Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1970 )

  •             T~IEA~~'~S‘OR-GENERAL
    OF   TEXAS
    Honorable Franklin L. Smith           ,*1&n   No. N&t:
    County Attorney
    Nueces County Cotithause              Re:  Explratioir'oi'
    term of
    Corpus Chrieti, Texas,78$01                present Judge of County
    ,, 'i     Court at LawNo. 2 of
    " ftue'ces"C!ount~
    and whether
    .~.,      suah'offlw should'appear
    on the General~~Electlon
    Dear Mr. Smith:                            ballot of 1970.
    You have requested fan opinion of this office as to the
    explratldn 'da%+?
    of :th+.currenkt&m of the Jtidge,ofCounty Court
    at Law No. 2 of Rueces,Cou#ty and whither such office should I.,.
    appear on.the,kneral Electltin~b&llcit of 1970. "
    The'&ovlsioks g&ernlng the ,electlon& the Judge 'of
    the County Court.at Law No. 2.of Ruecee County are set out in
    Section 6 of A+lcle~l970~3~Ai       Vertion'sCivil Statutes, and
    read, in part, ae'follows: "
    1, ~.
    'The Judge of,'%be~County Court'at tiw        :-'   ,'
    '>No.II'cii%u&es~.&ntij ~&all held-,hib~offlce for
    i t&?m ,qf'four,y~iirs;janbLiitntll,'hlbbuacessor
    :: shall,,have'~'been 'duly,,elect%d atid qualifled:'~~"'As
    .,i&n as..pra~tlcable,'~fte~,~thc~~effectlve   date"of, : '.
    I'~          the ~coaiml~~lc~~~rs'c@urt~
    ,th$.s',Act,                           of Rueces~~ounty      i.1,.
    ,,still~,appoitita~suit&?0#'person~to be':Jiudge:,of the
    County Xourt at%aw::~NOt:II,,. *ho'~shilltake %fflce
    oti:July.:l,1967.&&shall     ~~lQ'~offlcbutitll~           I" ,,
    lkcetibik31, $968 and‘uhtl$ hia succeseor'has          .I.
    beetidilyelected and quallfled,;~'Bl~~   suc&ssor
    shall be elected in the general electlon'to,be
    held In 19b8, for the term .of,fouryears, and a
    me    election shall b h ld every four years
    thereafter." (Emphask~dded.)           ,,
    Sectidn 65,of~@tiile' XVI of the Constittitionof ~Texas
    governs the terms.,ofoffices for the offices~lTsted therein,and
    reads, In part, &s ,follows:
    .     .
    Hon. Franklin L. Smith, page 2 (M-566) i
    "The following officers elected at the
    Qeneral Election In November, 1954, and there-
    after, shall serve for the full-terms provided
    In this Constitution:
    II** - (d) Judges of County Court at Law
    . . .
    Sectl.~,.30of Article V of the,Constitution of Texas
    fixes the length of the full term of offlce'for the judge of the
    County Court:ah+av at four years In the following language:
    "&&        The,Jidges of all Ckrts of
    county-wide .,jurlsdlctlon
    heretofore or here-
    by &he Legislature of thls State,
    after ,.created,
    . . . .st@l.be.elected for a term of four years,
    and shall serve until their successors have
    Upon the authorltj'df the foregoing cotis$ltutlonal
    provlslons,khe oflflce.ofCounty Cotit at:Law Is ~toibe filled
    for a term of four years at the General Election inNovember ~of
    the years 1954, 1958, 1962, 1966 ~1970, 1974,'etc. Attorney
    General's Opinions WW-1292 (19625, C-147 (1963) land C-235 (1964).
    Since the term ,of office of the'judge of the County
    Court at Law Is fixed by the Constltutlon,,so much,of the above
    quoted and underlined provision in Section 6 of Article 1970-339A
    calling for election to the flrst.full term In November, 1968,
    was therefore uncopstitutlonal. :The lnvalldlty'fn fhls.sectlon
    at the time of the,.1968,~QeneralR1e'dt.lon,~,~however,.:dld
    not ln-
    validate other.provlslons,cf the'act,,~.andtherefore the'elec,tion
    for the office of Judge,of the.County 'Court~at Law No. 2 of'Nueces
    Countvheld In November.~.l968,"wasfor the.unexvlred term of two
    years-ending o&December~.3i,~i970.:~Eades vi Drake, 
    160 Tex. 381
    332 S.Wi2d 55 ~(,l96O);.Sterrett~v.Morgan, 294 S .r.2d 201 (C.A.
    1956, no writ3 . Accord3ngly, th    fflce oftJudge of the County
    Court at Law No.,~2of:,NuecesCoti&; Is iubject to being flllid
    at the General Election In November',1970, for a term'of.four
    years beginning January 1, 1971.
    SR'MMARY        _,                   .'
    Section 65 of Article XVI of the'Constltut&n
    of Texas f,lxesthe dates for elections for full
    terms of udges of County 'Courts a,$.
    Law as the
    ware 195 , 1958, 1962, 1966, 1970, and every
    four years thereafter; the provision In Article
    Hon. Franklin L. Smith, page 3 (M-566)
    1870-339A fixing the full term of four years to
    run from the General Election of 1968 was un-
    constitutional, being In violation of Article
    V, Section 30 and Article XVI, Section 65,
    Constitution of Texas.
    Prepared by William J. Craig
    Assistant Attorney General
    Kerns Taylor, Chairman
    Alfred Walker, Co-Chairman
    Al10 Crow
    Joe K. Longley
    Sam L. Jones
    James M. Mabry
    Staff Legal Assistant
    First Assistant

Document Info

Docket Number: M-566

Judges: Crawford Martin

Filed Date: 7/2/1970

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017