United States v. Jeffrey F. Bohn , 658 F. App'x 554 ( 2016 )

  •            Case: 16-10203   Date Filed: 11/03/2016   Page: 1 of 8
    No. 16-10203
    Non-Argument Calendar
    D.C. Docket No. 8:15-cr-00195-MSS-TGW-1
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Florida
    (November 3, 2016)
    Before HULL, MARCUS, and MARTIN, Circuit Judges.
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    Jeffrey F. Bohn appeals his conviction for two counts of making false
    material statements to a federal agent in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001. Bohn
    argues that the evidence at trial was insufficient to show that he had specific intent
    to make the false statements. After careful consideration, we affirm.
    Bohn is a former Immigration Services Officer with the United States
    Customs and Immigration Service (USCIS). On September 11, 2006, Laura
    Maldonado, a non-citizen who was seeking to renew her son’s residency status,
    arrived at Bohn’s office with her son. Bohn stamped her son’s passport as
    “approved” to stay in the United States for an additional year. Maldonado then
    began to speak to Bohn about her own immigration status. She told him that she
    had an application for legal status pending but that she did not have her paperwork
    with her. She was “very nervous.” Bohn told her “to try to calm down” and “to
    wait to get [her] paperwork arranged first.” Maldonado and her son then left
    Bohn’s office.
    Later that day, Bohn called Maldonado’s cell phone and offered to “help”
    her if she would bring her immigration paperwork to his office the next day. When
    she went to Bohn’s office as instructed, rather than meet with Maldonado in his
    office, Bohn took her out to lunch. She provided Bohn with her paperwork, he
    returned to his office, and she went home. Later that day, Bohn called Maldonado
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    and told her that he would come to her house. When Bohn got there, he came in
    and “started touching” her. He told her that he had “fallen in love [with her] at
    first sight” and “wanted to marry” her. He kissed her, groped her, and then
    attempted to have sex with her, but Maldonado refused.
    The next day, Maldonado called Bohn to ask him about the immigration
    paperwork that he had taken from her at the restaurant and had not returned. Bohn
    told her he would come over to her house again. This time, they had sex.
    Maldonado testified that she remained “calm” and never told Bohn to stop because
    he still had her paperwork and she was afraid of possible reprisals, including
    Bohn and Maldonado’s sexual relationship continued for months. They
    typically met when Bohn was on his lunch break from USCIS and always at
    Maldonado’s house. They had sex “[e]very time he wanted to.” According to
    Maldonado, Bohn “took [her] as if [she] was his whenever he wanted.” Bohn told
    Maldonado that she should not make a complaint against him because if she
    “mess[ed] with his job,” then “it was going to go badly for [her].” During the
    course of their relationship, Bohn repeatedly told Maldonado that he wanted to
    marry her and have children with her.
    During one of Bohn’s meetings with Maldonado, he advised her to apply for
    residency as a widow, as Maldonado had previously been married to an American
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    citizen who passed away. Bohn told her that he would ask for a “special favor”
    from a friend “higher up” to get her residency status approved. In November 2006,
    Maldonado filed a petition for adjustment of status as a widow of a U.S. citizen, as
    Bohn had instructed.
    Maldonado saw Bohn for what would be the last time in February 2007.
    After they had sex, Maldonado used a sock to collect and save a sample of Bohn’s
    semen. Then, after their last time seeing each other, Maldonado found out that her
    petition was denied. When she called Bohn to discuss the denial of her petition, he
    told her that he did not want to talk to her anymore.
    In January 2013, the Department of Homeland Security began to investigate
    an allegation that Bohn misused his position to obtain sexual favors from
    Maldonado. Special Agent Edgardo Rosado interviewed Bohn on two different
    occasions. In the first interview, Agent Rosado asked Bohn if he had any
    relationships with foreign nationals during his employment with USCIS. Bohn
    described relationships with three different women but did not mention
    Maldonado. Bohn denied having a relationship with any foreign national other
    than the three women he identified. Agent Rosado then showed Bohn a
    photograph of Maldonado and asked if he had ever had a relationship with
    someone named Laura Maldonado. Bohn denied having a relationship with or
    even knowing her. Agent Rosado then specifically asked Bohn whether he ever
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    had sex with Maldonado. Bohn replied “no,” and wrote a statement that he never
    had sex with Maldonado. Agent Rosado then informed Bohn that Maldonado had
    collected a sample of his semen and asked Bohn for consent to take a DNA
    sample, which Bohn provided.
    In July 2014, Agent Rosado conducted a second interview of Bohn. At the
    beginning of the interview, Bohn provided a written statement saying:
    I state that I have no recollection of ever having seen the lady showed
    [sic] to me, Laura Bohorquez a/k/a Laura Maldonado, and I positively
    never had sex with her. I have never gone out with her socially or
    otherwise, meaning no sexual contact whatsoever.
    Agent Rosado then confronted Bohn with the fact that his DNA matched the
    sample Maldonado had collected. Agent Rosado also showed Bohn a picture of
    Maldonado and Bohn together. When confronted with this evidence, Bohn was
    “taken aback.” His posture changed, he started rubbing his lips, he began looking
    down, and he had a surprised look on his face. Bohn then admitted to knowing
    Maldonado. He admitted that he had “gone to her residence” and that “what he did
    was wrong,” but he did not specifically admit to having sex with Maldonado. In
    explaining why he had previously denied knowing her, Bohn told Agent Rosado
    that “he had blocked it out.” Bohn then wrote a second statement, in which he
    I honestly had no recollection of the lady shown to me, Laura
    Bohorquez Maldonaldo [sic], as the photo shown to me was not
    familiar to me. Once Agent Rosado showed me a photo with myself
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    and a lady, he mentioned they were one and the same person. I never
    intentionally lied and did not recall seeing this lady previously. I want
    you to know I never deliberately lied, I honestly did not recall seeing
    this lady.
    At trial, Bohn conceded that his statements that he did not have sex with
    Maldonado were materially false, but argued that the government failed to prove
    that he knew the statements were false at the time he made them. The jury found
    Bohn guilty of making false material statements to a federal agent in violation of
    18 U.S.C. § 1001.
    Bohn claims that the evidence at trial was not sufficient to support his
    conviction. We review de novo the sufficiency of the evidence, viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the government and drawing “all reasonable
    inferences and credibility choices in favor of the jury’s verdict.” United States v.
    344 F.3d 1131
    , 1134 (11th Cir. 2003). We will affirm the conviction if a
    reasonable juror could have concluded that the evidence established the
    defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. United States v. Hasson, 
    333 F.3d 1264
    , 1270 (11th Cir. 2003).
    To obtain a conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, the government must prove
    five elements: (1) a statement, (2) falsity, (3) materiality, (4) specific intent, and (5)
    agency jurisdiction. United States v. Lawson, 
    809 F.2d 1514
    , 1517 (11th Cir.
    1987). Bohn challenges the sufficiency of the evidence only as to specific intent.
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    To prove specific intent, the government must show that the defendant had “intent
    to deceive by making a false or fraudulent statement.” United States v. Dothard,
    666 F.2d 498
    , 503 (11th Cir. 1982). The government may prove this through
    circumstantial evidence alone. See United States v. Macko, 
    994 F.2d 1526
    , 1533
    (11th Cir. 1993).
    The evidence at trial was sufficient for a reasonable juror to conclude that
    Bohn remembered Maldonado all along and intentionally lied to Agent Rosado
    when he denied knowing her. To begin with, there is the nature of the relationship
    itself. Bohn and Maldonado had a sexual relationship that extended over many
    months. Bohn told Maldonado that he loved her and wanted to marry her. He told
    her that he wanted to have children with her. The jury was free to conclude that a
    relationship of this duration and intensity is not something that a person—
    especially an Immigration Services Officer in Bohn’s position—would forget.
    The evidence also showed that even while the relationship was ongoing,
    Bohn took steps to conceal it. He met with Maldonado only outside of his office
    and threatened that things would “go badly for [her]” if she reported their
    relationship. The fact that Bohn concealed the relationship while it was occurring
    suggests he knew it was inappropriate. This is strong evidence that he intended to
    deceive investigators when he denied the existence of the relationship to Agent
    Rosado. Bohn’s startled reaction when confronted with physical proof of his lie,
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    and his far-fetched explanation that he “blocked” out the memory of the
    relationship, only bolster the conclusion that his lies were intentional.
    Because the evidence was sufficient to support the jury’s finding of specific
    intent, Bohn’s conviction is AFFIRMED.