United States v. Fordham ( 1999 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    1999 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Fordham
    Precedential or Non-Precedential:
    Docket 99-3132
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    Filed July 30, 1999
    No. 99-3132
    Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the Middle District of Pennsylvania
    D.C. No.: 97-cr-00018-1
    District Judge: Honorable James F. McClure, Jr.
    Submitted Under Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    July 13, 1999
    Circuit Judges.
    (Filed July 30, 1999)
    George J. Rocktashel
    Office of United States Attorney
    240 West Third Street
    P.O. Box 548
    Williamsport, PA 17703
    Counsel for Appellee
    G. Scott Gardner
    2117 West 4th Street
    Williamsport, PA 17701
    Counsel for Appellant
    ROSENN, Circuit Judge:
    Appellant, Christopher Phillip Fordham, pleaded guilty to
    conspiracy to commit money laundering in violation of 18
    U.S.C. S 1956(h). The Presentence Investigation Report
    ("PSR") calculated the defendant's guideline range at 87 to
    108 months based on a Criminal History Category of I. The
    United States District Court for the Middle District of
    Pennsylvania, the Honorable James F. McClure, Jr.
    presiding, found that a Criminal History Category of I
    significantly under-represented the seriousness of the
    defendant's prior record. Consequently, the court departed
    upward to a Criminal History Category of II, which
    calculated the increased guideline range at 97 to 121
    months. The court then imposed a 120 month term of
    imprisonment plus a special assessment of $100. 1
    Defendant appealed. We affirm.
    A government investigation revealed that the defendant
    procured large amounts of marijuana in Arizona and
    Mexico, which he had others transport and sell in New York
    and Pennsylvania. The defendant also used Federal Express
    to transport marijuana to individuals located in State
    College, Pennsylvania. In addition, at the defendant's
    direction, several individuals flew to New York and
    Pennsylvania carrying marijuana. Following the deliveries,
    the defendant received either wire transferred funds in
    Tucson, Arizona or, if not by wire transfer, those who
    transported the marijuana to New York and Pennsylvania
    would return to Tucson and personally deliver cash to him.
    Investigators of the Pennsylvania Attorney General's office
    identified in excess of $300,000 in Western Union and
    1. The district court had subject matter jurisdiction based on 18 U.S.C.
    S 3231. This court has appellate jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. S 1291 and
    18 U.S.C. S 3742.
    American Express wire transfers from locations in State
    College and Southeastern Pennsylvania to the defendant
    when he resided in Tucson, and to other individuals located
    in Jamaica. The defendant admitted to a probation officer
    that a typical marijuana delivery consisted of a quantity in
    the twenty to thirty pound range. He also stated that he
    received approximately $150,000 via Western Union and
    American Express.
    At the sentencing hearing, government witness Agent
    Kevin M. Barr verified the allegations contained in the PSR.
    In light of Barr's testimony, the district court found that the
    defendant was both an organizer and a leader of an
    extensive conspiracy, consisting of in excess offive
    participants. The court also sua sponte voiced the
    possibility of an upward departure from the defendant's
    criminal history category based mainly on the defendant's
    prior foreign conviction.2 More particularly, on December 3,
    1990, the defendant was arrested by the Federal Judicial
    Police in Sonora, Mexico, while carrying 3.70 kilograms of
    marijuana. He told authorities that he was transporting the
    marijuana to the United States. He was convicted and
    sentenced in the Seventh District Court in Mexico for
    possession of marijuana and subsequently he was
    transferred to the United States through a prisoner
    exchange. Eventually United States Parole Commission
    paroled him on February 3, 1992 to commence a five-year
    term of supervised release.
    Defense counsel objected to an upward departure,
    contending that the district court lacked authority to depart
    because the foreign conviction was purportedly a simple
    possession of marijuana. Under the guidelines, such a
    conviction meant that the defendant could not have
    received more than six months if he had been convicted in
    the United States. Hence, as a matter of law, defense
    counsel asserted that the court lacked authority to depart
    2. In order to be consistent with the plea agreement, the Government
    took no position when the court inquired as to whether it believed an
    upward departure was warranted.
    Overruling defense counsel's objection, the district court
    carefully considered its authority to depart under Guideline
    Section 4A1.3, noting with particularity that the
    accompanying commentary merely provided examples in
    determining the appropriateness of an upward departure.
    Pursuant to the Section 4A1.3, the court concluded that
    the defendant's Criminal History Category of I as reflected
    in the PSR significantly under-represented the seriousness
    of his criminal history. The court adjusted upward the
    defendant's category, placing the defendant in Category II
    which resulted in a guideline range of 97 to 121 months.
    The court then imposed a sentence of 120 months
    imprisonment, stating that the offense committed was
    serious in nature and that the defendant's continuing
    criminal conduct while under community supervision
    indicated a need for deterrence and protection for the
    The defendant's sole argument on appeal is that the
    district court erred when it departed upward. To the extent
    the defendant questions the district court's decision to
    depart, we review for abuse of discretion. Koon v. United
    518 U.S. 81
    , 98 (1996). On the other hand, to the
    extent he questions the court's authority to depart, we
    review de novo. 
    Id. at 100.
    The defendant argues that the district court erred when
    it adjusted upward his criminal category because not only
    did it lack reliable information concerning the foreign
    conviction, but the information that it possessed pertained
    solely to a single offense that was not serious in nature. He
    also contends that his case is unlike the example provided
    in the policy statement accompanying Guideline Section
    4A1.3, involving a defendant with a criminal history that is
    extensive and serious in nature. On the other hand, his
    foreign conviction was a single offense, was not serious in
    nature, and would be only a misdemeanor if it had been
    committed in Pennsylvania. He further asserts that his
    foreign conviction was not reliable because no certified copy
    of that conviction was introduced at his sentencing hearing.
    He concludes that a more suitable adjustment would have
    been a sentence in the upper range of the applicable
    guideline range under Category I rather than a departure.
    In response, the Government contends that Guideline
    Section 4A1.3 permitted the district court to depart
    upward. It asserts that Section 4A1.3 contains no
    requirement that there be more than one foreign conviction.
    It avers that the information considered by the district
    court indicated that the defendant was convicted in Mexico
    for possession of 3.79 kilograms of marijuana, which he
    himself admitted he was transporting to the United States.
    Accordingly, it submits that because the offense involved a
    significant quantity of marijuana, coupled with an intent to
    import the substance into the United States and distribute
    it there, the district court was vested with the discretion to
    depart upward.
    Lastly, as to the reliability of the defendant's foreign
    conviction, the Government observes that the conviction
    was honored through a prisoner exchange program and the
    defendant was transferred to the United States and
    released by the United States Parole Commission to
    commence a five year term of supervised release. The
    United States District Court for the District of Arizona
    supervising defendant's release recognized the validity of
    the underlying conviction when it found on May 3, 1993
    that the defendant violated the condition of his supervised
    release and imposed a 21 month term of imprisonment.
    Therefore, the Government submits that the district court
    here justifiably relied on the foreign conviction in
    determining the appropriateness of an upward departure.
    Guideline Section 4A1.3 empowers the district court to
    depart upward "[i]f reliable information indicates that the
    criminal history category does not adequately reflect the
    seriousness of the defendant's past criminal conduct or the
    likelihood that the defendant will commit other crimes ... ."
    U.S.S.G. S 4A1.3. Section 4A1.3 also indicates that reliable
    information can include " ... prior sentences' not used in
    computing the criminal history category (e.g., sentences for
    foreign and tribal offenses) ... ." U.S.S.G.S 4A1.3(a).
    To establish reliability of the foreign conviction, certified
    copies of the conviction albeit desirable are not required for
    the sentencing court's determination as to whether an
    upward adjustment is warranted. See United States v.
    889 F.2d 441
    , 444-45 (2d Cir. 1989).
    Furthermore, the sentencing court may, even in light of a
    constitutionally infirm foreign conviction, consider any
    reliable information concerning the conduct that led to the
    conviction. See United States v. Delmarle, 
    99 F.3d 80
    , 85
    (2nd Cir. 1996).
    In the case at bar, we conclude that the district court, in
    exercising the discretion vested under Section 4A1.3,
    committed no error in relying on the defendant's foreign
    conviction, as well as the severity of the underlying offense,3
    and the defendant's past criminal history in determining
    that an upward departure was warranted. Not only was the
    court apprised of the possible constitutional infirmities
    surrounding the foreign conviction,4 but the court also
    identified that evidence which it believed justified upward
    departure. See United States v. Luscier, 
    983 F.2d 1507
    1511 (9th Cir. 1993). Specifically, the court remarked that
    the defendant would have occupied the higher category had
    3. The district court's conclusion that the foreign offense conduct was
    sufficiently serious to trigger its discretionary authority to depart
    U.S.S.G. S 4A1.3 is supported by the fact that, had the defendant been
    convicted of possessing 3.70 kilograms of marijuana in the United
    States, he would have been subject to a 10-16 month sentence,
    assuming a criminal history category of I. See U.S.S.G. S 2D1.1
    (possession of between 2.5 and 5 kg. of marijuana results in base offense
    level of 12).
    4. See 
    Soliman, 889 F.2d at 445
    (citing Guidelines Manual Section 1B1.4
    at 1.21)("Once appraised of the possible constitutional infirmities
    surrounding a foreign conviction, the sentencing judge, in an exercise of
    informed discretion, may rely on the conviction in deciding whether to
    depart from a Guideline range ... .")
    the foreign conviction been counted in computing his
    criminal history category before departure. The court
    explained that "if [the foreign] conviction... was a federal
    conviction, he'd have another five points added on."
    Additionally, the court acknowledged that it was not certain
    whether the Mexican authorities adhered to due process in
    sentencing the defendant for possession of marijuana.
    Nevertheless, the court stated that it was confident that the
    conviction was fair. These reasons are not only well within
    the court's sound discretion, but also permissible
    considerations in fact and law. See 
    Delmarle, 99 F.3d at 85
    Luscier, 983 F.2d at 1511
    Soliman, 889 F.2d at 445
    . We
    therefore perceive no error in the court's decision that it
    could depart upward and see no abuse of discretion in its
    decision to so depart.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment sentence of the
    district court will be affirmed.
    A True Copy:
    Clerk of the United States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit