United States v. Berry ( 2009 )

  •                                                                                                                            Opinions of the United
    2009 Decisions                                                                                                             States Court of Appeals
    for the Third Circuit
    USA v. Berry
    Precedential or Non-Precedential: Precedential
    Docket No. 07-1251
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    No. 07-1251
    No. 07-1276
    Appeal from Judgments of Conviction and Sentence
    in Criminal Nos. 06-00063-1 and 06-00063-2 in the
    United States District Court for the Eastern District of
    Submitted Under Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    March 24, 2008
    Before: McKEE, RENDELL and TASHIMA,* Circuit Judges
    (Filed: January 6, 2009)
    Brett G. Sweitzer, Esq.
    Defender Association of Philadelphia
    Federal Court Division
    601 Walnut Street
    The Curtis Center, Suite 540 West
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Attorney for Defendant - Appellant Terrell Berry
    John F. Renner, Esq.
    12000 Lincoln Drive West
    Pavilions At Greentree, Suite 401
    Marlton, NJ 08053-0000
    Honorable A. Wallace Tashima, Senior Judge of the
    United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting
    by designation.
    Attorney for Defendant - Appellant Shawn Mack
    Michelle T. Rotella, Esq.
    Robert A. Zauzmer, Esq.
    Office of United States Attorney
    Suite 1250
    615 Chestnut Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19106
    Attorneys for Plaintiff - Appellee
    MCKEE, Circuit Judge.
    Terrell Berry and Shawn Mack pled guilty to an
    indictment charging them both with one count of robbery
    affecting interstate commerce, and one count of carrying and
    using a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence. They now
    appeal their sentences arguing, inter alia, that the district court
    denied them due process of law by relying upon unsupported
    speculation in determining their sentences. For the reasons that
    follow, we agree. We will therefore remand for resentencing.
    I. Factual Background
    On October 5, 2004, Berry and Mack were apprehended
    by police in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, in connection with the
    armed robbery of an area restaurant. A subsequent search of
    the car they were riding in disclosed a handgun as well as cash
    that had been stolen from the restaurant during the robbery.
    Following their arrest, Berry and Mack were charged by
    local authorities. However, their prosecution was transferred to
    federal authorities, and they were subsequently indicted by a
    federal grand jury. Following indictment, they both pled guilty
    to one count of robbery affecting interstate commerce, in
    violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1951(a) (“Count One”), and one count
    of carrying and using a firearm in furtherance of a crime of
    violence, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 924(c)(1) (“Count Two”).
    The Presentence Investigation Report (“PSR”) that was
    prepared for Berry calculated an offense level of 19 and a
    criminal history category of I for Count One. That resulted in
    a Sentencing Guidelines range of 30 to 37 months
    imprisonment. However, a mandatory consecutive sentence of
    seven years imprisonment applied on Count Two. The PSR
    noted that Berry, who was 22 at the time of this offense, had no
    prior adult convictions, but he did have four prior arrests. He
    was assigned one criminal history point for an arrest for a theft
    offense when he was 17 that resulted in an adjudication of
    delinquency. Since this was his only criminal history point, he
    remained in criminal history category I. According to the PSR,
    a second juvenile petition had been filed against Berry for
    unauthorized use of an automobile. That petition was dismissed
    without adjudication of delinquency after Berry, then 16,
    admitted the charge and performed community service. Berry’s
    PSR also stated that he had been arrested twice as an adult -
    once for marijuana possession and once for armed robbery.
    According to the PSR, the marijuana charge had been
    “discharged due to lack of prosecution,” and the robbery charge
    had been “nol prossed.” The PSR contained no information
    about the facts underlying those charges. Critically, as we shall
    explain, the PSR noted that the “nol prossed” robbery charge
    “forms the basis of the instant offense.”
    The PSR prepared for Mack calculated a Guideline
    offense level for the robbery of 20 and a criminal history
    category of I for Count One. The resulting Guideline range was
    33 to 41 months. Mack was also subject to a mandatory
    consecutive seven-year sentence of imprisonment on Count
    Two. Mack had no prior criminal convictions, but the PSR
    listed four “other arrests.” According to the PSR, Mack was
    arrested once for retail theft and once for possessing a weapon
    on school property when he was 17. The retail theft had been
    “discharged for lack of prosecution,” and the weapons charge
    had been resolved when Mack entered a Consent Decree
    without an adjudication of delinquency.1 As an adult, Mack had
    been charged with knowing possession of a controlled
    substance, but the charge had been “withdrawn by the District
    Attorney.” Like Berry, his PSR listed a 2004 arrest for armed
    robbery that was “nol prossed.” Except for the weapons charge
    arising from the possession of a box cutter, the PSR contained
    no information about the underlying facts or circumstances of
    any arrests.
    Surprisingly, although no one present at sentencing
    The PSR notes that the weapon charge resulted from
    Mack’s possession of a box cutter. A psychologist’s report
    submitted to the district court stated that Mack claimed he
    possessed the box cutter because his after-school job involved
    “cut[ting] up boxes for the incinerator . . . .”
    apparently realized it, close examination of the PSRs reveals
    that the nol prossed robbery charges against Berry and Mack
    arose from the same robbery for which the defendants were
    being sentenced. The local authorities did not pursue those
    charges after Berry and Mack were indicted by the federal grand
    jury and they therefore moved to nol prosse the robbery charges
    in favor of the federal charges which are the subject of these
    During the joint sentencing hearing, neither Berry nor
    Mack challenged the Guideline calculations in the PSR.
    However, attorneys for both emphasized that Berry and Mack
    were relatively young and without prior convictions. Defense
    counsel argued that, in light of the applicable mandatory seven-
    year consecutive sentence that applied on Count Two, Berry
    and Mack should receive only a minimal additional sentence of
    one month on Count One.
    The government countered by emphasizing the violent
    nature of the armed robbery to which they had pled guilty, as
    well as the mental and emotional trauma inflicted on the victim.
    The government also challenged the defendants’ assertions
    regarding the relevance of the absence of prior convictions.
    The Assistant United States Attorney responded to Berry’s
    arguments as follows:
    AUSA: In any event, your Honor,
    . . . Mr. Berry does come to this
    Court with a criminal record in his
    past. He’s been arrested four times
    as a juvenile. He’s a young man,
    so he has already accumulated
    quite a past before he gets to your
    THE COURT: He has a record,
    but no adult convictions, but on the
    other hand, the - - reading between
    the lines - - this seems rather
    obvious that the reason he doesn’t
    have any actual adult convictions
    is because of the breakdowns in the
    court - - in the state court system -
    - and not because of innocence.
    AUSA: That’s correct, your Honor.
    . . . [T]hat’s entirely correct.
    And also he[’s] of such a
    young age, he didn’t have time to
    amass the adult convictions. He
    did, however, have time to go
    through and create the four
    juvenile offenses that he was
    arrested for.
    One of which - - I would
    point out to this Court - - was a
    robbery, which is exactly what he
    is here before this Court facing.
    The other offense was for a theft
    offense and - - in which he
    admitted his guilt, as well.
    So, for all intents and
    purposes, although it does not
    factor in to his criminal history
    sentencing guideline range, he is
    here on this third conviction and
    known offense that he has
    Sentencing Tr. 9-10 (emphasis added).
    As a threshold matter, we note that the prosecutor’s
    recitation of Berry’s criminal history was not only greatly
    exaggerated, it was just plain wrong. Berry had not been
    arrested four times as a juvenile - he had been arrested twice.
    As we have noted, Berry’s PSR reported that he had been
    arrested once at age 16 for driving a car without the owner’s
    permission and once at age 17 for theft of $150. As an adult, he
    was arrested once at age 19 for marijuana possession, but he
    was never prosecuted. His only other adult arrest was for the
    current offense. The government apparently misread the PSR
    and concluded that Berry had been arrested but not prosecuted
    for another robbery.2
    We do not believe that the prosecutor deliberately misled
    the sentencing court about the existence of another robbery
    It is somewhat unclear whether the prosecutor was
    referring to the local arrest for the instant offense, to Berry’s
    juvenile arrest and conviction for theft, or both. The judge,
    however, apparently believed the prosecutor was referring to
    the adult arrest for the instant offense. Otherwise, he would
    have no reason to refer to Berry’s avoiding prosecution
    because of “breakdowns in the court system” - since Berry
    was adjudicated delinquent based upon his juvenile theft.
    arrest. Nevertheless, it certainly appears that she mistakenly
    relied on the very state charges that been nol prossed in favor of
    this federal indictment to argue that “[o]ne of [Berry’s prior
    offenses] was a robbery, which is exactly what he is here before
    this Court facing.”
    The prosecutor made the same argument against Mack.
    She claimed: “[Mack] is not without a criminal history, just like
    Mr. Berry is not. He also has been arrested four time[s] and
    adjudicated delinquent as a juvenile for a weapons offense.”
    This statement is also incorrect. According to his PSR, the
    weapons charge arising from his possession of a box cutter did
    not result in any adjudication of delinquency.
    Moreover, the court and prosecutor made the statements
    we have set forth above pertaining to a “breakdown in the . . .
    state court system,” even though there was absolutely nothing
    on the record to explain why those cases were dismissed. Thus,
    there is nothing other than rank speculation to support the
    court’s declaration that it is: “rather obvious that the reason he
    doesn’t have any actual adult convictions is because of the
    breakdowns in the court - - in the state court system - - and not
    because of innocence.”       And there is nothing other than
    prosecutorial zeal to support the prosecutor’s reflexive response:
    “that’s entirely correct.”
    These statements completely ignore that there is nothing
    on this record to eliminate the possibility that charges were
    withdrawn because the evidence was simply insufficient to
    establish guilt or that prosecutors realized their mistake in
    bringing charges in the first place.3 The prosecutor offered
    Furthermore, as we have noted, the PSR did explain
    why the prior armed robbery charges were nol prossed. A
    dismissal of local charges in favor of federal prosecution can
    hardly be characterized as a “breakdown” in the state court
    nothing to support her view that the absence of a prior record
    reflected nothing more than a breakdown in the court system,
    and there is nothing on this record to support it.
    The government argued that each defendant should be
    sentenced within the applicable Guideline range for the robbery
    charge in addition to receiving the mandatory consecutive
    sentence that applied to both defendants on the firearms charge.
    After hearing testimony from the victim of the current offense
    and Mack’s character witnesses, the district court gave the
    following explanation for the sentence it was about to impose:
    I find that in the case of Mr. Berry, the correct calculation
    of the guidelines would be a - - - in the range of not less than
    thirty months nor more [than] thirty-seven months on the first
    count and there’s a mandatory seven-year consecutive sentence
    on the second count.
    With respect to Mr. Mack, the guideline range is thirty-
    three months minimum . . . . And, of course, in both cases,
    there’s the mandatory seven-year consecutive sentence.
    The guidelines are purely advisory, I have no doubt that
    the - - a guideline range for robbery with violence . . . with the
    use of force or threat of force . . . that the guideline range is on
    the low side but given the - - but I’m also satisfied that the
    adding an additional seven years simply because the threat of
    force was accompanied by the ability to carry it out is - - gets it
    up on the high side.
    It seems to me that the role of the Court, really, is to
    fashion a sentence which meets the statutory requirements of the
    guidelines and that is, a sentence which is sufficiently severe to
    constitute adequate punishment for the actual crime, taking in to
    account all of its circumstances. The length of time which
    would adequately protect society from the defendants. And at
    the same time, one which is not too harsh when compared to
    sentences imposed for similar crimes.
    Now, . . . on the bad side here, are the facts of the crime,
    the defendants did have a weapon, they - - the weapon was
    loaded. They made threats to the victim.
    The circumstance that the victim was someone that they
    had worked with - - or one of them had worked with - - adds
    fuel to the flame and makes it worse.
    On the other hand, it’s permissible to [consider] the fact
    that the weapon was not used, they did not physically harm the
    victim and there is room for an inference that it was unlikely that
    they would have actually shot at her, if she had not complied.
    Taking all those factors in to account, given the fact that
    their criminal points for their criminal record are - - I don’t - -
    I don’t think reflect quite adequately, the seriousness of their
    criminal exposure in the past. The fact that they were charged
    with crimes and then, the prosecution was dropped because
    nobody showed up to prosecute or something like that, means
    that their criminal history points were probably understated.
    Having said all of that, it seems to me that this was an
    armed robbery, that the correct sentence for an armed robbery of
    this kind should be ten years and I’m, therefore, imposing the
    sentence that - - as to each defendant on Count 1 - - they’re
    sentenced to the custody of the Attorney General for a period of
    thirty-six months, to be followed by the mandatory eighty-four
    months required by law on the second count for a total sentence
    of ten years in each case . . . .4
    (Sentencing Tr. 33-36 (emphasis added)). These consolidated
    appeals followed.
    Though neither party has addressed this statement
    regarding the “correct” sentence for an armed robbery, we are
    concerned by it. On remand, the district court should decide
    the appropriate sentence based upon the individual facts and
    circumstances of this case and these defendants, rather than
    any personal notion of the appropriate sentence for armed
    robbery. See United States v. Thompson, 
    483 F.2d 527
    , 529
    (3d Cir. 1973) (“A fixed view as to sentencing is inconsistent
    with the discretion vested in the trial judge that he may fulfill
    his mandate to tailor the sentence imposed to the
    circumstances surrounding each individual defendant and
    frustrates the operation of those rules set up to effect such a
    result.”), quoted in United States v. Torres, 
    251 F.3d 138
    , 146
    (3d Cir. 2001).
    Both Berry and Mack challenge the district court’s
    reliance on their arrest records in determining their sentences.
    They make the related argument that the sentencing court erred
    in speculating about why some prior charges were nol prossed
    and assuming they were guilty of offenses that were dismissed.
    Since neither defendant objected during sentencing, we review
    for plain error.    Fed. R. Crim. P. 52(b).         Accordingly, a
    defendant must show: (1) error, (2) that is plain or obvious, and
    (3) that affects a defendant’s substantial rights. United States v.
    544 F.3d 529
    , 539 (3d Cir. 2008) (citations omitted).
    “If all three conditions are met, an appellate court may then
    exercise its discretion to notice a forfeited error, but only if . . .
    the error seriously affect[s] the fairness, integrity, or public
    reputation of judicial proceedings.” 
    Id. (quoting Johnson
    United States, 
    520 U.S. 461
    , 467 (1997).
    Sentencing courts have historically been afforded wide
    latitude in considering a defendant’s background at sentencing.
    See United States v. Paulino, 
    996 F.2d 1541
    , 1547 (3d Cir.
    1993) (“Prior to the Sentencing Guidelines, the principle that
    sentencing judges could consider evidence at sentencing that
    would not be admissible at trial was firmly established.”) (citing
    Williams v. New York, 
    337 U.S. 241
    , 246-47 (1949)). Congress
    has codified this discretion at 18 U.S.C. § 3661: “No limitation
    shall be placed on the information concerning the background,
    character, and conduct of a person convicted of an offense
    which a court of the United States may receive and consider for
    the purpose of imposing an appropriate sentence.” Thus, the
    Sentencing Guidelines permit consideration of any information
    in the determination of a sentence except as “otherwise
    prohibited by law.” See U.S.S.G. § 1B1.4.
    Nevertheless, it has never been suggested that this
    discretion is boundless or that the information that a sentencing
    court may rely upon is beyond limitations of fairness and due
    process. To the contrary, we have explained that information
    relied upon at sentencing must have “sufficient indicia of
    reliability to support its probable accuracy.” United States v.
    186 F.3d 358
    , 364-65 (3d Cir. 1999) (internal quotation
    marks and citation omitted) (recognizing that “a district court
    cannot . . . merely extrapolate from . . . ambiguous statements
    contained in a paragraph in the PSR . . . [to impose] an upward
    departure.”). See also 
    Paulino, 996 F.2d at 1547
    of this discretion to discover a broad range of information,
    however, the introduction of evidence at sentencing is subject to
    a due process standard of reliability.”) (citation omitted).
    Indeed, the Supreme Court has long recognized that “[n]o
    individual or body of men has a discretionary or arbitrary power
    to commit any person to prison.” Hurtado v. California., 
    110 U.S. 516
    , 537 (1884).
    Thus, the Supreme Court has held that facts that are
    considered at sentencing, as a general matter, must be proved by
    a preponderance of the evidence. See United States v. Watts,
    519 U.S. 148
    , 156 (1997) (per curiam). In Watts, the Court
    affirmed that “facts relevant to sentencing [should] be proved
    by a preponderance of the evidence [] and . . . application of the
    preponderance standard at sentencing generally satisfies due
    process. []” 
    Id. (citations omitted).
    See also United States v.
    475 F.3d 556
    , 568 (3d Cir 2007) (en banc) (facts relevant
    to sentencing must be proved by a preponderance of the
    evidence); United States v. Ali, 
    508 F.3d 136
    , 145 ( 3d Cir.2007)
    (same). Accordingly we must determine if the district court’s
    speculative reliance on the defendants’ bare arrest records,
    without more, satisfies the requirements of the Due Process
    As a threshold matter, we note that resentencing would
    be required here even without the district court’s speculation
    about the reasons for prior charges being nol prossed because
    of the misstatement of the defendant’s arrest record and the
    district court’s misreading of the PSRs.      That error is as
    puzzling as it is troubling. As explained above, the PSRs
    reported that prior robbery charges were nol prossed. Both the
    prosecutor and the district court treated those charges as
    evidence of another robbery even though that robbery was the
    same robbery that the defendants were being sentenced for in
    district court. Neither the court, the prosecutor, nor either
    defense attorney realized that the nol prossed local charges for
    a robbery in Delaware County in 2004 refers to the initial local
    arrest for the armed robbery the defendants were pleading guilty
    to in federal court. When the prosecution was transferred to
    federal court, the state charges were nol prossed. Yet, the
    district court viewed the resulting dismissal as evidence of
    additional criminal conduct that the defendants would have
    been convicted for absent “a breakdown in the state court
    The only unexplained adult arrest not leading to
    prosecution for either defendant was a single unrelated charge
    of marijuana possession against each of them. Accordingly,
    there is no reliable basis for the district court’s statement that
    the defendants’ criminal history points “don’t . . . reflect quite
    adequately, the seriousness of their criminal exposure in the
    past.” The sentencing court nevertheless fashioned a sentence
    based, at least in part, upon an assumption that the defendants
    had committed other crimes for which they had escaped
    conviction and gone unpunished.
    Aside from the factual inaccuracies underlying the
    sentences that were imposed, the sentencing court also erred in
    considering prior arrests.     We realize, of course, that a
    sentencing court is explicitly authorized to consider “[p]rior
    similar adult criminal conduct not resulting in a criminal
    conviction,”    U.S.S.G. § 4A1.3(a)(2)(E), when deciding
    whether to apply an upward departure from the otherwise
    appropriate Guideline range. However, the same section of the
    Sentencing Guidelines cautions: “[a] prior arrest record itself
    shall not be considered for purposes of an upward departure .
    . . .” U.S.S.G. § 4A1.3(a)(3) (emphasis added). Our concern
    for the district court’s reliance on bare reports of prior arrests
    here is not mitigated by the fact that the court did not apply an
    upward departure.      The Guidelines are, after all, purely
    advisory, and unsupported speculation about a defendant’s
    background is problematic whether it results in an upward
    departure, denial of a downward departure, or causes the
    sentencing court to evaluate the § 3553(a) factors with a
    jaundiced eye. United States v. Booker, 
    543 U.S. 220
    The Supreme Court has touched upon this issue in a line
    of cases that, like the Guidelines, allow a sentencing court to
    consider prior criminal conduct not resulting in a conviction.
    Watts, 519 U.S. at 151-52
    (citing cases which approve
    examination of past criminal conduct for purposes of
    determining an appropriate sentence). However, the Court’s
    decision in Watts does not open the sentencing door to raw
    We have explained that post-Booker, properly
    calculating the Guideline range is but the first step in the
    sentencing process. United States v. Gunter 
    462 F.3d 237
    247 (3d Cir. 2006).
    In Watts, a jury convicted the defendant of possession of
    cocaine base with intent to distribute, but acquitted him of using
    a firearm in relation to a drug offense.         
    Id. at 149-50.
    Nevertheless, at sentencing, the district court found by a
    preponderance of the evidence that Watts did possess the guns
    in connection with the drug offense, and enhanced his sentence
    Id. at 150.
    The Court did this even though the
    jury had acquitted him of possessing the firearms in relation to
    his drug possession.     
    Id. On appeal,
    the Supreme Court
    affirmed the sentence enhancement.         The Court held that
    conduct underlying the acquitted charge could be considered at
    sentencing despite the acquittal, “so long as that conduct has
    been proved by a preponderance of the evidence.” 
    Id. at 157
    (emphasis added).6
    It has been suggested that the decision in Watts, is in
    tension with Apprendi v. New Jersey, 
    530 U.S. 466
    Accordingly, we must consider whether, on this record,
    the sentencing court erred in considering the reports of the
    defendants’ prior arrests in the PSRs. Put another way, the
    issue becomes whether the record contains sufficient reliable
    evidence to allow a sentencing court to consider prior arrests
    without offending due process.        We have not directly
    considered this question in this context before, but several of
    and its progeny:
    [E]ven if the specific holding of Watts survives
    the Supreme Court's Apprendi jurisprudence,
    the practice of considering acquitted conduct
    might not. That is, even if considering acquitted
    conduct for sentencing purposes does not
    violate the Double Jeopardy or Due Process
    Clause of the Fifth Amendment, doing so might
    still violate the jury right of the Sixth
    Amendment as expounded by Apprendi and its
    progeny. Our Court has not yet spoken on this
    issue . . . .
    United States v. Grier, 
    475 F.3d 556
    , 586 n.34. (3d Cir. 2007)
    (Ambro, J., concurring).
    our sister courts of appeals have.
    In United States v Zapete-Garcia, the Court of Appeals
    for the First Circuit held that it was unreasonable for a district
    court to enhance a sentence based on a single arrest that was
    remote in time. 
    447 F.3d 57
    (1st Cir. 2006). The court
    [A] mere arrest, especially a lone arrest, is not
    evidence that the person arrested actually
    committed any criminal conduct. This is because
    arrest “happens to the innocent as well as the
    guilty.” [] The guideline policy statement
    recognizes this limitation on the value of an arrest
    as information about a defendant’s criminal
    propensity, highlighting the important distinction
    between direct evidence of past criminal behavior
    and mere arrests that may or may not have been
    the result of wrongdoing. Although a series of
    past arrests might legitimately suggest a pattern of
    unlawful behavior even in the absence of any
    conviction, Zapete was arrested only a single
    time, more than a decade ago. Thus, we conclude
    that it was unreasonable for the district court to
    rely on Zapete’s single prior arrest as justification
    for enhancing his sentence.
    Id. at 60-61
    (citations omitted).
    In United States. v. Dixon, 
    318 F.3d 585
    , 591 (4th Cir.
    2003), the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that a
    district court could consider facts that “went sufficiently beyond
    the mere fact of arrest so as not to run afoul of [the Guideline
    prohibition on use of arrest records in upward departures].”
    There, the sentencing court considered four arrests in three
    different states over a period of approximately four and a half
    years that were reported in the PSR. 
    Id. at 587-88.
    In two of
    those cases the defendant failed to appear; in the third, a bench
    warrant issued after defendant’s failure to appear. The only
    notation for the fourth case was that the charge “remained
    Id. Although the
    Dixon court did not articulate its
    reasoning, the record established a history of disregarding
    judicial authority, and that is certainly a relevant sentencing
    consideration. “[A]voiding adjudication of guilt by failing to
    appear is quite different from never obtaining an adjudication
    of guilt because the charges were dismissed for reasons of merit
    or prosecutorial discretion.” United States v. Ronquillo, 
    508 F.3d 744
    , 753 n.8 (5th Cir. 2007).
    The Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has
    addressed this issue several times. In United States v. Walker,
    98 F.3d 944
    , 948 (7th Cir. 1996), the court criticized a
    sentencing judge for relying on numerous arrests that did not
    result in convictions. Walker had been convicted of crimes 13
    times in 19 years for offenses “ranging from armed robbery and
    burglary to forgery, theft, fraud, and pimping.” 
    Id. at 947.
    had also “been arrested but not convicted on 23 other occasions,
    and he had been twice charged with murder but not convicted.
    The PSR that was prepared in the case under review awarded no
    criminal history points for the other arrests and charges.” 
    Id. In imposing
    sentence, the sentencing judge commented: “some of
    [those arrests] might not have been good, but the law of
    averages says that if you get arrested, I do not know, ten more
    times, twenty more times - somewhere in there - you probably
    did something you did not go down for.” 
    Id. at 948.
    On appeal,
    the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit acknowledged
    that: “[t]hat is a realistic comment,” but held that due to the
    Guideline prohibition against relying upon mere arrests, “[t]he
    judge should have ignored the arrests.” 
    Id. Nevertheless, the
    appellate court concluded that the error was harmless because
    it was unlikely the judge would have reduced the sentence given
    the court’s “strong remarks about the defendant’s convictions
    and about the fact that defendant could be described only as a
    career criminal.” 
    Id. In United
    States v. Torres, 
    977 F.2d 321
    (7th Cir. 1992),
    the court affirmed an upward departure based on prior criminal
    conduct that did not result in a conviction. There, however, the
    sentencing judge relied upon the testimony of an investigating
    police officer and an eye witness. They both appeared at the
    sentencing hearing and testified about the defendant’s prior
    violent conduct that led to the prior arrests. Thus, consideration
    of those prior arrests rested on more than mere speculation. In
    affirming the court’s reliance on the unrelated conduct, the
    court of appeals restated the principle that “an arrest record,
    standing alone, cannot justify an upward departure.” 
    Id. at 330.
    The court affirmed the upward departure that was imposed
    because “[t]he testimony of the witnesses was based on personal
    investigation and observation, not some cold antiseptic record.”
    Id. Nevertheless, the
    court still took pains to note that mere
    speculation can not support a deprivation of liberty: “[w]e note
    that while an arrest record alone will not justify a departure,
    detailed police investigation reports may supply reliable
    information of prior similar adult criminal conduct.” 
    Id. at n.4
    (emphasis added).7
    In United States v. Hawk Wing, 
    433 F.3d 622
    , 628 (8th
    Cir. 2006), the court stated that, before an arrest record can be
    considered in imposing an upward departure, the PSR “must
    also provide specific facts underlying the arrests,” rather than a
    “mere record of arrest[s].” The court held that it was improper
    for the district court to consider four active warrants for the
    defendant’s arrest because the PSR did not set forth any details
    or circumstances underlying the charges. 
    Id. at 629.
    The court
    concluded, however, that the error was harmless because the
    See also United States v. Fuller, 
    15 F.3d 646
    , 651-52
    (7th Cir. 1994) (finding no error where district court relied not
    on an arrest record, but on a report that the defendant planned
    to plead guilty to an outstanding charge reported in the PSR.);
    United States v. Ruffin, 
    997 F.2d 343
    , 346 (7th Cir. 1993)
    (“The record in this case does not contain any evidence
    supporting a conclusion that [defendant] committed the
    crimes with which he was charged. Although the presentence
    report describes the charges, its author did not conduct an
    independent investigation.”).
    upward departure could easily have been justified by the
    defendant’s juvenile record and by the seven adult convictions
    for which no criminal history points had been awarded. 
    Id. See also
    United States v. Left Hand Bull, 
    477 F.3d 518
    , 520-21(8th
    Cir. 2006) (reliance on arrest record harmless where district
    court relied primarily “on [defendant]’s extensive criminal
    history and supervised release violations.”); United States v.
    40 F.3d 948
    , 952-53 (8th Cir. 1994) (district court may
    not consider arrests not resulting in conviction where no
    information is provided other than the bare allegation of
    criminal behavior, nor may it consider “pending charges unless
    the conduct underlying those charges is admitted”).8
    The reasoning in Hawk Wing, is consistent with the
    overwhelming weight of authority. See also United States v.
    471 F.3d 1162
    , 1166-67 (10th Cir. 2006)
    (“sentencing transcript [made] clear” that district court relied
    on “uncontested facts” in PSR rather than “arrest record
    itself”); United States v. Williams, 
    989 F.2d 1137
    , 1142 (11th
    The majority of our sister courts of appeals have
    therefore concluded that a sentencing court can not base
    sentencing decisions on a bare arrest record. Nevertheless,
    appellate courts do permit consideration of the underlying
    conduct where reliable evidence of that conduct is proffered or
    where the PSR adequately details the underlying facts without
    objection from the defendant. Although several of the cases we
    have cited involve upward departures, the same considerations
    Cir. 1993) (“[A]n arrest record standing alone is not
    sufficiently reliable to support a departure.”). But see United
    States v. Brown, 
    516 F.3d 1047
    , 1052-54 (D.C. Cir. 2008)
    (“[t]he [district] court’s reference to Brown’s arrest record
    simply catalogued an additional example of Brown’s repeated
    contact with the criminal justice system over a short period of
    time at a young age” and was “one of many factors
    warranting a sentence at the top of the Guidelines range[]”
    including “ violation of the conditions of pre-trial release
    while awaiting trial . . . [and] prior convictions and probation
    of fairness and due process apply whenever a sentence is
    increased. It is the fact of the increase based upon inadequate
    evidence, not the mechanism by which the increase is
    accomplished that offends due process. A defendant cannot be
    deprived of liberty based upon mere speculation. We therefore
    follow the reasoning of the majority of our sister appellate
    courts and hold that a bare arrest record - without more - does
    not justify an assumption that a defendant has committed other
    crimes and it therefore can not support increasing his/her
    sentence in the absence of adequate proof of criminal activity.
    It is therefore apparent that the sentencing court here
    erred in its consideration of Berry’s and Mack’s arrest records.
    The only detail that the PSR supplied about other adult arrests
    was the notation that each defendant was arrested, but not
    prosecuted, for marijuana possession, and that the defendants
    had been charged with an armed robbery that had been nol
    prossed. As noted earlier, everyone engaged in the process
    (including the defense attorneys) overlooked the fact that this
    was the same armed robbery for which the defendants were
    being sentenced.
    We realize, of course, that there may be situations where
    the number of prior arrests, and/or the similarity of prior
    charges to the offense of conviction, becomes so overwhelming
    and suggestive of actual guilt that they become exceedingly
    difficult to ignore. For example, as we noted above, the court
    in United States v. Walker, thought that 23 prior arrests was
    probative of underlying criminality even though none of those
    arrests resulted in convictions. 
    Supra, 98 F.3d at 948
    . Few
    would argue with the logic of that conclusion. Here, however,
    the arrest records of Berry and Mack fall woefully short of the
    arrest record in Walker.9 Accordingly, we need not attempt to
    determine when the frequency and/or pattern of arrests becomes
    so egregious that it could support a conclusion that the arrests
    are probative or prior criminality.
    We caution, however, that even though the “law of
    averages” approach mentioned in Walker may have superficial
    appeal, it is highly problematic. It assumes that judges who
    may have no expertise in statistical methodology can fairly and
    consistently apply that mathematical construct to the subjective
    and highly individualistic enterprise of sentencing. A “law of
    averages” approach can unwittingly increase sentencing
    disparity based upon factors that may not be apparent on the
    Berry was adjudicated delinquent once as a juvenile.
    Mack has no prior juvenile or adult convictions. Even with a
    couple of additional arrests for each - for crimes such as retail
    theft and marijuana possession - neither defendant’s record
    resembles that of a “career criminal.”
    record. The number of prior arrests and the similarity of
    dismissed charges that “establish” prior criminal conduct will
    also necessarily vary from judge to judge. Some judges may
    consider one or two prior arrests to be sufficiently reliable
    evidence of prior criminal conduct to increase a defendant’s
    sentence. Another judge faced with the very same arrest record
    may not feel comfortable increasing a sentence based upon mere
    arrests unless a defendant has been arrested many more times,
    or the PSR reflects a “long” history (“long” in the eyes of the
    sentencing judge) of arrests for similar charges.
    More importantly, reliance on arrest records may also
    exacerbate sentencing disparities arising from economic, social
    and/or racial factors.    For example, officers in affluent
    neighborhoods may be very reluctant to arrest someone for
    behavior that would readily cause an officer in the proverbial
    “high crime” neighborhood to make an arrest. A record of a
    prior arrest may, therefore, be as suggestive of a defendant’s
    demographics as his/her potential for recidivism or his/her past
    criminality.    See Barbara Bennett Woodhouse, Youthful
    Indiscretions: Culture, Class Status, and the Passage to
    Adulthood, 51 DePaul L. Rev. 743 (2002); Jane W. Gibson-
    Carpenter & James E. Carpenter, Race, Poverty, and Justice:
    Looking Where the Streetlight Shines, 3-SPG Kan. J.L. & Pub.
    Pol’y 99, 101 (1994) (“Police officers who have worked in
    many types of neighborhoods acknowledge that they call home
    to middle-class parents more readily. Between suburban and
    urban departments, the difference can be even more striking. A
    department of college-educated officers in a suburb of
    Minneapolis in the 1970s went so far as to invite parents and
    children into the station to discuss their problems confidentially,
    with virtual immunity from formal handling.”). See also U.S.
    Dept. of Justice, Juvenile Justice Bulletin, Minorities in the
    Juvenile Justice System (1999) (noting “substantial evidence that
    minority youth are often treated differently from majority youth
    within the juvenile justice system” and that “cases in urban
    jurisdictions are more likely to receive severe outcomes at
    various stages of processing than are cases in non-urban areas”),
    available at http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/ojjdp/179007.pdf.
    Here, the district court assumed that the only reason
    Berry and Mack had no adult convictions was “because of
    breakdowns in . . . the state court system - - and not because of
    innocence,” and the prosecutor enthusiastically supported that
    conclusion. In doing so on this record, the court denied these
    defendants due process. See United States v. Nappi, 
    243 F.3d 758
    , 763 (3d Cir. 2001) (“[I]t is well settled that a defendant has
    a due process right to be sentenced based upon accurate
    information.”). Consequently, the sentences that were imposed
    may well have been in excess of the minimum required to
    address each of the purposes of sentencing. See 18 U.S.C. §
    3553(a) (“The court shall impose a sentence sufficient, but not
    greater than necessary, to comply with the purposes set forth in
    . . .this subsection.”).
    We realize, of course, that it is possible that charges
    against Berry and/or Mack were dropped because the “system
    broke down,” witnesses did not show up or because of some
    other reason not inconsistent with the defendants’ guilt just as
    the sentencing court surmised. However, no evidence was
    presented to support such speculation and liberty is far too
    precious to allow us to sustain a sentencing decision that
    equates dismissal of charges with guilt based upon nothing
    more than appears here. Neither the court, nor the prosecutor,
    had any reasoned basis to conclude that either defendant
    escaped conviction of dismissed charges even though he was
    guilty,    or   that   the   dismissals   resulted   from   judicial
    “ breakdowns.”
    Berry and Mack were already facing a mandatory period
    of incarceration on Count Two of at least seven years. As noted
    above, defense counsel argued that their youth and absence of
    prior adult convictions justified imposition of only minimal
    incarceration on Count One.10 Regardless of the propriety of
    that argument, it is clear that the sentencing court relied, at least
    in part, on bare arrest records in imposing a more lengthy term
    of imprisonment on Count One.            The court will have an
    opportunity to consider the argument on remand and give it
    whatever consideration the court deems appropriate in
    As also noted above, the prosecutor responded by
    arguing, inter alia, that the defendants’ youth meant that they
    had not had an opportunity to have a prior record of adult
    convictions. However, that argument ignored the fact that
    most (if not all) jurisdictions allow minors to be tried as adults
    under appropriate circumstances. See, e.g., 42 Pa. C.S.A. §
    6355 (setting out procedure and criteria for transfer from
    juvenile to criminal court for prosecution).
    fashioning a sentence consistent with this opinion on Count
    We find no merit in the remainder of the issues raised by
    Berry or Mack.11 However, we conclude that the district court’s
    reliance on arrest records at sentencing was a plain error which
    violated defendants’ right to be sentenced based on reliable
    information. See Johnson v. United 
    States, 520 U.S. at 467
    We will therefore vacate the sentences that were imposed and
    remand for resentencing.
    Berry additionally argued that his Fifth Amendment
    right to be exposed to punishment based solely on facts
    charged in an indictment was violated by the application at
    sentencing of the seven year mandatory minimum, when the
    indictment did not allege that Berry brandished a firearm.
    Mack also argued (1) the sentencing court erred in failing to
    make adequate findings on the record of its reasons for
    rejecting Mack’s argument for a sentence below his advisory
    guidelines, thus precluding meaningful appellate review, and
    (2) his sentence is unreasonable.