Jenkins v. Talladega City Bd. of Ed ( 1996 )

  •                                                             PUBLISH
    No. 95-6243
    D. C. Docket No. 94-PT-739-E
    CASSANDRA JENKINS, a minor, by her mother and
    next friend, Sandra Hall; ONEIKA MCKENZIE, a
    minor, by her mother and next friend, Elizabeth
    HERRING, individually and in her capacity as a
    teacher of Graham Elementary School, MELBA
    SIRMON, individually and in her capacity as
    counselor at Graham Elementary School,
    CHARLES KURLEY, in his official capacity as
    Superintendent of the Talladega City School
    District, et al.,
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Northern District of Alabama
    (June 2, 1997)
    BIRCH, DUBINA, BLACK, CARNES and BARKETT, Circuit Judges, and
    KRAVITCH, Senior Circuit Judge*.
    Senior U. S. Circuit Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch elected to
    participate in this decision pursuant to 
    28 U.S.C. § 46
    BIRCH, Circuit Judge:
    This case involves the application of the
    well-established precepts of qualified immunity
    to a specific set of facts that concern a search
    of   elementary       school-children           who     were
    suspected of having stolen money from a
    classmate. The district court granted summary
    judgment in favor of the defendants on all
    claims. For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    Certain   critical   facts    in    this    case    are
    disputed by the parties. For the limited purpose
    of our analysis of the issue of qualified immunity
    at the summary judgment stage, we are bound
    to view the facts in the light most favorable to
    the plaintiffs.   United States v. Diebold, Inc.,
    369 U.S. 654
    , 655, 
    82 S. Ct. 993
    , 994, 
    8 L. Ed. 2d 176
     (1962) (per curiam).              In 1992, at the
    time   the   events    giving     rise   to     this   action
    occurred,       Cassandra        Jenkins   and   Oneika
    McKenzie were eight-year-old second graders
    in elementary school in Talladega, Alabama.
    On the afternoon of May 1, one of Jenkins' and
    McKenzie's classmates informed their teacher,
    Hilda Fannin, that $7.00 was missing from her
    purse.    Based on a student’s accusation that
    Jenkins had placed the money in McKenzie’s
    backpack,        Fannin     initially     searched   the
    backpack but failed to find the money there.
    Several        students    subsequently       implicated
    Jenkins, McKenzie, and a male classmate,
    Anthony Jamerson, in the alleged theft. Fannin
    took     the    children    into    the    hallway   and
    questioned them regarding the money, at which
    time Jenkins and McKenzie mutually accused
    each other of the theft.           At the suggestion of
    another teacher, Susannah Herring, Fannin
    asked the students to remove their socks and
    shoes. When these efforts failed to reveal the
    allegedly stolen money, Herring, along with a
    guidance counselor, Melba Sirmon, who had by
    this time become involved in the situation,
    directed Jenkins and McKenzie to the girls'
    restroom. Jenkins testified that Herring ordered
    them to enter the bathroom stalls and come
    back out with their underpants down to their
    ankles. McKenzie offered conflicting testimony
    as to whether they were instructed to put their
    clothes back on while inside the bathroom stall
    or exit the stalls unclothed.     Jenkins' and
    McKenzie's testimony is consistent, however,
    with respect to the assertion that they were
    asked to remove their clothes while inside the
    Having again failed to discover the missing
    money, Herring and Sirmon brought Jenkins,
    McKenzie, and Jamerson to the office of the
    school principal, Crawford Nelson. In response
    to Nelson's inquiries regarding the money,
    Jamerson volunteered that it was hidden behind
    a file cabinet. A search in that location failed to
    uncover the money.        Jenkins and McKenzie
    both contend that Herring then escorted them to
    the restroom a second time where they were
    again asked to remove their clothes in an effort
    to locate the $7.00.
    The parents of Jenkins and McKenzie filed
    a   complaint   on     their    behalf   against   the
    Talladega City Board of Education and nine
    individual defendants.         In the complaint, the
    plaintiffs alleged, pursuant to 
    42 U.S.C. § 1983
    that Jenkins and McKenzie had been strip-
    searched in violation of their rights provided
    under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments.
    In addition, the complaint set forth violations of
    Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 
    42 U.S.C. § 2000
    (d), Title IX of the Education
    Amendments of 1972, 
    20 U.S.C. § 1681
    , and
    Alabama law.      In a series of memorandum
    opinions, the district court dismissed all claims
    for money damages and granted summary
    judgment in favor of (1) all defendants on
    plaintiffs' Title VI and Title IX claims; (2) the
    Board of Education with respect to the plaintiffs'
    §   1983   claims;    (3)   all    individually-named
    defendants on the basis of qualified immunity;
    and (4) all defendants on all remaining federal
    claims for injunctive and declaratory relief, and
    all state law claims.           We affirm the district
    court's disposition of this case in its entirety.
    Because we believe that the only issue raised
    in this appeal that warrants further examination
    concerns the court's determination that the
    individual defendants are entitled to qualified
    immunity with respect to the plaintiffs' Fourth
    Amendment § 1983 claims, our discussion is
    confined solely to this issue.
    The principles of qualified immunity set out
    in Lassiter v. Alabama A & M Univ., 
    28 F.3d 1146
     (11th Cir. 1994) (en banc), continue to be
    the    guiding     directives   for   deciding      cases
    involving    the    question     of   a     state   actor's
    entitlement to qualified immunity in this circuit.
    Although these rules have been identified on
    numerous occasions, we reiterate some of
    them     here      to   establish     and     clarify   the
    framework that necessarily informs our analysis
    of the issue before us.          "Qualified immunity
    protects     government         officials     performing
    discretionary functions from civil trials (and the
    other burdens of litigation, including discovery)
    and from liability if their conduct violates no
    'clearly established statutory or constitutional
    rights of which a reasonable person would have
    known.'"     Lassiter, 
    28 F.3d at 1149
    Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 818, 
    102 S. Ct. 2727
    , 2738, 
    73 L. Ed. 2d 396
     (1982)). "For
    the law to be clearly established to the point
    that qualified immunity does not apply, the law
    must have earlier been developed in such a
    concrete and factually defined context to make
    it obvious to all reasonable government actors,
    in the defendant's place, that 'what he is doing'
    violates federal law."   
     (citing Anderson v.
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640, 
    107 S. Ct. 3034
    97 L. Ed. 2d 523
     (1987)). “For qualified
    immunity to be surrendered, pre-existing law
    must dictate, that is, truly compel (not just
    suggest or allow or raise a question about), the
    conclusion for every like-situated, reasonable
    government agent that what defendant is doing
    violates federal law in the circumstances.”
    28 F.3d at 1150
    .    Plaintiffs submit
    that on May 1, 1992, the law regarding the
    constitutionally permissible scope of a search of
    students while attending school was so clearly
    defined that these defendants were on notice
    that the type of search conducted in this
    instance      violated      Jenkins'      and     McKenzie's
    rights guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment.
    In support of this proposition, plaintiffs point to
    the Supreme Court's application of the Fourth
    Amendment in the context of school searches
    in New Jersey v. T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. 325
    105 S. Ct. 733
    83 L. Ed. 2d 720
     (1985).1                        T.L.O
    involved the search of a fourteen-year-old high
    school student's purse after the student was
    discovered smoking in the lavatory in violation
    of school rules.         More specifically, a teacher
    found T.L.O. and a companion smoking in the
    restroom and took them to the principal's office
    where, in the presence of the assistant vice
    principal, the companion admitted -- and T.L.O
    The parties agree that, at the time the events giving rise to
    this action occurred, T.L.O. was the only case that had addressed
    with any specificity the Fourth Amendment implications of school
    searches. As a result, it is uncontested that, under the facts of
    this case, T.L.O. is the sole precedent that potentially could have
    clearly established the law for purposes of qualified immunity
    denied -- having committed the infraction with
    which they were accused.                The vice principal
    proceeded       to   examine           T.L.O.'s      purse    to
    ascertain     whether      it        contained      cigarettes.
    When the search revealed a pack of cigarettes,
    the    vice   principal   removed             the   pack     and
    observed within the purse a package of rolling
    papers.       Further     exploration          revealed      the
    presence of a small quantity of marijuana along
    with several items of drug paraphernalia.
    The Supreme Court determined at the
    outset that the Fourth Amendment applied to
    searches      conducted         by     school       authorities.
    469 U.S. at 335
    105 S. Ct. at 740
    . The
    Court, however, rejected the proposition that
    searches within the school setting must be
    based on probable cause as that term is
    understood in the context of Fourth Amendment
    jurisprudence; rather, the Court articulated the
    following     standard      to        guide    a     pragmatic
    analysis of Fourth Amendment claims of this
    [T]he legality of a search of a
    student should depend simply on the
    reasonableness,       under    all   the
    circumstances,       of  the   search.
    Determining the reasonableness of
    any search involves a twofold
    inquiry:    first, one must consider
    "whether the . . . action was justified
    at its inception"; second, one must
    determine whether the search as
    actually conducted "was reasonably
    related        in   scope     to    the
    circumstances which justified the
    interference in the first place."
    Under ordinary circumstances, a
    search of a student by a teacher or
    other school official will be "justified
    at its inception" when there are
    reasonable grounds for suspecting
    that the search will turn up evidence
    that the student has violated or is
    violating either the law or the rules of
    the school. Such a search will be
    permissible in its scope when the
    measures adopted are reasonably
    related to the objectives of the
    search and not excessively intrusive
    in light of the age and sex of the
    student and the nature of the
    469 U.S. at 341-42
    105 S. Ct. at 742-43
    (citations omitted). Plaintiffs acknowledge that
    the factual circumstances set forth in T.L.O.
    differ significantly from those present in this
    action, but suggest that the aforementioned
    language sufficiently delineated the factors that
    necessarily must inform school authorities who
    seek     to    search       a   student        suspected        of
    breaching a school regulation such that the
    defendants in this case reasonably must have
    known       that    their    search       of    Jenkins      and
    McKenzie -- and particularly that aspect of the
    search that involved the removal of articles of
    clothing       --    exceeded           the      bounds         of
    "reasonableness" established by the Court in
    T.L.O. We disagree.1
    Notwithstanding          the    Court's        enunciation      in
    T.L.O. of a two-part test to adjudicate Fourth
    Amendment school-search claims, the Court
    Because we conclude that, on May 1, 1992, the law regarding
    school searches was not clearly established to the extent that
    these defendants should have known that their conduct violated
    constitutionally permissible norms, we need not reach the question
    of whether Jenkins' and McKenzie's Fourth Amendment rights were, in
    fact, violated.
    did not apply its own test strictly to the facts
    presented in that case; indeed, after finding that
    the initial decision to open T.L.O.'s purse to
    search for cigarettes was justified in light of a
    teacher's report that the student had been
    smoking in the restroom, the Court concluded
    [t]he suspicion upon which the
    search for marihuana was founded
    was provided when Mr. Choplick
    observed a package of rolling
    papers in the purse as he removed
    the pack of cigarettes. . . . The
    discovery of the rolling papers
    concededly        gave    rise   to   a
    reasonable suspicion that T.L.O.
    was carrying marihuana as well as
    cigarettes in her purse.           This
    suspicion justified further exploration
    of T.L.O.'s purse, which turned up
    more      evidence    of   drug-related
    activities . . . . Under these
    circumstances,         it   was     not
    unreasonable to extend the search
    to a separate zippered compartment
    of the purse; and when a search of
    that compartment revealed an index
    card containing a list of "people who
    owe me money" as well as two
    letters, the inference that T.L.O. was
    involved in marihuana trafficking was
    substantial enough to justify Mr.
    Choplick in examining the letters to
    determine whether they contained
    any further evidence. In short, we
    cannot conclude that the search for
    marihuana was unreasonable in any
    469 U.S. at 347
    105 S. Ct. at 745-46
    Specific application of the factors established to
    define     the      constitutionally         permissible
    parameters of a school search -- that is, that it
    be "reasonably related to the objectives of the
    search" and "not excessively intrusive in light of
    the age and sex of the student and the nature
    of the infraction" -- is notably absent from the
    Court's discussion and conclusion with respect
    to   T.L.O.       The    Court's     determination        is
    grounded      solely    in   the    notion    that    each
    successive discovery of items in T.L.O.'s purse
    by   the   vice   principal       provided   reasonable
    suspicion     and      thereby     legitimated       further
    searching. There is no illustration, indication, or
    hint as to how the enumerated factors might
    come       into    play         when       other      concrete
    circumstances are faced by school personnel.2
    The dissent contends that the Supreme Court’s recent decision in
    United States v. Lanier, ___ U.S. ___, 
    117 S. Ct. 1219
    , ___ L. Ed.
    2d (1997), calls into question our conclusion that T.L.O., while
    establishing general principles that necessarily must govern any
    Fourth Amendment analysis of a school search, did not explicitly
    apply those principles to specific facts such that the defendants
    -- and any reasonable individuals faced with the same circumstances
    -- should have known that their conduct in this case violated
    clearly established constitutional norms.      Lanier, however, is
    entirely consistent with both the reasoning and result reached by
    our court in this case.
    Lanier concerned a challenge to a criminal conviction under 
    18 U.S.C. § 242
    , the criminal-law counterpart to 
    18 U.S.C. § 1983
    The underlying conduct giving rise to the criminal civil rights
    violation involved numerous sexual assaults committed by a state
    court judge. The Sixth Circuit initially affirmed the conviction,
    33 F.3d 639
    , but on rehearing en banc, reversed after finding that
    the statute failed to supply adequate notice that sexual assault by
    a state actor fell within the parameters of constitutionally
    prohibited conduct. See United States v. Lanier, 
    73 F.3d 1380
    1384 (6th Cir. 1996) (en banc). The court further noted that the
    right violated in this case had not been identified with sufficient
    clarity as a constitutional right:
    The right deprived in the instant case -- the right
    not to be assaulted -- is a clear right under state
    law known to every reasonable person.           The
    defendant certainly knew his conduct violated the
    law. But it is not publicly known or understood
    that this right rises to the level of a
    ‘constitutional right.’ It has not been declared
    such by the Supreme Court. . . . The indictment in
    this case for a previously unknown, undeclared and
    undefined constitutional crime cannot be allowed to
    73 F.3d at 1392-94
    . In reaching its determination that the
    contours of the right at issue had not previously been delineated,
    the court reasoned that, consistent with Supreme Court precedent,
    a constitutional right under § 242 must be “ma[d]e specific” to
    render the indictment under the statute constitutionally sound:
    As we interpret the “make specific” requirement,
    the Supreme Court must not only enunciate the
    existence of a right, it must also hold that the
    right applies to a factual situation fundamentally
    similar to the one at bar. . . . The ‘make
    specific’ standard is substantially higher than the
    ‘clearly established’ standard used to judge
    qualified immunity in section 1983 cases.
    Id. at 1393.
    The Supreme Court granted certiorari “to review the standard
    for determining whether particular conduct falls within the range
    of criminal liability under § 242.” Lanier, 
    117 S. Ct. at 1224
    In reversing the Sixth Circuit’s decision, the Court observed that
    the necessity for a constitutional right to be “made specific”
    stemmed from the constitutional requirement that individuals be
    given fair warning as to what constitutes proscribed conduct;
    consistent with this requirement, the Court concluded that,
    contrary to the Sixth Circuit’s stated view, the “made specific”
    standard was identical to the “clearly established” standard
    employed in qualified immunity cases:
    In the civil sphere, we have explained that
    qualified immunity seeks to ensure that defendants
    reasonably can anticipate when their conduct may
    give rise to liability by attaching liability only
    if the contours of the right violated are
    sufficiently clear that a reasonable official would
    understand that what he is doing violates that
    right.   So conceived, the object of the ‘clearly
    establish’ immunity standard is not different from
    that of ‘fair warning’ as it relates to law ‘made
    specific’ for the purpose of validly applying §
    242. . . . [As] with civil liability under § 1983
    or Bivens, all that can usefully be said about
    criminal liability under § 242 is that it may be
    imposed for deprivation of a constitutional right
    if, but only if, in light of pre-existing law the
    unlawfulness under the Constitution is apparent.
    Where it is, the constitutional requirement of fair
    warning is satisfied.
    117 S. Ct. at 1227-28
     (citations, quotations and internal
    markings omitted).    It is true that the Court described the
    appropriate standard as being whether the unlawfulness is apparent
    in light of preexisting law. Although this circuit has elaborated
    and said that “preexisting law must dictate, that is, truly compel
    (not just suggest or allow or raise a question about” the
    unlawfulness of the challenged conduct, Lassiter, 
    28 F.3d at 1150
    we do not believe that our elaboration indicates a standard
    substantively different from that of the Supreme Court. The Court
    in Lanier does not address or alter in any way our understanding of
    the underlying purpose or legal framework with respect to qualified
    In the absence of detailed guidance, no
    reasonable school official could glean from
    these broadly-worded phrases whether the
    search of a younger or older student might be
    deemed more or less intrusive; whether the
    search      of   a   boy     or    girl   is   more    or    less
    immunity; rather, the Court’s holding equates the standard of
    specificity required to provide fair warning in a criminal context
    under § 242 with that required to clearly establish the law for
    purposes of civil liability.
    The dissent also points to the Court’s declaration that
    “general statements of the law are not inherently incapable of
    giving fair and clear warning, and in other instances a general
    constitutional rule already identified in the decisional law may
    apply with obvious clarity to the specific conduct in question,
    even though ‘the very action in question has [not] previously been
    held unlawful.”   Id. at 1227.    The Court went on to note that
    “[t]he easiest cases don’t even arise. There has never been . . .
    a section 1983 case accusing welfare officials of selling foster
    children into slavery; it does not follow that if such a case
    arose, the officials would be immune from damages [or criminal]
    liability. Id. (quoting Lanier, 
    73 F.3d at 1410
    ) (Daughtrey, J.
    dissenting). We do not believe our decision today suggests a view
    of qualified immunity contrary to the spirit of the preceding
    statements; indeed, although general principles of law can provide
    fair warning, they do not necessarily provide such warning unless
    the constitutional rule at issue may be applied “with obvious
    clarity.” As acknowledged by the dissent, the question is whether
    T.L.O. established “with obvious clarity” that the school search at
    issue was unconstitutional. Put simply, we do not think this is an
    “easy” case, nor do we view T.L.O. as applicable to the instant
    facts “with obvious clarity.”
    reasonable, and at what age or grade level; and
    what constitutes an infraction great enough to
    warrant a constitutionally reasonable search or,
    conversely, minor enough such that a search of
    property or person would be characterized as
    unreasonable.          In short, as conceded by the
    plaintiffs, neither the Supreme Court nor any
    court in this circuit nor the Alabama courts, on
    or before May 1, 1992, had ever actually
    applied the test established in T.L.O. to define
    a reasonable (or unreasonable) search in the
    context of facts materially similar to those of this
    school search.3          Without such practical, fact-
    In this circuit, the law can be "clearly established" for
    qualified immunity purposes only by decisions of the U. S. Supreme
    Court, Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, or the highest court of
    the state where the case arose. Hamilton v. Cannon, 
    80 F.3d 1525
    1532 n.7 (11th Cir. 1996) (citing Courson v. McMillian, 
    939 F.2d 1479
    , 1497-98 & n.32 (11th Cir. 1991).        The dissent notes a
    “tension” between our circuit’s decisional law deeming relevant
    solely in-circuit precedent, on the one hand, and the Supreme
    Court’s seeming rejection in Lanier, on the other hand, of a
    categorical rule prohibiting consideration of decisions of the
    Court of Appeals or other courts to ascertain whether the law has
    been clearly established.     Significantly, however, the Supreme
    Court’s discussion of the relevance of case law from other courts
    arose in the context of the Court’s pointed criticism and rejection
    of the Sixth Circuit’s determination that only Supreme Court
    precedent could clearly establish the law for purposes of 18 U.S.C.
    based application, school officials in this circuit
    were left to interpret, balance, and evaluate
    such terms as "measures . . . reasonably
    related to the objectives of the search," and "not
    excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex
    of the student and the nature of the infraction."
    469 U.S. at 342
    105 S. Ct. at 743
    . As
    § 242. In United States v. Lanier, 
    73 F.3d 1380
     (6th Cir. 1996) (en
    banc), the Sixth Circuit had held explicitly that “[l]ower court
    decisions are not sufficient to establish and make definite a
    particular   constitutional    crime   so   as   to   provide   the
    constitutionally-required notice necessary to support an indictment
    under § 242. Only a decision of the Supreme Court establishing the
    constitutional crime under § 242 can provide such notice.” Id. at
    1393. In reviewing the Sixth Circuit’s decision, the Supreme Court
    explicitly rejected the notion that only its decisions could
    provide fair warning under the applicable statute; rather, the
    Court stated that, in inquiring whether a previous judicial
    decision has made specific the scope of a constitutional right, “no
    . . . case has held that the universe of relevant interpretive
    decisions is confined to our opinions.” Lanier, ___ U.S. at ___,
    117 S. Ct. at 1225
    .       Indeed, the “universe of interpretive
    decisions” to which our court looks is broader than that envisioned
    by the Sixth Circuit and includes, as suggested by the Supreme
    Court, our own circuit precedent and that of the highest state
    court where the pertinent conduct took place. The Supreme Court in
    Lanier simply did not address the extent to which decisions of the
    “lower courts” must, should, or may be considered in deciding
    whether a constitutional right has been clearly established, nor
    did it identify any impropriety in considering only the decisions
    of the circuit or highest court of the state in which the relevant
    events took place. We therefore do not construe Lanier as being
    in conflict with our precedent regarding the relevant decisional
    law to which we must look in analyzing a claim of qualified
    we have previously noted, "[p]ublic officials are
    not obligated to be creative or imaginative in
    drawing analogies from previously decided
    cases."      Adams v. St. Lucie County Sheriff's
    962 F.2d 1563
    , 1575 (11th Cir. 1992)
    (Edmondson, J., dissenting), dissent approved
    en banc, 
    998 F.2d 923
     (11th Cir. 1993) (per
    curiam).      Similarly, school officials cannot be
    required to construe general legal formulations
    that have not once been applied to a specific
    set of facts by any binding judicial authority.4
    The dissent submits that although the initial search of
    McKenzie’s backpack was justified, the subsequent searches of
    Jenkins and McKenzie were not based on reasonable suspicion. The
    dissent further criticizes our decision as failing to evaluate
    whether the teachers had reasonable suspicion to perform the
    challenged searches in the bathroom.     Once the teachers formed
    reasonable suspicion that Jenkins and McKenzie might have stolen
    the money, however, the search was then “justified at its
    inception.” T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. at 341-42
    105 S. Ct. at 742-43
    The relevant question with respect to the continuation of the
    search, in our view, is not whether the teachers had reasonable
    suspicion with respect to each place they searched but, rather,
    whether the search itself was constitutionally reasonable in scope.
    Stated differently, once the teachers formulated reasonable
    suspicion that Jenkins and McKenzie had stolen the money (a fact
    that the dissent does not dispute), the relevant inquiry is whether
    T.L.O. directed the conclusion that      the manner in which the
    teachers    chose   to   conduct    further   searching    exceeded
    constitutionally permissible bounds in extent and scope.        The
    teachers, after all, still had reasonable suspicion that money had
    been stolen, and had not necessarily eliminated Jenkins and
    McKenzie as suspects when the backpack-search proved fruitless.
    Indeed, not only does the language used by
    the       Court   to    announce        a    legal    standard
    regarding         the     permissible         scope       of     a
    reasonable school search lack specificity5 but,
    Contrary to the dissent’s suggestion, we have not ignored the
    question of reasonable suspicion but believe that the pertinent
    issue in this case is whether, at the time these events took place,
    the law was clearly established that all individuals in the
    defendants’ place should have known that, after reasonable
    suspicion was formed that McKenzie and Jenkins might have stolen
    the missing money and an initial search of the backpack failed to
    reveal the money, the continued searching of these girls in the
    restroom exceeded the scope of a constitutionally permissible
    school search.
    With respect to the scope of the searches, it is apparent that
    the instant searches were reasonably related to the objective of
    uncovering the stolen $7.00. We also reject appellants’ attempt to
    trivialize the nature of the infraction; the stealing of $7.00 in
    an elementary classroom reasonably could be considered by the
    school officials to be a matter of serious concern. Appellants’
    primary argument is that the searches were excessively intrusive.
    However, the female students were searched by female teachers. The
    students were eight years old, and thus prepubescent. Finally, it
    is a matter of common experience that teachers frequently assist
    students of that age in the bathroom, e.g., in the event of an
    accidental wetting. We do not believe that it would be apparent to
    a reasonable school official that the challenged searches were
    “excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the
    student[s] and the nature of the infraction.” T.L.O., 
    469 U.S. at 342
    105 S. Ct. at 743
    It is worth noting that the dissenting justices in T.L.O.
    criticized the majority's reliance on the "reasonableness" test
    precisely because it is ambiguous and imprecise. Justice Brennan,
    joined by Justice Marshall, described the Court's standard as
    "unclear," T.L.O.., 
    469 U.S. at 354
    105 S. Ct. at 749
    , and "an
    unguided 'balancing test,'" 
    id. at 356
    105 S. Ct. at 750
    . Justice
    Stevens was even more harsh in his censure:
    As compared with the relative ease with which
    teachers can apply the probable-cause standard, the
    amorphous    "reasonableness    under    all    the
    circumstances" standard freshly coined by the Court
    it appears,      purposefully so.          In response to
    Justice Stevens' criticism of this standard on the
    ground, among others, that the Court had failed
    to distinguish between types of infractions that
    might    reasonably        justify   a    search,      Justice
    White, writing for the majority, explained:
    We are unwilling to adopt a standard
    under which the legality of a search
    is  dependent      upon     a   judge's
    evaluation of the relative importance
    of various school rules.           The
    maintenance of discipline in the
    schools requires not only that
    students    be     restrained     from
    assaulting one another, abusing
    drugs and alcohol, and committing
    other crimes, but also that students
    conform     themselves         to   the
    standards of conduct prescribed by
    school   authorities.    .   .  .  The
    promulgation of a rule forbidding
    today will likely spawn increased litigation and
    greater    uncertainty     among    teachers    and
    administrators. . . . I cannot but believe that the
    same school system faced with interpreting what is
    permitted under the Court's new "reasonableness"
    standard would be hopelessly adrift as to when a
    search may be permissible.
    Id. at 365
    105 S. Ct. at 755
    . Several members of the Court thus
    expressly anticipated that the "reasonableness" standard --
    particularly in the absence of any clear application to facts --
    would fail to provide school officials with a systematic way to
    predict when their conduct might violate the law.
    specified    conduct     presumably
    reflects a judgment on the part of
    school officials that such conduct is
    destructive of school order or of a
    proper educational environment.
    Absent any suggestion that the rule
    violates     some       substantive
    constitutional guarantee, the courts
    should, as a general matter, defer to
    that judgment and refrain from
    attempting to distinguish between
    rules that are important to the
    preservation of order in the schools
    and rules that are not.
    469 U.S. at
    342 n.9, 
    105 S. Ct. at
    n.9.   The      foregoing    discussion    not   only
    indicates the Court's deliberate hesitation to
    narrow and define explicitly, in a practical,
    factual sense, the terminology used to establish
    its "reasonableness" test but, more importantly,
    further suggests that T.L.O. did not attempt to
    establish clearly the contours of a Fourth
    Amendment right as applied to the wide variety
    of possible school settings different from those
    involved in T.L.O..     Faced with a series of
    abstractions,    on   the    one   hand,    and    a
    declaration      of   seeming      deference    to    the
    judgments of school officials, on the other, it is
    difficult   to   discern     how    T.L.O.   could    be
    interpreted to compel the conclusion that these
    defendants       --    or,   more       accurately,   all
    reasonable educators standing in defendants'
    place -- should have known that their conduct
    violated a clearly established constitutional
    We will not engage in polemics regarding
    the wisdom of the defendants' conduct in this
    case; suffice it to say that the defendants likely
    exercised questionable judgment given the
    circumstances with which they were confronted.
    Our job, however, is to decide a narrow legal
    issue in light of our binding circuit precedent: on
    May 1, 1992, the date on which the relevant
    conduct at issue in this case occurred, was the
    law clearly established such that all reasonable
    teachers standing in the defendants' place
    reasonably should have known that the search
    to   locate     allegedly      stolen     money      violated
    Jenkins' and McKenzie's Fourth Amendment
    rights? Applying the principles explicitly stated
    in Lassiter, we conclude that, at the time these
    events took place, the law pertaining to the
    application of the Fourth Amendment to the
    search of students at school had not been
    developed        in   a   concrete,      factually    similar
    context to the extent that educators were on
    notice that their conduct was constitutionally
    impermissible. Accordingly, the defendants are
    entitled to qualified immunity in this case. We
    KRAVITCH, Senior Circuit Judge, dissenting, in which HATCHETT,
    Chief Judge, and BARKETT, Circuit Judge, join:
    I fully agree that government officials acting within their
    discretionary authority should be shielded from liability for
    violating rights of which a reasonable person would not have known.
    The majority and I differ only as to whether the schoolhouse Fourth
    Amendment standard announced by the Supreme Court in New Jersey v.
    469 U.S. 325
     (1985), would lead a reasonable person to
    understand that the conduct in this case was prohibited.        The
    majority finds qualified immunity by characterizing the Supreme
    Court's test as too general to guide any teacher, unless subsequent
    controlling precedent has applied it to virtually identical facts.
    In my view, stating that a constitutional test is general or that
    factually similar precedent is lacking bypasses the fundamental
    inquiry set out by the Supreme Court: determining whether the
    governing constitutional standard provides sufficient guidance,
    given the facts of the case, “that a reasonable official would
    understand that what he is doing violates [a constitutional]
    right.”   Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640 (1987).   Because
    I believe that T.L.O. sufficiently forewarns teachers that strip
    searching eight-year-olds in pursuit of a few dollars violates the
    Fourth Amendment, I respectfully dissent.
    Qualified immunity balances the competing concerns present in
    civil rights suits.   Immunity serves the public “'need to protect
    officials who are required to exercise their discretion and the
    related public interest in encouraging the vigorous exercise of
    official authority.'”    Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 807
    (1982) (quoting Butz v. Economou, 
    438 U.S. 478
    , 506 (1978)). Taken
    too far, however, immunity can undermine the purpose of section
    1983 altogether, giving officials license to violate the most basic
    and   longstanding      constitutional      rights.      Qualified         immunity
    accommodates    these     interests    by   protecting    those      who    act    in
    reasonable     reliance     upon   established        legal       principles      but
    permitting liability for clearly unconstitutional conduct.                     Thus,
    immunity attaches only when official “conduct does not violate
    clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a
    reasonable person would have known.”          Harlow, 
    457 U.S. at 818
    Interpreting the term “clearly established,” the Supreme Court
    has warned courts not to base liability upon expansive legal
    truisms or to ignore material factual differences between present
    cases and precedent establishing the asserted constitutional right.
    In Anderson, the Court emphasized that a right is not clearly
    established unless “[t]he contours of the right [are] sufficiently
    clear that a reasonable official would understand that what he is
    doing violates that right.”           
    483 U.S. at 640
    .             We since have
    stated that “[g]eneral propositions have little to do with . . .
    qualified immunity.”       Muhammad v. Wainwright, 
    839 F.2d 1422
    , 1424
    (11th Cir. 1987).         Thus, qualified immunity applies where the
    plaintiff can identify only unworkable abstractions from prior case
    law and cannot show how those principles would be applied later to
    We have explained that “the law must have earlier been
    developed in such a concrete and factually defined context to
    make it obvious to all reasonable government actors, in the
    defendant's place, that 'what he is doing' violates federal law.”
    Lassiter v. Alabama A&M Univ., Bd. of Trustees, 
    28 F.3d 1146
    1149 (11th Cir. 1994) (en banc).
    different facts.7       Neither the Supreme Court nor this court,
    however, require factual identity between prior and subsequent
    cases, for that would create absolute immunity.8
    I review these principles because the majority has taken a
    rigid approach to their application in the present case.                 Our
    various formulations of the “clearly established” test -- that
    prior cases must be factually similar to the case at bar, that
    general abstractions are unhelpful -- represent a shorthand way of
    saying that the clarity of a constitutional right (and, therefore,
    official   liability)    depends   upon   the   interplay   of    the   legal
    standard and the factual context to which the plaintiff alleges it
    applies.     But it is not enough simply to label pre-existing law
    “general,”    or   to   identify   factual   distinctions    in    relevant
    precedent.    Instead, a court must determine whether the generality
    of a rule casts doubt on its application to the present case or
    For example, if the present case had arisen prior to
    T.L.O., a teacher would have had no reasonable way of knowing
    when she could search a given student, because the Fourth
    Amendment had been haphazardly applied to schools. Some courts
    had held that it permitted searches only upon probable cause, see
    State v. Mora, 
    330 So.2d 900
     (La.), cert. denied, 
    429 U.S. 1004
    (1976); others had held that school children enjoyed no Fourth
    Amendment protection, as school officials acted in loco parentis.
    See In re Donaldson, 
    75 Cal. Rptr. 220
     (Dist. Ct. App. 1969).
    See Anderson, 
    483 U.S. at 640
     (“This is not to say that an
    official action is protected by qualified immunity unless the
    very action in question has previously been held unlawful, but it
    is to say that in the light of pre-existing law the unlawfulness
    must be apparent.”) (citations omitted); Adams v. St. Lucie
    County Sheriff's Dept., 
    962 F.2d 1563
    , 1575 (11th Cir. 1992)
    (Edmondson, J., dissenting), approved en banc, 
    998 F.2d 923
    Cir. 1993) (“The facts [of prior precedent] need not be the same
    as the facts of the immediate case. But they do need to be
    materially similar.”).
    whether factual distinctions from prior precedent are “material,”
    that is, they make the legal rule inapplicable in the later case or
    suggest that the present conduct is permissible.9             By contrast, the
    majority    today,   declaring    T.L.O.    both    general    and   factually
    distinguishable, abandons further analysis.            This, I believe, is
    As the Supreme Court recently reaffirmed, the search for
    specific rules in factually concrete cases should not overshadow
    the purpose of such a search -- determining whether the government
    actor had fair warning that his/her conduct was unconstitutional.
    In United States v. Lanier, 
    117 S. Ct. 1219
     (1997), the Court
    unanimously held that: (1) civil rights liability requires only
    “fair warning” of constitutional rights, 
    117 S. Ct. at 1224-27
    ; and
    (2) neither prior Supreme Court precedent nor factually similar
    precedent   is   necessary   to   provide    such    warning.        The   Court
    confirmed that decisional law generally, not only from the Supreme
    Court, can establish a right.       
    Id. at 1226-27
    .10     More importantly
    For example, in Hartsfield v. Lemacks, 
    50 F.3d 950
    Cir. 1995), we rejected a qualified immunity defense in the face
    of a broad constitutional test. On the facts of that case, we
    held the police clearly failed to make “reasonable efforts” to
    avoid erroneous execution of a search warrant, thereby violating
    the Fourth Amendment.
    I note the tension between the Court's reasoning and the
    majority's suggestion, ante at 13 n.2, that only the Supreme
    Court, Eleventh Circuit, or the highest court of the state can
    “clearly establish” the law. Compare Courson v. McMillan, 
    939 F.2d 1479
    , 1497-98 (11th Cir. 1991) (only in-circuit precedent
    relevant) and Hansen v. Soldenwagner, 
    19 F.3d 573
    , 578 n.6 (11th
    Cir. 1994) (same) with Lanier, 
    117 S. Ct. at 1226-27
    the Sixth Circuit was concerned . . . that disparate decisions in
    various Circuits might leave the law insufficiently certain even
    on a point widely considered, such a circumstance may be taken
    for present purposes, the Court stressed that rights founded on
    general statements of law may be enforced against government
    actors.     It observed that “notable factual distinctions” between
    prior cases and later ones did not require automatic immunity:
    [G]eneral statements of the law are not inherently
    incapable of giving fair and clear warning, and . . . a
    general constitutional rule already identified in the
    decisional law may apply with obvious clarity to the
    specific conduct in question, even though “the very
    action in question has [not] previously been held
    unlawful”. . . .
    Id. at 1227
     (quoting Anderson, 
    483 U.S. at 640
    ).                   The purpose of
    factual    specificity     is    to   warn     government    officials     when   a
    constitutional test does not, by its own terms, apply to present
    actions.      Thus,   it   is    necessary     only   when   “an    earlier     case
    expressly    leaves   open      whether    a   general   rule    applies   to   the
    particular type of conduct at issue. . . .”              Id.11
    into account in deciding whether the warning is fair enough,
    without any need for a categorical rule that decisions of the
    Courts of Appeals and other courts are inadequate as a matter of
    law to provide it.”); Elder v. Holloway, 
    114 S. Ct. 1019
    , 1023
    (1994) (“A court engaging in review of a qualified immunity
    judgment should . . . use its full knowledge of its own and other
    relevant precedents.”) (internal alterations and quotations
    omitted) and Greason v. Kemp, 
    891 F.2d 829
    , 833 (11th Cir. 1990)
    ("we look to the law established by the Supreme Court, the courts
    of appeals, and the district courts.").
    The majority dismisses Lanier as irrelevant to the instant
    case. I cannot agree. Although it concedes that "general
    principles of law can provide clear warning," ante at 16 n.3
    (emphasis omitted), the majority is unwilling to accept T.L.O.'s
    guidance in the absence of its application to "facts materially
    similar to those of this school search." Id. at 17. Likewise, it
    reasons that "school officials cannot be required to construe
    general legal formulations that have not once been applied to a
    specific set of facts by any binding judicial authority." Id. at
    18-19. I believe this analysis ignores Lanier's intent and,
    indeed, the Court's intent throughout its qualified immunity
    jurisprudence. Lanier and its precursors make liable those who
    Lanier is consistent both with prior Supreme Court precedent
    and the policy underlying qualified immunity. The Court has always
    required only that the “unlawfulness must be apparent,” Anderson,
    483 U.S. at 640
    , so actors “reasonably can anticipate when their
    conduct may give rise to liability. . . .”          Davis v. Scherer, 
    468 U.S. 183
    , 195 (1984).        Further, excepting all unconstitutional
    conduct    governed   by   “general”    constitutional    standards    would
    vitiate the balance struck by qualified immunity, as officials in
    clear violation of broad rules would escape liability.
    Thus, we cannot dismiss T.L.O. by attaching the appellation
    “general” to the test it announces or by pointing to the absence of
    prior factually similar cases.         In T.L.O., the Supreme Court noted
    lower courts' conflicting views regarding the application of the
    Fourth Amendment to schools, 
    469 U.S. at
    332 n.2, and squarely
    addressed the issues before us today: when a search by a school
    official is authorized, and how intrusive a search the Fourth
    Amendment tolerates.       As the majority recounts, the Court adopted
    a test born of the           Terry     v.   Ohio,   
    392 U.S. 1
    “reasonableness” standard, but did not leave us with reasonableness
    alone.    It announced a two-pronged test: first, the search must be
    justified at its inception, that is, “there are reasonable grounds
    for suspecting that the search will turn up evidence that the
    student has violated or is violating either the law or the rules of
    the school,” 
    469 U.S. at 342
    ; and second, the search must be
    violate established constitutional norms, even ones with a short
    pedigree in the decisional law.
    permissible in scope, that is, “the measures adopted are reasonably
    related   to       the   objectives        of    the    search    and       not   excessively
    intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the nature
    of the infraction.”          Id.12
    This standard obviously can establish the law for certain
    factual situations.          For example, if school rules disallow chewing
    gum on campus, would the Fourth Amendment permit a strip search by
    a male teacher of a young girl reasonably suspected of bubblegum
    possession?        Plainly not.        See, e.g. , Cornfield v. Consolidated
    High Sch. Dist. No. 230, 
    991 F.2d 1316
    , 1320 (7th Cir. 1993) (“A
    nude search of a student by an administrator or teacher of the
    opposite sex would obviously violate [the                              T.L.O.]         standard.
    Moreover,      a    highly   intrusive           search    in    response         to    a   minor
    infraction     would      similarly        not       comport    with    .    .    .    T.L.O.”).
    Indeed, as the teachers' counsel conceded at oral argument, certain
    schoolhouse searches violate the Fourth Amendment as a matter of
    common    sense.          Thus,      the    question       before       our       court,     and
    incompletely answered by the majority, is whether the T.L.O.
    standard suggests “with obvious clarity,” Lanier, 
    117 S. Ct. at 1227
    , that a strip search of schoolchildren for seven dollars is
    T.L.O., although not crystalline, is -- simply on the facts of
    the case before us -- a bright line.                      Herring and Sirmon lacked
    Given the case's history and its comprehensive test, I
    disagree with the conclusion, ante at 22, “that T.L.O. did not
    attempt to establish clearly the contours of a Fourth Amendment
    right as applied to the wide variety of school settings different
    from those involved in T.L.O.”
    even arguable reasonable suspicion to strip search Jenkins and
    McKenzie.13   The teachers offer the following evidence as creating
    reasonable suspicion to search: (1) several students implicated the
    plaintiffs and they accused one another; (2) McKenzie earlier had
    gone to the restroom; (3) the money was not found in the backpack
    or the students' shoes and socks; and (4) historically, other
    children had been caught with money in their apparel.    All of these
    justifications are specious.     First, Herring and Sirmon knew only
    of Ashley Estell's accusation14 and the mutual finger-pointing by
    Jenkins,   McKenzie,   and   Jamerson.   Estell's   testimony   proved
    untrustworthy when the backpack search revealed nothing, leaving
    only the students' completely contradictory allegations.         This
    My discussion is confined to the strip searches. I
    concede that the initial search of McKenzie's backpack was
    justified at its inception and reasonable in scope. Ashley
    Estell's report that Jenkins put the money in McKenzie's backpack
    gave reasonable suspicion to suspect that searching the backpack
    would turn up evidence of the theft. See C.B. By and Through
    Breeding v. Driscoll, 
    82 F.3d 383
    , 388 (11th Cir. 1996).
    Moreover, the backpack search, performed by the teacher and
    confined to the place identified as containing the contraband,
    was not excessive. Further, although the search of the students'
    shoes and socks may have been questionable, qualified immunity is
    appropriate, because T.L.O. does not clearly prohibit such a
    search. See Wynn v. Board of Educ. of Vestavia Hills, 
    508 So.2d 1170
     (Ala. 1987)
    (search of shoes and socks for $6 justified at inception where
    two students searched were only ones in room when theft occurred;
    concluding, without discussion, that search “was not excessively
    The majority's statement, ante at 3, that “[s]everal
    students subsequently implicated” the girls is misleading because
    it does not speak to Herring and Sirmon's knowledge. Fannin
    testified that two other students, Micquael Scales and Jennifer
    Simmons, accused Jenkins, but only after Fannin left Herring and
    Sirmon in the hall with the girls and Jamerson. Fannin did not
    relate this information until Sirmon returned to the classroom
    while Herring conducted the first strip search.
    testimony might be at the outer bounds of reasonable suspicion for
    one search, but it is not so for two.15       Second, McKenzie's trip to
    the bathroom, although relevant to suspicion, was not communicated
    to Herring or Sirmon prior to the strip search.16 Third, appellees'
    suggestion that the lack of evidence in the backpack or the
    students' shoes and socks permitted the strip search is dubious, as
    it rests on the questionable premise that more intrusive searches
    can be predicated upon prior unrevealing searches. T.L.O. makes
    clear that such bootstrapping is impermissible; there, the Court
    validated the escalating search only because additional evidence
    continued to emerge.       See 
    469 U.S. at 347
     (discovery of rolling
    papers "justified further exploration of T.L.O.'s purse”; evidence
    of drug dealing justified expansion of search to separate zippered
    compartment;   discovery    of   "list   of   people   who   owe   me   money"
    Even though Jamerson had implicated himself as the thief
    (by stating that he hid the money behind a filing cabinet), the
    teachers conducted a second strip search of the two girls. This
    was wholly unreasonable, especially in view of the fact that
    Jenkins stated that she saw Jamerson open the victim's purse, the
    girls had never stolen anything before, and Jamerson had a
    history of theft.
    There is a conflict in the record on this point, so I
    presume in favor of the plaintiffs. Herring claimed that Fannin
    told her of McKenzie's trip and suggested to Herring that money
    might be hidden in McKenzie's clothes. Herring then allegedly
    replied that she would take the girls to the bathroom and have
    them check their clothes. Fannin contradicts this account.
    Herring claimed the interchange occurred while the girls were
    putting their shoes and socks back on, but Fannin said she left
    the hall at that point. Fannin also had no knowledge that
    Herring might take the girls to the bathroom, but presumed they
    would go to the office, in accordance with policy. Further,
    Herring's testimony is unreliable because she changed her story,
    telling Principal Nelson that Jamerson, not Fannin, informed her
    that McKenzie went to the bathroom.
    justified reading letters found in zippered compartment). Finally,
    there is no evidence that Herring or Sirmon knew about prior
    instances of other students concealing money in their clothing.17
    Thus, because arguable reasonable suspicion was missing, qualified
    immunity is inappropriate.18
    In addition, the scope of the strip search far exceeded what
    T.L.O. allows.     To evaluate the scope of a search, T.L.O. directs
    us to consider several factors: whether there was a reasonable
    relationship between the means by which a student is searched and
    the objectives for that search; the intrusiveness of the search in
    light of the student's age and sex; and the intrusiveness of the
    search    in   light   of   the   nature   of   the   alleged   infraction.
    Admittedly, age and sex are not particularly instructive in the
    Appellees point to clothing searches in other schools, and
    to searches of shoes and socks allegedly conducted by Nelson, but
    Herring and Sirmon were unaware of these incidents when they
    conducted the strip search. Further, it is not clear that, on
    summary judgment, we can assume that Nelson's searches ever
    occurred, as the Department of Education's Incident Report found
    that, in prior school theft incidents, no one had ever been
    required to remove any article of clothing.
    I believe that the majority errs by failing to consider
    whether there was reasonable suspicion to initiate each of the
    bathroom searches and by treating the searches as a single search
    justified at its inception. Ante at 19 n.4. Each search was
    separate in time and place and several different people conducted
    them. For instance, the backpack search was performed solely by
    Fannin in her classroom, and was not revealed to Herring or
    Sirmon, who conducted the later bathroom searches.
    Further, I differ with the majority's apparent contention
    that T.L.O. requires only a one-time assessment of reasonable
    suspicion where searches are escalating in nature. 
     T.L.O. in
    fact commands a contrary conclusion -- it condoned an escalating
    search only where discovered evidence created suspicion to look
    present case.19      Nevertheless, this does not render T.L.O. unclear
    for   qualified     immunity   purposes.       Our    cases      confirm   that   a
    balancing test may establish the law for a specific set of facts
    when the “balancing would lead to the inevitable conclusion that
    the [particular conduct] was unlawful.”              Dartland v. Metropolitan
    Dade County, 
    866 F.2d 1321
    , 1323 (11th Cir. 1989).                   Because the
    type of search employed here was not reasonably related to its
    objectives    and    was   excessive   in    light    of   the    nature   of   the
    infraction,    the    T.L.O.   balance      inevitably     marks    Herring     and
    Sex is irrelevant because the students were of the same
    gender as their searchers; however, the suggestion that T.L.O. is
    unclear because it does not explain “whether the search of a boy
    or girl is more or less reasonable,” ante at 16, only confuses
    the issue. Gender is a concern, obviously, when searches are
    conducted by members of the opposite sex. As for age, the T.L.O.
    Court did not explain whether older or younger students can be
    searched more freely. See Cornfield, 
    991 F.2d at 1321
    (discussing issue).
    I cannot subscribe to the majority's view, ante at 19 n.4,
    that this search was reasonable in scope because eight-year-olds
    are prepubescent and frequently require assistance in the
    bathroom. Physical maturity is an elusive and, in my view,
    unworkable constitutional standard and is by no means the only
    consideration relevant to intrusiveness. See generally Steven F.
    Shatz et al., The Strip Search of Children and the Fourth
    Amendment, 26 U.S.F.L. REV. 1 (1991) (child's ability to consent,
    propensity to commit crime, and degree of body autonomy determine
    intrusiveness). Moreover, there is nothing in this record to
    support the majority's factual premises, and pediatric literature
    suggests that they are questionable. See Marcia E. Herman-
    Giddens et al., Secondary Sexual Characteristics and Menses in
    Young Girls Seen in Office Practice: A Study from the Pediatric
    Research Office Settings Network, 99 PEDIATRICS 505 (1997) (noting
    that girls often develop pubertal characteristics by age 8,
    depending on racial and ethnic background); Sally Squires, Bed-
    Wetting a Common Inconvenience, WASH. POST, Apr. 8, 1997, at Z17
    ("Most children are toilet-trained sufficiently to stay dry
    during the day by age 3 or 4. . . .").
    Sirmon's conduct as unconstitutional, thereby clearly establishing
    the law.20
    The strip searches were not reasonably related to their
    objectives because they were excessively intrusive and unlikely to
    turn up evidence, and because other reasonable, minimally intrusive
    options were available.
    It is axiomatic that a strip search represents a serious
    intrusion upon personal rights. In Mary Beth G. [v. City
    of Chicago, 
    723 F.2d 1263
    , 1272 (7th Cir. 1983)], the
    court referred to strip searches as “demeaning,
    dehumanizing, undignified, humiliating, terrifying,
    unpleasant,    embarrassing,    repulsive,    signifying
    degradation and submission.”
    Justice v. City of Peachtree City , 
    961 F.2d 188
    , 192 (11th Cir.
    1992).21     Thus, for a strip search to be reasonably related in
    scope to the objectives for which it was undertaken, the objectives
    must be weighty,22 and the search must be necessary to locate the
    The majority notes that Justice Stevens objected to
    T.L.O.'s lack of clarity, ante at 20 n.5; he also realized,
    however, that its test would lead to some inescapable
    conclusions: “One thing is clear under any standard--the shocking
    strip searches that are described in some cases have no place in
    the schoolhouse. To the extent that deeply intrusive searches are
    ever reasonable outside the custodial context, it surely must
    only be to prevent imminent, and serious harm.” 
    469 U.S. at
    n.25 (Stevens, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part)
    (emphasis added) (citations omitted).
    Although decided after the events at issue in the present
    case, Justice's treatment of strip searches merely confirms their
    self-evidently intrusive character.
    See Cornfield, 
    991 F.2d at 1321
     ("[A]s the intrusiveness
    of the search of a student intensifies, so too does the standard
    of Fourth Amendment reasonableness. What may constitute
    reasonable suspicion for a search of a locker or even a pocket or
    pocketbook may fall well short of reasonableness for a nude
    search."). A sliding scale of reasonableness is inherent in the
    Fourth Amendment. Terry, for example, teaches that "[t]he scope
    of the search must be 'strictly tied to and justified by' the
    suspected evidence.   See Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 29-30
     (search must be
    “confined in scope to an intrusion reasonably designed to discover”
    items sought and “confined . . . strictly to what was minimally
    necessary” to locate those items).          Here, acting only on the
    discredited   testimony   of   one    student   and   the   contradictory
    allegations of the three suspects (exacerbated by threats that the
    police would be called to investigate), the teachers launched a
    full-scale strip search of two eight-year-olds, foregoing several
    reasonable, yet minimally intrusive, intermediate steps.
    Fannin never questioned whether the money was truly stolen.
    She did not inquire whether the money might have been spent or
    misplaced, nor did she ask how Estell knew that Jenkins took the
    money. Fannin also did not search Jenkins's bag. Further, Herring
    took over the situation without asking any questions, and promptly
    ordered a search of the students' shoes and socks, followed by a
    strip search, even though there was absolutely no evidence that the
    girls might have the money in their underclothing.          Thus, because
    there was not even reasonable suspicion to believe that the girls
    possessed contraband, because the teachers ignored less intrusive
    means, and because the personal invasion was extreme, the first
    strip search was necessarily disproportionate to its justification.
    The second strip search was even more blatantly unconstitutional,
    circumstances which rendered its initiation permissible." 
    392 U.S. at 19
    . See also, e.g., United States v. McMurray, 
    747 F.2d 1417
    , 1420 (11th Cir. 1984) (in customs context, as intrusiveness
    increases, suspicion necessary to justify search must increase).
    as no one could reasonably argue that it was necessary after the
    fruitless prior search.
    Finally, the nature of the infraction here -- a small theft --
    is insufficient as a matter of law to permit a strip search.
    T.L.O. directs us to consider the nature of the infraction because,
    although keeping order in the school is important, it is not
    determinative.     Students' privacy rights must be weighed in the
    balance.       Strip   searching    a   student    is    permissible     only   in
    extraordinary cases, and only to prevent imminent harm.23                       For
    example, if school administrators have reasonable suspicion that a
    student is carrying a gun on his/her person and a “pat-down”
    confirms this suspicion, a strip search by an administrator of the
    same    sex,   strictly   limited   to       finding    the   weapon,   would   be
    permissible.      The theft of $7, although morally reprehensible,
    poses no threat of physical danger to other students and cannot,
    therefore, serve as the basis for a search of this magnitude.24
    As the Seventh Circuit, faced with a qualified immunity
    defense following a school strip search, explained:
    See Justice, 
    961 F.2d at 193
     (collecting cases; noting
    that threat of harm was only permissible reason in case law for
    strip search of arrestee).
    See, e.g., Oliver by Hines v. McClung, 
    919 F. Supp. 1206
    1216-19 (N.D. Ind. 1995) (strip search of seventh graders for
    $4.50 unconstitutionally unreasonable); State ex rel. Galford v.
    Mark Anthony B., 
    433 S.E.2d 41
    , 49 (W. Va. 1993) (strip search
    for $100 unconstitutionally unreasonable in scope because no
    threat of danger); Bellnier v. Lund, 
    438 F. Supp. 47
    , 53-54
    (N.D.N.Y. 1977) (strip search for stolen $3 unconstitutionally
    unreasonable, given unparticularized suspicion and “relatively
    slight danger of the conduct involved”).
    It does not require a constitutional scholar to conclude
    that a nude search of a thirteen-year-old child is an
    invasion of constitutional rights of some magnitude.
    More than that: it is a violation of any known principle
    of human decency. Apart from any constitutional readings
    and rulings, simple common sense would indicate that the
    conduct of the school officials in permitting such a nude
    search was not only unlawful but outrageous under
    “settled indisputable principles of law.”
    Doe v. Renfrow, 
    631 F.2d 91
    , 92-93 (7th Cir. 1980) (citation
    omitted), cert. denied, 
    451 U.S. 1022
     (1981).      Because Herring and
    Sirmon   flagrantly   ignored   common   sense   and,   crucially,   the
    Constitution, I would reverse the district court's order granting
    qualified immunity.

Document Info

Docket Number: 95-6243

Filed Date: 9/23/1996

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (30)

Wynn v. Board of Educ. of Vestavia Hills , 508 So. 2d 1170 ( 1987 )

robert-jeff-adams-sr-personal-representative-for-the-estate-of-donald , 962 F.2d 1563 ( 1992 )

albert-e-lassiter-v-alabama-a-m-university-board-of-trustees-douglas , 28 F.3d 1146 ( 1994 )

robert-jeff-adams-sr-personal-representative-for-the-estate-of-donald , 998 F.2d 923 ( 1993 )

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C. B. v. Driscoll , 82 F.3d 383 ( 1996 )

Hamilton v. Cannon , 80 F.3d 1525 ( 1996 )

United States v. Thomas Eddy McMurray , 747 F.2d 1417 ( 1984 )

Askari Abdullah Muhammad, 017434 v. Louie L. Wainwright, ... , 839 F.2d 1422 ( 1987 )

charles-justice-as-next-friend-of-james-justice-keith-simon-as-next , 961 F.2d 188 ( 1992 )

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Sharon Courson v. Quinn A. McMillian Individually and as ... , 939 F.2d 1479 ( 1991 )

Marilyn Greason v. Ralph Kemp , 891 F.2d 829 ( 1990 )

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United States v. Lanier , 117 S. Ct. 1219 ( 1997 )

Diane Doe, Etc. v. Omer Renfrow, Etc. , 631 F.2d 91 ( 1980 )

Brian Cornfield, a Minor, by His Mother and Next Friend, ... , 991 F.2d 1316 ( 1993 )

United States v. David W. Lanier , 73 F.3d 1380 ( 1996 )

Bellnier v. Lund , 438 F. Supp. 47 ( 1977 )

OLIVER BY HINES v. McClung , 919 F. Supp. 1206 ( 1995 )

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