in the record” and “draw all
    reasonable inferences in favor of the nonmoving party” -- that is, McClary --
    without making any credibility determinations or weighing evidence.                 
    Id. 23 Case:
    16-15794        Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 24 of 51
    Therefore, we are required to “disregard all evidence favorable to the moving
    party” and “give credence to the evidence favoring the nonmovant as well as that
    evidence supporting the moving party that is uncontradicted and unimpeached.”
    Id. at 151
    (quotations omitted).
    Phase I of the trial addressed only the trademark ownership rights of CEC
    and McClary, and the district court’s grant of judgment as a matter of law
    addressed those ownership rights. A trademark is “any word, name, symbol, or
    device, or any combination thereof” used by a person “to identify and distinguish
    his or her goods . . . from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the
    source of the goods.” 15 U.S.C. § 1127. Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act, Pub. L.
    No. 79-489, 60 Stat. 427, 441 (1946), codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. § 1114,
    creates a federal cause of action for trademark infringement. “To establish a prima
    facie case of trademark infringement under § 43(a), a plaintiff must show (1) that it
    had trademark rights in the mark or name at issue and (2) that the other party had
    adopted a mark or name that was the same, or confusingly similar to its mark, such
    that consumers were likely to confuse the two.” Tana v. Dantanna’s, 
    611 F.3d 767
    773 (11th Cir. 2010) (quotations omitted).
    McClary says that entry of judgment as a matter of law on the question of
    the trademark rights was improper. He claims that the district court erred by
    concluding that the right to use The Commodores marks was CEC’s.                 His
    Case: 16-15794     Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 25 of 51
    argument is not persuasive. McClary’s claim to rights in The Commodores marks
    fail for two independent but mutually reinforcing reasons. First, the common-law
    trademark rights were initially jointly owned, could not be divided for
    simultaneous use by multiple independent parties, and remained in the group
    continually known as “The Commodores.”            Second, the various contractual
    agreements executed by the parties confirm the group members contemplated that
    the marks were to be jointly but not severally owned and, in addition, that a
    member leaving the group would cease using the group’s name as an identifier. In
    sum, no reasonable juror could have found that McClary retained a right to use the
    name “The Commodores” on his own and separately from the group that has
    continually used that same name.
    The essential question presented in the first phase of the trial was this: What
    happens to the ownership of a trademark in the name of a performing group when
    the group’s membership has evolved with time? Our analysis starts with the
    common-law rights to the marks and the original ownership of those rights. While
    we have created a national system to register marks, common-law rights are not
    overridden by that registration system. See, e.g., Matal v. Tam, 
    137 S. Ct. 1744
    1752 (2017). Notably, a plaintiff need not have a registered trademark to use and
    enforce that mark. Rather, “the use of another’s unregistered, i.e., common law,
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 26 of 51
    trademark can constitute a violation of § 43(a) where the alleged unregistered
    trademarks used by the plaintiff are so associated with its goods that the use of the
    same or similar marks by another company constitutes a false representation that
    its goods came from the same source.” 
    Tana, 611 F.3d at 773
    (quotations omitted).
    Common-law trademark rights are initially acquired through priority of
    appropriation. See, e.g., Columbia Mill Co. v. Alcorn, 
    150 U.S. 460
    , 463–64
    (1893) (“[T]he exclusive right to the use of the mark or device claimed as a trade-
    mark is founded on priority of appropriation; that is to say, the claimant of the
    trade-mark must have been the first to use or employ the same on like articles of
    production.”). To acquire common-law rights to a trademark, a party must have
    demonstrated prior use of the mark in commerce.             See Crystal Entm’t &
    Filmworks, Inc. v. Jurado, 
    643 F.3d 1313
    , 1321 (11th Cir. 2011) (“Common-law
    trademark rights are appropriated only through actual prior use in commerce.”
    (quotations omitted)). Prior use, in turn, is established with “[e]vidence showing,
    first, adoption, and, second, use in a way sufficiently public to identify or
    distinguish the marked goods in an appropriate segment of the public mind as those
    of the adopter of the mark.” 
    Id. (quotations omitted).
    We have concluded this
    association was present when “the distribution of the mark was widespread
    because the mark was accessible to anyone with access to the Internet”; when “the
    evidence established that members of the targeted public actually associated the
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 27 of 51
    mark with the product to which it was affixed”; when “the mark served to identify
    the source of the product”; and when “other potential users of the mark had notice
    that the mark was in use in connection with the product.” 
    Id. (quotations and
    alterations omitted).
    Common-law trademarks existed in the name “The Commodores,” and the
    original owner of the marks was the group as a whole. In this case, there is no
    dispute that the marks were used in commerce, beginning with the early days of the
    group’s performances and recordings as “The Commodores.” The group was the
    first to appropriate that term and so acquired the exclusive rights to the trademark.
    The group began calling itself “The Commodores” sometime around 1969, and the
    public undoubtedly associated the mark with this famous musical group. The
    group performed as “The Commodores,” released many records (including hits) as
    “The Commodores,” and opened for the Jackson 5 as “The Commodores.” Thus,
    there is no doubt that the group adopted the mark “The Commodores” as its own
    and that the public associated the mark with the group. Therefore, the original
    group had, at one point in time, common-law rights to the marks. McClary, as a
    member of the original group, was one of the holders of those rights.
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    Ownership of the marks did not stay with McClary when he left the
    performing group. Rather, ownership of the marks began in, remained in, and
    could not be divided from the group, as opposed to its individual members.
    For starters the uncontroverted record established that McClary left his
    position in the group known as “The Commodores” more than three decades ago.
    No reasonable juror could have found that McClary remained with the group in the
    position he had previously held. Indeed, over time, all of the original group
    members except for King and Orange left the performing group that continued to
    release music and to perform as “The Commodores.” This included McClary: as
    he said repeatedly in his own pleadings and testimony and as was confirmed by
    many trial witnesses, he “split from the band” in 1984 to pursue a solo career.
    Between 1985 and 2010, McClary had no interaction with the group as a
    member. He did not perform with the group, record with the group, or participate
    in any decisions about performances or recordings.          He continued to draw
    royalties, but these were related to only the songs he wrote or recorded with The
    Commodores prior to his departure in 1984. The royalties were, in King’s words,
    “money that you receive based upon your past performance as being in the group
    itself or music that you’ve written or co-written.” Although McClary performed
    with the group in 2010 and hosted a listening session that King and Orange
    attended in order to encourage a reunion, these activities in no way suggest
    Case: 16-15794     Date Filed: 01/09/2018    Page: 29 of 51
    continued involvement with the group.           Nor do these activities bear any
    relationship to King’s and Orange’s continuing involvement with the group since
    1968. It is undisputed that King and Orange are the only original members of “The
    Commodores” who have maintained continuity with the performing group since
    McClary’s departure and that the group continued to perform as “The
    Commodores” in the years after 1985.
    The next question, then, is what became of McClary’s rights to the marks
    after he left the group and undeniably left the band. McClary claims that although
    the members who left had no involvement with the group, they still maintained
    common-law rights to use the group’s name. We are unpersuaded. Instead, on this
    record, we determine that the common-law rights to the marks remained with the
    group members who continued to use and exert control over the group “The
    Commodores,” and no reasonable juror could have found otherwise.
    While we are not bound by the determinations of another circuit court, we
    find the reasoning of the Ninth Circuit to be persuasive, as the district court did. In
    Robi v. Reed, 
    173 F.3d 736
    (9th Cir. 1999), a common-law trademark dispute,
    defendant Herb Reed founded the band The Platters in 1953 and plaintiff Paul Robi
    joined the group later; like in this case, the group jointly owned rights to the band
    Id. at 738–39.
    In 1965, Robi left the group and he never returned; Reed
    stayed on with The Platters. 
    Id. at 738.
    In 1988, Robi assigned his purported
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    rights in the mark to his wife, Martha, who then began to manage an entirely new
    musical group also called “The Platters.” 
    Id. Martha eventually
    sued Reed, who
    was still an active performer, asserting that she had exclusive rights to the name.
    Id. In holding
    for Reed, the Ninth Circuit concluded that the rights to the name
    belonged to the members “who remain[ ] continuously involved with the group and
    [are] in a position to control the quality of its services.” 
    Id. at 740.
    Reed “ha[d]
    been in a position to control the quality of its services”; among other things he was
    “the only surviving member of the five singers who originally began with the
    group,” and was “the only member who ha[d] continuously performed with the
    Id. In contrast,
    “Paul Robi left the group and never returned to it.” 
    Id. The Ninth
    Circuit adopted the holdings of courts facing similar factual
    circumstances that determined that a member leaving a music group did not retain
    a right to use the group’s name. 
    Id. at 739–40
    (citing HEC Enters., Ltd. v. Deep
    Purple, Inc., 213 U.S.P.Q. 991 (C.D. Cal. 1980); Kingsmen v. K-Tel Int’l Ltd., 
    557 F. Supp. 178
    (S.D.N.Y. 1983); and Giammarese v. Delfino, 197 U.S.P.Q. 162
    (N.D. Ill. 1977)). Rather, when a member left the group, the “mark remained with
    the original group.” 
    Id. at 740.
    Likewise, here the mark in “The Commodores” remained with the original
    group when McClary left.           The continuing members of the original group,
    including King and Orange, are still today in a position to control the group. Given
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 31 of 51
    the overwhelming evidence of the control others, including King and Orange,
    exerted over the performances and business decisions of The Commodores, no
    reasonable juror could find to the contrary. King and Orange decide how many
    shows the group will do in a year, and where and when they will perform; they
    determine the songs, costumes, and production details for their shows; and they are
    responsible for the group’s sounds at those shows. They also make all personnel
    determinations, such as retaining crew members for performances.
    While we are not bound by it, we agree with the panel of our Court that
    previously considered the facts on appeal of the preliminary injunction and found it
    significant that the remaining original members controlled the quality and
    reputation of the band performing as “The Commodores.” Commodores Entm’t
    Corp. v. McClary, 648 F. App’x 771 (11th Cir. 2016). We agree, given the control
    sustained by King and Orange, that the original members remaining with the group
    retained the common-law rights to the marks.
    On the other hand, the unrefuted record can lead only to the reasonable
    conclusion that McClary lacked control over the musical venture known as “The
    Commodores” after he left the band to pursue his solo career. In the period after
    he left the band, save two performances as a fill-in guitarist in 2010, he did not
    meet with the other members of the group to rehearse or perform. He did not join
    the group to make business decisions about performance schedules or recordings.
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    He stopped writing songs with the group. He was not involved with the group’s
    decisions about performances, whether about the songs to be performed, the
    personnel to be involved, or the production details of the shows. The rights to use
    the name “The Commodores” remained with the group after McClary departed,
    and the corollary is also true: McClary did not retain rights to use the marks
    The current ownership of the rights to use the marks does not address the
    possibility that McClary or another former member of the group could have,
    feasibly, regained rights to use the marks with the group if permitted to rejoin the
    group. Again, however, the uncontroverted record shows that this was not the
    case. While McClary attempts to draw legal significance from the two times he
    performed with The Commodores in 2010, there was no evidence offered to
    support the contention that he was being invited to rejoin the group as a permanent
    or otherwise ongoing member; instead he performed “with The Commodores.”
    Indeed, the evidence showed that on two occasions McClary performed as a fill-in
    guitarist when the group’s regular guitar player was out. Likewise, while the
    listening sessions McClary hosted were undertaken with some hope of a possible
    reunion or collaboration, no such reincorporation of McClary into the band
    occurred, and no reasonable juror could conclude otherwise. Even if the evidence
    could support a finding that McClary rejoined the group -- and in no way does it
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 33 of 51
    afford that inference -- it could not support the conclusion that McClary should be
    able to use the group’s name while performing separately from the group.
    As the district court did, we find that the alternative framework of Crystal
    Entm’t & Filmworks, Inc. v. Jurado, 
    643 F.3d 1313
    (11th Cir. 2011), is not the
    framework applicable here but nonetheless would yield a similar result. There, a
    panel of this Court addressed how to determine the ownership of trademark rights
    where there was no clear prior appropriation by either of the two parties to the
    Id. at 1322.
    The district court had determined, and this Court upheld its
    finding, that an entertainment company had not proven its predecessor in interest
    had established common-law trademark rights to the name of a musical group as
    originally constituted.   
    Id. at 1321.
        Instead, the courts were tasked with
    determining the proper rights-holders as between the assignee of the original
    management company and the three performers who replaced the original
    members of the group. 
    Id. We followed
    the district court in adopting a test drawn
    from Bell v. Streetwise Records, Ltd., 
    640 F. Supp. 575
    (D. Mass. 1986), whereby
    a court seeking to allocate rights between claimants who could not prove original
    appropriation of the trademark rights would look to see, first, the “quality or
    characteristic for which the group is known by the public” and, second, “who
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 34 of 51
    controls that quality or characteristic.” 
    Jurado, 643 F.3d at 1322
    Bell, 640 F. Supp. at 581
    We also agree that Jurado is not the case currently before us. Here, the
    parties do not dispute that the common-law trademark in “The Commodores” was
    originally appropriated by the group. However, we agree that even the Jurado
    framework does not alter the analysis.          As for Jurado’s first prong, The
    Commodores are distinguished by their music, including their recordings and
    performances. Under the second prong, as discussed above, no reasonable juror
    could find that McClary was the party who currently controls the music of The
    Commodores; instead, the original members continuing with the group have
    continuously exerted control over its music and performances. The unrefuted
    evidence can support only a finding that the original and ongoing group, including
    King and Orange, has exerted complete control over the current iteration of “The
    Commodores,” to the exclusion of others, in particular McClary.
    The other alleged complications McClary asserts do not support a finding
    that he is the rightful owner of the marks. McClary claims that the district court’s
    order granting judgment as a matter of law must be overturned for various reasons.
    These include assertions that McClary did not withdraw from The Commodores
    partnership, that he did not abandon his rights to the marks, that he retained rights
    Case: 16-15794       Date Filed: 01/09/2018      Page: 35 of 51
    because he continued to receive royalties during the period after he left the group,
    and that CEC never acquired rights in the marks. No reasonable juror could
    conclude that McClary retained any rights in the marks from any of this.
    To buoy his claims to a continuing interest in the marks, McClary says that
    he never officially withdrew from the partnership, that he did not follow the
    procedural requirements to officially withdraw pursuant to the General Partnership
    Agreement and the amendment in toto, and that the letter in which he allegedly
    stated that he was withdrawing is a forgery. 3 Although a factual question may
    remain as to both whether McClary formally left the partnership and whether the
    letter is a forgery, these issues have no bearing on McClary’s individual common-
    law trademark rights and were not considered in the district court’s order. Indeed,
    precisely because there were factual issues surrounding the validity of the letter,
    the district court was required to disregard this evidence. See 
    Reeves, 530 U.S. at 151
    (“[A]lthough the [district] court should review the record as a whole, it must
    disregard all evidence favorable to the moving party that the jury is not required to
    believe.”). McClary’s compliance with the withdrawal procedures and the veracity
    of his letter have no bearing on whether he asserted control over the quality and
    McClary called a forensic document examiner, Richard Orsini, as a witness to testify regarding
    the letter. Orsini said that, based on examples of McClary’s signature on other documents, it was
    “highly probable” that the signature on the letter was not written by McClary.
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 36 of 51
    characteristics of the group or on whether he had continuing involvement with the
    group’s services.
    McClary argues that there was “highly conflicting evidence of whether
    McClary even ‘left’ the band in 1984,” citing his claim that he never withdrew
    from The Commodores, the Partnership, or CEC. Even assuming, arguendo, that
    the evidence could present a question of whether McClary left the band, the
    evidence could not lead a reasonable jury to conclude that McClary somehow
    gained the right to use the marks by himself.
    Neither does an assertion that McClary has not “abandoned” his rights to the
    marks help his contention. Abandonment leads to the loss of marks that are
    otherwise owned. See, e.g., Citibank, N.A. v. Citibanc Grp., Inc., 
    724 F.2d 1540
    1545 (11th Cir. 1984). Abandonment is relevant where an infringing user seeks to
    assert that an owner of a mark has given up those rights. If a mark has been
    abandoned (in the legal sense), it can then be lawfully used by another person.
    That is, the trademark principle of abandonment could be useful here only if
    McClary could argue, as a defense, that CEC has abandoned the marks. He does
    not; instead he argues that his failure to abandon is relevant to showing he retained
    some rights to the mark. This is not the case. Our conclusions about the relevance
    of McClary leaving the band have nothing to do with whether or not he abandoned
    his rights to the marks in question. We need not determine today whether or not
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    McClary at some time abandoned his ownership of the marks.              Instead, we
    determine that he does not have the rights to use the marks but that the marks are
    otherwise valid.
    Moreover, collecting royalties does not show that McClary retained rights to
    the marks. While McClary is correct that receipt of royalties can sometimes be
    enough to show continuing involvement with a group, his collection of royalties
    lends the opposite conclusion. The unrefuted record shows that McClary only
    collected royalties for the songs he wrote with the band before his departure. The
    cases McClary cites for the relevance of royalties all involved groups that had
    entirely disbanded and were later involved in trademark disputes with outside
    entities who were not original members of the groups. See, e.g., Herb Reed
    Enters., LLC v. Fla. Entm’t Mgmt., Inc., 
    736 F.3d 1239
    , 1247–48 (9th Cir. 2013);
    Marshak v. Treadwell, 
    240 F.3d 184
    , 199 (3d Cir. 2001); Stetson v. Howard D.
    Wolf & Assocs., 
    955 F.2d 847
    , 850–52 (2d Cir. 1992); Kingsmen v. K-Tel Int’l
    557 F. Supp. 178
    , 182–83 (S.D.N.Y. 1983). In those cases, the fact that the
    members of the defunct bands continued to receive royalties was enough to avoid
    finding that they had abandoned their rights to their band names. McClary is not
    similarly situated to those original members because, in this case, original
    members did continue to use the marks after McClary’s departure.
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018    Page: 38 of 51
    If anything, the collection of royalties supports the contention that McClary
    once had rights in the marks but did not retain those rights. The record showed
    that McClary collected royalties for the period when he was an active and
    performing member of The Commodores. Notably, he did not receive royalties for
    the music the band released over many years after his departure. No reasonable
    juror could conclude that collecting royalties for the music he co-wrote before his
    departure from the band constitutes a current right to use the marks over and above
    the band that has continued to be known as “The Commodores.”
    Finally, the record shows that King’s and Orange’s rights became CEC’s
    rights by way of assignment.       Although there is no evidence of a written
    assignment, King and Orange both repeatedly testified that they transferred their
    common-law rights to CEC.        The preamble to the Amended and Restated
    Partnership Agreement of Commodores New, LLP, the partnership formed by
    King, Nicholas, and Orange, also states that the partners had previously agreed to
    “transfer ownership of the trademark and/or service mark ‘COMMODORES’ to
    Commodore      Entertainment    Corporation,     a      Nevada   Corporation   (the
    ‘Corporation’), subject to the Partnership’s continuing non-exclusive right to use
    that mark in connection with its business.” As the continuing members who
    exerted control over the group, King and Orange owned the marks; CEC stepped
    into King’s and Orange’s shoes by virtue of the assignment. See Carnival Brand
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 39 of 51
    Seafood Co. v. Carnival Brands, Inc., 
    187 F.3d 1307
    , 1310, 1315 (11th Cir. 1999).
    McClary introduced no evidence to the contrary. Thus, the district court did not
    err in granting judgment as a matter of law to CEC on the issue of trademark
    McClary’s claim fails for a second independent, but consistent, reason.
    Reviewing the terms of the various agreements, the contracts establish that leaving
    the group meant leaving behind any rights to the group’s name. When McClary
    left the band to pursue his own career, the contractual agreements contemplated
    that he would give up his rights to use the marks. No reasonable jury could find
    that, to the contrary, the contracts contemplated McClary would retain the right to
    use the marks when he left the band.         This contractual basis reinforces the
    ownership of the common-law rights, which remained in the group continuing to
    perform as “The Commodores” and only with the group.
    The group’s contracts plainly established that the group and its members
    owned the marks jointly, not severally. In the 1979 Exclusive Artist Production
    Agreement with Motown, each member unambiguously warranted that he and The
    Commodores were, “joint and not severally, the sole and exclusive owner of all
    rights in and to the Name.” This provision was repeated in the 1983 Motown
    agreement executed after Lionel Richie left the group. The 1984 “amendment in
    Case: 16-15794   Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 40 of 51
    toto” to the General Partnership Agreement explicitly said that the partnership
    “hold[s] all rights in and to the Group name ‘THE COMMODORES,’ the logo
    thereof, and any service mark, trademark, service name, or tradename associated
    therewith.” Again, it too made clear that if a partner withdrew from the group,
    “the remaining majority of the Partners shall continue to have the right to use the
    Group Name for any purpose.”          In short, these provisions overwhelmingly
    established that the partners owned the name jointly, not severally, so long as they
    were part of the group. The various agreements contemplated that a leaving
    member would not have the ability to use the name individually.           Thus, for
    example, the 1979 Motown agreement states that “no Leaving Member . . . will
    have the right to make any individual use of the [band name].”
    The parties dispute whether McClary formally withdrew from the
    partnership.    However, even if we assume McClary never formally left the
    partnership, none of the agreements grant McClary the right to use the marks in
    connection with his own musical performances. Nothing in the various agreements
    executed by the group affirmatively gives a member of the group or the partnership
    -- even a current member -- the right to use the name “The Commodores” in
    connection with an individual undertaking separate from the group that has, since
    its inception, performed as “The Commodores.” The 1978 General Partnership
    Agreement states that “No individual Partner or combination of Partners may
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 41 of 51
    render any performance or services . . . utilizing the [Commodores marks] . . .
    without the written consent of all the Partners.” However, even assuming there is a
    contested issue as to whether McClary formally withdrew from the partnership and
    that, if he were a partner, his written consent would have been required under that
    agreement for some uses of the group’s name, the “amendment in toto” removed
    that provision.
    As CEC notes, as the district court emphasized, and as we reinforce now,
    nothing about the current ownership of the marks is meant to diminish the
    contribution of McClary or the other founding members of The Commodores to
    the musical creations and goodwill surrounding the ensemble of that name. An
    individual can continue to be a Commodore -- a member of the original group --
    without having the legal right to call himself “The Commodores.” As Lionel
    Richie noted in his deposition, he considered he would “always be a Commodore,”
    but when he considered if he “identif[ied] with being in the group now,” the
    answer was that he did not. Similarly, as Orange put it in his testimony, McClary
    “is not the Commodores, the majority, with the original.” The facts of this and
    similar disputes are reminiscent of the difficult trademark cases where courts have
    found an individual cannot use his or her own name for commercial purposes. In
    Conagra, Inc. v. Singleton, 
    743 F.2d 1508
    , we held that a successor-in-interest to a
    father’s shrimping-related business held the exclusive rights to a common-law
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 42 of 51
    trademark and could maintain a claim of infringement against the son attempting to
    use his own surname in a shrimping-related business. 
    Id. at 151
    8; see also, e.g.,
    Taylor Wine Co. v. Bully Hill Vineyards, Inc., 
    569 F.2d 731
    (2d Cir. 1978)
    (holding that, where a wine-making partnership sold its assets to a corporation
    named Taylor Wine Company, the grandson could not use his family name in
    connection with labelling and advertising his own wine products).          While an
    individual might identify with a name, he still might not have the right to use that
    name to identify himself in commerce.
    McClary raises four additional arguments, none of which displace the
    holding of the district court. He argues that the district court erred in denying his
    motion to dismiss for failure to join an indispensable party -- an issue that we are
    without jurisdiction to address. Second, he renews his claim that the permanent
    injunction is overbroad. Third, he suggests that CEC’s federal registration of the
    marks was defective. Finally, he argues that CEC did not overcome the other
    affirmative defenses that he pled.
    McClary raises two claims regarding the scope of the permanent injunction.
    First, he says that the injunction is overbroad because it prevents him from
    “hold[ing] himself and his music out to the public in an historically accurate way.”
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 43 of 51
    This claim is easily resolved: CEC and its officers have repeatedly stated that they
    do not object to McClary billing himself as “Thomas McClary, founder of The
    Commodores” and that “McClary is free to make fair use of the Commodore
    Marks to provide historically accurate information about his tenure as a
    Commodore.” They agree that this name constitutes fair use and does not fall
    within the scope of the injunction. They do object, however, to names like “The
    2014 Commodores” or “The Commodores featuring Thomas McClary,” because
    these names are likely to cause confusion since King, Orange, and Nicholas
    continue to perform as The Commodores.          But the injunction plainly allows
    McClary to use historically accurate names. As the district court clearly said,
    McClary “could either perform under a different band name without causing any
    confusion, or, to uphold his notoriety as a Commodore, he could make fair use of the
    Marks.” Thus, this argument is moot.
    For the first time at oral argument, counsel for McClary suggested that the
    Court explicate the meaning of fair use in this context in order to provide “further
    guidance and clarification.” Counsel essentially asked the Court to enumerate which
    uses would be appropriate and which would fall into a forbidden zone. We are not
    in the business of providing what amount to advisory opinions, and this would be
    one. See, e.g., Golden v. Zwickler, 
    394 U.S. 103
    , 108 (1969). Additional uses of
    the marks have not been called into question, so any dispute about additional uses
    Case: 16-15794   Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 44 of 51
    has not ripened for review. We repeat, as the district court said and both parties
    agreed, that McClary is free to make fair use of the marks and to use historically
    accurate names.
    McClary’s second claim is that the injunction is overbroad because of its
    extraterritorial reach. The scope of the injunction was first discussed after King
    and Orange learned that “The Commodores Featuring Thomas McClary” was
    scheduled to perform in the United Kingdom and in Switzerland. The district court
    granted their motion for clarification and concluded that the injunction had
    extraterritorial reach. A panel of this Court affirmed, noting that the parties are
    citizens of the United States, that McClary’s booking agent operates from the
    United States, that “customer confusion was not limited to the United Kingdom
    and Switzerland . . . but was also present in the United States,” that the marks were
    not registered in a foreign country, and that “use of the marks extraterritorially
    w[ould] have an effect on CEC, a United States corporation.” Commodores, 648
    F. App’x at 778. We agree with this determination, even if we are not bound by it,
    inasmuch as our first opinion addressed only the wisdom and efficacy of a
    preliminary injunction and today we are called upon to address a permanent
    As the Supreme Court has long said, “Congress in prescribing standards of
    conduct for American citizens may project the impact of its laws beyond the
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 45 of 51
    territorial boundaries of the United States.” Steele v. Bulova Watch Co., 
    344 U.S. 280
    , 282 (1952). It is also well established that “Congress has the power to
    prevent unfair trade practices in foreign commerce by citizens of the United States,
    although some of the acts are done outside the territorial limits of the United
    Id. at 286
    (quotations omitted). In Steele, Bulova Watch Company sued
    an American citizen who conducted a business in Mexico City that sold watches
    with the name “Bulova” stamped on them. 
    Id. at 281.
    Bulova requested injunctive
    and monetary relief based on asserted violations of United States trademark laws,
    and the Supreme Court ruled in its favor. 
    Id. at 281,
    286–87. We have considered
    three factors when determining the extraterritorial reach of the Lanham Act:
    (1) whether the defendant is a United States corporation, (2) whether “the foreign
    activity had substantial effects in the United States,” and (3) whether “exercising
    jurisdiction would not interfere with the sovereignty of another nation.” Int’l Café,
    S.A.L. v. Hard Rock Café Int’l (U.S.A.), Inc., 
    252 F.3d 1274
    , 1278 (11th Cir.
    2001) (discussing Steele, 
    344 U.S. 280
    In this case, it is undisputed that both parties are citizens of the United
    States. And given the actual confusion that was experienced in the United States in
    connection with the New York performance, it is likely that McClary’s use of the
    marks abroad would create confusion both abroad and in the United States.
    McClary’s group is also managed in the United States by an American citizen, and
    Case: 16-15794        Date Filed: 01/09/2018       Page: 46 of 51
    his use of the marks affects CEC, an American corporation, both at home and
    As for the final factor, interference with another nation’s sovereignty, the
    question is closer but McClary comes up short.                      McClary notes that his
    corporation, Fifth Avenue, filed for a Community Trademark (CTM) in the
    European Union (EU) -- the equivalent of a federally registered trademark in the
    United States. But McClary has offered no evidence that a CTM has been granted
    or issued by the Office of Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM), the EU’s
    equivalent of the PTO. 4 Rather, he notes that the OHIM denied CEC’s opposition
    to Fifth Avenue’s CTM application. However, a CTM will be granted only if there
    is no opposition or if the “opposition has been rejected by a definitive decision.”
    European Council Reg. No. 207/2009, Art. 45. CEC appealed the denial of its
    opposition, so the opposition has not yet been “rejected by a definitive decision.”
    Indeed, the EU Intellectual Property Office’s database shows that Fifth Avenue’s
    CTM status is “Application Opposed,” indicating that a CTM has not yet been
    issued. There is no record evidence that Fifth Avenue actually holds a CTM and,
    To receive a CTM, an application must be filed with the Office of Harmonization in the
    Internal Market, which examines the application to look for errors and similar marks. European
    Council Reg. No. 207/2009, Arts. 25, 36–39. If the application is approved, it is published for
    public review; third parties then have three months to oppose the mark. 
    Id. at Arts.
    36–42. If
    there is opposition, the parties can resolve their dispute in an adversarial proceeding in front of
    the OHIM, which includes a right to appeal. 
    Id. at Arts.
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 47 of 51
    correspondingly, no evidence that the extraterritorial reach of the injunction
    infringes on a foreign nation’s sovereignty.
    McClary next claims that the federal registrations of the marks were
    fraudulent and defective. But these issues have no impact on whether CEC or
    McClary owns common-law trademark rights to the marks. CEC has common-law
    ownership of the marks independent of any federal registration. But even if we
    considered these federal trademark questions, McClary’s claims would fail.
    McClary’s claims of fraud are belied by the record.        In the trademark
    context, “[f]raud occurs when an applicant knowingly makes false, material
    representations of fact in connection with an application for a registered mark.”
    Angel Flight of Ga., Inc. v. Angel Flight Am., Inc., 
    522 F.3d 1200
    , 1209 (11th Cir.
    2008). “The party seeking to cancel a mark bears the burden of proving the alleged
    fraud by clear and convincing evidence.” 
    Id. Here, McClary
    is the party seeking to
    cancel the marks. However, he has not pointed to or introduced any evidence, let
    alone clear and convincing evidence, that CEC knowingly made false
    representations of fact.   While fraud is a question of fact, on this record no
    reasonable jury could have found for McClary given the complete absence of
    evidence of any knowledge of fraud on CEC’s, King’s, or Orange’s parts and in
    the face of King’s uncontroverted testimony that he did not submit any false or
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 48 of 51
    incorrect information to the PTO.      Thus, even if they were relevant to this
    common-law trademark dispute, McClary’s fraud claims still would fail.
    McClary next says the registrations were defective because the marks were
    registered to “Commodore Entertainment Corp.” rather than “Commodores
    Entertainment Corp.,” and the former did not exist at the time the registrations
    were filed. Commodores Entertainment Corp., the appellee, was incorporated in
    Nevada on May 30, 1978, listing King and Orange as its officers. Commodore
    Entertainment Corp. was incorporated in Nevada in May 2015 by McClary, after
    this litigation ensued. Notably, McClary does not argue that his corporation,
    Commodore Entertainment Corp., owns the marks -- he merely says that the
    mistake is reason enough to cancel the mark. But as the PTO has said, a mistake in
    the registration is not enough to cancel a mark if the mistake amounts to “merely a
    misidentification of the proper name of the applicant in the original application.”
    U.S. Pioneer Electrs. Corp. v. Evans Mktg., Inc., 183 U.S.P.Q. 613, 614 (P.T.O.
    Oct. 16, 1974). The mistake in this case is “merely a misidentification.” As we
    said in reviewing the preliminary injunction, “it seems nonsensical that a
    typographical error on a trademark registration application would invalidate a
    federal registration of a trademark, especially where the district court has found
    that the party holding the registration of the mark has the substantive common law
    right.” Commodores, 648 F. App’x at 776.
    Case: 16-15794       Date Filed: 01/09/2018      Page: 49 of 51
    McClary also claims that the registrations were defective because the stated
    dates of first use and first use in commerce5 -- either April 1972 or December
    1968, depending on the mark -- predate CEC’s creation in 1978, and that this
    discrepancy creates a factual question as to “whether CEC knowingly made false
    representations and intended to deceive the USPTO.” However, even if this was
    an error, “[a] misstatement of the date of first use in the application is not fatal to
    the securing of a valid registration as long as there has been valid use of the mark
    prior to the filing date.” Angel 
    Flight, 522 F.3d at 1210
    (quotations omitted). It is
    undisputed that the marks have been in use since at least 1971, when The
    Commodores first opened for Jackson 5, and their use has spanned more than four
    decades. King and Orange transferred their rights to CEC, and they undoubtedly
    had common-law rights to the marks on the stated dates of first use. And under the
    Lanham Act, the terms “applicant” and “registrant” also include “the legal
    representatives, predecessors, successors and assigns of such applicant or
    registrant,” which includes CEC as the assignee of King’s and Orange’s rights. 15
    U.S.C. § 1127 (emphasis added). Because CEC stepped into King’s and Orange’s
    shoes, the fact that the stated date of first use predates CEC’s incorporation is of no
    A federal trademark registration must list the date of the mark’s first use in commerce because
    “[t]he party who first uses a mark in commerce is said to have priority over other users.” Hana
    Fin., Inc. v. Hana Bank, 
    135 S. Ct. 907
    , 909 (2015). Thus, “[r]ights in a trademark are
    determined by the date of the mark’s first use in commerce.” 
    Id. 49 Case:
    16-15794     Date Filed: 01/09/2018     Page: 50 of 51
    moment to the validity of the federal trademark registration, let alone to the
    common-law trademark rights at issue.
    Finally, McClary claims that the district court erred by granting judgment as
    a matter of law to CEC without making findings on McClary’s laches and waiver
    affirmative defenses.     We have said that “a defendant must demonstrate the
    presence of three elements in order to successfully assert laches as a defense: (1) a
    delay in asserting a right or a claim; (2) that the delay was not excusable; and
    (3) that there was undue prejudice to the party against whom the claim is asserted.”
    Kason Indus., Inc. v. Component Hardware Grp., Inc., 
    120 F.3d 1199
    , 1203 (11th
    Cir. 1997). While the Lanham Act does not contain a statute of limitations, in
    trademark cases we have “applie[d] the period for analogous state law claims as the
    touchstone for laches.” 
    Id. In Florida
    , this is four years. Fla. Stat. § 95.11(3), (6).
    McClary says he has been using the marks with CEC’s knowledge since
    1984, but he has offered no facts or details about any use between 1984 and 2010,
    a period of twenty-five years. CEC’s first notice of McClary’s use came in May
    2009, when McClary’s wife sent a blast email advertising a Commodores reunion.
    CEC promptly sent a cease-and-desist letter to which McClary never responded.
    Then, in 2013, McClary formed his group “The 2014 Commodores” or “The
    Commodores Featuring Thomas McClary.” Upon learning of this group and the
    Case: 16-15794    Date Filed: 01/09/2018   Page: 51 of 51
    anticipated New York performance in June 2014, CEC promptly filed suit two
    months later. Moreover, McClary has not offered any explanation of how he was
    prejudiced by this delay. The district court did not err in passing on McClary’s
    laches defense.
    As for waiver, we have previously noted that “‘waiver’ has no trademark
    roots.” SunAmerica Corp. v. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Can., 
    77 F.3d 1325
    , 1344
    n.7 (11th Cir. 1996). Moreover, McClary makes no argument on appeal about
    waiver beyond saying that “judgment as a matter of law on McClary and Fifth
    Avenue’s laches and waiver affirmative defenses was also error.” He has not
    presented any facts surrounding waiver and has not provided any specificity about
    what may have been waived or how. If we are to assume that his waiver defense is
    based on the same facts as set forth in support of his laches defense, there is
    similarly no reason to conclude that CEC waived its ability to protect its marks.
    CEC acted promptly once it found out about McClary’s new group, and there was
    no undue delay that prejudiced McClary in any way.
    Accordingly, we affirm the district court’s grant of judgment as a matter of
    law for CEC, affirm the entry of a permanent injunction, and decline to address the
    district court’s order denying McClary’s motion to dismiss for failure to join an
    indispensable party.

Document Info

Docket Number: 16-15794

Citation Numbers: 879 F.3d 1114

Filed Date: 1/9/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (30)

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View All Authorities »