Darrell Griffin v. City of Jacksonville, Florida ( 2019 )

  •          Case: 17-13961   Date Filed: 03/15/2019   Page: 1 of 18
    No. 17-13961
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 3:15-cv-01209-HES-MCR
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (March 15, 2019)
    Case: 17-13961     Date Filed: 03/15/2019   Page: 2 of 18
    Before ED CARNES, Chief Judge, MARTIN, and ANDERSON, Circuit Judges.
    MARTIN, Circuit Judge:
    Darrell Griffin sued the City of Jacksonville, Florida (the “City”) and Laura
    Stagner in her individual capacity under 42 U.S.C. §§ 1981 and 1983. Mr. Griffin
    claims the City discriminated against him on the basis of race when it demoted him
    due to actions revealed in an audit conducted by the City. He also claims Ms.
    Stagner discriminated against him by failing to reveal a policy that rendered his
    actions permissible. The District Court granted summary judgment for the City
    and Ms. Stagner, and Mr. Griffin timely appealed. After careful consideration, and
    with the benefit of oral argument, we affirm.
    Mr. Griffin, an African American male, was appointed Affordable Housing
    Coordinator for Jacksonville’s Housing and Community Development Division
    (the “Division”) in 2007. As the Affordable Housing Coordinator, Mr. Griffin
    administered grant funding from the State Housing Initiatives Partnership to
    developers for rehabilitation of low-incoming housing through the City’s Rental
    Rehabilitation Program. In this role, Mr. Griffin reviewed each developer’s
    application for compliance with the City’s Procurement Code and the terms of the
    City’s grant agreements. He would then turn over the application to the Division’s
    finance team to determine if funding was feasible. If funding was available, the
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    Director of the Division would approve the application, and the developer and the
    City would enter into a grant agreement.
    Section 126.110 of the City’s Procurement Code prohibited conflicts of
    interest for contracts to which the City is a party. Section 126.110 was
    memorialized in the grant agreements as Section 12.15 (Conflict of Interest), which
    prohibited developers from hiring contractors or subcontractors if the developer
    exercised any control over the contractor or subcontractor, or if the developer had
    any financial interest in the contractor or subcontractor. The grant agreements also
    contained Section 12.19 (Procurement), which required developers to solicit a
    certain number of quotes or undergo a formal bidding process depending on the
    cost associated with the contracted work or supplies.
    The Council Auditor’s Office conducted an audit (“Audit #769”) of the
    funds disbursed through the State Housing Initiatives Partnership between October
    1, 2009 and September 30, 2012. During this time, Mr. Griffin was responsible for
    overseeing the grant agreements that were funded through the State Housing
    Initiatives Partnership and the Rental Rehabilitation Program.
    The preliminary findings of Audit #769 were that Mr. Griffin failed in his
    compliance responsibilities. In four of the nine audited grant agreements covering
    the period Mr. Griffin oversaw, the developer was not in compliance with Section
    12.15 of the grant agreement. And in all nine of the reviewed grant agreements,
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    developers had not solicited the number of quotes required by Section 12.19 for the
    contracted work.
    Mr. Griffin contends he did not enforce Section 12.15 of the grant
    agreements because the Division had a “self-performance” policy. As he describes
    this unwritten policy, the City allowed not-for-profit developers who were also
    contractors to perform the work themselves or delegate the work to a general
    contractor the not-for-profit developer kept on staff. In both contexts, the
    developer has a financial interest in the contractor which violates Section 12.15.
    Mr. Griffin says the “self-performance” policy was “normal practice” in the City,
    and all Division employees were aware of it. But the Rental Rehabilitation
    Program Guidelines make no mention of the “self-performance” policy, and Mr.
    Griffin did not submit any written documentation showing that the “self-
    performance” policy was followed in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership or
    the Rental Rehabilitation Program. Similarly, to justify his nonenforcement of
    Section 12.19, Mr. Griffin also claims the Division had a policy of not following
    the quote requirement.
    The Council Auditor’s Office conducted an exit interview with Mr. Griffin
    in October 2014 to discuss Audit #769’s preliminary findings. Mr. Griffin agreed
    with the preliminary findings that Sections 12.15 and 12.19 had not been followed
    in a number of the grant agreements he oversaw. He informed the Council
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    Auditor’s Office of the Division’s “self-performance” policy but explained the
    “self-performance” policy was no longer in place.1 And he did not provide any
    documentation of the “self-performance” policy to the Council Auditor’s Office.
    Using Mr. Griffin’s responses from the exit interview, the Council Auditor’s
    Office completed a draft audit report on April 25, 2014. The draft audit report
    restated the audit’s preliminary conclusion: Mr. Griffin allowed a number of
    violations of Sections 12.15 and 12.19 in the grant agreements. It also
    recommended “the [City] investigate and determine whether any disciplinary
    action of [Mr. Griffin] would be warranted.”
    After the draft audit report was finalized, the City elected a new mayor,
    Lenny Curry, who was set to assume office on July 1, 2015. By custom, all
    appointed City employees are required to submit resignation letters when a new
    mayor is elected. Once each appointed employee submits a resignation letter, the
    new mayoral administration reviews each of them and determines whether to keep
    the employee in their appointed position. If the new administration elects to accept
    an appointed employee’s resignation, the employee “reverts” back to the civil
    service position they held before their appointment if it is available.
    Although the auditor from the Council Auditor’s Office who conducted the exit
    interview cannot remember Mr. Griffin mentioning the “self-performance” policy, Mr. Griffin
    testified he informed the auditor “that[] [the “self-performance” policy is] not [the Division’s]
    policy anymore.”
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    In keeping with this practice, Mr. Griffin received an email on May 29, 2015
    addressed to all appointed employees and instructing them to submit a letter of
    resignation to Mayor Curry’s administration. The email explained that if the
    appointed employee wanted to stay in his appointed position under the new
    administration, he should include a resume along with his resignation letter. It also
    implied that an appointed employee could forgo submitting a resume and instead
    opt to revert back to his original civil service position. Mr. Griffin decided he
    would like to continue in his appointed position. As instructed, he submitted a
    resignation letter together with his resume on June 4, 2015.
    In early August 2015, the Council Auditor’s Office brought a copy of the
    draft audit report directly to Sam Mousa, Mayor Curry’s Chief Administrative
    Officer.2 Mr. Mousa reviewed the report and then met with Ms. Stagner, the head
    of the Division’s finance team who was, at the time, also serving as the Interim
    Chief of the Division. The Division was required to submit responses to the draft
    audit. After receiving responses, the Council Auditor’s Office would publish the
    audit’s final results online. Mr. Mousa asked Ms. Stagner to “take the lead” on the
    Division’s responses to the draft audit. Ms. Stagner did not give a copy of the draft
    Mr. Mousa testified that the Council Auditor’s Office first gave him the draft audit
    report in August or September 2015. But it must have been early August 2015 because, as set
    out later in this opinion, Mr. Mousa took documented action on the draft audit report on August
    3, 2015.
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    audit findings to Mr. Griffin, even though draft audit findings were typically
    distributed to each affected program manager.
    Before the Division’s responses to the draft audit report were finalized, Mr.
    Mousa met with Folks Huxford, the Acting Director of the Planning Department,
    which oversaw the Division. Mr. Mousa asked Mr. Huxford to present Mr. Griffin
    with two options: (1) either resign from his position as the Affordable Housing
    Coordinator or (2) be placed on administrative leave while an investigation was
    conducted. Mr. Huxford met with Mr. Griffin and presented Mr. Griffin with the
    two options, which he explained were in response to the audit. Ms. Stagner and
    others were also present at the meeting. Mr. Griffin opted to be placed on
    administrative leave and have the investigation go forward.
    Mr. Mousa was responsible for reviewing the resignation letters submitted
    due to the change in mayoral administration. He decided whether each appointed
    employee would stay in their position. Mr. Mousa reviewed Mr. Griffin’s
    resignation letter on September 3, 2015, after Mr. Griffin elected to go on
    administrative leave. Mr. Mousa decided to accept Mr. Griffin’s resignation
    because of the draft audit report’s findings. Mr. Mousa testified there were no
    other factors involved in the decision to demote Mr. Griffin. He also said it was
    solely his decision to accept Mr. Griffin’s resignation. As a result of having his
    resignation accepted, Mr. Griffin reverted back to the civil service position of
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    Recreation, Planning and Grants Coordinator in the City’s Parks, Recreation and
    Community Services Department. This caused his salary to decrease by $36,000.
    After Mr. Mousa accepted Mr. Griffin’s resignation, the Division submitted
    its responses to the draft audit on September 15, 2015. The Division
    “acknowledge[d]” the Council Auditor’s Office’s findings regarding Mr. Griffin’s
    violations of Sections 12.15 and 12.19 and stated it was “currently pursuing
    disciplinary action against” Mr. Griffin that “may include up to termination.”
    According to Mr. Mousa, Ms. Stagner “had nothing to do with the final decision
    [to] discipline” Mr. Griffin. Instead, Mr. Mousa had reached a consensus with the
    City’s Office of General Counsel and his assistant to discipline Mr. Griffin.
    After he was demoted, Mr. Griffin filed suit against the City and Ms.
    Stagner in her individual capacity. Mr. Griffin made a claim of race discrimination
    against the City and Ms. Stagner under §§ 1981 and 1983, alleging he was
    demoted from his position as Affordable Housing Coordinator because of his race.
    The City and Ms. Stagner moved for summary judgment, and the District Court
    granted their motion. The District Court found Mr. Griffin failed to establish a
    prima facie case of discrimination and Ms. Stagner was entitled to qualified
    immunity. Mr. Griffin then timely filed this appeal.
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    We review de novo the grant of summary judgment. Alvarez v. Royal Atl.
    Developers, Inc., 
    610 F.3d 1253
    , 1263 (11th Cir. 2010). “We will affirm if, after
    construing the evidence in the light most favorable to the non-moving party, we
    find that no genuine issue of material fact exists and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.” 
    Id. at 1263–64;
    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(a). “We may
    uphold the district court’s grant of summary judgment on any basis supported by
    the record.” McCullum v. Orlando Reg’l Healthcare Sys., Inc., 
    768 F.3d 1135
    1141 (11th Cir. 2014).
    We first address Mr. Griffin’s § 1981 claim against the City. 3 Mr. Griffin
    may establish discrimination through direct evidence, circumstantial evidence, or
    statistical proof. 
    Alvarez, 610 F.3d at 1264
    . He relies solely on evidence of
    discrimination through comparators, which is considered circumstantial evidence.
    Smith, 644 F.3d at 1327
    –28, 1328 n.24. We therefore apply the burden-
    Claims of race discrimination under § 1981 are analyzed in the same manner as claims
    brought under Title VII. Smith v. Lockheed-Martin Corp., 
    644 F.3d 1321
    , 1325 n.14 (11th Cir.
    Case: 17-13961        Date Filed: 03/15/2019       Page: 10 of 18
    shifting framework established in McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 
    411 U.S. 792
    93 S. Ct. 1817
    (1973). 4 
    Alvarez, 610 F.3d at 1264
    Under the McDonnell Douglas framework, the “plaintiff bears the initial
    burden of establishing a prima facie case, which creates a rebuttable presumption
    of discriminatory intent.” Flournoy v. CML-GA WB, LLC, 
    851 F.3d 1335
    , 1339
    (11th Cir. 2017). The “[d]efendant must then rebut that presumption by producing
    evidence of a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its action.” 
    Id. “If [the]
    defendant bears its burden of production, [the] plaintiff must establish that [the]
    defendant’s proffered reason is but a pretext for unlawful discrimination.” 
    Id. To establish
    a prima facie case of discriminatory termination through
    circumstantial evidence under McDonnell Douglas, a plaintiff must show that: “(1)
    []he belongs to a protected class; (2) []he was subjected to adverse employment
    action; (3) [his] employer treated similarly situated employees outside [his]
    classification more favorably; and (4) []he was qualified to do the job.” Wilson v.
    B/E Aerospace, Inc., 
    376 F.3d 1079
    , 1091 (11th Cir. 2004).
    Establishing the elements of the McDonnell Douglas framework is not the only way to
    survive summary judgment in an employment discrimination case. A plaintiff may also present
    “a convincing mosaic of circumstantial evidence that would allow a jury to infer intentional
    discrimination by the decisionmaker.” 
    Smith, 644 F.3d at 1328
    (quotation marks and footnote
    omitted). Mr. Griffin did not raise this method before the District Court, and he does not argue it
    on appeal. We therefore decline to consider it. See Ramirez v. Sec’y, U.S. Dep’t of Transp., 
    686 F.3d 1239
    , 1249–50 (11th Cir. 2012).
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    To show the City treated similarly situated employees outside his
    classification more favorably, Mr. Griffin points to another audit (“Audit #779”)
    that the Council Auditor’s Office conducted. Audit #779 reviewed a purchase
    order and contract made between the Division and a private vendor for affordable
    housing development technical assistance and consulting services. The purchase
    order between the Division and the private vendor initially covered the time period
    between March 1, 2007 and September 30, 2008, and was authorized up to
    $85,000. The contract between the parties covered a period between April 7, 2009
    and September 30, 2009 and was authorized up to $98,000.
    Audit #779 found that the award of the purchase order did not comply with
    the City’s Procurement Code. The initial award was set up as a “sole source” no-
    bid purchase order, meaning that it waived the City’s competitive bidding
    requirements. “Sole source” contract awards are permissible under the City’s
    Procurement Code only when the requesting agency believes no other vendor
    could perform the services. To comply with this requirement, the award of a sole
    source contract had to be accompanied by a letter explaining why only one
    particular vendor could perform the services. Audit #779 found that the letter
    accompanying the award of the contract failed to properly justify why only that
    private vendor could perform the consulting services.
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    Audit #779 also found that the contract between the parties was amended
    four times to extend the contract end date from September 30, 2009 to September
    30, 2012. To fund the extensions, money was siphoned away from other City
    projects, including $400,000 from a project specifically requested by one of the
    City’s Council Members. As a result, the maximum indebtedness under the
    contract increased to $868,000—almost nine times larger than the amount
    originally authorized. Despite the increases in funding for the contract, the scope
    of the services governed by the contract never increased. Audit #779 found these
    amendments were improper and violated the City’s procurement policies. And
    Audit #779 recommended more than $300,000 be returned to the Council
    Member’s bond account.
    Three white City employees—Kerri Stewart, Wight Greger, and John
    Pappas—were involved in the purchase order and contract described in Audit
    #779. First, Ms. Stewart initiated the purchase order with the private vendor and
    was considered the “point person in the decisionmaking” regarding the purchase
    order. Second, Ms. Greger directly requested funding be siphoned away from
    other projects, including the City’s Council Member’s project, to fund the
    consulting services contract. Last, Mr. Pappas sent Ms. Greger’s requests for
    funding to be reallocated toward the contract.
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    Mr. Griffin argues Ms. Stewart, Ms. Greger, and Mr. Pappas are similarly
    situated to him in all relevant respects. He claims Audit #779 accused them of
    conduct more egregious than his, but they were not disciplined in any way. Mr.
    Griffin argues that, as a result, a jury could infer the City treated employees outside
    of his classification more favorably.
    To be an adequate comparator, the preferentially treated person from outside
    the plaintiff’s protected class must be similarly situated to the plaintiff in all
    material respects. See Holifield v. Reno, 
    115 F.3d 1555
    , 1562 (11th Cir. 1997)
    (per curiam). To be “similarly situated,” the comparator employee must have been
    “involved in or accused of” the same basic conduct, yet “disciplined in different
    ways” for that conduct. 
    Id. “The most
    important factors in the disciplinary context
    are the nature of the offenses committed and the nature of the punishments
    imposed.” Maniccia v. Brown, 
    171 F.3d 1364
    , 1368 (11th Cir. 1999) (quotation
    marks omitted).
    None of Mr. Griffin’s proffered comparators are similarly situated to him in
    all material respects. See 
    Holifield, 115 F.3d at 1562
    . First, Audit #779 did not
    specifically accuse Ms. Stewart of violating any of the City’s Procurement Codes
    or conflict of interest policies.5 Although she may have been the “point person in
    Mr. Griffin claims either Ms. Stewart or Ms. Greger sat on a subcommittee that Audit
    #779 accused of “[]partiality.” But Mr. Griffin cannot say with certainty that Ms. Stewart or Ms.
    Greger were on the subcommittee. “Speculation does not create [a] genuine issue of fact.”
    Case: 17-13961      Date Filed: 03/15/2019     Page: 14 of 18
    the decisionmaking” regarding the purchase order, the ultimate decision to award
    the purchase award to the private vendor was made by a five-person committee at a
    public meeting. Because this decision was made by a five-person committee, we
    cannot say that any one member of that committee was solely responsible for it. In
    contrast, Mr. Griffin was solely responsible for overseeing the grant agreements,
    and Audit #769 specifically pointed to him as the person responsible for allowing
    violations of Section 12.15.
    Further, Audit #779 accused the committee of failing to justify why the
    private vendor was the City’s only option for affordable housing development
    technical assistance and consulting services. If the committee had properly
    justified its decision, the initial sole source award may have been permissible under
    the City’s Procurement Code. In contrast, it was never permissible in the grant
    agreements Mr. Griffin oversaw for quotes or bids to not be solicited. There was
    no waiver process to justify not soliciting these quotes or bids. Given these key
    distinctions, Ms. Stewart did not engage in the same conduct as Mr. Griffin. See
    Holifield, 115 F.3d at 1562
    . She is therefore not an appropriate comparator to
    establish discrimination by the City because she is not similarly situated to Mr.
    Griffin in all material respects. See 
    id. Hornsby-Culpepper v.
    906 F.3d 1302
    , 1314 (11th Cir. 2018) (quotation marks and
    emphasis omitted). The City is therefore entitled to summary judgment on this issue.
    Case: 17-13961     Date Filed: 03/15/2019    Page: 15 of 18
    Neither are Ms. Greger or Mr. Pappas apt comparators. When Audit #779
    was finalized in March 2016, Ms. Greger was no longer employed by the City.
    There was thus no opportunity for the City to discipline her. She therefore could
    not be “disciplined in [a] different way[]” than Mr. Griffin and, as a result, cannot
    be considered similarly situated to him. See 
    id. Mr. Pappas
    is no better
    comparator. Audit #779 accused him only of sending Ms. Greger’s requests for
    funds to be reallocated toward the contract amendments. It does not accuse him of
    failing to follow any of the City’s ordinances or policies. Neither does it accuse
    him of breaking any conflict of interest rules or quote or bidding requirements.
    Thus, Mr. Pappas and Mr. Griffin were not involved in the same conduct. See 
    id. In sum,
    all three of Mr. Griffin’s proffered comparators are different in some
    material respect. And because Mr. Griffin has not shown that the City treated any
    similarly situated employee outside of his classification more favorably, he cannot
    establish a prima facie case of race discrimination under McDonnell Douglas. See
    Wilson, 376 F.3d at 1092
    . We therefore affirm the District Court’s grant of
    summary judgment to the City.
    In addition to his claim against the City, Mr. Griffin also argues Ms. Stagner
    discriminated against him by failing to reveal the “self-performance” policy when
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    she drafted the audit responses. He seeks to hold her individually liable for her
    actions under § 1983 through a cat’s paw theory of liability.
    The cat’s paw theory is typically understood to create employer liability
    under either § 1981 or § 1983 when the employer relies on an improperly
    motivated recommendation by a subordinate and does not independently
    investigate the recommendation. See Crawford v. Carroll, 
    529 F.3d 961
    , 979 n.21
    (11th Cir. 2008); Quinn v. Monroe County, 
    330 F.3d 1320
    , 1327 (11th Cir. 2003);
    Stimpson v. City of Tuscaloosa, 
    186 F.3d 1328
    , 1332 (11th Cir. 1999) (per
    curiam). Under this theory of liability, an employer found to have acted in a
    nondiscriminatory manner can still face liability for “rubber stamp[ing]” its
    employee’s discriminatory recommendation. 
    Stimpson, 186 F.3d at 1332
    Quinn, 330 F.3d at 1327
    (“A decision-maker may serve as the conduit of the subordinate’s
    improper motive, for example, if he merely rubber-stamps the recommendation of
    a subordinate.” (quotation marks omitted)).
    However, Mr. Griffin does not seek to apply the cat’s paw theory of liability
    in the typical manner against his employer, the City. Instead, he argues it can be
    used to hold Ms. Stagner individually liable. Our review indicates that this Court
    has published an opinion allowing for individual liability under the cat’s paw
    theory only once in Quinn. 
    See 330 F.3d at 1327
    . In Quinn, a former library
    director sued a county and a county administrator under § 1983 for First
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    Amendment retaliation. 
    Id. at 1322–24.
    The county administrator had the power
    to both recommend the library director’s termination and terminate her. 
    Id. at 1328.
    And her termination was reviewable by the county’s Career Services
    Id. This Court
    held the county was not subject to municipal liability
    because the county administrator’s acts were reviewable by the Career Services
    Council, but the county administrator could be individually liable for his
    recommendation and termination of the library director under § 1983. 
    Id. at 1326–
    Under our precedent, Ms. Stagner’s actions are not enough to confer
    individual liability under the cat’s paw theory. Quinn shows that cat’s paw
    liability is appropriate only when a person took some sort of action—for example,
    making a termination recommendation—that led to the adverse action against the
    plaintiff. See 
    id. at 1327.
    Ms. Stagner did no such thing. At best, we can say that
    she failed to save Mr. Griffin from adverse action by not raising the “self-
    performance” policy. The record also reveals that Mr. Mousa acted in response to
    the draft audit report and that the decision to demote Mr. Griffin was a product of a
    consensus reached between him, his assistant, and the City’s General Counsel’s
    Office. There is no evidence to suggest Ms. Stagner’s involvement in authoring
    the draft audit responses influenced Mr. Mousa’s decision to accept Mr. Griffin’s
    resignation. See 
    Crawford, 529 F.3d at 979
    n.21 (suggesting cat’s paw liability
    Case: 17-13961       Date Filed: 03/15/2019       Page: 18 of 18
    requires evidence of a casual connection between the person or entity who
    subjected a plaintiff to adverse employment action and the person or entity who
    rubber stamped that adverse action). As a result, Ms. Stagner did not act as a
    “cat’s paw” whose affirmative steps influenced or were otherwise causally
    connected to Mr. Griffin’s demotion. On these facts, Ms. Stagner cannot be held
    individually liable under § 1983.6
    Because we may affirm on any basis in the record, we need not decide whether Mr.
    Griffin suffered an adverse employment action by the City or Ms. Stagner is entitled to qualified
    McCullum, 768 F.3d at 1141
    ; Mink v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., 
    860 F.3d 1319
    , 1324
    (11th Cir. 2017).