United States v. Hawkins ( 2022 )

  • 21-836 (L)
    United States v. Hawkins
    In the
    United States Court of Appeals
    AUGUST TERM 2021
    Nos. 21-836 (L), 21-848 (Con)
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of New York
    ARGUED: APRIL 11, 2022
    DECIDED: JUNE 23, 2022
    Before:        KEARSE, SACK, and MENASHI, Circuit Judges.
    Defendants Michael Hawkins and Caesar Diaz each pleaded
    guilty to one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm, in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 922
    (g)(1) and 2, but reserved the right to
    appeal the district court’s denial of their joint suppression motion,
    which sought to exclude evidence including a firearm that police
    recovered from Diaz incident to a Terry stop. Hawkins and Diaz argue
    that the police lacked reasonable suspicion to initiate the stops that
    resulted in the recovery of the firearm. We disagree that the police
    lacked reasonable suspicion to effectuate the stops and probable
    cause to arrest Hawkins, and we affirm the judgments of the district
    MICAH F. FERGENSON, Assistant United States Attorney
    (Danielle R. Sassoon, Assistant United States Attorney,
    on the brief), for Damian Williams, United States Attorney
    for the Southern District of New York, New York, NY, for
    ALLEGRA GLASHAUSSER, Federal Defenders of New York,
    New York, NY (David A. Ruhnke, Ruhnke & Barrett,
    Montclair, NJ, on the brief), for Defendants-Appellants.
    Defendants Michael Hawkins and Caesar Diaz appeal the
    judgments of the district court (Kaplan, J.) regarding their convictions
    for being a felon in possession of a firearm, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 922
    (g)(1) and 2. Each defendant pleaded guilty to that charge on
    the condition that he reserved his right to appeal the district court’s
    denial of the joint motion to suppress evidence. That motion sought
    to exclude the firearm that police found on Diaz after the defendants
    were stopped and searched. Hawkins and Diaz argue that the police
    lacked reasonable suspicion to initiate the stops and to conduct the
    searches and also lacked probable cause to arrest Hawkins. We
    disagree. Reasonable suspicion supported the initial stops, and the
    subsequent searches and arrests of the defendants were likewise
    lawful. The judgments of the district court are therefore affirmed.
    On October 20, 2019, at approximately 8:51 p.m., officers of the
    New York City Police Department received a ShotSpotter report of a
    gunshot fired from the roof level of a building on Reverend James A.
    Polite Avenue in the Bronx. Officers Stephen Bonczyk and Cynthia
    Lopez were the first to respond and arrived on the scene within
    approximately two minutes of receipt of the report. As Officers
    Bonczyk and Lopez exited their marked police vehicle, they observed
    Hawkins and Diaz exit a six-story residential building in the vicinity
    of where shots were reportedly fired and enter the outdoor vestibule
    separating the building from the sidewalk. The officers testified that,
    upon seeing Hawkins and Diaz, their “first priority was to get to the
    gate and make sure they cannot leave so [the officers] could talk to
    them and further investigate the shots fired activation.” App’x 54; see
    App’x 107-08. While approaching the location where they would
    ultimately meet the defendants (at or just inside the fenced-in
    vestibule’s gateway), the officers made two observations. First, the
    officers observed Diaz “turn[] his body slightly,” App’x 34, and
    Hawkins “slightly pivot” as he exited the building, App’x 82, and
    “hurry[]” through the vestibule, App’x 33. Second, Officer Bonczyk
    noticed that the defendants had their hands in their pockets and that
    Diaz’s hands created a “tension in his pockets and he was pulling his
    sweatshirt down below the center waistline.” App’x 37.
    Officer Bonczyk asked the defendants to remove their hands
    from their pockets, which they did. Officer Bonczyk noticed that,
    when Diaz removed his hands from his pockets, there was, in his
    description, a “bulge” below the middle of Diaz’s waistband. App’x
    40-41. Officer Bonczyk then asked for consent to search the
    defendants, which was declined. At this point, additional officers
    arrived on the scene, and Hawkins and Diaz were separated for
    questioning. While the defendants were being questioned, officers
    spoke with a witness who had been walking his dog. The witness said
    that he saw the defendants “coming down from the rooftop.” App’x
    Officer Bonczyk frisked Diaz and recovered a plastic bag from
    the lower front waistline of Diaz’s pants. In the plastic bag was an
    unloaded firearm. Around this time, officers recovered one spent
    casing from the rooftop. Both defendants were arrested. Hawkins was
    frisked pursuant to his arrest, but no weapons were recovered from
    his person at that time. 1
    The defendants were each charged with one count of being a
    felon in possession of a firearm, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. §§ 922
    and 2. The defendants moved to suppress certain evidence, including
    Diaz’s recovered firearm, arguing that the officers lacked reasonable
    suspicion to stop and frisk the defendants and that they lacked
    probable cause to arrest Hawkins. The district court denied the
    motion, and the defendants pleaded guilty on the condition that they
    reserved their right to appeal the denial of the joint suppression
    motion. The defendants bring that challenge now.
    1  When Hawkins was searched again at the precinct, officers recovered a
    firearm from his person, and ballistics testing confirmed that the spent shell
    casing found on the rooftop matched the firearm found on Hawkins.
    When considering the denial of a motion to suppress, “[w]e
    review for clear error findings of fact” while “giving special deference
    to findings that are based on determinations of witness credibility.”
    United States v. Lucky, 
    569 F.3d 101
    , 106 (2d Cir. 2009). In contrast,
    “[w]hether a seizure occurred is a question of law to be reviewed de
    novo,” Brown v. City of Oneonta, 
    221 F.3d 329
    , 340 (2d Cir. 2000), and
    we review de novo other “legal conclusions and mixed questions of
    law and fact, such as … whether there was reasonable suspicion to
    justify a Terry stop” or whether the defendants’ Fourth Amendment
    rights were otherwise violated, Lucky, 
    569 F.3d at 105-06
    To conduct a Terry stop—that is, a temporary detention of an
    individual—a police officer must have “reasonable suspicion” that
    the individual has engaged in or is about to engage in criminal
    activity. United States v. Tehrani, 
    49 F.3d 54
    , 58 (2d Cir. 1995).
    Reasonable suspicion is less than probable cause, Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 27 (1968), and must be established by “specific and articulable
    facts which, taken together with rational inferences from those facts,
    reasonably warrant the intrusion,” United States v. Padilla, 
    548 F.3d 179
    , 187 (2d Cir. 2008) (alteration omitted) (quoting Terry, 
    392 U.S. at 21
    ). “[A]n inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or hunch” cannot
    support reasonable suspicion, although an officer is permitted to
    “draw on his own experience and specialized training to make
    inferences from and deductions about the cumulative information
    available to him that might well elude an untrained person.” 
    (internal quotation marks and alterations omitted). “[C]ontextual
    considerations,” such as “the fact that the stop occurred in a ‘high
    crime area,’” factor into a reasonable-suspicion analysis, and the
    officers’ assessment of an individual’s “nervous” or “evasive
    behavior” is “pertinent” in establishing reasonable suspicion. Illinois
    v. Wardlow, 
    528 U.S. 119
    , 124 (2000). In deciding whether reasonable
    suspicion existed at the time of the intrusion, we consider the totality
    of the circumstances. See Navarette v. California, 
    572 U.S. 393
    , 397
    While a Terry stop requires only reasonable suspicion, an arrest
    requires the heightened standard of probable cause. “Probable cause
    to arrest a person exists if the law enforcement official, on the basis of
    the totality of the circumstances, has sufficient knowledge or
    reasonably trustworthy information to justify a person of reasonable
    caution in believing that an offense has been or is being committed by
    the person to be arrested.” United States v. Patrick, 
    899 F.2d 169
    , 171
    (2d Cir. 1990) (citing Brinegar v. United States, 
    338 U.S. 160
    , 175-76
    (1949)). Probable cause is satisfied by “the kind of fair probability on
    which reasonable and prudent people ... act.” Florida v. Harris, 
    568 U.S. 237
    , 244 (2013) (internal quotation marks and alteration omitted).
    The district court did not err by holding that reasonable
    suspicion existed at the time the first responding officers initially
    detained the defendants. At the point of initial detention when they
    met the defendants at the vestibule gate, the officers had received a
    report of a shot fired from a rooftop in the immediate vicinity of a
    high-crime area familiar to the officers, 2 and they suspected that a
    2 The defendants argue that the technology which relayed the shot-fired
    report to the NYPD, called ShotSpotter, is unreliable. But the responding
    officers testified that the technology works with a reasonably high degree
    of accuracy. For example, Officer Lopez testified that ShotSpotter reports,
    in her experience, were “usually” accurate to the “block.” App’x 78. Lopez
    shot may have been fired from the rooftop of the building the
    defendants exited. The officers also observed the defendants exiting
    the building at around the time it would have taken to descend the
    six flights of stairs from the rooftop of the building. The officers
    observed that both defendants exhibited body movements they
    perceived to be evasive, 3 and Officer Bonczyk made the “very
    significant” observation that the defendants had their hands in their
    sweatshirt pockets and that doing so created tension at Diaz’s
    waistline.   These     “specific    and    articulable    facts”    and    the
    corresponding “rational inferences” that the defendants may have
    been involved with the reported shooting “reasonably warrant[ed]”
    the initial stop. Padilla, 
    548 F.3d at 187
    Nor did the district court err in finding that the officers had
    reasonable suspicion to frisk Diaz. In addition to the facts supporting
    the initial stop, Officer Bonczyk observed a “bulge” around Diaz’s
    center waistline when Diaz removed his hands from his sweatshirt
    testified that the reports were even more accurate “with respect to
     The district court did not err in crediting the officers’
    reasonable reliance on the ShotSpotter report in supporting the reasonable-
    suspicion or probable-cause determinations.
    3 The defendants challenge the district court’s reliance on the defendant’s
    body movements, based primarily on partial surveillance video and what
    they argue is contradictory testimony elicited from Officer Lopez. We owe
    the district court “special deference to findings that,” as here, “are based on
    determinations of witness credibility,” Lucky, 
    569 F.3d at 106
    , and we cannot
    say the district court erred in its decision to credit the officers’ testimony
    about the defendants’ movements.
    pockets. 4 Before frisking Diaz, Officer Bonczyk had also learned from
    a fellow officer that an eyewitness had “heard a gunshot” and
    identified the defendants as having “com[e] down from the rooftop.”
    App’x 123. Given these additional developments, Officer Bonczyk
    martialed sufficient “specific and articulable facts” to “warrant”
    frisking Diaz. Padilla, 
    548 F.3d at 187
    Finally, the officers had probable cause to arrest Hawkins. In
    addition to the facts that supported reasonable suspicion to stop the
    defendants and to frisk Diaz, at the time of Hawkins’s arrest, the
    officers had recovered from Diaz’s waist a firearm wrapped in a
    plastic bag. Officers had also recovered a spent shell casing from the
    rooftop. Accordingly, the officers reasonably assessed that, contrary
    to his argument on appeal, Hawkins was not a mere bystander to
    whom they could not attribute “individualized” probable cause. To
    the contrary, Hawkins admitted that he had accompanied Diaz in the
    building, and the officers thought that he exhibited evasive behavior.
    Meanwhile, a firearm was found on Diaz, a shell casing had been
    found on the rooftop, and an eyewitness told officers that he had
    heard a gunshot and saw Hawkins descend from the rooftop with
    Diaz. Given these circumstances, the district court did not err in
    determining that officers had probable cause to arrest Hawkins on
    suspicion that he and Diaz committed the shooting together.
    4 The district court’s analysis suggests that it believed the initial stop did
    not begin until after Officer Bonczyk observed the “concealment of a bulge”
    around Diaz’s center waistline. Even if the initial stop began at an earlier
    point, it was adequately supported based on the reasonable suspicion
    detailed above.
    The district court did not err in declining to suppress the
    firearm recovered from Caesar Diaz during the course of an
    interaction in which police lawfully detained, searched, and arrested
    the defendants. We affirm the judgments of conviction for Michael
    Hawkins and Caesar Diaz.