SCR v. Warshawsky ( 2009 )

  •      07-4029-cv
    SCR v. Warshawsky
    1                           UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS
    2                               FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT
    3                                 August Term, 2008
    4    (Argued: November 21, 2008                   Decided: March 12, 2009)
    5                               Docket No. 07-4029-cv
    6                    -------------------------------------
    7                              SCR JOINT VENTURE L.P.,
    8                                Plaintiff-Appellee,
    9                                       - v -
    10                       ARI WARSHAWSKY and JEROME WARSHAWSKY
    11                              Defendants-Appellants.
    12                   -------------------------------------
    13      Before: SACK and WESLEY, Circuit Judges, and KAHN, District
    14                                Judge.*
    15               Appeal from a judgment of the United States District
    16   Court for the Eastern District of New York (Arthur D. Spatt,
    17   Judge).   The district court granted summary judgment for
    18   plaintiff-appellee SCR Joint Venture L.P. in its action to
    19   collect an allegedly unpaid debt from defendants-appellants
    20   Jerome and Ari Warshawsky, and denied the Warshawskys' motion to
    21   reconsider that decision.
    22               We conclude, contrary to the decision of the district
    23   court, that, in the circumstances presented, a statement in an
    The Honorable Lawrence E. Kahn, of the United States
    District Court for the Northern District of New York, sitting by
    1    affidavit opposing the motion for summary judgment made "to my
    2    knowledge" was made with sufficient personal knowledge to create
    3    a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the senior debt
    4    had not been repaid, a fact that, if established, would preclude
    5    suit based on certain guarantees made by the defendants.   To that
    6    extent we vacate the judgment of the district court.   We agree
    7    with the district court and affirm, however, insofar as it
    8    dismissed on summary judgment the Warshawskys' claim that SCR
    9    acquired its interest with a champertous purpose in violation of
    10   section 489 of New York's Judiciary Law, and insofar as it
    11   granted summary judgment on SCR's claim for payment of debt on
    12   the so-called "Carve-Out Note."
    13                Affirmed in part, vacated in part, and remanded.
    14                            RICHARD GABRIELE, Westerman, Ball,
    15                            Ederer, Miller & Sharfsten, LLP,
    16                            Mineola, NY, for Appellants.
    17                            STEVEN GIORDANO, Vlock & Associates,
    18                            P.C., New York, NY, for Appellees.
    19   SACK, Circuit Judge:
    20             Defendants-Appellants Jerome and Ari Warshawsky (the
    21   "Warshawskys"), father and son, appeal from an order of the
    22   United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York
    23   (Arthur D. Spatt, Judge) filed August 17, 2007, denying a motion
    24   to reconsider an order of the court filed June 6, 2007.    In the
    25   June 6 order, the district court granted summary judgment in
    26   favor of Plaintiff-Appellee, SCR Joint Venture L.P. ("SCR"),
    27   based on the Warshawskys' guarantees to SCR of notes that had
    1    been issued by their business, I.W. Industries Inc. ("IW"), in
    2    connection with an ultimately unsuccessful reorganization in
    3    bankruptcy of the business.
    4              The district court concluded that the relevant
    5    agreement between the parties required the senior IW debt to be
    6    repaid before SCR could seek to collect on the guarantees.    It
    7    further held that the Warshawskys had the burden of establishing
    8    that the senior debt has not been repaid, and that they had not
    9    raised a triable issue of fact on that issue because their
    10   evidence as to it consisted only of hearsay deposition testimony
    11   and an affidavit of Jerome Warshawsky stating that "[t]o my
    12   knowledge, [the Senior Creditor] has not been paid in full."
    13             We conclude that in this context, a statement made "to
    14   my knowledge," unlike a statement made "upon information and
    15   belief," is sufficient to assert personal knowledge and thus
    16   created a genuine issue of material fact as to the repayment.      We
    17   therefore vacate the district court's judgment in that respect
    18   and remand as to that claim.   We affirm the district court's
    19   grant of summary judgment against the Warshawskys, however, on
    20   their claim that SCR acquired its interest in the debt with a
    21   champertous purpose in violation of section 489 of New York's
    22   Judiciary Law, and on SCR's claim for repayment of one of the
    23   notes, which the parties refer to as the "Carve-Out Note."
    1                                BACKGROUND
    2              On March 3, 2004, in connection with IW's ultimately
    3    unsuccessful Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization proceedings,1 IW
    4    and SCR's predecessor in interest, Summitbridge National
    5    Investments, LLC ("Summitbridge"), executed three notes: (1) a
    6    "Carve-Out Note" in the sum of $79,971.77; (2) a "New
    7    Subordinated A Note" in the sum of $429,300; and (3) a "New
    8    Subordinated B Note" in the sum of $2,075,505.74 (collectively
    9    the "Notes").   On the same day, the Warshawskys each individually
    10   executed personal guarantees for payment of the Notes in the
    11   aggregate sum of $2,584,777.51 (the "Guarantees").
    12             The next day, the Warshawskys, Summitbridge, Citibank
    13   N.A., and FCC, LLC, doing business as First Capital ("First
    14   Capital"), executed another agreement with IW called the Debt
    15   Subordination and Intercreditor Agreement (the "Subordination
    16   Agreement"), which, among other things, subordinated the debt of
    17   Summitbridge and Citibank, the "Junior Creditors," to that of
    18   First Capital, the "Senior Creditor."    About four months later,
    19   on July 12, 2005, Summitbridge assigned and transferred its
    20   interest in the Notes and Guarantees to SCR.
    21             According to SCR, the Warshawskys defaulted with
    22   respect to their obligation under the Notes and Guarantees by
    23   failing to pay any of the principal of or interest on them.    This
    24   appeal arises out of an action by SCR brought in the district
    The company later underwent a consensual liquidation by
    its secured creditors.
    1    court to collect this allegedly unpaid debt.      The court granted
    2    summary judgment for SCR on three grounds relevant to this
    3    appeal.   Memorandum and Order Granting Summary Judgment 21, SCR
    4    Joint Ventures, L.P. v. Warshawsky, No. 06 Civ. 3532 (E.D.N.Y
    5    Sept. 18, 2007) (Docket No. 47).       First, the court rejected the
    6    Warshawskys' argument that SCR could not collect its debt because
    7    the senior debt had not been repaid, concluding that the
    8    Warshawskys had submitted no admissible evidence to show that the
    9    senior creditor had not been paid in full.      Id. at 10-13.
    10   Second, the court rejected the Warshawskys' argument that SCR
    11   acquired the debt with a champertous purpose in violation of
    12   section 489 of New York's Judiciary Law, concluding that this
    13   argument was waived, and, even were it not, that there was no
    14   evidence establishing a triable issue of fact to support it.      Id.
    15   at 13-18.    Third, the court rejected the Warshawskys' argument
    16   that more discovery was needed prior to summary judgment in light
    17   of SCR's refusal to cooperate, concluding that the Warshawskys
    18   could have obtained the requested information previously.       Id. at
    19   18-21.    The Warshawskys filed a motion to reconsider the grant of
    20   summary judgment, which the district court denied.      The
    21   Warshawskys appeal.
    22                                 DISCUSSION
    23               I.   Reviewability of the Summary Judgment Order
    24               The Warshawskys' notice of appeal, while referring to
    25   the grant of summary judgment, explicitly appeals only from the
    1    denial of their motion to reconsider.2    SCR argues that we
    2    therefore have jurisdiction to review only that order, not the
    3    underlying grant of summary judgment.
    4                Our recent decision in "R" Best Produce, Inc. v.
    5    DiSapio, 
    540 F.3d 115
     (2d Cir. 2008) counsels otherwise.       In "R"
    6    Best Produce, we decided that we had jurisdiction to review an
    7    underlying district court order -- in that case denying a motion
    8    to vacate a default judgment -- where the notice of appeal
    9    referred to an order denying reconsideration, but not the
    10   underlying order itself.    We endorsed a "straightforward
    11   approach" to resolving the issue of which orders, not referred to
    12   in a notice of appeal, are reviewable, concluding that "a notice
    13   of appeal from denial of a motion to reconsider, filed within ten
    14   days of the order or judgment sought to be considered, suffices
    15   to bring up for review the underlying order or judgment, at least
    16   where the motion renews arguments previously made."       
    Id. at 121
    17   The motion to reconsider in the instant case similarly "renews
    The Notice of Appeal states that the appeal is
    from the Memorandum Decision and Order of the
    Honorable Arthur D. Spatt, United States
    District Judge, denying Defendant's Motion
    for Reconsideration, entered on the 20th day
    of August, 2007, which Order denied
    reconsideration of the Memorandum Decision
    and Order granting Plaintiff's Motion for
    Summary Judgment, denying Defendants' Cross-
    Motion for Summary Judgment and granting
    related relief, entered on the 21st day of
    June, 2007.
    Notice of Appeal, SCR Joint Ventures, L.P. v. Warshawsky, No. 06
    Civ. 3532 (E.D.N.Y Sept. 18, 2007) (Docket No. 59).
    1    arguments previously made," and, therefore, we may review the
    2    underlying order granting summary judgment.
    3                II.    Standard of Review
    4                "We review a district court's grant of summary judgment
    5    de novo, construing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    6    the non-moving party and drawing all reasonable inferences in its
    7    favor."    Allianz Ins. Co. v. Lerner, 
    416 F.3d 109
    , 113 (2d Cir.
    8    2005).    Summary judgment must be granted to the movant "if the
    9    pleadings, the discovery and disclosure materials on file, and
    10   any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue as to any
    11   material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a
    12   matter of law."      Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c); see also Roe v. City of
    13   Waterbury, 
    542 F.3d 31
    , 35 (2d Cir. 2008).       "An issue of fact is
    14   genuine if the evidence is such that a reasonable jury could
    15   return a verdict for the nonmoving party.        A fact is material if
    16   it might affect the outcome of the suit under the governing law."
     (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    18               III.    Payment of the Senior Debt
    19               Section 2.4(a) of the Subordination Agreement provides:
    20               Until the Senior Creditor Repayment, no
    21               Junior Creditor shall be entitled to exercise
    22               any rights or remedies with respect to . . .
    23               any Guarantor or any Junior Creditor
    24               Guaranty, including without limitation to the
    25               right to . . . make demand under, sue under
    26               or otherwise seek payment under any Junior
    27               Creditor Guaranty. . . .
    28   Subordination Agreement, § 2.4(a).      Under the terms of the
    29   Subordination Agreement, then, until full repayment has been made
    30   to the Senior Creditor, Junior Creditors, such as Summitbridge
    1    and its successor in interest SCR, cannot bring suit against the
    2    Guarantors, the Warshawskys, for the Junior Creditor Guaranty,
    3    i.e., the debt owed to the Junior Creditor by the Warshawskys.
    4                This lawsuit was brought for precisely that purpose: to
    5    collect on the debt allegedly owed to SCR by the Warshawskys.
    6    The Warshawskys assert that the Senior Creditor had not been paid
    7    in full at the time this action was begun, and that, therefore,
    8    this lawsuit is barred.
    9    A. SCR's Arguments Based on Contractual Language
    10               SCR argues that the remainder of section 2.4(a)3
    11   nonetheless permits it to bring this suit.    But the proviso
    12   contained in that section applies only to "the Citibank Carve-Out
    13   Note, the Summitbridge Carve-Out Note or the Citibank Short Fall
    14   Note," not the New Subordinated A Note or the New Subordinated B
    15   Note at issue.
    The remainder of Section 2.4(a) reads:
    Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a Junior Creditor
    Note Default occurs with respect to the Citibank Carve-
    Out Note, the Summitbridge Carve-Out Note or the
    Citibank Short Fall Note, other than a default based
    solely upon the fact that a Junior Creditor Note
    Default under the Citibank Sub A Note, the Summitbridge
    Sub A Note, the Citibank Sub B Note or the Summitbridge
    Sub A Note has occurred, the applicable Junior Creditor
    may demand, sue for, take or receive from any Guarantor
    (but not from Borrower), by set off or in any other
    manner, the whole or any part of the amount due to such
    Junior Creditor in respect of the Citibank Carve-Out
    Note, the Summitbridge Carve-Out Note and/or the
    Citibank Short-Fall Note.
    Subordination Agreement, § 2.4(a).
    1              Section 2.6(b) of the Subordination Agreement provides
    2    that the "rights and interests . . . hereunder . . . shall remain
    3    in full force and effect irrespective of . . . any . . . defense
    4    available to . . . Borrower."   Subordination Agreement, § 2.6(b)
    5    (emphasis added).   SCR argues that this section permits it to
    6    assert its claim under the subordinated notes because it
    7    establishes that the Subordination Agreement does not "provide a
    8    defense" for the Warshawskys or "limit the rights" of SCR.
    9    Appellee Br. 20.    But the provision refers only to the rights and
    10   interests under the Subordination Agreement.   The Warshawskys are
    11   not asserting that the rights thereunder are not "in full force
    12   and effect."   They insist only that these rights not be expanded
    13   to permit collection of the junior debt before the senior debt
    14   has fully been paid.4
    15   B. The Warshawkys' Arguments Based on Nonpayment of the Senior
    16   Debt
    17            The district court found that while the Senior Creditor
    18   had to be repaid before SCR could bring suit for its debt, the
    19   Warshawskys had not submitted admissible evidence to establish
    20   that the Senior Creditor had not been paid in full.   In their
    21   motion to reconsider, the Warshawskys pointed out that prior to
    22   the court's ruling on the summary judgment motion, they had
    SCR also insists that it is entitled to relief on the
    basis of principles established in Minority Equity Capital Co. v.
    798 F. Supp. 200
     (S.D.N.Y. 1992). But even were Jackson
    binding on the district court or on us, SCR's reliance is
    misplaced. The subordination agreement there contained an
    exception whereby the clause barring the right to bring suit
    before the senior debt was paid was not applicable if the debtor
    missed three consecutive payments. 
    Id. at 202
    . There is no
    similar exception here.
    1    submitted an affidavit by Jerome Warshawsky.     It stated in
    2    pertinent part:    "To my knowledge, First Capital has not been
    3    paid in full."    Affidavit of Jerome Warshawsky, dated February 9,
    4    2007 ("Warshawsky Aff.") ¶ 7.    The district court nonetheless
    5    denied the motion to reconsider because it concluded that
    6    "statements made 'to my knowledge,' or similar statements made
    7    upon information and belief or upon speculation are generally
    8    insufficient to raise a triable issue of fact sufficient to
    9    defeat summary judgment."     Order Denying Motion To Reconsider 6,
    10   SCR Joint Venture, L.P. v. Warshawsky, No. 06 Civ. 3532 (E.D.N.Y.
    11   Aug. 17, 2007) (Docket No. 52).
    12               We disagree.   To be sure, for summary judgment
    13   purposes, "[a] supporting or opposing affidavit must be made on
    14   personal knowledge."    Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(e)(1). "The Rule's
    15   requirement that affidavits be made on personal knowledge is not
    16   satisfied by assertions made 'on information and belief.'"
    17   Patterson v. County of Oneida, N.Y., 
    375 F.3d 206
    , 219 (2d Cir.
    18   2004).   An affidavit making allegations on the basis of a party's
    19   personal knowledge, and not merely on information and belief,
    20   however, may be relied upon to oppose summary judgment.       See 
    21               Jerome Warshawsky's affidavit satisfies the
    22   requirements of Rule 56(e).     He stated that he was a former Vice
    23   President of IW and "fully familiar with the facts and
    24   circumstances set forth" in the affidavit.     Warshawsky Aff. ¶ 1.
    25   He testified, "To my knowledge, First Capital has not been paid
    26   in full."    Id. ¶ 7.
    1              It is perhaps unfortunate that the drafter of the
    2    affidavit, likely not Mr. Warshawsky himself, used the phrase
    3    "[t]o my knowledge" before asserting that First Capital had not
    4    been paid in full.   He could have simply said, "First Capital has
    5    not been paid in full," and thereby avoided the issue of the
    6    significance of the phrase "[t]o my knowledge."   In this context,
    7    though, we think that the phrase "to my knowledge" was redundant
    8    -- it clearly meant "I know that . . . ."    It does not mean that
    9    the asserted fact was made only "upon information and belief,"
    10   the ordinary suggestion of which is: "I have reason to believe
    11   this fact but do not have personal knowledge of it."5
    12             Insofar as there is confusion, it likely arises because
    13   the phrase "to my knowledge" is similar to the common expression
    14   "to the best of my knowledge," which seems to inject a level of
    15   uncertainty into just how sure the declarer is of the truth of
    16   the asserted fact.   We need not decide today, and therefore do
    17   not address, the extent to which a statement "to the best" of an
    18   affiant's knowledge is, in a particular context, made with
    19   personal knowledge sufficient to raise a genuine issue of
    20   material fact when opposing a motion for summary judgment.
    21             We conclude that Jerome Warshawsky's statement, based
    22   on his personal knowledge, that the Senior Creditor had not been
    Several of the cases on which the district court relied to
    conclude that Jerome Warshawsky's statement did not raise a
    triable issue of fact dealt with statements made "on information
    and belief," or grounded on suspicion or hearsay. The cases that
    specifically involved the phrase "to my knowledge," in addition
    to not being binding on this court, were cases, unlike this one,
    where the affidavit made no claim of personal knowledge.
    1    paid raised a "genuine issue" as to whether the Senior Creditor
    2    has been paid in full, a fact, which, if established, would
    3    certainly be "material."   The district court therefore erred in
    4    granting summary judgment for SCR on this ground.
    5              IV.   The Defense of Champerty
    6              The Warshawskys also argue that SCR may not maintain a
    7    lawsuit against them based on its interest in the Notes and
    8    Guarantees because that interest was obtained with a champertous
    9    purpose in violation of Section 489 of New York's Judiciary Law.
    10   Section 489 renders it unlawful for a "corporation or
    11   association . . . [to] solicit, buy or take an assignment
    12   of . . . a bond, promissory note . . . or any claim or demand,
    13   with the intent and for the purpose of bringing an action or
    14   proceeding thereon."   
    N.Y. Jud. L. § 489
    .   "[A]n assignment made
    15   in violation of [this] statute is void and may not be sued upon."
    16   Semi-Tech Litig., LLC v. Bankers Trust Co., 
    272 F. Supp. 2d 319
    17   331 (S.D.N.Y. 2003), aff'd and adopted in relevant part, 
    450 F.3d 18
       121, 123 (2d Cir. 2006) (per curiam).   The statute is violated if
    19   the "'primary purpose . . . , if not the sole motivation behind[]
    20   entering into the transaction'" was bringing suit.   
    21   Bluebird Partners, L.P. v. First Fid. Bank, N.A., 
    94 N.Y.2d 726
    22   736, 
    709 N.Y.S.2d 865
    , 871, 
    731 N.E.2d 581
    , 587 (2000)) (ellipsis
    23   in original).   But if "the accused party's primary goal is found
    24   to be satisfaction of a valid debt," and the party only intends
    25   to bring suit absent full performance of the valid debt, the
    26   statute is not violated.   Elliot Assoc., L.P. v. Banco De La
    1    Nacion, 
    194 F.3d 363
    , 381 (2d Cir. 1999) (internal quotation
    2    marks omitted).   The district court concluded that the
    3    Warshawskys had waived the champerty defense by failing to raise
    4    it in their answer and found that, in any event, the claim failed
    5    on the merits.
    6               SCR offered proof, by affidavit, that it attempted to
    7    collect the debt without litigation, and that only after the
    8    Warshawskys failed to satisfy the debt did SCR decide to bring
    9    suit.   Unrebutted as it is, we think this is sufficient evidence
    10   to support the district court's conclusion as a matter of law
    11   that SCR's primary goal was satisfaction of the debt, and,
    12   therefore, it did not violate section 489 in obtaining its
    13   interest in the Notes and Guarantees and bringing suit thereon.
    14   While the Warshawskys point to evidence of the denial of a
    15   license in Massachusetts to a company related to SCR because of
    16   the company's predatory collection practices, this raises no
    17   issue of triable fact as to SCR's intent in acquiring its
    18   interest in the Notes and Guarantees.   The district court
    19   therefore correctly granted summary judgment to SCR with respect
    20   to the Warshawskys' claim that SCR's interest in the Notes and
    21   Guarantees is not valid because it was acquired in violation of
    22   section 489.   Because the district court correctly granted
    23   summary judgment on the merits, we need not decide whether the
    24   court correctly found the argument to have been waived.
    25              The Warshawskys had sought to determine the amount of
    26   consideration SCR had paid Summitbridge for its interest in the
    1    Notes in hopes of demonstrating that it was nominal -- an
    2    indication of a champertous purpose in obtaining them.     See,
    3    e.g., Aubrey Equities, Inc. v. SMZH 73rd Assocs., 
    212 A.D.2d 397
    4    398, 
    622 N.Y.S.2d 276
    , 278 (1st Dep't 1995) (finding issue of
    5    triable fact where "the transfer was for what appears to be a
    6    token consideration").   But the district court concluded, rightly
    7    in our view, that further discovery regarding the amount of
    8    consideration SCR paid for the Notes and Guarantees was not
    9    warranted.   The Warshawskys had adequate opportunity to obtain
    10   that information, through discovery and otherwise, and failed to
    11   do so.
    12             V.   The "Carve-Out" Agreement
    13             Finally, the Warshawskys conceded at oral argument that
    14   Section 2.4 of the Subordination Agreement does not bar suit on
    15   their debt under the "Carve-Out Note."     It is thus not contested
    16   that summary judgment was properly granted for SCR with respect
    17   to SCR's suit for repayment on the Carve-Out Note.
    18                               CONCLUSION
    19             For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the district
    20   court's grant of summary judgment dismissing the Warshawskys'
    21   claim that SCR violated section 489 of New York's Judiciary Law.
    22   We also affirm the district court's grant of summary judgment for
    23   SCR with respect to the Carve-Out Note.     But we vacate the
    24   judgment insofar as it was based on the absence of a genuine
    25   issue of material fact as to whether First Capital, the Senior
    26   Creditor, had been paid in full.     The judgment of the District
    1   Court is affirmed in part, vacated in part, and the case is
    2   remanded for further proceedings.