Abraham v. St. Croix Renaissance Group, L.L.L.P. , 719 F.3d 270 ( 2013 )

  •                                    PRECEDENTIAL
    No. 13-1725
    On Appeal from the District Court
    of the Virgin Islands
    District Court No. 1-12-cv-00011
    District Judge: The Honorable Harvey Bartle, III
    Argued April 16, 2013
    Before: AMBRO, SMITH, and CHAGARES,
    Circuit Judges
    (Filed: May 17, 2013)
    Leah M. Nicholls, Esq. [ARGUED]
    Public Justice
    1825 K Street, N.W.
    Suite 200
    Washington, DC 20006
    Counsel for Appellees
    Carl J. Hartmann, III, Esq.    [ARGUED]
    Unit L-6
    5000 Estate Coakley Bay
    Christiansted, St Croix, VI 00820
    Joel H. Holt, Esq.
    Law Offices of Joel H. Holt
    2132 Company Street, Suite 2
    Christiansted, VI 00820
    Counsel for Appellant
    SMITH, Circuit Judge.
    The St. Croix Renaissance Group, L.L.L.P.
    (SCRG) sought leave under the Class Action Fairness
    Act (CAFA), 28 U.S.C. § 1453(c)(1), to appeal an order
    of the District Court of the Virgin Islands remanding a
    civil action to the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands.
    We granted SCRG’s request. Because we conclude that
    the civil action here is not a removable “mass action”
    under CAFA, we will affirm the order of the District
    In early 2012, “[m]ore than 500 individual
    plaintiffs” sued SCRG in the Superior Court of the Virgin
    Islands. On February 2, 2012, SCRG removed the civil
    action to the District Court of the Virgin Islands. SCRG,
    which was the only named defendant in the action,
    asserted that the civil action was a “mass action” under
    CAFA, making it removable under 28 U.S.C.
    §§ 1332(d)(11)(A) and 1453(b).1           Thereafter, 459
    CAFA defines a “mass action” as
    any civil action (except a civil action within
    the scope of section 1711(2)) in which
    monetary relief claims of 100 or more
    persons are proposed to be tried jointly on
    the ground that the plaintiffs’ claims involve
    common questions of law or fact, except that
    jurisdiction shall exist only over those
    plaintiffs whose claims in a mass action
    satisfy     the     jurisdictional     amount
    requirements under subsection (a).
    28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(B)(i). Section 1711(2) defines
    “class action” as any civil action filed under Federal Rule
    plaintiffs filed a first amended complaint (referred to for
    simplicity’s sake as “the complaint”). 2 Most of the 459
    of Civil Procedure 23 or a state statute or rule authorizing
    a representative action. 28 U.S.C. § 1711(2). Unlike a
    class action, a mass action has no representative or absent
    members because all plaintiffs in a mass action are
    named in the complaint and propose a joint trial of their
    claims. A mass action is more akin to an opt-in than it is
    to a class action.       See, e.g., 29 U.S.C. § 216(b)
    (establishing opt-in requirement for Fair Labor Standards
    Act claims).
    We recognize that “[f]or jurisdictional purposes, our
    inquiry is limited to examining the case ‘as of the time it
    was filed in state court.’” Std. Fire Ins. Co. v. Knowles,
    __ U.S. __, 
    133 S. Ct. 1345
    , 1349 (2013) (quoting Wis.
    Dep’t of Corr. v. Schacht, 
    524 U.S. 381
    , 390 (1998)).
    This would necessitate reviewing the initial complaint
    filed in the Superior Court. That complaint is not in the
    record that the parties have submitted. It was, however,
    part of the record submitted with the petition for
    permission to appeal. Our review indicates that the
    allegations of the original complaint are substantively the
    same as the first amended complaint. We have not
    attempted to further clarify the nature of the amendments
    at this late stage for several reasons. First, this is an
    expedited appeal under 28 U.S.C. § 1453(c)(2) that must
    be resolved within sixty days of the date the notice of
    appeal was filed, unless “for good cause shown and in the
    plaintiffs were citizens of the United States Virgin
    Islands. Several plaintiffs, however, were citizens of
    various states.
    SCRG purchased a former alumina refinery on the
    south shore of St. Croix in 2002. The plaintiffs alleged
    that “[f]or about thirty years, an alumina refinery located
    near thousands of homes on the south shore of the island
    of St. Croix was owned and/or operated by a number of
    entities.” According to the complaint, the “facility
    refined a red ore called bauxite into alumina, creating
    enormous mounds of the by-product, bauxite residue, red
    mud, or red dust.”
    From the beginning of the alumina
    refinery’s operations, hazardous materials,
    including    chlorine,    fluoride,    TDS,
    aluminum, arsenic, molybdenum, selenium,
    as well as coal dust and other particulates
    were buried in the red mud, and the red mud
    was stored outdoors in open piles that at
    interests of justice,” an extension of no more than ten
    days is granted, id. § 1453(c)(3)(B). Second, it appears
    from the record that the amendments to the original
    complaint were not substantive in nature and neither
    party contends otherwise. Finally, the issue before us is
    legal in nature.
    times were as high as approximately 120
    feet and covered up to 190 acres of land.
    In addition to these hazardous materials, friable asbestos
    was present. All of the substances described were
    dispersed by wind and disseminated as a result of
    According to the plaintiffs, SCRG purchased the
    refinery site knowing that the loose bauxite and piles of
    red mud “had the propensity for particulate dispersion
    when exposed to wind” that would be “inhaled by
    [p]laintiffs, deposited onto [p]laintiffs’ persons, and real
    and personal properties, and deposited into the cisterns
    that are the primary source of potable water for many
    [p]laintiffs.” Yet SCRG “did nothing to abate it, and
    instead, allowed the series of the continuous transactions
    to occur like an ongoing chemical spill.” SCRG “failed
    to take proper measures to control those emissions[.]”
    With regard to the friable asbestos, the plaintiffs alleged
    that SCRG discovered its presence, concealed its
    existence, and did nothing to remove it from the
    premises. The plaintiffs averred that the improper
    maintenance of the facility, inadequate storage and
    containment of the various hazardous substances, as well
    as failure to remediate the premises, caused them to
    sustain physical injuries, mental anguish, pain and
    suffering, medical expenses, damage to their property
    and possessions, loss of income and the capacity to earn
    income, and loss of the enjoyment of life.
    The plaintiffs asserted six causes of action against
    • Count I:      Abnormally
    Dangerous Condition
    • Count II: Public Nuisance
    • Count III: Private Nuisance
    • Count IV: Intentional
    Infliction of Emotional Distress
    • Count V: Negligent
    Infliction of Emotional Distress
    • Count VI: Negligence. 3
    In addition to money damages, the plaintiffs sought
    injunctive relief to end the ongoing release of hazardous
    substances and to remediate the property.
    In October of 2012, the plaintiffs moved to remand
    their civil action to the Superior Court, claiming that the
    District Court lacked federal subject-matter jurisdiction.
    The plaintiffs asserted that the removal had been
    improper because § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) excluded their
    action from the definition of “mass action.” This section
    of CAFA excludes from “mass action[s]”
    A seventh count is denominated “Punitive Damages.”
    This, however, is not a freestanding cause of action.
    any civil action in which – (I) all of the
    claims in the action arise from an event or
    occurrence in the State in which the action
    was filed, and that allegedly resulted in
    injuries in that State or in States contiguous
    to that State. 4
    28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I). From the plaintiffs’
    perspective, their civil action satisfied the criteria for this
    exclusion because “every operative incident occurred in
    St. Croix and caused injury and damages to the
    [p]laintiffs’ persons and property in St. Croix.” Each
    plaintiff’s claim arose “from an event or occurrence in St.
    Croix” that happened “at a single location, the alumina
    refinery.” In addition, the plaintiffs argued that their civil
    action had been improvidently removed because it
    qualified as a uniquely local controversy excepted from
    removal under § 1332(d)(4)(A) or (B).
    SCRG opposed the motion to remand. It argued
    that the plaintiffs had interpreted the statute to exclude
    from mass actions claims that arise in “one location”
    instead of as a result of “an event or occurrence” as set
    forth in the statute. 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I).
    SCRG asserted that the exclusion for “an event or
    Section 1332(e) specifies that the “word ‘States,’ as
    used in this section includes the Territories[.]” 28 U.S.C.
    § 1332(e).
    occurrence” did not apply because it requires a single
    incident and the plaintiffs’ complaint alleged that “there
    were multiple events and occurrences over many years.”
    It emphasized that the exclusion “requires that to avoid
    removal there had to have been just ‘an event or
    occurrence’—a ‘single’ event or occurrence.”
    On December 7, 2012, the District Court granted
    the plaintiffs’ motion to remand this action to the
    Superior Court of the Virgin Islands. Abraham v. St.
    Croix Renaissance Grp., L.L.L.P., No. 12-11, 
    2012 WL 6098502
     (D.V.I. Dec. 7, 2012). The District Court
    considered several district court decisions that addressed
    whether an action qualified as a mass action. It noted
    that the plaintiffs’ complaint alleged “continuing
    environmental damage,” and cited a statement from a
    Senate Report that the purpose of the “event or
    occurrence” exclusion was “‘to allow cases involving
    environmental torts such as a chemical spill to remain in
    state court.’” Id. at *3 (quoting S. Rep. 109-14, at 44
    (2005), reprinted in 2005 U.S.C.C.A.N. 3, 47 (2005)).
    The Court reasoned that
    [t]he word event . . . is not always confined
    to a discrete happening that occurs over a
    short time span such as a fire, explosion,
    hurricane or chemical spill. For example,
    one can speak of the Civil War as a defining
    event in American history, even though it
    took place over a four year period and
    involved many battles.
    Id. The Court then declared that
    an event, as used in CAFA, encompasses a
    continuing tort which results in a regular or
    continuous release of toxic or hazardous
    chemicals, as allegedly is occurring here,
    and where there is no superseding
    occurrence or significant interruption that
    breaks the chain of causation. A very
    narrow interpretation of the word event as
    advocated by SCRG would undermine the
    intent of Congress to allow the state or
    territorial courts to adjudicate claims
    involving truly localized environmental torts
    with localized injuries. We see no reason to
    distinguish between a discrete happening,
    such as a chemical spill causing immediate
    environmental damage, and one of a
    continuing nature, such as is at issue here.
    The allegations in the amended complaint
    clearly fit within the meaning of an event as
    found in CAFA.
    The plaintiffs’ amended complaint
    does not qualify as a mass action under 28
    U.S.C.§ 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) because all the
    claims arise from an event or occurrence,
    that is, the continuous release of toxic
    substances from a single facility located in
    the Virgin Islands, where the resulting
    injuries are confined to the Virgin Islands.
    Id. at *3-4.
    Under 28 U.S.C. § 1453(c)(1), a party aggrieved
    by a district court’s ruling on a motion to remand may
    seek permission to appeal if the application is made “not
    more than 10 days after entry of the order.” SCRG filed
    a timely petition. We granted the petition on March 14,
    The District Court exercised jurisdiction under 28
    U.S.C. §§ 1332(d)(11)(A) and 1453(b). We granted
    leave to appeal under 28 U.S.C. §§ 1332(d)(11)(A) and
    Under CAFA, § 1453(b) provides for the removal
    to federal district courts of class actions as defined in
    § 1332(d)(1). 28 U.S.C. § 1453(b). Consistent with
    federal practice, once an action has been removed under
    CAFA, the plaintiff may move to remand. Id. § 1453(c)
    (applying 28 U.S.C. § 1447, which governs procedures
    after removal, to removal of class actions). Under
    traditional federal practice, an order remanding a case to
    state court is not reviewable. 28 U.S.C. § 1447(d).
    CAFA, however, diverges from traditional federal
    practice by providing for discretionary appellate review
    of “an order of a district court granting or denying a
    motion to remand a class action to the State court from
    which it was removed.”         28 U.S.C. § 1453(c)(1)
    (emphasis added).
    Plaintiffs contend that we lack appellate
    jurisdiction under § 1453. They assert that the provision
    in CAFA which permits an appeal of a remand order
    applies to only “class actions—not mass actions.” They
    point out that § 1453 refers to class actions alone and
    does not use the term “mass actions.” See 28 U.S.C. §
    1453(a) (specifying that for purposes of § 1453, “the
    term[] . . . ‘class action’ . . . shall have the meaning[]
    given such term[] under section 1332(d)(1)”). According
    to plaintiffs, because their civil action does not meet the
    definition of a removable class action under § 1332(d)(1),
    we lack appellate jurisdiction.
    Plaintiffs’ argument fails to acknowledge a critical
    “deemer” provision in CAFA. While § 1453 makes only
    certain “class actions” removable and does not use the
    term “mass action,” § 1332(d)(11)(A) states that “[f]or
    purposes of this subsection [(1332(d)] and section 1453,
    a mass action shall be deemed to be a class action
    removable under paragraphs (2) through (10) if it
    otherwise meets the provisions of those paragraphs.” 28
    U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(A). The plain text of this provision
    makes § 1453’s treatment of “class actions” equally
    applicable to “mass actions.”               28 U.S.C.
    § 1332(d)(11)(A). See Lowery v. Ala. Power Co., 
    483 F.3d 1184
    , 1195 (11th Cir. 2007) (noting that the “plain
    language” of § 1332(d)(11)(A) “makes it clear that any
    ‘mass action’ is also considered a ‘class action’ for the
    purposes of CAFA’s removal provisions”). And nothing
    limits that deeming provision to subsection (b), which
    permits removal. Rather, § 1453’s applicability to “mass
    actions” includes subsection (c), which establishes our
    discretionary appellate jurisdiction over remand orders.
    Accordingly, we have appellate jurisdiction under
    § 1453(c)(1).
    The issue in this case is one of statutory
    interpretation. 5 We must determine the meaning of the
    We review issues of statutory interpretation de novo.
    Kaufman v. Allstate N.J. Ins. Co., 
    561 F.3d 144
    , 151 (3d
    Cir. 2009). De novo review also applies because whether
    the plaintiffs’ civil action fits within the mass-action
    exclusion in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) concerns the subject-
    matter jurisdiction of the District Court. Id. The District
    Court’s application of law to the factual averments of the
    complaint is also subject to de novo review. See In re
    Sch. Asbestos Litig., 
    56 F.3d 515
    , 519 (3d Cir. 1995).
    phrase “an event or occurrence” as it appears in the mass-
    action exclusion. The exclusion provides:
    (ii) . . . the term “mass action” shall not
    include any civil action in which – (I) all of
    the claims in the action arise from an event
    or occurrence in the State in which the
    action was filed, and that allegedly resulted
    in injuries in that State or in States
    contiguous to that State[.]”
    28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) (emphasis added). “As
    in all statutory construction cases, we begin with the
    language of the statute. The first step ‘is to determine
    whether the language at issue has a plain and
    unambiguous meaning with regard to the particular
    dispute in the case.’” Barnhart v. Sigmon Coal Co., 
    534 U.S. 438
    , 450 (2002) (quoting Robinson v. Shell Oil Co.,
    519 U.S. 337
    , 340 (1997)). “When the meaning of
    statutory text is plain, our inquiry is at an end.” Roth v.
    Norfalco, L.L.C., 
    651 F.3d 367
    , 379 (3d Cir. 2011).
    If the text is “reasonably susceptible of different
    interpretations,” it may be ambiguous. Edwards v. A.H.
    Cornell and Son, Inc., 
    610 F.3d 217
    , 222 (3d Cir. 2010)
    (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). As the
    Supreme Court instructed in AT&T Mobility, L.L.C. v.
    Concepcion, __ U.S. __, 
    131 S. Ct. 1740
     (2011), when a
    statute appears to be ambiguous, we must
    look to other portions of the [Act because
    s]tatutory interpretation focuses on “the
    language itself, the specific context in which
    that language is used, and the broader
    context of the statute as a whole.” Robinson
    v. Shell Oil Co., 
    519 U.S. 337
    , 341 (1997).
    “A provision that may seem ambiguous in
    isolation is often clarified by the remainder
    of the statutory scheme . . . because only one
    of the permissible meanings produces a
    substantive effect that is compatible with the
    rest of the law.” United Sav. Assn. of Tex. v.
    Timbers of Inwood Forest Assocs., Ltd., 
    484 U.S. 365
    , 371 (1988).
    AT&T Mobility, 131 S. Ct. at 1754. Only if we conclude
    that a statute is ambiguous, after consideration of the
    statutory scheme, may we then consider the legislative
    history or other extrinsic material—and then, only if it
    “shed[s] a reliable light on the enacting Legislature’s
    understanding of otherwise ambiguous terms.” Exxon
    Mobil Corp. v. Allapattah Servs., Inc., 
    545 U.S. 546
    , 568
    (2005) (emphasis added).
    SCRG relies heavily on the article “an,” which
    precedes “event or occurrence,” and the singular nature
    of that article. In SCRG’s view, this “an” before “event
    or occurrence” means that the exclusion is not applicable
    if the complaint alleges injuries that are not the result of a
    single, discrete incident. In SCRG’s view, this means
    that the exclusion does not apply to the plaintiffs’ claims,
    which are based on a series of incidents resulting in their
    continued exposure to the hazardous substances. These
    incidents include the erosion of the red mud containing
    the various hazardous substances, the dispersion by wind
    of the same, and the improper storage of and the failure
    to remove all of these substances from the premises.
    SCRG’s argument is not completely devoid of
    merit. Its contention that this statutory language refers to
    a single incident is semantically consistent with
    Congress’s decision to use the singular form of the words
    “event” or “occurrence” in the exclusion. See Dunn v.
    Endoscopy Ctr. of S. Nev., No. 2:11-CV-560, 
    2011 WL 5509004
    , at *2 (D. Nev. Nov. 7, 2011) (noting that the
    statute did not state “events and occurrences,” and that
    the “use of the singular in the statutory language is
    important and sufficient”).
    But SCRG’s reliance on the article “an” does not
    end the inquiry. We must determine what the phrase
    “event or occurrence” means. “In the absence of a
    statutory definition” in the CAFA, we are bound to give
    the words used their “‘ordinary meaning.’” United States
    v. Diallo, 
    575 F.3d 252
    , 256-57 (3d Cir. 2009) (quoting
    Moskal v. United States, 
    498 U.S. 103
    , 108 (1990)
    (omitting internal quotation marks and citation)); see also
    Asgrow Seed Co. v. Winterboer, 
    513 U.S. 179
    , 187
    (1995) (“When terms used in a statute are undefined, we
    give them their ordinary meaning.”); FDIC v. Meyer, 510
    16 U.S. 471
    , 476 (1994) (“In the absence of such a
    definition, we construe the statutory term in accordance
    with its ordinary or natural meaning.”). In common
    parlance, neither the term “event” nor “occurrence” is
    used solely to refer to a specific incident that can be
    definitively limited to an ascertainable period of minutes,
    hours, or days. 6
    As the District Court explained, the “word event in
    our view is not always confined to a discrete happening
    that occurs over a short time span such as a fire,
    explosion, hurricane, or chemical spill. For example, one
    can speak of the Civil War as a defining event in
    The word “event” is defined, inter alia, as “something
    that takes place, especially a significant occurrence.”
    The American Heritage Dictionary of the English
    Language 615 (5th ed. 2011). See also Merriam-
    Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary 433 (11th ed. 2003)
    (including among its definitions of “event” “something
    that happens,” “occurrence,” and “a noteworthy
    happening”).       The definition of “occurrence,” not
    surprisingly, is “the action, fact, or instance of occurring .
    . . ‘something that takes place; an event or incident.” The
    American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
    1219 (5th ed. 2011); Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate
    Dictionary 858 (11th ed. 2003 (defining “occurrence” as
    “something that occurs . . . the action or instance of
    American history, even though it took place over a four-
    year period and involved many battles.” Abraham, 
    2012 WL 6098502
    , at * 3. The Court’s construction of the
    word is consistent with the word’s common usage.
    Important events in history are not always limited to
    discrete incidents that happened at a specific and precise
    moment in time.
    As further support for this construction, we note
    that the plain text of the exclusion and the statutory
    scheme do not delimit the words “event or occurrence” to
    a specific incident with a fixed duration of time. Because
    the words “event” and “occurrence” do not commonly or
    necessarily refer in every instance to what transpired at
    an isolated moment in time, there is no reason for us to
    conclude that Congress intended to limit the phrase
    “event or occurrence” in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) in this
    fashion. Accordingly, where the record demonstrates
    circumstances that share some commonality and persist
    over a period of time, these can constitute “an event or
    occurrence” for purposes of the exclusion in §
    In short, treating a continuing set of circumstances
    collectively as an “event or occurrence” for purposes of
    the mass-action exclusion is consistent with the ordinary
    usage of these words, which do not necessarily have a
    temporal limitation. Giving the words “event” or
    “occurrence” their ordinary meaning is not at odds with
    the purpose of the statutory scheme of CAFA. Congress
    clearly contemplated that some mass actions are better
    suited to adjudication by the state courts in which they
    originated. This intent is evident in both the “event or
    occurrence” exclusion for mass actions, as well as the
    local-controversy and home-state exceptions in
    § 1332(d)(4)(A) and (B) for class actions. See Kaufman
    v. Allstate N.J. Ins. Co., 
    561 F.3d 144
    , 149 (3d Cir. 2009)
    (referring to § 1332(d)(4)(A) as the “local controversy
    exception” and subsection (B) as the “home-state”
    exception). These provisions assure that aggregate
    actions with substantial ties to a particular state remain in
    the courts of that state.
    The local-controversy and home-state exceptions
    for class actions in § 1332(d)(4) and the “event or
    occurrence” exclusion for mass actions, however, are
    different creatures entirely. Indeed, in light of the
    statutory structure of CAFA, the exceptions and the
    exclusion have to be different because a “mass action,” to
    be removable, must meet the provisions of § 1332(d)(2)
    through (10). 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(A). This means
    that to be removable a mass action must present
    something other than a uniquely local controversy that
    may not be removed under either the local-controversy or
    home-state exception in § 1332(d)(4)(A) and (B),
    respectively. If the mass action complaint pleads neither
    a local-controversy nor a home-state cause of action
    under subsection (d)(4), it may be removed unless the
    “event or occurrence”         exclusion    in    subsection
    (d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) applies.
    It is notable that the local-controversy exception
    contains broad language instructing a district court to
    decline to exercise jurisdiction where the “principal
    injuries resulting from the alleged conduct or any related
    conduct . . . were incurred in the State in which the action
    was originally filed.” 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(4)(A)(i)(III)
    (emphasis added). The use of this broad language in the
    local-controversy exception for class actions and not in
    the mass-action exclusion might suggest that Congress
    intended to limit the mass-action exclusion to claims
    arising from a discrete incident. See Duncan v. Walker,
    533 U.S. 167
    , 173 (2001) (observing that “where
    Congress includes particular language in one section of a
    statute but omits it in another section of the same Act, it
    is generally presumed that Congress acts intentionally
    and purposely in the disparate inclusion or exclusion”
    (internal quotation marks and citations omitted)).
    Because the local-controversy class action exception and
    the “event or occurrence” exclusion for mass actions are
    not the same, the broad language in the local-controversy
    exception in § 1332(d)(4)(A) for class actions does not
    control our interpretation of the phrase “event or
    occurrence” in the mass-action exclusion in §
    1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I).      Consequently, the statutory
    scheme of CAFA does not require limiting the
    construction of “event or occurrence” to something that
    happened at a discrete moment in time.
    We conclude that the District Court did not err in
    its interpretation of the “event or occurrence” exclusion
    in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I). Our broad reading of the
    words “event” and “occurrence” is consistent with their
    ordinary usage. 7 Further, such a reading does not thwart
    Congress’s intent, which recognized that some aggregate
    actions are inherently local in nature and better suited to
    adjudication by a State court. Accordingly, there is no
    reason to consider the legislative history of the CAFA to
    interpret the phrase “event or occurrence” in the mass-
    action exclusion. Morgan v. Gay, 
    471 F.3d 469
    , 473 (3d
    The ordinary meaning of the words “event” and
    “occurrence” do not easily lend themselves to fashioning
    a precise definition that can be applied to all litigation
    under CAFA. It is sufficient for purposes of this appeal
    to determine that the phrase “event or occurrence” in the
    exclusion is not as temporally limited as SCRG contends.
    We note, however, that the exclusion contains other
    limitations, demanding a commonality of the claims and
    requiring a substantial link with the forum state. 28
    U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) (providing that (1) “all” of
    the claims must arise from the event; (2) the event must
    happen in the state in which the action was filed; and (3)
    the plaintiffs’ injuries must have “allegedly resulted . . .
    in that state”).
    Cir. 2006) (noting that we “need not look to legislative
    history at all when the text of the statute is
    unambiguous”). 8
    In light of our determination that the words
    “event” or “occurrence” in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) should
    be given their ordinary meaning, we turn to whether the
    plaintiffs’ complaint falls within this exclusion for mass
    actions. 9 We conclude that the complaint sufficiently
    Although we need not consider legislative history, we
    doubt that the Senate Report would aid us in any way in
    interpreting this exclusion in CAFA. The Senate Report
    was issued after CAFA was enacted. See Bruesewitz v.
    Wyeth, L.L.C., __ U.S. __ 
    131 S. Ct. 1068
    , 1081 (2011)
    (noting that “[p]ost-enactment legislative history (a
    contradiction in terms) is not a legitimate tool of statutory
    interpretation”). In addition, because either party in this
    controversy can cite the Senate Report as authority for
    their respective interpretations, the Senate Report sheds
    little light on Congress’s true intent. See Exxon Mobil
    Corp. v. Allapattah Servs., Inc., 
    545 U.S. 546
    , 568 (2005)
    (cautioning that legislative history has a role in statutory
    interpretation only if it “shed[s] a reliable light on the
    enacting Legislature’s understanding of otherwise
    ambiguous terms,” and instructing that legislative history
    is not a reliable source if it is contradictory).
    We recognize that the District Court concluded that the
    word “event” in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I) included the
    alleges that all of the plaintiffs’ claims arise from “an
    event or occurrence” in the Virgin Islands where the
    action was filed and that allegedly resulted in injuries
    “continuous release of toxic or hazardous chemicals, as
    allegedly is occurring here, and where there is no
    superseding occurrence.” Abraham, 
    2012 WL 6098502
    at *3 (emphasis added). In Allen v. Monsanto Co., No.
    2010 WL 8752873
    , at *10 (N.D. Fla. Feb. 1,
    2010), the District Court used the term “interceding” in
    its analysis of whether the circumstances constituted “an
    event or occurrence” for purposes of the exclusion in
    § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I). Id. (emphasis added). It is clear
    from the text and structure of the CAFA that Congress
    drafted the statute with an awareness of the various types
    of aggregate action, including class actions, mass actions,
    and mass torts. See generally 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(11)
    (defining “class action” for purposes of diversity
    jurisdiction); id. § 1332(d)(11) (establishing the “mass
    action” as a non-class aggregate action and distinguishing
    it from mass tort actions that may be the subject of
    multidistrict litigation under 28 U.S.C. § 1407). Yet
    Congress neither used the word “tort” in the mass action
    exclusion nor the terms “interceding” or “superseding.”
    Because giving the terms in the exclusion their ordinary
    meaning does not create a result that is at odds with
    Congress’s intent to keep some actions in state court, we
    see no reason to utilize these terms of art in our analysis.
    The complaint alleges circumstances that persisted
    over a fixed period of time–specifically, from 2002,
    when SCRG acquired the former alumina refinery, to the
    present. These circumstances included: (1) the presence
    throughout the former refinery site of the red mud and
    the various hazardous substances that were buried
    therein; (2) the plaintiffs’ continual exposure to the red
    mud and its particulates as a result of erosion by wind
    and water; and (3) the persistent failure of SCRG to
    contain or abate the hazardous substances and to
    remediate the premises. In short, the condition of the site
    during the period of SCRG’s ownership provided a
    source for the ongoing emission of the red mud and the
    hazardous substances and the subsequent dispersion onto
    the plaintiffs’ persons and their property. We believe
    that these circumstances, which the District Court
    characterized as the “continuous release of toxic
    substances from a single facility located in the Virgin
    Islands,” constituted “an event or occurrence” for
    purposes of the mass-action exclusion. Abraham, 
    2012 WL 6098502
    , at *4.
    We recognize that multiple substances are alleged
    to have emanated from SCRG’s site. But the complaint
    does not allow us to isolate a specific substance and trace
    it to a particular course of action taken by SCRG at a
    precise point in time. Instead, the complaint alleges that
    the red mud containing the various hazardous substances
    was present throughout the site. There are no averments
    that SCRG removed any of the hazardous substances and
    thereby heightened the risk of exposure to any particular
    substance. Nor are there any allegations that SCRG
    engaged in any manufacturing at the site to increase the
    emission of any particular substance. There is simply the
    ongoing emission from the site of the red mud and its
    hazardous substances. Because we cannot identify
    separate and discrete incidents causing the emission of
    the various substances at any precise point in time, we
    reject SCRG’s argument that the plaintiffs’ claims arose
    from multiple events or occurrences. 10
    We agree with the District Court that the complaint
    was not a removable mass action because “all of the
    claims in the action arose from an event or occurrence”
    that happened in the Virgin Islands and that resulted in
    injuries in the Virgin Islands. Accordingly, the District
    In addition to the dispersion of red mud, plaintiffs have
    also alleged that SCRG has failed to prevent the
    dispersion of friable asbestos. Though these are two
    distinct hazardous substances, we do not believe this
    should alter the result. Plaintiffs allege that both
    substances were present on the same site and have been
    released into the environment due to SCRG’s neglect of
    that site. This commonality is enough for the release of
    the two substances to constitute “an event or occurrence”
    under the statute.
    Court appropriately remanded the plaintiffs’ action to the
    Superior Court of the Virgin Islands.11
    In sum, we agree with SCRG that the statute
    excludes from mass actions those civil actions in which
    all of the claims arise from a single event or occurrence
    in the state where the action was filed. But the ordinary
    meaning of the words “event” and “occurrence” is not
    always limited to something that happened at a particular
    moment in time. Indeed, “event” and “occurrence” admit
    of temporal flexibility. For this reason, we find no error
    in the District Court’s conclusion that the “continuous
    release” of hazardous substances from SCRG’s premises
    constituted “an event or occurrence” for purposes of the
    mass-action exclusion in § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I). We
    will affirm the District Court’s order granting the motion
    to remand.12
    Because plaintiffs’ complaint meets the criteria of   the
    “event       or       occurrence”      exclusion          in
    § 1332(d)(11)(B)(ii)(I), we need not resolve whether     the
    District Court erred by denying their request            for
    discovery regarding SCRG’s citizenship.
    CAFA requires a court of appeals to “complete all
    action” on an appeal, “including rendering judgment not
    later than 60 days after the date on which such appeal
    was filed.” 28 U.S.C. § 1453(c)(2). This means that
    judgment must be filed no later than May 13, 2013.
    “[F]or good cause shown and in the interests of justice,”
    we may extend this filing date for ten days. Id.
    § 1453(c)(3)(B). Because compliance with the 60 day
    deadline would result in an abbreviated circulation period
    for this precedential opinion, see Third Circuit I.O.P.
    § 5.6, we conclude that good cause exists for an
    extension and that the ten-day extension is in the interest
    of justice.