Walter Bradshaw v. Federal Aviation Administration ( 2021 )

  •          USCA11 Case: 18-14249     Date Filed: 08/12/2021   Page: 1 of 25
    No. 18-14249
    Agency No. FAA
    Petition for Review of a Decision of the
    Federal Aviation Administration
    (August 12, 2021)
    Before BRANCH, LUCK, and ED CARNES, Circuit Judges.
    BRANCH, Circuit Judge:
    Walter Bradshaw was a designated pilot examiner for the Federal Aviation
    Administration (“FAA”). Designated pilot examiners test applicants for pilot
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    licenses and, if the applicant passes the test, the designee has the authority to issue
    the applicant an airman certificate. In June of 2018, the FAA discovered that
    Bradshaw had certified a pilot applicant without conducting a complete flight test.
    Thereafter, the FAA terminated Bradshaw’s designation. A three-member FAA
    appeal panel affirmed the termination decision and Bradshaw appealed to this
    Bradshaw now argues that the FAA followed the incorrect termination
    procedure when it terminated his designation and, even if the procedure that it
    followed was the correct one, the FAA violated its requirements. Because
    Bradshaw failed to argue to the FAA appeal panel that the incorrect termination
    procedure was used, we do not review that claim. Further, after examining the
    procedure that the FAA employed, we conclude that the FAA did not fall short of
    its requirements.
    Bradshaw also raises two constitutional claims. He first asserts that the FAA
    violated his constitutional right to due process guaranteed by the Fifth
    Amendment. In rejecting this claim, we join other circuits that have considered the
    issue and hold that FAA designated pilot examiners do not have a property or
    liberty interest in their designation. Bradshaw’s other constitutional claim—that
    the FAA violated his right to equal protection because other categories of FAA
    designees are afforded a hearing before their designation can be terminated—is
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    also without merit. In sum, because none of Bradshaw’s claims pass muster, we
    deny his petition for review.
    A. Legal Background
    Why and how the FAA terminated Bradshaw’s designation makes little
    sense in a vacuum. We therefore begin with some context. The Federal Aviation
    Act authorizes the FAA Administrator to issue airman certificates to qualified
    49 U.S.C. § 44703
    (a). Airman certificates are akin to driver’s
    licenses for pilots. See 
     Of course, the FAA Administrator need not issue such
    certificates himself. Instead, he “may delegate to a qualified private person, or to
    an employee under supervision of that person, a matter related to [] the
    examination, testing, and inspection necessary to issue a[n] [airman] certificate
    under this chapter . . . and [] issuing the [airman] certificate.” 
     § 44702(d)(1).
    The private persons tasked with that authority are called designated pilot examiners
    (“DPEs”). Generally, the Flight Standards Inspector (“FSDO inspector”) for a
    local Flight Standards District Office (“FSDO”) appoints DPEs. 
    14 C.F.R. § 183.11
    (b). A DPE’s initial appointment expires after one year, but the FAA may
    subsequently renew it for a term of three years or less. FAA Order 8900.2B, ch. 3,
    para. 4, 5 (Sept. 23, 2016). The FAA Administrator may terminate—meaning
    either rescind or not renew—a DPE’s designation “at any time for any reason the
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    Administrator considers appropriate.” 
    49 U.S.C. § 44702
    (d)(2); FAA Order
    8900.1, vol. 13, ch. 5 § 3, 13-465; see also 
    14 C.F.R. § 183.15
    DPEs must meet the standards set forth in Chapter 7 of FAA Order 8900.2B.
    To ensure they meet those standards, the FSDO inspectors may, among other
    things, interview recently certified pilots to confirm that the testing DPE followed
    the testing procedures. FAA Order 8900.1, vol. 13, ch. 6 § 1, 13-519, 522−23
    (Sept. 25, 2017).1 If the FSDO inspector determines that the DPE’s performance is
    substandard, he may take a number of remedial actions, including ordering
    additional training or initiating the termination of the DPE’s designation. Id. at
    13-524, para. B.
    The FAA may terminate the DPE’s designation with or without cause. FAA
    Order 8900.1, vol. 13, ch. 5, § 3, 13-465, para. A. A not-for-cause termination
    “can be for any reason not specific to a designee’s performance,” such as a lack of
    need for the DPE or the DPE’s voluntary surrender of his appointment. Id. On the
    other hand, a for-cause termination is one “based on a [DPE’s] performance.” Id.
    Reasons for the latter form of termination include “[u]nsatisfactory performance in
    any phase of [DPE] duties or responsibilities” and “[a]ny actions by the [DPE] that
    Since this appeal was filed, the FAA transposed the version of FAA Order 8900.1 in
    force at the time of Bradshaw’s termination to FAA Order 8900.95A. For consistency with the
    FAA appeal panel, this opinion references the former version of FAA Order 8900.1. The current
    version of FAA Order 8900.95A is available at
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    may reflect poorly on the FAA.” Id. para. B. Because the FAA terminated
    Bradshaw’s designation for cause, we focus on that form of termination.
    FAA Order 8900.1 sets forth the procedures for termination of a DPE’s
    designation. FAA Order 8900.1, vol 13, ch. 5, § 3, 13-467. The FAA office
    manager of the managing FAA office makes the decision to terminate DPE
    designations. Id. para. A. Upon doing so, the FAA office manager must provide
    the termination decision to the DPE in writing, citing the reasons for the
    termination “as specifically as possible.” Id. para. B. When the DPE receives that
    notification, he must immediately “cease the exercise of his or her designee
    privileges.” Id. FAA Order 8900.1 provides a sample letter for use in providing
    the written notice of “for cause” termination. Id. at 13-465, fig. 13-4. The “for
    cause” template letter, in relevant part, states:
    This letter is to inform you that your Federal Aviation Administration
    (FAA) designation as a [type of designee, e.g., Designated Pilot
    Examiner (DPE) or Technical Personnel Examiner (TPE)] is
    terminated pursuant to [Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations
    (14 CFR) part 183, § 183.15(b)(4) or § 183.15(b)(6)/Title 49 of the
    United States Code (49 U.S.C.) § 44702(d)(2).] [You must
    immediately cease exercising the privileges of your designation] [or]
    [Pursuant to our (telephone conference/meeting) on (date), you were
    to cease exercising the privileges of your designation on (date).]
    Your designation is being terminated [for not performing your duties
    under your designation OR because you no longer meet the eligibility
    requirements for the designation.] [Cite the reference to the
    regulations/policy that was violated/noncompliance.]
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    You may submit a request for appeal in writing to this office no
    longer than 14 calendar-days from the date of receipt of this letter. At
    that time, you should include any evidence or statement concerning
    this matter with your written request for appeal. You will be notified
    of the outcome of the appeal within 60 calendar-days after our receipt
    of your written request for appeal.
    Id. (alterations in original).
    If the DPE who was terminated for cause wishes to appeal the termination,
    he may submit an appeal to the regional division office, which will convene a
    panel composed of three members “who were not involved in the original . . .
    termination decision.” Id. at 13-467, para. F(2). The panel’s decision is final. Id.
    para. F(3). A former designee terminated for cause cannot reapply for a
    designation. FAA Order 8900.1, vol. 13, ch. 5, § 1, 13-408 (Aug. 25, 2017).2
    B. Factual Background
    1. The FAA Terminates Bradshaw
    With that legal background in mind, we turn to Walter Bradshaw. The
    FAA’s termination of Bradshaw’s designation was based on his administration of a
    flight test on June 12, 2018.3 On June 13, the Jackson FSDO received a complaint
    Available at:
    (now FAA Order 8000.95A vol. 1, ch. 2, para 4(a) (December 7, 2020)).
    While his termination stemmed from the June 12, 2018 test, Bradshaw had a history of
    poor performance. In August 2016, a FAA investigator suspended Bradshaw’s designation and
    ordered him to participate in remedial training after finding that Bradshaw did not follow the
    FAA procedures while conducting a flight test. The ensuing remedial plan noted that Bradshaw
    had demonstrated numerous performance deficiencies in previous years. For example, Bradshaw
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    about that flight test and assigned FSDO inspector Mallory (“Mal”) Woodcock to
    investigate. Upon reviewing the flight tapes and radar, and interviewing the pilot
    applicant, Woodcock’s initial conclusion was that Bradshaw did not conduct a full
    practical test, but nevertheless certified the pilot applicant.
    Meanwhile, Bradshaw’s application for renewal of his pilot examiner
    designation (set to expire at the end of June) was pending. Woodcock recognized
    that the timing of the renewal presented a possible procedural issue: should the
    FAA renew Bradshaw’s designation even though Woodcock was investigating
    him? Accordingly, on June 21, 2018, Woodcock e-mailed the higher ups at the
    FAA regional office, including Alvaro Gil and Jay Kitchens. Woodcock’s e-mail
    We seek your concurrence with the following situation. One of our
    DPE’s was recently reported to our office by [the Air Traffic
    Organization (ATO)] concerning the operation of an aircraft during a
    practical test. For expediency, I won’t go into details now. Bottom
    line, upon review of the ATC data (tapes/radar), it appears that the
    DPE did not conduct a full practical test. However, [the Integrated
    Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA)] indicates that
    he certified the airman. There are other issues concerning the conduct
    of the flight that are still being investigated.
    gave passing grades to over 90% of pilot applicants, which was one of the highest passage rates
    in the district. And according to the “database records,” Bradshaw “consistently” had “a high
    rate of returns of applications due to errors.” Other issues included that Bradshaw acted “without
    regard to safety,” did not “use[] scenario type questioning,” had difficulty using the testing
    software, and had to go through several remedial trainings. Moreover, his use of “ethnically-
    charged comments,” which were “overheard by a stakeholder,” spurred a congressional inquiry.
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    The DPE has applied for renewal (due to expire at the end of June).
    We were in the final stages of processing his renewal. However,
    given the status of our investigation, we do not want to complete his
    renewal process, until the investigation is complete. Question: Can
    we “suspend” the renewal process based on the ongoing
    Thank you for your timely response on this matter.
    Gil responded with the following message: “Just to recap our earlier phone
    conversation. Please make sure to communicate with the DPE and inform him that
    all designee activity must stop. In the interim you can hold off on the renewal, but
    action must be taken depending on what the outcome of the investigation is.”
    Later that day, Woodcock called Bradshaw and told him to cease all testing
    activity pending the investigation. Woodcock informed him that the FAA had
    received a complaint regarding the June 12 flight test and that he would send
    Bradshaw a copy of the radar and audio data from that flight test for his review.
    On June 26, Woodcock called Bradshaw to discuss the audio data. During that call
    and another call later that day, Bradshaw disputed Woodcock’s review of what
    took place during the flight test.
    On June 29, 2018, the FAA terminated Bradshaw’s designation as a pilot
    examiner. The Jackson FSDO notified Bradshaw of the decision in a letter
    (“Termination Letter”). The Termination Letter stated, in relevant part:
    Your designation is being terminated for not performing your duties
    under your designation. Specifically, on June 12, 2018, you
    administered an instrument rating practical test during which you
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    failed to uphold the Instrument Rating – Airplane, Airman
    Certification Standards (FAA-S-ACS-8B) as required by 
    14 CFR § 61.43
    (a) and FAA Order 8900.2B, Chapter 5, Paragraph 1b and
    Chapter 7, Section 2, Paragraph 6. Furthermore, during the
    aforementioned practical test, and while operating under Instrumental
    Flight Rules (IFR), you permitted the applicant to deviate from an Air
    Traffic Control (ATC) clearance contrary to FAA Order 8900.2B,
    Chapter 7, Section 2, Paragraph 6; and 
    14 CFR § 91.123
    Additionally, throughout the flight, you were heard conducting
    numerous radio transmissions that draws into question whether or not
    you adequately tested the applicant’s single pilot resource
    management (SRM) skills.
    Bradshaw’s termination letter further informed him that he had the right to appeal
    the termination to a three-member panel. The letter instructed him that his written
    request for appeal should include “any evidence or statement concerning this
    matter.” The Jackson FSDO office manager, Charles O. Peters, signed the
    termination letter.
    2. Bradshaw Appeals the Termination
    Bradshaw obtained counsel and, on July 5, 2018, filed a written appeal of
    the termination decision. In his written appeal, Bradshaw argued that he had not
    violated any FAA regulations or procedures. He launched several accusations
    against the Jackson FSDO, including that the local office had “been unwittingly
    dragged into a retaliatory vindictive action against” Bradshaw, that “there [was] a
    witch hunt going on,” and that an employee “breached . . . a duty of confidentiality
    regarding” Bradshaw. Bradshaw further claimed that Woodcock inappropriately
    allowed a trainee to listen to his interview with Bradshaw and that Woodcock did
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    not give Bradshaw the opportunity to have his lawyer present during the interview.
    And Bradshaw accused Woodcock of bias based on several tweets Woodcock had
    On August 9, 2018, a three-member panel met telephonically to discuss
    Bradshaw’s termination and appeal. According to the internal e-mails, Kitchens,
    who was copied on Woodcock’s June 21 e-mail, and Gil, who responded to that
    e-mail, assembled the panel. Gil also served as a panel member. On August 13,
    2018, the panel sent Bradshaw a memorandum informing him that it had upheld
    the termination decision. Bradshaw filed a timely petition for review of that final
    agency decision. See 
    49 U.S.C. § 46110
    We have jurisdiction to review a final FAA order under 
    49 U.S.C. § 46110
    and can set aside that order if it is “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or
    otherwise not in accordance with law.” 
    5 U.S.C. § 706
    (2)(A). But because
    Congress authorized the FAA administrator to “rescind a delegation . . . at any time
    for any reason,” 
    49 U.S.C. § 44702
    (d)(2), the FAA’s order to terminate a
    designation “is committed to agency discretion by law,” 
    5 U.S.C. § 701
    Thus, as Bradshaw acknowledges, we lack jurisdiction to review the substance of
    the FAA’s decision to terminate because, as other circuit courts have recognized,
    the FAA’s discretionary termination decision is unreviewable. See Burdue v.
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    774 F.3d 1076
    , 1082 (6th Cir. 2014) (“By its very terms, § 44702(d)(2)
    places ‘no constraints on the Administrator’s discretion.’ Review would not only
    be improper, but it would also be futile.” (quoting Steenholdt v. F.A.A., 
    314 F.3d 633
    , 639 (D.C. Cir. 2003))); Steenholdt, 
    314 F.3d at 638
     (“With regard to the
    substance of the FAA’s nonrenewal decision, there is no law to apply.”);
    Greenwood v. F.A.A., 
    28 F.3d 971
    , 974–75 (9th Cir. 1994) (“[W]e lack jurisdiction
    to review the merits of an FAA decision to suspend or not to renew [a
    Although we lack jurisdiction to review the substance of the termination
    decision, we may still consider whether the FAA met its procedural requirements,
    Sheble v. Huerta, 
    755 F.3d 954
    , 957 (D.C. Cir. 2014), or violated the Constitution,
    Burdue, 774 F.3d at 1082.
    On appeal, Bradshaw first argues that the FAA followed the wrong
    termination procedure. In the alternative, Bradshaw argues that the FAA did not
    abide by the requirements of the termination procedure it employed. Finally,
    Bradshaw argues that the FAA violated his constitutional rights to due process and
    equal protection under the law. We take each argument in turn.
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    A. The Applicable Procedure
    Bradshaw claims that in terminating his designation the FAA should have
    applied the procedures set forth in 
    14 C.F.R. § 13.20
     4 rather than those set forth in
    FAA Order 8900.1. Because Bradshaw failed to raise this argument before the
    FAA appeal panel, we cannot consider it. See 
    49 U.S.C. § 46110
    (d) (“In reviewing
    an order under this section, the court may consider an objection to an order of the
    . . . Administrator of the [FAA] only if the objection was made in the proceeding
    conducted by the [Administrator] or if there was a reasonable ground for not
    making the objection in the proceeding.”); Zukas v. Hinson, 
    124 F.3d 1407
    , 1410
    n.6 (11th Cir. 1997) (holding that “we need not address” the petitioner’s objections
    that the pilot certificate revocation order was untimely and that the FAA
    administrator’s claim was an attempt to circumvent provisions of the code of
    federal regulations because he failed to raise the issue during the administrative
    proceedings); see also Vidiksis v. E.P.A., 
    612 F.3d 1150
    , 1158 (11th Cir. 2010)
    (“Under ordinary principles of administrative law, a reviewing court will not
    14 C.F.R. § 13.20
     governs “orders of compliance, cease and desist orders, orders of
    denial, and other orders issued by the Administrator to carry out the Federal Aviation Act.” 
    14 C.F.R. § 13.20
    (a). Where it applies, § 13.20 requires the FAA to provide notice prior to issuing
    the order and allows the person who was sent notice of an FAA order to request an informal
    conference or hearing before the order is entered. See id. § 13.20(b),(c). FAA Order 8900.1 has
    no such requirement. Because it proceeded under FAA Order 8900.1, the FAA did not provide
    Bradshaw prior notice of the order terminating his designation or allow him to request a hearing
    before entering that order.
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    consider arguments that a party failed to raise in timely fashion before an
    administrative agency.” (quotation omitted)).
    B. FAA Order 8900.1’s Termination Procedure
    Bradshaw next claims that even if FAA Order 8900.1 applies to the
    termination of his pilot-examiner designation, his termination should be set aside
    because the FAA contravened FAA Order 8900.1 in two ways: (1) the FAA did not
    provide specific reasons for its decision to terminate his designation, and (2) two
    people involved in the underlying termination decision (Alvaro Gil and Jay
    Kitchens) had improper roles on the FAA appeal panel. In order to prevail,
    Bradshaw must show that the FAA “fell substantially short” of the applicable
    procedural requirements. See Vitarelli v. Seaton, 
    359 U.S. 535
    , 545 (1959); Lopez
    v. FAA, 
    318 F.3d 242
    , 248 (D.C. Cir. 2003).
    1. The Specificity Requirement
    First, Bradshaw contends that his termination letter lacked the requisite
    specificity. As explained previously, FAA Order 8900.1 provides that “[t]he FAA
    office manager will provide to the designee, in writing, the decision regarding the
    termination of a designation, with the reasons cited as specifically as possible.”
    FAA Order 8900.1, vol. 13, ch.5, § 3, 13-467, para. B. Bradshaw claims that the
    termination order was deficient because it “did not specifically state what the FAA
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    believed occurred with respect to how [he] allowed an applicant to deviate from
    FAA guidance orders and the C.F.R.”
    The phrase “as specifically as possible,” is, ironically enough, not very
    specific. Helpfully, FAA Order 8900.1 includes template termination letters, such
    as the one described previously for “for-cause” terminations. FAA Order 8900.1,
    fig. 13-4. The template letter thus illustrates the FAA’s understanding of what it
    means for the reasons for termination to be cited “as specifically as possible.” It
    therefore serves as a guide for FSDO office managers to help them comply with
    FAA Order 8900.1’s specificity requirement. Accordingly, we agree with the D.C.
    Circuit that where the pilot examiner’s “termination letter adhere[s] to the FAA-
    prescribed template, it [has] substantially complied with the FAA’s internal
    procedures.” Sheble, 755 F.3d at 958.
    Here, the record confirms that Bradshaw’s termination letter adhered to the
    template provided in Order 8900.1, and it provided numerous reasons for his
    termination and included citations to relevant regulations and policy. Order 8900.1
    does not require the FAA to state the various ways in which Bradshaw violated the
    cited regulations during the June 12 test, merely the reasons for his termination.
    Bradshaw’s termination letter therefore complied with the FAA’s specificity
    requirements. Id.
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    2. Composition of the Appeal Panel
    Bradshaw argues that the FAA’s order should be overturned because one
    appeal panel member—Gil—was involved in the termination decision, and,
    therefore, he could not serve on the appeal panel pursuant to Order 8900.1. 5 He
    further argues that the appeal panel was improper because Kitchens, who was also
    allegedly involved in the termination decision, “provided significant additional
    guidance to the appeal panel.” Bradshaw’s argument misconstrues the facts:
    neither Gil nor Kitchens was involved in the underlying termination decision.
    To support his argument that Gil’s membership on the appeal panel was
    improper, Bradshaw relies on the June 21 e-mail exchange between Woodcock,
    Gil, Kitchens, and three other FAA employees. This e-mail exchange, however,
    concerned Bradshaw’s renewal application—not his possible termination. Without
    “go[ing] into details,” Woodcock explained that an investigation into Bradshaw
    was underway, and his preliminary conclusion was that Bradshaw certified a pilot
    applicant without giving a full flight test. Given that information, Woodcock
    asked how to proceed with the renewal process for Bradshaw’s designation, which
    was expiring at the end of the month. Gil replied, explaining that Woodcock
    should “hold off on the renewal” and tell Bradshaw to cease examinations until
    Order 8900.1 provides that “[t]he appeal panel will consist of at least 3 persons
    equivalent to the specialist level or above who were not involved in the original denial or
    termination decision.” FAA Order 8900.1, Ch. 5, § 3, 13-467, para. F(2).
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    Woodcock had completed the investigation. Nothing in that e-mail chain indicates
    that Gil was involved in the decision to terminate Bradshaw’s designation: he did
    not advise Woodcock on how to conduct his investigation of Bradshaw, tell him
    what would constitute a terminable offense, or even comment on whether
    Woodcock’s preliminary conclusion should result in termination. Bradshaw does
    not cite to any other evidence that reveals Gil was involved in the termination
    decision. And with good reason: the FSDO managing officer makes the
    designation termination decision—not inspectors like Woodcock. See FAA Order
    8900.1, vol. 13, ch. 5, § 3, 13-467, para. A. And the record does not include any
    conversation between the FSDO office manager who made the termination
    decision and a member of the appeal panel. Accordingly, the e-mail chain
    involving Gil is largely irrelevant to the “termination” decision.
    We next turn to Kitchens. As an initial matter, Kitchens was not on the
    appeal panel. So whatever his involvement may have been at the appeal level
    (and, based on the record, it appears his role in the appeal process was limited to
    finding members for the panel), FAA Order 8900.1’s appeal-panel member
    requirement does not apply to him. In any event, nothing in the record indicates
    that he took part in the underlying termination decision. Bradshaw’s reliance on
    the June 21 e-mail exchange to establish Kitchens’s involvement in the termination
    decision is even more strained than it was to show the same for Gil. Not only does
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    that e-mail chain have nothing to do with the underlying termination decision,
    Kitchens did not even respond to it. Therefore, in terminating Bradshaw, the FAA
    did not fall short of Order 8900.1’s procedural requirements, much less
    substantially so.
    C. Constitutional Claims
    Bradshaw also takes aim at the constitutionality of FAA Order 8900.1’s
    termination procedure. He argues that the FAA denied him due process because it
    deprived him of a property interest and a liberty interest without the
    constitutionally required notice and hearing, and that the FAA violated his right to
    equal protection because other categories of FAA designees are afforded a hearing
    before their designation can be terminated. Neither argument has merit.
    1. Violation of Procedural Due Process
    Bradshaw claims that the FAA violated his constitutional right to due
    process guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment when it terminated his DPE
    designation for cause without proper notice and an opportunity to be heard. The
    Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause provides that: “[n]o person shall . . . be
    deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” U.S. Const.
    amend. V. To establish a due process violation, the plaintiff must show: (1) that he
    possessed a “constitutionally protected interest in liberty or property;” (2) that the
    government “deprived [him] of that interest;” and (3) that “the procedures
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    accompanying that deprivation are constitutionally inadequate.” Agility Def. &
    Gov’t Servs. v. U.S. Dep’t of Def., 
    739 F.3d 586
    , 591 (11th Cir. 2013). Here,
    Bradshaw’s due process claim fails on the first prong: based on the Supreme
    Court’s guidance and in accord with other circuit courts that have considered this
    issue, Bradshaw did not have a property or liberty interest at stake.
    a. Property Interest
    The Supreme Court has explained:
    [t]o have a property interest in a benefit, a person clearly must have
    more than an abstract need or desire for it. He must have more than a
    unilateral expectation of it. He must, instead, have a legitimate claim
    of entitlement to it. It is a purpose of the ancient institution of
    property to protect those claims upon which people rely in their daily
    lives, reliance that must not be arbitrarily undermined.
    Bd. of Regents of State Colls. v. Roth, 
    408 U.S. 564
    , 577 (1972) (emphasis added)6;
    see also Perry v. Sindermann, 
    408 U.S. 593
    , 601 (1972) (“A person’s interest in a
    benefit is a ‘property’ interest for due process purposes if there are such rules or
    mutually explicit understandings that support his claim of entitlement to the benefit
    and that he may invoke at a hearing.”). Accordingly, the question here is whether
    Although Roth involved a due process challenge under the Fourteenth Amendment, its
    analysis of what constitutes a property interest is equally applicable to a due process challenge
    under the Fifth Amendment. See Dusenbery v. United States, 
    534 U.S. 161
    , 166 (2002)
    (explaining that “[t]he Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment prohibits the United States,
    as the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits the States, from depriving any
    person of property without ‘due process of law.’”).
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    Bradshaw has a legitimate claim of entitlement to his FAA pilot examiner
    designation. We hold that he does not.
    Although we have not considered whether an FAA pilot examiner
    designation is a property interest, two other circuits have. In Fried v. Hinson, the
    D.C. Circuit determined that a DPE could not prevail on his due process claim
    based on the nonrenewal of his pilot examiner designation because “he had no
    legal entitlement to renewal,” and therefore no “cognizable property interest” in
    the designation. 
    78 F.3d 688
    , 692 (D.C. Cir. 1996). In coming to that conclusion,
    the court reviewed the applicable rules governing FAA designations and found that
    “those provisions underscore that a pilot examiner serves only as long as the
    agency thinks appropriate.” 
     Similarly, in Greenwood, the Ninth Circuit
    concluded that the DPE did not have a valid claim of entitlement to the designation
    because the FAA had complete discretion in deciding whether to renew the
    designation and the designee had to “apply for renewal and pass a test, and even
    then, he was not assured that the [designation] would be renewed.” 
    28 F.3d at 976
    Because “[a]ny expectation that the [designation] would be renewed was therefore
    a unilateral expectation on [the DPE’s] part, not a valid claim of entitlement,” the
    court held that the petitioner did not have a property interest in a renewed DPE. 
    We agree with the analysis in Fried and Greenwood. The applicable statutes
    and regulations make it clear that Bradshaw does not have a “legitimate claim of
    USCA11 Case: 18-14249       Date Filed: 08/12/2021   Page: 20 of 25
    entitlement” to his pilot examiner designation. 
    49 U.S.C. § 44702
    (d) authorizes
    the FAA Administrator to delegate his certificate-issuing authority to private
    persons, but it also permits the FAA Administrator to terminate that delegation “at
    any time for any reason [he] considers appropriate.” 
     § 44702(d)(2) (emphasis
    added); see also 
    14 C.F.R. § 183.15
    (b)(6). Similarly, there is no guarantee that the
    FAA Administrator will renew the designation upon expiration. FAA Order
    8900.2B, ch. 3, para. 4, 5 (Sept. 23, 2016). The applicable rules, therefore,
    provided no basis for Bradshaw to expect or have a legitimate claim of entitlement
    to his designation. Moreover, the FAA requires designees to sign a “certificate of
    designation” acknowledging that “the designation is a privilege, not a right, and
    that the FAA Administrator can terminate any designation at any time or for any
    reason he or she deems appropriate.” FAA Order 8900.2B, ch. 2, para. 2. Thus,
    “[t]he combination of the rules and the waiver language in the application form
    operates to preclude any ‘legitimate claim of entitlement.’” Doe v. Fla. Bar, 
    630 F.3d 1336
    , 1343 (11th Cir. 2011). Accordingly, we hold that Bradshaw had no
    property interest in his pilot examiner designation, which means necessarily that
    his due process challenge fails. See Fried, 
    78 F.3d at 692
    ; Greenwood, 
    28 F.3d at 976
    ; see also Lopez, 
    318 F.3d at 249
     (concluding that the DPE had no property
    right in his designation because of statutory provisions allowing the FAA
    Administrator to rescind the Designated Engineer Representative at any time
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    “[c]ombined with Lopez’s admission that ‘a [] designation is a privilege and not a
    b. Liberty Interest
    Bradshaw also makes passing arguments that the termination deprived him
    of two protected liberty interests: his reputation and his ability to gain future
    employment. Both arguments fail.
    First, Bradshaw contends that because he was terminated for cause and the
    FAA rules bar designees terminated for cause to apply for reinstatement, the FAA
    stripped him of his liberty to seek future employment. But the right to apply for
    the same job from which he was terminated does not constitute a liberty interest.
    See Roth, 
    408 U.S. at 575
     (“It stretches the concept too far to suggest that a person
    is deprived of ‘liberty’ when he simply is not rehired in one job but remains as free
    as before to seek another.”). Notwithstanding his designation termination,
    Bradshaw has the liberty to seek employment anywhere else, even with another
    government agency, if he so wishes—the FAA bar on hiring for-cause terminated
    designees applies only to the FAA.7
    Second, Bradshaw asserts that he “has a liberty interest in his reputation and
    standing in the aviation community in Florida,” which was damaged when his
    Bradshaw suggests that this bar on rehiring also implicates a property interest in the
    designation. But he cannot have a property interest in the possibility of a future designation that
    does not itself constitute a property interest.
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    designation was terminated. But harm to “reputation alone” is not a liberty interest
    “sufficient to invoke the procedural protection of the Due Process Clause.” Paul v.
    424 U.S. 693
    , 701 (1976). Instead, this circuit has imposed a “stigma plus”
    standard. As its moniker suggests, that standard “requires a plaintiff to show that
    the government official’s conduct deprived the plaintiff of a previously recognized
    property or liberty interest in addition to damaging the plaintiff’s reputation.”
    Cypress Ins. Co. v. Clark, 
    144 F.3d 1435
    , 1436–37 (11th Cir. 1998); see also
    Behrens v. Regier, 
    422 F.3d 1255
    , 1261 (11th Cir. 2005) (holding that where a
    state agent defames someone without “depriving him of any right or status
    recognized under state law” then the “injury does not rise to the level of a
    constitutional deprivation”); Cannon v. City of W. Palm Beach, 
    250 F.3d 1299
    1303 (11th Cir. 2001) (explaining that “injury to reputation itself is not a protected
    liberty interest”). Here, because there is no deprivation of a property interest or a
    liberty interest, Bradshaw cannot proceed with his due process claim based on the
    alleged harm to his reputation. Moreover, the reasons for his termination were not
    made public. Therefore, even though the mere fact that his designation was
    terminated may cause some in the community to look unfavorably upon him,
    “[s]ince the former communication was not made public, it cannot properly form
    the basis for a claim that petitioner’s interest in his ‘good name, reputation, honor,
    USCA11 Case: 18-14249          Date Filed: 08/12/2021       Page: 23 of 25
    or integrity’ was thereby impaired.” Bishop v. Wood, 
    426 U.S. 341
    , 348 (1976)
    (quoting Wisconsin v. Constantineau, 
    400 U.S. 433
    , 437 (1971)). 8
    2. Equal Protection
    Bradshaw claims that the FAA violated his equal protection rights because it
    affords more process to other designees when terminating their designation.9
    Because the distinction Bradshaw complains of does not rest on a suspect
    classification or a fundamental right, rational basis review applies. 10 See Estrada
    The D.C. and Ninth Circuit similarly rejected claims that a DPE has a liberty interest in
    maintaining his designation. Fried, 
    78 F.3d at 692
     (holding that “Fried had no legitimate liberty
    interest in being renewed” because the non-renewal had not been made public and because “non-
    renewal neither automatically bars Fried from a broad range of government jobs nor stigmatizes
    him in a way that would substantially preclude the professional use of his skills.”); Greenwood,
    28 F.3d at 977
     (rejecting Greenwood’s claim that he had a liberty interest “because his reputation
    was adversely affected by the non-renewal” noting that there was no evidence in the record of
    “adverse effect,” and there was no “evidence that the FAA purposefully stigmatized him with the
    Specifically, Bradshaw objects that Designated Manufacturing Inspection
    Representatives, Designated Engineering Representatives, and Designated Airworthiness
    Representatives “are allowed to request a meeting as part of the appeal process, are allowed to
    request that the FAA inspector who recommended termination of the designation be present at
    that meeting, and are allowed to have their lawyers present at that meeting.” DPEs, on the other
    hand, are not afforded the opportunity to have a meeting with the appeal panel.
    The FAA argued in its response brief that rational basis review applied, and Bradshaw
    appeared to agree as he stated in his reply brief that “the FAA’s purported explanation cannot
    survive a rational basis standard.” At oral argument, however, despite Bradshaw’s concession
    “that [he] was not a member of a suspect class,” he argued for the first time that a “heightened
    level of scrutiny” should apply because DPEs are treated differently than other groups of
    designees. Oral Argument at 9:10–10:35, Bradshaw v. FAA (No. 18-14249),
    date_value%5Bvalue%5D%5Bmonth%5D=. Because he did not present that argument in his
    briefs, we do not consider it. See Holland v. Gee, 
    677 F.3d 1047
    , 1066 (11th Cir. 2012) (“[W]e
    do not consider arguments not raised in a party’s initial brief and made for the first time at oral
    USCA11 Case: 18-14249           Date Filed: 08/12/2021       Page: 24 of 25
    v. Becker, 
    917 F.3d 1298
    , 1308 (11th Cir. 2019). “Under rational basis review, a
    classification does not violate the Equal Protection Clause so long as ‘there is a
    rational relationship between the disparity of treatment and some legitimate
    governmental purpose.’” 
    Id. at 1310
     (quoting Armour v. City of Indianapolis, 
    566 U.S. 673
    , 680 (2012)). “[A] classification ‘must be upheld against equal protection
    challenge [sic] if there is any reasonably conceivable state of facts that could
    provide a rational basis for the classification.’” 
     at 1310–11 (emphasis in
    original) (quoting Heller v. Doe, 
    509 U.S. 312
    , 320 (1993)). Bradshaw cannot
    clear that high bar.
    The difference in the termination-decision review process afforded by the
    FAA to DPEs and other classifications of designees has a rational basis. As the
    FAA explained in its response brief:
    In establishing termination procedures for its designated
    representative, the FAA must balance its need for accurate decisions
    with its need to adjudicate termination decisions efficiently. That
    balance weighs differently for Designation Pilot Examiners than for
    other types of designees. Appointing, overseeing and evaluating
    Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representatives, Designated
    Engineering Representatives, Designated Airworthiness
    Representatives, and Organizational designees is more difficult and
    time consuming than doing the same for pilot examiners.
    argument.” (quotation omitted)); APA Excelsior III L.P. v. Premiere Techs., Inc., 
    476 F.3d 1261
    1269 (11th Cir. 2007) (“[W]e do not consider claims not raised in a party’s initial brief and made
    for the first time at oral argument.”).
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    Further, this explanation is borne out by the FAA Orders, which establish multi-
    layer review systems, with technical input, for appointing those other types of
    designees. By comparison, such input and multi-layer review is not present for the
    appointment of DPEs. Instead, the FSDO can appoint anyone who meets the
    general requirements for a DPE designation. Because the FAA has offered a
    rational basis for having varying review processes for different classifications of
    designees, Bradshaw’s equal protection claim fails.
    In sum, the FAA did not violate the Constitution when it terminated
    Bradshaw’s pilot examiner designation. Nor did it violate its own procedural
    requirements. Because Bradshaw’s arguments to the contrary fail, we deny his
    petition for review.