United States v. Jonathan K. Simmons ( 2019 )

  •            Case: 18-13631   Date Filed: 04/10/2019   Page: 1 of 11
    No. 18-13631
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 6:18-cr-00053-GKS-GJK-1
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (April 10, 2019)
    Before WILLIAM PRYOR, GRANT and HULL, Circuit Judges.
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    After a bench trial, defendant Jonathan K. Simmons appeals his conviction
    for being a felon in possession of a firearm, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(1).
    A police officer, responding to a broken-down vehicle call, found a loaded firearm
    clipped to Simmons’s waistband during a protective stop and pat-down search. On
    appeal, Simmons argues that the district court erred in denying his motion to
    suppress because the officer’s seizure of Simmons and pat-down search violated
    the Fourth Amendment. After review, we affirm. 1
    On January 1, 2018, at around 7:30 p.m., Deputy Carlos Roman was
    dispatched to a broken-down vehicle sitting in the left turn lane of a divided
    highway in Palm Shores, Florida. Approaching the vehicle, Deputy Roman asked
    a man sitting in the driver’s seat, defendant Simmons, what was going on and
    whether his car was broken down. Defendant Simmons did not respond to his
    questions. Deputy Roman asked Simmons his name, and Simmons mumbled
    something that Deputy Roman could not understand. Deputy Roman then asked
    Simmons for his driver’s license, and Simmons began fumbling in his car, but did
    not produce a driver’s license. As Deputy Roman scanned the inside of the vehicle
    We review a district court’s denial of a motion to suppress under a mixed standard,
    reviewing the district court’s findings of fact for clear error and its application of the law to those
    facts de novo. United States v. Bervaldi, 
    226 F.3d 1256
    , 1262 (11th Cir. 2000). In doing so, “all
    facts are construed in the light most favorable to the prevailing party below,” which in this case
    was the government. See 
    id. 2 Case:
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    with his flashlight, he noticed a metal clip above Simmons’s pants line, which,
    based on his training and experience, Deputy Roman knew was the kind used to
    carry a knife or gun without a holster.
    Deputy Roman “made a mental note” of the clip but continued to try
    unsuccessfully to communicate with Simmons. When he asked Simmons for his
    vehicle registration, insurance, and license, Simmons turned his back completely
    away from Deputy Roman in an unusual way so that Deputy Roman could not see
    his hands. After Simmons reached into his glove compartment and still did not
    produce identification, Deputy Roman asked Simmons again whether he had a
    driver’s license, and Simmons sat back in his seat but remained “extremely
    uncommunicative.” Deputy Roman told Simmons he needed “some kind of
    identification,” and Simmons again turned his back to Deputy Roman.
    At this point, Deputy Roman, sensing that something was not right, told
    Simmons to stop and put his hands on the wheel. Deputy Roman explained that
    ordinarily, when he responds to a broken-down vehicle, the occupants readily
    answer his questions about the problem because they want to expedite a remedy.
    Simmons, on the other hand, was uncooperative, evasive, and uncommunicative,
    which concerned Deputy Roman and led him to believe something either criminal
    or medical might be afoot. Deputy Roman wanted to remove Simmons from his
    car to determine if he was experiencing a medical condition, such as a diabetic
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    seizure, which can cause someone to not respond. However, Deputy Roman felt
    the situation was “completely unsafe” and backed away from the car and called for
    back up.
    Less than five minutes later, Melbourne police officer Ashley Vanasdale
    arrived. Deputy Roman advised her that Simmons was not cooperative,
    nonresponsive, and making furtive movements and that he wanted to remove
    Simmons from the car. The two officers approached the vehicle, and Deputy
    Roman opened the car door and asked Simmons to get out. Officer Vanasdale told
    Simmons to make sure they could see his hands at all times. Officer Vanasdale
    also described Simmons as mumbling and not making sense, and she also believed
    he might be medically impaired.
    As Deputy Roman placed his hands on Simmons and escorted him out of the
    vehicle, Deputy Roman felt Simmons “tense up,” which Deputy Roman knew from
    his training and experience indicated a person might fight or flee. Deputy Roman
    told Simmons to calm down and asked him what was wrong and whether he was
    okay. Simmons did not respond and had a “dead look on his face.” Deputy
    Roman advised Simmons that he was going to handcuff Simmons for everyone’s
    safety. Deputy Roman then handcuffed Simmons behind his back and conducted a
    pat-down search of the front area of Simmons’s pants where he had seen the metal
    clip. Deputy Roman felt something heavy and hard, which be believed was a
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    weapon, and removed a loaded Glock with a metal clip on it from Simmons’s
    Deputy Roman ran a check on the firearm and determined it was stolen. The
    officers found mail in Simmons’s car with his name on it and confirmed his
    identity in a database of driver’s license pictures. When Deputy Roman learned
    Simmons had prior felony convictions and did not have a permit to carry the
    firearm, Simmons was arrested. Due to Deputy Roman’s concerns about
    Simmons’s medical condition, he did not have Simmons taken directly to jail, but
    rather to a hospital to be medically evaluated.
    The Fourth Amendment provides the right to be secure against unreasonable
    searches and seizures. U.S. Const. amend. IV. Not every encounter between a
    police officer and a citizen in a public place constitutes a seizure. United States v.
    De La Rosa, 
    922 F.2d 675
    , 678 (11th Cir. 1991). For example, as the Supreme
    Court has noted, police officers frequently interact with the public when
    responding to traffic accidents, “in which there is no claim of criminal liability and
    engage in what . . . may be described as community caretaking functions, totally
    divorced from the detection, investigation, or acquisition of evidence relating to the
    violation of a criminal statute.” Cady v. Dombrowski, 
    413 U.S. 433
    , 441, 
    93 S. Ct. 2523
    , 2528 (1973). Such consensual encounters do not implicate the Fourth
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    Amendment. United States v. Jordan, 
    635 F.3d 1181
    , 1185-86 (11th Cir. 2011)
    (describing these encounters as “police-citizen exchanges involving no coercion or
    detention”); see also United States v. Perez, 
    443 F.3d 772
    , 777-78 (11th Cir. 2006)
    (explaining that an officer does not seize a person for Fourth Amendment purposes
    merely by approaching the person on the street and asking the person questions).
    A consensual encounter becomes a “seizure” for Fourth Amendment
    purposes “[o]nly when the officer, by means of physical force or show of authority,
    has in some way restrained the liberty of a citizen.” Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 19
    88 S. Ct. 1868
    , 1879 n.16 (1968). Although an imprecise test, we look at
    factors such as “whether a citizen’s path is blocked or impeded; whether
    identification is retained; the suspect’s age, education and intelligence; the length
    of the suspect’s detention and questioning; the number of police officers present;
    the display of weapons; any physical touching of the suspect; and the language and
    tone of voice of the police.” De La 
    Rosa, 922 F.2d at 678
    Moreover, “when an officer legitimately encounters an individual, whether
    he is investigating that individual or not, the officer may reasonably believe
    himself to be in danger and may wish to determine quickly whether that person is
    armed.” United States v. Bonds, 
    829 F.2d 1072
    , 1074 (11th Cir. 1987); cf. 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 29
    , 88 S. Ct. at 1884 (explaining that a frisk may be justified to protect
    officers and others nearby if it is limited in scope to an intrusion designed to
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    discover weapons). This belief must be based on a reasonable suspicion that the
    individual is armed and dangerous. Arizona v. Johnson, 
    555 U.S. 323
    , 332, 
    129 S. Ct. 781
    , 787 (2009). The standard requires “an objectively reasonable fear
    based upon specific facts regarding specific individuals.” 
    Bonds, 829 F.2d at 1074
    . Reasonableness is defined in objective terms by examining the totality of
    the circumstances. Ohio v. Robinette, 
    519 U.S. 33
    , 39, 
    117 S. Ct. 417
    , 421 (1996);
    see also United States v. Matchett, 
    802 F.3d 1185
    , 1192 (11th Cir. 2015)
    (explaining that when considering whether an officer reasonably believed his
    safety was threatened, we evaluate the totality of the circumstances and not each
    fact in isolation). We afford officers great deference in their evaluation of the
    attendant circumstances threatening their safety on the scene. United States v.
    342 F.3d 1271
    , 1276 (11th Cir. 2003).
    Here, based on the evidence presented at the suppression hearing, the district
    court did not err in concluding that Deputy Roman’s brief detention and pat-down
    search of Simmons for a weapon was reasonable under the circumstances. There is
    no dispute that Deputy Roman’s encounter with Simmons began as a consensual
    one, with Deputy Roman attempting to assist Simmons with what appeared to be a
    disabled car in the middle of a lane of traffic. To properly complete his caretaking
    function, Deputy Roman needed to determine why Simmons’s car was in the
    middle of the left turn lane and what needed to be done to help Simmons.
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    Simmons maintains that the encounter became a seizure when Deputy
    Roman ordered him to put his hands on the steering wheel and not move, and not
    when Deputy Roman asked Simmons to get out of the car and handcuffed him, as
    the district court found. We need not resolve this issue because, regardless of
    when the consensual encounter became a seizure for Fourth Amendment purposes,
    Deputy Roman’s brief and minimally intrusive detention of Simmons in his own
    car to allow Deputy Roman to ensure his own safety before resuming his
    interaction with Simmons was objectively reasonable.
    By the time Deputy Roman told Simmons to put his hands on the steering
    wheel, his concerns about Simmons and his car had not been dispelled but rather
    heightened. Deputy Roman had observed that Simmons was not responding to his
    questions like an ordinary disabled motorist. Indeed, Simmons did not respond to
    most of Deputy Roman’s questions, his few responses were incoherent mumbling,
    and he appeared to be impaired. Simmons also made furtive movements, twice
    turning his back to Deputy Roman in an unusual manner that obscured Simmons’s
    hands. Despite fumbling around in his car, Simmons was unable to produce any
    form of identification, proof of insurance, or car registration. Meanwhile, Deputy
    Roman observed a metal clip on Simmons’s waistband that he knew from
    experience was the kind used to secure a knife or gun. Deputy Roman explained
    that at this point in the consensual encounter, he sensed something was wrong and
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    that the situation was not safe. Under these circumstances, Deputy Roman was
    justified in directing Simmons to place his hands on the steering wheel where
    Deputy Roman could see them and to not move, while Deputy Roman backed up
    to a safer distance and waited for a back-up officer to arrive.
    Simmons argues that his detention was unreasonable because Deputy Roman
    did not have a reasonable articulable suspicion that Simmons was engaged in
    illegal activity. Although Deputy Roman did suspect that Simmons was either
    medically impaired or engaged in illegal activity, this was not the basis for Deputy
    Roman’s brief detention of Simmons in his own car. Deputy Roman detained
    Simmons to call for back up because he was concerned for his own personal safety
    while he continued to investigate why Simmons’s car was in the middle of the road
    and whether Simmons needed medical help. Given Simmons’s extremely odd and
    unresponsive behavior and the metal clip on his waistband, Deputy Roman
    reasonably suspected that Simmons was armed and posed a threat to Deputy
    Roman’s safety. The Fourth Amendment does not require a police officer to
    ignore objectively reasonable warning signs of a threat to his own safety when he
    interacts with a citizen, whether he is investigating that citizen for a crime or not.
    Bonds, 829 F.2d at 1074
    Likewise, Deputy Roman’s decision to handcuff Simmons and conduct a
    pat-down search to determine whether Simmons in fact had a weapon clipped to
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    his waistband, as Deputy Roman suspected, was also objectively reasonable given
    the circumstances. Deputy Roman wanted to remove Simmons from his car to
    determine if he was medically impaired. As Simmons exited his vehicle, he tensed
    up, which Deputy Roman knew from his training and experience was an indication
    Simmons might be getting ready to either fight or flee. Based on the metal clip
    observed at Simmons’s waistband, Deputy Roman had reason to believe Simmons
    had easy access to a weapon if he was inclined to fight the officers. In addition,
    Simmons still was not responding to Deputy Roman’s questions and had a “dead
    look on his face.” Under these circumstances, it was reasonable for Deputy Roman
    to place Simmons in handcuffs to ensure everyone’s safety while he conducted the
    pat-down search for the suspected weapon. See 
    id. at 1073,
    1075 (upholding an
    officer’s protective “frisk” of a person who was not the target of the criminal
    investigation, but who arrived on the scene and was believed to be carrying a
    firearm); cf. 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 27
    , 88 S. Ct. at 1883 (holding that an officer may
    frisk a legally stopped individual for weapons if he has reason to believe the
    individual is armed and dangerous to ensure his and others’ safety). 2
    We reject Simmons’s argument that our precedent in Bonds is inconsistent with the
    Supreme Court’s Terry. Both require an officer to have reason to believe the individual he or she
    frisks is armed and dangerous. See 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 27
    , 88 S. Ct. at 1883; 
    Bonds, 829 F.2d at 1074
    -75. Furthermore, although Terry involved an officer’s stop and frisk while investigating
    possible criminal activity, nothing in Terry prohibits an officer performing a community
    caretaker function like the one Deputy Roman was performing here from taking reasonable steps
    to protect himself and others by frisking an individual whom he has reason to believe is armed
    and dangerous. See 
    Terry, 392 U.S. at 13
    , 88 S. Ct. at 1876 (recognizing that “[e]ncounters are
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    In sum, Deputy Roman legitimately encountered Simmons while performing
    his community caretaker function of assisting a disabled motorist. Deputy
    Roman’s observation of a metal clip on Simmons’s waist that he knew was often
    used to carry a weapon and Simmons’s uncooperative and furtive behavior
    justified detaining Simmons in his car with his hands on the steering wheel until
    back up arrived before continuing to investigate what he then reasonably believed
    was a medically impaired motorist. Finally, all of the circumstances recounted
    above, coupled with Simmons’s tensing up upon exiting the vehicle, gave Deputy
    Roman reason to believe that he and Officer Vanasdale might be in danger. As
    such, Deputy Roman’s brief seizure and protective pat-down search of Simmons
    for a weapon was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.
    For these reasons, the district court did not err in denying Simmons’s motion
    to suppress and Simmons’s conviction is affirmed. 3
    initiated by the police for a wide variety of purposes, some of which are wholly unrelated to a
    desire to prosecute for crime.”).
    Simmons does not appeal his 78-month sentence.