In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies (Fourth Amendment Challenges) ( 2008 )

  • 01-1535-cr(L) (4thA)
    In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies (Fourth Amendment Challenges)
    August Term, 2007
    (Argued: December 10, 2007                                                 Decided: November 24, 2008)
    Docket Nos. 01-1535-cr (L), 01-1550-cr (con), 01-1553-cr (con),
    01-1571-cr (con), 05-6149-cr (con), 05-6704-cr (con)
    MOHAMED SADEEK ODEH , also known as Abu Moath, also known as Noureldine, also known as
    Marwan, also known as Hydar, MOHAMED RASHED DAOUD AL -’OWHALI, also known as Khalid Salim
    Saleh Bin Rashed, also known as Moath, also known as Abdul Jabbar-Ali Abel-Latif, WADIH EL HAGE
    also known as Abdus Sabbur,
    KHALFAN KHAMIS MOHAMED , also known as Khalfan Khamis,
    Before: FEINBERG , NEWMAN , and CABRANES, Circuit Judges.
    Defendants appeal from judgments of conviction entered by the United States District Court
    for the Southern District of New York (Leonard B. Sand, Judge) following a jury trial in which they were
    found guilty of offenses arising from their involvement in an international conspiracy—led by Osama
    Bin Laden and organized through the al Qaeda terrorist network—to kill American citizens and destroy
    American facilities across the globe. Defendant-appellant El-Hage, a citizen of the United States,
    contends, inter alia, that evidence obtained overseas without a warrant should have been suppressed
    from his trial. We see no merit in this challenge, affirm El-Hage’s conviction, and remand his case only
    for the purpose of re-sentencing for the reasons stated in this opinion and in In re Terrorist Bombings of
    U.S. Embassies in East Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008) filed today.
    DAVID RASKIN and LESLIE C. BROWN , Assistant United States
    Attorneys (Michael J. Garcia, United States Attorney, on
    the brief, Iris Lan, David O’Neil, Katherine Polk Failla,
    Celeste L. Koeleveld, Assistant United States Attorneys,
    of counsel), United States Attorney’s Office for the
    Southern District of New York, New York, NY, for
    Appellee United States of America.
    JAMES E. NEUMAN , New York, NY, for Defendant-Appellant
    Mohamed Sadeek Odeh.
    FREDERICK H. COHN , New York, NY, for Defendant-Appellant
    Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-’Owhali.
    JOSHUA L. DRATEL and SAM A. SCHMIDT (Erik B. Levin, Renita
    K. Thukral, Meredith S. Heller, of counsel), New York,
    NY, for Defendant-Appellant Wadih El Hage.
    JOSÉ A. CABRANES, Circuit Judge:
    Defendant-appellant Wadih El-Hage, a citizen of the United States, challenges his conviction in
    the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (Leonard B. Sand, Judge) on
    numerous charges arising from his involvement in the August 7, 1998 bombings of the American
    Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (the “August 7 bombings”).1 In this
    opinion we consider El-Hage’s challenge to the District Court’s denial of his motion to suppress
    evidence obtained by the government from an August 1997 search of his residence in Nairobi, Kenya
    and electronic surveillance of telephone lines—land-based and cellular—conducted in Kenya between
    August 1996 and August 1997. Other challenges and those of El-Hage’s co-defendants, Mohamed
    For a detailed description of the factual background and procedural history of this case, see In re Terrorist
    Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008).
    Sadeek Odeh and Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-’Owhali, are considered in two separate opinions filed
    today, In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008), and In re Terrorist
    Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa (Fifth Amendment Challenges), __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008).
    El-Hage contends that the District Court erred by (1) recognizing a foreign intelligence
    exception to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement, (2) concluding that the search of El-Hage’s
    home and surveillance of his telephone lines qualified for inclusion in that exception, and (3) resolving
    El-Hage’s motion on the basis of an ex parte review of classified materials, without affording El-Hage’s
    counsel access to those materials or holding a suppression hearing. Because we hold that the Fourth
    Amendment’s requirement of reasonableness—and not the Warrant Clause—governs extraterritorial
    searches of U.S. citizens and that the searches challenged on this appeal were reasonable, we find no
    error in the District Court’s denial of El-Hage’s suppression motion. In addition, the District Court’s
    ex parte, in camera evaluation of evidence submitted by the government in opposition to El-Hage’s
    suppression motion was appropriate in light of national security considerations that argued in favor of
    maintaining the confidentiality of that evidence. El-Hage’s challenge to his conviction is therefore
    without merit.
    A.      Factual Overview
    American intelligence became aware of al Qaeda’s presence in Kenya by mid-1996 and
    identified five telephone numbers used by suspected al Qaeda associates. United States v. Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d 264
    , 269 (S.D.N.Y. 2000). From August 1996 through August 1997, American intelligence
    officials monitored these telephone lines, including two El-Hage used: a phone line in the building
    where El-Hage lived and his cell phone. See 
     The Attorney General of the United States then
    authorized intelligence operatives to target El-Hage in particular. 
     This authorization, first issued on
    April 4, 1997, was renewed in July 1997. 
     Working with Kenyan authorities, U.S. officials searched
    El-Hage’s home in Nairobi on August 21, 1997, pursuant to a document shown to El-Hage’s wife that
    was “identified as a Kenyan warrant authorizing a search for ‘stolen property.’” 
     At the completion
    of the search, one of the Kenyan officers gave El-Hage’s wife an inventory listing the items seized
    during the search. 
     El-Hage was not present during the search of his home. 
     It is uncontested
    that the agents did not apply for or obtain a warrant from a U.S. court.
    B.       El-Hage’s Pretrial Motion to Suppress Evidence Obtained from His Residence and
    Telephones in Kenya
    El-Hage filed a pretrial motion pursuant to the Fourth Amendment2 for the suppression of (1)
    evidence seized during an August 1997 search of his home in Nairobi and the fruits thereof; (2)
    evidence obtained through electronic surveillance of four telephone lines, including the telephone for
    his Nairobi residence and his Kenyan cellular phone, conducted between August 1996 and August
    1997; and (3) tape recordings or summaries of telephone conversations resulting from electronic
    surveillance of El-Hage’s home in Arlington, Texas, conducted in August and September 1998
    pursuant to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (“FISA”), Pub. L. No. 95-511, 
    92 Stat. 1783
     (codified as amended at 
    50 U.S.C. §§ 1801
     et seq.). El-Hage urged the suppression of the evidence
    resulting from the search of his Nairobi home and surveillance of his Kenyan telephone lines
    (collectively, the “Kenyan searches”) on the grounds that neither search was authorized by a valid
    warrant and, in the alternative, that the searches were unreasonable. With respect to the electronic
    surveillance of his home in Texas, El-Hage maintained that the government failed to comply with
    certain safeguards set forth in FISA. To establish a factual record for the resolution of his motion, El-
    The Fourth Amendment provides that “[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
    and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon
    probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons
    or things to be seized.” U.S. Const. amend. IV.
    Hage requested a hearing before the District Court.
    The government opposed El-Hage’s motion on the ground that the Fourth Amendment’s
    warrant requirement is inapplicable to overseas searches conducted for the purpose of gathering foreign
    intelligence. It also asserted that the need for an evidentiary hearing probing the basis for the Kenyan
    searches was outweighed by the need to maintain the confidentiality of the underlying intelligence.
    With respect to evidence obtained pursuant to the FISA-authorized surveillance of El-Hage’s Texas
    home, however, the government “assured the [District] Court that it d[id] not intend to offer any of
    this evidence in its case-in-chief and . . . also indicated that there [we]re no fruits from the FISA tree
    with respect to [E]l[-] Hage.” United States v. Bin Laden, No. 98 Cr. 1023, 
    2001 WL 30061
    , at *5
    (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 2, 2001) (quoting Letter from Assistant United States Attorney Kenneth M. Karas to the
    District Court dated Oct. 23, 2000) (internal quotation marks omitted). Based on the government’s
    representations, El-Hage withdrew his suppression motion insofar as it related to the surveillance of his
    Texas home.3 See Bin Laden, 
    2001 WL 30061
    , at *5.
    C.      The District Court’s Decision
    The District Court denied El-Hage’s request for a suppression hearing in open court, choosing
    instead to resolve the motion based on an in camera, ex parte review of the government’s submissions,
    which included classified materials relating to the Kenyan searches. In an Opinion dated December 5,
    2000, the District Court explained that its decision to forgo an adversarial hearing was based on (1) the
    need to maintain the confidentiality of the relevant classified materials and (2) the limited scope of the
    factual inquiry necessary to resolve the motion. Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 287
    . First, the District
    Court was persuaded by the government’s representations that al Qaeda posed an “ongoing threat” to
    the United States and that disclosure of the sensitive material underlying the Kenyan searches would
    Accordingly, the propriety of the Texas surveillance is not before us on this appeal.
    have a “potentially damaging impact . . . on existing foreign intelligence operations.” 
     Second, the
    District Court construed the issues presented by El-Hage’s motion as “predominantly legal,” requiring
    only a “limited factual inquiry.” 
     Because El-Hage’s motion did not turn on the resolution of
    factual disputes, the District Court concluded that “the benefit of holding an adversary hearing was
    substantially lessened.” 
     Taking these two factors into account, the District Court concluded that an
    in camera, ex parte review of the relevant evidence—and not an adversarial hearing in open court—was
    Turning to the merits of El-Hage’s motion, the District Court recognized the novelty of the
    issue before it—that is, “whether an American citizen acting abroad on behalf of a foreign power may
    invoke the Fourth Amendment, and especially its warrant provision, to suppress evidence obtained by
    the United States in connection with intelligence gathering operations.” 
    Id. at 270
    . Relying principally
    on Justice Black’s plurality opinion in Reid v. Covert, 
    354 U.S. 1
    , 7 (1957) (concluding that Fifth and Sixth
    Amendment protections extend to U.S. citizens on foreign territory), the District Court determined that
    the protections articulated in the Fourth Amendment apply in some form to U.S. citizens, such as El-
    Hage, when they are abroad. See Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 270-71
    . The District Court qualified its
    determination, however, explaining that the “extent” of the Fourth Amendment’s protections and, in
    particular, the “applicability” of the Fourth Amendment’s Warrant Clause remained “unclear.” 
    Id. at 271
    Without determining whether warrants are generally required for overseas searches involving
    U.S. citizens, the District Court concluded that even if the warrant requirement applied, the bulk of the
    Kenyan searches would not be subject to it, based on the Court’s determination that an exception for
    searches conducted to gather foreign intelligence existed. 
    Id. at 277-82
    . The District Court
    acknowledged that the Supreme Court has left unresolved the issue of the applicability of the warrant
    requirement and the existence of a foreign intelligence exception. 
     at 271 (citing United States v. United
    States District Court (Keith), 
    407 U.S. 297
    , 321-22 (1972) (holding that no warrant exception existed for
    “domestic security” surveillance but explicitly stating that the Court had “not addressed, and
    express[ed] no opinion as to, the issues which may be involved with respect to activities of foreign
    powers or their agents”)). Noting pre-FISA precedents from the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Ninth
    Circuits, the District Court observed that courts had “affirmed the existence of a foreign intelligence
    exception to the warrant requirement for searches conducted within the United States which target
    foreign powers or their agents.” 
     The District Court could find no authority, either within or beyond
    our Circuit, for the proposition that this exception applied overseas. Id. at 272. Faced with this dearth
    of authority, the District Court identified three factors set forth in the pre-FISA precedents that gave
    rise to the recognition of a foreign intelligence exception in those cases: (1) the President’s power to
    conduct foreign relations, (2) the costs of imposing a warrant requirement, and (3) the absence of
    warrant procedures. Id. at 272-77. It then applied these factors to the context of gathering foreign
    intelligence overseas to determine whether an exception should be recognized in that context.
    Evaluating the first factor—the President’s authority over international relations—the District
    Court noted the long line of cases recognizing the “constitutional competence of the President in the
    field of foreign affairs” generally and the “power over foreign intelligence collection” specifically. Id. at
    272. While noting that this authority does not exempt the President from compliance with other
    provisions of the Constitution, the District Court observed that foreign intelligence gathering
    unauthorized by warrants had been an “established practice of the Executive Branch for decades,” id. at
    273, and that Congress had not attempted to impose restrictions on that practice when implemented
    overseas, despite having adopted restrictions in FISA on foreign intelligence gathering conducted
    domestically, id. The District Court also noted that the Supreme Court had not expressed disapproval
    of the practice. Id. In light of the Constitution’s grant of authority over foreign affairs to the President,
    the President’s longstanding assertion of that authority, and the apparent acquiescence of Congress and
    the Supreme Court to that authority, the District Court determined that this factor weighed in favor of
    recognizing an exception to the warrant requirement.
    Turning next to the costs arising from imposing a warrant requirement, the District Court
    identified authority set forth by the Supreme Court and by our Circuit, recognizing that “when the
    imposition of a warrant requirement proves to be a disproportionate and perhaps even disabling
    burden on the Executive, a warrant should not be required.” Id. Imposing a warrant requirement on
    foreign intelligence searches conducted abroad would, in the District Court’s view, impose such a
    burden on the President because obtaining a warrant would (1) delay executive action, (2) jeopardize
    the confidentiality of sensitive information, and (3) possibly disrupt cooperative relationships with
    foreign powers fearful of inadvertent disclosures in the course of U.S. court proceedings. Id. at 274-75.
    This factor, therefore, also supported recognition of an exception for the overseas searches at issue.
    Finally, the District Court observed that procedures for obtaining warrants to conduct overseas
    searches did not exist, noting “there is presently no statutory basis for the issuance of a warrant to
    conduct searches abroad.” Id. at 275. According to the Court, the government could not be expected
    to rely on existing warrant procedures geared toward domestic searches, which were ill-suited to the
    needs of foreign intelligence gathering conducted overseas for two reasons: (1) U.S. courts lack
    jurisdiction to issue such warrants and (2) the probable cause and notice requirements, integral to U.S.
    warrant procedures, would undermine the timeliness and effectiveness of covert intelligence gathering
    abroad. Id. at 276 & n.14. This factor, combined with the previous two, persuaded the District Court
    that an exception to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement existed for “searches targeting
    foreign powers (or their agents) which are conducted abroad.” Id. at 277.
    The District Court then defined the scope of the foreign intelligence exception “to include only
    those overseas searches, [1] authorized by the President (or his delegate, the Attorney General), which
    are [2] conducted primarily for foreign intelligence purposes and which [3] target foreign powers or
    their agents.” Id. With respect to the latter two criteria, the District Court found, based on its in camera,
    ex parte review of the classified evidence, that the primary purpose of the Kenyan searches was to
    obtain foreign intelligence pertaining to the activities of Osama Bin Laden and al Qaeda, id. at 278-79,
    and the government had probable cause to believe that El-Hage was an agent of a foreign power,
    specifically al Qaeda, id. at 277-78. Only a portion of the surveillance, however, satisfied the first
    criterion. The District Court noted that even though the Kenyan telephone lines were monitored from
    August 1996 through August 1997, the Attorney General had not given her express authorization to
    conduct this surveillance until April 1997, eight months after it was already underway. Id. at 279.
    Accordingly, the District Court ruled that the telephone surveillance conducted between April and
    August 1997 and the search of El-Hage’s Nairobi residence in August 1997 qualified for the foreign
    intelligence exception to the warrant requirement, but the pre-April 1997 surveillance did not. Id.
    The District Court nevertheless declined to suppress the fruits of the pre-April 1997
    surveillance on the grounds that (1) doing so would not deter official misconduct and (2) the
    government acted in good faith. Id. at 282. Relying on precedents of the Supreme Court and this
    Court, the District Court reasoned that the “main purpose of the exclusionary rule is deterrence,” id. at
    282, and suppression is not warranted when “it would achieve little or no deterrence,” id. at 283
    (quoting United States v. Ajlouny, 
    629 F.2d 830
    , 840 (2d Cir. 1980)). In light of the government’s strong
    interest in gathering intelligence on the activities of al Qaeda, the District Court concluded that the pre-
    April 1997 surveillance was primarily for the purposes of foreign intelligence rather than criminal
    investigation and, consequently, would have occurred even if the government knew that any evidence
    thereby obtained would be excluded from any future criminal trial. Id. at 283. Because the deterrence
    would be limited, the District Court invoked the “good faith” exception to the exclusionary rule, as set
    forth by the Supreme Court in United States v. Leon, 
    468 U.S. 897
     (1984), and Illinois v. Krull, 
    480 U.S. 340
    (1987), as another ground for denying suppression. 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 283
    . The District Court found
    reasonable, if ultimately inaccurate, the government’s belief that it did not need authorization to
    conduct surveillance on the Kenyan telephones in the absence of controlling precedent to the contrary
    and in light of the primary purpose of the surveillance, which was to obtain foreign intelligence. 
    Id. at 284
    . Accordingly, the District Court was “persuaded that the officials who conducted the electronic
    surveillance operated under an actual and reasonable belief that Attorney General approval was not
    required prior to April 4, 1997,” 
     and, on that basis, the District Court declined to suppress the
    surveillance conducted between April and August 1997 as fruits of the pre-April 1997 surveillance.
    The District Court then considered whether the Kenyan searches satisfied the Fourth
    Amendment’s core requirement of reasonableness. The District Court explained that even if the
    Warrant Clause was inapplicable, the Kenyan searches were nevertheless subject to the Fourth
    Amendment’s requirement that searches be reasonable. 
     Turning first to the search of El-Hage’s
    Nairobi home, the District Court rejected El-Hage’s argument that because the search invaded the
    “sanctity of the home” it was per se unreasonable, 
    id. at 284-85
    , concluding, on the basis of the “limited
    scope and overall nature of the search,” that the residential search was “executed in a reasonable
    id. at 285
    . The District Court then evaluated the telephone surveillance, which it found was
    of a constant duration for the period in question. 
    Id. at 285-86
    . While the “excessive length” and
    ineffective “minimization”4 of government surveillance are factors that often weigh in favor of finding
    The government’s obligation to “minimize” interceptions of non-pertinent communications is established by
    statute. See 
    18 U.S.C. § 2518
    (5) (“Every order and extension thereof shall contain a provision that the authorization to
    intercept shall be executed as soon as practicable, [and] shall be conducted in such a way as to minimize the interception
    of communications not otherwise subject to interception under this chapter.”).
    a search unreasonable, the District Court did not find the duration of the telephone surveillance here
    unreasonable, in light of the relevant context. Id. at 286. Specifically, the District Court was persuaded
    by the government’s representations that extensive monitoring was necessary because of (1) the “world-
    wide, covert and diffuse nature” of the terrorist group targeted; (2) the use of foreign languages in the
    monitored conversations; (3) the likelihood that the conversations were conducted in seemingly
    innocuous code; (4) the minimization efforts made—in particular, the government’s decision to
    transcribe only relevant conversations and its restrictions on the dissemination of El-Hage’s name; and
    (5) the communal nature of the telephone lines in question among various al Qaeda operatives. Id.
    Accordingly, the evidence resulting from the Kenyan searches was not suppressed, the case proceeded
    to trial by jury, and El-Hage was convicted, as described more fully in In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S.
    Embassies in East Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008).
    D.      Post-Conviction Rulings
    In a post-conviction motion, El-Hage challenged the District Court’s decision not to suppress
    the evidence resulting from the Kenyan searches. He contended that (1) the finding of good faith was
    erroneous, (2) the foreign intelligence exception did not apply because the government’s motive for the
    Kenyan searches was primarily for the purposes of a criminal investigation, and (3) a warrant should
    have been obtained for the search of his computer, which had been seized from his Nairobi home. See
    United States v. Bin Laden, No. 98 Cr. 1023, 
    2001 WL 1160604
    , at *2-6 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 2, 2001).
    Adhering to its pretrial ruling, the District Court rejected El-Hage’s contentions and denied the motion.
    Over two years later, El-Hage filed another post-conviction motion, contending that “new
    evidence” supported his request to suppress the evidence from Kenya. In this motion, El-Hage relied
    on the then-recently issued July 24, 2003 Report of the United States Senate Select Committee on
    Intelligence and the United States House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on
    Intelligence on the Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist
    Attacks of September 11, 2001, which documented certain errors made in various FISA applications
    filed around the same time as the FISA-authorized surveillance of El-Hage’s Texas home. See United
    States v. Bin Laden, No. 98 Cr. 1023, 
    2005 WL 287404
    , at *10 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 7, 2005). Again urging the
    District Court to revisit its suppression ruling, El-Hage maintained that this “new evidence” (1)
    suggested that the primary purpose of the Kenyan searches was investigatory and (2) undermined the
    finding that the government acted in good faith during the period of surveillance unauthorized by the
    Attorney General. See 
     Judge Kevin Thomas Duffy, to whom the case had been assigned for post-
    judgment proceedings, denied the motion, observing that “the [suppression] motion El-Hage seeks to
    reopen does not involve evidence gathered pursuant to a FISA warrant” and “any mistakes in FISA
    applications are at best tangential and at worst totally irrelevant” to the Kenyan searches. 
    District Court concluded that the new evidence did not warrant reconsideration of the suppression
    A.      In Cam e ra, Ex Parte Review of Evidence
    As a preliminary matter, we address El-Hage’s objection to the District Court’s resolution of his
    suppression motion on the basis of an in camera, ex parte review of evidence submitted by the
    government. El-Hage argues strenuously that without an evidentiary hearing the District Court could
    not properly evaluate the merits of his motion. Specifically, El-Hage contends that had he been
    permitted access to those materials and given an opportunity to be heard with regard to them, he would
    have argued that (1) the majority of the intercepted communications were unrelated to national
    security, (2) the government failed to limit (or “minimize”) its surveillance of irrelevant
    communications, (3) the search of his Kenyan home was pursuant to a criminal investigation and not
    part of an effort to gather foreign intelligence, and (4) the surveillance was not conducted in “good
    faith on any level.” El-Hage Br. 165-73, 185-86. The District Court’s failure to hold a hearing, El-
    Hage urges, cast aside the integral role of the adversarial process in determining the primary purpose of
    the surveillance and whether the government acted in good faith. We disagree. In light of the limited
    factual inquiry into evidence of consequence to national security that was necessary to resolve El-
    Hage’s motion and because the legal issues were “thoroughly briefed by the parties,” Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 287
    , we see no error—much less an abuse of discretion—in the District Court’s decision to
    review in camera the government’s ex parte submissions.
    The denial of a defendant’s request for a suppression hearing is reviewed for abuse of
    discretion. See, e.g., United States v. Pena, 
    961 F.2d 333
    , 339 (2d Cir. 1992). Under our precedents, “an
    evidentiary hearing on a motion to suppress ordinarily is required if the moving papers are sufficiently
    definite, specific, detailed, and nonconjectural to enable the court to conclude that contested issues of
    fact going to the validity of the search are in question.” United States v. Watson, 
    404 F.3d 163
    , 167 (2d
    Cir. 2005) (internal quotation marks omitted). Nevertheless, under certain circumstances an evidentiary
    hearing need not be held, provided that “in camera procedures will adequately safeguard the
    defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights” and that “accurate resolution of the factual issues would not
    have been materially advanced by either disclosure of the information to the defendant or an adversary
    hearing.” United States v. Ajlouny, 
    629 F.2d 830
    , 839 (2d Cir. 1980) (citing Taglianetti v. United States, 
    394 U.S. 316
    , 317-18 (1969)).
    In Ajlouny, as here, the defendant moved to suppress evidence obtained through warrantless
    foreign electronic surveillance. Id. at 837-38. In opposition to that motion, the government submitted
    records of the relevant surveillance to the District Court “ex parte for in camera inspection, with a
    request not to disclose them to the defendant” because the “disclosure of the sealed materials ‘would
    prejudice the national interest.’” Id. at 838. On the basis of the District Court’s in camera, ex parte
    review of the government’s evidence, it denied the defendant’s motion, finding that “the statements,
    though obtained without a warrant, were lawfully recorded during the course of foreign intelligence
    surveillance of legitimate concern to the national security.” Id. (internal quotation marks omitted). In
    an opinion by Judge Newman, we upheld the District Court’s decision to deny the defendant’s
    suppression motion without a hearing, “conclud[ing] that the in camera procedures employed by [the
    District Court] in this case were adequate for purposes of determining the lawfulness of the [Federal
    Bureau of Investigation’s (“FBI”)] surveillance of the defendant.” Id. at 839. Significantly, we observed
    that “[t]he issues of whether the surveillance was conducted for national security and foreign
    intelligence purposes and whether it was reasonable in scope, were limited in nature and were not
    dependent on a painstaking search through ‘a large volume of factual materials.’” Id. (quoting Alderman
    v. United States, 
    394 U.S. 165
    , 183-84 (1969)). Other courts of appeals have reached similar conclusions.
    See, e.g., United States v. Belfield, 
    692 F.2d 141
    , 149 (D.C. Cir. 1982) (noting that “it has constantly been
    held that the legality of electronic, foreign intelligence surveillance may, even should, be determined on
    an in camera, ex parte basis”) (collecting cases).
    As in Ajlouny, the suppression motion at issue here involved a “limited” factual inquiry into the
    purpose and scope of the contested surveillance based on evidence relating to national security. As
    referenced above, the District Court observed that “the issues raised by El-Hage’s motion were
    predominantly legal questions and the fact-based inquiry [into whether the surveillance was conducted
    for foreign intelligence purposes or law enforcement purposes] was limited.” Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 287
    . In addition, the District Court found “persuasive [the government’s] arguments about [an]
    ongoing threat posed by al Qaeda and the potentially damaging impact of disclosure [of the surveillance
    records] on existing foreign intelligence operations.” 
     Our own review of the record persuades us of
    the correctness of the conclusions of the District Court with respect to the limited nature of the inquiry
    into the purpose of the surveillance and the need, at the time, to keep the government’s submissions
    In reaching this conclusion, we do not minimize El-Hage’s valid interest in examining the
    government’s evidence and challenging the government’s assertions. Nor do we doubt the utility of the
    adversary process to determine facts or ventilate legal arguments in the normal course. Nevertheless,
    the imperatives of national security and the capacity of “in camera procedures [to] adequately safeguard
    [El-Hage’s] Fourth Amendment rights,” Ajlouny, 
    629 F.2d at 839
    , weighed against holding an
    evidentiary hearing under these circumstances. See Belfield, 
    692 F.2d at 149
     (“[I]n a field as delicate and
    sensitive as foreign intelligence gathering, as opposed to domestic, criminal surveillance, there is every
    reason why the court should proceed in camera and without disclosure to determine the legality of a
    surveillance.” (internal citation and quotation marks omitted)). Accordingly, we conclude that the
    District Court’s decision to resolve El-Hage’s suppression motion without a hearing does not constitute
    error, much less an abuse of discretion.
    B.      The District Court’s Denial of El-Hage’s Motion to Suppress Evidence
    1.      Standard of Review
    We review de novo the legal issues raised on a motion to suppress evidence. See, e.g., United States
    v. Rommy, 
    506 F.3d 108
    , 128 (2d Cir. 2007); United States v. Casado, 
    303 F.3d 440
    , 443 (2d Cir. 2002). We
    review a district court’s factual findings for clear error, viewing the evidence in the light most favorable
    to the government. Casado, 
    303 F.3d at 443
    2.      Extraterritorial Application of the Fourth Amendment
    In order to determine whether El-Hage’s suppression motion was properly denied by the
    District Court, we must first determine whether and to what extent the Fourth Amendment’s
    safeguards apply to overseas searches involving U.S. citizens. In United States v. Toscanino, a case
    involving a Fourth Amendment challenge to overseas wiretapping of a non-U.S. citizen, we observed
    that it was “well settled” that “the Bill of Rights has extraterritorial application to the conduct abroad of
    federal agents directed against United States citizens.” 
    500 F.2d 267
    , 280-81 (2d Cir. 1974); see also
    United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, 
    494 U.S. 259
    , 283 n.7 (1990) (Brennan, J., dissenting) (recognizing “the
    rule, accepted by every Court of Appeals to have considered the question, that the Fourth Amendment
    applies to searches conducted by the United States Government against United States citizens abroad”);
    Rosado v. Civiletti, 
    621 F.2d 1179
    , 1189 (2d Cir. 1980) (considering a Fourth Amendment challenge to a
    search conducted abroad by foreign authorities and observing in dicta that “the Bill of Rights does
    apply extraterritorially to protect American citizens against the illegal conduct of United States agents”
    (citing Reid v. Covert, 
    354 U.S. 1
     (1957))). Nevertheless, we have not yet determined the specific
    question of the applicability of the Fourth Amendment’s Warrant Clause to overseas searches.5 Faced
    with that question now, we hold that the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement does not govern
    searches conducted abroad by U.S. agents; such searches of U.S. citizens need only satisfy the Fourth
    Amendment’s requirement of reasonableness.
    The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects “[t]he right of the people to be
    secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” The
    Supreme Court has explained that “[i]t is a basic principle of Fourth Amendment law that searches and
    seizures inside a home without a warrant are presumptively unreasonable.” Brigham City v. Stuart, 547
    We interpret the statement in Toscanino that “[i]t is no answer to argue that the foreign country which is the
    situs of the search does not afford a procedure for issuance of a warrant,” 
    500 F.2d at 280
    , as nothing more than a
    rejection of the argument that the Fourth Amendment does not apply in foreign countries where U.S. agents cannot
    obtain local search warrants. In addition, we observe that one of Toscanino’s holdings— that aliens may invoke the Fourth
    Amendment against searches conducted abroad by the U.S. government, 
    500 F.2d at
    280—is no longer valid in light of
    494 U.S. 259
    , which we discuss below.
    16 U.S. 398
    , 403 (2006) (internal quotation marks omitted). “Nevertheless, because the ultimate
    touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is ‘reasonableness,’ the warrant requirement is subject to certain
     (internal quotation marks omitted); see also Vernonia Sch. Dist. 47j v. Acton, 
    515 U.S. 646
    653 (1995) (“[A] warrant is not required to establish the reasonableness of all government searches.”);
    Katz v. United States, 
    389 U.S. 347
    , 357 (1967) (recognizing exceptions). Familiar exceptions to the
    warrant requirement arise from exigent circumstances, such as the risk of imminent destruction of
    evidence or the “hot pursuit” of a fleeing suspect. See Brigham City, 547 U.S. at 403. Warrantless
    searches are also permitted in connection with valid arrests, see Michigan v. DeFillippo, 
    443 U.S. 31
    , 35
    (1979) (“[A]n arresting officer may, without a warrant, search a person validly arrested.”), and on a
    consensual basis, see Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 
    412 U.S. 218
    , 219 (1973) (“[O]ne of the specifically
    established exceptions to the requirements of both a warrant and probable cause is a search that is
    conducted pursuant to consent.”). Custodial “inventory searches” are also exempt from the warrant
    requirement. See Colorado v. Bertine, 
    479 U.S. 367
    , 372 (1987). Exceptions have also been established for
    searches conducted outside of criminal investigations. For example, disciplinary procedures in public
    schools are not governed by a warrant requirement, see Acton, 
    515 U.S. at 653
    ; neither are civil-service
    drug-testing programs, see Nat’l Treasury Employees Union v. Von Raab, 
    489 U.S. 656
    , 666-67 (1989), nor
    are searches conducted at international borders, United States v. Montoya De Hernandez, 
    473 U.S. 531
    , 537
    (1985). Administrative searches, particularly those involving heavily regulated industries, may also be
    exempt from the warrant requirement under certain circumstances. See New York v. Burger, 
    482 U.S. 691
    , 708-10 (1987). In these contexts, when the government “seeks to prevent the development of
    hazardous conditions or to detect violations that rarely generate articulable grounds for searching any
    particular place or person” the probable cause and warrant requirements give way to an evaluation of
    reasonableness. Nat’l Treasury Employees Union, 
    489 U.S. at 668
     (emphasis in original).
    The question of whether a warrant is required for overseas searches of U.S. citizens has not
    been decided by the Supreme Court, by our Court, or, as far as we are able to determine, by any of our
    sister circuits. While never addressing the question directly, the Supreme Court provided some
    guidance on the issue in United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez, where the Court examined whether an alien
    with “no voluntary attachment to the United States” could invoke the protections of the Fourth
    Amendment to suppress evidence obtained through a warrantless search conducted in Mexico. 
    494 U.S. 259
    , 274-75 (1990). Relying on “the text of the Fourth Amendment, its history, and [the Court’s]
    cases discussing the application of the Constitution to aliens and extraterritorially,” the Supreme Court
    held that the Fourth Amendment affords no protection to aliens searched by U.S. officials outside of
    our borders. 
    Id. at 274
    . With respect to the applicability of the Warrant Clause abroad, the Court
    expressed doubt that the clause governed any overseas searches conducted by U.S. agents, explaining
    that warrants issued to conduct overseas searches “would be a dead letter outside the United States.”
     Elaborating on this observation in a concurring opinion, Justice Kennedy concluded:
    The absence of local judges or magistrates available to issue warrants, the differing and perhaps
    unascertainable conceptions of reasonableness and privacy that prevail abroad, and the need to
    cooperate with foreign officials all indicate that the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement
    should not apply in Mexico as it does in this country.
    Id. at 278
    . Both Justice Stevens, in a concurring opinion, and Justice Blackmun, in dissent, also took a
    dim view of applying the Warrant Clause to searches conducted abroad, noting that U.S. judicial
    officers have no power to issue such warrants. See 
    id. at 279
     (Stevens, J., concurring) (“I do not believe
    the Warrant Clause has any application to searches of noncitizens’ homes in foreign jurisdictions
    because American magistrates have no power to authorize such searches.”); 
    id. at 297
     (Blackmun, J.,
    dissenting) (“[A]n American magistrate’s lack of power to authorize a search abroad renders the
    Warrant Clause inapplicable to the search of a noncitizen’s residence outside this country.”).
    Accordingly, in Verdugo-Urquidez, seven justices of the Supreme Court endorsed the view that U.S.
    courts are not empowered to issue warrants for foreign searches. But see 
    id. at 294-96
     (Brennan, J.
    dissenting) (rejecting this argument).
    These observations and the following reasons weigh against imposing a warrant requirement on
    overseas searches.
    First, there is nothing in our history or our precedents suggesting that U.S. officials must first
    obtain a warrant before conducting an overseas search. El-Hage has pointed to no authority—and we
    are aware of none—directly supporting the proposition that warrants are necessary for searches
    conducted abroad by U.S. law enforcement officers or local agents acting in collaboration with them;
    nor has El-Hage identified any instances in our history where a foreign search was conducted pursuant
    to an American search warrant.6 This dearth of authority is not surprising in light of the history of the
    Fourth Amendment and its Warrant Clause as well as the history of international affairs. As the
    Verdugo-Urquidez Court explained, “[w]hat we know of the history of the drafting of the Fourth
    Amendment . . . suggests that its purpose was to restrict searches and seizures which might be
    conducted by the United States in domestic matters.” 
    494 U.S. at 266
    . In addition, the Warrant Clause
    appears to have been invested with a meaning at the time of the drafting that differs significantly from
    our modern view of the requirement. Justice White observed that “at the time of the Bill of Rights, the
    warrant functioned as a powerful tool of law enforcement rather than as a protection for the rights of
    criminal suspects,” and “it was the abusive use of the warrant power, rather than any excessive zeal in
    the discharge of peace officers’ inherent authority, that precipitated the Fourth Amendment.” Payton v.
    We note, however, that pursuant to Army Regulation 190-53, military police seeking to intercept the overseas
    communications (i.e., obtain a “wiretap”) of individuals not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, “may[,] if
    appropriate, recommend that a judicial warrant be sought from a court of competent jurisdiction.” Army Reg. 190-53
    § 2-2(b).
    While we cannot say that the practices of foreign governments have any bearing on the constitutionality of a
    similar practice by our government, we find it notable that El-Hage has not pointed to any instance in which another
    country imposed any comparable requirements on its own law enforcement officers.
    New York, 
    445 U.S. 573
    , 604-14 (1980) (White, J., dissenting) (documenting the history of the Fourth
    Amendment’s warrant requirement). Accordingly, we agree with the Ninth Circuit’s observation that
    “foreign searches have neither been historically subject to the warrant procedure, nor could they be as a
    practical matter.” United States v. Barona, 
    56 F.3d 1087
    , 1092 n.1 (9th Cir. 1995).7
    Second, nothing in the history of the foreign relations of the United States would require that
    U.S. officials obtain warrants from foreign magistrates before conducting searches overseas or, indeed,
    to suppose that all other states have search and investigation rules akin to our own. As the Supreme
    Court explained in Verdugo-Urquidez:
    For better or for worse, we live in a world of nation-states in which our Government must be
    able to function effectively in the company of sovereign nations. Some who violate our laws
    may live outside our borders under a regime quite different from that which obtains in this
    country. Situations threatening to important American interests may arise halfway around the
    globe, situations which in the view of the political branches of our Government require an
    American response with armed force. If there are to be restrictions on searches and seizures
    which occur incident to such American action, they must be imposed by the political branches
    through diplomatic understanding, treaty, or legislation.
    494 U.S. at 275
     (internal citation, quotation marks and brackets omitted). The American procedure of
    A U.S. citizen who is a target of a search by our government executed in a foreign country is not without
    constitutional protection— namely, the Fourth Amendment’s guarantee of reasonableness which protects a citizen from
    unwarranted government intrusions. See Part II.B.3, post; see, e.g., Griffin v. Wisconsin, 
    483 U.S. 868
    , 872-75 (1987);
    Michigan v. DeFillippo, 
    443 U.S. at 35
    . Indeed, in many instances, as appears to have been the case here, searches targeting
    U.S. citizens on foreign soil will be supported by probable cause.
    The interest served by the warrant requirement in having a “neutral and detached magistrate” evaluate the
    reasonableness of a search is, in part, based on separation of powers concerns— namely, the need to interpose a judicial
    officer between the zealous police officer ferreting out crime and the subject of the search. Cf. Wong Sun v. United States,
    371 U.S. 471
    , 481-82 (1963) (“The arrest warrant procedure serves to insure that the deliberate, impartial judgment of a
    judicial officer will be interposed between the citizen and the police, to assess the weight and credibility of the
    information which the complaining officer adduces as probable cause.”); Johnson v. United States, 
    333 U.S. 10
    , 14 (1948)
    (“Any assumption that evidence sufficient to support a magistrate’s disinterested determination to issue a search warrant
    will justify the officers in making a search without a warrant would reduce the Amendment to a nullity and leave the
    people’s homes secure only in the discretion of police officers.”). These interests are lessened in the circumstances
    presented here for two reasons. First, a domestic judicial officer’s ability to determine the reasonableness of a search is
    diminished where the search occurs on foreign soil. Second, the acknowledged wide discretion afforded the executive
    branch in foreign affairs ought to be respected in these circumstances.
    A warrant serves a further purpose in limiting the scope of the search to places described with particularity or
    “the persons or things to be seized” in the warrant. U.S. Const. amend. IV. In the instant case, we are satisfied that the
    scope of the searches at issue was not unreasonable. See Parts II.B.3, post.
    issuing search warrants on a showing of probable cause simply does not extend throughout the globe
    and, pursuant to the Supreme Court’s instructions, the Constitution does not condition our
    government’s investigative powers on the practices of foreign legal regimes “quite different from that
    which obtains in this country.” 
    Third, if U.S. judicial officers were to issue search warrants intended to have extraterritorial
    effect, such warrants would have dubious legal significance, if any, in a foreign nation. Cf. The Schooner
    Exchange v. M’Faddon, 
    11 U.S. 116
    , 135 (1812) (“The jurisdiction of the nation within its own territory is
    necessarily exclusive and absolute. It is susceptible of no limitation not imposed by itself.”). As a
    District Court in this Circuit recently observed, “it takes little to imagine the diplomatic and legal
    complications that would arise if American government officials traveled to another sovereign country
    and attempted to carry out a search of any kind, professing the authority to do so based on an
    American-issued search warrant.” United States v. Vilar, No. 05-CR-621, 
    2007 WL 1075041
    , at *52
    (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 4, 2007). We agree with that observation. A warrant issued by a U.S. court would
    neither empower a U.S. agent to conduct a search nor would it necessarily compel the intended target
    to comply.8 It would be a nullity, or in the words of the Supreme Court, “a dead letter.”
    494 U.S. at 274
    Fourth and finally, it is by no means clear that U.S. judicial officers could be authorized to issue
    A warrant represents the delegation of the authority of the government to its agent to execute a search on the
    property identified therein. The subject of a validly issued search warrant has no right to resist the search. See, e.g., Bumper
    v. North Carolina, 
    391 U.S. 543
    , 550 (1968) (“When a law enforcement officer claims authority to search a home under a
    warrant, he announces in effect that the occupant has no right to resist the search.”); United States v. Bullock, 
    71 F.3d 171
    176 n.4 (5th Cir. 1995) (“[The subject of a search warrant] had no right to resist execution of a search warrant.”); Gasho v.
    United States, 
    39 F.3d 1420
    , 1432 n.12 (9th Cir. 1994) (“We recognize that a citizen has no right to resist a search or
    seizure pursuant to a warrant.”); cf. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2231
    (a) (“Whoever forcibly assaults, resists, opposes, prevents, impedes,
    intimidates, or interferes with any person authorized to serve or execute search warrants or to make searches and
    seizures while engaged in the performance of his duties with regard thereto or on account of the performance of such
    duties, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”); 
     § 3109 (“The officer may
    break open any outer or inner door or window of a house, or any part of a house, or anything therein, to execute a
    search warrant, if, after notice of his authority and purpose, he is refused admittance or when necessary to liberate
    himself or a person aiding him in the execution of the warrant.”).
    warrants for overseas searches, cf. Weinberg v. United States, 
    126 F.2d 1004
    , 1006 (2d Cir. 1942) (statute
    authorizing district court to issue search warrants construed to limit authority to the court’s territorial
    jurisdiction), although we need not resolve that issue here.
    For these reasons, we hold that the Fourth Amendment’s Warrant Clause has no extraterritorial
    application and that foreign searches of U.S. citizens conducted by U.S. agents are subject only to the
    Fourth Amendment’s requirement of reasonableness.9
    The District Court’s recognition of an exception to the warrant requirement for foreign
    intelligence searches finds support in the pre-FISA law of other circuits. See United States v. Truong Dinh
    629 F.2d 908
    , 913 (4th Cir. 1980); United States v. Buck, 
    548 F.2d 871
    , 875 (9th Cir. 1977); United
    States v. Butenko, 
    494 F.2d 593
    , 605 (3d Cir. 1974); United States v. Brown, 
    484 F.2d 418
    , 426 (5th Cir.
    1973). We decline to adopt this view, however, because the exception requires an inquiry into whether
    the “primary purpose” of the search is foreign intelligence collection. See Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 277
    . This distinction between a “primary purpose” and other purposes is inapt. As the U.S. Foreign
    Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review has explained:
    [The primary purpose] analysis, in our view, rested on a false premise and the line the court
    sought to draw was inherently unstable, unrealistic, and confusing. The false premise was the
    assertion that once the government moves to criminal prosecution, its ‘foreign policy concerns’
    recede. . . . [T]hat is simply not true as it relates to counterintelligence. In that field the
    government’s primary purpose is to halt the espionage or terrorism efforts, and criminal
    prosecutions can be, and usually are, interrelated with other techniques used to frustrate a
    foreign power’s efforts.
    In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, 
    310 F.3d 717
    , 743 (Foreign Int. Surv. Ct. Rev. 2002).
    In addition, the purpose of the search has no bearing on the factors making a warrant
    requirement inapplicable to foreign searches—namely, (1) the complete absence of any precedent in
    our history for doing so, (2) the inadvisability of conditioning our government’s surveillance on the
    Because we conclude that the Warrant Clause has no extraterritorial application, we need not reach the
    questions of whether the searches at issue meet the good faith exception to the exclusionary rule.
    practices of foreign states, (3) a U.S. warrant’s lack of authority overseas, and (4) the absence of a
    mechanism for obtaining a U.S. warrant. Accordingly, we cannot endorse the view that the normal
    course is to obtain a warrant for overseas searches involving U.S. citizens unless the search is
    “primarily” targeting foreign powers.
    3.      The Kenyan Searches Were Reasonable and Therefore Did Not Violate the Fourth
    Turning to the question of whether the searches at issue in this appeal—the search of El-Hage’s
    Nairobi home and the surveillance of his Kenyan telephone lines—were reasonable, we observe that
    El-Hage does not explicitly contest the District Court’s reasonableness determination. It is nevertheless
    apparent from his briefs on appeal that, in his view, the searches were unreasonable, largely for two
    reasons. First, El-Hage insists that his Nairobi home deserves special consideration in light of the
    home’s status as “the most fundamental bastion of privacy protected by the Fourth Amendment.” El-
    Hage Br. 220. Second, he contends that the electronic surveillance was far broader than necessary
    because it encompassed “[m]any calls, if not the predominant amount, [that] were related solely to
    legitimate commercial purposes, and/or purely family and social matters.” Id. at 166.
    To determine whether a search is reasonable under the Fourth Amendment, we examine the
    “totality of the circumstances” to balance “on the one hand, the degree to which it intrudes upon an
    individual’s privacy and, on the other, the degree to which it is needed for the promotion of legitimate
    governmental interests.” Samson v. California, 
    547 U.S. 843
    , 848 (2006) (quoting United States v. Knights,
    534 U.S. 112
    , 118-19 (2001)) (internal quotation marks omitted). As discussed in greater detail below,
    we conclude that the searches’ intrusion on El-Hage’s privacy was outweighed by the government’s
    manifest need to monitor his activities as an operative of al Qaeda because of the extreme threat al
    Qaeda presented, and continues to present, to national security. In light of these circumstances, the
    Kenyan searches were reasonable, notwithstanding El-Hage’s objections, and therefore not prohibited
    by the Fourth Amendment.
    a.        The Search of El-Hage’s Home in Nairobi Was Reasonable
    El-Hage’s principal challenge to the reasonableness of the search of his Nairobi residence
    appears to derive from Supreme Court precedents applying rigorous scrutiny to searches of a suspect’s
    home. In Kyllo v. United States, for example, the Court explained: “At the very core of the Fourth
    Amendment stands the right of a man to retreat into his own home and there be free from
    unreasonable governmental intrusion. With few exceptions, the question whether a warrantless search
    of a home is reasonable and hence constitutional must be answered no.” 
    533 U.S. 27
    , 31 (2001)
    (internal citation and quotation marks omitted). The Supreme Court has expressed this long-held view
    in numerous other decisions. See, e.g., Payton v. New York, 
    445 U.S. 573
    , 590 (1980) (“In terms that apply
    equally to seizures of property and to seizures of persons, the Fourth Amendment has drawn a firm line
    at the entrance to the house. Absent exigent circumstances, that threshold may not reasonably be
    crossed without a warrant.”).
    This general proscription is not without limits. In United States v. Knights, for instance, after
    balancing the relevant interests, the Court upheld a California statute requiring probationers to submit
    to searches of their homes, among other locations, regardless of whether the searches are authorized by
    a warrant or supported by probable cause. 
    534 U.S. 112
    , 114, 122 (2001);10 see also United States v. Reyes,
    283 F.3d 446
    , 462 (2d Cir. 2002) (“[T]he probable cause requirements of the Fourth Amendment do
    not apply to a federal probation officer conducting a home visit—a far less invasive form of
    supervision than a search—pursuant to a convicted offender’s conditions of supervised release.”).
    Applying the balancing test described above, the Court noted probationers’ diminished expectation of privacy
    in light of their status as probationers and because they had been informed that, under the terms of probation, their
    homes could be searched without warrants. Knights, 
    534 U.S. at 119-20
    . Examining the government’s interest, the Court
    observed that it was two-fold: integrating probationers back into the community and preventing them from engaging in
    further criminal conduct. 
    Id. at 120-21
    . In light of the relative weight of the probationers’ and the government’s
    respective interests, the Court held that “the balance of these considerations requires no more than reasonable suspicion
    to conduct a search of this probationer’s house” and therefore upheld the search as reasonable. 
    Id. at 212
    Accordingly, warrantless searches of homes, while subject to special scrutiny, are nevertheless also
    subject to a balancing test—weighing an individual’s expectation of privacy against the government’s
    need for certain information—for determining reasonableness under the Fourth Amendment. See, e.g.,
    United States v. Newton, 
    369 F.3d 659
    , 668 (2d Cir. 2004).
    Applying that test to the facts of this case, we first examine the extent to which the search of
    El-Hage’s Nairobi home intruded upon his privacy. The intrusion was minimized by the fact that the
    search was not covert; indeed, U.S. agents searched El-Hage’s home with the assistance of Kenyan
    authorities, pursuant to what was identified as a “Kenyan warrant authorizing [a search].” Bin Laden,
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 269
    . The search occurred during the daytime, 
    id. at 285
    , and in the presence of El-
    Hage’s wife, 
    id. at 269
    . At the conclusion of the search, an inventory listing the items seized during the
    search was prepared and given to El-Hage’s wife. 
    Id. at 269
    . In addition, the District Court found that
    “[t]he scope of the search was limited to those items which were believed to have foreign intelligence
    value and retention and dissemination of the evidence acquired during the search were minimized.” 
    Id. at 285
    As described above, U.S. intelligence officers became aware of al Qaeda’s presence in Kenya in
    the spring of 1996. 
    Id. at 268-69
    . At about that time, they identified five telephone lines used by
    suspected al Qaeda associates, one of which was located in the same building as El-Hage’s Nairobi
    home; another was a cellular phone used by El-Hage. 
     After these telephone lines had been
    monitored for several months, the Attorney General of the United States authorized surveillance
    specifically targeting El-Hage. 
     That authorization was renewed four months later, and, one month
    after that, U.S. agents searched El-Hage’s home in Nairobi. 
     This sequence of events is indicative of
    a disciplined approach to gathering indisputably vital intelligence on the activities of a foreign terrorist
    organization. U.S. agents did not breach the privacy of El-Hage’s home on a whim or on the basis of
    an unsubstantiated tip; rather, they monitored telephonic communications involving him for nearly a
    year and conducted surveillance of his activities for five months before concluding that it was necessary
    to search his home. In light of these findings of fact, which El-Hage has not contested as clearly
    erroneous, we conclude that the search, while undoubtedly intrusive on El-Hage’s privacy, was
    restrained in execution and narrow in focus.
    Balanced against this restrained and limited intrusion on El-Hage’s privacy, we have the
    government’s manifest need to investigate possible threats to national security. As the District Court
    noted, al Qaeda “declared a war of terrorism against all members of the United States military
    worldwide” in 1996 and later against American civilians. 
    Id. at 269
    . The government had evidence
    establishing that El-Hage was working with al Qaeda in Kenya. 
     On the basis of these findings of
    fact, we agree with the District Court that, at the time of the search of El-Hage’s home, the
    government had a powerful need to gather additional intelligence on al Qaeda’s activities in Kenya,11
    which it had linked to El-Hage.
    Balancing the search’s limited intrusion on El-Hage’s privacy against the manifest need of the
    government to monitor the activities of al Qaeda, which had been connected to El-Hage through a year
    of surveillance, we hold that the search of El-Hage’s Nairobi residence was reasonable under the
    Fourth Amendment.
    b.        The Surveillance of El-Hage’s Kenyan Telephone Lines Was Also Reasonable.
    El-Hage appears to challenge the reasonableness of the electronic surveillance of the Kenyan
    telephone lines on the grounds that (1) they were overbroad, encompassing calls made for commercial,
    family or social purposes and (2) the government failed to follow procedures to “minimize”
    surveillance. Indeed, pursuant to defense counsel’s analysis, “as many as 25 percent of the calls were
    On the recognized threat posed by al Qaeda in the 1990s, see In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East
    Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008).
    either made by, or to” a Nairobi businessman not alleged to have been associated with al Qaeda. El-
    Hage Br. 166. El-Hage also criticizes the government for retaining transcripts of irrelevant calls—such
    as conversations between El-Hage and his wife about their children—despite the government’s
    assurance to the District Court that the surveillance had been properly “minimized.” See United States v.
    928 F.2d 1289
    , 1302 (2d Cir. 1991) (“[A]ny [electronic] interception ‘shall be conducted in such
    a way as to minimize the interception of communications not otherwise subject to interception.’”
    18 U.S.C. § 2518
    It cannot be denied that El-Hage suffered, while abroad, a significant invasion of privacy by
    virtue of the government’s year-long surveillance of his telephonic communications. The Supreme
    Court has recognized that, like a physical search, electronic monitoring intrudes on “the innermost
    secrets of one’s home or office” and that “[f]ew threats to liberty exist which are greater than that
    posed by the use of eavesdropping devices.” Berger v. New York, 
    388 U.S. 41
    , 63 (1967); cf. Katz v. United
    389 U.S. 347
    , 352-54 (1967). For its part, the government does not contradict El-Hage’s claims
    that the surveillance was broad and loosely “minimized.” Instead, the government sets forth a variety
    of reasons justifying the breadth of the surveillance. These justifications, regardless of their merit, do
    not lessen the intrusion El-Hage suffered while abroad, and we accord this intrusion substantial weight
    in our balancing analysis.
    Turning to the government’s interest, we encounter again the self-evident need to investigate
    threats to national security presented by foreign terrorist organizations. When U.S. intelligence learned
    that five telephone lines were being used by suspected al Qaeda operatives, see Bin Laden, 
    126 F. Supp. 2d at 286
    , the need to monitor communications traveling on those lines was paramount, and we are
    loath to discount—much less disparage—the government’s decision to do so.
    Our balancing of these compelling, and competing, interests turns on whether the scope of the
    intrusion here was justified by the government’s surveillance needs. We conclude that it was, for at
    least the following four reasons.
    First, complex, wide-ranging, and decentralized organizations, such as al Qaeda, warrant
    sustained and intense monitoring in order to understand their features and identify their members. See
    In re Sealed Case No. 02-001, 
    310 F.3d 717
    , 740-41 (Foreign Int. Surv. Ct. Rev. 2002) (“Less
    minimization in the acquisition stage may well be justified to the extent . . . ‘the investigation is focusing
    on what is thought to be a widespread conspiracy[,] [where] more extensive surveillance may be
    justified in an attempt to determine the precise scope of the enterprise.’” (quoting Scott v. United States,
    436 U.S. 128
    , 140 (1978) (alteration in original))); United States v. Hoffman, 
    832 F.2d 1299
    , 1308 (1st Cir.
    1987) (“Where, as here, an investigation is focused largely on blueprinting the shape of the
    conspiratorial wheel and identifying the spokes radiating from its hub, the need to allow latitude to
    eavesdroppers is close to its zenith.”); United States v. Scott, 
    516 F.2d 751
    , 758 (D.C. Cir. 1975) (Because
    the targets “were operating a fairly extensive narcotics business,” the court of appeals determined that
    “thorough surveillance of their activities was necessary to disclose the extent of their conspiracy and the
    identity of the conspirators.”).
    Second, foreign intelligence gathering of the sort considered here must delve into the
    superficially mundane because it is not always readily apparent what information is relevant. Cf. United
    States v. Rahman, 
    861 F. Supp. 247
    , 252-53 (S.D.N.Y. 1994) (recognizing the “argument that when the
    purpose of surveillance is to gather intelligence about international terrorism, greater flexibility in
    acquiring and storing information is necessary, because innocent-sounding conversations may later
    prove to be highly significant, and because individual items of information, not apparently significant
    when taken in isolation, may become highly significant when considered together over time”).
    Third, members of covert terrorist organizations, as with other sophisticated criminal
    enterprises, often communicate in code, or at least through ambiguous language. See, e.g., United States v.
    152 F.3d 88
    , 108 (2d Cir. 1998) (“Because Ajaj was in jail and his telephone calls were
    monitored, Ajaj and Yousef spoke in code when discussing the bomb plot.”); United States v. Casamento,
    887 F.2d 1141
    , 1190 (2d Cir. 1989) (recognizing that conspirators in a complex narcotics scheme spoke
    in code); Hoffman, 
    832 F.2d at 1308
    ; United States v. Truong Dinh Hung, 
    629 F.2d 908
    , 917 (4th Cir. 1980)
    (“[W]hen the government eavesdrops on clandestine groups like this one, investigators often find it
    necessary to intercept all calls in order to record possible code language or oblique references to the
    illegal scheme.”); Scott, 
    516 F.2d at 758
     (“[T]he conspirators used coded language and would
    occasionally discuss irrelevant matters at the outset of a conversation.”); cf. Scott v. United States, 
    436 U.S. 128
    , 140 (1978) (observing that evaluations of whether surveillance has been properly minimized
    require consideration of the particular circumstances of the wiretap). Hence, more extensive and
    careful monitoring of these communications may be necessary.
    Fourth, because the monitored conversations were conducted in foreign languages, the task of
    determining relevance and identifying coded language was further complicated. See In re Sealed Case, 
    310 F.3d at 741
    ; cf. In re Audibility of Certain Recorded Conversations, 
    691 F. Supp. 588
     (D. Conn. 1988)
    (discussing difficulties inherent in making audibility determinations of evidence recorded in a language
    other than English); cf. 
    18 U.S.C. § 2518
    (5) (“In the event the intercepted communication is in a code
    or foreign language, and an expert in that foreign language or code is not reasonably available during
    the interception period, minimization may be accomplished as soon as practicable after such
    Because the surveillance of suspected al Qaeda operatives must be sustained and thorough in
    order to be effective, we cannot conclude that the scope of the government’s electronic surveillance
    was overbroad. While the intrusion on El-Hage’s privacy was great, the need for the government to so
    intrude was even greater. Accordingly, the electronic surveillance, like the search of El-Hage’s Nairobi
    residence, was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment.
    In sum, because the searches at issue on this appeal were reasonable, they comport with the
    applicable requirement of the Fourth Amendment and, therefore, El-Hage’s motion to suppress the
    evidence resulting from those searches was properly denied by the District Court.
    To summarize, we hold:
    (1) The evidence obtained from the search of El-Hage’s Kenyan residence and the surveillance
    of his Kenyan telephone lines was properly admitted at trial because (a) the Fourth Amendment’s
    requirement of reasonableness—but not the Warrant Clause—applies to extraterritorial searches and
    seizures of U.S. citizens, and (b) the searches of El-Hage’s Kenyan home and the surveillance of his
    telephone lines were reasonable under the circumstances presented here; and
    (2) The District Court’s ex parte, in camera evaluation of evidence submitted by the government
    in opposition to El-Hage’s suppression motion was appropriate in light of national security
    considerations that militated in favor of maintaining the confidentiality of that evidence.
    For these reasons, and for those set forth in In re Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East
    Africa, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008), the judgment of conviction entered by the District Court against El-
    Hage is AFFIRMED in all respects except that the sentence is VACATED, and the case is
    REMANDED to the District Court for the sole purpose of resentencing El-Hage as directed in In re
    Terrorist Bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa,, __ F.3d __ (2d Cir. 2008).

Document Info

Docket Number: 01-1535

Filed Date: 11/24/2008

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/21/2014

Authorities (53)

United States v. Barry Hoffman , 832 F.2d 1299 ( 1987 )

United States v. Miguel Pena, A/K/A Bernardo Pena , 961 F.2d 333 ( 1992 )

United States v. Sewn Newton , 369 F.3d 659 ( 2004 )

United States v. Roger Watson, Delroy Reid , 404 F.3d 163 ( 2005 )

United States v. Jose Antonio Casado , 303 F.3d 440 ( 2002 )

United States v. Paul Ajlouny , 629 F.2d 830 ( 1980 )

United States v. Rommy , 506 F.3d 108 ( 2007 )

United States v. Donald Reyes, Robert Jubic , 283 F.3d 446 ( 2002 )

United States v. Francisco Toscanino , 500 F.2d 267 ( 1974 )

United States v. Angelo Ruggiero, Gene Gotti and John ... , 928 F.2d 1289 ( 1991 )

united-states-v-mohammed-a-salameh-nidal-ayyad-mahmoud-abouhalima-also , 152 F.3d 88 ( 1998 )

Weinberg v. United States , 126 F.2d 1004 ( 1942 )

pedro-rosado-efran-morales-caban-and-raymond-bayron-velez-petitioners-v , 621 F.2d 1179 ( 1980 )

united-states-v-filippo-casamento-emanuele-palazzolo-giovanni , 887 F.2d 1141 ( 1989 )

United States v. Hubert Geroid Brown , 484 F.2d 418 ( 1973 )

United States v. Truong Dinh Hung, United States of America ... , 629 F.2d 908 ( 1980 )

United States v. Marilyn Jean Buck , 548 F.2d 871 ( 1977 )

United States v. John William Butenko and Igor A. Ivanov. ... , 494 F.2d 593 ( 1974 )

United States v. Bullock , 71 F.3d 171 ( 1995 )

united-states-v-maria-cecilia-barona-united-states-of-america-v-janet , 56 F.3d 1087 ( 1995 )

View All Authorities »