Jeffrey Norman v. David Elkin ( 2020 )

  •                                PRECEDENTIAL
    Nos. 19-2294 and 19-2410
    Appellant in 19-2410
    David W. Elkin
    Appellant in 19-2294
    On Appeal from the United States District Court
    for the District of Delaware
    (D.C. No. 1-06-cv-0005)
    District Judge: Hon. Leonard P. Stark
    Submitted Under Third Circuit LAR 34.1(a)
    March 23, 2020
    Before: JORDAN, RESTREPO, and GREENBERG, Circuit
    (Opinion Filed: May 29, 2020)
    David A. Felice
    Bailey & Glasser
    2961 Centerville Road – Ste. 302
    Wilmington, DE 19808
    Counsel for Jeffrey M. Norman
    David W. Elkin
    805 Bryn Mawr Avenue
    Newtown Square, PA 19073
    Pro Se
    JORDAN, Circuit Judge.
    This appeal, the second we have been asked to decide in
    this case, marks what is, one hopes, effectively the final chapter
    of a bitter dispute spanning more than 14 years and involving
    state and federal courts, two different district court judges, two
    jury trials, and seemingly innumerable procedural and
    dispositive motions, both pre- and post-trial. Pursuant to our
    mandate in the parties’ prior appeal, Norman v. Elkin, 
    860 F.3d 111
    (3d Cir. 2017) (“Norman V”), the District Court decided
    that the statute of limitations for all of plaintiff Jeffrey M.
    Norman’s claims, which include both contract and non-
    contract causes of action, were tolled during the pendency of a
    books and records request he initiated in the Delaware Court
    of Chancery in November 2004 pursuant to § 220 of Title 8 of
    the Delaware Code (the “§220 Action”). Notwithstanding
    Norman’s entitlement to §220-based tolling, however, the
    Court also concluded that all but a subset of his breach of
    contract claim was time-barred because he knew or should
    have known the facts giving rise to those claims for longer than
    the applicable limitations period before filing the §220 Action.
    Both Norman and defendants David W. Elkin, The Elkin
    Group, Inc. (“TEG”), U.S. Mobilcomm, Inc. (“USM”), and
    Richard Shorin (collectively, the “Elkin Defendants”) now
    challenge multiple aspects of the District Court’s ruling.
    With one exception, we hold that the parties’ assertions
    of error by the District Court lack merit. The single exception
    deals with Norman’s breach of contract claim based on events
    that occurred in May, July, and August of 2001. We agree with
    Norman that the District Court incorrectly determined that
    those claims were untimely. Accordingly, we will reverse that
    aspect of the District Court’s final judgment, affirm all others,
    and remand to the District Court for the limited purpose of
    entering a revised final judgment consistent with this decision.
    I.     BACKGROUND1
    A.     Factual Background
    Norman and Elkin founded USM in the early 1990s for
    the purpose of aggregating “Phase 1” 200 MHZ licenses issued
    We focus our statement of the factual and procedural
    background on those matters most pertinent to the parties’
    present appeals. Additional information can be found in
    Norman V, and the District Court’s numerous opinions
    throughout this case’s extensive history. See Norman v. Elkin,
    by the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”).2 They
    orally agreed that Elkin would hold 75% of USM’s equity and
    Norman the other 25%. Consistent with that ownership
    structure, they also agreed that, of the $1 million required to
    capitalize USM, Elkin would contribute $750,000 and Norman
    would contribute $250,000. Norman’s role in USM was to
    acquire the initial licenses. After he successfully did so,
    “Norman’s day-to-day involvement in USM ended[,]” and
    “Elkin continued to manage USM’s affairs.” Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 369
    In 1998, the FCC announced it would auction “Phase
    II” licenses. Elkin registered USM as a bidder in one such
    auction in which “USM won the rights to several Phase II
    Id. Elkin subsequently
    transferred USM’s rights
    in the Phase II licenses to another company that he owned,
    TEG. TEG’s involvement purportedly was necessary because
    USM did not have sufficient funds on its own to participate in
    No. CIV.A. 06-005-JJF, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    (D. Del. Sept. 26,
    2007) (“Norman I”); Norman v. Elkin, 
    726 F. Supp. 2d 464
    Del. 2010) (“Norman II”); Norman v. Elkin, 
    849 F. Supp. 2d 418
    (D. Del. 2012); Norman v. Elkin, No. CV 06-005-LPS,
    2015 WL 4886049
    (D. Del. Aug. 14, 2015); and Norman v.
    338 F. Supp. 3d 361
    (D. Del. 2018) (“Norman VI”).
    “Phase I” licenses, which were distributed by lottery,
    were the “first wave” of licenses that covered particular radio
    frequencies in specified geographic areas. Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 116
    . The FCC subsequently issued “Phase II” licenses
    “through a competitive auction.”
    Id. Some Phase
    II licenses
    overlapped, but were not coterminous, with previously issued
    Phase I licenses.
    the auction and it was important to ensure that “a friendly
    corporation acquired the licenses that overlapped with those
    already owned by USM.” Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 116
    . Norman
    closely monitored the auction and emailed Elkin requesting
    information on its outcome. Elkin did not respond.
    Id. Some FCC
    notices relating to the auction listed USM as the winning
    bidder of Phase II licenses, while others referred to TEG as the
    owner of those same licenses.
    Id. At some
    unknown time between 1995 and 2002, Elkin
    caused USM to enter into a Shareholder Loan Agreement
    (“SLA”) with him. Under the SLA, “USM agreed to treat any
    amount Elkin contributed above his capital requirement as a
    loan.” Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 369
    . Elkin neither
    informed Norman about the SLA nor sought his approval for
    it, and purportedly lent USM in excess of $600,000 pursuant
    In 2000 and 2001, USM started selling off its licenses.
    “Norman received federal income tax K-1 forms from USM
    for the tax years 2000 and 2001 that declared USM had realized
    a capital gain.”
    Id. at 370.
    “Those K-1 forms did not state what
    had been sold, and they did not list any shareholder loans or
    distributions. However, in a deposition, Norman admitted that
    a capital gain, by definition ... has to be sale of a license[.]”
    V, 860 F.3d at 117
    (quotations omitted and alterations
    in original). In a series of distributions effectuated by Elkin
    from 2000 to 2002, USM paid Elkin $615,026 from the
    proceeds of the license sales. Norman received nothing.
    After not hearing from Elkin “in ages,” (JA at 860,)3
    Norman called him in the summer of 2002 (the “Summer 2002
    Call”). Norman testified that Elkin was “a little bit evasive”
    on the call, but admitted that licenses had been sold and that he
    (Elkin) had taken a distribution. Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 117
    When Norman inquired why he (Norman) had not received any
    distributions, Elkin responded, “it wasn’t your turn.”
    Id. Norman requested
    additional information, which Elkin never
    Perhaps spurred by Elkin’s lack of cooperation, Norman
    had his attorney send Elkin a letter in October 2002 (the
    “October 2002 Letter”) requesting information regarding “the
    sale or other disposition of any assets or stock of [USM] over
    the past three (3) years, and the distribution or use of any
    proceeds of any such sales or dispositions.”
    Id. (alteration in
    original). Elkin responded by letter approximately two months
    later on December 3, 2002 (the “December 2002 Letter”),
    acknowledging that USM had sold the licenses “it owned,” but
    the letter included agreements revealing TEG had sold certain
    Phase II licenses.
    Id. “The letter
    also included a breakdown
    of the uses of the proceeds, including repayment of what were
    characterized as shareholder loans[.]”
    Id. In October
    USM responded to requests for further information by
    Norman’s attorney by sending him a letter (the “October 2003
    Letter”) that included a copy of the SLA.
    Id. 3 As
    used herein, references to “JA” are to the parties
    Joint Appendix filed in Norman V (case numbers 16-1924 and
    16-2164), which, by Order dated February 28, 2020, we
    permitted the parties to utilize in the present appeals.
    B.     Procedural Background
    Based on the information he had obtained over the prior
    two years, Norman filed the §220 Action on November 16,
    2004, which was resolved in Norman’s favor on October 2,
    2005. Approximately two months later, Norman filed this
    lawsuit in the Delaware Court of Chancery, which the Elkin
    Defendants removed to the District Court. In his complaint,
    “Norman raised a wide variety of tort and contract claims
    against [Defendants] including breach of contract, usurpation
    of corporate opportunities, conversion, fraud, breach of
    fiduciary duties, and unjust enrichment.” Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 118
    In May 2009, three of Norman’s claims – breach of
    contract, fraud, and conversion – were tried to a jury. The jury
    returned a verdict for him on all counts. Elkin moved for
    judgment as a matter of law on the ground that Norman’s
    claims were time-barred. The District Court largely agreed,
    and held Norman’s claims were untimely except those based
    on two breach-of-contract theories: that Elkin breached his oral
    agreement with Norman regarding USM’s capitalization by
    executing the SLA and by failing to make pro rata
    distributions of the license sale proceeds.
    After further motions by both Norman and Elkin, the
    District Court held a second jury trial on Norman’s two
    remaining claims. “The jury again found in Norman’s favor
    and awarded him $1 in nominal damages based on Elkin’s
    execution of the SLA and $73,180.17 in compensatory
    damages for Elkin’s failure to make pro rata distributions.”
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 368
    . The amount of damages
    awarded indicates that the jury considered a substantial portion
    of the funds Elkin directed to himself between 2000 and 2002
    to be repayments of loans he made to USM, rather than
    distributions. Elkin again moved for judgment as a matter of
    law, and again the District Court agreed. Most significantly,
    the District Court held that the §220 Action did not toll the
    statute of limitations for any of Norman’s claims, rendering all
    of his claims untimely. The Court vacated the jury’s verdict
    and entered final judgement in Elkin’s favor.
    Both Norman and Elkin appealed. Ultimately, we
    vacated the entry of judgment in Elkin’s favor, excepting the
    fraud claim. We remanded the case to the District Court for
    two purposes: “(1) for the Court to reinstate the jury verdict
    and award of nominal damages for Norman’s SLA-based
    breach of contract claim and (2) for the Court to determine
    whether §220 tolling should apply to Norman’s claims, and, if
    so, whether Norman’s remaining claims are timely.” 4
    Id. 4 Surprisingly,
    Elkin asks us to overrule part of our
    earlier mandate based on the District Court’s conclusion on
    remand that Norman’s SLA-based breach of fiduciary claim,
    premised on the same facts as his SLA-based breach of contract
    claim, was time-barred. In making such a request, Elkin
    ignores that he had a full and fair opportunity during the first
    appeal to challenge the SLA-based breach of contract claim as
    untimely, just as he did with the SLA-based breach of fiduciary
    duty claim, but failed to do so. As we specifically noted in
    Norman V, that failure created a “confounding” situation in
    which “the statute of limitations might stand as a bar to the
    [breach of fiduciary duty claim] but not the [breach of contract
    claim].” Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 128
    . The fact that the entirely
    foreseeable disparity we identified in Norman V came to
    fruition, a disparity that Elkin bears sole responsibility for,
    On remand, the District Court, applying our guidance
    from Norman V, concluded that the statute of limitations for
    each of Norman’s claims was tolled during the pendency of the
    §220 Action. The Court then proceeded to examine whether
    Norman’s claims nevertheless were untimely by assessing
    whether he had actual or inquiry notice of his claims within the
    applicable limitations period – three years for his contract
    claim and two years for his non-contract claims – before
    initiating the §220 Action. Because two of the distributions
    that Elkin made to himself occurred in 2002, the Court held
    Norman’s breach of contract claim based on those distributions
    was timely, as it was made within three years of Norman
    bringing the §220 Action. For each of Norman’s other claims,
    including breach of contract based on distributions that Elkin
    made to himself in May, July, and August of 2001, the Court
    held that Norman had at least inquiry notice of those claims
    beyond the applicable limitations period, and thus dismissed
    them as untimely. Accordingly, the District Court entered
    judgment in Norman’s favor on his breach of contract claim
    premised on distributions made in 2002 and, per our mandate,
    his breach of contract claim based on the execution of the SLA,
    but in Elkin’s favor on all other claims.
    Both Norman and Elkin moved for reargument. At the
    hearing on the motion, Elkin argued for the first time that
    Norman was not entitled to tolling relating to the §220 Action
    because he brought that action in bad faith. Elkin attempted to
    introduce purported “evidence” of that bad faith, but the
    District Court refused to consider that new evidence and denied
    does not entitle him to any relief. We reject Elkin’s request to
    revisit that, or any other, aspect of Norman V.
    all motions for reargument. Both Norman and Elkin timely
    appealed the final judgment.
    A.     Elkin’s Appeal
    1.     Tolling based on the §220 Action
    Elkin’s primary contention on appeal is that the District
    Court erred in concluding that the §220 Action tolled the
    This case was removed from the Delaware Court of
    Chancery to the District Court under 28 U.S.C. § 1441, on the
    basis of diversity jurisdiction, 28 U.S.C. § 1332(a). We have
    jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1291. “We exercise
    plenary review of an order granting or denying a motion for
    judgment as a matter of law and apply the same standard as the
    district court.” Lightning Lube, Inc. v. Witco Corp., 4 F.3d
    1153,1166 (3d Cir. 1993) (citation omitted); cf. Lake v.
    232 F.3d 360
    , 365 (3d Cir. 2000) (“[P]lenary review
    extends to the District Court’s choice and interpretation of
    applicable tolling principles and its conclusion that the facts
    prevented a tolling of the statute of limitations.”). “[A]lthough
    the court draws all reasonable and logical inferences in the
    nonmovant’s favor, we must affirm an order granting judgment
    as a matter of law if, upon review of the record, it is apparent
    that the verdict is not supported by legally sufficient
    evidence.” Lightning Lube, 
    Inc., 4 F.3d at 1166
    . As to Elkin’s
    sufficiency of the evidence arguments, we likewise “view[ ]
    the evidence in the light most favorable to [Norman]” and will
    affirm the District Court only if there “is insufficient evidence
    from which a jury reasonably could find liability [against
    statute of limitations for Norman’s claims. In support of that
    position, he advances several arguments, each of which fails.
    First, he makes an “order of operations” argument – that the
    District Court improperly decided the issue of §220-based
    tolling before determining if, and when, Norman had inquiry
    notice of each of his claims. But the order in which the District
    Court chose to address those discrete issues is irrelevant.6 It is
    neither incorrect nor inherently inconsistent for a court to first
    determine that the statute of limitations for a claim should be
    tolled based on a successful §220 action but that the claim
    nevertheless is untimely because the plaintiff had actual or
    inquiry notice of his injury sufficiently in advance of that §220
    action. To the extent the District Court utilized that approach
    on remand, it did not err in doing so, even if it took what might
    be a more circuitous route to resolution.
    Second, Elkin says that Norman is not entitled to §220-
    based tolling because of Norman’s “complete lack of inquiry”
    Id. Finally, “[w]e
    review admissibility
    determinations, and exclusion of evidence for an abuse of
    discretion.” Quinn v. Consol. Freightways Corp. of Del., 
    283 F.3d 572
    , 576 (3d Cir. 2002).
    In that regard, Elkin appears to have misunderstood
    our instruction in Norman V for the District Court to determine
    “in the first instance” when Norman had inquiry notice of his
    claims. Norman V, 
    860 F.3d 127
    . The purpose of that
    instruction was not to dictate the structure of the District
    Court’s opinion on remand, but rather, as the Court properly
    recognized, was to ensure that the District Court would be the
    first tribunal to decide that fact-intensive issue.
    into his potential claims before initiating the §220 Action.
    (Elkin Opening Br. at 27.) Not only is this argument flatly
    inconsistent with the record, including evidence of Norman’s
    efforts to obtain information from Elkin following the Summer
    2002 Call, but it is legally meritless. Elkin fails to cite a single
    case, and we are aware of none, involving a successful §220
    action in which a Delaware court has declined to grant tolling
    because of a “lack of inquiry.” Nor are we aware of a case in
    which a Delaware court has even so much as suggested that
    such a concern is a relevant consideration in the §220-based
    tolling analysis.7 That is hardly surprising, given that “pursuit
    of an action under § 220 is regarded as strong evidence that [a]
    plaintiff was aggressively asserting its claims at that time[.]”
    V, 860 F.3d at 124
    (quotations omitted and first
    alteration in original). The proper focus of a §220-based
    tolling analysis is the nature of the underlying §220 action and
    the results of it. While a plaintiff’s conduct before filing a §220
    action may be significant for other purposes, such as
    determining inquiry notice or laches, there is no support for
    To the contrary, all of the cases to which Elkin directs
    us discuss a plaintiff’s level of inquiry in distinct contexts, such
    as determining whether they had inquiry notice of their claims
    or if their claims were barred by laches. See, e.g., Technicorp
    Int’l II, Inc. v. Johnston, No. CIV.A. 15084, 
    2000 WL 713750
    at *7 (Del. Ch. May 31, 2000) (holding plaintiff was not on
    inquiry notice of claims because it was unable to discover
    wrongdoing despite diligent investigation); Fike v. Ruger, 
    754 A.2d 254
    , 262 (Del. Ch. 1999), aff’d, 
    752 A.2d 112
    (Del. 2000)
    (claims barred by laches because plaintiff’s “lack of
    knowledge was due to his failure to exercise his right to obtain
    information,” including his right to inspect the company’s
    books and records).
    Elkin’s assertion that it has any direct bearing on a §220-based
    tolling analysis itself.
    Elkin’s third contention is that the District Court erred
    by failing to determine on a claim-by-claim basis whether
    §220-based tolling should apply. Although the District Court
    did not specifically discuss each of Norman’s claims
    individually, for all intents and purposes its analysis achieved
    the same purpose. The Court correctly recognized that there
    was a clear nexus between the §220 Action and each of
    Norman’s claims in this case, which Elkin does not, and
    cannot, credibly refute. The Court similarly was right to note
    that Norman succeeded in the §220 Action. According to the
    Stipulated Order and Final Judgment that resolved the §220
    Action, Norman secured, inter alia, access to 14 distinct
    categories of documents, each of which directly relates to at
    least one of his claims in this case. Moreover, we have already
    recognized that what Norman obtained in the §220 Action was
    “valuable information” with respect to this litigation. Norman
    V, 860 F.3d at 126
    . Thus, given Norman’s broad success in the
    §220 Action and the obvious relationship between the §220
    Action and all of the claims asserted here, there was no need
    for the District Court to specifically address the factors
    favoring tolling on a claim-by-claim basis. The same is true
    regarding any discussion of the factors weighing against
    tolling, such as whether the §220 Action was prosecuted in bad
    faith or for some other improper purpose, such as stalling to
    lengthen the limitations period. Those inquiries, which look at
    the underlying §220 action as a whole, did not warrant a claim-
    by-claim analysis. We therefore discern no error in the District
    Court’s approach.8
    Fourth, Elkin contends that §220-based tolling was
    inappropriate for Norman’s claims because, several years
    before Norman initiated the §220 Action, there had been
    widely available public information regarding the license
    transfers around which his claims revolve. To the extent that
    Elkin is arguing that inquiry notice forecloses §220-based
    tolling, we already rejected that argument in Norman V. As we
    explained, the relevant issue is not whether Norman was on
    inquiry notice at all, but whether, if he was on such notice, that
    notice preceded his commencement of the §220 Action by
    more than the applicable limitations period. To the extent that
    Elkin is arguing that Norman was not entitled to §220-based
    tolling because the §220 Action was not strictly necessary to
    bring his claims in light of the public information available to
    Elkin’s reliance on Orloff v. Shulman, No. CIV.A.
    2005 WL 3272355
    , at *10 (Del. Ch. Nov. 23, 2005) is
    unavailing. In Orloff, the court declined to toll the limitations
    period for certain claims, despite the fact that the plaintiffs had
    partially succeeded in a related §220 action, because the
    plaintiffs had at least inquiry notice of those claims for
    approximately 20 years before initiating their §220 action. Far
    from holding that a successful §220 action does not support
    tolling the limitations period for all related claims, Orloff
    merely stands for the proposition that §220-based tolling
    cannot revive claims that already were untimely when the
    underlying §220 action was commenced. That is in accord
    with, and in no way contrary to, our holding in Norman V and
    the District Court’s analysis on remand.
    him, we largely rejected that argument too in Norman V. Not
    only did we recognize that the inability to file suit without the
    benefit of a §220 action is not a “prerequisite[]” to §220-based
    tolling, we also noted that the §220 Action, at a minimum,
    actually enhanced Norman’s claims through the “valuable
    information” he secured. Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 125
    –26. The
    District Court properly followed our guidance in Norman V by
    not treating Norman’s ability to bring suit absent the §220
    Action as a condition precedent to §220-based tolling and
    instead treating it as a factor to be balanced against other
    relevant considerations.9 See
    id. (“Delaware law
    preserves a
    court’s discretion to toll or not toll the limitations period on
    claims that may be informed by the results of a § 220 action….
    Courts in our Circuit should proceed with due regard for the
    positive role that § 220 actions are meant to play under
    Delaware law. That is especially true when, as in this case, a
    Delaware court has exercised its judgment and concluded that
    a § 220 action has merit.”).
    We are also unpersuaded by Elkin’s final argument on
    this issue, that both we, in Norman V, and the District Court, in
    Norman VI, based our respective §220-based tolling
    For the same reasons, we reject Elkin’s argument that
    the District Court erred by not denying §220-based tolling
    given the absence of bad faith conduct or fraudulent
    concealment on his part. Again, while such considerations
    may be relevant to the analysis, they are not prerequisites to
    §220-based tolling. The District Court gave appropriate
    weight to the absence of bad faith by Elkin and acted well
    within its discretion in concluding that this absence did not
    outweigh the considerations strongly supporting §220-based
    discussions on a misapprehension of the extent to which
    Norman succeeded in the §220 Action. More specifically,
    Elkin argues that (1) our statements that the Court of Chancery
    “granted” Norman broad relief are not accurate, (2) that our
    reliance on the Vice Chancellor’s comments made at the end
    of the §220 Action were misplaced because they do not reflect
    his more recent view on the merits of that proceeding, and (3)
    that our decisions overstated the connection between the §220
    Action and this litigation.
    Elkin’s first contention in this regard rests on hyper-
    technical and ultimately incorrect semantics. At the end of the
    §220 Action, the Vice Chancellor stated that he was “inclined
    to … grant[] the 220 relief in pretty broad form[,]” Norman v.
    US MobilComm, Inc., No. CIV.A. 849-N, 
    2006 WL 1229115
    at *2 (Del. Ch. Apr. 28, 2006) (“US MobilComm”), but he gave
    the parties the opportunity to reach their own agreement based
    on that guidance before formally ruling on the matter. The
    parties did reach such an agreement, in the form of a Stipulated
    Order and Final Judgment, which provided Norman with broad
    relief. More significantly, the Stipulated Order and Final
    Judgment, as the name suggests, was the Court of Chancery’s
    judgment resolving the §220 Action and was formally
    approved and entered by the Vice Chancellor. Accordingly,
    and contrary to Elkin’s assertion otherwise, it is evident that
    the Court of Chancery did, in fact, “grant” Norman broad relief
    in connection with the §220 Action. It is of no moment that
    what Norman received in the §220 Action was negotiated by
    the parties based on the Vice Chancellor’s clear guidance that
    Norman should obtain broad relief and was not unilaterally
    imposed by the Vice Chancellor.
    Likewise meritless is Elkin’s assertion that the view the
    Vice Chancellor expressed about the merits of Norman’s
    claims at the conclusion of the trial in the §220 Action was later
    undermined or superseded. In support of his position, Elkin
    relies on cherry-picked statements from an April 2006 decision
    by the Vice Chancellor addressing the entirely distinct question
    of whether Norman was entitled to an award of attorneys’ fees
    for successfully prosecuting the §220 Action. The answer to
    that question turned on whether Norman had a “clear right” to
    the documents he sought in the §220 Action or whether USM
    had acted in bad faith in opposing Norman in that proceeding.
    Id. at *2-5.
    Neither of those issues has anything to do with the
    Vice Chancellor’s post-trial view that the §220 Action was
    meritorious. Yet, insofar as the Vice Chancellor discussed that
    view in the April 2006 opinion, he unambiguously reiterated it.
    id. at *1
    (“At the end of a one-day trial, I stated that I was
    inclined to rule in Norman’s favor and grant broad relief[.]”);
    id. at *2
    (“At the end of trial I did not issue a ruling, but advised
    the parties that ‘I’m very much inclined to be granting the 220
    relief in pretty broad form.’”);
    id. (“[T]he parties
    do not dispute
    that Norman prevailed in the litigation[.]”);
    id. at *4
    (“Although I ultimately concluded Norman had a proper
    purpose, I did not reach a firm decision on that issue until after
    I heard the evidence at trial.”).
    Finally, the connection between the §220 Action and
    this litigation has not been overstated. Elkin’s assertion that
    there are “blatantly false allegations in the Amended 220
    Complaint that bear no connection to the allegations in this
    litigation” is both conclusory and irrelevant. (Elkin Opening
    Br. at 45.) Even assuming that some allegations in the §220
    Action do not bear a relationship to this litigation, it is beyond
    dispute that a great many of them are directly related.
    Moreover, the categories of information Norman secured
    access to through the §220 Action have an obvious and strong
    nexus to Norman’s claims here. Elkin has failed to argue or
    explain how any, let alone a meaningful percentage, of the
    relief that Norman obtained in the §220 Action is unrelated to
    at least one of Norman’s various causes of action. In short,
    Elkin’s various attempts to blunt the impact of the §220 Action
    on the tolling analysis fail in their entirety.
    2.      Purported evidence of Norman’s bad
    faith in the §220 Action
    Similarly unavailing is Elkin’s assertion that, on remand
    from Norman V, the District Court wrongfully refused to allow
    him to present evidence that Norman pursued the §220 Action
    in bad faith. That argument rests of the incorrect premise that
    “[t]he issue of Norman’s bad faith in pursuing the 220 Action
    was never an issue in this litigation until this Court made it part
    of the tolling calculus in Norman V.” (Elkin Opening Br. at
    47.) We did not create new law in Norman V merely by
    acknowledging that Delaware courts have recognized that
    “deceitful, bad faith conduct[]” is relevant to determining
    whether fact-gathering litigation, such as the §220 Action, can
    provide a basis for tolling. Norman 
    V, 860 F.3d at 125
    Technicorp Int’l II, Inc. v. Johnston, No. CIV.A. 15084, 
    2000 WL 713750
    , at *7 (Del. Ch. May 31, 2000)).10 That long-
    Although Technicorp discussed “bad faith” conduct
    by the defendant corporation resisting a fact-gathering
    proceeding, rather than by the stockholder plaintiff, nothing in
    Technicorp suggests that bad faith conduct is significant only
    when it proceeds from the defendant.
    standing principle was available to Elkin throughout this
    litigation, including when the District Court first addressed
    Norman’s argument that the §220 Action tolled the statute of
    limitations for his claims. See Norman 
    II, 726 F. Supp. 2d at 472
    (citing Technicorp). Elkin could have and should have
    raised the issue long before we decided Norman V, if he
    thought it had any merit. The District Court did not abuse its
    discretion in refusing to allow Elkin to further prolong an
    already protracted litigation by belatedly raising a new issue
    and offering new evidence in support of it, despite having had
    ample prior opportunity to do so.11 Elkin’s arguments on
    appeal are all unpersuasive.
    Assuming Norman V did create new law, which it did
    not, the District Court still did not abuse its discretion in
    excluding Elkin’s late-offered evidence. That is because Elkin
    only presented that evidence to the Court for the first time at a
    hearing on the parties’ motions for reargument. At a minimum,
    if Elkin wished to pursue the argument that Norman undertook
    the §220 Action in bad faith, it was incumbent on him to raise
    that argument and provide supporting evidence from the outset
    of the remand proceedings. Having made the strategic choice
    only to raise the bad faith argument for the first time in
    connection with a motion for reargument, Elkin cannot
    complain that the District Court acted outside of its discretion
    in refusing to allow him to surprise the Court (and Norman)
    with new evidence produced at the last minute.
    B.     Norman’s Appeal
    1.     Contract-based claims
    Norman first argues that the District Court erred in
    concluding that the statute of limitations for his distribution-
    based breach of contract claim began to run at the time of each
    distribution and not in May 2002 when the distributions were
    completed, because the distributions were severable, rather
    than continuous violations. We disagree. Under Delaware
    law, “[t]he continuing breach doctrine is ‘narrow’ and
    ‘typically is applied only in unusual situations.’” AM Gen.
    Holdings LLC v. The Renco Grp., Inc., No. 7639-VCS, 
    2016 WL 4440476
    , at *11 (Del. Ch. Aug. 22, 2016) (quoting
    Desimone v. Barrows, 
    924 A.2d 908
    , 924–25 (Del. Ch. 2007)).
    Generally speaking, if a “plaintiff could have alleged a prima
    facie case for breach of contract ... after a single incident[,]”
    then the “continuing breach doctrine does not apply even when
    confronted with numerous repeated wrongs of similar, if not
    same, character over an extended period.”
    Id. at *12
    quotation marks and citations omitted).
    Norman’s breach of contract claim does not present an
    “unusual situation.” Each individual distribution Elkin made
    to himself constituted, at least in theory, a discrete and readily
    determinable violation of Norman’s rights as a 25% equity-
    holder in USM. Nevertheless, Norman contends that he has
    asserted an overarching and continuous breach because his
    damages from each individual distribution were “inherent[ly]
    contingen[t]” on the SLA being invalidated and could not be
    calculated until that time. (Norman Answering Br. at 50-51.)
    That argument, however, ignores that, as Norman himself
    asserts in his Amended Complaint, the SLA’s validity and
    Elkin’s purported failure to make proper distributions could be,
    and were, adjudicated simultaneously. The lone authority
    Norman now cites in support of his position, Branin v. Stein
    Roe Investment Counsel, LLC, No. CV 8481-VCN, 
    2015 WL 4710321
    (Del. Ch. July 31, 2015), is readily distinguishable.
    In Branin, an employee sought to enforce a contractual right to
    indemnification against his current employer for expenses he
    incurred in defending against a lawsuit by his former employer.
    Because the employee “could not have enforced his
    indemnification right until the nature of his conduct underlying
    the [former employer’s lawsuit] was established[,]” “the
    statute of limitations on [the employee]’s indemnification
    claim did not begin to run until the underlying litigation was
    resolved[,]” because it would have been “inefficient” to require
    the employee to sue continually before that resolution.
    Id. at *4,
    7. Here, there was no prior, independent litigation that
    needed to be resolved before Norman could bring a breach of
    contract claim. Nor are there comparable “efficiency”
    considerations. The question of the SLA’s validity arose in
    connection with Elkin’s defense to Norman’s breach of
    contract claim, not as a condition precedent to the claim. We
    reject Norman’s unsupported attempt to dramatically expand
    the “narrow” continuous breach doctrine such that it reaches
    defenses to claims rather than true contingencies.
    We do, however, agree with Norman’s second assertion
    regarding his breach of contract claim: events that occurred
    prior to the May, July, and August 2001 distributions did not
    provide him with inquiry notice of his claim pertaining to those
    distributions. Even assuming the public records regarding the
    license transfers and the 2000 Form K-1 that Norman received
    should have prompted him to inquire further into what was
    happening at USM, a reasonable inquiry would not have led
    him to the discovery of his injury, i.e., distributions in breach
    of his agreement with Elkin. Rather, based on the facts as
    found by the jury, he would have learned that Elkin was
    repaying himself the excess capital he had contributed, which
    was not a violation of the agreement. Elkin cites nothing in the
    record that transpired or could have come to light between such
    an investigation and November 2001, the outside limitations
    date for Norman’s breach of contract claim,12 that should have
    prompted Norman to investigate further, and would have led to
    the discovery of the violative distributions.
    For that same reason, Elkin’s argument that it is not
    appropriate to simply disregard what Norman knew or should
    have known prior to the date of his injury for inquiry notice
    purposes misses the mark. Assuming the correctness of
    Elkin’s dubious premise that one can be on inquiry notice of
    an injury that has not yet occurred, his argument nevertheless
    does not hold water because it fails to account for the fact that,
    at least in this case, reasonable inquiry into facts known to him
    before his injury would have led to Norman discovering
    conduct – the repayment of loans – that did not violate his right
    Because the District Court concluded that the statute
    of limitations for Norman’s claims was tolled from November
    2004 (when Norman commenced the §220 Action) through his
    filing of this lawsuit, and because Norman’s breach of contract
    claim has a three-year limitations period, the District Court
    viewed the operative question in determining whether
    Norman’s breach of contract claim was time-barred as being
    whether he had at least inquiry notice of that claim before
    November 2001, i.e., three years before the start of the §220
    Action. Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 375
    . We agree with
    that approach.
    to a pro rata share of USM’s distributions. And that discovery
    would have terminated Norman’s obligation to inquire further
    on that issue absent new information. Accordingly, we will
    reverse the District Court’s dismissal of Norman’s distribution-
    based breach of contract claim based on the May, July, and
    August 2001 distributions, and will remand for the Court to
    restore in full the second jury’s $73,180.17 compensatory
    damages award for Norman’s distribution-based breach of
    contract claim.13
    2.     Non-contract claims
    Norman contends that the District Court erred in
    dismissing his conversion and breach of fiduciary duty claims
    as untimely. Regarding his conversion claim, Norman argues
    that the District Court erred in concluding that claim accrued
    when Elkin registered TEG as the applicant or owner of the
    Phase II licenses, and not in 2000 and 2001 when “USM was
    damaged by the failure of Elkin to deposit the Phase II license
    sale proceeds into USM,” because that was the point at which
    TEG’s control over the licenses was “unauthorized.” (Norman
    Answering Br. at 58-59; see also Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 376
    .) Norman’s position before us, however, is irreconcilable
    with the conversion claim he actually tried to the jury, which
    was clearly based on the theory that TEG’s initial procurement
    of the Phase II licenses was unauthorized. (See JA 725 (verdict
    question for Norman’s “Conversion and Misappropriation
    Claim” stating “Do you find … that … Elkin misappropriated
    [USM]’s good will or status as a qualified bidder and
    Per our conclusion herein, we leave to the District
    Court any recalculation of interest included in the judgment, as
    necessitated by that restoration.
    incumbent license holder with the Federal Communications
    Commission during the 220 MHz Auction Number 18?”); JA
    719 (jury instructions for Norman’s conversion claim
    explaining elements as “1. [USM] possessed the status as a
    qualified bidder and incumbent license holder before the
    Federal Communications Commission; 2. [Elkin] or [TEG]
    exercised control over that status; 3. The exercise of the control
    was unauthorized; 4. [USM] was harmed as a result of the
    conduct.”)). We find no error in the District Court’s
    determination that Norman had inquiry notice of TEG’s
    “unauthorized” procurement of Phase II licenses before
    November 2002, the outside limitations date for his non-
    contract claims.14 That inquiry notice was a product of the
    numerous public disclosures regarding TEG’s procurement of
    Phase II licenses, Norman’s close monitoring of the Phase II
    auction, his failure to follow up with Elkin after Elkin declined
    to provide him requested information about the auction results,
    and Elkin’s disclosure during the Summer 2002 Call that
    licenses had been sold and distributions made. Any of those
    events should have prompted Norman to inquire further, and
    reasonable inquiry would have led to the discovery that TEG
    had procured Phase II licenses at USM’s expense.
    Accordingly, the District Court properly dismissed Norman’s
    conversion claim as untimely.
    The District Court’s analysis of the timeliness of
    Norman’s non-contract claims was similar to its analysis of his
    contract claim, except November 2002, two years before the
    §220 Action was filed, was the key date because of the two-
    year statute of limitations for those claims. Norman VI, 338 F.
    Supp. 3d at 377-78. We again agree with the framework the
    District Court utilized to decide the timeliness issue.
    Importantly, even if Norman was correct that his
    conversion claim did not accrue until 2000 or perhaps 2001,
    that claim’s disposition would remain unchanged. The
    evidence in this case shows that the Summer 2002 Call alone
    placed Norman on inquiry notice. That call, during which
    Elkin was “evasive” and made the clearly disturbing statement
    that Norman did not receive any distribution from USM’s asset
    divestitures because it was not “his turn,” correctly prompted
    Norman to investigate further and seek additional
    information.15 In the case of Norman’s conversion claim, we
    need not even infer what discoveries a reasonable investigation
    would have yielded. The record shows Norman’s straight-
    forward request for more information in fact led to, among
    other things, the December 2002 Letter, which identified TEG
    as the holder of Phase II licenses that he believed belonged to
    USM. Therefore, Norman had inquiry notice of his conversion
    claim by November 2002 because evidence of TEG’s alleged
    wrongdoing could have been discovered, and was in fact
    discovered, through a reasonable investigation of the
    suspicious distributions that he actually became aware of
    during the Summer 2002 Call.16 See U.S. Cellular Inv. Co. of
    Allentown v. Bell Atl. Mobile Sys., Inc., 
    677 A.2d 497
    , 503 n.7
    Of course, Elkin’s initial failure to respond to this
    request only heightened the need for investigation, as
    demonstrated by the fact that the failure galvanized Norman to
    seek the assistance of counsel.
    To be clear, we are not holding that the source of
    Norman’s inquiry notice was the December 2002 Letter.
    Rather, we cite that communication as compelling evidence of
    what discoveries a reasonable inquiry initiated in response to
    the Summer 2002 Call would and did yield.
    (Del. 1996) (“[T]he federal doctrine means limitation and
    laches does not begin to run until evidence of [the alleged
    wrong] is discovered or could have been discovered had
    reasonable diligence been exercised, for whatever is notice
    calling for inquiry is notice of everything to which such inquiry
    might have led.”) (quoting Tobacco & Allied Stocks, Inc. v.
    Transamerica Corp., 
    143 F. Supp. 323
    , 328–29 (D. Del.
    As to his breach of fiduciary duty claim based on the
    execution of the SLA, Norman says the District Court was
    wrong to conclude the claim was time-barred, given both our
    holding in Norman V reinstating his SLA-based breach of
    contract claim and the Court’s reliance on USM’s financial
    information from 1998. First, as already noted, Elkin failed to
    challenge the timeliness of Norman’s SLA-based breach of
    contract claim. Thus, the fact that judgment was entered in
    Norman’s favor on that claim says nothing about the timeliness
    of his SLA-based breach of fiduciary duty claim. Second, even
    if we agreed with Norman that our holding in Norman V
    somehow forecloses the possibility that he had inquiry notice
    of his SLA-related claims in 1998, it is evident that the Summer
    2002 Call provided such notice. Elkin’s statement during the
    call that it was not Norman’s “turn” to participate in the
    Company’s distributions undoubtedly should have prompted
    Norman, USM’s only other stockholder, to investigate the
    Company’s capital structure and understand the basis for that
    statement. And, in fact, he did. The October 2002 Letter
    specifically sought information “about the sale or other
    disposition” of any USM stock or assets over the prior three
    years, and the uses of any proceeds from those sales, which led
    to Norman receiving a copy of the SLA in October 2003 and
    notice that stockholder loans were being repaid.17 Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 370
    . Accordingly, and exactly as with his
    conversion claim, Norman had inquiry notice of his SLA
    breach of fiduciary duty claim by November 2002 because
    Elkin’s alleged breach could have been discovered, and was in
    fact discovered, through a reasonable investigation of the
    troubling statements Elkin made during the Summer 2002
    Again, to be clear, we are not holding that the source
    of Norman’s inquiry notice was the October 2003 Letter. We
    rely on that letter only as evidence of what discoveries a
    reasonable inquiry initiated in response to the Summer 2002
    Call would have yielded.
    Norman argues that we should essentially ignore the
    Summer 2002 Call because certain statements made by Elkin
    in his briefing “are an explicit withdraw [sic] or waiver of his
    past arguments that the Summer 2002 Call could have provided
    Norman with notice of certain claims.” (Norman Reply Br. at
    5.) Read in their proper context, however, it is clear that
    Elkin’s statements regarding his lack of reliance on the
    Summer 2002 Call to demonstrate Norman’s inquiry notice
    pertain only to Norman’s breach of contract claim. That is
    unsurprising, given those claims have a three-year limitations
    period and the Summer 2002 Call occurred less than three
    years before Norman initiated the §220 Action. Elkin did not,
    sua sponte, abandon the most compelling – and largely
    dispositive – evidence in the record on the question of when
    Norman had inquiry notice of his non-contract claims.
    Third, Norman asserts that the District Court applied the
    wrong standard to assess inquiry notice, based on the Court’s
    statement that Norman knew “enough to put him on notice of
    the need to undertake further inquiry to determine if Elkin had
    wronged him.” (Norman Answering Br. at 60 (quoting
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 375
    ).) According to Norman,
    the correct standard “is whether the allegedly notice-providing
    evidence would objectively lead to the discovery of Norman’s
    actual injury.” (Id. at 61.) But that argument ignores that the
    standard the District Court actually applied throughout its
    opinions is exactly the standard Norman advocates. A mere
    one sentence later than the language Norman criticizes, the
    Court held that “[i]f Norman had [undertaken further inquiry],
    he would have discovered Elkin’s allegedly improper
    distributions.” Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 375
    . Thus, it is
    clear that the District Court considered it significant that
    Norman knew enough information to warrant further
    investigation, not for its own sake, but because such further
    investigation would have led to the discovery of Norman’s
    actual injury. That analysis, which the Court utilized
    throughout its opinion,19 applies the correct standard. See
    Pomeranz v. Museum Partners, L.P., No. CIV. A. 20211, 
    2005 WL 217039
    , at *3 (Del. Ch. Jan. 24, 2005) (“Inquiry notice
    does not require full knowledge of the material facts; rather,
    plaintiffs are on inquiry notice when they have sufficient
    knowledge to raise their suspicions to the point where persons
    See, e.g., Norman 
    VI, 338 F. Supp. 3d at 377
    (conversion claim time-barred because reasonable
    investigation would have led to discovery of the injury);
    id. at 379
    (same regarding SLA-based breach of fiduciary duty
    of ordinary intelligence and prudence would commence an
    investigation that, if pursued would lead to the discovery of the
    injury.”).20 Norman’s position to the contrary is meritless.
    Finally, Norman says that the District Court did not
    properly consider the so-called “smoking gun” standard
    applicable to determining inquiry notice for claims involving
    fiduciaries. That argument also is unpersuasive. We have
    previously recognized that, under Pennsylvania law, “the
    existence of a fiduciary relationship is relevant to a discovery
    rule analysis precisely because it entails such a presumptive
    level of trust in the fiduciary by the principal that it may take a
    ‘smoking gun’ to excite searching inquiry on the principal’s
    part into its fiduciary's behavior.” In re Mushroom Transp.
    382 F.3d 325
    , 343 (3d Cir. 2004). Assuming Elkin had
    the burden of producing a “smoking gun” that should have
    prompted Norman to inquire into potential wrongdoing, we are
    satisfied he carried that burden here. By Norman’s own
    account, Elkin was “evasive” during the Summer 2002 Call,
    which itself should have greatly troubled him, especially since
    the reason he reached out to Elkin in the first place was that he
    had not heard from him “in ages.” (Norman Answering Br. at
    13; JA 860.) The substance of the call, in which Elkin
    The District Court determined long ago that
    Norman’s non-contract claims were governed by Pennsylvania
    law. Norman I, 
    2007 WL 2822798
    , at *4. But both the District
    Court’s analysis and the parties’ briefing often rely on
    Delaware case law. Given the absence of any argument from
    the parties that Delaware and Pennsylvania law have
    meaningfully different definitions of inquiry notice, we will
    follow their lead and assume, without deciding, that the two
    laws are comparable in that regard.
    acknowledged that licenses had been sold and that he alone had
    taken distributions, without any direct notice to Norman,
    should have been at least equally alarming, particularly given
    Norman’s own admission that Elkin had a “checkered” history
    in dealing with him. (Norman Answering Br. at 61.) Indeed,
    there was no readily apparent reason that Norman, who
    understood himself to be one of only two stockholders holding
    the same class of common stock as Elkin, would need to wait
    for “his turn” to receive a distribution.21 And if that were not
    enough, Norman simply ignores that he, in fact, was
    sufficiently disturbed by the Summer 2002 Call that it
    prompted him to investigate further.22 Therefore, at a
    minimum, the conclusion that the Summer 2002 Call placed
    Noman on inquiry notice is consistent with Pennsylvania’s
    “smoking gun” standard. Because the Summer 2002 Call
    placed Norman on inquiry notice of all of his non-contract
    Norman makes much of the fact that any Form K-
    1’s he received did not identify that USM had any stockholder
    loans. However, the omission of any stockholder loans from
    USM’s Form K-1’s, whether deliberate or inadvertent, should
    only have served to heighten Norman’s suspicions as to why
    he was not receiving any distributions given the apparent lack
    of more senior securities in USM’s capital structure.
    Elkin’s ignoring Norman’s well-founded requests
    for additional information to the point that Norman felt it
    necessary to enlist the assistance of counsel only underscores
    how patently unreasonable it would have been for him to
    continue to rely on the fiduciary nature of his relationship with
    Elkin as a justification for not investigating Elkin’s potential
    claims,23 the District Court properly dismissed them as barred
    by the statute of limitations.
    For the foregoing reasons, we will reverse the District
    Court’s dismissal of Norman’s distribution-based breach of
    contract claim for the distributions that occurred in May, July,
    and August of 2001. In all other respects, we will affirm the
    District Court’s final order. Accordingly, we will remand this
    case to the District Court for the limited purpose of entering a
    further revised final judgment, which revisions to the District
    Court’s Revised Final Judgement in a Civil Case dated May 7,
    2019 shall be: (i) recalculating the damages amounts specified
    in the first paragraph and paragraph 1(b) to reflect Norman’s
    prevailing on his breach of contract claim based on Elkin’s
    failure to make pro rata distributions in May, July, and August
    2001; (ii) otherwise revising paragraphs 1(b) and 2(a) to reflect
    Norman’s prevailing on his breach of contract claim based on
    Elkin’s failure to make pro rata distributions in May, July, and
    August 2001; and (iii) identifying the proper rate of post-
    judgment interest.
    This includes Norman’s claims for usurpation of
    corporate opportunities, breach of the duty of disclosure, unjust
    enrichment, and declaratory judgment.