Film Allman, LLC v. Secretary of Labor , 682 F. App'x 860 ( 2017 )

  •                 Case: 15-15720       Date Filed: 03/20/2017      Page: 1 of 5
    No. 15-15720
    Agency No. 14-1385
    Petition for Review of a Decision of the
    Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
    (March 20, 2017)
    Before ROSENBAUM and JULIE                          CARNES,         Circuit     Judges,     and
    SCHLESINGER, * District Judge.
    Honorable Harvey E. Schlesinger, United States District Judge for the Middle District
    of Florida, sitting by designation.
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    This case comes before the Court on appeal from the Occupational Safety
    and Health Review Commission’s (“Commission”) final decision finding that
    Appellant Film Allman LLC (“Film Allman”) willfully violated § 5(a)(1) of the
    Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 651-678, which is
    often referred to as the “general duty clause.” We find that the Commission did
    not err.
    This case involves a tragic train accident that occurred on February 20,
    2014, during the first day of shooting for the film “Midnight Rider,” a biopic about
    the Allman brothers.1 As the Film Allman crew set up to shoot a scene that
    afternoon on the Doctortown train trestle—an active trestle owned by CSX
    Transportation (“CSX”) that spans the Altamaha river in Jesup, Georgia—a freight
    train barreled through, killing 27-year-old camera assistant Sarah Jones and
    seriously injuring several other Film Allman crew members.
    As the Commission explained in its written order, Film Allman and its
    supervisors on the set that day failed at every opportunity to ensure the safety of its
    employees: Film Allman “knew the railroad tracks were live tracks, in active use
    by CSX, and that CSX had refused permission to film on the tracks. . . .
    Supervisors Miller, Savin, Sedrish, Schwartz, and Ozier were aware no CSX
    Because the Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) in this case completed an extensive and
    accurate account of the relevant facts in this case as part of her September 15, 2015, order, and
    further, because we write for the parties, we provide only a brief summary here.
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    representatives were present at the site to control train traffic while the employees
    were on the trestle. None of Film Allman’s supervisors informed the crew and cast
    members that CSX would not be on site and would not be controlling train traffic
    while they were filming on the tracks.” In short, Film Allman put its employees in
    harm’s way, and the results were catastrophic.
    The Secretary of Labor (“Secretary”) conducted a fatality investigation of
    the accident at the Doctortown trestle and, based on the findings, issued a Citation
    and Notification of Penalty to Film Allman on August 14, 2014.            While the
    Secretary cited Film Allman for multiple violations of OSHA, the only citation on
    appeal to this Court is Item 1 of Citation No. 2, asserting that Film Allman
    committed a willful violation of § 5(a)(1) of OSHA (the general duty clause) by
    failing to implement safety procedures for filming on the trestle and thereby
    exposing its employees to the hazard of being struck by a train.
    The ALJ affirmed this willful violation and imposed the statutory maximum
    penalty of $70,000.00 against Film Allman. Because the Commission declined
    Film Allman’s request to review the ALJ’s decision under its discretionary review
    power, the ALJ’s decision became a final order of the Commission on October 30,
    2015. See 29 U.S.C. § 661(j).
    On appeal to this Court, Film Allman raises three issues. First, Film Allman
    challenges the Commission’s decision to uphold the Secretary’s invocation of the
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    informer’s privilege to withhold certain portions of witness statements that OSHA
    obtained during its investigation. Second, Film Allman challenges the sufficiency
    of the evidence underlying the Secretary’s classification of Film Allman’s
    violation as willful. And third, Film Allman contests the ALJ’s imposition of the
    statutory maximum $70,000.00 penalty against it. We find no error.
    Commission decisions “are entitled to considerable deference on appellate
    review.” Fluor Daniel v. Occupational Safety & Health Review Comm'n, 
    295 F.3d 1232
    , 1236 (11th Cir. 2002). This Court reviews the Commission’s findings of
    fact to determine “whether they are supported by substantial evidence on the
    record as a whole; if so, they are deemed conclusive.” J.A.M. Builders, Inc. v.
    233 F.3d 1350
    , 1352 (11th Cir. 2000) (reviewing the Commission’s
    finding that a violation was “willful”); see 29 U.S.C. § 660(a); see also Niemand
    Indus., Inc. v. Reich, 
    73 F.3d 1083
    , 1084 (11th Cir. 1996). “Substantial evidence is
    more than a scintilla and is such relevant evidence as a reasonable person would
    accept as adequate to support a conclusion.” Lewis v. Callahan, 
    125 F.3d 1436
    1440 (11th Cir.1997). The Commission’s “finding of willfulness is a finding of
    fact.” Fluor 
    Daniel, 295 F.3d at 1236
    This Court will overturn the legal determinations of the Commission only if
    they are “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in
    accordance with the law.” 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A); see Fluor 
    Daniel, 295 F.3d at 4
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    1236; Reich v. Trinity Indus., 
    16 F.3d 1149
    , 1152 (11th Cir. 1994) (“This court
    reviews the Commission’s order to determine whether it is in accordance with the
    law.”). The Commission’s imposition of a particular penalty is reviewed under
    this standard for an abuse of discretion. D & S Grading Co. v. Sec’y of Labor, 
    899 F.2d 1145
    , 1148 (11th Cir. 1990).
    We have carefully reviewed the entirety of the administrative record in this
    case, considered the parties’ arguments, and heard oral argument. For all of the
    reasons expressed in the Commission’s well-reasoned and thorough decision, we
    conclude that the Commission correctly upheld the Secretary’s invocation of the
    informer’s     privilege,   substantial   evidence   underlies   the      Commission’s
    classification of Film Allman’s violation of § 5(a)(1) as willful, and the
    Commission did not abuse its discretion in imposing the statutory maximum
    penalty against Film Allman.              We therefore affirm the Commission’s
    determination that Film Allman willfully violated § 5(a)(1) of the OSHA, 29
    U.S.C. §§ 651-678, and find that the $70,000 statutory maximum penalty is